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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1905)
7- Takes ThirtV:Fiv6 Hundred Vote Candidittt for Appointment and Nomination Clvlr3WiU Ceanea wux on mu.:,; . V llama Two Thousand.'-i.',;' Found Bodv of Unknown, . t- River Yterday, cunea in Potter' Field Today. in CUT OTHER CANDIDATE3 LAUGH ATH13 CLAIMS Mayor' Hope Suffer Eclipee in Alleged Defection, of Cij, nomah Field. FIFTEEN SECONDS LIMIT FOR A HUN DREp YARDS ' i . .. ,. .:..: ' -uArii Loc-w't Shoea, cnecKeo vyeignta anq .v. . , iftrw... .nd nntant WH Be Taken - I Wiouw. rn w.. - I his POCKETS WERE EMPTY AND HIS JAW CROtN Brewery Interests, Frrd T. Merrill, ea.tdate tor the ' n.n..hii- nomination ha. -mad. Into Consideration. "a Dotted Negligee Shirt. .' - ... - " soo tilth and leee than lo pounoa m wis a 0(( p-awto weight, will be allowed . u,i i. - v ; toceh0,:Je'of Police Hunt , win b field ......... ......"V 00 o. U McPberson. secretary; of commission. ; There will be a track -meet an an athletic contest on Multnomahjfield to- -..--.. Mnrnin tvn art n n in sr au. a u uiiuh estimate of the rote In the primaries, I Qvtr ntrie, for the 100-yard, daea. : anrt claims ' that it wUl -om w I the chief avenv nave ..ainmuj, :.r"-V-- r r ' 1elv: No SVuader feet inehee ' ; Merrill Williams. .Howe , . Ulafke Albee . t 1 rKner ... .. ..)! " I ... i-u rvl "v C . ; iA una TnaatJr' of ceremonies; Chief Campbell Total ...v ' f th. fir department tul Superintend . Merrills theory , Is that Al Donildsoa of the .tre dean- .in -nnminaia tne - Republlcanxandl- . ; f-. date. He aaya he polls of the pre- wll, th. ?-t. ,hi-h. when discounted foe eon i . .mlm Each must ! ;;7v.tlsk leave . him wiyi . , theToOyarda under 11 mdj k 'the nomination... , r 1 be disauallfled for appointment. There The Merrill estimate is scouted by iu ba 16 race, two candidates in each. , maWers of other candidates, and eaoh F th fc wwlt pMt.the appll- nn'tZrVnUL i..rLhA i"h. U have been in tralnln, and several nv uuwu abllity on the cinder path. The attracting onumwiuw In "gures" but that the f. SOO vote should mMC .-.j 1 be assigned to his man. ' . able ablli - . - m.w nominate is ny i m.t la i .nbl accordin. to the tton a rave a the county poor farm i-i i4 man WHO W KB iwunf i U umueuuutm a..- ""I . il . .s-al I the Willamette river below the eteell bridge yesterday axterooou Mvaterr surrounds the manner or nisi J!hyJin.r Flnley who has Invest l- ated every clu that could berouna. U naUle to tell whether the at" In, this deth aocid-ntally. by .uiclde. rr! k. .uiim f foul olay. - ur "::. '" ,Vth stranger's coat pocket uWarded a. an M" robberr may have been the motive f ora crime. He may have b-'" b thugs In the iiorth . end. rendered " . vi-- n a law. M pock- .t.Ph:uTy "rified Wd the body to.d Into- tke river. , ... The abaence of any paper. wrlUncM other mML-S oi ldeniuican-u to lend color to me lnTO". The features were cornvm- . -1. .. .. . v ' . TT-T" - i. to have been a I iMnr he wore boots , with heavy ! " '.k-V.J of clothing. ;t" .nd.rwTr and two pair of .ocK .cneay. u i niu.. - no meana Bttaments 'tlclans. The field Is so Inna that nn vn.i mnv nvuii-- . mni w v m-. v ... . i - . .v. ... nirirB auui .;.hla. according to the tton ,nd the athletic committee or .u. . axia- "T"- foun m of many Well Informed poll, Multnomah olub wUl be K'T,, eoil pocket on top of ,h ZZLTZXl Probably "following the athletio test, a written cheap bandana anua.rv . , d. which' of th. -ixjandldate. wUl examination jiV ijjwm " whVt'.r-Srfo-r. or after death the , coro- th. fe-Dubllcao sUndard. - . ' school. This wm .f"'" I nnble to 'say. The body was . Renorts of dlsaf factions irom ... ... the papera. are : . KAawrtii nrawirT iii" i tuu w s . - . v. w i -WlUiams cause j -'"i: . M-rted ; an eligible list -Wiu ""- ; v "--, ,,, . -ontct jn circulation --. " .Y.i ff Hunt from which he nroaen py -"'.-Tr-. new wtrolmw. w.m a taV" terest. are in circu atjon lttsd to chlaf . Hunt. ' , i..,h tha Williams man- must appoint, i " i rows, Inastouch . as i the ' w"'"" . uthorlsed by Ihi- city ' i arers have aepenaea - 17. " - .7. Jmnort them, the alleged ' . w'. y 1 '"",..r.v'.. . -. ooundl. ? d.ser.ldtr brewery men causey . KMC SEL QUAK 1 1 1 7 . . .MM. . tTi mvor ia wiw - . . a ?i"..v,-ir;m. . " . ; ' - AnniisFs pnthusiasm ihmu was between 10 -j-..,-- H. was live feet. five Inehee In height. 1;neT very slight buUd. and had dark browij hair and moustache. His elothlng will be retained by the coroner In the hope thither may lead to hi. W""""'""; -... tv was first seen by Peter yi - 17a v.nt Kleventh street, who . . ,r - n 1.. 4 . , . j t-etohltf ft. i- " 'a -: -i- . .nm. of the llauor I ., . ...i. cmartet; aroused the en 11 is mvw.. . in 1 r " i jonnaoo. ei ----- . .. 1. .u flf .iinnorwnc K"Hlk...i.. nf i. anaienoa- or i -"-i - ... i.. . v n rumh mo - rnd i;r rcti At the . . .. K.n vthnucht to have on l .. -hM.ln-. which revealed the very I 7r .. . mm th. river.- The . thoVe 'elemeU la believed to, be B0U, 0f the muo. All the U beUeved to have been dead for -:T binding than It was a eek' ago. . v Waa so good tat It Is "f" lea.t three weeks. U iha Intense activity, I f . 1 ,,, ew York Evening . r however, by the opposition ofnates. - , k ; , v. . ; .t; ! ; Clearine the Decks, , . the plurality lead ne.a oy -- - . stIIIay wrnt wm T- -mlth Bros, writ -ot yet been ouo . ' - lh. Karquwn urana w Machines, with which we , . . tt.. Dn.M movvmnn v - nntrm. oirecuun w '" i in. - v . . ' inu - - -- i.ri.ilv. I , . ., ,n. fliiln orders, oee xnouan -...,,,: t.-i.iiv The pressure Is now so great that the MtoUM eUttis -may - at , . ' . altered to give one of tne . datea an assured P'""!"' , . the- - The Albee men -ire claiming that they n crowd the law enforcement, issue .nuouity that the, nf t'i una all vt those who stand for that I ponthht th. r will be divided among the o"1."" nit Wynnl Coman. E AT THE THEATRES. ..I in rvartlv need machines of ilier makes, traded out for Mr. Bmlth latest proaucf t m. micluslv. dealer, entire coast, li J Third .treat. ColumbU Comp-riy! Farewell." s. Th .loalog performaafe of th. Oohn-hU I WUlUms cwididate. In manner give Btwrte,p..-Vltl take place t-rr YiTVr TL, . l-nd a larre aadlerwe la aamrad ta bid aU V .-r- i.w caforoemant Uaue cannot I the famrltaa rareweii. ivamn ll ii.v. . "It la jnot.ftugugh, to jnke cursory j D-aUno-i." . f T- v. at ttwwMiji "--p h i-t? , n. as some VI I at Tonlctat'a rrforTc iftsmeoa aaa la tbe laacb- Plak Detala-ea," awfk tbe m4 . . it .a .nme nave ounn. --.. .-M .1 praa's area, swca ITIflVim " . .ml.. I Vft -" " , -J :.-- . . Mi.i.tra. naaslrtty. They I ,.. . , i manA.vl-or and unequivocal enthusl-1 . .... 11 ' " v" ' i asm for 'the policy of enforcing the iaw a. they, havV been enforced under, the ;1 regime ef Sherlft Word - .TMkM the Mat,-:. .- W.' remained ouleSfinCV remarked Sa ROW. man looa-. J"". "-"-T I T...- ...i ..a ..nrln. IlVfce cabc. .nd M. .'gov into 'V. brf tali. UaeV- bera to ;a LOHputtaM at-;. Baker.,, y ; y Vr'laea WtiBit. aad ? gr. .- rrteca Laala.f'aga are te aame aad agee of th. little paople wbe are " ... .. th vm and enat-. r.:.Aubl7 wlr ;3C1 v' ' t" Mrs. Potts' , Aaatbee .art : fight. W arer'W """Pl'r; " "1 that at Biuaell aa Denbar. was , - doing, uur-m. -, - 7""- i, ..ta iw t-J opponents. .TV'tL Wr-vioua l.i rb. Jtoleooba la ma.lcT .ona.a bare race rrean ana mi . I :- .. iw. ordlwy. xm picrarea wcitlrm." ! " . ,' .,.Mh. baftad. "Bonk-r Hill." baa tbe aiort eaiul f "Bet ' our ' - CIU wt of pirtene errr Mwn who I fr - OCT, . Vf. . IWl l " . - . ... Vi!8-.:rL. "nV-fka-boomers.' '-and aee S-u byline, and tbe . sufraa. register RepubH- tbe Bakerograpb eoaelode. tbe .Ufur w. i v voters. and leartl : that-score. "f t-t.,1... list, arri' i will go Into, thi i aimed member. t If that.fcWt spH SetotMraIMXta'- Irons' 7l.rt reported. .-w. , Pocket ' H.ndkerchiel Plmy, into the nrlmarle. wlth.4.00 ..."i' , " . aa .h WtwIeWiaPlM .laned member, of ,he Olafke dub. and. If that. Wm t speH victory., inen .... in wklrb is Dreaeatae at tna TtW Vi. -k i. k npket -baadkcr- . t. 1 A la U1, , 'The ..venerabWmayor. Mvertheless,'! J rejoins aupperter of the admlnlstra- tlon, haa never ibeen breasted In the ' . ' j hi. runnlna uower. are ao ; V well-known -that he'll come under, the! g-.lli. last tlmr ,.h -,m. of those who think they ..s - ' are In the pntestpot.evB.lnsWe thai .---t-- ,jjtg gt fa Grand. !T. -1.. a. . hMrta ef tbe wonea Mk. Sad afta. a fraiaee -f BVm boweward red-arl aad bappy. The w.m. i. pUaeal wbo -aaU ttraojb tbe drama wltlraet a Wat welUat ! 7 in w, tlsM eab aftw- noo, (t J:15 aad one parforac earb eTealug mriy. .n th. claim- that are mixing ' It t-ld be .tterly lawe-AI. U J ...r - turon and makip. Jt.aii:ul--lo4 .jrruf Per Set A Rt comorises' three irons-r one of each size one handle an4 one stand nicWev piatea. Satarday special. ... V i1 tK Inn.r. . - ",. .-. .'.-nilf,.tft a. Tne maywrmiiir iianv ." and Aarlr-we are bappljlni ta goo a..aare of botb. I -UT B"JW f aa e Tbe lirtorn aa tbe Own-la-spa. abrla ao-ie X the troablee ef a York polleesMia, are U- ! usual With the campaigns of oandiaaiea for the. council. . noma piuifi t "asses are being made, notably those of LEnce (Larry) Sullivan and 'THto .'rain tlio newsboy candidate, who cTalms the Mafqam theatre ha. been engaged 'for 1 taieetlng. or him. , with options or .tho'rionhjMh and. the tmplre ' fftth.' lhthvr-M. X ''"4: WlUns ' making a hot fight for. the council, with i bftght- prospecU 'Jot. lh nomination. ' Mrt. Wilson has the support of the bet . ter dement, and his friends gay he will win the nomination twyoira uuu , th ProhlbltlonlsU - wll ".'.. . . . w - A a nnmlnaU meet at ine x. ':::,.7. i i..V. lb. In mIp ball atnaer: - clty ticket. finoy -r- ,, ,ad "Tbe NlhMUt." aaa , whethef or not to indorse bee; istitl- .io.l ai pi-ure ment Is -lvided. The probability la that bora ar elwh Otbee elew the wilt put iln a hew eandldata and arT"b-a ef Chta atrf baacrj- 'ke ashowli)g at the polls on June Stat Ulra aad Mark. h. alaglag glrlar aod Henry Jcnning :f-. fTh Marble Heart." ; wiwk'a olay at the plra" will be a drama tbat baa bad a lonT eoatnd aarwaa In other eltlea and will b. erne ta paaa Pjrt had tbeerre-goirre. - Thla la tbe. weU-Jaowa wrm, "Tha garble Ht" and the Bplra I w.llr rS prodortlo. el tbe piece. 1 It Will lopea Boaday latmea. ; ? . .! - y. .. ..- ij:i&;:Spns.p The CoropleteJ Housefurnishers , ! 'm-UV FIRST ST. : 1 At tb fltir thU wK tiw rTwrf mrw t nia ' - " . - 1Wa.ll.4-a I y The Practical Side of the Piana Question HOTEARRIYALS.; V , . .- , - v ' . 1 111 It A II . , . , , ' II ;. " ttrrp:::' Youman Dcrbys, . : X'T . , Silk Mylcs -rivJ v -i v: " 11"' V Thirty itylest'or more ln-exclu.ive Sift. Stiff nd : : . ,.. III '. ' ill UUUTT ' we r0r V" '. 1 . . Ill '-or' Mfl a. ' ' ' Zr Tbe Greeteet CUKhtof Hooec fa the Northireet ; . . ., ... 1-1. " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ---8-e--B-g8Bg Mp -'rf i Every Spring Suit Heeds a Mew llecKtic - 51.00. 51.50 ana up : : We'provided well in idvence, orderine catefuUy from Lj! Tv : e the northwest ready for .a5 VttS ; .flfft't 50c you want to pay-plenty, pretty and a bg variety. , , , , ..-. Tiio tm attached or deucnea, xoi w rc6u -v-- - . , s SDrihtf Underwear t uit Threads at $125 a rannent. Mercerized Cottons. Cotton Mesh and "ncn BaftrSaS , . $S . 'JSU Ribbed Cotton and Domestic Balbng?..t SOand dozens of different weaves at these prices .;vr.-:V CVi.vV-:::: THE pwro Jjg;LL-S3.00 .HATS THE (S 1 1ATS world's Finest f Hats," . u 1 , IUU1 as- "t - ,. Youman's Derbys, Oberas and Sillc Styles' Stetson. Soft Hats, f 4.00 . - " ,,to 96.00. Our Specials, 1 yj..arv .10 ye 82.50. ''-.'CL Panamas, 85.00 to 825. . Straws of every description,. -50e, fl, 81.50 to f5. : -r,-r-r ',vi aw j - , ' 1 . " .V. 1. Roger Peet Co.'s Clothes ' "Two Olendale men named Trost and j i. . t...,. natd m. fine..' .' I . ' rnrB,.. . . . . i.tii t. I curing tne rrr " A Vain. on. 1 i thouth he hatedto. paiaaan... .v.- Mnni of the North we.tTh.BIW Piano' House ;ha- airaaM. nnrlnaatli I- """Ja our very itneat makes being one I0 .HC. ,.hiS-'..C: Sf tV leSSiw. of our business la which Rhcumatiism i Li..M. a j. Htrsiaisbm. f inrinauiua ta r-1" s jrra, " -a"l . wa..JLU . VM - VM-k J -Matwm. ten ti-TL . b u Vifawai ad wifn. MlBnDDU; I Uw, BfUI;l. AUdft Victoria L Mkl.l.W IVIanhl. ' M . ." .:- i m Martin. tf-iilt ? JnBsl W UBJID. avliutfw.nuf w " 'rhr:dvanT., Fof r'f n?. Tonr PI; ano at a store tnaiw ";- ;Ti artir.nL title are many.' me - . ... 1 .in, a. fjmnria-f, " - --' - : . i . . u . k. it.waat ana mu ! ' r. j V. AeTsw'Mal rThlcari O. Uw. jew ior; i. cwnii.1. ; .rv oa of the pro- JlCSS CI.IZ3 CCSiU'- pn... ... fraariaroi B. O. aM vanc Jdeaa of jvary o aeo ,Bt :x.a. t'T Martin, ariinica, ntw f " I S""'TT "II .11 lmti. -Vaera rFmnrtovf; A. Nrta.rd. cwnaaaaa, w. t"- are to oe aerur ;AZ,mhich for the BIku w :..fiev... much .V!S2SSS. ' It c: -ta toed cchd t4 " . r f; . c wtllam aa r. w. 7r tlndeid; Juwa Canlar an. wire, uni- r. . ! f . . ki..ff... .na wir. t;airaao tory "" j t--? and tamlir' WalU W.lla; H V. OaUa. HUU- iraVwi aBd wlf. Baa rraaclj Ira. CowllBtT. OaklaiMl; ilre. Tar. "ron! l-&-t,umm-lMo mnT devices ana m- B. a. snBiaa.i.: i .".,hnaa In the conauct SSi-w3Sft ti u. than V.e-eWl oan afford who sells ta the usual stow reiau devices "and em ivtlc!i ta pcrcii-tatly cured ticcnii cl ciJ. ..i For fcettimofttols ef rmarktU cnrwi v mot tar Book oa lUcssCan, Wo. 1, ,d 13. CO LtrJa iM. . jL- -;v r .. - . Id. t. i. .h. tmMTlal, W. H. Hallla, Foreat Hrw, H. M. rien. . r.rf.i r--a at, r.fL Harton. Waiilnc(a;-4i X. " Me, Xe 1allaa, Orri. , .. . , niov nuiiifrnif v.. . nf our bualnees whlcn save mi..r, In the eoat oaplano. . - El7enr-"pi.n'o"5l fhan"inVwh. 1 .h. Weber of New f? and thV Kimball i.K.r, M. f.hle. Btory Clara, Lstr, u..i.m. Rnhumann. Clarn",n- lo-' eto. Vl.ltora are always welroroe. f ; KM.ERS PIANO Uu8K'p4rlt t - .iii, Kan Francisco, fitoexfon and Oakland. Cal. P fi 8Ue.! Wash.i.1 Boise and Lewlston. I4aho. Would You Like Have Ticket Best Entertainment on ITS YOURS without another word if you accept the EX TRAORDINARY FREE OFFER OF THE JOURNAL and . :: secure . . : . v . A" $7.50 Columbia Gra pho pho ne '( i. : With . yearVsubscription to the paper.AT THE REGULAR i ; ' : "RATE PER WEEK ; ''fv :.;; 0: Brother, Baby or Bachelor. . . -V. ,-; - v j. HtmriA GRAPHOPHOUE the GRAN i HIGHEST AWARD these machines?! If It is, THtt;MAwnin6 a iCouponof -Inquiry THE JOURNAL, Date'. ....... v V," ' Please send solicitor to my address to explain FREE 1 rit a DHnPH (TUB. OFFER. ' " : . ' ? ' 4 W w - ' xr,,n Name,, ............ ....... r? V r ' ; ; . . 1 v r ..... , ...i , v rv. ' ,f- . "V ""'.'.' " - ' : Address ............. 1 " By special arrangement with The COLUMBIA PHOJID GRAPH CO.. 365 Washington Stree;, we are enabled to girt to every one of our readers In Portland or suburbs $7:50 Grand Price Columbia Graphophone !" Ctorrimtttki r.'ll ciU aai exhtt Ci r- - and expUin the r"7 ' ""V! ' 1 r : t-ched couroa r : 1 L - i e.e cce and we t. tached couoa a special r: t your hours. - w -v A