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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1905)
?( PORTLAND OEX.GON, jTHECOMG ODIAILY JOURNAL V'v , AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER C. 8. JACKSON PUBLISHED BY JOURNAL' PUBLISHING Ca JNO. P. CAfttOU.' i Published every evening (except Sunday) and every Sunday nicarntag at Tne Journal Building, Fifth and Yamhill jL " .'; Umli Pnrtl.n4 .". . 1TT7 MONEY, IN OREGON PRODUCTS? 'H I LE A; GREAT many men are coming to y Oregon to invest money iflt many ways, the " itrmtr nmKArtinn of ' them in agricultural ; lands,' tome Oregonians are making investments far . abroad, ome in Alberta province, tome fn XLexico and 'i other elsewhere: These are not very great number in :tqld,' nor js thc-aggregate, amount of their invest k meots abroad very large, as compared with the amounts 'l being, invested in Oregon, but thejr are sufficient ta eatiso f considerable.. comment,' is is ,ny one a irec privilege jjAJSj tb go or send his;money;whithersoever he chooses, ye -'.j it is a little-strange to see farmers from eastern Oregon, . vth.e best-yielding grain country- in' Jhe . United States. ' mqviiig.away "up lritoAnertato raise wHeat, -antj others l buying .with but slight knowledge of the property pur . 'J' Tf chased .coffee, lands in' Mexico. ,. " ' ' ,' f . J Some years ago two young ymatilla'cpunty men who f had made (Juite a large amount of money raising wheat ' i sold out and invested in an island in the San Joaquin ,, river.1. They bought- a law snit with the islaniTand last , , year won it, and" stuck to the property,' valued at more . than a quarter 'of a million dollars, until they played even or morc.'and then one of them sold out his share and 'ayi he wiU hereafter confine his investments to Umatilla I and Union counties, where he already has large hold '. rings of farming land. He advises young men and cap- H italists to stick to that f part of Oregon if they want, to , make money out of agriculture. . : - ' 'A Rogue river valley .fruit-grower with laree experi i ence in that business tells ffiit a man can do therein in I that part of the state.: TK orchards up to the seventh year, exclusive of tha raw land plowing, treesplanting, I cultivation, spraying and everything will cost, he says, -. $55.63 an acre, which rill be reduced by apples produced ,'( to $2123 per acre.' Akier then, of a tnosraftenhe-tree is,-iirie years old", it should yield an average of 10 boxes of apples per. year. 'which, at SO cents a box, less thin ,the avenge price for good apples, yields $345 per acre, r neariy an oi wmcn is net pront ,t . .-: . ;- r- Hon. E. L. Smith, president of the State Develoo ment league,. figures the cost of a 10-acre orchard for 2 five yearsat $428.80, and that it will pay all expenses after ffie fourth year; aadas time passes will yields large P. icome. This . income varies greatly,, of course. ; oni iw an acre per year tor a- Jong series of years is 'not at all unusual, while the amount realized in fre- quern instances runs up to several times this amount, and in an occasional case to nearly .$1,000 an acre. y,:, EitherfTn wheat-raising or apple-raisjng, m portions of Oregojp, and those portions embracing large aggregate areas, nip nci pronis are so astonishingly large as to be simply fabulous to eastern people The result-de-pends on the soil secured on discernment, intelligence. ysicm ana Wiorn. ... , 4 v - , . y ., . ;s , ' ., There is also money in many other occuoationa !m, mediately connected with the soil in Oregon in raising '"""'s iioim, in dairying,, in poultry raisingvand truck, gardening if near, a ity. The state i produces much already, but not one-tenth what it can be . made to produce of all these staple necessaries of life, f : ' '-!.-". i-- ..J ' THE WAR AGAINST MORTALITY; :., h "' v . . !- :.. TF CHICAGO'S mortality statistics are correct, that l. JJ city must have' been a fearfully deadly place 35 ;'., .' WJ(80, 'and it is entitled; to Congratulate itself ; on the remarkable improvement made. i Acctffding to the figures published, the average age at death jn ,Chi cago in 1870 was 12 years, while in 1904 the average age : was 32 years, representing a gain of 20 years in th average life of Chkagoans in 34 years. jThis is due largely to the better care of children. Great advancement has been made in the means and "methods of prevention of child mortality. Better milk, water, ice and drainage have cut down infant mortality to a comparatively small figure.' The ereat' fire of 1871 also aided, no doubt, by destroying-an immense amount of disease-breeding matter and resulting in better build ings. Yet -m 1B73. children Ittl tlBff Ulie ytil ultl .'Iormed 37 per cent of the total deaths in Chicago, while last year such deaths comprised only 19 per cent. V ' Chicago now boasts of being the healthiest of the very large cities of theworld,-its death rate in 1903 being littJfoverTirteen per thousand, while in New York it was eighteen, in London nineteen and in Paris twenty. The pure air from Lake Michigan, while at times dis . Sgreeablel conduces to ' healthfulness, and Chicago is Said to have a model health department, ... Yet pneumonia, tuberculosis and febrile fevers still carry off a 'great number of people-annually in that city. : ' . Turning from this fifteen per. thousand o! population who die annually in Chicago to Portland, we can boast -of mortality in -1904.of-onlyoineperJthousan(L--IOf course. Portland is only a small city, as compared with Chicago, but it is so situated that if it had two 'million people its death rate in all probability would be far below thai T"the Wfndycity. ' .FortlantTnaa good naf uraJ drainage and a pure and equable surrounding-at mosphere, and, with 'strict enforcement of hygienic laws should "be kept at' it Is now, by far the healthiest city of us sise in the . country. '." . . i , . . .. : Much has been done in the past 25 or 30 years ti check mortality, particularly among children. ' Smallpox js no -longer- a scourge,-scarlet fever and measlei are seldom fatal, even diphtheria has been in sv' large measure conu.erea, Jwhjie tjpe ravages of pneumonia have been checked and a beginning has . beenmSde in 'thegrand I- - : . . . t . . ' . worn oi curing ana preventing lUDcrcuiosis. -. , 4 he good work will steadily go on, and the average span of human life will gradually, increase, as mankind learns how to liye more intelligently and comfortably. There s always a betterlivme .coming, but as compared with the past this -is a pretly good time itself.- ":, ,; I UNEARTHING SCANDALS, T BEGINS' TO LOO Kras though the question of graft was to be probed into m all directions. Jt ; started first in this county; then it extended to the federal land business, Now the state land business is being probed by a Marion 'county grand jury and pur city affairs are coming in for, attention at the .hands ol the district attorney. When - these investigations are completed we shall have been carried pretty well around the circle and there will doubtless be laid bare a condi tion of affairs that will carry surprise not satisfaction to the general public." ,:. ' ',,, :.' There are those who regret that such things are gone into because they reflect upon the good name of the state. But if the sole choice" fs between corruptionrand graft, through which the taxpayers are robbed, and exposure which will put an end 'to them, it seems to The Journahthatthe latter- is by- far the better-alternative. Our public administration costs so much money and there is so little to show for it that a general protest has gone up from the taxpayers' who are now in a mood to demand full value for the expenditure of public as well as private funds. That public plunder has been re solved into a system, that a brokerage office existed not alone for peddling out offices, but for-apportioning the graft; whichcame Jrom the pockets of ! thetaxpayers. there has never been any, doubt, though the positive legal proof has until now Men lacking, v .-. , ' ' " . A grand jury is about to be Called here and there is no doubt that that is the proper step to take. A grand jury is a very valuable adjunct of Jhe legal machinery, but 1t is neither all nor , everything. : Back of it must stand a district attorney ready; willing and able to push and direct the wbrlc If the matter is gone into the ulti mate 'responsibility for its success or failure must rest with that official I District Attorney Manning has before him a great opportunity for a record, but it rests entirely with himself to achieve it. ' He has made a good start' but he should be satisfied with nothing short of a good finish, which, after all," is the teal thing.7. ,; ' i GRAFTERS BEING UNCOVERED. ' HE OLb SAYING, "Where thefT s much . smoke there must be some fire.Y is Justified bv human experience. Men in office are sometimes unjustly suspected, and wrongfully accused, and it may also be true that, as is often, complained, there is too much of vague accusation and unfounded criticism if not condemnation of them; but on the other hand .the situation of affairs right now in Portland, and in Oregon, sufficiently justifies all that has been said by The Journal in the past, in , declaring that the conduct of public affairs in this city has been scandalously and shame-J' A farm fully corrupL and in warning the people that, they must n , SMALL CHANGE ' April ana to be in favor ot eloaod A LIST OF THE NEVf OREGON LAWS for th moo:i or b lmpiisoji for' 10 1- m Jt "a A Vafc...... I I , - O? TRUSTS , Mar Woj lacafcy n4Too l bava gon uaiof, ,. i . y Tha De moo rata, howavar. aoem to bo Whatavar tha waathor. tbo marormltyl to li Ctjn. Provad February 13 . t : rro Toot, Xiaw." , . ' If. B. 3tS At tbo reneral oloction of HOS a dairy and food comnlaalonar halt bo aloctod. to raoelvo salary of tt.000, and actual traveling- expanaea of $1,209. Ho Is allowed on deputy, with a chomlat, at a aalary f (0oBJTlfh, " . ' -ZH - vaa tajklnc - mlt Plcklaaauer dor thomenlnrf 1he h1tloooa-l"one,,0 l1! JlJl?!-" aniaar Xdaoo So Tssaalao k I tions named. . Detailed deacrlptlona aro rorroaiaas. 8.. B. 117 Any person parmlttlna- -al Hven of what ahall too don in tnakln rtckleaauar set. I should wrote it down female aiuia ti ,r. n ... , Mm.iand markotlna buttar.'ehaaa. milk, lei- und make it In tyseeettlna- ma dr uu In or about a place where Uouor la sold, rult -ue- preaerved frulta, vine- werae should aeo yuat vot l der my or Wlln, pr giving liquor to such f- Ji&AJ&lSfiSZ V' .,"p. rr"- ThO Journal la nrtntlti. a amonala "" . . V V. i ,.ln n,r wh,c interoatad -would do ho deelrea for Inapootlon. It to m . - ' 1 well to out aut tn Mf.MnM' y. . I .i. .. ,n - By Oeorre V. Hobart. - wrkaaooraal-XxaailMr) fine Of 1109 t0of th'a'aura tana m ar. ranaaliid. Ad. campaian is pnuf warm. , . ,; mala, la aublact to, hit Rojeatvenaky needa is a aate !if.,,J. provl .that ,h" M? ?h?u fU" February . port, not too flnlcaUy neutral. r afr. Hanimaa aoema to have taken too 01 bltea of aeverai thlna. 4 The Chloago visitors dlaeoverod that apply to a female accompanied by. her huaband or parent, or to any open publio restaurant or dining-room. Approved Febraary 21. -j; .;';..- :,': ' ' Budog SursnoM. B. B, 170 Ona half t tbo owners of frtin i. ,.. . Ji.Vl ,h. I aio un nan - toe owners or J"1? -J, 77. dlrtrlct subject to overflow '-. , . 7 s. ' I from frahAtsl M tMa sBrat.ns wkA tvmn . 1 . . .J I ABB tit If Jatf ailAk t. mA a.aa .IIa. aa n. no?.! the county court ta ba formed nto M realsnatlon. removal, non-real- ould mlt his rubber shoea on. ; " , ...... Byde-a .photo.- 4T, JZi 'ZT 'Idence, and failure to dlachara dutlaa. Eferydln in Vail atreet la dlt m v V i then appoint vlewera'and have me eatl- f end remalnlnf membara must fill the robber shoes '. " ,i ' b IbAA . A a a wtlr W m a, a MAaa - "W laa aaaa Bhi w n aa alii sei avaaaaaa rm lata 1 i . i uoui inioni or irao water, .wno own Perhaps a good deal it . EqolUbla I ? h-' of -uch saay petition to money went to Jimmy rspner.' , Wanted A thouaand famftloa to buy niated coat declared a reaTilar taa aa Here it 1a:f Choa D. Rockyfeller valkis ould of hla ; " of flea, und ohumptna into der -elevator . . imom Xaauvatas. . it ascenaa to der bottom und Chon valks H. B. 44 It is made the duty pf the ould Into Vail atreet. county school .superintendent of each Ven Chon seta In front Of Chay Pur county to hold three local Inatltutes pump Korean s office he puts der falraf r ln his. county each year, and, ahall be finger of, der right hand 1 1n . double permitted to use a part pf the inatltute harness mlt der thumb, und den he ' . fund for defraying expeneea. The au- -plaeea 'der total .In, hie mouth aod- . perlntendent has tha power to declare yiaales. ' ' '. . ;': -. ' -H f . the office of clerk or director vacant Inl cnay purp Bears der viaaia. und comes small tracts' of ground around Portland and raise pvultry and eggs. ; V . - ment jjpoa th land of tbe 'dlatrlct. to provlda for carrying out tha -necessary work. The county court la author- Hyde has mad reatltutlon fftf aome " t0 appoint a superintendent of "" Jipprovaa jreoruary si. cy OotuaSy Ooturt Tasmas. -; .' : . " B. B. JTl County courts shall cob von the first Monday f--ach month for transaction of probate bualneaa. For transaction of ' county business, eountv ronrta afi.ll mh.ii In h. fnL Judge Hogua told a little boy witness I lawine1 unntiM' . tr.r mv... m.. that people who testified falaely went to I Lane, Benton, Polk. Marios, Waahlng ?ut,'J!'1 "llfTO do. Judge.. Alton., TamhlU, Ctackamaa. Multnomah, child ahonld be told only tho truth. . - ciataop and Union on tha flrat Wad- minor amounts, but this act tg' confes sion, that ha ought to get out, - "Keen"' polities out of tha publio achoola." says the' Salem - Statesman. Tea, and out of elty affairs, too. vacancy at once. When two or more districts deatre to. consolidate, their pe titions must be presented to the boun dary commission, and will be eonaldered by that body according to population and other eondttjons. Approved February IS-- , : -','' , ' ' ' - ! thFtrket BASKET j mlt "Wte gehts, TJhay PurpT" says Chon EL "Veil, ilmllch!" aays Chay Purp. . "Anydlnr dlddlngr says Chon D. "Posafbllltyl" aays Chay Purp. "Vot Is your income today; yatT". "Van 1 left der' off loo my Income vaa pumping - at abodld der rat of two t'ousand slgs buaaert tollars a minute, eat Chon D. . '. "r , ; . eH," says Chay Purp, "my Income ia chaalna der cyclometer, around at abouid der ratio of vua t'ousand, seven hunnert per mlnure.. ,-(, . .' "Alnd it. awful to be so rictr says tho genuine Columbia river , royal "Al?' .UAl?r'a.' Prp-..-I. 1 . ntmAmJ t ..k ,,.. n. u 1 .-Mnrvnl, i.l.nn .r. nnw luvln- thai ' 4 "U o wwrainf 1Q (OS DUl It probably would be a srood. thins: if I ib. iv....... ' " L " I . . ,h.i. n.. anii.. tki.ll et vors all der vile," says Chon D. Germany should Itirt a European r- amiim. MalhM Tllimnti.tiii.MlorlOua Bah are verVlibaral-nd nrteeal? tallatory tariff policy. Our tariff la I ni,.ki. . w.iu.. ..J.r. mn d.n i uh . ihi nntlKoiK- .. -i V- - - -.: nor of an abomination bore than there. I whaalar nn t h. nrmt WaiiMwiavi in tavan tha humhlut will hava to foraao i .Wot haf I missM anydlngr aaya " u..k u- i.i. o . w..J. ..... n ... m.k h.t .11 h. APMlChon D., mlt hla wotc tied., uo in a , After The Ballea Chronicle appropri-mnA xt..-,k... V..n.Vi. o.T-. . .. . , nrfonons. - . , v w more Journal editorials bod- .. wnH... i i....,. t.i.l Th.ri im. .noth.. n.h that i. alwaral TanuUr aays Chay Purp. la s( WBIAAfnaV 1B Han mBraTllTB . OT vnigl ClIVa I a.ara . , . - . the genuine Columbia river shad. Thlsf? 'Taanuur aaysjChon En.-s-ettlnrvarr nsh is now in every market,' at such aln r anees. -voti noan d control figure that it ia almost as cheap as I vorld'a ouldputr ;s smelt In the days af th haavy runs; I "Tou vaa dlnklng abouid popcorn."- Wlth . th . exeeptlofl of eotne j little eaya Chay Purp. "Bo far peanuts baf trouble In removing th bones from the j sggscaped your notice, shad, th fish is ona of .th easiest to prepare. , -. j ,--.- , v 1 ate a Xe Ily Without credit tt will- probably ba In mZZ rhm- kl.i waIon. J:th- markata. oi tbJ..alt the humor to indulaa in' another crlu-1 ...1 . . . . . 1 .v. - m. Clem Of this paper. . . l arv. AnrU. Jlllwand CVtohar.' iamnml Tha Astoria Budget aays -Multnomah - ''' : , J county haa a atanding Indebtedness of I ' "aula ootnsty BMany, ' about HOO.OM.'V Th Budget is away I B. B. 114 The county court la author- behind th tlmaa. Multnomah county I laed to sell realty used tor a poor farm, debt haa beaa entirely paid off. ,s , lor realty owned by th county wnieh ia not In uaa. at publio or private sales. President - Roosevelt - is having ' fun I after duly entering aa order of sale In with th bears, and th rest of us -r the Journal of the court Approved getting considerable fun out of it onl February tt "' , tha side. Sioux City. Journal. Therein . OnlmkMa aiBhaa ia.,1..,. B. B. Its Parents or guardians hav. Chickens -wer mere plentlnsl, in all "I vaa dumb tntt amassment!" aaya ' Chon D. - "How can such dings b In der land of der braf und der home of der free . lunch? How - much -vaa peanuts haa been no side bear meat around .hare. I Banker Blglow did on a larW soal 1" h"drf" schools main this week for the first tlm. the. markets this week, but supplies are I quoted., on der stock -eggachange at der still under the demand, vj at . tn I opening Tlgurear' - high prices now charged. . Ii "Two oenta a bag, roasted," aays Ctiay - Oregon strawberries were in th mar- i Furp. this "Vot ia der," wisibl supply f" aays what Banker Wade of Pendleton did. I"'" 7 aaasoa. . They were raised n a .hot- Chon p. J'' - . . ',' 1 V even to maklna awav with an eatata af I rnmeIs wuere luition, looging, zoodinouaa ana soia at .very man usuraa. i DFien ounon oaga, two, nunnert una " which h was admlnlatrator But Blav-1 nd clotWng are furnished by the gov California berrles .sre in much larger nineteen Juliana, and eight hunnert low seems to have better nerves than rnn,ent are subject to a n of tie to I supplr' and prlcea are getting within I policemen keeping dem oa der move," , " vi.w ni,k v. law. ev Df tvn v. K. - - mmjm v i.M X urp. ' r. , for tho second offense, if they fall to Oregon asparagus is in control of "Trust dem at vunce." says Chon t. keep said children In th school for a th local -marketed jss the supplies of "Vot vill I call dta new trust" says term of nine months, or the term ot California stock ar very limited. There Chay Purp. ' -, , . schooL If chtldremrHve more than IS 1 a vast difference in th quality. Th . cali it der.Peanut Protective Patrol miles from the achoot they ar exempt local 'graaa is tender all th way und Itinerant. Italian IndustrUI lasur- . unless tha govSrpment t provldaa fot through, whtle the- stocks from Call- snce company, limited, copyright 1905J transportation, - and v if children are fornla are for tho most part quit tough, by Chon IX und Chay Purp, und inror mentally or physically weak, th county There is very little dlffereno in the nnratorf accordlna to der lawa af Kaw V Tha Canvonvllla Tfichar teria of a -ronna-l court shall declare them -exam at . Any I price. " . v , rcttamev. vlrh saan'ii rxr. nndillnar" woman who has gon to a neighboring Pron aiding a parent to violate thtal ' ' '.' ' ' , " I abouid. any vay." aays Chon D. . T settlement "to take up her life work" of -s-w, or Intimidating tnom In Its axeon- Florida tomatoes are la tho market I , . -peanuts vlll now be quotatioaed on ' teaching school. Bhe will bo an excep- tion, shall be subject to like line. A p, again. The atocka. of better quality dar stock eggachange at three oenta a prarao swruary ii. v ,; y- I xnsn tnose previously receiveo, are se p,- roasted, und two oenta. unsealed." Prices on potatoes aro stiffening on Wade had. Dictator - Castro aoensea Assistant Secretary "of Stat Ioomls of grafting while minister to Venernela. Quito poa. slble. but Castro's testimony will have to bo corroborated strongly before .any body would believe It " ' . tion If she doesn't change ber occupa tion to that of teaching a man and hla and bar children before very long. . , i.. ... j ... t. t.. i. ... .i . L I ' " - - . : I nrocura a nuntara llren. emm ah. a I rt.l k...... m.-b,. i. ..a . waac. uu auu aca iu n iiiai uciicr, uciucr. mure cum- i ..i - . . ' . I c .www., au fc , w,,-.,t- ..i . .... . j tfi.u ' s- he,P needed la different parts I tha oountlas. except he be .hunting on at the present prices tha market Is not v't .T" bor"tlB .M vile. petent, conscientious and unselfish men are placed in harge of the people s affairs than as a rale have been selected for those "duties hitherto,'. It is entirely safe to say. in, fact, it is a matter of general knowledge', that a system of grafting and boo st respect of public improvements in this city. In this business some of the city officials hav undoubtedly been directly involved, others have winked at the nefarious business, and others probabfy-did not care about it or else were so incompetent and blind that they did not see what was going on. A good many specific' facts have frpm ime to' time, been dragged to light, mainly by this paper, and it appears-that the time is now near when 'these and Cfher facts will be investigated by" a grana jury, ana later prooabiy by a trial court and jury. . 1 -It is quite time this was done Turn on the fight, and let no guilty man'escape. And in the meantime, as the election ot city othcers is near at bandlet the people drop politics and personal preferences and prejudices and see if they cannot elect a higher class of men, or it least no gf sy wolves. Setters from the 'rjy ; PEOPLE : V. : "" - -7 i A aar- -i-siiiu 'n -ijisri -m-i i -i t V - . . Thlnge TJlAt Bead More AUantloa. i f -, J PorUanlflOrrAorll 28. To the Editor 'J Th. lr...n.lJTu.. ...... ti... rr . era league of Portland have aa article ' '-.'In tha Iksuo of th Oregonlaa of the lid Inst Their, chief grievance seem . to ' , tw lrvying of a 2-mlll tax to bo used , for the paying of bridgea, fills and other t.r. . duuiic uiiniiea. . ny Bim iMm - Iran. bled betatiaa it is suggested to raise the ':- salarfof the clerk of tho police court rorn 7S to SIS per month, and are '""-i.Wlaa lntarectfd in liavlnv th. fit imrf. ; . held by cltlaens of Portland. Bo far as ' tho city bnda are concerned, th tax . ' "''cpaj-era have, no Interest except to allow ' , tho hlgheafbldder to secure the bond. '' aawea-tie the sytidleate af hawd bayara, they have It In their own hands to eon . t aa high, or higher, than their eorapeti - " tors... . . V'; .j' :; All of th above grievances have buf . ' little Intereatf- for the-taxpayeaa and' T, T . W . T ..... " ' league are desirous of bettering the con- : -dltions now existing, they will devote , tlielr Ume' to stopping the great leeks " 'LI of .tans of thousands of dollars. - For- In- .; KtSnoa, the Morrison street bridge swin !!. where it was shown to all fair - minded men that according to th con tract - for , the conatruotion ; of . this , . nrMiga, tne .taxpayers wercnargea "J . . over I20.00S more than the contract do . : manded. Another swindle I call the at tention of the Taxpayers' league "to la . the Flrat street bridge, - where the pa rlttc Bridge i company of the state of Washington a-ubmttted a bid, .aoeorntMi Died by "io aa a guarantee that they would accept the contract In accordance . 'with tbetr-bld. . Th executive commit - tee for aamo cauae unknown, to tha lax. " payers, paasad a resolution to refund the , mon; and contract thereby leaving It entirely In tha hands of tha California! brtrfs votapagy.'."'-,' ,, i , ' ; Tiier ate many promiaeat men con-' nected with th city government wh ar Wvixed up In the affairs of the First street bridge contracts. If th Taxpay era league is sincere in trying to have juailc done to the taxpayers, theae are the ' matters which tbey ahould . take under consideration, instead ofpetty matters which are oi no interest to th majority ot tour cltlsens. - As to ths raising of tha clerk of the poltcs court's salary-from ITS to 4109 per montn. no certainly is entitled to 1109 per month..1 Bo far aa his salary-1 concerned it cuts ' no -. figure ln fh nnances of the city. . - - As to th Z-ontll Ui, which comes be" fore th people In the forthcoming June election for them to -vote on, it should receive tho unanimous Indorsement of the people. . Of all the bills, which were paused by the last legislature, the Col well bill, levying th 3-mlll Us for the purpose of building bridges and fills stands conspicuously Jn favor of , tilt taxpayers of the 1ty. ' -' - THOMAS QU1NEAN, ' 35 Hsrrlson Street. ... i- ' nvn OmiAT BOTAOB. - From the Ban Francisco Btfttetln.' - "Although I have been a writer of Ac tio for many years," said Mr.' Haggard In a recent speech. "I have now turned my thoughts to more serious consider ations. Th evils about one' accepted as Inevitable should be met with and, it .possible, .overcome.-. A few years ago I noticed that In the country In which I lived the people were being swept forth and tha cities becoming . glutted snd seething tanks of winery and sin. Tou may Say that these condltiuna are exaggerated; you may argue that the rich and respectable live in the cities. But take a five-ralnutes walk' from the hookas of these same, rich and respect able people and what do you see? " . "In England today the conditions in th slums of th cities are terrible. The ervll lsed people of the western world' must stop this aonglomsratlon of peo ple in a few large cities, or It-Is Inevi table that race, suicide Of the most ag gravated type will follow.w But there. Is a stilt greater danger to be appre hended. t?nlea this great ovll la reme died the People of . the orient who ara J'... ' ... ;.r-- - ., .- 7 , : not ainicted wlfn th evils of tha west will sweep over us aa they hav don in tho past We need but read history io oe convinced or this truth. The men of Asia are men who ar strong in the virtues of the . country. They are not oppresses py tne evils of the masse In ths slums. 'If th west Is to continue to advance as they have don In th past it Is essential that they abandon the naoit or living in Hhe dust and filth of the big cities' slums." ' ' .yi-, BtAABxaaa ajtp bLppjjibbb. W. n. Howells in Harper's Ifagasln. - We do not wish to be discouraging, but we must confess that we do not be lleve society will ever rest on any other oasis man . (jnriatian marriage as wo now have it. Polygamy still survives ia countries or different religions, sod has been signally revived in our own. Cer tain .nameleaa relations, false and delu sive images of - marriage; , which can never eventuate in homes, forbid the able; and the only question with the philosophic mind is how to make intol erable when it cannot be mads happy. - BXOXTBOTm , wTBATBUli- ...... . ,. . i , . . , v From ths Chicago Tribune".".'"! Pals .-with indignation. Mrs Lanallna- roaa to address the chslr. -- Mrs. President." -she aald. "tho mern. ber of this club 1 whs haa Just taken her seat does not dare to 'come out openly snd accuse fpe of using my of ftetar position " to " enrich" myself with the prerequlsKes of the orfice. Bhe does It by diminuendo. I shall not retort -by lndiacriminatlng her. Mrs. President I shall merely deny tha charge, and thns throw the onerous probsndl unon her." (Tremendous sensatloa.) - i-.... v : From .the Worcester Telegram. Th legislature : of WlaoonalA ihss passed 'aV bin- to erea4 a town and call it RooaeVcltr. The. vols having been paSsed March' IT, th .town seal may bear a picture of 8k Patrick wielding a big .stick. ' ! ,, v " . ' . . .. i S, B. 47 Any person not armed with account of the smaller supply of- Ore- OREGON SIDELIGHTS a . . laeoount oi - v nyuib aaayaajiaasssaBK SUIUtnajl. X . . . , hit H. mr.M.t . ... .nrf'gons. 3 n msTsei is . receiving targe I ... , or to imprisonment of three months to I T T , ..." .'ITL.ZZ: I "Correct.'' aays Chay Parai -vot a on year tn th county Jail; provided, Jh t thi iMsT. " ,,ce for figures, ,At der tw- aays Chay Purp. "Dot vl n , make , my Inoom abekld . three' touaand. nine hunnert per min ute.. rut itiwr aya eh on- r-? t' Aurora thinks it needp a bank. near Athena sold for fit h.. . h,,.K.. v .". iaoceptaoio to tne traae. beat. her. h. may ba punished by this iJJtLSZ penalty by whipping, rscelving not to J", tn tt"kt DUi.iS " thmmLV xceed; to U-hM Approved February 11 inTh'rVarlela arV'foT'th.'Sol'i i uemnsr nann , .)..- quit soft and : Australians are B..B. tit Every Person huntlna ssmalcnmlnv Inla nara1 d.maiul- auinuua or lowis in mis Slate snail nrst .cent ratio myt Income viu also rush, up to abouid two fbusand. flat- per roln-, ute.-rich,-heaven know. I. need, mlt der summer resorts coming on m und . my yacht suffering for a new chlbboom . gafC topaalL"' . . - . Den Chay Purp and Chon IX- valk up to der bank "vara delr money is , und ot Oregon. A Prlnevflle man caught a with a lassa , .-..y . . : " . - w ,. vea a as vtx vitnrout V t Itc sataa s avv sgt nui i , . ..a hla ownland. wMm hint.v. .k.n I . a...i.. ....... I yuSt for a leedle recreatloain. " -i- CSSB W SI SUa r B7 VlBS-SS VI VUtVCI SB 1 J fcTBT - . . ., a . ... . ' pay fl. and non-resldsnU SIS a rear nomln .larminviir h..v m th. .r. I After building a w trust It vas al- wildeat 1 for this Mesne. Th county clerk ahall keta. It now looks aa If thara would ba I vis to took a leedlo recreation . issue tho lloens Upon application, and a fractional decline before the ton of J ,n- 'V -v D- DINKEL8PIEU , i, a lloens will permit bunUng la other th market becomes better. '- ' - - Per Oeorge V.,Mobart ?, . Thar la a good, opening in Ion for I counties. The penalty tor violation ls.a . -' '""""I fnm ii i, 1 1 I fins of tS to 1100, or Imprisonment of isnlll Prospects for grain and ' frnitnovsf better- 1n Union count Forest Grove is officially dry, but not all its lnhabltana are ao.t ' - V A Nebraska. "breeder ot fin horses will settle la Macksburg. .. - , rsTrOaayg.l Approved February-Tr alisainlsaiag' Bali B. B. Sit All that portion of tha sewer laid by the state between the capitoi.and th eastern llmlta of Salem ia aonatea to the city of Balem. Ad- provao rsoruary ii. BTawkara 8. B. 170 At the first term of tha WOaVLP tVAJMIBS f En route from Fort Mandan to th Rocky mountatna) .', , April It, Th day was clear' and pleasant and ths wind baring shifted . . . Munt court in .7k Zi .h. ..... I ernment, and haa been planned to ralscl to th southeast we could employ our 3mAu"Ifrk.5?-' ',t - SShTira? VMM SUt 1U. and went ti mTlo. S a low ground s " From th ' Washington Post The largest floating steel dry dock In th world, which Is being constructed at th dock department of th Maryland Steel company, ' at Sparrows Point is now 10 per -cent fomplets. It ls ex peoted that it will be floated ia May. Tha dock ia for the United States gov a rifle and kUled himself.' There are 14 applicants for superin tendent of the schools of Pendleton, i after ths first of the year, the annual tax shall be fixed for ; hawkera or peddlera of atoves, ranges, csrrlages, buggies, wagona, carts, surreys or other xjnaa or two and four-wheeled .vehicles, naw. The- contract reoulres that .ltlan th north . .. hiee. ahall life a l.000-toa batUeshlp, but The country on both sides ia much hi. m...U will V.. M ... . . L. . ..... . . ' . ..... mtn.r w.t. w v.vwunu. siiu DniHn, im nuis spproacuing nearer to maximum lifting power will be 10.000 th river, . and forming bluffs, some t02!5: ' L ... ' ot whit and others of a red color, Tho floating dock contains 11,000 tons and axhlhltln th. ...nv. of steel, snd has J.000.000 rivets. It will mineral, am some burnt hills, though require 111 tons of red lead aad llnsd without any pumloa atone, Th aalta oU to paint It Xta coat la $114,000. It ra tn ra.. ......iThu th.. M....t a payment, and Weston i. going t- h.v. indivldiTrra,-. 1200 h5l" b vSTZZi tJlJ??J22L T.V fh l'UZL XS th ani-n4r. are ior an counties or tne'aut.. Vendors I .m 2. ht.i. I. .h. .tTi. .iI.I w"n . wn"" ,S,on " frost. a Hih .tH.Mi tkin- v.. tior fanning mills or similar goods, wares A rather Strang thing haa happened m.n.haMiu .,. 1 V. in Eugene councilman haa resigned.., Athena la proud of ta crushed rock or merchandise, th license to bo not ess than 1206 a year nor more- than tttio. Each license Is for ona count only. fnUl th county courts establish -rr"r.wvr:: .v"?".r" and i feet high on the aid wan ciosr Nn.. i- ja. ":iFT'.v . pnsonment of J .to 11 months. This .k.LV..." ii. ,u. 7. ii ss ,ror daya past The woods ar now. law doe. not apply to any Incorporated Th'5 mtiSL ara IU tj2ftm ren' hnt lh, U,n' Bd nadow olty. Approved February 11. , - IStin? inrb .... iVnLJ.V am to hav Jeaa verdurs than those ; t ti i . ... , . . noatlng light draught It will draw W below - Tha nnlv atMama hint. - I Ftra AgTunutanral Bbrkrlet ti r ...... tvh.n ant,m.. i .mi oeiow. -ins oniy airaams which w H. B. ISS-Wlthin 0 days after this reoulr 03 feet, of wster to givt T a V.h . ' '?.lVm"'.L n,n;.0B h- draught of SO feet above th blocks. " T h. ri.htw.,in- hin. -i T? " Th next largest dock In tbo world is ftt e! wa 5r it- thl 'J'Ji that at New Orleans. It haa a lifting " '"t tZi Iri'onrl IJU ZmU capacity-of 1T.I00 tona. v- . l8 XI naiosrab of , 11 will ran from Myrtle creek to tn mines. ... ' . -:-:r ' ' ' A man 'offered -to serve ss marshal of Tillamook for 110 a month. Tills- ..... i - -. , t . - "-."wn Tiiwvi.a , ina . governor irt.. i.ii. i.,ii . iu i. I appoint one citizen-of Josenh ns on th establishment there of a fruit J"c"on countiea. who. with dryer aild cannery.- ' . ." . cn uniy oy .-tne Th 'Jefferson lUvtsw eomplalna of 'lrJSiV f gallon, hou" and thlnk.P llc.ns.i4 1.' S0-?!" tVXl saloons preferable. society, and they ar empowered to hold agricultural fairs pursuant to tne usual laws, on this subject The sum of ll.Soo annually is appropriated to the first so ciety, 11.100 to ths second society, and ISOOVlS til TM dlvlllarf- anmiallv kt.u. . . n . : . Amity Advanc eorrscUy advls.a It ."T "th COttn-' bcletles, tio of th United SUteo government, form- vne'r? ttSSC 1 "-ana dock, is 4S0 feet long. ' ' -. j ina nu lining capacity ok iv.vuv tonv. .. --r. IlkfU V. . . . . .. . I rft . , . i. . " .ww, : . ina ftira. . jiuailllM UCK , WTT - COO' ' Many home-buyers from th east are -mentioned In Willamette" valley , and southern Oregon papers. ': V " The lahd owners comer at .moderate prices The Bermuda' dock, built in England. Is 141 feet" long. 100 feet wide, snd has a lifting capacity of 11,100 tona. The Pola dock, owned by the American gov ernment haa a lifting capacity of 11,- 000 tons.. : . ., .:. j, ; ': -f The Stettin flock, owned by Germany, is sio reet long, and has a lifting capar- bend ' to th southeast; The game Is very abundant , the . common and mule, or black-tailed deer,, elk. buffalo, ante . lope, brown bear, beaver and geese. Th ' beaver have committed great devests ' tion among the trees, ona of which,-, nearly three feet In diameter, had been gnawed through by them. . f - a ... OABTBOw - BBBXAjrOB. v' '' A Cow creek canyon locality is named StanrMut. tint tveonla alon'.t alarv mua. aoiiTuai.unaMnwBajuuoTmjcjain-, thrvlf thy- warkalittie. -ng but' marriage aa we have It la thlnk -?" ' ".V-1"' , From the Chicago Evening Post : ' Castro.-' It la reported, "defies the ' Hi B. ISO No child under i years "of rrueted wad built In England.. When It United States.' All of Castro's history ; . age shall be employed In any factory, was completed. In 1, it waa towed to J moicatea tnat no is not tne Rind or man ;. store, tn or about any mine, or In any I Bermuda by two men of war, the Agin u'Mn whom - much sympsthy need be . tlegaafh, teUphaws er awblto meaaeiiaai Iponrt. and-, the .Terrible. . It was jpemi-1 w"t: whftn ?'.. lookn after hla service, and 'no child of this sse ahall circular In shape And had the appear 1 w" 4wra7 noun -innr b, tma-- . At . inaf n a ft at ar vnavaiw Travrit atawv i. .. aatskV va- aviaan.Vm S-SaSKfV ajf suiiis.. aittana l cM twir tram wi TniueAn court - ths hours when the publio school where " oon","t ot tttam or pontoon and ilJti'??" department it may ba that be la not '' !,. Mtln. V.m . y. fitted With lctrlicaiTowW-ttiroughoutlb employed In any Ubor of any'fertn. ot huf r brought from Grants Pass. , . I for wages or other compensation, during! ' modern docks ar v - . ' j. i . mb n'ui as wunii intj uuuiio icnooi wnN -- w..-w v ih Through subscrtptlons' of cltlsens the ,-,v" B session. Attendance at j two ,d wlU!' Th dock now being uienaaie pand win rve concerts Batur I r "w """" cmpuiory oetween r. ' . ... " I n.i, w.n within hi. n.hi. k,. . day night, throughout th summer. ';. "t age in ettlea, :ZJrJL.??r 0O WK. tw serving of commendation. ' A d.m.. ,v . , i lowns ana images curing tne wnolel . A ' Myrti creek valley man has cot J ch'K1 term. .1J for all ahlldren between. ,l -a ' . " nis - iirat -rrnp ot auaixa. a 71 iel . lni - - " . . r? nvi am-i, - . . irujeu in hwiui num. . no cniia unaor II years ot age shall b employed at any length, and Is shipping strawberries by the crate. - ' ". Not a vote waa cast against bonding Athena for 115,000 for waterworks, and (S taxpayers voted for It .They're the right sort. -:... ....'-. , : . , Pendleton Is vover 40 yesVa bfd., and oh Easter Sunday morning, for th flrsf time--in the. history of the city, the ss loons cloaed their doors ' in observance of the Sunday closing law. , " The Adams Advanc -tilts the ' people of that town that they are sluggards, and should ruatle around and get a bank, a flouring mill aad ether things ibere . , . . , . .. , ; ,.; work before 7 a. m nor later than, o'clock p. m., nor longer than 10 hours a day, nor mora than, alg daya a week, and shall b entltlVd to 10 minute at noon for. meals. All petsona employing children . under II years of age ahall prepare, .and file a Hat with th school authorities and the superintendent shall make out an age and schooling certifi cate, after obtaining satisfactory . evi dence, i Failure t produce a schooling certificate where a child employed - u under II shall be prima facia evidence ot illegal employment Any one employ. Ing a minor contrary to tha provision of this act IS subject to S .fine of 110 to IZt for th first offense, and 121 to f 10 J Saved by the Seaat. ."From the Philadelphia Bulletin, Maud Mull. r, on one cold 'March day, Stood In the hay field raking hay, 7 And, watched th Judge come riding -by With a merry twinkle In his ye. " t .. .. - . SI... , ., - v " 'j "Inform me. Judge." said saucy Maud, "Why Is your smile so very broad V ' TKy pretty maid." the Judge admitted. "I grin because I've been acquitted." , '.'-. Aa Seemed s ' From th Chicago Trtbuna ' ' , ' - Relative Amanda ,- la trying to , do something with hsr voles is she? ' -Amanda's Father Tee; t doa'4 know exactly what but from what It's oostlng me 1 suepeet she's having It treated for appendicitis. ; i ' - serving of commendation. - a demand for arbitration Js A good deal Ilka an appeal to a, -court of equity the appal- lant must -liave ; clean hands. Up to the present there Is a general suspicion 1 thst no hand, will be exposed in tha , Venesuelan asphalt controversy If clean. llness Is to ba one ot th requisite pre llmlnsry to a showdown. " W are not . yet ready to right to determine?, th , ownership of the asphalt lakes, ; v . ' a ..m . , A Oo Baigmla.- '". i. -.Mlstresa (engaging a servant) Ton appear to underatand the duties re . quired, and, if yoti wish; you can begin work at one, .-i. . - New Olrl Very well, ma'am,' but I'd like to make a bargain with you, v "What Is Itr y . - . ." "If you won t do any perpln' through ' keyholes When I have comnsnr. I won't .' 4 do af when you have,",,, , v A, .11,.- r.,w- - 'J'