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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1905)
mm - v f Of . A I " " I llr 1 I v H Is? V O V. A N li i AO AA - -..' ,., . 1 ' ; A, T .:. ' . .y V . -v,' ThreainedrproicutJon of D&I r? i-l lot - Box Braakor ;.yVl!l B Droppsd. OFFIClAt RESULT MADE -V ' KNOWN TO NOMINEES JManWav Niarht Will. Sa All New , j ...... ... ., Municipal Officer Form ' '" atlu lr..alla,rl .... f . -1 Tha' eaet ildi'oftn af Fas oom1' ta t (the tora of Mr. I". W. McKlnnry. W bit atorrlaoa street. , Telepboas Seat 'Iti. It is not probable that, any legal ao. tion will b taken against ths canvass ing conjmltte that on Thursday nibt cinniwd the St. John rot by. break ing open the ballot boxes and carefully counting all the ballots east at th re cent election. Though -the three-men ; -concerned freely admit .their action tuey 1 deny that they ware either warned of f ' the conannuance. or Old tne-WXra exoopi. ai they thought, in tha Una of duty. , "V. Apparently a mlundrtaodlng of the ' purport of the law xlted not. only In ithe mind of tha oommittee bur In that of the mayor aa wall.' and tha ballot '.."boae wera read tha ubjot of an In- '.-rvrjeugsiioD, imiwi vw w wiecuou juugoB. ,-,-.! - . .- i-t The St. . Johns election reult wlll "probably - not be changed as yesterday the ticket 'previously sunounoed aleoted -was officially declared tha legal one and M.ju.iM smm ,wav9. Ittarlv notified . , V , H, ..W ... . --- .take the oath of office and assume their .. 'posts next Monday night - V.v -' a - one or me cniei reasons waj am prer cutlon waa not pursued, as originally - Intended by a halt dosea fit Johns laadr 'are, and as announced by them, was 'because. of a conflict of testimony re- y ) i 1 A axmjxa xxvmww SOOV BVX. u -Una to a Junction with , the St Johns '.Una an KlULngswottb sresue Is still ' delayed, but those who are working for , the extension say that the work of .grading the roadbed for tha, Una will not be muoh longer postponed: Tner wera it property owners whose consent tt tha extension Is -necessary,, but all but three. ' non-resident -property owners, . H have agreed- 4 pay their share of the cost of tna extension. The money to - 'purchase two loU needed at the. turn on ' Prescott. street and Mississippi avenue " has been raised and the lots secured for i- ithe right of wsy. It Is expected, by the ' men backing tha new lino, that prelim ' inary work will be completed so that the ' survey -of tha extension can. be com c jnenced next week. It Is plsnned to em ploy private.' surveyor instead of wait ing tor . the city, orews and It la punned . to place several - contractors on tha - several blocks where fills, and cuts have ' to be mada so that the enUre roadbed 'but be completed at one time. The com- " anv exteeta to run Its St Johns cars t 5ve the lower Alblna Una When the , junction is maae ana otj hihu over-the Williams avenue track-will be W somewhat lessened. '..'. ' ''r- ?!,,' mam 'nontM rvmM axroaa. 1 :.)-- .- "l ' .'' . '.:Cav a' family of . three eat a ham '.weighing 104 pounds In 13 days, and If o can- the eama family eat anvil-pound ham- in th 14- jlays followmgf - This btng true would the eame family dare ' "to -. consume another 11-pound ham In the next U days? This gastronomlcal croblera Judge Selon of the east, sldo court yesterday studied at length. The problem was brougnt up ny tne case oi R, Wallace against Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Heltsman for IU.O said to be due 1 on a grocery bill. The chief things sup posed t have been purchased were three hams. In -six weeks. The defense denied the hams and argued that no ".ordinary family of three, could, would or should eat three hams at Intervals Krw6weeksonly tmwwif eatli ham. The ".-attorney" for'the prosecution replied that anv nronerly raised American iam- lly wouia mane noming oui n bones or a lo-pouna nam in a lonnigni, provided - it liked ham. In closing be told the . court that he had a family of three small children who could de vour half a ham any time the court said tha word. : Tha court decided the bama 'were consumed and the defendants paid th wiiw'- ;. , - . The Civic Improvement league of Uni versity Park met with Mrs. D. O. Web ster Friday afternoon and adopted a form for the circular letter of. appeal 'that will be sent to tbe parents by the " school children.- These letter will be carried "to at least-300 home on th , 'peninsula and th appeal for aid In im proving the suburbs there. It is believed, v will arouse a new interest in th league' work. Th sociable which was to hav "been held last week for th benefit of th Improvement fund was again , con ' sldored and It was decided to hold it iFridsy" evening. April 14. at Artisans' hall. Portsmouth. Mrs; W. Wynn John I son will speak. - With part of the money A aecured from th social the league ex- s pects to employ active boys and set them i to work clearing rubbish off af vacant lots. Th league, lnaorsea . tne pian o .-Mra. Henry E. ' Jones recently published InrTh Journal relative to window gar idens and porch bankets. The league will Bieet with Mrs. Oilman April M. . i Cack only one man- ' TO COMPLETE DREAM ' J.!.-. .V' -h - j' f:A... i.': (Beeelat Dlipatch by Leaetd Wire t The Joaraal) ; New Tork, April . It was disclosed Vf tonight that only one man Is lacking to S nake a substantial fact of the century AM.raama of diplomats for a world ' ' capltol at The Hague, wher th nation -' iof .th world might-meet on common i ground for the discussion of inter national arbitration, a world -embracing ! scheme of education and other move- , menu of universal importance. . Dr. P. H. Eljkman, of Be hef renin rue, ak the Fifth .Avenu hotel, said tonight! .". -Mr mlaalon her Is to secure from Me. y Carngl and other rich American who rare Interested in tna wono. pieagee ox , money to purau our pian for th - 'world canltol.' Th Institution, , with -' this money will be assured. .Even now, . we. hare option on th ground ceded by ' i the - Dutch government and the plans ?-. for the building hav been drawn up ' by on of the most eminent architect In Th Nwthrrlanda.. K. P. C 1 De Basel,, of , Bursum. I hops to get -gratuitous loan aggregating $2,4oO,0 to b repaid Iq ' 2 years,". ...--. ' l All . Xagasgas . ' From th Hsuaton Post. ?'.' I , tjonesomehurst -I am lit search- of a srirl, j . . t , . . Swadlsh Venus JaT Dia skoll hat ban purty uddea. - - SUIT TO P.OGULATE' ::; coniw of timber .'i i Vv-", -,,' :r Would Restrain Boring Junction ( Company -: From Cutting; , Smail Trees. - '-. a.: a (Ssedal Diseatc to Tbe Joaraal) : -' Oregon t City. Or April . J. W. Roots ha filed Suit in the' circuit court her against th Boring Junction Lum bar' company. Two other', suits - about tha same-subject are pandlng between tha same parties. ' In tha 'present ease Boots asks that , a contract permitting tha company t ' take all timber on a certain tract be construed to mean only lumber more than IS- inch' in dian eter.:' ' , V .- :'; -m;-,;.!'. 'fX'i STEPHEN 0. COAIUAN,: PIONEER IS DEAD A "' Crip Carrie Off the Last But '. One of ail Old Clackamaa . . t ...... ; ' .. j 'i (apedal fnspeteh te-Tae Joaraal.)? Oregon . City, Or., - April a. Stephen D. Coalman, a pioneer of this county, died today near Sandy, where he- had lived mora than 4 years. - Death waa caused by aa attack of the grip. Ba waa a native of Missouri.-where he waa born 71 year ago. The - only - other member of . hla family ' aunrlvlng th deceased is a son of KlUab Coalman; - CLACKAMAS NAMES.'. ' EXHIBIT MANAGER ' .,. ,j...; AA.-' Executive. Committee Selects ' Elmer. Dixson Judges Also, V ' Selected to Award Prizes. " ' 1 '' ' 1 ' r , (Spedat Dlspatcb tCTa 7earBaLf Oregon City, Or, April . Th Clackamas, county exhibit committee of the Lwi and Clark fair this . after noon appointed Elmer Dixson . of this city manager of the Clackamas county exhibit Judge ' were also elected to award prises in the various competitions to be held here next Thursday, but the names of those appointed are withheld pending the awards. ,' STAXi AM9 (aseelal Dtoatch t Tae SeeraaLV - Oreron Cltv. Or.. April I. The will of the late, E.. F. "Capps 'waa today filed In tha county court '.for probate. He leaves hi entire estate, valued at SMOV, to his widow, the only charge mada upon which is that hla Ave children be given a suitable education. . . Judge F. V. Ryan today officiated at th marrlaa-a in this city of Walter- E. Noble of east .Portland ,and Emaa Heaa of this oountrr-w- . " .- "The funeral' of Mrs. Mary- Robert will . be held Sunday ' afternoon ' from the Presbyterian ohurcn. Bey... J." R. Landsborousti ofDcuting. -i -' . . v-v jcoxnur . A ' A . niril rManatflh' ts The JaenaLt ' nn i Cltv. Or- Abrll ' t. The ' of flolals of this county, out of respect te the memory of the lata county clerk, Frank A. Sleight, today- passed suita ble resotatlons.-, V1 '. '-"".; r y OAPTvma anr. ' tSpaelal tHspatea te The JeareaL) ' "Oregon City. Or., ."April I. JonaUble B. E. Fersruson this afternoon cap tured a set fish net stretched Just be low tha falls of tha Willamette, river. :MP10YMENTAGENTS H FORCED TO DISGORGE .'.- ............ . h Workman Say Bradford and Cal- ,avan Cot Woney From Them by' Misrepresentation- Comnlalnt was made to Deputy City Attorney Fltsgerald .yesterday againat W.- H. Calavaa and F. J. tsraaiora oy two men. wh alleged that through mis representation they, had been induced to nart wltn II to mem. vaiavan ana Bradford conduct the Pioneer Employ ment asency at 111 Morrleon street. It -was charged that tha agents gave the workmen tounderstand that they would be sur of job' and could travel fre on the teamer to Oak Point. There they wera supposed to go to work at tl each a day for a piling and lumber company. They touno ney wvum ran to pay their way to uajrouii, nu they had given all their money to th ...nta. h could not make the trip.; . whan the workmen returned to the agents and demanded tneir money, iney aa,y they were me wim wmwuiiii laughter and told t go away and cease bothering.' - ' . ' J- ,:' ' w ' '' r'iiina- nn the agency by telephone, Mr. Fltsgerald said ha had Bent the two men back for their money and expected it to be given them. Me met wu anil retorted: . , "Tou can't rob men, like that while X am in 'offload If you don't pay them t..i. mmisv. T -will see that it costs I . -mt aal more than If." Tne auegea - tVw tha nolle court and Inform Mr. Fltsgerald la case they did not get their money. They aia n rir. d testes that the employment agent had refunded th coin.- ' ;;; - GRAND-DAUGHTER BORN vl 10 JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER (gpeelal IHepatch M teaaed Vlr U The Joaraal) Chlcaco. April I. Another heiress wss added' to the Immediate string, of relatives John D. Rockefeller will hav to take care Of in hi will.., A daughter was born to lira'. Harold Mccormick, daughter f the oil king. The child I th fifth of Mr. and Mr, Mccormick' and wag born at o'clock In the. morning. ' It wealthy grand father waa notified and doubtless added a codicil to hi last will and testament. itunn nxm ssom. K.' C Beldln wa accidentally injured In' the railway terminal yards .about l:t o'clock jaat night, sustaining -two broken ribs- . lie was strum or a pas srnger' train- and. thrown- aeveral feet from the . tnrek. HI wounds were dressed at th Oood Samaritan, hospital. School Chil-rca Cusy Making; the Watts Flacts Postom s THOUSANDS OF-FLOWER ' ? SEED3 ARE DS3TR13UTED Civio Improvement Club's Efforts to Make.' Portland ' More '-, v Beautiful Successful.) ; Many , thousand paokages of flower saeds have bean dlatrlbuted among th public ohool chlldrtn by th commit- tee on flowers, trees and parka ot the chamber of oonunero. aad4ba supply is exhausted." . , t - Tbe elvlo Improvement ' movement among the public school children" is spreading , and result of the work ac- compliahed are seen on every hand. Throughout the 'residence districts yes terday, hundred ( -boys .ware engaged la beautifying the yards around . their homes. Some were spading flower beds. other were mowing lawoa. trimming treeai and planting seeds and bulbs, while still others : were - fixing trellis work on porche and: on the sides of Ut houses on which to un vines. : i A w . 'Those who are interesting tne do re in th work feel that great good la going to be accomplished through them. They ay It will not only give the - residence districts of the city a brighter appear ance - but - will? instill in the hearts oi tha children' a feeling . ot civio pride which will ba lasting.. ... . Id th last week over 1.500 blank for membership - In 1 the ' Junior Civic Im- prowmeruV cluba '.were- - distributed. Cluba have been -organised In many; of tbe largeat schools., -. I . , Arrangements are being made for tbe mass meeting which will be held In the Marquam Orand theatre in tha near fu ture under the auspices of the elvlo im provement board of tna chamber of com merce, j . Dealer hav . reduced th prio or paint 1 -per eeat from now until May It at th request of tha civic improvement board., to , induce . property-owners ' to Improve the appearance of old buildings. Clrcnlarsr being prepared which will set forth th improvements offered, and 10,000 will be dlatrlbuted thi week. . BEGINS REPAIRS ON ' - THE LONG TRESTLE Portland " Consolidated ' : Putting Structure in Shape to Handle ?V;. Heavy. Traffic ?4:' IT" (Ipadal Dulktth t The ooraal ' Vancouver. .Wash,.,. April I. John Bond, superintendent of construction of the Vancouver line or in Portland con solidated .Railway company, baa com menced extensive repair to -th, long trestle over- coiumnia aiougn. - it is probabl that a switch will he built at soma point on .the trestle so that tha 1 service can be bettered- At present it is Impossible for two car to pass Be tween Woodlawa - and the ferry slip, and aa th car now meet only a short dlstanc from Woodlawn, this change will be necessary peror tne time Be tween car, can be reduced. .- WASHOUGAL LIQUOR , LICENSE QUESTION CowntyCorTmilasJojrteji,! Two Days' Consideration, Ar V, v'. rive at No Decision. ; . ' (selal DM pate te The JeareaL) i-r Vancouver. Wash.. April I. Th ques tion of granting liquor licenses in th town of Wsshougst ha now been' be fore the county commissioners two full days, but a decision seems yst a long way off. There is still a number of Washout people -in this city awaiting tha decision of th commissioners in the matter. Several alleged irregularities) are to be Investigated by the board in connection with the petition signed ask ing that body to grant th licensee want- ad by th four applicants. - f , PRUNE DRIER NEAR VANCOUVER BURNS Spark From Passing Locomotive X Thought to Have Caused t. x , - the Destruction. - V ' inpeeiat Dtepateh t Tbe Jeeraal.) Vancouver, - Wah.. - Aprir -, The prun drier of M. B.- Klea, located an the Northern Pacific railroad a short dis tance north of this city, burned 'to the ground Saturday afternoon, th fir atartlng about 4 .o'clock. Within : SO minute th entire building was a mass of ruin.,. . v. ;. . , 1 LOCAX AJTS PaTBSOVAXu '- (Special Diapatei Ts eeraaL 'Vancouver, Wash., April I. A potato Is on exhibition In th window of Sugg at Son, on Fourth street, raised on the farm of Leon enaw, mat i it incnes long end weigh 3H pounda ' J. H. Bell of La Grande, Or., 1 In - A benefit concert will be given next Wednesday evening to help.ralss funds for th enUrulnment of those attend ing th O. A. R. , encampment la thla city in Jun. .. . In a gam of baaeball this afternoon on th barracks grounds th High school boy. won from. the Dear Mute scnooi team by a score r to . - . . ' . . f ' v. abrr Pototed Prayers. , From the London Daily Dispatch, At HoIywaU, Flint, th revival has produced a remarkable praying girl, who in in domestic service. Dressed In black. with black gloves and hat. arid a long plait of dark hair down her back, .she nightly - attends in prayer meeting, and aa rexularlir offers prayers. I , Sh ha taken to naming those for he judgment on the lives of young men whom sh mentions by. name, sh pleads VANCOUVER7 for , -. Pyrl VAN CvlTUNI. 3(3 WASilKSTOII ST. ' Orsslsad te wkat a M kr es-ee j strsaca, nnaeea pewar, whoae putaai lnfta- '. eace la (alt by every ereetar aa tae face of tae- aartk. waoaa pewae la saaa la the ' forces at aatera, this waadarfal aad klrted ; sua e-aonstratas his sowar Is rear sne- ' eace, while -an look, llstaa. aad weadar. - Tke daedt of tbe frspaets and tae vt-e wi ef etd-ue eutdoea thia straase aad Bystartoos seer of axxlcca tla-aa. Frocs ' , whence oeaMS thia woadcrfel pewart Pta- faasloiial sua aad wai are awaatreek, the sablle la giiacral la dawfoieded. saaeca lcca. Bad a beea bora la tlmca af saaar. stltloa hla week weald he classed as lltUa laas tssa Blradaa. PROF. VAN CORTLAND, CHURCH SERVICES JrsUtsVx-CaZAsT. . - ' " v Ph at nwtleas a 10:M a. m aad T:M p. .l Dr. i. WUbar Caap-aaa wul preach la las aonriag; the stale quartet, eoaalatlag of Maaare. BatiorT Pas. Ctrila-aoa and Allea - win elagi racaow saairtag a tha eveala. . Gaira-y-vernor SMvaata ana juir nnw. Bar. W. 0. (nroert. paator. Barvlcoa St 10 0 7T m. aad T: p. m.; la the swralag Bov. Beary Oatr-na, D. D, will preach: to the evea. tag the -urtea earrW wlU ba aeis at ue rs-n OonsTaeaUanal cherchl Mealealprog-M ta I II foUowal Prelnde. Uarcowaa." Bptaner i. aaihn Oaaae." Pas: aupraajo aas. wmw mm . aor. Chow, Mlae Uaobaa. aoaraae; Mlas Coa lollr. alia: Dc. AlBalle. teaor: Mr. Ooarge btroet. bartteaa: hi las Margaret . lABbersoa. 1 Mftfmaawlll lUw tTslwr etSTNIBJl - Scocsuoewth stnMta. Bev. C. W. Hays, aj-wj. 10 a. .. BaBday achooi; 11, s. .. A" bM TSDlg TO do; no o-tbiios ""-" - teas wUfse rees-aad at t close ef the Eloe's Gar-eaa Bast Tweatylrhth and OH. itMri. a. W. RalBhsrd. naator. : " By ra- eoast the paatoe will preach ia the Oee-Baa Uasaaca Dr. Coaps-aa'a eoraMa e J the me oad siile," the doctor havtag graated the per- hTtapaAarsiBe B. McOtade.pastorJ' The eaesTosatkia wUl aalta la aalon ovaaaoUatla ear-lee at f :S0 p. Si. at Calvary Baalist chare. a . r-Hi..t Tha Ladlca1 litaslonary aorlcty of the chafe will have oftbe Btoralas aarvica. -The aaneal .thaoh egertag ofU Vx-lclr will be takoa.. lira. Charles A. Park, of Bales-, Ore., will free " bee raeoat trip to Jeraaaie-a aae oca SpeeisJ s-oalc by eholr leader, leadarahlp of Prof. larMe n. w. atiiiw, j" " ' ; Hrat Camberlaod CorBee .Twelfth and Beat Tartar stroeta, ' Kev. a. .'."..: 10:10 aw.. aaraMm te children aed.pereata; rscoptloa of woowAora; U sv. aaaeay aoow Third Beat mirwrnn aae "T.V A. J. ISoetsocsery, paator. . 1:80 a. A Chwa Btart;" walo - evepealhitle swviees si O-ntenary aihareb hi the evening. PMmmitT-Bcor " " .. . u t. u.m Booaee. aaator. feraw. by the pastor st 11 a. aa.: ae evealnt service oa aeeaeat of aaloa aamee Porhae Praabytarlaa en area, v a. .r "-- "- V r. '. -'..iV... 4,- - AA- The Whtt. Temolc Ooracc Twelfth aad. Tay lor -tract. Bev. J. Whttcaaab WW. Z.w' Naadhaai. tbe aotod Ir)h evsitfolleti Dr. Ctiapaaaa'S famoaa aula anartet aaa sr. reani will sins, bapttata ctaoa of earvi 1 - bible acbeot; T:W p. as., Dr. I. Wtlmir vBap I. a wTuroacaV Batlee will las'. C f. Alle wl" dlreet tone, "',. llA..L Oootrah wooaaaen o - ni.ta u Alder streets,, auuia B. BaadaU. BilafaTtee. M; sail. Bjlahrtor. : a, "k. "arter oa Bovrral: What MeitT"; 11. .. oioia bco. Prof. W. P. Warscbkal, saaaini airee-ox, KBesat seveath aial stre RcV " C. I-phasi, paetor. 10:lw Pallneas of Ood:" t'harice a. -"." T-v" aoloiet. wlU slag at thla oervleo U a, bible Irhool- b. BlT Vim as people's aaloa; anion ZZZi it tha (Je-uaTy m7b. thn U the evening. .... . n-.a. lleaTbT-Beir 2ou7h: V a., AWT P. U ar-etlasi I ; p. av. praac- ireraUy Part MlaJSld if. Brodsy school: 11 a. -a., preacbla by Mrs. P. . Adama V an n. aa. . araarhlac by aov. joea b-iuct. topte, - A ienaf Woaaa Caeealag H Prteada.'1 ''.' . 00XOBXOATI0SAX. " vi.P.rk and Madlaaa streets, Bev. K. t. pr-acTiIng Ran. D. V.. anau-r. . . hiMf. W. A Moots aery director: MM M a Plahar, ortanlau . eeond sear IJneoia siro . :0 a. at.. Sunday scao-a, -""" f JS3? .UveT-iast roots Korth sad Be, a.. JBO,!ST . I" evangeuatl eerv iZ uebi IPriebyterlsB eharch huil-rVpr - A.oc-)orWT Mlaalaslppl sve .JrTVoat r ct 10 a. ..BsBday T I . im W MMfl i an other ISO T-lll-l.wa mmimm the aaloa art ilcea. Hlssad Coroor eoreetBorth, v. and Boat Blith it. B.kwood. naator. 1 a, ai.i "tbs -e- "..'.ri7TV r. Jan tor Bndeavar: a la ZTl n,H4 as the eharch sltes the ssrvlcea at soeova . ...... .... ; '" XPIBOOPALIAX . i '' t DaTid'e Beat Twelfth aad flels-oat. Bev. Oewto B? Van Waters. D. D.. Peator. P-ayera iTlfB. V aad TSO p. -a. I Boaday acaool, : 'u Msrt'---ferrr f i:'t,JPt1,"b' atrsisitsi kdrT, J. B. H. BlVPwK0, T9C6W. BV lUiy VCL w o ka ; 1 1 a. iTboly eomaiaBlo. JZV.' ..d Boll woadrtieetr -''- Jo- .. smnaar - . it. it la -char re. It a. S.. senoay acnoei, rZT" V eVanta service aad aersoB. , 1tt PaTl a-WooSmcre, Kev W. a. Powell to :L I m aervl-w aad aerawm. rtShil of TraoWsrstlowH "L'i.!r,tJ L J ln1 - - . . near Ooai: ",-':"'--.:.' ;; Wsahtoslo etrVet. Bev. Dr. A. A. MorrleoB. rlrtra- 1 a. -.. aoly easaiaaloB-. eerrlcoo at SiHT-. ..4 ,l;l '. BM as ,., B-atUy n-walas ' BkaaaalHtaaaIaBf-V - urvrt. m I r .- i ratVIaTIA-r. - . ' Bodney Are" -Oienev Bndney 1 tease and KboU treat, Albra Baeoa, nlnlater. 11 a. Bl., Bev. I. . V. Oowba. aa eveneeUet .of aatloaal roatiUUoS awae the dlaeunoa of Unrtat. will areaeh; 4 a. St.. SoBday srbool; aa evealBg "le7t-M3oraT Park and OeltraiMe. B. li. Mschley. pasM. lO'.fl a. St., regalar weekly rnmnmBkra are-ice preoded by evaBgellaiie servlro sMl aaravra; aSHB-p. -SJA trtbht schoul; an evening serrteo. ... Caatrae-Baat XweatleU aad lilsios a U sets. by BOV. H V. Bums. " JJ i.Tki-S3 o" MiWdeat; r. p. -u. Ualoa Y. H. a. C. B.J choir. 1 Mrs Ban Bl-cb- . Mrs. w. A. I. vror. rf . n. . -w-r, sww maoion; 11 a. mJ.';'r,2 ' siL'rr. , v. t.WO. :M Psychic v MOVED TO 1 WAS2:riCTCS SHEET ; sracotA mw f, . , sro cmAo xtwxjuu SATis-rAO- ..-.-.; ' . .-'a ot ,.-', TOV OAJI MM TMM fUMti. AX.WATS OOMMVVt aallalBg there -are s-aay shaptlesl eao sla la Poriland. aid that 4bla atty has bees ecarrua with prateaaare andar tha gulaa of ClalrroraBea, PalobiWr . aad Bptrltuall-tle UuHniMhl. and that -aaaV at Ita boat alUaeaa, wenid he CalT too aaslooa to vlilt a true. rlal--oraat SMdlasi. -PROr. TAN CORTUIND will (te con-ioce tha pobllc of Portlaad af hla aoaarlorltr ever an Me dlsaa, Palansts aad CUIiroraata) rive far three day oniy. luuiiiifiuo bw. HOUaa 1 TO t, BsAT AKO 8UH0A7, ' PCCF. VAN C02TLAND : ifTinjnn r taW:, iryomTLAr0. - Fa-aifAnarnT tocAno. iof-mvnT sro bqvazi osi to: to a.' .. Bev. t. T. WharaUoy O. .. ob "Ambaa-adora for Chrtat;" rerlTal aerTleea) anacUl Bian)c Mrs. M-f hor-an Uala, ehorlateri Mrs. Eva Kyan, ertaslst. WeeSlawB 11 a. a... "Bouiag Away the Btooe;" T:80 p. m., Bev. J. V. toea. a poakar ef aatloaal rmtatloa, will apeak; lil m.. Soada achooi: :& B. X. P. 8. C. B.I l;W P. at., svealag ssrvlcea. . , ..' Taylor" Btroat Dr. Presets Barretts Short, pa-tor. .: . bj., chv-oca; 10.0 a. .. "Bqulnraeat for sarviesi" li:15 p. sa.. BaBday school; T:30 p. sv. evealag serawa byBav.Dr. Bnldenolf to mem only. A Barries far wosms will ba held h tha Bandar school roost in.., i .li, t llilnl and lrvtaa a Ranrv T.' AUlnaua. paator. M.S. av, BaBday whwol: 11 i. .. "The ratharassd of .uos,' D0lVZiam!Z'?l. A.t atraets. Bev' . . " - Mhft, it a. -a..- Bao. Jaaaaa L. MeCotab, the saceeaafsl street eanfll-t will preacli, parants raquaatad to brln their ehll Srea. lo tha ereabis. Bhlon rerlvl services St Cslvsrf Baptait charea. , ' Oraca Awaer Twelfth and Tayler etraeta, CUmm Trao WUaan. D. IX, paator. 10:90 a. m., "The Unit ot Chrlafs Power; T:80 p. m., araasallatle sues BMetlBS eoeductcd by Dr, Ctaapcaaa ov one of hla aaaoriatea; 13:1 s. as., BaBday arbooi; : p. as.. Bpworth vesper. ' .' TJVIT1-BAALIST. V.V" .' -'AA. first bat Coach sad Bast Blfhth atreeta. W. P. Small, paster. 11 a. "How ls ii iiaaliina of the Chapaiaa ieranseustie . Casv iietsa; U:l p. saaday school. . - . a. loha'aOomev af Joha and fvanhoe, B. X. McTlcker, paator. The pnlpltwlll beee . . i , . m h bm. lie. Hatch: 10 a m . Saaday aebooL Oa aecoaat af tho ebeeeee af the paator that will be so. eveBlpg serv- 'SL.t ' tunn-. PaiWana.' Klrbr a'irccts 1 l b. a.iu. It a. Co.. Broach Lus h 'mJ,. wuuaai- avwlaet -ae- evoaias aanlce hare oa aenouBt ef aaloa services M - MiMTrmlf. ASSAATATTOV. Plrat Knsllah oracr Bast 8UU aaH Market Straota, aver., u. w,.r'"t.. f . vTr: wnrahlP and aeriaoa; 10 a. Bonda achooi; all oth-r arrvicea with Snkw aeastlag st Cal vary Baptist rsarcB. - - iir:L v-,w Tcalh and Clay streets, Theodore Bchs- . -psetor. B-vtces In the baacmcnt of CaWary rWbyterUartorch. ear Ber Bh-eet aad Ckr streets on aeeomtot balMlBS a aew ehnrch. , 10:4a a. m., aairaoa nrahln: a.X a. St.. soooay acoora, rum r sorvlc-e at first Oonf rafttloaal eharch. Park sad Madlsea atreeta. . .V i"' I7. LOT-sXSAaV ' '' ' y.- ' Bt. JasMa' Bosllah Cnrnor West Perk sad JcBeraaa streets. 1. A. Leaa. Paator. Jl a. as., "Uit! A ConttrBtloa Vow;r'7l a. St., Bua day achooi: . p. sa.. Latbor leagaei s area. toTbeTrw,eBa l--orw Iwt Teatbaad Oratit streets. O. Haaaas, psstos lay aarrt it a. aa.: tb Baator will sreadl at mi r a. bl. Inmlay acaool. Fiorwee a isuaiu l" . . street. Bev. i. M. Kerrtg. paator! f li a. and a. .a1, Bnndat School. - ObTSIBTIAbT BCHBCX. s :' . uim. i tnaaiSale etraeta.- Ires 11 S. - and p. "DoctrlBe ef Atone- BMBt." . saaday School at close oi BMrnins aeeood--ABdltoriaBi balldto S. Third btwea Taalar and aaimoB arraria. n a. . w ii; hVt Dnctrtao ef Atonea-Bt:" 11 a. Si.) Bsnday school to the reading rossMk A i. . cr-rKc. soimE. Piret irm Baeoed streat,. rr tc 'a hall. B. ia a. aa.. Bandar school f II m., rw. TlMmBaon, one of the ChaptnaB ZranaeHata will preach; T p. m.. aaloa eTaasel t"es7atslBtrest Metlwdlat chareb : . . " . . " Plrat Tasihlll sad BeveBth. Dr. O. a a Aa-4aBA ar4tB aSisalftlOaw. "itaTlV Hl. More Pleaaln, AtsawM:" M:M p. bv, Bonday acheoli 7 p. sl, William 0. kn.i . . rratarnlta." V ltTBf-aXLABXOVB. Poople'a Christian UbIob Prae rellsloue aa. eety7i:Blty hell. 234 Morrlaoa atrect. enraer aJna atrect. II a. m eddreaa by P. B. Lconltee no "Man. the Ideal:" 1:1S . .. ataay rlaaa ha Mia prooiea-i; ' r- by ahtoa orchaitra. Mra. J.B. H owara,-vocaust; ..m ..fH,ni.u, TtMinahtB. a.iJLoti.ta T:S D. m. Mr. brland on -"Tn BvaDSeUasi. or CbrlatUnlty Applied." . Mr. Laaber will eoodeet the eoog eervlee, , ..7,- ..uiM,.! illateA. O. L. W. hill. Mllns-Hlrarb boildlns at Weat Park and Waahioatoa atreeta. Berttcea at 11 a. a. and wmm h I. TarVr. aarratlon Army -No. 1 corpa. WB DavlaJ street, it a. m. ,", r..-s. - C' ntalnr eUas and I pralae aemce: e p. .. inang IwU'i Lrtioa; m., BaiTattoa A-say swot Tirat BpirHoM Roclaty Artlaaaa' aaTL Ah- Inaton belMlns. laira axreei " Z atreo" if a. m.. "Blbllcsl Splrltaallaai ?' ,nm ..IMrMi', nnMrreaal-e Ircoum: T:an p. m., "'"'What Has tplrltuauan Dons for 'M?lletniUI pawa-fl. A. S. 'ball, eeraer B-e-and and Morrison streets. 1;80 p. a.. "Tho Imw aVd Operatmv, of DWIn Bctrlbutle and !T$t5L2rZ.:ttt0, Dsr Bain- Allaky balldlns. hall 400. earner of Third aad Morrtaoe etraeta. . Service at ll:3u a. sa. sad ET'tk .K B.e(rHn 100. Allaky hnlld lag. ewaer Third eel Morrlaoo atreeta. T:) . BtV Dr. T. w. Botler wll dcUver aa aa dreaa en "The Majeaty of Maa." Tha Christies Vatholle Apoatolle Cfcarrh In VMn Jnfaa Abtander Dowle. rst snnatle. BerTlcoa at I and a -r . Am. mm. Third and Morrleon atreeta. iiianaL "Thrtat'a CaamaBd Ve Moat Be Born Asa In;' " eTootnx, '.-The Bin. of Hotrltsal Indlffe-eBes." Bev. Charles A. Hoy, Idee In charxe. . iMM.k f lion 4S0 Hawtbone avraae. trea at 1:30 aad 1 M P- Ski 1 p. a., BSBda "aad Medians Proteetlvo Bolrlta'al. IM aaaaetatlon. . Willamette hall. 170V. Seeood a n. a.. C. H. Plsmtt, aeaaldent. I. eaa I ace Ticca of ana aad pralaa with abort talks nn spirit BBS apirt eDaaaaion. v , ; . , i i 1 1 ii ii ii . ' Rates to W. 0.,W. Convention at ' . Los Angslss. I Account of convention Woodmen of th World and Women ot Woodcraft to be held st Vtm Angeles April IS, 1I0S, ths Southern Paclflo Co. will Bell on April It, IS and 14. round trip tickets Portland to Ioe Angeles, limit M day at rate of ISS. TlrkeU can b pur chased at any Southern Paclflo ticket oOce. - - . - ,.'' 1 -- W - "I ' ,'"'"' "- RS " WTIX ' TELL TOtT . Tons F01X ttxun. aoa. occur atioh. and wbom AKO WHEN TOU W1LI, MASK 7. t ' WHT COKBTTLT .AW WrttlO atS- DIUM WH PBOr, VAX COSTIAHD. TBS ACKNOWLXtKJBD LBADES OP THKat ALU IS BIBS AND- RI8 rSS-IS-MO BIOHBS THAN TUOBS LISS COMPS- TKHTi ,x.. .:,. ' v ', :' ..l ':. T.. i -. ' -, . . - I DO BERKBT SOLKlfirtT AOBIS A KB OCABANTBB to -sake yo ae eharce If I fall te call yea by ee-at ia fall, aasM af yew (riedds, eaasrtas ar rivals. t proauss te jlell yea waethar yeer heahaad. wire or sweetheart U ferae ar falee, tell yoe hew to gala the love ef th so yes Mt eeat-, eve tboosb -stirs swayi bow to saeeaad uv buslBeas, speealatloa, law salts! how te -sarry the cos ef year choices bow te ratals yoatb. health aad vltallt?.-Bas-eves evil UflBaaeaa, cores drink habit: locates treasaraa, euros all servos dlnaies. .'How' ea a t have good lack t . How eaa I succeed la bulMa1 - . Mow can I siake sy ho-aa hap-irf .. - Howcao I eaneuer mf eaemlMl How can I aurry tha one 1 Cboaset How eaa 1 ntacry w-tH . , : . : i: How aooa eaa I aarr1 . , '. .1 : . How eaa -t-eooooor mf rivalf " ' '" ' . How eaa I asase aar oaa love aieT How aooa will mi Im propoaol How eaa I (ot a good pesttloet . . ..How eaa I ree-at bad lafhitaawt How eaa I control any enol ' How auke diataat aooa thlek of aw..'. ' How eaa 1 ecttle ear atiar-elt How eaa I bold but hoahaad e level . ilow eaa I keep sj.wlfe Me . . x. u PBOP. TAN COBTLAKD tells sll sad sever asks quasUoea. . . ;303i Washington Street fifth and Wtthiaton Streets THE PROPHET HAS COME TO PORTLAND BROTHER WILLIAM The . Quaker ; Prophet, PsJmist, '. .- dsirroyant Medium ? . " Be has eoae to Portland. ' If thoa wish to eee a elalrvoyaat aad palaiat to tell the tblna-a of thr jast. Braaeat and fatnre life. aad as foollat. thoa aaat see Keother Wllltsa. He tells tbes thy bbbmi and tbe naare af thy dead friend-, aad pictures tbea as if they stand before thee. . Tha Kins of Knaland aara tif n-nthae Wilt. laa: "He la a trna tmra elalrvoyaat." Chlro, the palaiat. eara: "He la srand." Wllllaa T. Btead. of Loadoa. aara: "RanthfO William Is a vrondertal aaa, with the stfu af hla asothee. There la none Hke ante him." Tbre will be aanr oa aaailm laii loan hla, aad Brather Wllllaa warna thee to heed tbea net, for they are of evil report. K-ll-Biloded people will talk to the 'erll nf hla. 'r1 - BaesMSe Ui peaola coaio to Brothar Wllllaa. ...... It thoa wilt watch the ' DeeoU vlatf hie ron-aa people of hl(h and low deereo thoa lit Do eurpriaed at the treat ' concourse of rplo who know Brother Wllllaa't troe worth reading tha 1 1 Tea of the people. .. The people. tell their frleada and crowd hla bouss aato tdnlatit. Brother Wllllaa dote sot deceive tha fa false nroalsss. Prove hla for thraelf and bo convinced. Priced. If thaw baat had trouble aad been erparated from thy loved one. eons to Brother Wllllaa.. It evil eras are nn than ar atraoaa Influences sarroand thee. coma. If tana art sick sad thy BBTslctaa does not ksow thy aliment, come to Brother William. ft no bo win lass aoiu et toy saaa as tru thee toy iroanie. Now, friend, reed every advertieeaient hi thfa page eboet clalrToyaota, and Broth ar Wllllaa will tell thee tha truth. Brother Wllllaa't dalrvoyant eye raa aea ell thlnss rnr thee la thy rntare ana pet thee riaht Tbon caa be anre aocreaafnt If thon wilt come to him. There Is oaly one Brother Wllllaa, Qua sec prophet, palmist clairvoyant medium, in America, ana ne te ia fortune, Oregon. . Then aak the people that have beea to blmi they 'Will advise thee to eee hla by all aeane oare money and aara thraalf. BemeBiher, Brother William, the Qasker propbetr- docs aot turn a alnsla aool from hla door. It's net waata... Hla rellflos M to oo snoa. how. a laat word with thee, Bo-senitier. the aame, Brothee William. Quaker prophet, and Dring inif aaverfieemenc aan gel .tu rente. Boom X, place SIX Waahlagtoa street. I'rloee the loweel, sad no foollac . . .. , O. GEE WO Tbs Qrsat Cblmss Doctor la called great be cause his wondsrful cums are so weU known throughout the United Stole, end because so man neoole are thankful to him for saving thetr live from OPERATIONS; He treats any and all dtaeaaea with powerful Chines herbs, roots, bud bark and vegetable 6i, J that am entirety on i nelanen rn in la eeuay r ...a th3The use ef thooohara-. illi TwJTndina. hie famoaa doctor know th action of aver MJ j"". 7,51!! that h ha socceasfolly Band Indifferent aiaessn Htranxmrnwi;.!. mana TLT". 7Kina rhanmatlem. aov. vouonea atomaeh. liver kldnoys, fa. male trouble and TI pHvat dlaeaeea Hundreds of teertlm-mlsls. CaargM moderate ran nnei wj wnv J Ps'lente out of the elty writ for Man's, aad atrcalar. anclos sUmp-J AeV -TUa. CQEE W0 CKINESB R.ED.di2 CO. . !5I Alder street. IVrtlsnd. Ov. Pt' way Of Alder strewt la4l t si- flea Meniiua ' Una par. An open rivet Is lhd thing 13 r all toseUier. f . m- . y, . , S , . linioriPASinc 3-Trnins to the East Dsily--3 nnail Pallaiaa staadard aad t-arajl lag ears 4-11- to Oauba. Chlcafa, eokaM, toora-t sloMint eara sail? to aaw aara dally CMfi throoah Pnllaiaa touriat aleepta ea-e pnoa. allr eoedeeted It to Caaeaan. BocUakag . u union mwr, . t" t "' Por thj t.H vH Beat- " . : ' V, " ' ' "--' ' ' " J ' '- -aWOICAMS PLTSS. . Aj . '.'' ''V'', ! Por kutara Waahlas'i too. Walla Walla, law- !,,, .FT " . ' la ton. Cocas d' A lose DaUy. lMU'. ,: . sad O-oat Berthem ' i"' . r ' SQlats. - . ' ' ;' ",; : . . ATLANTIC BXPBeM. a m V - T:l a. at " Pot the kaatjrU Haa. Pau?. . ; , Colawhla Alvar Mvauesi ' , POB sATOBlA aad wacl S O p. BV , -. potots, eooaoctlaa: wlthlDaUr. . Ai1? ' atmr. - foe Ilwaao. aadloa. ioadaf. 9:09 .v North Beach, . atr. Baa-inatarday. as. aaaday. ' eato. Ah-t. eocfc. . lO:QQ p. 1 Ta-huTTivoT"ioa"teT ' . T . JOB DATTOn. Oracoal ' . I . -.- , Cltr aad Ta-shin Btvor - poloti. stars. Bath aad Dallr. Dally, . - . abMW.-Aaht; dock. ex. auaday. ax. Saadey. Water porilttlas.) 1 - wake BItoc Boa to. -"T . POB UrWUTON. Ida..! 00 i and way aotnta froai Monday . Tuaoday . Blparla. Waab.. Sara. Wedncaday Tharaday , Bpohana aad Lowtatoa. rrlday Bata-dar TICXBT 0PTICB. Third aad Waahtoglea.. XsW . -. , paona aaia TIB. , , '. " -'. e- W' BTTWQEB, City Tteket Ageat. , A. U CBAIO. Geeeral Paaaanaar AseaL. , EAST SOUTH VttlOr DBPOT. Al i tl aa. 0YEBIAKD BXPBi tratna, for atea. Base, bora. Ashland. Baara. S JO B. a. aento,Oedea. gaa Praa-l-t JB a. 1 elace. Btocctea,. imm aa- Cee, Paae. new at ne ssd tho Bast. " sioralas trala eea sects ' st WoodbnrBl aalle MeaaA BaanaTf S;M a. a. with trala Bar Mt : P. a. Aaaelt - llpff ttttal i i; j BrowBavuie. o a r a s fleld. Wendllag aad) NstroB. - 4:00 p. a. T:n a. a. hects at Wood bora wl(h-10d0 U pt Mt. Aasal aad SUvarH Oorvallis passeagao. IllB:.. Sberldaa paiaencer. I-S:z a. a. "Dally. II Dairy, aicepr raaoa; Pertlasa-QBV-eg BBSwrnan a . Dlrialon. sad TaStkJ-1 Depot font of Jeffi Leave Portland dally for Oewego 1:101 l Dally (eicept Saaday). :.. . S af 1 al it 4:10, ll:SO p. rL Sunday ealy. : p. a. 1?. fro- TmV depot foe DMm .d tator. 11. . ontnta dally (except Baaday) 4:10 B. as, Arrive Portland 10:10 a. . The Ind-oendeace-hloamnath - Meter Una eeeretes dally to Mosmoath aad Ah-Ila, a nctia7wUh Bouthern PaetSe esapaay tr- at IHIlaa ann inoepaBoeB-. m . ... Mm Poetlaad to Bsnraaienra tad Baa PrVsclaoa Jt. btaa $: sssseairs fare sin. aecorn-eu-e ee Tlckata to Batters points and. , am I'P" rte-ai ""l tSS.U Wuk. , .. itiai. nfAeo r or nor Intt.a atreeta. PhoM aaia. 11-. 0. W. BTTNOBB, W. a COMAB. , Oaa. Pa.' Agetai. dty 3icset span. TIME CARP '.. '. - OF, , ... .' , TRAINS'' Portland; UNION DBPOT.1 Departs. Arrlvaa. , Paget Boand Ualted. for Taeoma, Beattle, Olrapla. Boatb Bead and Orsy's Harbor point. " - Norn Coast Ualted. foe Taeoaa. Beattle. S:S0 a. as. :. at. Bntte. St. Past. Mla Beepolts, Chlcasn, Now York, Boa tna sad potots S.a. TBt ssst ana noniaaaat. Twta-Clt- Kipreaa. far Taeoma. Beattle. Bpo- kane. Helena. Bt. real, Mlnaeanolle Ch lease. ll:ap.aJ T:M.kv New Tork. Boatoa.aad all polnta Bait sad Bomheeat. Poset Boetd - Bases Clty-flt. LhM Bpoctal, for . Taeoor-. Beattle. Denver. Omaha. K a nasal S:80 a. BV, IwpB City, Bt. iMis tna alll polaut Baat: aad aoath east. All trains dally ascent ae Bnaeh branch. A D. CHABLTOM Aorlttant Oeoevet Paaaenaw A sent, -''- StB Marrtaoaat,. ear. Third. TortUad. Or. Astoria Columbia ' River Railroad Co- rfcsa Vvtv -Ay. Beturolag from Oaweee. arrive Porttaad -" g:sn a. a.: 1:88, 8-0S r1 5. r :. 11 .10 P. a. ally (etcept 7 ; 1:3d. 1010.' 11:48 a. a. - Except Monday, lav J lawvea. . TJK10M DBPOT. ' Arrlvas. - ' .. ' . -,'sv ; .. t . ' 1:001 B ' tW Bfaytves, Balntav. lt'1a, at i ..'.' rtirton, Platai. ' Rib-' '.,"' ;f n - Broad. Port gtsveas. ".'?.-! ,' ' A ' Uesrhart Park. Seaside, X V ' AitorU aad Basthara, -. A. ttprseadati;.; -" Du'" '. : Astoria tipreea. -, . : . t ' . . C. MAYO. ' V - O. P. tad r. A.. Aaterta, gv. C A. rrgWiRT. CnaaeeHtl Agent. Mla .street. Phoae Mala SO. ', '!. a-toka Otoce US TMrd St. S I At m." Tprtaxoontlf.-ritl asV Tralnas Oally c PACT T 1 r.z Z2 : a. . r'-' -t t - 4 . -1