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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1905)
: .'-jr. ' 'i.'A. t i ' it v,u-. , ' - a '''(: ; . - . f i. . -I slISSIAd FLEEl ;.IL MALACCA STRAITS !v ; South of Penanjg Ha4ed ,?; i ; j; : for, Singapore . ' -.t -'f . -. V BRITISH STEAMERS ARE v 'J? SEIZED UY CZAR'S. .SHIPS " i Warships and Transports ; off t Kamranh Bay Sail for Un- knovyn Destination. ; . !. 'V - -V:. ? i. v " V (Jeana! Spttaf SerrlcaV . !'.:'- ,v London. oAprll l.A dispatch fro ,. '' ' Penang. Striata Settlement, stales that v-, ? the t British ataamcr ...petbarlna Api r, '."-Just srrlved.v reports that aha paased ' ,.tw wusdrona JastaUbt la-the Straits ' of .Malacca, about miles south of ; 'ftnui. Klght vesaela.were la tha flrat aquadroa-and seven la tha second. All - "r war headed towards Singapore. Tha .'- tara uniMMi ta ba veasela of Admiral Nrboxetofre squadron: :J ' - ' r. disDatch to lotd from Calcutta says that Rojestvensky haa captured tha Britlah steamer Beatrice, bdund from Saigon to Japan with a cargo ot i -,' rice. Jt la learea tnnt tywi uiu v steamers carrying contra band have been ' 'i captured.."- . . V A Saigon dlapatch aaya that the Rus " alam squadron and the transports ao- ..' "companytng it. which have been lying "., ' off Kamranh bay have nailed. The fleet waa followed by four German olllera : ' a The dlrectlpn taken ta not known. .. i. , - Admiral Kebogatoff -should reach v Singapore tomorrow and could aot unite V division with' Vlce-Admiral Itojest vensky in Tonquln,bsy until May a. - It ia reported el Toklo that the Bus , l -alon ' aecond "pacific aquadron waa alghted eff Cape Varel T mUea aoath '; ef Kamranh hay yeattrday. :: rjtZMAS OF PEACE. V i Wmh 'i Tro a Tt V.' . Vert aad Betaia Vaaaharta. ' , : ; ' - (JearaU' BpeUHgrle.) V.".'!.r T- , London, April 18. it la leaned from '-it in authoritative aourea that Japan haa ' definitely decided upon an outline of the - i-terma upon which IT will withdraw, 1U . armiea from Manchuria whaa advance to thla end anal I hare beea made by ' " ' Ruaaia. The terma of peace aa decided on by the -mikado and hla adviaera atlp ulate that' Korea la to remain under Japaaeae protection, and that Roaala la td make no attempt la any way to Inter fere in the administration of the coun try. ' Manchuria restored to the 4 A'tadiroatok la -to be dismantled and become a free port. ; For a limited num ber of years, aubaequently to be agreed unon. Janan ia to maJntala a sariiaoa at Port ' Arthur, and at the end of the agreed period the future of the port Is to be decided .upon by a conference be tween repreaeatatlves of tha two powers, presided .over by. a representative se lected either by England or France, ftus mi ta mi t a in aaoulra- a naval base ta, far eaatera waUrm, an3 the strength of : her ,Oeet la, those- waters Is to be keel' within well defined llmlta "The railway Of Manchuria are to be bought, at. a arloe arrived, at br eaataaj aetUemeat; from Russia by Japan,' and transferred to China. A large ' money Indemnity has been considered by1 Japan. but "this. It is learned, anight be modi-J fled, or even altogether withdrawn. while tha retention of a Japanese garn son at Port Arthur might be waived also on Russia accepting the other terms. MADAME GADSKI SINGS ! i V ; BILTMORE HOUSE ; -,'.,., ; ; ':v, (Joaraal gseeial ssrrlpe.) ' ' Aaheville, N. C April t. O-orge W. Tanderbllt's BUtmore house, well known to, be onajtAha fla eat private residences In America, ta to be opened to the publie this, evening for the first time. The occasion will be a ooncert to be given by Mr. and Mrs. Vanderbllt la aid of charity. Ths program will ba given by the Pittsburg orchestra, Mr. Emtl Paur, conductor, and Mme. Gadakl. soloist, .) - Pre pa rations for the affair have been la progress for more than a month. Mr. Vanderbllt haa had constructed It om nibuses to carry the gueeta from the atatloa to the mansion. 'From Aahe ville many persons will go to BUtmore by special trolley cars. Altogether It Is expected there will be between 704 and too guests, including several parties from. New Tork and other cities. . . v, Panama -Hats . Free; ii. -f -" Rather a startling ; statement. ' but . ' true, ' nevertheless. ' , Paul ' Strain, the man of great surprises, at lit and IS7 , ; Washington street, announces In his ad- : " vertlaement on . page J! of thla Issue . that with every auit or overcoat pur " chaae tomorrow he will give sway abso- i lutely freo a fine genuine Panama hat . These hats were bought by Mr. Strain s to- retail at a figure way ' below the '. prices of same goods aa sold elsewhere. . The hats are all brand new a recent ,, shipment from a large Importer. ' ' r BXiraoaT: ftoaa to pajtamju ' .4 (Jeataal.peelsl Bervtee.) f- V. Houston Tex April is. R. 8. Ben .. sow, formerly of the Oregon Short Line i at forumna. nas neenppnintea auditor .u- ot- the Panama rallcoad by Chairman Shonta. one if The Journal i r.Tain 500 -When in need it T ffsafaV-r.""T move ur A ': ..'. -. '.') ... v.. :.v -.' I ' , and your ad will be :.L -inserted. Rates 21 W02DS 102 I5c - Teleph Female Help BIGELOVY ON VERGE r OF-MENTAL COLLAPSE " , . r,.1fc;-T... Newi Schedule' of - UabiUties - v-. Shows Defaulter Owes ? ; Four Millions. i y ' . (Joarsal RparUI gervtee.) it Ullwsnkts AnrU 21. Another Sched ule of liabilities will be' filed today or tomorrow, by former. Bank President RiMlawI'.It la sioeoted ths figures wUl reach over M.eOO.000. , Bigelow ia la a state bordering on mental coiiapee. . Tk. jtrklestion waa accident ally expoaed by William Bigelow. caab- ier of the Flrat National ana oroiner si the, defaulter. -A telegram was received frrfm New Tork which aUrted an ln .uiimuui Miiiln . In a directors' meeting being called at, tha request of the caahler, and at this meeting frank C. Bigelow confessed hi, defalcation. ik. i . j u.hM4nU f ths netltlon In voluntary bankruptcy promieesto ahow a tout liaoimy or nwr t4.000.Oto. ' The 'Wisconsin Trust A Be hsa been annotated te . celver of the bankrupt aetata. j . . ; FOUR INDICTED FOR i STATE LAND FRAUDS - (Continued frvm. Page One. latora who were using them as a means for acquiring the rich timber lands of the state. For a time the speculators contented- themselves with buying the M-i .... Ae .tha, ninlji Hundreds Of people were Induced to make application for the purcnase 01 cnwn miuw. . money for the flrat payment was sup plied by the speculator, to whom the applicant aaaigned his certificate aa oon ma it bm vwen --- -- paid to theappltcant by the apeaulator was usually from ItM to 15, and for this paltry consideration the applicant made perjured affidavit that he was taking tha land for his own benefit and had made ,no agreement to sell It te another. r . So common did tnis praeuae nwvnw that It cams to be looked on as a mat- . - wm... m.n 'and ier ok cowif. - young women. who woufd have ahrunk from tne idea oi wmmuuiii sold Ualr rights to the land ahafka and perjured themselves In so doing. Prob ably a hundred IndlctmenU could have been returned in Marion eouniy persona who hare thue violated the law, but the grand jury determined that It would be unwlae to enforce the - law against these offenders, many -of whom were the mere dupes of the " clever scoundrels who employed faem. ' , , Stotltlous Xatrymea. . Bat the lend thieves soon found this method too slow for their purposes, and they resorted to mora daring frauda Inatead of buying the rlghta of other people they adopted the plan of making ...iiudnii. in ths names ttt flotltloua persons. .All that was necessary was a clever penman able to disguise-his hand writing so tnat wouia aianq easaai . .kil m nKllvlnar nntarv who liWnrvMvu, m . would certify that the imaginary appli cant aaa appears ama iuuv wui pwr him. In many eases the noUry himself, .ii.mj nsmcs and than uu v- - appended tha false certificate. The method waa tna same oy wnicu ins notorious Benson-Hyde ring acquired ts Immense holdings ih'thtr ata and -td BQine of the most damaging evidence sa s.Klloatinng llvaAsa tavKlrh VL TUflltir of BaUm Appard the) attMtlnc no ulA..aa m.A awstSjieta AM hlknflfaVPlfTl at itjsa aivstMS aaraaa vni- --- -w tesUfled before the Jury that J Turner h lineal f forged the .slgnaturea, la i al most every instance swriincaaif,rs assigned, as soon a, mued. MAT, Kelleher, for whom Tvynor appears to have been working. t-v another Salem notam waa employed to maae me noianai mtuiksw. a mi- Wa . .nnllMllAn MrtiAsd tl V htm SrS declared te have been prepared by Tur ner, who Is alleged to have forged the signatures of the -applicant.- --iisnnon has admitted that hla certificates that the applicants appeared before him were f t.. n(4 he h tisvserssW than.-the papers being brought to him by Turner. Strange, to say, mere is no law in urv gon under which a'notary who Issues a falae certlHeate can be punlahed .. . About 110.000 acres of school lands secured through Turner's agency are stlH undeeded, and the certificates can ba canceled. ' .':h, ta Btaa Konatala meserre. . . A int.tln rsatnra af tha disclos ures is the fact that a Urge part of , w m.4ii MtriM ... in ths nnv posed Blue mountain reserve, and they were, maae just oejors ins mwvt waa declared. That waa during the admlnls- W avnH vs tiAH ar uitiMP b-s armg n n mm girn m ia aloner of the general una omce, ana u Is apparent mai am aecreis ni ins utr partment which were sold to Benson and uAm aJan sold tn the other aoetv .. l .hA nnaratlns In kreson school land a Over eO.OOO acres, of school lands were purchased within the BHie mountain reearra, - tns amr wor the reserve was publicly announced. I Many of ' the apecuiators who have . hAtirh ths ' sr.hnnl . land frauda are -now Immune, on account of . . ... i . i . . . .1. tne BiaiUlO OI lliuiimuora. sui v us land which' they fraudulenUy acquired t.a kanASil raa r h j4aaar1aa haavinfl P hAVi im, UVW VVfwavi a -si, aaa - - as Issued by the state and the title having paeeea to loiru parxiss. , out a .uu.i.n- tial part or tne iobbsb jnsi our wo ..(inas hv tha stats can hs recouoed If the state land board will act upon the grand' jury a . reoommenaawona.. uor ertior ' Chamberlain haa already placed iiniui MMnl tn this matter and has declared that he will sign no more deeds for scnool tanoa untu tnorougniy satisfied of the applicant's right to the land and of the legality of bis proceed ing a ;, v - i. I haa been untiring in hla efforts to bring aefore tne gran a jury tn iTiaran kiH shnnM ! t hratha-fraudarrand Unvaluable asstatance has been rendered py the state land agent, uewaiq went. that the first evidences of the Ir regularities were discover. ,-r-, . ROBERT GALLOWAY W IN FINE HEALTH AGAIN " . i' . "TtoberTT, Galloway, librarian of ' tha Multnomah I' - Library association, ha returned from a three months" jflslt 1J the south, restored in ' health, and todav. he-reaumedHis poaltion. which baa been fUled in bis absn;ebyhls ssslatant, Alfred Parsley. 1 have Been dowa In Mehlko.' not Mexico."' said Mr. CkUloway. "The people of Mexico take offense If they bear one pronounce IV witn tne x in full."- u- . - ..' '. Mr. Oalloway left for the south three month ago and spent 'the time travel ing and livlna- on the cattle ranges and In the raining regions. Part of the time he was at the Cummins mine near the Moaican line, sod he was also la Raa Antonia, Texas; Caaa Orandes, Mexico, and Tombstone, Bleoeev and j Hacq, TRIAL OF BROwil IS FilOCRESSIKG Several Witnesses Examined Give Testirrt,ony Simliar to Jhat '. at -J.. ' . ' - AlreadV BOY'S MOTHER TESTIFIES . - OEAO MAN WAS A BRUTE Father's . Cruelty Is Alleged -to I ; . .Have' Made Boy. a C ; V. i U Cataleptic. " iTi (Speelal Dispatea- te Tks Joaraal.) ' Chehalls. Waah; prll II. The trial of Tom Brown, the youth charged with the murder of his father" T "progressing today. Several witnesses examined go far today gave testimony along the same lines as that previously adduced. The first witness for the defense was Florence A. Brown, the mother of the boy. She said, she was 41 years old. lived In' the state IT years; was born ta' Oeorgtl. met her husband. Charles M. Brown. When she waa a euUd; married him whea she was. II: moved to Texas later: that Brows cam a west first, aad she some months later; Tom was born here. - 1 . . Mra. Brown detailed her husband's drunkenness, and his abuse of her both before and after the birth of Tom. She detailed the story of the boy'a early sickness; he was puny soon after birth, had large abscesses near bis heed, al most causing death; at six months had some loathsome dlseaae .appear on bis neck ana spreading aver the eniid; had the measlea soon after; later almost died from blood poisoning; at' 7 or I I years of age waa operated on at Dr. Ksnntootra ia cnenalie for a diseased limb end later went to Tacbma to Dr. McCuteheon's for - ths same, where "he was nearly dead for 10 days: had epi leptic fits slnoe he was I years eld. the laat one about a year ago this spring.- , jars, jarowirs fwumur Drvufai .out that whea Tens was years old his father got him -by (hm throat and jammed his head against the wall. ''She rescued the boy,- who was unconscloua Tom has complained of pains la the back of the head ever . since. Later the fattier almost . beat the boy ta death two or three . times with a club; he whipped Tom at times antil blood streamed dowa his legs and made him lama; Tom threataned to commit sui cide Whn Tom was 11 -years 4 old Browa 'beat him over ths head with a trap till 'the blood raa from hla eara. The boy waa unable to sleep and would cry In tha night ss a result of ths abuse he received; when:-Tom had hla uneon Bcmua spells he would be dlxxy or break into a favor, later sleeping a day or two.": . ' , , ' . l Mrs.' Brown sata that two days before the Shooting the hay had almost given out. and "Brown came In and declared that Tom's horse must be taken away. She told Tom of this aad saw-Browa chase Tom with a piece of wood whit tied from a doubletree. Tom's life waa" threatened then and at other tlmea .The boy often slept with hla eyas opea aad had vomiting spells, and occasional fits. He' Showed ao-'amotlea :vfa evening be shot Jala father. t'-v a-?:-;--' . The cross examination Of Mrs. Browa Was ry- adverfes -Xba dothwstio relations were gone Into la detail. Asked If there had- been trouble with her hus band, ahe answered, "Te bet yer Ufa lota of It" : She said that one or two of her other children had fits, and ad mitted saying that the killing ot her husband was the best thing that aver happened far. the . family, but denied saying a 'few days ago that she wouldn't have him "back for ll.bvO. ' Deputy Sheriff John C Bohllttler tes tified to the boy's rotating the story of the killing to him on December 14 last. The boy seemed cool, but hesitated at tiroes. As they started back to the jail, Tom said that If they were through wuu him he would like to go home to help bis mother. ': -.;'- ' Walter Blaka- uncle af tha boy, who testified Wednesday for the state, was put on the stand byv tha defense. -He testified yesterday to aot being friendly with his sitter.' The defense attempted to prove Brown's reputation as being quarrelsome . by him, but 'the objection of the stats wss sustained. J, H. Mann, a fellow prisoner In the county JsIL whose appeal on a con viction for arson Is pending. wss the next witness. He told of the boy staring into space at times a I nee his confine ment. 'of his sleeping In the same cell with him, and said that ths boy had light "pells which seem Jlke epilepsy; that arter these he lies In a stupor and Is hard to arouse. . , - Dr.-B.-I Kniskern, of Centralla,, who was for thVee years connected with the northern Michigan asylum for , ths In sane, testified on the subject of ept lensy. describing the degrees, etc. . ' Ik A. Murphy of Morton, who had bee'n a neighbor of the Browns end s visitor at their home, tesUfled to the reputation of Brown In vartoua ways, A. O. Oby waa the. last witness for the day. He had worked with the Browns, father and eon, and related the conduct of the father toward Tom. AGED' SALEM MAN ' ; COMMITS SUICIDE (pecUr Dlepeteh te Tke lownaL) . Salem. Or April II. Peter Orsber, an old and respected eltixea of thla eity, committed suicide this morning by hang ing himaelf ln a burn. Worry over the death of his wife, which occurred four years sgo, waa the cause of the actios. After returning home from church last night he talked for some time abont his wifevand finally .went xa -fcad eryvng. he arose st o'clock, built a fire, went to the barn, climbed np Into the loft, made a noose, lq, a short rope, aatened the other end' to a rafter and stepped Off a box. Hla body was found ley his son -about I o'clock. ' The' coroner was called.' but no inquest was held. ' He was about 10 years of age, ,and leaves a son and .daughter., --j , ' FOUR THOUSAND CONGO r i. -NATIVES Are killed (Joaraal gpeelal gervlaa.) MaraellLea, April II. A. report from the Congo - Free State aaya that 1,000 natives armed with rapid rtre guns at tacked Captain Averts mission, snd that only the captain and six men ea caped sfterfa heroic defense In 'which 4,000 natives were killed. nXMLDZM aWlWia ACTS. ' (Jeeraal Seertal Sertlee.) ' ' ' . New Tork. April-11 President Alex- hndei of the Equitable Life. Assurance Society," yesterday formally dlacharged H. H. Knowlea, superintendent of agen cies,, who was suspended a C4w, weeks : LIKELY TO CAVE Ki Mutt Be: Repaired . Immediately 4 . or Great Damage Will lri-':! : y,.r : evitably Result. . The Tanner creek sewer, for 200 feet east of the section recently repaired by R. M, Rlner Son, is In a dangeroua condition and may collapse at any mo ment. . la order to mass the neceaaary repairs the sewer committee of the rlty council madd a recommendation at a meeting today to tha council to appro priate 11,140 from the general fund te make the necessary reps Ira. , . , IvliJ- Alls11 .ii.i.i m i.i,u w eommlttee that the conduit had warped out of shape, that it was already be ginning te cave, and that the least 'jar would cause It to collapse, . Hs said ttfat unless tha repairs were made Immedi ately much damage' would result, as the effected part was beneath several large bulldlnss east of Waahlngtoa Street,.'., t-CoaneUman-eharkey ' and City Engi neer Wanner Inspected the drain, and the - former t was fully -convinced - that the repairs ahould be -t made- immedi ately. Ha will urge the council ta make the appvoprlattoa. -.-"-. ENVELOPE WAS OPEN (Continued from Page On a) auM aan aAnlttnnat avnsnss on all houses, aad the sentiment here was that ons system well controlled waa better than two or sny sort. r . . "Ton will have to show ," Rumelln la mnriA n hsva said. and AnJv a petition signed by i the representative business men ox tna aity wui sausiy us that they want the new company to gala a foothold here." , - l '.-. The Los Angsles people then secured a petition signed by virtually aU of the representative business, men. and pre- ataul It to tha nauneil committee on streets, of which Rumella waa chairman. ' The rraaohiaa Waa annthatad. ; VnlaDtiaUnAlne thla natttlon. which h. ifamann that RufMltn had anada for evidence that the new franchise was wanted, whea the committee met to con sider It ths decision was to drop the master, and the records at tha city hall anow mat it never came u at wis va lors the council. . ' ' " d.Ia. tha Aanlalnn tn nravanfc actfntl by the council, it is said, a fund of 110.000 was provided oy tne racinc States Telephone company, which was te k. iK.tWhuti mnnf tnamhera of the oouncil who would agree. If It oame te a vote, to kill it. Tne allegation tnat this 114,000 fund waa handled by Rome- ia anil that, tn addition, ha reoalved from tha company, through Manager Thatcher, tne is.oue caeca, wnion was In the shape of a special reward for hla service In defeating the franchise of ths ew company., t -'- Aosoiute oeniai n nm Ainsworth, one of the officers of the sx. nlfli. B. at., anmtianV! ' . hv. X. . T-f . Thatcher, manager ot tha sams com pany, and by- ail wno are interestea in It in any manner on the part of the mammmw tha an tranaattlAna auch VVIM. y.llf , -" - - M. are referred to in the charge that Thatcher eent tna cneca - to nmmim ever took piaca "7' Bameua aUraady Xadloted. ?': - Councilman Rumelln already hai been Indicted by the district attorney for . offering a bribe, to es-Clty JCngl neer Elliott, to induce him td report ad versely dn -taw IS,e0 bid of J1. Ma-aey.-aa manager , of the Pacific Con- .iMurtlna nan 9tf IB vaSei r. A-Wssh In S ton, to build tha Marquam gulchront atreet nnoia - ' v Elliott and Scoggln will testify that ii,. hriha aa arfarad directlv. and that It. was to ba a part el 11,000 that Huma na- tOtd JE11IOM was "in it- iw tnm. i they sucoeeded In throwing out the Ma t.M That Ttnmslin waa anxloua to have Maaeys bid tbrown out so as ta permit the cailiornia toniimougn com pany to get the contract on Its HM0I Wi I. mmiA tn hava haan claarlT SStab- Halted. It Is said that hla Interest In the matter is easy oi piwi, a.i his Interest was -not that of a eity offi- -i. a.i.a aia nralv Inoktnr rntO the merits of the matter, but that It is sus ceptible of proor tnat numenn waa Ive and took It upon himself to see that tha Maney bid did not stand before the aoSAOttua. KaTadt Brt . .J. ;" , , t ' ' ' ' qpjawas a v -aw Dlaulct Attorney Manning.-, before leaving for the coast today, where he will spend Sunday witn bis zsmuy. sua wrtn sin aramd Jasr Aid. -' ' t shall consult with Presiding Judge Praaer again and wUU In all probability, i w i m.ii mitdiirr next af on- aa v - . day morning when tfid. May term of the circuit court begina u uouui that matters have assumed an aspect serious enough to warrant an axhsuat Iv and searching Investigation. Charges are too speclflo ta permit thera to pass without ottch an Investigation, t Want these matters to go before a grand Jury In order that the Inquiry may take s w .nil tha Immenas task sf ferreting out the truth be done by such a Jury. I am working night and . aviaahoa. I hava exam ined scores of wltneeses, and others are to be eummoned, Aa soon as possible nfler the grand IMry Is called, and the court will call It tf I request It, I am assured. I will lay before , It the eharges as... a, a.-... Kaaaaa. lnrigTOfl With ID. 4nd Will inai aW rmv a- at-.-. assist it In etery wsy to sscartaln . the il5h' .l.i has' reached a stag of open-and specifle charges of corruption several members Of the city council, are anxious that tneinv-s tia--tlon proceed and the facta be Uid bare before the world. . Throughout the In vestigation thus tar. won cllmen have not been smirched, but hava been exonerated from all allega- tlona of wrong doing.-'. i yy SMITH'S SHORTAGE - FOOTS UP $89,800 ;) (Continued from Page One.) his brother wss mads cashier la order to protect the runoa ai.k la a man r,t sbnut 40 VOSrS Of sgn, married snd a druggist by profes sion snd waa eiectea tax mmow vT enormous majonty. nis money wwi ..kii. at tha racetracks. He Is sup posed to have' made . , bis , escape , to Mexico. ; . t, ' - .: . nOTOoBAJmdUgHr tnrall WlnlaV lll kiV. an T IJIiaiii-. v. . - . - - Illustrated ledture on "notogrspning In the Tree Tops" which wUl ba' a study of Oregon birds with av camera. This . - . u n ...i tha- sail National department of ths T. M. C A. for, the purpose oi raimuni school children ' In Outdoor life and helnrna them - to become mors- Inti mately , acquainted' with our common oiraa. ; ,--.': f'.,-i , : t i a. I - . OaJLOTJIAZi BBaUD. . . ' : Jsrl gpeelat gsrvlcal '-' ' , Rams, April ft Cardinal Andrea AJutl died here today, aged tl. He be came cardinal -In 101. Prevloualy he was papal nuncio st Lisbon. . ' REDUCE Is the Word That Qfcta Each Person as They Pass by Ouri Largs Show, Windows. ( , WHAT DOES IT MEAN? If means that you san save from 7 to 1100 on a nice, new, high-grade plan at this tims. We have, alarted out, to dlspoae Of 1.604 pianos In this territory within a given time, on a profltiharing baaia. and there la no question btt wtvii we will bs able to do it. fcvefybody will want a nios piano in their home thle year. . We make It possible for you to haare It. and at a big aavtng to you, ana on or-y kym plan, which-la so poputarlth the pea.. ,j. , ,. Second-Iland Pianos We have quite a number of jgeJaao-ond-hand pianos, that we will cloae out st about one half their real value. Tou will rind them ranging la pries' from T5 up, and we will agree to take any of them back at any lima for all you pay for them In exchange for something bet terv : i v . .:!, ' v,-,- A Piano and Player Here la the greatest proposition of ll. Yip pave piao player in our front winoow ana oner both for only 1360. Who will be the our front window and offer nlv llfiO. Who will be the one ta tax ltt Yon may think It too cheap, and so It la, but somebody will realise wnat a snap it is. aa quwa. Allen S GUbert Ramaker Cbinpany oon. Aim KOBaUSOaT. SUMMER RATES Ob W. 1. m BT. 00. ..' -v. ; Hotet Estacada r mvmv vanu! A WRIT. IA. . ar v a . - tala hnaalrfaaS .t . . - 1 1 ?5 Room and board per day.,,..... rtoora an fx yimru ywr wwa .-,v Room and board per week (two Breakfast . . .Tt Liuncheoo W ... ; dv Pinner . . . . ........... . -' .7 . Children under T years and servants; A special ticket.' Including : trolley trips and dinner, LT. . , trips and one day's board. 11.10. Tickets on sale at the eompanys OfBce. Phone or write Ia JB. MABTINO. Mgr. STRIKERS' ENJOINED (Continued from Page One.) ery, Ward A Co. were refused permis sion to return to work because they struck.- This Is tha ground of the pres ent tabor uprising. Ths unions plan ta spread Tha atrlke to Include all anion employes In Chi cago. 'There are 40. 00 union teameters and it ta probable that all wUl ba called out.! Ia addition thera are. more than 100,000 other . union workers "who are likely to become Involved before the contest 1 flnisbtd. . Special asaessmenta hava been made by the ' Federation of Labor to support tna atnxera ana jaqor is preparing for one of the greatest fights between capital and unionism ta history. ' -. .'--., " ' In order td protect their wagons from assault ths employers' association has secured the aervloea of a large number of armed guarda with a result that sev. era! fights have occurred In which there were a number of broken heads. Most of the strike, breakers are imported negroes. , .--. w.---. -. - Electrio Decorations.' . During "ths fair season of the next Ave months Portland will assume a brilliant aanect at night tlma Thou sands of electrio lights win do nsea oy the different business houses-for out slds decoration purposes. The Chicago, ths big clothing store, lf-71-71 .Third street, la making extensive preparations for fancy illumination and this progres sive establishment will aa doubt do something out - of thevordlnary. ' Mr. Oeorgs Loewenaon of the firm,' who leaves for- Chicago and New Tork In a short tlma says that, the Chicago will be the center of attraction In electric disnlsv and that the beat things in that llnsln the east will ba seen st the big store en Third street. Tha Chicago la looked ta roromethtnr extra good, and It Is safs to say that store, jtever dls- sppolnta. ... . ' For municipal Judge, jrota for Ousts v Anderson, Republican. ' - v.. yrrurn iu t -r 'V '' y: :. t;' V:V, . : '':4,"' '..' aV mw aka ms a ai as aval - BBa. B w . YOU CAN TAKE YOUR CHOICE From an elegant display of the regular ' value . ot wnicn . range xrom 93.50 to $6.00. We piithem in at one price for this sale, one only to. a customer . ..-, r " "mm" - "' ' ''' , THE 'v-; POPULAR LITTLE AT A TIME STORE II It! M M '-ta. m " m r ' . ' '- " ' ' ' C3.l''Trr'" ' ' V ' '; ' -.' .: ' j . . . . ' v" " ' "Y ' ' ' ' ' - " ' -r"T .a :. Aaai -.' '''i: r r . ,.,U;- ...-,.,:vf :rri---rt"-. t'7 ' ;.. ., , ;.''' v '"." ' f : r . -t-;t:t ' ''' :, ''''", ' - .? ' ''.-v.'y''.'v ' Here's the best 4 - ial we have ever offered Built , fof solid ; weathered ;.roak:;in; ( Sjpanish mission deslgil ; with Spanish; leather :',p&-.ial-g ' tomorrow only. : No ; mail or ; f. Wi -t' . "a i-- "' telephone : on ' J ' : -'t, ,' ' I.-; SEC0N3 AKO MCrJSON STRIHS r? n J7 A m;A J (t-: .4, .' .;.-.,,, : --'!. $ ' -.' V . Values: no. other concern In Portland can duplicate. Many styleawnany sixes-agJl standard brands of cases and move-: mentt.' No complicated paper to sigrconfidential dealinfs Mew llsaml advaaaw aiaa. ea all artiaUa af velss, at tosest rata at late-art. FrW rate eatrane. lise at. IMaaMBda sad staer iewelry ea ataaa easy wertuy pay, ataat pkuw THE RELIABLE LOAN OFFICE 'L b. houucan, ive :;,V' 61 TtSrd Street, Cor. Pin. We so srswa aad ertsge work wrtaeetata. Oar U mn' .iparWae la ylate work ea ablsa a. to M rout amitb (oaortablr. Dr. W. d. Wis. ase feand a safe way te extnet tasta, wltbeat pale. Dr.. T. P. Was la upart at fM rilllag aad trewa esd brldre emra. titraetlag Ire. wkee platea ar brtdgai are ardered. , WISE BROS., Dentists FauJag BafUllaa. aea Tahd Sad Waah Sta Opsa esalma till p. av Bnadara tresi I - to IS. Or. Mala SOSS. OX. T. I. WHS. 15 OREGON i DAILY JOURNAL A NlWSPArll r OR. m. w u r it. Mm' I odd Rockers,' M S AT U R D A Y ; E V E N I M G SPECIAL : '.prom o to'Q.ojbi-,ocKUi-,;'i,;;t( 7 ' Did it ever suggest itself to .' - finest kind of a pan to bake -' ;-a sample of the finest kind '::;HCg On and Regular Price 75c A A n Tl size ioxig 0)W 1 wit vVwjh; v. Taboret spec- orders " taken. V'V- . . -t .;' ., It,: -easy terms, a tutu aown ana $1 A WEEK ALL THlv PlOrUt you that a meat roaster irf the breadtn.'.: We can show you! baked (In the l-i'H. Roaster.;- Tfj ff rmrntf "' ". i Reiular Price $1.00 Of ZQ 41x16 THE , RELIABLE i FURNI- -TURE'V store" mm n, w. a win. irnA w pi urn -..'-. W 1J T TIf ' T 111 i ' 0 : ry t T V?. - ,' ',' '.'V t . ,',, ' .- ' '(, "1