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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1905)
r i - Have Y&n " i il i a. lomiri Auvtuixm. OtaBbU . . . i. A..... . .I'Ttnfc Domleoaa" I.rlf . Tae ataa fruai XeT.iU" thread .....Vaeov.llle bt.r ...Veedevllle ...VaothvUl .,... .J, f For altered fraudulent dlapoaltlon of ll.ui.ll wortn of bicycles oy w. n. rXernanrus-sgent" fnr ths Miami Cycla company, the United State Fidelity & Guarantee company -denies liability on a 13.000 bond which the company rave to Indemnify for Kernan'e actiona. . The denial la contained In the third amended answer of the Fidelity company , to a ' Mf.l.ln 4K. aUIhuJ 1 ftl An le. count of Kernan'a alleged wrongful dia poalUon of the'blcyclea. v The company contends that Its bond. was nullified by the changes mad In the contract be- rte the bend na Been given aocora ing to. the terms of the original cn , tract, and that the Fidelity company waa not .notified of the chance. . r New arrivals at Portland's greatest grocery:. Olives stuffed with celery. ltc bottle: a few more of those fancy white Mission figs. pounds J Bo; onions. , olives, chow chow. Mexicae hot. lunch . aaaaaaiaMw BaMMA. illah snllallAnf 111 IW1 la MiMMiUf mvs n a ssw.Kua aa w ties, loe each. ; Are you satisfied with blend, a&e pound; S pounds ILeO; excep tional value, W can puivarue your coffee properly. Four aeuverie aauy. for your convenience. ' A large stock. .did service tells the story of our sue- cess. Why not nave our wagons stop t yonr door F. Dresser Co, Seventh and Washington, Eaat Fifteenth and liroadwiy. :- ... y , TIM' iiunoi society i urepn win bold Its regular ' monthly meeting on Commerce, which will be in charge-pf the women members. Mrs. R. u. Davis i .hA..M inn.n , rHATlliltnla MM mlssioners are expected '. and deslr to meet ail their old friends at the Cham - bar of Commerce Monday evening.- It is their DMrwos to reproduce a. fan simile of Lincoln's Springfield Homo , ax tne Lewis and Clark fair grouade and they with the Illinois society, The entertainment last nigh f ot the benefit of the soldier ;lxm Fir aoonu ... fmul mm .tA4l hi a. 1 r,M att ; dlenoe. The program consisted, of s ; lections by the Webber - mandolin or- um, wIaIIn nil ' i1 rw SlIAt . hv - . . a . m llott and Ben Howard; character sketch , . . . - l. M -. Story. . ,;: ' - At Temple Beth Israel this evening Dr. Stenhen 8. Wlsa will . speak . on "Caste and Class In Our American De- -.nvnra?v During Dr. Wise a absence -., la the east his pulpit will bar filled by Dr. KOiana l. unni, iwnwnr puiui r of the White Temple, and Rabbi Jacob Block, LL. , D. Bervloea ' begin at I : o'clock..- Ing at 4Stt -Korth Ninth street, was hurt yesterday afternoon when the wheel , hm.ntn naased over his foot. Examination showed that the foot; while bruised, baa none m roe - ooira otu and that no permanenx isaouny vwuu result.' '''-. v-''... -v. . i iTnttad Btatea Dlntriet-Attomey Fran Ma J. Htner haa g"oe to San Francisco -rox av- nnuvH 'Buu . - - -June I to taae up xm irjaa w -.I - i . nrLii. I KAnfr TliAfnaa B. Nuunanssen, the government special agent for Ore ton. will nave ontrou.'. ' ' '' n.vinr - made ' satlsfacterr. adjust' nfenta of our lire oe, wt m mi open for business. - nnipmenu maov . . vmim Atir east side warehouse promptly and In good order.J F. K. BeMh Co.. the pioneer pawt company i . irs . A meeting of the Republican voters ot tne eianin w.u w mw. .- . Hunter's halt Bunnyslde, tomorrow ...i.. at a o'emok. Candidate W. B. - unm. ami ula.a sneakers Till TBI vw " "- m r invueu. - , v 10.00 Immigrants Wanted To locate along the Oregon Water rower Rail ' way company's line, between Portland of thee Oregon Water-Poer TownsiU ' company, 114 First Phone. Main ' Ten thousand dollars ' damages are , asked by Oeorire W. Btewan from the Mloolal Bros. Plsnlng Mill company ror Injuries sustatnea as an empioyat - m .i.nTMH intA a hola in tha floor J - aiv " - . 1 . Bf on Of their ouuainga. ' Estacada " Offers ' Opportunities t to . ..m mim wkirif maana : mill ions OX UUIUU . yivyw. formalins. Inquire of the Oregon . Water i Power Towns! te company, 11 -First street ruwo h Tourists. well as city people, flnan eiallr embarrassed, will find the Port- ' land ioan viuu.. ' . auh. v. w. . u- safest and most reliable place to trans act their business. Rates reasonaoie. f, steamer 'Northland sails direct Tof . Ban Francisco roomy evening, vaum, fit; steerage, $8; meals and berth in- oiiKtAd. . C. IL Thompson - agent, 121 Third street' t v -,; y':' :'' Mrs.- Edith Tosler Weatherred will - talk on "The woria s r air at u wu ' .aa h. -Lewie and Clark Exposition" in the ooera house at Lents Saturday '. evening. .( -'uf" - -'' Divorces were granted today byrPre- ' aiding Judge STsaer w m -""i'""-" ... r Mi ik. ii.ii.l allaaa. '' .i . .ii and Inhuman treatment v,V? If Yon Gict Your Spring Hat Yon can walk abroad j Wff ': '7usurtd i M ' r proper in erery way ; We bavo an exceedingly nobby - Una in every atyllah snap. ' Hirrctt, Crcy.O Co. XATTXU AW9 roairaaxaa. " S4$ Washington -sTXaa lUn THaaTai,"'' ':'; ,1-131 f LOS Candidatt for potijtions as Po- itcemsn ine;;iwie uscaus . , , oFhywcal Disability.1' : ; E42CTEpJPPL!CAf4TS WORRY MAYOR VERY MUCH obn Rankin Will Not Willingly Give Up Good Placa to r ' v ; 4 Married Man. '; - The ' municipal civil 'service commis sion , yesterday discovered on looking over the. examination papers that five of the candidates who applied for posl- tione as firemen were disqualified be cause of . physical Infirmities. 'Reject them," said Mayor wtniama. "and within few daya they will come to ma for. permits to peddle peanuta. Everybody who has anything the mat ter with him comes after free permits peddle. f am - bothered nearly to death wit them." -". ' John Rankin, through 'Attorney Jonn , .Logan, appealed , to the commission to be reinstated to (be poaltlon ot regu lar Inspector Is the city engineer's de partment. - On March 1 Rankin , was. transferred from the regular to the Ir regular work and A. C Oroaa waa given hie place"by City Knglneer Waaser. The men -took the same examination and were appointed the aama day? but it is said thst W. C. Elliott.' formeo city engineer, reduced Gross" In1 the depart ment and gave , Rankin the more De sirable position. Oross Is a married man while Rankin la not, and It waa thought- by-Mr Wanxer-that -married men should be given the preference in positions, other qualifications , being equal. - The hearing of the Appeal was set for May 11. , v J. N. Atterbury, working at xacoma, ut C. M. Jodon. In California, have been notified by the secretary that they are on the eligible list for patrolmen. that; a. position awaita mem it they desire the appointments. They will report Immediately for duty. - , E. W. Paget notified the commission that he rejected the position of aa- aeasment deputy In the city auditor's department on being Informed by Audi tor Devlin that It. was only temporary- la that not a permanent posltlonr- lnqutred A. -Jl. Cottrteney.-. .w ,rit is- a temporary position extending from month to month over a very long period," laughingly replied the mayor. Mr. Paget s name will not be taken from the list of eligible for the posi tion, i ' " ;.---,: R0MINENT SPEAKERS . COMING TO THE FAIR Dr. Newell Dwlght Hlllis. ' one of Brooklyn's most . celebrated preachers. pastor of the Plymouth Congregational church In that city ot steeple and a wiaaiy Known autnoruy on oivra auairs. has accepted the Invitation extended by Dr. K. P. H1U to take part In the civic conference at the fair. He will addresi the conference m th afternoon of Aug. ust tl.---.-' ' " ' i -- Others Who nave accepted thus far in elude: Bishop Potter, of New York; Amos Parker Wilder. University of Wis consin; (Frank J. '. Good now. .Columbia university; r iouia ooiaen. superin tendent of schools, 8t Louis; Samuel M. Llndsar. Wharton school of finance. Philadelphia, and Henry M. Lelpsiger, New Tork City board of education. William Classman, mayor or ogaen. Utah, a prominent member or in Re publican party, and a man whose en- era-r would never permit bun to remain out of a no lit leal melee, is visiting fori land for th nurnoae of viewing the lair. Mr. Qlassman is th .publisher ot tne Ogdon Standard, which Is offering-free trip to th exposition to the 1 young women voted to most beauurur in ma county. While her Mayor uiaaaman arranged for side-trips for th contest ants un ' and down tne . rrver, wun a ELKS AND FRIENDS' ;;: ENJOY COUNTY FAIR Elks sad thalr fdends enjoyed an other olaaaant evening at th county fair In th Armory last nignt, ana in attendance waa largo. -Th contests for th most popular traveling man and the moat popular Klk are becoming exctf ing. and th gooa-natureo rivalry is addinx to the seat of the affair.' .The dancing In thejarge ballroom, on the second floor continues to attract ins young people;- mote than son persons were on the floor ; last night.) The vaudeville show In th main room had alx acta and elicited rounds of applause. - For tomorrow afternoon -and evening big events) are on th program. Ja the afternoon th babies are to ne on exni bitlon. and . In the. evening all article not sold before that time are to b auc tioned. Some" of -the things to be sold am valued highly and competition la sur to be lively among - th bidders. The fair closes tomorrow night. . snd desertion. ' Th titles Of th cases are: '.Ida May against John A. Kills, Charles E. againat Rosa J. Wilcox, U ill la acainst Arnold Unger. Louise C, againat Christian A. Taylor. Merman against Margarathe F. Roseberg, Lsi dine against Joseph Fisher, and Wil liam againat Liouiss xrevor, , - Fred W. Waite, manager of th Hotel Pendleton at Pendleton, was operated on by Drs. Bruer and Wood at the oood Samaritan hoapitai uus morning xor an abscess of the brain.. Mr. Waite s con dltlon Is serious, a crelro spinal meningitis la threatened. W clean and press your clothe and shin your shoes ror fi.QV per montn. Unique Tailoring ca. hi wasnington. Main -nt.r.T, -, -i Steamship Alliance aalls from Couch street dock for Coo Bay and Eureka, Saturday night. April 2. at a. F. p. Baumgartner, agent. Main !!. The estate of H. It. Brookes has been annralaed at I1LI4.7. and that of Theodore Wygant at I !.., -See Ansleyg. envelop lsplayr Fonrth- street winuow, woooara, t.iara at a. Orand opening RohieM park Sundajr. Free.,; - :;- Oalli IUL-Freoch restaurant. SS4 tTpahur ..'Ask yonr grocer for Golden Cheddar. Excursion Rates on the O. W. P Win b In effect Sunday th 10th and very Sunday thereatcrv until further advised:. ,',' r. Round trip ratea- to- Onrgoh City and Ranmnah park. Ifrc To Oresharn. 15c; all points . beyond up to and Including Good Roads Pecpla Cehind Aik tomobila Contort Frpm Gotham to Portland. '. W. RICHARDC0r4'S HOPES FOR CETTER HIGHWAYS Will Al Oregon in Fight fpr Im- provea raguiuo iwr outta . i ' ' Travel. V - 'V''S R. W. Rlchardaon. secretary of the Na tional Oood Roads association, who came to Portland yesUrday and addressed the- Oregoa Development league convention, will remain. In the state several wevks. Ills immediate business is to complete arrangements for the national convection of his association st the Lewis ana Clark, fair, and be will also attend the good roads meeting to be held at Pendia- ton May 1 and 17. v "On of the most Interesting events the National Oood Roada association has In prospeot Is aa automobile race -from New York City Ho Portland."- he said. "President W H. Mforafla-now in the east, arranging' for such - a race. The date and details have not been.decioea on, but it is expected the contest will he held earlv this summer.'1 It Is not contended that an automo bile race across the continent will con tribute anything toward actual road im provement work, but it will aery to call attention to the good roads question, k awaken an Interest in the subject among the people air along, the . route, and In addition It will receive a large amount fof newspaper pwbltoUytbat wlU.a4ver Use Portland and the Lewi ana V? "Durinx my stay in Oregon I hope to see and assist ill som good roads making demonstrations, both here and at Pen dleton. Wo muat do everything inai possibly can bo dona to ftwaken-taterest In this subject and push the work)' of education home to the people, particu larly to county officials and rural tax payers. The good roads question is just beginning to be understood in the west, and It taxes a ceruun amount vi talking, whistling, and what Is termed Kot air' , to get . any largo movement started. ' , ; ".'.-- In. "this connection -vm-intM. c.cnaruaoM told of a lltUo- girl-whom ,he.Jieara talkies to her mother in a railroad coach while the train was standing at a sta tion. The little one waited with increas ing anxiety for five sensation of reeling the car move. Presently the sound ot escaping steam was heard, the whistle Mew and the lltlio gin exciaunou. -There's the whistle, mother; now we'll BRILLIANT PARTY ' LAST Or THE SEASOW Scottish Rite Masons Entertain Splendidly Many Friends ; ik'From - Salem.' iurt'h and music mingled last night at .the Scottish Bit cathedral to. make th last of th season's balls on of un broken pleasure. . Innumerable iacan d ascents lighted up a scene of great brilliancy aa the Scottish Rite Masoda and- their favored friends danced In the mirrored, hall... and -beautiful gowns mingled with the bug palms and bright flowers to exeat a scn of -exquisite coloring. This waa the most elaborate of the season's balls and there were In n i Portland auest. soma to couple from Salem. In wnoa boinor th ball was called "Salem night." ' ( ". E. S.' Jackson, chairman of the recep tion committee, was largely responsible for the success oflth affair. In re- eelvlna- he was assisted by J. E. Wer leln, d B. Rumelln, F. t waaaerman, w C Francis and W. C Knighton. De licious clajeCunc'uasse-rV6d IB" WIS" small supper . room, ana iat in m evening - elaborate refreshments were served in th large Banquet room aown staira, where covers wer laid for 100. Rmall nalms wrad in table decora tion, i. Throughout theenlnxcajds wer at' th disposal or to guests in th card rooms, and the 'handsome ladles' parlor -ores opened for social intercourse. There wer cigars tor me n.n I a th. llhrarv. Anion; tOOae present were; ar. nii Mrs. Robert Kennedy, Mr. ana airs. Edward Kennard, Mr. and.Mra. H. 1 Cartaon, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mlnto, Mrs. Irwin. IX K. UalL Gerald TulUe, Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Jones. Henry O. Whipple, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Morrow. Mrs.-. w. Creighton. - Mrs. E. K. Waters,, miss Rachel Hess, W. W. uara, t u. r rw land, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. HyUnd, Mr. and Mrs. A. Maegley. Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Moore, Hsl D. Pat ton. Miss Eula afnCutlv. Miss Alio croasman, ur. ana Mrs. W. T. Williamson, sirs. Liuura, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Borgen, Mr. and Mrs. R. av - Boekman. Mr. and Mr. J. F. Month. H m. Bush. Mr. and Mr. A. a, Rai-hrodt. Miss Bschrodt J- L. Bailey, Captain and Mr. L. A. Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. F.t&- Ballen,l.Dr. and Mrs. N. R. rM Mr. and Mrs. E D. Curtis. Mr. and Mra E. B. Colweil, mr. ana nrw. u, . Clarke, Dr. and Mr a. J. F. Drake. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Francla, Mis Francis, Mr. and, Mir. A. J. Qiesyr.Mr. and Mrs. Sol Oarde, Mr. and Mrs. Jfi. J. uaii. jar. and Mrs. K. W. tioyt. Jar. ana an, M. Hod son, Mr. and Mrs. w. tiarrescnou. Mr.' and Mrs. George Hartness. Mr. ana Mrs. E. a. Jackson, Mr. ana strs. tt. i. Janohaan Mr. and Mrs. Jm Krsuse, Mr. Mrs. w. d KnlKhton. Mr. and Mrs. 1. J. Kndderlv. O. J. Krswmer, Mr. ana Mrs. Also Kuns. Harry Lang. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Lutke. Miss Lesser, Mr. and Mr, p a. Malcolm. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Mack. Mr. and Mrs. McKlnley Mitchell. r-ninn.i nj Mr, jonn Mtviurn, air. and Mra. K. OJl'attern.Mr. and. Mra. J. me. Muckle. Hiller Muckie, miss MueklM. Mr. and Mra. Richard Martin, Mr. and Mrs. B-H. Nlcoll. Mr... and Mrs. Philip Neu.r- anu jura v. w casUe. Mr. and'Mtfc J- C Olda. Kenneth OMa Mr. and Mrs.ft-aVO'Donnell. Mr, i 1 tnllvka ann"vh-iUSset Martha and Gertrude Pollvka, Professor and Mrs. I. . W. Pratt, ur. r. u pfuniiar. Miaa Pfunder. C E. ' RnmelMi, Mrs. M. A. M. Aahlcy,. Dr. and Mrs. U B. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Rtanlaton. Mis StspUton, Mr. and Mra Charle Smith. C, P. Sargent, Dr. and Mra A.' Tllser, D. W. Tsylor, Mr. and Mra, W. H. Wella Drv and Mrs. B. E. Wright Mr. snd -Mra. F. C Waaearmsn, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Wltherspoon, Mr. and Mra I. E. Werieln. Mr. end Mra B. Q. Whltehoua.. . -.. See the'Sea. . At Seaside next fiunday via tn A. C, R. R- Rtcarslon leave Portland t t a. nv Far for the round trip only it m. A seat for. every ..passenger. Tickets at Stl Aider street nd th In New Building on . 26tha5treet ' Fac&ig Maun ' Entrance and" Exit of Lewis J . Clark Fair :; APPLY art iri...Ka. .t ' Jl-fviiaiiiun vi wiumviw J "OP JI03Vf '26th Street I Ur eyJi aVUtll OU Wl v I DE'IL LEFT 00R TOON, SAY THE PREACHERS! Dr. Meyer Suggests Ukeness Be- tween Satan and Common v I or Garden House Thief. Dr. j Meyer spoke last nigut at the Whit Tempi on in and Tempta tion.- saying in pa w . . I k am uui auuia " I devil. Tf - la Tha rleVr thin to nreachT that there is none, in My country when band of thieves want to mske an In cursion on the homes of a city, they get it in the papers that they have gone to another town. The paper and some of the pulpits are giving that aort of notice on behalf ot tne aevn. t preier Christ's opinion on the subject to thst of sny on. els who nan yet appeared. Aayway. the man who .is trying to be good I. more likely to and out about the devil than one who Is making no effort in that direction, because he never neeoa to bother with that kind he haa then) aafe enough,- anyhow. ' "Sin, of course, does not consist in being tempted, but In yielding ourselves to the temptation.-W-annot help belnw J.Uooil)ord tempted, but we can call for Christ si At tne"nexf"meUnr of-th StJohns help, and abut our heartr againat "eleounc,k Monday evening, action will temptationa, and see to It that they find I -k.Ki k. t.k authorlslnr a-special .. J , i . hJ.LIm tm Th. ftuBtt.e WAtf I uu iwiuai wiui.u i - are, the mere likely, you are to be tempted y devil doe not try to steal our sour, green fruit.. Never , believe people who talk to yon about their belng perfect. They are usually so per- feeUy humble that they sr very proud of It Th more nearly perfect a man la th more aense -h will have of his own imperfection."- I After th services at in cnurcn iaaii.4 0oa t0 buna s town nau. . one ior nl ah t a eomnanv .of men led- by Dr.l B rougher accompanied Mr. Mayer, to the (0a for a public dock, and one or (tee north end and held a brief meeting at t0 pay th debt Incurred when the p res Third and Burnalde streeU. after which ,nt hall wca built. . Aa each bond is th crowd followed into- th Men Re- TOtd on separately, h people have sort, wher pr. Myr spose in I rip.iitfnrvus un anoeaiinx wav to I the men on th subject of leedlng better iiM . Thi. ta In' Una with his xreat work In London, and th men seemea much tmpred.t - Tonight the meeting wia o nia as usual at tha Whit Tempi: " There wui b no meeting tomorrow, and Sunday win bring the series to a close.. , , HOME. SELF-CONTROL SUBJECT OF LtUlUKh I Mrs. A. D. Soper gave an exceptionally Interesting paper at th meeting of th Horn Training association - . -r cm C'i'A. on -He if tern oon at the I.sW. t A. on twi . . . . i Control In th Horn." Bh said th Impulse to impatience waa th most I na wltn nra . to th nearest neighbor, Irresistible of temptations to the busy! wno was not at home. Another neigh mother, and this must be controlled. I bor was summoned and large dose of Lw,otnahAawom nouwork U an"am"pl. of uncontrolled activity,- aald.Mra, Soper. "Onm who spend all ner tune sawing that!ba? chuTtnay look prettfer th trolled ambition will leave It mark nnl the chUd. -Tbeaam princlpl applies to in taresta to monopolise hi time. tHsel plin tn'th noma should not b a mat ter of physical superiority. Th moat Important thing a child can learn la not that he 1 being governed, but. that he is governing himself." ROCKERS Do you raanember thoi' Indies peed Rockers we aavrnu few days scot Well, they're all old, nd If you didn't get one you mlassd a rare bargain. But speaking of Bookm. we have a great Una, and can satisfy yoas sao esoiaaiv fanoy, both for luxury and eonnomy. The goods, price and terms are such aa can b found oaly at COVELVS Tot atari Tr Terk raradtnr On, "164-6 FUST ST. ' " TO C;cil SUuDAY St. Johns Man, Dares City Of -; ficials to Grant License r ,?to the Place. ' TOWN 4S NOT HUNTING DATTAGE'SUtTSvUSrNOWl Safe Course Chosen and Some Compromise Wfl Prob- ' .Klu Ra rfrava4 'h '. . - ffaVSefl - aamtVUVMI 'ft )r -. . , -V;.:. TV. east slae eMce of The In tk. aim af kit, r. W. Mrkl.MT. aUrrtaca lime Xatapaea Kaat ITS. i Cedar park will not open Sunday as announced, and though they are sorry lose the SIS the daya amusement '.. ,-.,. fathers of St. Johns have notified the park management that onened. One lone oltlaen believes that Saturday should be kept saorrd and -prefers . to labor on Sunday, therefore th cool nooks in Ce dar park will remain beyond the reach of-Sunday crowds for a time. . v -v W.. Brown of St. Johns conducts a re pair shop and shooting gallery, and pays a license for the latter. On Saturday his a-allery is closed, but on Sunday it we&JfiSX ' Yid hv to keep w gaiKry ciod on sun- day .unoer in aiat iw. erawn in formed th marshal that any urn Ce dar park or any other plaoe of amuse ment In th town limits, opened It would be closed by legal action. -. J -Th. Miuncll had already authorised the opening of th park at th rate ot . bh.V aaa the auditor . .. ... , v. k- u. unuw arta-iuA meditation th recorder re fused to grant th license, snd th pari management was so notified yeeterdaj afternoon. .- ' ' . The council will try to find a way out, and devise a means by which th park can b opened, as the llcene paid la an r vr B. ,h. town's income. t tn' will not b "TStls nurcb people objexst te ng. open on Sunday any plac Of E" ment ta St. Johns. . PECULIAR BOND ELECTION. t, oaa Speeial Foil Kay ' Straage' Oomblmation. " .. . . .1 .. election ror tne purpoe oi n . 00 ,n bond, to provide public utilities, A ugh estimate of th cost of th varl- OUB. ltetna DKs been prepared by th C0Uncll committee, and with modlfica- Oon, ase wlU be voted on by the peo- ln charter making It neoeaaary that each bond (tat what It la Issued . bond of 11.790 is needed to pur- Chase fir apparatus, on for more tha t? ko ta nurckaae a hau sit, on ot th power to defeat any one or nwn. i. I. aniraiv noaaioi inai m I tlon msy hav th Strang result of I mUin. for the building of a town I hall and not making provision mr I purchase of a sit for It It Is helleyea Dy th city ornciais. otwmw, l voter wlU autnoris in isnrai - I full amount a mass meerina; mrai I most unanimously uiaorsea .m... bonds. BatTJTKZS OABBOUO ACTT. ' Th young ion of t ja. ' Btapl- of I aWaUowlng a large dos of carbolic add. mimnnt imm at tne mini ok aeevia ftrwn I Th child secured th bottle or acta hM, im n innrn douk wuwiw .a. " - : a .,- plea bad placed It and drank part or tne Tk. nnitr dlacorered the I"?' ftw minuu later and ffS wa. crKlcaand fnT " im. ---.- trll, dit w. that th "G - n)n,.s w-rp eompleted next rented at good prices before the week -aa ttmnr real estate man in tne plac has been turning away prospective cltlsen dally because there wer no house for rent, Several pUcee are for ale. and many bouses are being built by those who wUl make their borne In them when completed, tout capital haa not become Interested nough to build flat and small cottages for rent local capital may soon take bold of th prob lem and provide a fw houses to meet .v.. l...- A.mand. but at present there Is no Indication that th hundreds who ir homes In th town will b ac commodated. wiaanai AT aXJf TM1CM. ftKoorder Hanks Of St John pre- hrormed th first marriage ot his term tti.tlea or th neac tni wrmt wnen he united H. A. Fuller and Mia Delia rhiM. nf Taints In matrimony. . When asked why they cam such a distance to be married the groom repneu. -we no heard ao much of Sti: John that w thought w might a wU get married 'Tha officer waa so wen pieaaw st this betrayal of Interest that h cut 1 th legal feo In half and th flrat dvU m.rrtaa-a of th veer In th town was a cut ratr one. Auditor Hanks bowVr desire It distinctly unaerstooa tnat am Is not going to follow th precedent et by a former St Jonns justice wno mar Hed all conple free of charge and threw In a lithographed license. sssks rtrarDS rom mtt.i Desiring to have enough funds pledged to make the venture a oortatn success. T. W. t3rk has secured a two month zterarton of th option on th mill sit ia HAiiwood. MA Clark ha for months Iban.lnterst1ng local capital in the project pi HMmimm.. , ' ' " mill on the ait formerly- occupied by ' the ' Fortlsnd -.woolen. . muis ana some Influential ee.t side man have backed tb project Th money pledged aa noi yt reached a- total which would make th auceetw of th mill certain from th fart and IM installation oi tne macnin ery tn tb old building and. th erection of now structures will be delayed for mm weeks yet Mr. Clark, however, ha no doubt that Ma project will seour k Meanarv fund and tb Sellwood Commercial s "social ion I confident tljat th mill will b bum uus i -I bad a manlng. Itching- sore em my leg. Suffered torture. lon s t'tni WAnt-tnok away tha biirnln and Itch ing Instantly, and oulckly effected rf-iriixnt- ctire,' ti w. nhart, fcov f i i ii - i - I - , '.- - - . ---:.. ' -; v-,' -- -- They're Qreiatr Values , ,.,--f , , i - - - - - - . Twenty New Handsome Patterns, Including Blacis, v ' ": " .' v v .;' Blues'-and .Grays . ; ; rv' ': v. - If You Wantthe YOU SHOULD BUY IT FROaVTTJSr OUR WINDOWS TELL THE STORY LD0N CLOTCHEWG CO I " Everything that Men and Boys Wear V, 1 f 166-168 Third Street, hear Morrison AMUSatMaOgTm. M (Olillll fMII is th Jiiaarj. Tenth ii..,svla Ma, LADIESRl?EjrO.NIGHT Saturday Afternoon aJ t raock. BabvSnovv Admission Children a. - A Prise f 01 .Baby. ": SATURDAY NIGHT Last Performano. -"; Th Minstrel Maid ...... Kvry Night Th Vlctoraiiaa ......... a. BAataora, wm AJtsnrr nruc apction 'j 'Alt le to b eacrinoed. (Quartette DlrecUon Lois Steers Wynn Com an. cTVlarquam Grand PRICES Lower floor, except "Ust S . aa. i.x s rnwa ll.&o. Ralooirv. nrstVrowar fl-tOsecond I rows. ftOO; lJTt a Vowa.- 7&c Uallecy.ISa Seats now aaUlng. ' 9 ' .. . BASEBALL.!! BSOmXATtOaT lilX, Ooraer Taagaa aad Twwaty-foara Sta. PORTLAND . . - - . VSe ; TACOMA ' April 29 and 30 Gamea called I: J o'clock. , ..T Sundays. ;I0. Baaeral AdnUasioa, SSo. Childrea, 15c Orandstand for . ladle f re "very day but Sundays and holidays; men 2 fro. Ladlea' day Tioy. - -- - COLUMBIA THEATRE ' ' IfilB (Ma W aaawBasaBfanaai "TWxhC Toatonow - Matliwe sad Sight, yarewell rrforaiearS of ,Te Oetamh' tprfc Vminr jae.Uag ',' - A fare eMaedj la tarae seta, - toac i-t g-?- 7tto, pvwataw bos ofOee open n aareT Moe naaa atre.1. rnow ,.w- .. i , ... .... ... ... . a. an mm a aM .4 5T4UV. 1 1 KaV Waeaiaglea. jnmAB't TaAnrCD tlOATa, "., v . SAIBT HAaOOtTaT. i , KOLKES ASS BtACaW--i OOLX AVD COLX. : , woaTOa- mxiKOSaa, , BOBCOS AABUCKLa. '' ' t T8X I1HIUBT.' . MM rm,.tM. a. m. Adarhaloa 10. noTAL irrr.i.mrriajia AX TKM BAIiER. THEATRE XhM aad Taaam. yiiin a nees. .Mgra , THIS WEEK'S ACTS. ' '. "V - aoy.T. - inirwrits .. wj,.-r The WUlawa geaaaae. Jain Uaray. Ike tf Tiaaa. garw S ao. IM. 9-M a m. Aanaanoa lot (a say esst. ooitcrrr svgsT jhian. ton at aujagsTDa. - In a few dsys about to different far mer nelephon line win center in Al bany, Ca a manner to-enable- BAveral thousand rural people to taia witn tia ' man center w . uw. ,y au.jf WW Prvary Kneisel Best $10 Suit o OrientaD rio Sale - Now is th time to buy sll kind of Japanea and. Chinese . curios, as -w ara. selling every article at a great reduction In order to male room for th arrival '. of now goods for th fair, consist ing of silk" gowns, kimono. ' hetsuke purse,, silver elqlssonn vases, satsuma,' nn brown deco rated poroeiain tea seta, matting. toys, tc. Acdrew Kan & Co TOoteopatHy SB, irSXXAM 0. IXaCX. - . Ostvspettil Pkyetetaa. All Oiea H aad tslra W arU.tUV.UT Tnata Parties. WltlMat do not overlook , JOHN DELLAR'S eatabllahmenta. one etor at corner of FIRST' AND TAMrULL and tha Other store corner THIRD AND DAVIS. Tou will Snd from $.( to la.09 less In prlo on Men' or Youths iip-to-dste Suit or Top Coat, from too to jt.oo less on a pair of Pants. Shoe or a Hat. Also a fun line of Ladles' and Misses' Shoe and Oxfords. It 1 to your inter cat to visit our places. W ear you money and guarantee satisfaction. ., s-rs i i AJgTraaTXMTS. GRAND THEATUU . 1 AfltriUM ffl BWnw VIM li." THg raXPraiCaa, - XJK AMD ET stUKFHT AAD Ai"' mt i LTSDOA AJ1J W . ' laba, vunwiwia Oaaaral atmlVa. 10 eeats. ' rraat rows teaerva. aw. Bos rnnOt, X. EMPIRE ra 13tk asd aforrtew. i Tetcd a Cesein SH'ia i u f itAnsitav Svaav pat, a ia r. m. V 1u..l- JkA aa. allakt. Ilirllm a IV " T in Tills- Wk. Tk Warld-raBMua KiaoUaaal nrSM, mbact L.Y:z: ' THE LYRIC TllA r VJ, - tEVKNTH AND AUBB gTKKSTS. -y ..,,,1'rr-r Artentma aa-T fmlej, Tha Tour-Art Prw, -- ... 'Th Man From Ncvcl" Bpertaltlas Batwrea Aew. Pwrtormasoi t M. T 3 Asd t It . . liaaal srlce ' t iilsiawliie, ! . Gu After tooiin? lire::' Lstaoada, o . . '. Union depot. : . ' . .. -; t lOreen,JlOhio r , . S ':. ... 7 ', ,