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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1905)
.the crcccir suwDAY JOUrrrACPOnTLAIID, DEMAND ' FOR CSICCN' PO TATOES IN ALU MARKETS IS SHOWING AN INCREASE.! r 'V oT . , . oT v' ' i w . Wsiaa9k-Vl C'J:ZT ALL T. i. ;: ) aaa eaB.4 , .-,. FIRMER FEELIKG wag t the aaetefgol ei PartUal.' Of, ' u.-.wuUM'Unxi tM aaswm e . : Ths stws . and gmotatloaa . of e ' eaksmead asarm eaekaagas e priatoel U this iaaae ef The e ' Jowrnal .are faAlaked by Over- e 4 heek, attan ft Oooks Oo. - Oa , e e oago Board of Trade Brokers, .1M TklM atost. .. mU l.e. ..mJ k.l TI j-.i. aw A 10 er IS- i W I It M POTATO e as h-aa. f Sauna. i . .;.,, ",, ; j' ; S'.T - i , ' w roaoarSBL W." ?.'. wlsl Iniw... ..'"'' 22 t THE mm - uuw ......("; rtr uTzmznn nnxaxtAttn. Special AarerrUIeg ATfrr. an street, haw lark, XMkua amarn- t witTsmVVs liZiii- V 1 amBlM. ....'' wltk kuwdny. t smatkB, JOB rnr Iwhi with imif. I iwar...? liny jewraai. 1 yeer naiiy j ' e LaJlp J ' Ilnllr Unl a awmtha. I iy Jwraal. wiU Boeder. 1 "t-- V . truy, ear .weak. (Minna. sammy . laalaBI j ' ....-. XU bmnr.'tm imt, 4urere. aWay ' ; am ............. ...v.- v ' taw hy aUU. Halt iHml, with Sunday. 1 Iwa...eTBe T rl"t7 Joaraal, 1 ;,.. ...... B.U ' l.iy JoaraaL WIU Bead ay, moatae. 8.JB 2" ,o1- moat.... iiM:r2 4 M tally Journal, wttk Sunday, t aamVka.81.8S 7B Catty Journal. meetke ? ae Dally Journal, vita Snuday, 1 asestb.. .84 ? Dalle Jwrual. t mentk . Sunday JoaraaL 1 year...... J-00 amyaaaiy aramal, s an. .' Tke Bmai-Weehly Journal. Tka Beml-Weetly Journal to IB pages ..... mm f Immmm 1 1 1um full aaarkSt n- - Pt, 1 yeer.....,..................-B-mt I eealtuarae aboald be mad by drafts, poetai, eaanmi MiMi aad imu amaaata .in -vUW la. 1 a-4 Ih-uI "-TjjaU P. . Bm 111. PartUac. Or. -- ' UI lOVXMAX. EU U WOKB. i. UUnO S. mUat 4k 0a. W. B. U- Pntuffca Raw MpaaJ. m " ' ' tX'TX). Kaatric Baak Baaagy -. iJ Imatoiiita Mraatj J. BaMk. k u4 Cartia (trcala. CtU J. MrCarralla. a. it kA Paatetfln Book aaara. - . I Cf t r Vaa Now Nawa aaasnaay. ivMOaXJU U. P. Oaroaar. aa' atrMtj . OUnr UHnaf, taata C "aat. ' r - - . UHL44 M. . EnaaMC. W aaf 10 . . rn-bMtiH'i, TJatom ". '-a Ktira aaaiaaar.' . 4. ,r4 Hotel luawa atm4; MmmA ap"ay. IMa Faraaai aliaal. t 1. a Cilf kaayaa Hotel Mow ataa4; i 4t Waat ocaa4 atraat, aoaia. . i . , ' t-'!)p moador, M timl MfaMS ( mO-W. B. Ardtaf. Palaea Botal m mm-i mmA lnTdi Warkot BWOOtt a . ar4 i 0 cottar atnot, aa4 Salat ' k !; toatar ) Oroar. Parr eaUaV ; n. aoauoy, sua Hoat nrm. lu-uuat uraaa nowa ouaai td, V1. Joha W. Oarhaa Or. . VAa. Coatral Mow aaaaaaWI ITli ii MaM ata Ia, . a TletorU Book tatlrkoTy AVOTIOB lilU tOMOBBOW. Tr 1 T. Wllooa. m Pint rtroot. at 1 , a.--""i W .of faralahlBca of pmaca taalaaaca. T. naoa aaotloaotr.' . . ' WIBTBBB B1P0BT. Tko WMtkar la ia rally ckoasy ttls onwlac t tko aortk Pacfrle otaba oaat o tko Caa- An, white to tko wnt at tkla naa of .ntataa a4 U aartkara Calltarate tka uwr . hi etear.' - It ai oaolor tkla nalac la aaatkara Tdaka, whro tha tamaantan la tnat- U k It o - kmof tka 14 waM ok aaa kear yaa- lao ladlrattnaa an tor parti chad woatkar -la taw awtrin. aoaaay. - . . , Oboii loilona to t a. m.t ' ataalamai laaiuafl r -rr, M lnun; ailalaiaai teaportoro. 41 i ao- 'na. Riror maiaoT at ii a. ak. o.p ianj mhi la aoat M koan. O.S foot. Total an- ...lloa. a. a. to a. at., tncfj total pro r -atloa alnra koptnaabr-r 1. 1004. ST.W la-kaa; mal arerlplraUoa aloaa cVvtoaibar 1, loot, , at taokMi onllrlottry, 11.U InHMo. Totel .-nhlM. XarW T. 1(M, :; aoaalblo oaaohlao. iril 7. lauk, HOO. Baroaattar (raaaooa oa kml) at ... kO.M. , XABBIAOK UOZBtU. , iiui n idih in j !.. M- r.ii KraacboL SB. i , Utll Knait. 0; kUry Kbart. M. , f Loaw B Lonl. SS; Loa raoa. M. -,.; i V & Oaorga. 41; Brllak Vyatkark-aaf, 49. f WoOdf CaVoa. W. O. kmltk 0a.. Waak- S(toa kMif., oar. Faartk aaa waaaiagtea aav 2, rnaMtartaai aa Orajoi CHraf Bao, boot ;miwo4; BMoara, adoatlkA aoaiiilota. Ckaran i k-alta, -: caiiaroa. mm. jawrii i. a. fo a. bl. Paruaaa CraaaiOoa aaairlirtoa, I twUa-4. otoo-oa. - ., , ; Tka B4war4 Botaua C4-itakaf Tnaorai auottata a laoroat. . tkaaa MT. rlM 4V ttam. faaanl airartafa aa4 ' baJawra, earaar T-lr4 aa4 Madkwa aUaaUL ,.oa at ooaaty earaeor. 1flopkaaa Mala B. 'at toatka aiWI eat Bowara a aaarlalty Bon- City Annkoaao, Twaaty rciat aai ' Oot roar laaanaaa as kali acta to roal loatato frora tka Tttla Oaaraatn Traat aoav r.C3BEtt IS. KILLED . IN REVOLVER DUEL I Dandits Hold Up Saloon and Es cape With Booty-Purtued . v and Captured. . (portal Dtapatrk ay Laaa4 Win to Tka Joaraal) Canyon Diablo. Ari, April , i.--ThH inontinv kboot'l o'clock, th. ffliww mIoob at Wlruilow, ArL. owned by O, button, waa antarad by two masked men n rwsoi n awui tivv, Tharo waa wo ona la tha aaloon avt the tlroa azoapt tha - night watchman, 'tha Hht employe belnf at lunch." The rob- Ofira anivrva m iuw uuvr ami wi ui luvn corereal tha watchmaa with hla rua and ordered htm to throw up hla hand a. The AthM fallow aeurd what monrr waa . In alcht at the roulette wheel and they mad their escape. ,.. v. , ; nerin tiouca or, moidtook ana uv uty Pemberton were at once notified and started In pariult. ; About o'clock this awning ther ; cam upon tha robbers at Canyon IMablo, a station about 21 miles west at, Wlnalow. . As soon as the robbers found thy were so closely pursued, they opened (Ire upon Mouck and Pemberton and a lu llads ot bullets followed. Sheriff Houck killed one man. John Shaw, and Drputy IVmberton wounded the other, W. Smith. Smith was searched and about 101 sliver dollars were found upon him. Upon being questioned . Smith eonfessed..tbat connected with the robbery. ; Deputy Pembertoil received a bullet through his coat aleeva but waa not . iiired. t BherUI Houck cam out of the .alia without a scratch, which was al 'oost a miracle, as the firing was done . The coroner at PlagaUf. was notified and an Inqueat will be held over the (.ody of the dead robber as soon ss the -voroner ran arrrv upon the scene, , CxnVrupt Sal Musical Coodtv Bcores of pianos, organs, guitars, t .andollns. banjos, violins, diners, har- . r rmlcaa, l.ftt books, K.tot copies of neet mnale at closing out prices. Must , aMd kt arw. Wright's Music Ilouse. i.I rttsata) stmu Supplies Becoming Small and v Demand Is Larger All Along r the Pacific Coast. ' ONION MARKET SHOWS A A SENSATIONAL TONE Eggs Have Slight Decline With Heavier Receipts Poultry r. i'-:t--: Hii '.';";',y;?':i: r4 front treat April a, a. bl Tao prladpal fmataraa et tka portlaad wkoleMk) auu-kota tka paet week went' . ,1 ' raaey aoiann an aisnor. , Onloa Burkrt la eraeatlunat. ' ( '? v ', Eat akowlng a allkt OcIIbo. , ' ' v Local kens an qooted lower. J , ' -, ' , freak aant market dull. : . , Hose an dull, kat anaor. ; .. poultry la aoBMwkat klgker, . . i - tHamm la Better aurkat. , . ' ' Jupaaaaa etlll kaylng aoar. Wkaat ki dell, bat areier. v a - Gettlag reedy for aalnwa aeesoa. . Potato Market b Xigaar, All tknack tka week tken was aa lsiprond too la tka poUto aurao. - Tko kotter .tnung la tka varloes aatolde BMrketk waa a gnat kelp to eoadUloao ken, bat tko ekortage tat etocke le Ike real factor ia torelos the ad- vaan. Then puimlaie to bo a very keary duaaad for yUU.-rraca. tka far aortk la a abort Uaie. and tken ao .ao etoeka ken to acad tken.' Span Ookwado potatooa an Bow oa too a- way, hot evea itk taoae tken will abortoge. Tke geaorat tnej espocia ao mat adraaee la the price tola naaoa. At eoaatry eklppkag kotota doalen ken ere say ing aa klgk as 1 eest a poaae) .tor laacy aweka. . Oalea afarket Is keasatleaai. - -Tke ealoa aiarket was seaaatloaal dorlag tka peat week. - The eoppUn ot kwal gnwa stonca an very liauieo ia nn, aaa mmmm tmmm w (nil ran eaa be eatkered ta Bay kwellty. Tken an keU ia vary atnag kaada. and tka keaTy advanre la tka artee tka atat wars waa ido i. ' Tke week caoeed wlta tocai eaagae at 4 eeats a peaad. ' , - Mess An Itaa hat Oaiot. Tke sop aatrket waa very qnlot last week, kt tka toe waa enooser. A few sawn sain reBorteat ranoad earner' tsarea. , Tke knwen' coaoMa M koMlag eat joat ak ana r. aad ia etIU refaalag to Bay aw pnaaat valaed The gnwera, oa tke etaer haad, an koldlag Joat .aa ana, aad skew aa MdtcaUua of ylounog. - Xggs An Ikewlag satall Boellae. - r Wttk very keavy ronlata darlag' tke week. h ' aa aaarket sbowa a fraetloBal oeellae. a Sort wae aaade By tko larger com war es epenton to atop atoring, - bo au doalen weald not eaaseat, aad tke neaN tkat alamt all the epantan' togas etortog agala. Tke Boaltry aaarket dBrtag-tae wees mmm an atrau. Tke nealpta wen aiadarate. bat area tke klgk arte tailed to ckeek tke Dnaait Keats Won Tory SalL " Bitresae dallaaaa-nled ta every part ef tke aaod wet aaarket. Boeelpta C veel aad dreaaad koga wan eaoraeaa and aa tke weatber Mrmm mi oa rani ' ta aomaaa aauw mm aaaaa n arapplas. Mauy aklpawete wen nude to eold storage yaa aupnkeo war aaek . we Beary. ptl-m or karw. Bat .a Bailor ww m x' dt tklo waak. ma BBfBnf UBwa wan aa Brat, set arlna .eeoMlaad a boat as SUTlaaaiy ajaetea. ,. SlaaiS la Batter Market. The saint ta tke katter aairkot en Moaday wae tke talk ef tke wkoloeele diatrlet all tke week. Bontpta ef hwal prodaet an beglaBlag to skew eigne of retaratng aetlrlty. dad anp allm ef Callfnrata kalter an llkewtae keavy. lorol enaaafaetanr ande fa egort to cat ith CallforBla people eat., aad tke aevon ent la artre waa tke malt, tbb eaunoon . oiayra wltk tke avu-ket aad tke toe la weaker tbaa avaw. Oaaatrv - eton kattar Is eeaila: B frawlr. , bat tka domaad laaaelae very goad. Tka ' eoppuee of . local ebeaee an Better. But tke Burke, la taking evarytaing aa eeaaoa aad rata la Ks foU arainaaa. Jaaaaese StOl Barlag Tlaar.; . ODaaMerabta-Soar wae sold test -week -to tke - erteat. tke earn ta japaa anag very keavy. Tke main trouble bow Ib booking Soar orders le to sonar tnasporutloa la ttaaa GATES CROVD UNLOADING TIIEAT Fear of Law an Exposure Starts Panic Among Bull Operat ,ors on 'Change. t SHORTS REFUSE TO PAY; PRESENT INFLATED RATE Bears State That Laws of . Illi nois Which Forbid Corners :' Are Being Violated. , (Special Dlepatek by Lessed Win te The Jooraal) Chicago, April Fear of law and ex posure kn connection wltk tho, glgantte corner In wheat, "being conducted throughout , the country, .by John W. Oatof and- his clique of Wall street financiers has started a panto among tha Gates brokers on ths board, of trade that has already resulted today' In' the transfer by two of them of their trades to other bouses In order to "get from under." -;,- . v ; -,. , A sudden collapae of ths wheat cor ner, which has already brought a profit of millions of dollars to John W. Oates and hla followers among the longs Is freely predicted aa ths result of the rumors that were current .today that many big "shorts' ia wheat have deter. mined to refuse to pay tho Inflated prloa for wheat and will submit to law suits rather than settle at the present prk. . , . - ' - :. Mucn suits, it is aeciarea. win uncover tho fact that many of the Oates bro kers, acting for. him,', are defying, ths laws of ths stats of Illinois and ths board of trade, which forbid- tire oper ation of corners in commodities includ ing -wheat.' ' .' .' .'i - -j J. Flnley Barrett, director in the hoard of trade and a enember of the firm of Barrett Co., transferred his trades to Knight, Donnelly at Co. Barrett Is a Oates broker and chairman of ths clear ing house committee). J. Herbert Ware, director In the board of trade, member of ths firm of Wars at Leland. transferred his trades to Bart lett, rrsser aV Carrington.? 1 '' Vtxob' 'BXwAJa svo-eaa inreuura.' , (Rperlal tltepatck ky Loaard Wlrs te Tke lenraaf) . London, April I. A Calcutta dispatch states that ths vice regal lodge st Simla, has been declared unsafe, and Lord Cur' son and ataff removed to other buildings on ths groondftV The earthquake com" pletely ' destroyed ralaronuur. V where avuiy bond reds of lives wers lost. srert aarlag the arw Japan duty wblck goes late egort Jaly M. Hay Buurkat la wnk wHk keavy offfrlngv Barley .' la aot n Brat. l"ke. eats market la vary eulet and ; aackauged. . MUhttuga an awotad oumlaaL . Tke wkoLiaale a oat at loss wklrk ralrd St the etna of tk week woroj , - - wiaks, riear aw WBSAT Nominal; emb aad red. eftcl Mas atom. Wqvtxrs vallfv, eTOoo. . HAKLkx reea, a.ov, rauoa. sa.wj arvw- tkg, ss set OOBN Wkela, M.BOl cracked. ' It TB-Sl.lae' ewt.' " ' OATS No. I wklte, gmVOOl gray. IXOUB Bsstera Oroaoa Patoeta. M.Sti Btnlgbta. SS-Tft; uporta. S.50JS.M valley. 4.10; grabam. . 4.00. lua, 4.4B, rye, kOa. lo.OO; baka, ft-Te. ', MllAalTL'rut Braa. 1.0S par ton; and dllnaa. tm.lMti aborta, eeaatry. e3S.Ml ekes. '. ,. , . . ha I xiaaMBV. wiuaaarrn nuir. nary. (lt.00; ordinary, 111.00 eoatera Orrgoa, tit 00; Buioe, is.uus cierer, sii.uoi groia. Beat, pii.uo. 11.001 Battar, Xggs aai Beattry. RtTTm PAT Ivat SSc; amir, ' ta. BUTTEK Croamery. best, VOZIwe rrado, xte; nutaldo fancy, Jaml S4c; raiaarjr, Iftc: California. ara6c: atore, 15lte, KiKltv No. 1 freak tfrogoa, IT He. ' CUkKBI Kew PaU . cream, twin. lac; Young AaurVra, HplTc; outora, wa)Uaes Callfurnia. lei Caoddar. Ida, POLXTftY CblckeBa. mtzed. 14Ue per lb: bene, 14 St b loo par Ib; roootera, eld, lSH)4e per youag. ie par m; areiiera, ae.ouua.uv par doa; frrora, ITc per w: dacka, a.0C)y.O0 per doe; gnat. tajSe per lit; turkeys,, 17fltte nr lb; drooeed. auOilLlbe per lb; 'souaka, iSOUtOO per doe. . - . ' Bepa, .Weal, aad Xkua. ' . , ' HOPS Amtraet. ltua. I am IT.: ISot era. 4kt-fc! far ckuieei 2JttSe tor . primes aad mealuaM. .... WouLi 1S0S ellp. valley, enerae to modi ma. Uejlwci gmv l23c; asters Oregea, 1SSJ MOHAIR NomluL 0JSJe. ' BUEU-nKINB-sfcaarlag, lut20e; abort wool. WiuiMc: awdlam areoL Mmtmi Jaas . wooL auciilll.OO aack. - .'.. ' r- lAUjw-mat, par ta, saoei ne, g sag arooa. 2u2We. CHlTXlat BABC 0 144 POT -HIDCa Dry bidea, Na. 1, It lbs aad aa, 1SW1SS par lb; dry kip. Ke. U k to It Iba, 14c; dry ralf. No. 1, aadar lb. laoiSe; dry salted kldee, stern, sound, SO lbs sr over, tU He; 50 to Km, 8Ma; aadar SO tta and rows, sajtHe; augt and bulla, aoaad, mQIti kip, IS to to Iba, Ik-: eoand. IS to 14 Dm. Svl pe; na, oonau. anoer iv loa, ewiie ft. eaylag lansalted). le par Ib araat eulia, le per I Bona kidrs. ml tad. wck. l.KtJl.Tt; dry. ram,; colt Bioaa, aara, nsoooc Iran Ik lam; hidaa. earn- 1 goat ' sklna, commas, eerh. 10tUc; Aagora, ou. oaca, ocsii.o -. ... Bralta aad Tagalsklsg. ' . -. J7- POTATOES Beat. Oregua. l.OOtll.10; . ' ear Vxm, f.-a. k. eouatry, ertgtl.v0; aacoad gndo, utHtee eprk: boruig, ear, lets. Toft Mr; Rarly koeo. l.outil.lD; awooti, . boat, l auQl.); cratrd. tl.16;. aw California,. 4e pr Ib. ONIONS 4.00; bayera' prlcae,- roaatry, IS.oottS.TH; Aaatralla, 4J0.0O; .garlla. U 10 pWlb. ' - -1 PBK8H FECITS Apples, eitra faacy, 4 l.aO; faacy Oragoa, IfiOWe par bos; eboea gndas, totgTSe per boa; oraogm. nanl. t2.O0Oa.e0 bos; Japaneee enngn. etS)a9e ho! bsaaaaa, 4Vkoe per lb; Iobmus, eeolce. tt.7i per kes; fancy, M 00 pae Box: Bsaae, MeaMaa. OSe per 100; Blnaapplaa. t4.00aa.00t eraaberrln. nut rra. tu.uu per bbl; aUforala atrawbarrles, tS.00 ore rrat. VBOKTABLEB Tel alps, - TBrntOe per aaek; eaiTuta. tl UU4J1.10 per sack; keeta, !. par aaek; OrBa radlakea, Br par aoa; nabag. Oregea, pa, rwt; rallfonria. tt ludl.lS; Isttaes. kotkouaa. l.BoOiJto pop ante; gnoa prepare, Te per lb: Cklll popp.ra. 14 par lb; nirry. .s.T6t4.00 . par . aratol toaMtaaa, Plurlda. . sa.So: - Makleaa. tXz&ta !U. Caaalpa, "LOOml at - pto . pmat, ote par at atriag bra no, IV; - eilflewr.. - Or aoa. 1.00O1.S0; CaUferala. tl.SS aer crate:' rkabarb. t prr lb; aampklna, le per u; aonaraoi.a, imae par m; eprouta, ac; artickokra. 60el7o Bar aoa: hothoa lettnaa. $1.601.7t per bet; Oragoa ndlabea. aB40e par sos; greea oniona, eoe pee nee; nparagua, loe par lb; aplaaea, T5e per box ; . aqaaab, le sep- km. - -'.... lKIKO FBtJITS Apptae, evaparated. YOt per lb: earicota, ' BHQloa par tai aueka, M par Ik Vmai peachee, lalh prr Ib; paan. 1 par Pj; Braan, Itallaa. sHOtUe par B; rreseB. wm per u; nga, uaurersu 4He par Ib; CaUferala white. par a); pluam, pitted, par m: eatea, geiaaa, par lb; tarda, ll.ftS par la-lb bos. , noariaa. Baas. Bto. - SUOAB Back kasla .Cuke. M Wi 1400; -fralt graaaleted. M.0S: dry granulated. bo.wb; eec graaoiaara, e.i gnioea v. aa.aa Sue edvaan tor eaafc. IS B0NKY 14ueiUc Left; aatn C, fa.; W; kale, 10c; bbat, Btet b ea pack Boala, mm Mw pes dsn: aaa aio. lsOiat per hi, CorrEB Packag braads, (I4a. Bales, ta, ta, 4a. la, 10s. II. SO; lews, S1U.IB; ALT Plae I MIDI, IMUf, UU O...W, ported Urerpool. Ms, lit .00; tlAkOl 10a, 100a, . m M.eOOI BO: balk. 130 Bad 44.0UO. BUS, WSJoUOV ALT Omraa Half eroaad. 100a. Bar fT.po: bus, per toe, 47.10; UvarpooL lamp reek, lda per teai-M-lk reek, 47.00; WOa, 44 Ta. Akeve prices apply to aslae ef was tkaa ear lota. Oar kite at apodal prtcas sbat m Oa- ORAIN BAOS Cilratta. oTBmt.OO par 10. BICB Imperial laaea, Be. 1. a t: Me. 4e; Kw Orloaaea. kwid, tHOte; A4x, 11 Crania, 4a. BBANS amll wtrtta, 4c; large wklta, PHe: pink, bayou, ftlbi lima, I Vie I ataxic NUTS Paan ta, TUet Jambes, He per lb; raw, oajiue per m; raaaaea. i MtS0c nor sos; wshmts. 14lle per lb; pine eeta, 10gim par Ib; klckory aata, 10 per lb; rkaataata, outer, liaie par Ikt avaau a loe per ib; n Ibarra, loejiu Ikt Braatl aata. Mr tb; fancy peeaaa, 141k- per Ik; alawads. ltfllftf per la. Pants, Oaal Ous, (as. ' BOPg Pure Maalm. 14e: ataodard, US SkiaL 10ic: latla brand eiaaL SVa. ' COAL OIL yarl or Astral Cases, tie per gal; water wklte. - area bole. . 1IV4C par gal; wooden, ITe par gal; kredllgkt. ITfrdag, Sanaa, ta par gel: boa fcbla, 14H par gaL 0 kan U S 44f , eaaas, gte par gall be sola, see par gall etov. eases, Mfed par gu; Iron bbIS, 18e par gaL . TUkPBNTIBB la easss, toe pat gal) His. tJe par gaL , . , j zee par gai. BeNriNB es-dog., bbla lRUe par gal. -. WHIT LBATt TM in nv fctta. rut ar tk! BOO-Ik ana, t per let aw rota, aa pre re. WTRg HAILS Promt kaee at ITeo. ' ' UNBKEO OIL Pan raw la bbm. el par gal; easee, SSc per rail graaln kettle bolted, aaara, toe per-gal: bbla, Ue par sal; ground ease, car lota, S.0O am toa; lam tkaa oar lets, 11.00 per ton, :. . . ,. ' Maam. Pbdi aad Tn lis I aaa ' PRE8B MkVATB front atnet Beef, steers, 4rotc per -lb; pork, block. TOT He pre Ik; peckers, 77H per Ik; bulb). 4 per Ib: cows. IQ4e per Ib; . mattoa. safe aad lamoa Wll priw .ovo.w, , root, extra, dHttTel erdlaary, jtte perHbt Peer, 4H per Tb. BAMS, BACOB, BTC. Portia ad Pack floral) ha ma. 16 to 14 lbs. Ifc per lb; 14 to IS ms, 13 par lb; 18 te lbs. lie per lb; cottage. e per lb; breakfast beeoa, U4fle par Ib; plcale. So pee lb; regular .skort dears,, ea smoked, - per Ib; samkod. lofce per lb; clear aaraa, unamosea, pa par ia: eaaoaau, lur par lb: Caloa butts. 10 to It lbs, aaaasokad. Sr per lb: amok ft. B par lb; rlaar belllea, .SB smoked, lie par tb: rmoked, Ur per Ik. LOCAL LAkO Krttl Inf. 10a. 10i Bar Ib; 6a, lOVke per lb; SO-lb tine. 10e per Ik; ma ntanM, 10s. o per m; ea, a aer Ik: tabs, e par Ib; bw, S4 par Ib. CAMNRD BALMON Cotaabla rtw l taTIa, fl.SS; t-lb talla, 1150; faacy I -Ik lata, 13.00; U-lb faacy sata. I.2A; faacy lib a rata. $1. Tit Alaska tafia, pink, WJB0 red, 11.40; semlaal .tell. MOO. . ., . PISH Rock mod. Te per tb! Boaadars. Be ear n; kaUbat. TVt per lb: eraba, l.24 par doe; rtrlp4 i baaa, 100 lie per Ib; ,-vat-Sak, Te ' per R: ml num. , eklnook. ' IV; etrelbesds, par tk; fro aaa ollvarsldre, Tc par tt; karrleg. be par lb; ealaa. 4 pee Ib; abrlmpa, 10 per tb; shad, dremed. per Ib; aorck. Be per lb; sbsd re. per Tb; oka. Ss par Ib; black cad, a par lb! Coraakla rlrar eaMlt. a pre tk; etlnr email, ke per Tk; loeaten, IXHe freak mackaral, Br par Ik; rrawdak. 90s par daa; iBBawSk 40 per lb I Starravoo, Te par Ik.' OIBTEBB SB baarwntor bar. set sal- tt-lBI per nek, Te per tb. CLAJ-Hard fk.ll, per bat, gt-tO; raaar tlsms. 4X04 per bar. . , '. 111 1 a UYSBPOOt BBAIB BA1XXT. ' TJvernenl. April t.-rioaa: , Wkeat May, t , Cora May) d klihar; J1y 14 hlfber.' Haw ' Bew Terh-Leadea bugar.' Tort. Aern P. Sugar, ckaeged: nwa.alcedr ead aecbangMi Losdea pl, anrer,. apn' ass auy, is Su., , ;,...'... . '.' . ...' , - - . i - ' " :-- . , - . '..'., i ,. . -. -, ' v. : . :,? ;. - . ; y ."...''.',"'-;'.-..",, 1 v v. ,, t I,.,,.,. . , ... .. , , i .',' 'V" A v v- iovr; ; ' B0WLED.0Uj;X V j ;n-.'ll:r ;-:A:i GAIN Ifl CATTLE TOE ONLY CHANGE Receipts of Hogs Are ; Smaller But Dealers Do Not Care , --"'Vto Buy at Price.' SHEEP MARKET HAS Ar VERY STRONG FEELING Receipts In All Lines of Livestock J Generally ' Heavier .Than ?v Last Weetc. Portland t'ama teckyarda, April t,' a. m. IJveatock recelpUi-., , Bog. Cattle. . tWa. Tkla',...;...4MO T IM ' ,TT Laat week ...401 -i TI Sit Prcrlou week ...........1ST -- lT' 4.3S . Tke peat week kes ebawa a very wesk teas ta tke nog market, aad It waa set aata tke very laat day tkat tken wee any Improvement Braa the email rararpts tailed to invoke any eatkaslaam la tke market.- Tke tone la cattle wee . vary etroag and price advanced prac tically 36 rente during tbe week. Tke sheep market waa la good shape, wttk ae ckaagn la tk price, .; " Brrlvale at the Tarda.' '' fnwliv TaaT-le. Ratlee. f Rkanlka'tt et cattle for Port Towaaend; W. U Waite- bmt. leaaroy. carload off k or aaa. , Monday MlUrr A aVhaeckloU. of Peaaeroy, nr vf cattle: R. N. tanSeld, ef Bcko, twe ear. of cottl for OlrmaLa. - Tuesday Jamas Mace, from Bhaalko. car of nttl: A. P. Hunt, of CaerUo, CsL. four can ef cettlei Cantrne Parking company, et Ta coma, six car. of California ebrep; Olbkea A Haaiey. of McMlapvllle, car et eke). - Wediieoday A. . Bmltk, ef Oakland. aor Af uknen. r . Tkarsday M. fL' Olllett,-ead B. T. McTnl kmgh. botk.from Echo, twe can of rattle aaek i I. C. Ha raa. of Tlrpoaer. "twa cattle: Kiddle Bra., ef lalaad City, twe ran of kees; W. B. Karta nam- from Nebraaks wltk twe can ef koga; J. C. Darn, et Bhedde, nr ef ekeep aad bogs; T. J. Medley, of Oak land, ear of skeep. , eKrldar Joke skew; ef Kche. nr ef rattle: Ms eartoede ef California aheap Mr Taeoma. siatnrdav A. t. I'tokard. ef Kagesa, two can ef ekeep; Lee MlUer. ef Mlllerobarg, twe can er ebaop: so mrioaas ot jaoataaa caiue, sa route to tke aoaad. .Official price for Hvasroek: ; Ho. Price Bemwal. .Boot eastern Oragoa. K.ooiS.0O: blocker and C'blna fata,.- 45.26; ekM and fa-dera. B4.nOnl4.7n. - Cattle Uat eastera trrcgoa ereara, B.xo; light aad medium atetrs.-3oO23.7; eld ead light eowe, S.v2a.7S;. stockera aad f radars, kloo; kalla.. It.eO. - - Phcep Beet faacy akeee, awes, a4.S0U4.kUi eprlag laabe, BHtjac...., ty,:, tABTIBB HOat arTlAT.,.'.-J; -Oilcan. Asrtl A Llrraterk receipts;. . . -. ., , Hogs. Cattlr. - gheep. Chicago t,'..,.l.or4, , 400 ; ... 1,500 Kaaaae City .......... a.ouw ., .. m-i .... Omaka t.ono noo 1. 000 mlrmtm' miaaau nrnoy mi orw. Receipts a yeer age wen i.onw. rriera-foaa Mixed. U.otl.-H; good. tB.fiOOk.oS:. reagl a.sntB.4; IWBt, aa.xuige.oiM. - . , ,t. Sheep Steady. ' .i.' ...W ...... I ! I I I, ,..1 '-(., J r XOBOraJt, IfTBTBe TOOXS.-l aaa PfaaenKe. Twtl. Bid. Montana ' ...;.'.. 40 Midway ........1.7IMl Mcnamara .... Belsaoat ....... 14 Nurtk Star... 4 .St I Beecue ....... .14 Oold Mt .14 Jim Bntlar. .Hi -Nevsds .....'.. Tea. Rates... T S.00 A Rod Top...... Ooldfleld .ft... aadstrom ...'. do Bites.... .40 .Tt .ST .14 BIA Adams ........I .11 Mobswk ....... , .M A Dixie ......... .2S Kradall ........ .as . (olambld Mt..., .40 A Jumbo ......... .41 Sxtea...wM '. .SS Black Butte..... .41 ' Hllrer Pick.....-.- .S3 - Gold - Aochor.... 1.17U Ray O'Briea.,., . .OS Opklr Ton...... , .40 A IO. Bull yrog.... .34 , bkmwad Plenty ; Vat BOtTOV OOPPyJt BTOCXs.. BntoaCrAprll Of flelal., eopper eloeai Old nemfaloa..tas.Tb . Mofcawk ...... 44.00 old rjoBilBloa M.TS Trinity .,.., k.TB Winona-.,',...' l.tTH Victoria 4 to Mining.,, 2 00 l ......... 4A.I2U Ooceola ...... s no IParntt ....... ? 2f) Isle Royal.. ,.w 34.00 Bid. Allons ...i. ...$ Arcadian . ... I.C4 Atlantic 14 ralnmet ......47000 Copper Range.. TT.OO . uetr tel.. firanbv ...T Oraaae Copper..1 tS.STM Mae 1 inou Mobawk ...... . M 00 Mleblgsa ...... lt.10 14.04 4.00 -IP.' . I tab SATURDAY PRICES IN ; : THE WHEAT MARKET , " : may Option- e - - ' , Baturday. . Friday. e' Chicago,." ,,..l.ll, l.lt4B ' e e ' Ksnnsjl City.;. .tH. " ' ' e e Bt, Louis...... . l it , l.t4B 4 ' Vtlnneapolla ,i. MT 'A l it 4 4 Uuluth ....... I.elV ' 4 1 Kew York...;; Lit B 4 o Ban Francisco 1.41 - 1.41UB .' m (JUverpool 7a d tstHj 4 V ," " - . ' . ... ey 4 .-sref centaW."1, ; '-.. , t ALLAWIEil GOVERNriENT REPORT Statement to Be Issued n Mon day and Trade ;WilTWait K for Appearance. J ; ; ,' ; GENERALLY BEUEVED r :;'v IT' WILL"' BE BEARISH Entire Market in Chicago! Show v ing a Lose- May Is Seven .:'. : ' - J Eighths Off . ':;'.f 1 ;' ATTRBAY1 WXXAX MABXXT. ' ' May .... July eptamber 'f-W-iSir .!. 1'K.'-22 w .871, Vk .BS I ' g.oou Chicago, April g. togaa Bryaa ray: " la erbeat, Broomball eatlmstes tk werld'e untp mrata et about 4. Oi 0,000 boa he la, aad prcdlcta a - Biaderete deerc ea parang. - Ta eaatl nental marfceta closrd kleher, aienraably ee tbe rennet leu mt tlm Bpaalak daty from to 4 peaotas. equal to about 16 crate per fcaabaL Aaotrallaa ibrpmeBts an 62ft.ono kuakela. Mia aeepolla r porta tbe eeeh ssnrkata ae etrady. Stocks show a 4. crease ef 484 ,TS4 busbeM. Ksneee City eaab wkeat M very alow, aad mills are kaylng apsringly. - Crop conditio no era Ideal. Tkla Biarket kas been alow and "In ter eating, Th continued See weetber keen sentlsaeet bearwh, maklag H hard for tka bulk) to meke eay headway. - Tke Kenaaa report, laeaetf Mnuy by Cobura, le aa lades ef whet the government -report win be ea- Monday. Tbe report wtll be fully es basriab ae expected. Trade all'tbrongk the emloe saamad Bo be te e waiting snood wltk bath atdaa Inclined to be remervatlv end cant Iowa pcadlag th public. loa of tbe aotual -flguree. All tklaga coaald arser, seed. -It .le- a-very anaatlafactory antll tke eoverameat Bguraa era pukil Ufcclr -eoBtlaa la Ita praaent focm. We, etlll feel tke ram market wlH' raeeln good support snd a decline ta tke future, we fad weald at I m. lata tke reek and export do Bmad. Tbe market still look like It could ke koogkt oa wtbacks. .-, v .-. ., Iba Tea ta Oats. ' Oats, eeaadertng tbe late wnkneaa la the ether pits, gave a very good account ef Itself, maintaining a Srm tone through tbe session. Receipts sr soaiewbat smaller, bat an at 111 more tbaa ample as Sgund ky tke cask demend. The statistical DoalUoa ef thle, market sasam kopeeMaly agelnat the kw lie. .Stocks . an plcntlfnl everywken. . '.Today's ef flelal marketaj , V .&4 Opes, w High. . lew, t .. , lesa. Apru.a.a may Jo Bept. May..... July..... BVpC... May..,.. .'' July..... U.10 Brpt...,. .S85k .- .; Mn -M- ; M ...... AA.y ' - . .... ' " aril.... ..'... ....... IBS? April. .. May.,i. July opt.,.. May... July aept.,... Oats. .10 .nv .as w m ' lino it aJ ' 13.H 14.0T T. T.40' I . T.rr , t.jt T.44 ' f.4 .r. ' ' "' . ..' SHORT BIBS. ' " T.10, v..T.laV , T l T.' I t , . T.60 , t ., a .i - MM 14.07 , '.'t.'m a j T.n - T.40 " T.M ' ' C r io i It m.A to .. COTTON FUTURES TWO ' r ;fT0F0UHP0INTS qFF Pew York. April I Oottoa ratarea spesed I te 4 point lower end eloaed t to 4 points og. Tke etflclel eettaa market: January April ... Mar .... Jnne .... July .... August . September October . Norember Open. 703 T43 -tdmf TM TUT . .......... If- . Ton . -..,.. m rrr High. Lew. 7HJ .IrlO TM i T51 T5I T4T i.Tl 74 Ttl : TBI 7R& TBS T44 TM T40 TftT 70) T 744 T44, 774 ,T70 T72 TT5, Tal - TTT Tip, Close. Tsauat --Mearpeet Osttoa" Market. " . ' -Llrerpool. April . Oottoa future f clnaed ateadr and amlwagsd te. 1 point towers- Spots are BBcksaged. ,- .-. "'.. ' Krw.TOBJX oorrBB mabkit. riew York. ' April I Coffee futures "eleoti 10 te IB points higher. . . t , . . Today's official coffee markets: , -Bid. Aakl . . Rid., Ank. an en net. .,..7.10 -7.l Sejl!lov. 7,.... T IB T.20 S.7IDec. T.20 -" T.STI S BniJaa 7 25 j T.JW) BO Pok. ...... T.Bn T.JB T.04J March ,V..7.J T40 April May Jnaa Jely .-r:.ts.4 4 40 .... est aer W.f Aaguet ... B to eptember.i 7.04 ; lanlga Oaffae Mark ate. tew York. April B. Havra eoffee H te 4,4 higher;' Hamburg Hd Bp. A cable fast ra re 1 red ear to nee rant ef the.Seates eofee erop kas beea damaged ky rata.'' .. v . Bew York Oask Cetfes. ' ,' ' Kew York. April B Csak coffee;- Ke, t BIB, T V:; Ke, 4 Bantoa, B1e. , l . , ' Btcrilae Ratea. ' '" Mew Vor. jlnTll B Bterllng tatfl: 484.4314; SO asj..aS4.T)a.. Demand, FIRST CHERRIES - IlIKoLiiKfl r,-' Vacayille Was . the , Honor; Jhie - Year-Season. ; Is .Earlier " .... Than. Previous Ones.' CHOICE POTATOES ARE , , SHOWING A FIRM TONE Butter Market Is To Small Local and .,s,;fV.;Trtl' w-i Eggs With Outside . Up. ; (Rpeeial PUpatrk by Leaned Witt to Tka Jauraal) . Saa rra nctaco. April B. Tke flrat . kex of rkarrlea, of th parole Uelgaeeriety, waa arat mat aa Priday. They were grown by t. H. Bmltk of Vacarllle. . Ia 1S04 tke -first eklB amat ef the seaeoa waa ea April 40. It Va expected tkat a fortnight aence ckwrloS wtll be snovlag out by the rarhrnd. -Xltroa fruit of all kinds wan' without gay Beatable rfcaage. . Several mora earloada of Central Asaericaa beaaaae were at kaad aad tk market waa full. - The race I ate of erraw fcorrlee were tt rheeta from Pale -Alts. BS ckawm from Warseavllle. m cheat, from Saata Clara aad 14 crate from Los A age lea. Todays receipt nkewed a rather Improved cuadltiea. '. pkatos PitntMa Ylrm. , " Choice old pot a toe wen firm, tmt kew wen aulte week. Onloa were well cleaned Bp aad others to errln will ke kdd higher. Other vegetable ehowed very little change. The butter market waa decidedly top-he TT. tke local demand Being email aad eatatde order Very light. Tke tendency was downward. . ' t'keeee bad sa sealer toaa. Rgga ward re ported unchanged ky a large majority ef deal er. Bom tare er four kuaaia aaoted ranch a cent klgker. Conelgned gooda wars pleatlfal enjnugk for all deaiaada. The week cloned at SBcfctngad " prion " tar poultry and game, May barley closed He pet eratal. ' Per waa a lao weabee. me being bid and ,tV raked. Tk root market was aacfcaagad but eaay. Tke fetelpts were B.80B eeatsm. , Oeta. com and keana were tulrt. v Tke. kay. market waa dipi'mid. .' '.- . t .., .. . WEEK'S TRADE SHOWS-r :' yvu-:-: A BETTER FEELING as yrancrace, April . R. P. flnttea B Co. asy: A aai. katter - feeling saa. beea die Blayed la wheat during tke' week jnt cloning. Tka etiibkorBcas of Boieera ei taa May future has eaaaed aorta to tains Twice aeren ereaalng their eommltmeate. If good bull trader la tke market then would certainly k ere works. It would appear, after looking late, taa act aa i eoaoit tone eiie tke May fatnre that then le et bat loan of actual abort aelee. . It may be aoaalblo to deliver from B.oW to 7,000 tims. The Me ier agnrae are the extreme. - The only feature to ha watched antll Mny 1 will be tke railing ef long wheat by eutaldera. ir taa railing la small th aborta will Snd trouble ecrambllag for wheat. ' . A abort large line of Mar wkeat bald by errong part lea whe eeera eoaddent ef klgker prices. The ajtugtloa la a nuubetl. In one of patience on tke part ef tke holder ..( Mar. Tb trading la December wheat ia very a mall; la fact, tken seems to be. very little tntarast la it ether tsaa et,a scalptBg eksractar.. .. Batlry le eaaler ea keary Oregea efferlngs. '..Tko official markets: ; : w . , - shut. - ' n.; ; ' Open, j High. .' ' Lew. . May... 1.4R v. 11.44 -Vl. t Mjry...A.i.'.tlTH . l.l?m AekavC s a ee v0Ta , n.. i . , - t eat ; " CVms. ; $i.4 XiH t : .BA ' CB30AOO CABB WBX4T. Cklcsgo, e. higher. April g. Cask wkeat Back t aged to Tke official market: , ,,. .... gat,-. .... . PrMav. . - ,.. f,.; ' Bid. t Ask. Bid.. Ha l red .11. 1414 Bl.lTm 11.16m Ke. S red ............ 1.0B . . LIB ' 1.0T J No. Shard 1.14H I.ITH llJH ae. I ssre 'i . ......... J.ter ." Ko. 1 northern ....... 1.1414 !, 1.17 No. J Barthera ........ 1.10 . 1 11 Me. spring , l.OB ' -1.14 l.on jot l ot ' I PBXBABT. BKIPMgJITB ABB (JIXAAABCIS, Chicago, April B. Prl H Wheat Cera '., Ships warat - r. ,,...c. Cera r ; Total clearaacra: ry receipts Today. Year Age. " Pusk. , Raak. . .JfcT.OOO 814 000 ; .. . ... lM.ons' teio.enri .'.:... .Ion. Ort) - 182.000 Wkeat. .1S.B00 beahela; our. B.T0S barrels; ears. 201,000 buakels; eats, 1,000 kuakela. . - k- - - v , . V; ,. i ' ' . - ' 'fl-':' OOMtTOCB : MlBTRg ' POCKa. y -' -. Baa rrafrrlaco, 'Aoril . Otfldal ckwlfif: , - , " Bid. - "Id. Bfallloa .onmsvsge , ...... .41 Belcher -.2filHotaa . .......... .14 Cea. .Cat . Ys..., IPS Intoa Cea -.13 Vphlr 42.onlYfllow Jacket. .211 Caledonia a .SO'Kxcheotier .54 Mexican ten Hale A .Norrroa. .s .00 Brarploa ..'.... .3IAndra .BS Doth -jCcmmcn; tr,d ' Prtfarred Show Flysutitlsn on It- New York Exchange. TENNESSEE; CO J. WEAK, ' : ; V f ON MERCER FAILURE Short Session of Yesterday Weak ' and Irre2ular -More C, ,?;.'" ' i '" X y.z Qf Bondsi .'V .i Atchlaoa. N-nnj.', . so preferred far 4 '., osm lv Sugar iZ Bmelter. eom.f..,, 3 d preferred..,, , Bait. A Ohio...... ! Canadian Pac.,.. AltOB, :L0g SB.- Krle,- do eeooad.. o iirai . lit Cratnl m.u . ai..w www.. .m,M MMro poll taa-... . Mankattaa ....... Mrx. Central...... UiUleaouri ' Pse. ........ M ."..'.'.' d.,....4, ,. ,., ! "x . . - 8 ureal Weet , VIKety, , com....'..., Mt. Psol......... lC -do 'preferred..., 'St Che. Onls.i,,,. ItJlN.'Y.' Central ju Colo. Pael. ....... S Norfolk A West..,- North Amar..,.,.... U Ont.- A . Waet... , L Penaayrranla .... . 1'laa t Preaaed Bteel, earn H Paetne MaO. ...... -U Reading, eom. -'V, Bee, Steak -com... Reck, la.,- eom.,,, ' 14 1 do preferred. ... 1 preferred.... Hltwutnera . ay. ..... 4k et. Lm at a. P.. Tex. A Pae, Tens. Cee I. d praftrred... 1' -Toledo J v. Leather, eom...... 14 ..,''. I.e.....! V. P., ram...... 114 I Rubber, eom 14 Bteel I. ' M.) Anacoada ; 34IBroktya ......... Ii Alum, pfd......... SteeL pie" , - ' ' - . do preferred..... 114 Rubber Uooda, eest ' 14 (cpcclat Mspstck by Leased Wire to Tbe Journal Wstl Sweet, New York, April a la toair n ahert buelaeaa aeealoa Irreeulsr asd genurajly reactionary teadeuciea conTTuuad to pravaU. la the early part ef the business aeealoa there ware email relative edmncee la American Smelting. Breoklya Rapid Traasltfaad St. Paul. , but enbeeuoeotly then atocka Voat ground la eomaua. with the remainder of tk market. Then wae no particularly definite market tra ocacy. apart from the sepraaaloa la tbe Loar" doa mark.t, , which- waa reused by a p preben aloaa tkat a dvclatve Bevel engagement km '. tweea tke Rumlaa and Japaarn force might be seer at band. -. . ' . One of the etroagrat feataree ef the market waa Amslgaamted Copper, which adraaced on ae porta with regard to the ehowlkg which Ike r eumpany -wll) make la a au tame at wblck If. Is said esteaded to tke ahaxahaWer. . , 4 atoeerd'ea Bala-. ' ' - The total Bamber of sbsrae sold oa the stock esebeage today- waa, TlaMS against 1S4.I4S tbe same day last yeer. The total maw elece January " I have beea R,o74.441, agslasl 4,7a4,- -172 the eeme time mat t';;i"'JV vlu , ef the boada aeM today was U.744.00A. agalnat 1434.000 the eaaas- day lest Trar Th. torel selee since January I ken beea $370, J78.0m. agalnat 182,834.uw0 eeme time mstresr. The tmnorta of epecte tkla week waa ttj Ji gold and X1B.oOB ellver. a total et seslnat Ifm.sat la th prartous week ead 4S4.U7 th earn period laat yrar. Bine January 1 ; tie, agalaat 4t.s2u.llBi la , the earreapoBdlng . period. laat yeer. ' - . TTk fkesaprake -Ohio eompaay kas mede appllcatloa to- tke a lock exchange to bar lifted ll.uoo.atm additional gewaral aaurtasg 414- per cent fconde of loa.- ' -',, ".;. Tab official stork aserket: -f- .-. 1. . S: 5 f ? '.v'-.'V'-' -l; 2 ' - dbBcbiptiom . ; , . : . : . ( 1 i.'Vf.f --f Xi t f - " ...J j- cj-, ....... ' . , . ; . . if . . ' Anacoada Mining Co.... AiajalCeaoe tm......... Atcaiana. . rara....., ,.i do. Braferrad. .1 . Am. t ar A rouadry. -ei da Preferred.... ,t.i Am. Sugar, , eom. Am. Smelt., COSB..O. do Braferrad......... Brook Ira Rapid Trnnalt rnnadiaa reciae,. com Chiraa A Alton, eom. at pTuraftirFslul . Btrasey C. A . W.. oom. . ... Chi., Mil. A St. fadl. Chicago Terminal RyM Cheaapraka Okie.... Com.. Pael A Iran, on olo... Southern, eom... 4 go second preferred , go first Braferrad... ijciawurv ae nwwj,, 121 121 121 KtB. M14I M .1101 4114 Ml 1144 125 Vk ll St 1M 41 n 171 DeL. Lark D. A B. ii. do prafvrrad sn-ie. A Wea.,.J,. SB iini p 108 W 41 1044 144 Vs lie 12ST4 lot 40 108 1 11414 1H i224 at m ant 102 4ti-a lot'. 143 '4 . litis : 134V H04-ila14lOBlB Tom ewiv lbs im;iu 4114 B4 j 2t ISO 'bb'.' S4t4 41 liBai 'bt'" en. SSUI ore f erred I Boa. r nilnoto Central lle2Ul124ll iMtevtlle a Kaakvllls. 144 lies SO 444) 44 OB 14 1 wr 1411 Met. Bt. Br.......... 123 112X14 122, Mankattaa By U414ilo4l4llrWU lis LU7 I14 Mexkaa laatral By.. Minn., SL P. 4V Bto. M Mlaaoarl Paelac. , M. a. A T. aa araret New York Central Norfolk A Western, arm Kertk -Anarlcaa ioi 141102 14 Jl nr.. 41 . k4 2.14 i . btS Ml, 11 cT2 44 BBl4i h.4 1.- 141 . 141 '4 - - 1224 144 24 lid ar ) 24m iiouiti 1 icr?willll. 4114 "'al 162 lloOSllttuVa M6 44 I BftV N. Y.. Oat. A Western Peanaylvanla Ry..... P. O. L. C. Co....... rraaaad Steel Car, ram. do pref en e d. ....,. Psrine Msll S. A C.... Readlnar. rem. ......... tai'lii I.L eecead arfferrad... at iSnflSr ,rt preferred, c. ? aoaa'tbte Sep. Iron A Steel, earn. . do preferred. . . . . e, . Bock leland. eaa......; do pref cred. v. ...... Bout kern By., . rasa.... ate ouhkerav Parite .'( de preferred St. L. B. r... 2d pfdl Bt. u ' a a. r ., eom. t de pref erred .. m ... . . Texas A I'eelno. ...... Tennessee. Oaal A In Toledo, St. L. A W. ram de prererrao Cntoa Paclsc, earn. do preferred, 0. a. Leather, eom. So pref ei iad. C. S. Rubber, eom. de preferred V. B. Bteel 0o. Cam do preferred.. Wheel. A Lake Err, el Wlacewslo Central, com SI i 1 preferred. . If. 1 Tf lexraph, .... de preferred. ....T... Rubber leooda.... on - pref cred... ' Total sales for day St 14314 111 4214 sa BW .. ' 4214 14 Sne B414 4rb MS lnmlMVf I4S imi 43 " PT14 40 ' 14214 mil 42 1 4.5 St Ik so. Lmt ) 214 2 Btlli nu Bl SJ3 114 ,TO4 27 114 W 101 H 18114 iiii 117. 101 24 Btli CaU 54 824 10T14 T22.100 shares, 7, 814 per eest . , - 1IS14 27 4$ SO 1014 181 isik 4414 114 8714 l"t 8314 34 804 874 118 ''4 2S 5 , M4 804 ...... . ISOI41 iiii 44 xa 1"T4 1144 I7H 10114 18141 148 . IK4j ' li : MX " BllJ , 824 ! -8M4'' ' 0.' n.14 , ,118 as .'r H.44 ,. 100 41-4 IN..' HI' 12 10714 r44 87? 1014 IB . 1 4 BS T , Bt 4i r-rt n ( 44 H214I -X 1O714I10T . I' . TOR. BARB ' RATIXtBT. Nsw, York, April S. ' t Tteeeere ... Rraerve km 0, B.,. ...... Loan ....,...... Sped'..., I real .................. Denoalta Clecutotlea-. ............ . ak atobMrntt ; ,- .,. Decrease. ...... .'.r.i 7.000,000 ....A.... 88.07t.ono ' ............ I. Mo. ton ,f.W..,..- I.44B.BISI . 1.I76.SO0 lO.MO.eort .......... . 401,700 " . ' Cklesg Brala 'Oar Letav ''; 1 j, ." ' -'Chicago.' VAprtl A-j-Orala ear lots? S - . '.1 .,Can.,Orsde, let, inv- Wheat ...... .A 'B - 10 . .' 14 Corn .....:,224 ; 18 314 IBM " Oate 8T ' 14 : - TB 148 ! BCrWBTBO, KOBXTBB at CO,' ; , (KatabllahBd ltJ.) :r ;' AT ABTS BTOCal BBOKBmS. ' ' Btowea 4V ronnd Snoot. ' ' .- c ' 'CW Mbam OS COkOCXmCm. OVERBECIC. OTARR & COOKE CO. . -1 '.-'. Membera Chicago Board of Trads. l " , . , ' ' : : v ' omAnr, norisxoarB, cTTOw, stooxb ajts aoatBs.' ' . , 1J Third Street McKay Building. Portland. Or. , , ' ' WBT 0O 'A STBUOTAT rMmatZRglOaT BVBZBTBBB. ' ' " . Contlsuoits Markets by Private Wlrs. ' Qttlrk. Brvi.' REFP.Ri:Nftr:"--.Ladd 4 AUioo. pauAvra. aaa vui.n awm -kJvuau Dana v s vitiauu. - - . ,1