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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1905)
........... ' . V I I STL k 9 m V d.,S y m V) -y ) mm vy . ; i .- : ( -i-S,,, vp- Wnd you find that new things are to be needed for the home, we want your flrot thoUchta to be of hla store. No matter what your : wants may be-lf they are In the llne.of housefurnIshInCs-you will find them here. 1 EXACTLY what you want, and at exactly the price you probably fleure on paylnc . - ; " , ; Here aresoine of the things you may need at this season, . so the news . or prlclnc ought to be Interesting. new spring carpets; -, Ingroin Ccrpets - ' j tT new Invnunt n Try attrMttv In fct, th bat low-prioad emrvf w'v yr ahown. r. ' Th fabric la axtra heavy, and th color ar dear and brltlit Tb boat f fact for tha laaat - " nonay. . Floral, oriental , mad "all-orar" da- , : alma In tana, red. browna,.frna and bluaa. COc to OOc per yard ; AH-Voo! Rojahs A .vary heary carpet mad with apaclal waara A ' that givaa a vary handaotna Bruaaela ' affect. . Oriental, ' floral, acroU and Flamlah dealfna, ! rada, Una, bluaa, -arraena and browna. , ..-.''-01J'i6r'yard ,'0 AII-Vool Extra Supers Her' a Wat' carpet for tha money.' Erary bit arooLlt e;ood, atronr wear that will " wear Ilk Iron. ICapeeially aultabla for hail a and bad rooma. Floral; oriental and "all-orer" pattern a, la red a, tana, bluaa and krowna.- QOc per yard v Roxbury Tcpebtry . Prusscls Beautiful new ef fecta In two-toned brawna, . grren and tan. oriental pat terna; lattice effeeta - in tTen, red and tan, veirt oiua, two-tona greene; beautiful Bokhara dealfn In red and ' - per yard .t ; Tapestry Brussels I Brerybody knowa what a aatlafactory carpet " . itala la when It' rood, - Oura aatlafy becauae , they're th beat made. We're mm rery band ' 1 aome new pattern in floral, oriental and acroll 4 dealitna. , Aleo aom extremely neat ."all-oer"-J patterns In email f tgnrea. Handaom color combination in red, rreena and tan. ..,.. i $1.16 per yard Gouch Covers We've all kinds of pretty Couch Covers to " show; you on our second . floor. 'r , Oriental desipis in , Wool and Silk, , : Oriental and Roman Stripes, Bagdads and imitation Bagdads. Tapestry Cov- -t' v ers in all the latest designs. Turkish . and Indian Covers in Silks and Woolr ;The prices are as pleasing as the ' V, . patterns, ' ' -.'. Drapery Department : Second Floor - v " '' .- rT, . - r aar t aaaV n T 1U Exteiwloo Tcbles ' ' e Dining Chairs Carpet Sweepers Table- In rolden oak. quartered r eaV. mahoEay, Tlrnd ah. All r. "JJSS, i s th. hwi..' , i '! -Mi ha, - with round or aauar. top, ?A" w wT "' Desk Chairs y. Writing Desks "" new dealcn In Etnlon Fifty new pat- j". Carpet Sweeper are alway Chair to harnionlM , New mlaelon tyl riaT,5 :t ' 7.1 LatteNd rn In ZHntaw ; f handy. handle ' with any V , In weathered Loakand fuml .;. Phulra. in col den nut. uboiui in toij w w ' aasluL in rowwwu, omk. w pa v tern in uiu- ,, IM . " , . ; d Kaa aMtik M-aVeftM lVM9tal ft ltd . 7T. ' . T ' - 1- 1..a. Uu.AM.u1 . jt "r- waiama oskt - wii n MaJa wtmuw vm? w wJdthai- with round or..quar top, w m.hnm. lon'ir..lnJ?..wnL ilr i . .red oak. fumed oak. ' blrdaay. maple and maho ( I A' number of new HUaton Table , , anjr Any ,tyl- na." - They are nolaelea and ; mahi In -fumed and waainerea na. at you want, aay to operate. mahorany and bird- any. A deek to fit any den ' eye maple.- - or library. -:' , .. -- $5 to $75 ?l to $25 $2.75 to $5- $4.50 to $25 . $9 to $75 ; ; '''' '' Safety Folding Beds I abaolutely (uaranteed to uaer of the bed. They cannot clone or falk The moat aatlafactory folding ' bed aver manufactured. .Bafe,. ar tlatlc aanltary, comfortable and eaay -to manipulate. , - -.. . i : - y :.f '. " - ' " . ' Iron and Drass Beds Dressers r- ' In Iron and Bra Bad w are t News deaign ' dresaer. - Jaf . ahowlnv about 7 new . deal ma. in .'' , aah. fir, maple, colden oak. plain and ornate dealg-na. The, bed ' quartered oak nd4.mahoa--ar durable, aanltary and aatlifao- "any. See th ,nw "Prln- . ' tory. t ,. 2 : ..ce" Dreeaer. , , ... ; $3.50 to $125 $10 to $75 Buck's Ranges .The Great. Whit Enamel Line Th bat baker and roaatera, Olv more heat 'with lea fuel than any toy' or ranee mad. ' Need a new . toy . or rang . , ;" Rebuilding and Recovering Antique Furnitur Is ! ' a Specialty , of Ours. No Matter How Badly it ia Damaged.' We Can Restore . It to Its ' , Original Condition. v We Make Furniture to Order. , Our Upholstery Department We'd like everyone to know that we have the best equipped Upholstery Shop in the Northwest' The men who work there k are thoroughly compe- - tent and under the direction-of a skilled and experienced foreman. No work '? is too difficult for us Jo undertake. .We carry a splendidly assorted stock of fine and medium-priced Upholstery fabrics and - we're always glad to have you come in and get an estimate on any work you want done; or, if you pre- . fer, telephone us and we will call for jany furniture you may want done over.' ; You can then come in and select the fabric We'll ' tell you , the cost and ; N vou'll be surprised to leam 1 how ; moderately we .do this sort of work. : . ' . , v ' ' ' -: ' 1 ' - ' : " II t We Make Window Shades to Order We Carry ' the , largest Line of Fine Upholstery ' Fabric, in , the Northweat.' We're , Alwaya at Your Service With r Suggestion. We Have : Men . Competent to Make ' Them. ; NEW SPRING CARPETS ' Saxony Axminsters ;Tile'l a mediura-prleed Hleh-Orade Carpet.' . that cornea In "rery pleaaina pattern suitable - .for bad-room or alttlnc room. "We're ahow - Inr, oriental, floral and acroll pattern. In rone. j tan, green, rod and blue. - Tharef a camel-, hair effect In on pattern that's rery strlkt&c n SmithV Extra r'??h Axminsters . : This Is a slishtly bettor carpet Han the on ' abore. It haa better backlna and finer yarn In : f tha face. Makes a nandaoma floor eoweilna . tor a email peri or or wioer dul it com, m . ,. rery dainty floral and acroll pattern, In com-, ' blnatlona of soft eolors that nerer grow tlre i soma. Lots of pleaaln; deaien to aelact from,' , ?t60 per yard - , .' Bigelow Axminsters " . . r - I. - For parlor, reception room or bed room these a fabric are nnaurpaaaed. ' They are eplendldly mad of selected yarn a. In soft color eomblna " lion, with fin yelrety pile that aire a rich' effect In any room. . Every daalen wa eelect- ' ed by an expert buyer, and our aasortmant rep- - reaent th choice of th factory production. . ; . Thar are atriklnf. new effect In floral and - oriental pattern a, dainty empire effect tn tWo- Tr-tdtted lrtftranora handom MroB dlgn ln th new twortoned roae., - ' ( 2.10vper yard, ' Wiltons These' are -yary handaom. fabrics, especially adapted for parlor, dlnlnf room or library. 'They har a rich Talvat appearance and wear - for yeara. Th. new one are scroll pattern, la ' two-toned Breen, plain creen with Peralan key ', border, and a beautiful empire wreath deelfn Ins soft two-toned reen, : ? 0200 per yard " Bedding t . In our ' BeddingDepartment on the second floor we carry a splendidly as sorted stock of Blankets in all grades' and prices," Sheets and 'Bedspreads in all qualities, Pillows with feather and down , filling,- Cotton and Eiderdown -i Comforts in sateen and Art Silk Covers and . a long line of Silk . and Wool . v , ' j , Slumber Rugs: -' ' Bedding - Department ; -, '.' ' Second Floor - - - ; .. II - . " - ' 'II . ' , -J " ' II ' ' ' i " 11 i : II ' kaaaBBMMBnBBWn . I . . T S - I II i I - asm t m m m . bs mm.: mm a w a r LINOLEUMS ' - We "wnt you to always rr member, that thU it the most sar, Isfactorx tore in town at which to purchase 'Linoleum. No matter what grade you want we hre -the best quality at the : lowest ' price. We've a number of 'new pattern in ' the well known STAINS? ENGLISH INLAID LINOLEUMS. Just the thing for halls, bathrooms and offices, i Cheaper grades of jnlaid Linoleums for kitchens and pantries.-Oar Linoleums tre all cuU fitted and laid by experts. ,; ' : J ' ) r'. presto 0225 ' per yard "? W v, UAIIEYDUB FIBER CARPET , vv.-'.', ""TT. moat .'desirable fabric for bedroom floors. 'Made', from , hard-twisted fiber in Tery artistic patterns. Wear well and, ; look ' well a very desirable combination -of qualities. Espee ' ;.(ally adapted to flats and cottages. These fabrics come' In Ori- entC. Floral and 'conventional carpet designs. Th dainty, eol - or combinations make them especially appropriate for bedrooms. CO to OOc per yard m aBBBBBtswaawal it i . -.1. 1 V..- I.