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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1905)
HORNING,' MARCH " 1. ltd 13 u Simplicity Is Ithe Keynote for-? fl TVTTTT 71 TO rT OTJTT? A T TTVV 71 iWD T TV I in joj v v o ur aii xiu iv v v vjlvx-o x Of the v k ' ,l 1 r.- . 1 - ' :- : 1 ' ' .i'; .. i - , i : ' .... 1 ' ; , ''. THE OLDSMOBILIE-hs the machine the ordinary man s. i st ' should buy because-it is so -simply-boilt,-so easily kept in:. , te1e XV , No mechanical aptness is necessary -the parts a ft few; .cV7 ' In number; very strong, not complicated and do not get out of repair..- . ' ;. ;v -v.,- . ,v . It is" i Motor Car that is not surpassedin excellence,.durability.and reliability:for twice the price. Any man can afford .to own an OWamobik beause it saves money in his business." OldssaaMla I t, ' V ; THE OREGON' SUNDAY 'JOURNAL? PORTLAND. SUNDAY o o. ; r CD Z. V7";'-" ..'V . '"" f't '-; :' -., :f f, ; .. J ' . . . 4 S o w . ) , l. " i. .i r : . . I .. p. Btasdsrd Kanasaat, II V. 7 William - --. D. Cbapta, chilraaa . of -0m mads CDBBlttaa. Natluaal luctoUnl Aut aoblla HinfKtwm.) . Th problem that InterMU tha auto rnobll world moat at proaant ' ia Aha abaohita .. naoeaaltr of mood , , road" 1 throughout ail our United State. Bea- 2 V I W . Will Ik. a A i . ata at the praaeot tlrna which la practi cal l)r a dupllckta of ContTaaamaa Brown- low a bllL ' Thaaa bllla provlda lor an MDDroDiiation by tha vovarnment ol IZ4,. 000.S for tha Improvement of pobllc roada ' Thla amount la available In ttaraa annual Inatallmenta of 11,000,000, 'berlnninc with tha. currant flacal . year. Tha fund la to ba uaed In the oonatrne 'tlon and Improvement of the- publlo road a of tha country, tinder tha d traction f tha aecretary of agriculture, throush a bureau of hlfhwaya. ' A plan of re operation between tha atatea and tha Vnlted States la -provided, whereby tha ' atatea may apply for and receive a pro ' portion iof thla appropriation acoordtng I to population, on condition that they provide tha neeewaary right of way for j auch roada; that tha road a a hall ba of auch publlo importance aa to. Juatlfy con- atructlon, and that they wiU ba matn- talned without racoursa upon tha United 'i Sutea after thay are ao conatructed or r Improved. It la alao provided that eacn a Lata aball duplicate from tha atate treaaury tha amount It recatvea Irotn tha government. aa that In three years' time a total of 141.000.000 will ba apent by tha government and the various atatea and territories la the country. . From my own experience I know that tha sutea having the beat roads thus far are New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Itaaaachuaetta. The reason for thla laaot. aoaidaatal. -toe lua- ia. the fact that tbeae four atatea annually appro "priate from 1220,000 to 1(00,000 to be spent solely in the Improvement of atate ' roada. It ia a revelation to ride over ' theae roads in New Jersey after trm- veralng the roads of the west, and one ' appreciates fully the great advantages ' to ba derived from good roads after once ' traveling tha macadamised hlghwaya of ' New Jersey, ' Massachusetta or any of tbeae four atatea. : ' - Good roada are going to help greatly in solving a momentous aoclal problem 'which preaenta ltaelf today.- The trend of oar rural population to tha cities has , almost become a menace to country Ufa . throughout the United States, and this . is especially noticeable la the eastern eeetiooe. However, the rapid develop r roent recently of our suburban electric line a, the telephone and the rJral mall :i route has done much to make life la the i rural dlatrlcta aa convenient and pitae .'ant la moat ways aa In tha, city. Al moet the- only- thing -lacking now -are tgood roads for teauns or aatomobllas to travel, and the necessity of these is ap 3 parent throughout any one of our atatea. 4and there are sections of the four states t, above mentioned which, are still In very urgent need -of highway improvement. iHThe farmer and the lnhabitanta of the tmaMer towns are rapidly adopting auto rmobllea now, and throughout the west it ,1a surprising to see what a demand for machinea la coming from villages of (00 population and . upward. It has aeemed "almost a self-evident truth that the sale iof automobiles ia any particular district ftn not dependent upon how much money the residents have, but entirely upon how good are the roada.. The almoat universal prosperity.' of this country gives a vary large population who can afford to buy automobiles, and whether or not they do buy is dependent upon the quality of roads in their particular sec tlon. I look for a growth in tha auto- THE VALUE OP CHARCOAL . Tew .People Know ow Useful It ts U Nearly everybody knowa that rhimal ia the safeat 'and moat - efficient disin fectant and purliier in nature, but few realise its value when taken Into the human system for tbs sems cleansing , Charcoal la a remedv -coal is a remedy that the more i you laae oi it tne oeiier: It la not a drug at all, i but u 111,1 Din aimpiy aosoroa the L gases and impuritlea alwaya present In the stomach and inteatlnes and carries a mem out, oi me-system. Charooal sweetens the breath after J smoking, drinking or after eating onions 3 and other odorous vegetables. i Charcoal ' effectually clears and ' lm n proves the complexion, It whltene the 1 eth end further act aa a taAfurfer i eminently safe "-cathartic : i It abeorba tha Injurious gasea which roller t In the stomach anf bowels; It .disinfects tha mouth and. throat from ine poison oi caisrra. All drunlate sell charcoal : In u form or another, but probably tha beat r ha reset and the moat for the money la in Stuart's Charcoal loaangee; they are composed of the finest antiseptics in I tablet form or rather In the form of large, pleasant taatlng losanarea. the i cbarroal beiag mixed with honey. !Tbe dally use of theae losenges will anon tali in a much improved condition of the general health, better complexion, I' sweeter breath and purer blood, and the ' peauly . of it is, that ao possible harm - Mmtlt f , nm their etrntlnited tie, hut 4u the pontrarv. arrest benefit. I A Puffalo physlrian. In speaking of rthe penents or cnarcoei- aaya:' vise Stuart's Charcoal kosengee to all ipatlenta suffering from gas In stomach . and bowels, and to clear the eomplex- Inn and purify tha breath, tmoutb and throat; I also believe the liver la greatly ' benefited by the dully use nf them; Ithey coat but twenty-Ova cents a beg at drag stores, and although 4a soma sense a patent preparation, yet I be- Iteve I get mere and better charooal ia ' Musrt'a Chsrroal Ixaenrea than In any I ! -w m.J '(,))' ..-f r,ZS Lipjnait ia Hi New 01dnobU Touring mobile boslnees pnparalleled in ' any other lnduatry, and. the .rapid 'develop ment this year 'of macbinea for commer cial and utility-purposes room for argument aa to whether or not 'the automobile la here to atay., A It la a prominent, feature in the. bust -neaa world,, it U unexcelled for pleasure purpoeea, and . is becoming .almoat im portant factor in the problem or trana- portatlon for abort diatancea. With a world-wide bualneaa, such as la . done by my ewa company.' who manufacture not only pleasure, vehicles, but build commercial wagons and railway Inapeo tlon cars, one Is most easily convinced of the hold the motor car has upon the American public, and . of tne certainty that the demand for machlnea can. never grow leaa and muat increaae beyond the ideas of moat of ua. Improvements fa American automobiles have been radi cal in the laat two-years; we are aelllng our care la tha - original home of the automobile Prance,'- and in - aggregate aumbers this country far exceeds any other in the quantity, of cars manufae tured. The lnduatry is going ahead by leaps and bounds, and the only limit seems to be the question of good roads in sections which do not have them now. A united effort on the part f thoae In terested will put through -the I- timer 'bllL now up before the senate, and if the senate passes it there should be bo trouble In the house, and a year from now better roads throughout our-coun. try . will become aa absolute, certainty. It aurely aeame time,- that we .took a chapter' from the book of European road-making sad emulated, .the example of our brothers across tha water, wboee roada are the fl neat in the world and whose country districts . sre - perhaps mere charming than the cities. About the only class of people who seem to receive no great amount of benefit from government appropriations are tne lar mars. The rural main delivery was an Important recognition of their needs, and good roada are evea more to be de aired. - The prosperity of our farming community has muck to do with the general prosperity of the country, and If our farms are prosperous, so likewise sre . the manufacturing interests who sell them goods. The prosperity sf tha automobile lnduatry depends upon good roada. and If ths Latimer bill can put through its beneficial effects will be far-reaching. Many plana are suggested, to. secure good roads, but the quickest and moat feasible way is through ths speedy adop tion of tha . Latimer and Brownlow measures. As each atate must duplicate from lta own treasury the appropriation It receives from the government, it will not take, the state long to appreciate the benefits to be derived from better road conditions, as thslr appropriations by tha third year will no doubt be saucb larger than Kbe amount received from Waahlngton. It is provided that the states - should maintain ths 'roads, and once our people as a whole fully under. stand the financial : value of first-class highways, there will hardly be an oppos ing voice to generous appropriation a, la every - stats in our union. -i ns press of - ths country can do- much towards sedsencing - popular sentiment - aa - well as legislative sentiment, and concerted action on the part of every one Inter ested for the next few months should pssa these measures i and permit work started Per ore, me year live is ver.,-j : -,: i t i . jr ; The riMrvenreat te lorganlse aa auto mobtls dub In Portlapd ia taking more definite ' shape. ! A meeting of several of the leadera of the movement was held on-Friday.. evening and plans dis cussed. K was decided to hold a meet ing during the ' coming week, possibly on Thursday svenlng, at the Commercial club, If the necessary arrangements can be completed. it tnis evening is sat isfactory every person In the city, who has a car, will be notified by telephone that morning or the day before, and requested: to attend. It is belle-red tbst goodly representation or tns auto- ists of Portland can be secured, for the time Is now ripe for- organising. J. B. Kelley In his White Steamer had a strenuous trip recently through the Deschutes country, and he has the record . of making the first hard, . long run of the present . season. On the trip Mr. K el ley was accompanied by Mr. Crow. Dr. Slighter, H. rrank stays snd Judge Bradahsw of The Dalles and It is a trip that-win long be remembered by every one In the. party, for It' was made- la good ' time' and alao demon strated tha ' staying qualities of the White steamer. The party left The Dallea at 10 o'clock In tha morning and went around by the free bridge. At one place they encountered-a drop or J, 04)0 feet In two miles, but it waa aafrly ne gotiated. After getting down to the level of the Deschutes river it was dis covered that ths road bed. had been washed. out and the trip In tbs aula had to be made up ths bed of the rlvt,r, and It was a hard trip over the stones and small boulders, several times ths party stopping long enough to roll extra large boulders out of tha way. After get ting out on the plain Mr. Xelley hit up the pare, for despite the hard work the car had' been subjected te on tne trip us the .river -bed. .'It waa stttll to tha good, and the 10 miles from Moro to Wasco and was run In II 'minutes. On the "return - trip, ths party . followed I r ; " - ' V Car. the road and did -Dot -attempt any more stunts with' rlvsr beds. The trip back to The Dalles was mads In excellent time.! The ' party left Wasco at 4 :40 o'clock and ths run. of SO miles to Ths Dallea waa finished a few minutes be fore - 7 , o'clock., Mr. Kelley says s that if .anyone Is looking for a good, rough road on - .which to test a car hs "would advlaa them to take the trip In .from The Dallea by. the free .bridge, and if the car. cornea out .all right. and in run ning order, tbey can be assured that It will . stand any . tour that anyone may ears to make around . Portland.- At one point on the road the party leaned over the side of the car and dropped pob. bias into a canyon too feet -below. '"Ben" Holladay. true to his promise fo startle the Portland auto world, did so on Thursday last, when he mads his appearance In his new WInton touring car. Without a doubt thla car is very handsome, stylish and striking, but tb sre not the only qualities. In fact -the appearance Is very little Mr. Holladay talks about, for while he Is naturally proud of its fins finishing, hs points -out Its good features of construction ana it has a larae number of these good ree- tures. In constructing this new r model the Winton people havs followed many of ths standard features of foreign cars. including ths engines -under ths bonnet and a direct shaft drive, which the win ton people believe beat - for the light touring car. - a the street the ear makes a most striking appearance. It Is finished in silver gray, making It look aa u it waa construotaa entirety ox sign ly polished aluminum. There is a great display 'of brass and with" Its "bxT "blood upholstery, the car causes many people to - turn and take a second . look. 1 Ai though Mr. Holladay has had ths ear only a few daya ha has given a liumber of demonstrations to ths autolsts of Portland, and they all units in saying that he has a very satisfactory oar. , Tha Journal has been requested " to gather Che . opinion of local experts on the better spark the jump or the make Land break. A talk with leading chauf feurs of ths city, shows that nearly all of -them favor the jump spark, because of Its simplicity and that it requires less-current to operate It.' There ia, ai far as can be learned, not a car in Port. land equipped with the make and break. The first mske and break sparks manu fsctured "Were not satisfactory but it is andsrstood that one is now being' toads which ia . being used on some of the big racing machines la the east, bub It is likely to be some time before say' thing for all around work can equal tha Jump, for. in addition to its simplicity it is easier, by it to control ths time of ignition and it can be operated at a much higher speed than other styles of parks. There has been considerable talk dur ing 'the past week over the purchase -by W. K. Travis of a Pope-Toledo car and there has been some inquiries aa to what induced him to get that car. There is no quniivD mat , int rvp-jgiao .ia a great car and one that can develop great speed. Mr. Travis bought his new ear after trying out" several" st the New Tork show but what led to the 'direct purchase ia said to be a little speed run he made on the Tonkers road dur ing show week. Mr. Travis went out In a pops and a long ths 'road tbsy. en countered a big Mercedes racing ear, Mr. , Travis wss . running .ths- Pope-To ledo and there was soon a race with the big Frenchman. S. Mr. .Travis in a short distance psssed ths Mercedes, aa If It was tied to a poet and thla decided the dar In favor of the car which Mr. Travis win receive about June. ; j , Covey aV Riddle will very shortly re ceive a Pope-Tribune - runabout. . for which tbey expect to find a ready field In Portland. This Is one of the popular machlnea, the price (610 being vary low. It la said that the oar la very speedy. and there Is evidently something In this claim, for It made five miles, on the Florida beach la 11 minutes It 4-1 sec onds, defeating all' competitors. Dr. -E. DeWItt Connell has ordered a model J& Cadillac runabout, and-Ben-Selling haa purchased a Cadillac . touring . car, which ho will receive very shortly. It wilt be a 1(01 model, with side door entrance and other up-to-date feat urea. Thla wiU add another -to the Cadlllao equipment In Portland. - . i . , ' J. C. Alnsworth bmuch delighted with his White steamer, and nearly every day he ia out driving It. It is a KOt model of ths Whits- make and is without a doubt the beet steamer In this section. It is equipped with II horsepower en gines, but they have the - compound feature, and can develop 10 horsepower. It is this . feature that has made , the Whits steamer the high speed car It, Is today. ..- ' .; ..- .;';'...";( V H U Keats Co. are irtllf filling good erdera for the Oldamoblle, Ott WUaon, for Salem customers, has ordered two runabouts s.nd ons light tonnes u. C. W. Smith of Smith sV Oosnflo, the Seattle I rev CSttrpaV eJEW .' TA-'. n v Every perplexing automobile question' has" beeh'aolvtid 'in' een proven to be the best way. . , . ?v " .. been Ask any Oldsmobile driver and you, will near again ana agauv now a Kunaoout nas aone more.-cosi icss lor gasounc ana nce'ahd is'still doing'morcbusinessevery day than the bigger and more expensive crs.:.' . ' maintenance StaaokH Rtukea. TSO Uslvt ToasB C4U-, $1050 10 k. aa 16 k. p. Vtmy L cm-.: : : : '. The larerst and onlv' complete Automobile Repair Shop "north of San Francisco. Garage and R'epair-.Departmeni Oak street between .Sixth .and Seventh streets agents of Keats sc Co., wss in port- land on Thursday and ordered a car load of Oldsmobllao to ba shipped direct to Seattle. Mr. Smith says that Seattle Is suto crasy and that It cars have been sold there . so -far nhla season, frank Manville of Boise City, Idaho, the com- oanv reoresentatlve in Southern idano. waa In Portland yesterday and put in an order for a carload for his territory. Mr. Manville has organised a company with $10,000 capital which will handle the Oldsmobile In Southern Idaho. In ths territory controlled by H- T. Keats Co, which means, ths Pacific north west, t4 Oldsmobllea were sold in five days last week. ;; .- '''.';. , ' Ballou st Wright have been appointed distributers in this territory Sot Ors Solvent, a preparation for automoblllsts, being an . antlseptlo soap to remove grease snd paint. - They havs also been appointed . agents ' for Monagram "otla, which are used on the racing cars In ths east....:' ! : . ..' Reducsd Rates to California. ; - Tha , Southern 1 PscUo company has placed, on sale round trip tickets te Ln Angeles at the rate of Set, limit days. This affords) sn axeeUent oppor tunity to vlalt the many beautiful win ter resorts of southern California at a ate ' CADILLAC MODEL F ' .' - ' . 10 horsepower, weight-l.tiO lba. Seata Ave. Bide doors. . CAD.1LAC MODEL C .10 bersesowar, weight 1.100 lbs. ; Seats two. Ths most powerful and speediest runabout on the target. PIECCC GREAT RS0W Car has been delayed, but It will pay - prospective purchasers to wait and see this "masterpiece" of auto construction. .,. '1 P0PETRICLJNE RUNAC0UT y -3 borawpower, weight 7S0 lbs. : srszaa tios. Thla litOe car Is not a toy. but a highly efficient - machine. On the Florida beach laat January it made Ave mllea In 11 minutes S 4-a seconds, defeating easily the Olda 1 horsepower - runabout. -INVESTIGATE BEFORE BUY JNO. ;.- - , - ..; ..... To really aay a ear Is the heat doesn't make It so. INVE8TI - OATE. 1 COVEY & RIDDLE AUTO CO. B3ttoa Pcialm Desthtt known ths. world ovsr, are the only dentlats In Portland having this world renowned painless system for extract ing, filling, or crowning teeth, with out pain. ' Have your, teeth extracted without pain and replaced . with new ones the earns, day. . .. ' All work rsAraatssd fat tea years. rTH0Uin. bin STLVKR nLLINGS. ........ OOLD FILLINGS TB ......504 to $1.00 l TO lis OQliU nLLINOS....... .B3.00 and SS. ' eTILLINOS $S.OO to SS.OO We have a specialist in charge of each department Best artificial teeth makers, best crown and bridge work men snd gold fillers In the world. Olve os a cell and yeu do Just as' we advertise. rill Sad nf KBI, m taUattl Boston Pcinliss Dentists tti h anmnxstw . ' Opp. ltaisr Tiasik asat 014 yntatlse, Hours 1:10 a. m. to I p. m. Sunday, 1:2ft a. m. to 11:10 p. m. . .To be save yea are ra the rWrkl ev rome In end get bottle of Dr. a uravae toota pewser ires, , , , . . . ; vv l .Tesjrt Mags, WJO ' 30 a CyOswar TtMsr-tj Cor. (1550 Ta)Pg SEARCHING FOR ' AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES When-a large assortment can be found at our store, ' - FRESH STOCK. . Rambler "and Pierce : Bicycles Bicycle Supplies "Sportlnj: Goods " ' Cutlery v'-- Drop in and 'look us over. - Ask , "r 'or catalogue. . JJt l SIXTH STRICT, .... FOR 8ALB BY ,. . O. Magoon, Agt 8T. JOHNS, OREGON (aiimct : Rdstaurant - 149 BtTonth Strttt Wlehes a mil tse arwsMue sf the SsMte a the siwllasa esaass ssrsee ally fraav ts 0 s... at, far is . state. .. - . " Alas the salty assa atwt feaat II : a. a. 0s 1 .- .. ft as ssata. W na tOM la slrartad saward . gtrtag aarfact astaifaaOsa. Tims . - .- : V ' .n - - ;. ' -t ;... .-' . - .- ;-' .' v All leading makes of , Balldu&Vrip hV'tl-j-! an "Oldnillt. It is made the way if i , f v: J-. '-. . 1 '''- r. : ' ; : Send : for ''Goop Talk" a clever, bit of automobile nonsense, and "The Rolling1 Peanut," George Ade's latest story about an Oldsmobile. ' --..V. :;:::; ''- ":Y ;' v't'- ' ,-.-;:;'' : R U .lEATS AUTO, CO. 7;: Ccstrr Oregon,; tatoiv liibo. r ; ",- ," , : : a J xj ii J , ci Aoii J : : - 4 Wawn a motorist desires to why should ho be hindered bjr the" front seat and tonpeau ofbls carT , If he wishes to adjust certain parts of that engine, why should ha be com pelled to wads through a multitude of bolts snd screws? - In f other words, why should the analne of his car. not be mounted under A hood X over the front axle -Where every a standing position T . it requires a eonneetlng rod oa a WINTON. e other earst ' I,-". . i Why should ' a' motorist endure spring, when he can have that shock Spring Susp sating springs Ottad only, on .WINTON; cars t ; ' - . i ' Don-t bay a cheap ear unless yoa can afford to' throw It' away' next year. , Don't, bur a car on Its outside - appearance' atone, ', Make' - them ' X. "show you" the Interior of tha engine and see how long It takes them tO dO lt,,: ,.Y'...' , Four Cylinder On All Five Models ' ; Model C, 1 -I0 H. P ..... ., . .SlOt X Model A, 40-M H.' P. ..... .. .M0S y -f'r.- Limousins, 40-0 H. . " - - V ' ' . - AAA. A!stomMe Go. AMQilHIii-.Dall! Ia the Afar cr Oa the Crotsd Caa bo stopped by a good nsaa with a good glove or rait. A salt or glove of the right shape and material Is what a ball player la always looking for, We bars 'ami No dead ones in our stocgi . .. g j nun un DADJUDAiiu onviaw n? mrm Riiinf uitj ' revui&r 9.00 BhM for 9tU mimm id the i.00 Bho) for. $S.S.Ipaal piice 7 ,. aaAat w A sarwrt-Tw a aaie-WspiJJI A Ccslcte Phd Vsireria for $2.00 . Cap, Bait,. Shirt.. Padded Pasts and stooklage In Oray-or Maroon. Wo alao carry a edmplsts Una of Bicycles. Bleyes Sundries, Ouns, Rifles, Aannuwitioii, Track Clothing, Supporters, Marbles, Toys, Tannla ' -OoodsFlshlos; Tackle,' Dog Collara,Dog Medicine and Muss lea. S. H. DRAIN AU CO. Ths Tp-se-Oaas aTfertbag eVoodj ,-V;:'.'.:;'--:"r;:lM ASK FOR CATALOGS, . . . . is because that way has Inspect ths mechanism of his engine. working part Is. Instantly reached: from put throe ano a naif seconds to reach Why should t , require half an iour pn . '.'',: -- -':.- ension the abock . of a heavy resisting,, absorbed . by i the patent compen-. .... Vertical Motors Model B, 1 4-JO H P.-. . . . . .SS30S i Lsmousine. li lt H. P........SMM P... ...fiJOO j -lr-'.c.. 495 Altar Street, ; Red 3302o Pcrtkzd, Ore, A. .aVA. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. AsV A. A. AV A. A A. A. A. A. AA A. A ttW- aw - a as .a , OPEN EVENINGS. i . ' "Si