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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1905)
9, - NEWS OF . f Th Automobile business n thU eiiy l H bur as th advsnc guard of tli Japanese rmy, and Interest In auto c fnoblllng la increasing ah rapidly es'the good day arrive. Few cities Irt thl '.bread land of ' our enjoy such glorious cllmst during the summer and autumn month than Portland, and alnoe the . auto hae com Into such prominent .us , for pleasure- trip as. well as for busl . bsss uses, step should be taken' at r ; one for th repairing- of : the roads . throughout the city and county, that a owners of machines oou Id. enjoy lan g ., ; splo outalde of the elty limit without uttering 'from a serere "shaking up. ' Linnton road, one of the prettleet high v .ways n the county, could be made wlth- out great expense one of the finest road for driving and automobtllng. i An -at-traction that , wiU make the road more ? popular than ever win be th new road- ' i - 4 V tl. '.If f v Mr. and Mr. O. B. Stubbe boos that wilt b constructed about 4H miles from th fair grounds - by ;. Blumauer Hoeh. Th houe will b 'one of th moat up-to-dat Institutions . JDf ns kind on tha'Paclfld const and '. "will -b run in flrat-elaaa etyl. Archl ' -tec t)avW Iwls 1 at" presont-pr' '.. paring plans for th building. As soon aa they are completed work will ,b '''''. r started Th. property,' constating of four 'acres, was purchased on Thursday, i 'and It 1 4h Intention of the owner to, Mns a landscape artist ta.boau.Uf? th .. surroundings of th rew place. 'aobaThaVCI i l- -Tha 'automtybtl Huw'WllI ."-,' meetings aa. th. by-Iawa commute .win. probably, uoompmto. Ita wont.iat 4nt week. ; ..A soon, aa1- club gets T thoroughly organlsod IU hardest task wlH bo th agitation for. the betterment of th roada. and In this work th auto .' 'people -could be materially assisted by th Hunt club ' anemWs. -, There la a v big work ahead for th auto club anj Its member ar arming for th labor. t Th largest gssollns automobile on .the Pacific coast via, just been com Dieted' by the QUI Oaa. Engine aV Ma --eh In company-of this city. -This Bit- " chin wa ehlpped to ita destination on April I. t This . larg i automobile la to carry .pa ngrs between 8hanlko and 'Band. Or. It waa designed and built 7 ton th Central Oregon Transportation ! company, who bav built a special road : from Croes Keys to Bend.' Or. It will -carry from ,11 to II passengers at a .load and- has been tested by th makers up l "a speed bf miles per hour.- It - will climb any kind of .srad found on . th ordlnwry country roads. , Th wheel of. this machine ar shod with heavy , . K.v-'i. '. - i..' 'I-'-.. ' Larf eat AOtortiobtle qn olid rubber tlrss. The rubber tires, together with th platform suspension "springs, absorb th shock du to th -irregularity in th' rood, and Ss the ', machln is upholstered with fin leather cushions h makes It a very comfortable - riding conveyance: It'also has a storm top. which when- closed makea th an terior warm and dry and far mor com- - f ortabl than rh . most, modern , stag coaches. In on o th photograph i shown th curtains . rolled up showing th seat and In th othr ono th cur '. tain Is ahowndowai and ho - th Jna "chin can be turned " lntoTan . tnclod auto. Th powr for driving thU vhl cl is furnished. by a -borepower. 4- cylinder gasolln engine, which Is placed . tinder th hood on th front ot th -mm- chin. Immediately In front ot th n- gin la a radiator whloh cools th water : ueed around -the cylinder of the engine. Thl radiator baa over ISO small tube through which tho. water passes, around Boa's Borrow Trouble. it Im a ha'd'fcahlt to horrow Snvthinc hut tn worst ' thing .you can poslbiy borrow is trouble. Whan alrfc. aore. heavy, weary and worn out by th pain and poisons of dySpepfela, allloitsness. Bright' dlaeaso, and similar Internal dleorders. don't sit down asd , -brood ' over your symptoms, but"ily-or'r1ie ' to Clertrle PI n era. Here yon mill find $ ur and permanent forget fulness of til your troubles, snd your body will not a bir- t v a Inad of dh dleeaee. t 1 ary, f'ath sM f..k ' ' t i t r -, K-ilj;,ri.'r'-t-.-t-1'' 1 ' f.'-f -V. f. J . MvV THE AUTOMOBILE WORLD the tubes being wound email strips of corrugated copper, thus; presenting hun dreds of i square- incites of 'cooling sur face of action of th air; t ha, mam water I used over and over .again- for cooling the cylinder. ' ' , -J The' water " la circulated rapidly through the water jackets of th engine, then- through the radiator; tht circula tion is produced by a rotary pump drlw n from the engine. 'There I also be hind th radiator a fan, which la driven at a high rat of npeed. which draws the cool air through the radiator and a round th tubes. This automoblls Is equipped with , compressed1' air . brakes and -whistle. Two preaaure gauges on the dash board show at all times th amount of air pressure la th reoelver, and also the air applied to' th brakes. In addition to th air brake tber is also an mrgncy brake which make --v;T-"-r? and Their Two Sons, Jack and Robert in Their New Oldgmobik. this automoblls easily controlled. " It will bo noticed that in addition to th two oil headlights on the front of this machine that there Is also a powerful lens mirror searchlight, which make driving by night practically as easy as by daylight Th manufacturers have already run tht automobll over miles and find it to work perfectly un der all conditions. Since this machln has been constructed a. number of auto mobll stare lines propositions bav sprung -up from the different parts of th country, and u win only do mat- ' ahort . tjm that on all stage noes wner inv iimii iu ia nvx .vuih to warrant It that the passengers wul b Tarried with comfort and at. a rat of speed that will save, more than on half Mm from and to th varlou points in th eurroundtng country- la ono of th picture seated at th wheel is the designer, W. A. QUI. who Is 'president of- th company that manufactured the machine. . Thla company hopes in time to make manufacturing of heavy motor vehicle for both passengers and freight service an industry of somo. Importance la- this city. , ,. v V; i .-. N 30 Motor Age, publlabed In Chicago, has favorable comments ror th auto- mobll law recently passed by th Ore- son lealalatur. Motor Ago refers to th Isw as a rational on. Among to ezcerpu from ht law th following are or muiritt - i r -.- - - i-, jr "Th Oregon legislature just ad Journed,. enacted th flrst law in that atatir to rea-ulatsh nof automobile on th county roads. Tbs first six seo- (lons provide ror registering eacn auto mobll In th offlc of th secretary -of .the Patifie Coitt. ; stat. and numberinc each vehicle. . The number of each certificate, preceded by th letters -Ore.' shall b displayed on th book of such- automobll os -motor cycle, in light-colored arable, numeral t leaet S inches high od a dark back ground. Vehicles ot automobillsts from other states, touring Oregon," shsll bear In similar manner th .initial of th stat from whlchtthev come, and shell hav complied with th automobll Isw of that state. - - - 'Speed ia limited by seottoa Id, the legal rat being, at. t miles an hour within the hlokly-otUad or business portion of any; city or vlllag and in th country when within 140 yard of any vehicle drawn by horses; t 1 miles an hour ouUld of thickly settled or -busl-need portion of cities or village on publto roads, - hlghwsy or parkwaya, and at 4 miles an hour at at reel Inter sections within th limit of any 'city or vlllag. Section 11 spertn' a general speed limitation whereby automobillsts on any highway, street or parkway shall drive the earns at atvx speed greater than Is reasonable and prpr. having regard for th traffic andV use of tho way by other. Racing' on' any of th aald way is forbidden. . ' , ,- Th manner of prosecution is set out In section It to bo that any proper of deer who shall 'arrt th- owner or driver of "an automobile, motor vehicle or motorcycle for an infraction: of any part of th act shall take the motorist Immediately befor. magistrate who shall bear the as at ones, -or. upoa '--yest of the defendant' and upon the 3J depositing of fit as bail h. shall ad journ th hearing for a time not-less then 14 hours nor mor than I-days. If It be Impossible to And a magistrate within a reasonable- time from arrest the arresting offloer shall accept ball to th sum of - 110 for appearance of the defendant at the proper time. Fines not exceeding If f.or the first. 119 .for th second, and f 100 for Succeeding offense are provided. The expense of recording a' motor vehicle with th secretary of state II. ...' - ,-' , .'At,.." 71 ATTTO BTOTM- .' . Few men in town derive aa mucn pleaeur out of their machln a O. B. itubbs. Mr. Btubbs has an Oldsmobll. having-' purchased It from th H. I Keats company,' and it Is His Intention to take severs! long rung during th susamsr months. ,'-'.'; . ..,';.. MTJ B.' Travis recently gold his 8t. Louis oar-and has purchased ng-cyl-inder 1 S4-hors-powr St. Louis ma chine that will bo a regular flyer.- . It is proposed to hold a series of auto testa during th Louis and Clark fair. : Tho tests will include braking and hills and obstacl raeos., - J G H. Owen." official demonstrator of tho .Wlnton Motor Carriage oompaay, of Cleveland., was Ja Portland last Monday snq gavg. many Intereatlng demonstra tiona t various Portland neool. Mr. Owen srrlyed her from Seattle and hi opinion or our streets and roada waa extremely favorable aa compared with in precipitous hills of th northern cuy.. xi e preoiciea - a . number of ear owner would tour Is th Lewis and Clark city with their machln from dif ferent part r th country, especially th middle west. He commented favor ably on. . th ' proposlton of ollln umi of our best roads, saying that th Bas untM roada would make two or tn neat touring road in the country, m left for San rranclsco Mondsy. : ' ;''.. . ..-:.' . ' H. t Keats, local agent for th Olds mobile. Has just returned ..from a trip to Seattle. Tacoma. Belllnsrham. Van. eouver, Victoria. New Westminster and several . of the Gray Harbor points, during which he j!aceddnnw macnine. , inciuaing two of : tho latest hotel auto-busees. which are becoming quite popular in the , north weat. Among the recent purchaaera of the Old machln in thl elty la Henry Wsmmay-who -1 -tho-pioneer-auto en thusiast on th coast, having imported the first automobile weet of the Rockies. Other local anthualasts who resorted new Oldsmobllea during th past week wer Dr. A. B. Mackey. E. P. Cannon. th oxpart electrician. andVW. O. Aiken of th Luck Manufacturing company.: - Tho Oldsmobll purchased - by -, Mr. Aiken will be used In his travetav be tween Portland and California points, ho having selected th machln for that especial purpose. - ... . . ;-. Tho Old company received a carload of new machines Thursday, and four more carloada ar on tho way and trill arrivo her for distribution throughout tn nortnwest snout th latter part of th wk, Justus Brlggs of Kobe, Japan, has in na Francisco for some time In th interest of th Japsnsa 'govern ment, nil purpoee being to purchaa automobiles. . He haa .contracted with General Manager C. A. Hawkins, of ths San Francisco branch of the White Sew ing Machln company, for 4 Whit chassis, of tho latest design, th bodies ror wn'.en win b bunt in japan. - It has been decided that the German reliability, trials for motor cycle and small car will be run over a course starting: from Kisenaeh. add extending to Berlin and back, Juno t .and .1 . hav been selected for the- trials.. There will bo. throo classes of omall rar: Run about coating up to' till: oar coating up to lUi. nd.trl-crs and motor cycles with trainers. Tb motor cycle will i divided oceordln) to horsepower fntoJ throe classes: wot over . rrom z o a. nd' over 1 horsepower. One. . two and four cylinder motor bicycles will be al- Jpwsd to compote. . '. . ., T. -.;.-.. Th tall angular ' man tn th wide brimmed-felt -hat wa evidently on of th vanrtlird of southern merchsnt on shopping trip. Certain It was thst he was wofully unacquainted with the city' busy way. - r , ' -, " ' , Toot! toot rnem tn mast sr an automobll horn and In a moment th visitor waa bumped -Into th gutter. 1 . Haeolly. ho waa uninjured, with a ferocious yell h started to hi feet iw slmultsneously - reached back hi hand to hie hip pockst. Her. don't enoot -em yeiiea tn spectators In prompt apprahenalon. "Ton can hav 'em arretd. and than us Th msn still kept his hand In hlali. nip pocssi. wniis m iow v. y'.wi, . rim. flashed across his face ad he looked at th vanishing vutotsts. ' Thslr onto number la eltlimr orled. a lawyer, bustling up. m il be ydu'r lawyer In thl eatrtge." "Oh. It ain't that, gentlemen," drawled the Kentocklan. "1 shs' wouldn't mlnj thl socldent, but for on thing." - 'But why hav you got your, hand : BY AFrCniUlEnTS Williams and Hunt Nam Men . , With. 6 ad Records on the Police Force. - HUNTER NOTORIOUS IN C ; - NORTH END 'DIVES To 'Add to Scandal, Patrolman - Fonea la ; Restored on -Threats of Talking.1 1 . Scandal in the. police department,. f il lowing the appointment of tt patrolmto by Mayor. Williams and Chief Hunt la growing in..magnitudc Tb cover was removed from th caldron by publication in part of th record of Wlrll Hunter, on of th- appoint.- . Othey cbargoa are now mad against Hunter, tb most pertinent being that h waa "booster" for a gambling gam at Frits' saloon on Burnsld . street, ' whll question 'hav been raised as to the fitness of others of th patrolmen' to hold their positrons. That Mayor Williams and th police commissioners appreclste th serious naturs ot th charges against Hunter im shown by their failure to place him on a beat; Senator Slchel was In con ference with Chief Hunt for some time yesterday. Hunter ''waa told to re port at police headquarters at I o'clock yesterday afternoon. , .' - It haa developed that the officer to whom Hunter applied two years ago to so If eome way ould not bo found to caus Sergeant Church to "II down" and cess arresting an unfortunato wo man undtr- the. protecting wing of -the now patrolman ia Captain Bailey. Tb captain , wes called into Chief Hunt s private , office - yesterday and quee tloned relative to the charge against Huntsr. -, .' .;-v ; - . . . . t7avry Meserds. I V.' Another appolntmont to the fore.. also Aald to have been made on th rooom mendatlon of Chief Hunt, which ha led to- caustic crltlotam,' la that of Robert Phillip, . This patrolman was on th force for aome time, but reslgnsd last February, declaring th pay waa too email. It Is alleged by certain patrol men that Phillips has- nons jtoo savory a reputation and haa boon th object of eara-ldarahle street talk on account of the relation be bor to a woman. To add to the scandal, the depart ment la discussing tb reinstatement of Patrolman L. C Fonea, suspended on Maron 10 by . the venerable chief. Though Fonea was reinstated Friday and went en duty at 1 J:t0 yesterday. ' his pay ia to b allowed from April 1. Thl mean practically that half th tint h spent-- Under suspension . wsa - In l th natJre of a vacation, with pay. , . . Fonea mot Mayor William,-"Polio Commissioner .Hlchel and Chief Hunt In conference Friday arternoon. It is esserted that at that time h declared hi intention ot "making trouble" by telling everything ho knew which would reflect unfavorably on the department If he wer not reinstated. Ths action f th polio commission shows thst tbs members did not car to fore him to make good his threat . . I . ' ' ! i. II . I f i ; V Oil Field Conditions; ;'i . Mr." John Gloyn, of Bpoksne,' who has Just returned from tb oil fields of East Kootanay, B. C-, says: - "Conditions ' ar most' favorabl " for th largeet "boom' in oil known for many near. -. Tho reason for the excitement Is th phenomenal results of 'the com- panle operating in the field, four pro ducing well hav been -brought In.' and a refinery is under construction., From a wilderness has sprung up th thriv ing booming town ot-Oil -City.- Two transcontinental rallwaya contemplate building Into th' field thla coming sum mer, ono 'Of which now ha ita engl neers in th field. Rancher ar leaving their farma to run slags line and 4wul freight Into the new-center, sawmills are busy supplying building malarial and buildings ar going up ilk mush room in a night. The excitement la-pot confined to tb Canadian alone a dif ferent parties from thla side of th line are buying clalma In .tho district with tb Intention of operating either close corpora t lone or as joint stock companies "From ; Winnipeg to Victoria, people ar becoming very much interested, and In a very abort time, from' present 'in dication, hundred of - rig will be sinking wells to tap th '- oil - sands which ar found at depths ranging from to to 1,10 feat. The fine quality of tho oil and th protection given by the Canadian government la a great factor In so many people leaving otner oil fields and crossing th Una into Canada. -"When I first went Into the oil coun try"? aald ' Mr, Gloyn, met a party fv Americans,': under Professor Her mann. 'whs had Just returned from the oil fields of Russia. Professor Her mann said that Canada- was not aware how- valuable a 'region she . possessed. and that Pennsytvsnla never presented as promising indlcstlons of oil as this field did. Development ns been - re tarded in these field owing to the op position of tb Canadian Pacific railway. which, ror a long time, mad strenuous efforts to get possession of th territory as a land grant , After years of lltlgs- lion ths government decided to recognise ih rights f locator by granting title, end the way .In now open ror th full development of the resource of this rich district" - IN FIFTY YEARS TWO ' f VOLUNTARY BANKRUPTS (geaeial Dlspstcb He Tie JearaaU . WaMaWaila. Wasb.1 April . In history; attending over more thanhalM a cantury but two caaea of voluntary bankruptcy are. on record .In thla .county,, and Strang to aayvboth hav been, In stituted within th 'past- si months; Th lst 1 that of't.W. MoOlsughlln. a grocer on Bsst Main atreet. who ha asked to be -released - f rem-hie-debt. Th sntlr amount involved lis about 4,00. .McOlaughlln operated - under ad vers circumstances for aom months, and Anally bad t -Mve up. Even during th panlo not ono of tho eltlsen of this city took advantage of th bankruptcy law. - , . V; f v,k-' ' -., , 'i - '; , , -i '-Ar TnTTT.1 ' niTSn, ' ' (Isarial Mssstah s Tss leerml I ' Colfaa, Waatw April l.-r-The t -year-old child of D. J. Kelly trtppod on a board, which struck a broken bottle, that flew uo. striking tho little one In ere. destroying tho sight, and mav cause th loss f sight In both eyes. thrust - threateningly Into your Pistol noraeirr "That's! th' calamity, ' sun. 1 had a flask '. th' best an olde' Bourbon whisk In th' stat f Kentucky stored sway thar, suh, an' th' flask' dose maabod, sub.; . . ... . :y,;: ; IS si's e lb si i m p II o e ' ,;r:uv Largest Stock of Baseball Goods- in . .-'v,; : , . land. romper-? Rfftc v aWM RAMBLER and $40to$60 Bicycle Goods of ail kinds. Wheels sold on Easy Terms. . V. -'. . w;v,-ti ;.-:-;-.' - : f SEND FOR CATALOGS V r, . - ' ft -'- '': I . ?:V'. , : ': :i 5 J V'. "86 Sixth Street TEETH Extracted and' filled absolutely- without pain by our lata scientific method, pat ented and used by us only. Free um Inatlon. -.-,-...j-..-...... . .. , TtH ntPLl and thee who dread having their teeth extracted ar Invited to can at our omce, wner w will demonstrate to their entire aatla f action our claim for palnlees extract ing... -.- . ,. v . .'' TtrrH: x. am "a - .bbbw -. -. a ' II w at M.lini STZ.VKR FILLINGS.... 504 OOLD STLL.INOS T5e) end fl.OO $ AND 110 OOLD CROWNS. 3.00 end fS.OO TaiXt SET TEETH. ,hw.......$5.00 Boston Painless Dentists v ' gli( atOBmXSOsT ST. Opp. Ksiev rraak -and Old reotesU. Hours 1:0 a. m. to p. m. . Sunday, 1:80 a. m. to $11:10 p. m. To bs sure you ar In th right plac romo In and get bottle of Dr. B. JU Q rave' tooth powder, free. tri . Park aa4 WgAtoffoa, Portlaao, Ortfoa - Th Scjiool of Quality' , MODERN, JRACTICAL, C0MPLET6 , ' Open aO th yesr, CstalegiM tree ' A. P. ARMSTRONQ, LL. B. PRINCIPAL HYTO PROCEED AGAINST CANAL CO. Dirsctsd to Take Action to Stop ; Corporation Diverting Waters jXj of Klamath River. . MAY TAKE PROPERTY THROUGH CONDEMNATION Government Offered to Buy But Exorbitant Price Asked 1 IfillsM host x - (Weahlsate Borees ef The JesrsaL) ' y Wasblngton. ' April t United SUtes District 'Attorney Heney ha been di rected by th department of justice to commotio proceedings against ' tne Klamath Canal company to restrain It from using for Irrigation purposes the wsters of th Klamath river which ia held to be a navigable stream and gov erned by th doctrine of riparian law. Th action agalnat tho Klamath Canal company grows out of frlftlon between It and th government In regard to the proposed government irrigation v enterprise-In th Klamath Valley. . The people of the valley ar anxious that th government reclemstlon sort ie should carry out. it plans for ex tensive irrigation works ' and tho rec lamation service I - desirous of doing this, but cannot proceed on "account of tho obstruction 1 of the Klamath Canal company. : Tho reclamation service f fered - to 'buy -ntth-nl company property and water right at a price sslil to bo $20.000. but tb canal company asked twto - in 1. amount and. tb ne gotiation failed. '. It. I now tn intention or in recla mation service to secur th property of th Canal fompany( by v-ondemnatlon proceedings, which. It 1 claimed, ca be done under tho trm-o tho, national Ir rigation law and a board or-reclamation service engineer Is now making aa satlmats of tb valu et-th prop erty and I flslng.a prlc Which .th government Will pay for It. , , Following tn xaiiur or negotiations for th pure haee of It property the Klamath company proceeded to divert th water from th Klamath river and to ue It In It partially computed eanal. contrary to law, and thla divsrstoa th district attorney will endeavor to re strain. If successful In It plsn th reclamation servics will commence con struction ' work uon th Klamath tr- nSs UITSLCbTS c:3it::3 syh:? aakea'lbT1llke1loeberiornMw mmamm wsile TeethlBS foe e Ftfly Teara. 1 ll in n l ke eklld. sottaM the run, aiUrt afa eats, ear wind ooUa, sad Is lbs baet , asm? Tb dianlMea, " . , ' I 77V gyp- 1 Agents for famous KEAuH '..-I- PIERCE AUTO Lamps, COLUMBIA DRYi CELLS tB" FRESH STOCK Cadillac Runabout. . .-..''v.' y, ". v ''"''- "' - The smartest looking and the fas teat Runabout offered - here. We atand ready to proro that . Pope Tribune RunabouL Price.$550 Sample will be In our Garage . Monday morning. Prospec tive purchasers are urged to 'see this, machine at once, and -place their orders.' It is Ughtt powerful and speedy, having made 5 miles on the Florida . beach in 11 mln., 39 sec, de feating easily the Olds $750 Runahout. O CPICEC-o CC7FiiE.TG2W: DAtni.'DrcvTJai, feiurtfSrix. rinsJFiivor; Ct$hn.r30MiifVkijJ OjCSSETtiDSVEES The New Northwest !la wsll represented by r .. ,' - pros and vrs In Sunset Magazine '. V "With Lewi and Clark." , by Julia Fraser, is an- ; .'L other well Illustrated sr- . , i S tlcle ( about Portland's 'great exposition, and pea.. 'j pie of ths Northwest, ' ' should reed It snd send - , ' It gsst. Other -articles , Include: "Aroerlcsn For- ' est Congress." . "Japan's . -. Mission In th World'". t , Tree , TelegTSphy," etc. ; Good short stories - and . : verso, . t .-. . soxa srr Aunwa Baxwa. Headquarters for Elastic Stocking:: and . Trusts LAUE-DAVIS DUU3 CO. s, TtL m )cts i ths s...-' r't'2 Port-;',: Uoods . SUPPLIES - . .- . .n I t. Leading makes of Tires - r ' etc., always In stock Fentbh Block Price 850 i; v ? - I aiiivnxr . ROVED TSY TCliT A. I .1 FIVE points of " v excellence: ... j -'"'..'.. i ' . ' ' " '.t. Leaving th canter of th city front wnicn you aian reocmng ine center or the city of yeur deetlnatlon: over, smooth and level tracks; giving rest and eomrori; rioing oesia running wtet most of tho way; through th center t population to : tb gateways of - sM mrca: whan you travel bv tha . i NEW YORK CENTRAL LINES i ' For Inf srmntlon and rate apply to . . ..i. , W. C 8BACMRK8T. Nor. Pa". Coast Agent 1,1 J Third (r. : Portland, Or.. .; - - W, B. JCKft'lL Oo. Agent. 114 Monro at, Cu:a . . v - - v - 4. i" r . 0