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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1905)
1 ... rir l 1 4- I : ' cc::::.:iTiy ;.:::ts i.?STj;:.CD Is f 2A'iiJ LJ 57 SEAS -Gchooner Pearl of San Francisco )1 v H on Cod Fishing Cruise ClC? in ftorM: V) V .r Z found crj at;cti5 ck-xic tost Fishermen and Crew Were ; all Cturdy Younj Meij ; , From California.- t (Special Plapatcs by Leaecd Wire ta The oaraal) f.8a Francisco, March II Thirty-si sailors tod fishermen, w"ho sailed from I this port en the schooner Pearl' "on . kcod fishing .cruise along 'the Alaakan f coast, have von to' their deaths in the ,lcy watera of the northern -mm, : V The ; tearl sailed put jot ; this harbor "'feir December 7 laat for; Bannak, where 'the Alaska. Codflshlng -company-' mala- -Ulna a sutlon. 'Today a telegram, wag received by Alfred Oreanbaum, thai pre vident of the company, here, from their f agent tr the northera station announc ing that on March 1, the date the mes eage was started by mall to' Valdes. wberd-t was put Oft the- wire, that-the Vessel had nqt .then ajrrtved, .but. Instead ' wreckage from the vessel had been found en-. the coast- of the Aleutian - island. "close to the port for which she was "bound, which Indicated conclusively tnat J the Vessel had been lost and with her went all her erOW of sailor and. usher- ? Alnen, wlf ,wer aboard of her. - ) ' Anion- tha wreckage that was found fwaa the figurehead of Ihe vessel.-and iwlth. it was a .quantity fit new lumber rthat was marked with the letter - in la diamond. "JL.umber with such marks :was carried a part of the cargo of the i 'schooner. . ..; ' .r ' ' : Th T pi waa In Mnmlnl. of Cant. ICmll Soderholm, who was an expert-. i-H had made a number of voyaa-es in 'the vessel to Bannak and was ooia- 'red a careful officer. t .' - , i vmriftk klM T T'.lawtlvia. aa Avar- fhata land W. .Tlerncy. second mate. .The aadl-' - - . , . . n BlMk..J 1 .ors v i no crew vvn im jojviiwwu, T. Thamsftn. Hans Heldlag and J. Jor- entUan Spelmann was. cook. The fishermen were: . tiunt, wiiiiam opear, J. Moran, -John Lee,. -Thomas BatUie, -Kllk, Johsnnseh. Bernhard Alsen. C ' Williams V. Bers.: A. Csatberf, K. Kneel. - brvtsen. R Norm.. Robert McOroch, - i A.'- Thorson,' Frederick Kraft, Victor . Holmberc, H. Mikkelson.' A.O!sobv Ckrl rjohannsen, O. Mlkkelsen. J- Declerex. C. 'Anacnnn, yon a ?rw . vi tM. Jaeobsen. A.' ZUll..01ujt Olsen and - George Femerllng. - . - r i All of the men wera enraged at this Itiort. Thev were all sturdy young men t accustomed to the way ef the sea; and " t when In port made their, hadquarter (either at the rooms ef the Bailors' union or at the- offtces of tha Fishermen's union. - ) v . ,.!.' - -1 1 " J, the flshsrmen were being carried' as 4 passeagers en the vessel and they were Ho but that nsnuig station ok us nn ' hui it Ruiiuk and to relieve a num 'Tonr f 'meit who have-been' engaged 1 . toshrtnar there for several month s.1 jto' i. The, Pearl waa a, staunch little 'craft tf about a hundred tons ana waa soot to e.ia. wall formed to battla with the rig orous storms to be met In the winter ,Bason In the northern latitudes. . it is llioug-ht that, aa sh .vas wrecked, .rclose to her desUnaileV - -f aught in a snow stoma when nearing tha rough rocky coast, and In tha blind .lng aleetth vessel -drifted before -the gale and piled up on tn .oaacn. 'ORGANIZE clears to aid ' SHINGLE MANUFACTURERS . . . - - .' . . .J..4 Beattle," March II. An effort Is being 'made to organize the manufacturers of : "clears along lines that will have a bene "fioial effect oa tha entire ahlngle trad. " Prellmlnarle In the negotlatlona to .carry out the plan of tha .yrasblngtan Loa-a-ina- k Brokers re oemaaay through t the esubllshment of a central selling agency and posting forfeits that , will keen the manufacturers irt line. '' T 'Practically SO per cent of the clean manufactured and shipped out of this ' stste ar turned out by mills. in. Wluit Icom' and Bkaait counties. Roughly es- tlmsted, ! mllfs are' handling that telaea of shingles, and this small num ' 1er. it la believed, can be welded together llnto an affective organisation. Cood Prersss Made inr Organ ization of Plan to Handle County Exhibit. V k ''(8pee!.lDi(ea e TUjUmn..'' V " Vancouver, ,asa, March ll.-r-At the meeting of the lwia and Clark -fair executive committee Saturday i after noon good progress waa mads in the or-nlsatlon of a general plan of work. W.' T. Jackson of this tty waa agreed upon to collect, prepare and Install the exhibit, hi aaUry to be lite a month. he to aerve at the pleasure of the execu tive committee. Mr.. Jackson Is to finish all tha collection he now has on hand suitable for exhibit re of charge ex cept tha large mosaic of. Lewis and Clark. '.'- . ? . f ? The Waahlngton oregoa ' LAimter company has offered to? furnish all tba lumber needed in preparing the exhibit gratia, which,, offer waa accepted. i.The only condition to thla offer is that their name be used aa the donors. It waa decided to purchase, a cabinet similar to tnat used at tn Bt. liouis fair.-. It will contain US square .jfeet and atuid ela-ht inches from .the wall. The offer or 'the Merchants-'Express company to , transport - to exhibit . to Portland fre or charge, witn tae ex ception of the lumber, was accepted. - i -r - - ' : '' ': f-. W' " : tn; Oil Producers H?M Ci3 Conven ,tion'and Raise Fund ts ' i'L.i.?: Carry' ert Wur. :X . T r oovcawn cays otats ; 13 Kl f (OHT.TO CTAY "OLD JOE" CBAETK SKU'EXCITiraT Faithful Horse of ,Many Years Service Falls Trirougtr-Molev f? In Dock But Is Recued..i Kl IBawfal Ptapsteh to Tea JeWaaL) Vancouver, .-'vVash., ' - March' llA rather exciting time "prevailed it tit mill - dock Saturday forenoon.. Uld Joe," a borsd of many veare-aervic tn tha Waahinsrton and Ore son. lumber yard. In-'some manner- came J near -falling through a large hoi -in the dock arid would have gone into the "rfver tnff for tha prompt action of tha men oa tha dock at the ttrn or. tn acciaeni. -"The. tiara .la a heavy .animal nJt waa not an easy Job to, get hint back oa tha Hoof of the dock. Finally; timbers were -put across under the suspended an1 imal who was kicking furiously, and with the assistance ofvai block iAad (ackleihe waa landed on, tha dock. One of hi for kne cap .waa aeripuillr ta in red and it will be several daya before "Old jo" wut pa seen at ww , , TWO ARRESTS ''MADE v BY NIGHT OFFICERS Saloonman, for ' Keeping : Open After Hours and Baker for . ; v f Malicious MkchM. Cir nv .'".':'''.' .' '"VJ ..... .,4..j:.::. . a '4Tka Jaana1 " .. VaBnauvK..jVaan Maseb, rXwo ar rests were made early Saturday morning by Night Pollc Officer . Frank Van Atta. The Q rat oa waa Frank La Caff, for keeping his saloon open after midnight la violation ft tha existing jlquor ontie nance. . .-. . ' ... Mr. Kalaa, bakar In. tha garrison, de cided that the derrick used la tha eon atructloa of CapUln, Packard's business block oa lowar Main' afreet, would look better lying oa tta aid than, la Its right ful vertical position and-proceeded to make the Chang. Before tha garrison baker bad time to leave the scene of ala operation .Officer Vaa Att cam along and took Mm. la eharga-t IJ was fiFRMANY CENSURED FORM . SECRET AID TO RUSSIA . v -tfaaraal BbmsU arvlt. i Rarlm."! March) II. Her r Bernstein. Socialist leader In tha Reichstag;, last Bight severely censarea.tnev(gavemmsni for aiding Russia la maintaining her kJtlt u auartad that tha imperial govern ment la -doing vrythiag possible to maintain quetatlona on Russian bonds. He labeled the cmar criminal .mImb tiiimanltv. . ' ' ' t .'', AN RTLANID) ,YiiaW fe. p. . AseerUla hew yoar lanatawsoi' eiTl ran Mtt sheet xtiaM, 'mlnvraka, etweuUMetii how te . better year dl Ilea i sew, I aae- 'esad la aU sartaklaa,-'-f V' 'i;'v i" T-.;--'. ' i Th air ha aWa to get better nltVm. better waxes, er PeriMvs.yea are , waiUog foe seaMthlag re will sevar realiea. Hn4 eat abeat year atoeat Meada er rele tleee; abMt aiekaew, death, aapers, law, h series, treaaaie .la ahert, aa Butter wast : yea wish to knew,, call at esc.. ... . . ... . iHpoKinrn bt rmi T.rAmMO AND WOMC or THB NATION. Wai l) I MO THB PkBSlOKNT Or TUI UMITBD ;.- gTATM. v, . v .y'.v' '-A,..; i-' ,., fflOMS BAKM HEAD BT VAN CABTLAND: ' PreaMMt MeKlalay. Lata Preaideat Caraat. sa. a aiaiey. j,,... eir uarse 'arab asraaardt. ., , , AdaUral Dewer, ; ' Prlaee ef Wihw. ,. ; Rwperer WillUaw U Rata) Chasg. PaderewakL . -, : Meade !. v - Qeeaa VietoH. . W'a Tln-yaag. TuSlkilU. . . Bsmeroe Fraaeie 7neer . Vara usrsaa. viceroy -.India.. Jella Urhiws . . ' illlea kawell. . Kispanr at Cblaa. .. THB MOMENT TOO BKTBB IB JAB- tOB HH WII.I. TTXI. YO(T OVB""' AOR, OCCUHATION. JOCB.JhOTHKR MAIDEN NAME. AND WHAT YOU CAIXKD EOR7 WITHOUT AMklWa '-A OCBHTION: WIM, Tlitl TBI NAM W ?OI B HWEKTHBABT . OR A""HIhO tOIJ WANT TO KNOW. HE "JJDaYOU AWAY WISEB AND HAPP1EB THAN WHKN tOU CALLED ON HIM. ; t . If yea are anHded whet ts da. eittee 'la BuelaeM er doaieatle afUlr. bet cell at once aeon tkU waaderfal aia dluat, wee will give yoa ' j Bttrre-i that winbN''" 'J ?. WHAT VAN OOSTI-AND IEIXJ r; . ,iou combb tele. "lad mit what tka fetnre haa la fei If yen, wlU aoa4 la raae ae If advisable to eases. te. i travel, iaveM. aell. J' DO JT00 WtBH TO KNOW.' ? Bow yea ea have sn4 kaekl . ; ! ; " Hew ye eaa aarnid la baalsna f Kow ye eaa BMka- year aoeae beppyf : hew ye eaa eoaoaar rear eaealaet T -Hew ye' eaa starry tke.aa yeaoheaatt , How aeon ye eea awrrrt -. 1 Hoy yea eea eeaemt your rival " - How aeoa year lover will aropaset - - - - How jwa eaa ret a aoltlenT - - - - ,'. I tow yea. eaa rraiore bad InneenceeT X . ' Hew ye sen bi i um a elalrverant! ' ' ' How yoa eaa settle rose eaanelat M flow roe eea bold yoae haabead'e level , Hew ve eaa bold rear wlfe'a lovet t will aire re laHi that wise mreeae IS tore, . Manias, dlveeee. eaeealatlna aaet ' aeae.ibealtb aad traaaaetinna e all kiade: .. reetore ktet .afttetlone, eenee epeedy and benpy aiarTlaeva, reealte tba aeoerated: I will tell yo bew to gala tba bta tbe yea deelfat eve Ibeaa aillea away, I will tell yea wbea yoa will siarry. Oainwraata aad atedlnna wlta swiaad ato- diaauatle power YTivat rate ea TTH roe. XoarB B to , aauy a anaaay. Efforts' of. Ttt to Create Dis- ui sansion Amona Mem- : v;bera Fail. i' (special Dispatch br lad Wire to Tba Jearaal) Indepeadence. - KSfc, Marcn is. jaora tbtai l0 ll,Iro4cerg aad ,1.10 Bther friends and sympathisers met la eon vention bero this aferaooa. ;, The object of the oonventloa waa alropJy to eerva notice oa tha gundard Oil company that th Kansa Producers have enlisted for the war which wW laat for the next two or three year. After the convention the,- executive committee, of tha OU Producers' aeso eiaUon held a meeting and decided to increase the fund la their possession fof ths-cBntinaWioa of thait fight- ,Tb moaaywiU oa.raiaaa. wjvnim v" two or throe "week. Th plan is to aaaa;each oU well in tha six counties in the field tl a month. This will rats a fund largo enough to b of groat use to th Independent producers. Governor Hooh struck tnjs. popuiag chord, la this section .of the state wnen he aaia tnis ariemoon .inav m puw had aurted thla fight and would stay with it to th finish. - He waa loudly applauded when ha aald that tba entire power , of , the state weald be brought to bear in the fight against the Stand ard. " - V-t- ' iV--" f- ' I W do not want ,-to drtv this cora- oaaf from th sUte. aald tha gov ernor, "w simply want fair treatment front iC . . ; i -'-.-- ' ' The governor wae foUowed by Bena- tor F.'Dumont Bmltn. Ida a. larawi. Fran It a, Monnett and- ReprasenUUve P. (. Campbell, -aU of whom aald that th' producer ought to mk a. fight for their right, but that they ought to spend their time trying to compete with, rather taaa la aouatng in aiana- ard. - Th Ug oa which th speakers stood waa daaormtei with flaga aad baa aere. "' is- .- i .-. (- i Thar were three banners . strung serosa tha stage behind tbe speakers. Th one, to tha extreme left bora tna phrase: 'So the people may know." : i rue cenier oanner wwtuw ; ww words. "A sousr deaL" "An .onea competitive market,", were tbe word on, I be baanertolherlght the atowa. - ' The sentiments express ed the feel ing of th paople whd attended the con vention. For twd weeks, according to , th storiea d producer s, tha agenta of, the SUnduM- Oil cotntany have beea trying to jerte dlsaenaioaa In tbe rank of tha otf producer and, to prevent the. aucceae g the meeting, iia agents have been trying;, to make, trouble be tween th4f4eadera of tha aawociatlon aad to kaepiha attendance today ddwo lo a minimum-'' . -" i ' 1 " i; Tka lMleaaeut waataar waa Of ma( rial benefit to the "knockera," and the orod of , itoopla'Tn ohdanc was a surpriwe: - The- aadiatice; today wa oomprised ef men who. actually own fll wella and who' -mean puaineaa in tagir e4-t. n In., ih. i trust . fThara aia a serious undertone (d the convention, the delegates evidently realising tnat tna fight they have .undertaken is not an easy one. .-'- - The news that tha Standard OU corn, aany toe, decided,., to withdraw from Kansaa haa a' tendency to sober th en thusiasm in the fight.' There waa tit tle euralng of the Standard Oil and much discussion of to beet method of getting tha Kansas OH, which the Standard haa refused to take to another market ' '.'.- i ... -"' " 1 In addition to her letter wiitteq before deciding to speak before the convention, which aha read, Mlaa Tarbell aald: ' "You have a different xignt in nana from that . of Pennsylvania aad Ohio. la thla atate you fiave with you th governor and the legislature, while, in the saatern stated th producers were dntd auch asslatanc." . - Tb convention waa iouowe ib.un evening by a banquet at which so pre Arm mai 'down. Senator W. S. Flta- patrick . presided , at j tha banquet and called ror exremporanwouw irwciKi tha leading oil producera wao ware prw NEGRO HAKES VAIN i : EFFORT TO ESCAPE Colored "Lock Twister"' Con- fined at Oregon City Squeeze ' Through Small Space, i ' ' litMatah A The loaraaLl - .w. lni.F.a Ainmittad laat Thurs day mofning, mad an effort to break Jail thlai afternoon, ana migm nv ceeded But for .tn vigilance i ur HBDna.1 jm V M-wM"-, " - . the mala chamber of .the.priaon and auc ceeded In vTorkln hra.bydy' between the end of aaMroa partition ana tha wall. Tba -apaoe . fhrough .which hla body naaaed it about are incnoa, ana ii w. . I in... .t.t..'k& " a. nl almost the .bahiJ k, kaad IfttA an OUtl aor, wnarw.uiera -wore -I " between himself and liberty. Her he concaaloa ninseix bdwvw- m. eappoaed that he Intended to plck his way .out; when, tb opportunity waa af--aaa avureunatolv ha waa diaoovared. and "xtr precaution have beea 4akoa to sooura aim cuatoay v .'.; IDcn'tybuknbvf thit (. K''".'T :.i a ... .t. . a ' . a. 't .- ne nas ins isrgi . nd best . cquippsd : -. dsntiJ office on tiij., , coast ? His faculties ; and ability have won : ' for him the admirm 1 " tion of the entire den- 1 tal- profession, not- " withstanding the tact .'.-. that he usea printers Ct' ;; ink in direct violation. ' . of what the profei-; ' ' aion call ethics. - SEEKS DIVORCE IN 1 CLACK AtUS COUNTY ia.l ramatcb aa Tba Joaraal.t : -Oregon City, Or., March ltIva B. Meleea of Portland today died ault for a divorce from -N. .F. Meloea, whom she married in Portlaad December It. 12 miirmm ,nii .ana -inhuman treat awt iumi that tha defendant haa a moat, ungovernable temper. It I declared that he wouia box permit nu wife to leave homo for any purpose. but eompua nar. wor wiaw wvu llMIMIllv. . ... ' ... F. .-. . Thr r numroiat pc.Ac.Uon or ai aaaeA 4aa eat Heat Bl t la 1 4M f tlkaft SMJIBJ ealMB WW! ta SS ay uwwwti wavsw va a. general, charge, tt J, also avowed that tha defendant holds te.aunvoc sv De terging to the wife, for which amount judgment Ig aaked.' The plaintiff deaire to aseunte her maiden name, iva ft. Straeaaaa, ' Y i r t "'. t I . ;(.-....'. . . - - 1. i ' . .- ... --- 3 . He has, without a., doubt, demcttrcttd , ;, to thousands of pa- ,v tients whose teeth he ' ' - .- . . . .' - i. nas , taxen - care - ox - . , . . during the past' ten . -years that be can ex- " -" tract, -fill, or apply crown and J bridge- t worji " wiuwuu- uw . .... Contest pain. If roar taetb ar net Jnat , what yoa would Uk to have them, aotoa in aad aoeeult f. .- , arhb ana, tl win . ; ; : " BOtbiBf. , '" ' 'J . e - v ... i v - Free TAKES PLACE MONDAY, MARCH 27t'1905, Whether You Havfe Other. Work or Not 4 l"1"-." " " " "' .'. """ ia '- ; - i - 1 '.' iAiihual Extraction Dr B. E. Wright, the Painless 342 Washington; flEfe VILL NAME FEDERAL OFFICIALS Cholcs Of. Appointees ; for ; New Washington uistnct lstx . .. to Prosecutor. , . (Bpaeial DTspsteh to Th saarsaL) w.Tvh 11 The aDDOlntment of the United tUUt diatrlct attorney: for. tha eastern district of waaningxoD in mi with Francis J. Heney, district attorney for Oregon, aooordlng U a re port current hare. ,Mr. neneyja io to stand close to Preeldent Roosevelt aad It la stated tha preeldent will accept a recommendation by Mr. Heney. J ; Joseph B. Unosiey. on m epwuna i. tha atata lealalature and a member ef th city council, had secured tna inaorwemem- ei wum m. . tr mt tha national capi tal, put opponents aeciarea ne wu Www " " m . " . ... awMrfinMi of 4uatlee. anarif fnmmlulsMr ) Wllllatn Rana- aey haa beea in Bpokano for the past several daya oonduotlng a .quiet eiamt- natton. HI wora waa imianwa iuoj, .. w- iet tn. th, aat to lnveattrata the charge l of - unfitness preferred sgainat Biaie atenmiwr xci , m a,n.. dat .for the appointment of United gtatea marshal for thla district.1 t- It is reported her that Mr. Ramsey will make his report to Mr, Heney, who riil niv aiioh recommendations j- as i.u, i - Tha -AnlfilAi, nravalla 'hare I wm a. . w t" r - - " Pthl Mr. .Llndaley wlU. not -soeiv tne . .MklntManl AIIOTMV M a. Bl. TD nK this city la also a candidate for the position. " ; ' ' : -FAT. FOLKS BREAKS RECORD IN ' : COLLECTING TAXES Only - About Four ; Hundred Thousand Remains to Be Paid Into County Treasury. ' At the cloae of business on th night of March li. when the rebate privileges expired. Sheriff Word bad - collected fl.tll,T44 of th HOI tax,, which, with th SIMM of , rebate allowed, etruek from the total taaea that were da fl.7st.iM and left at that time, $411. 401.11 to be paid. ' The- total tax la IS.tat.o00. Th collections exceeded ex pectations. Chief Deputy Collector rerguson stated, yesterday that be bad looked for total receipt up to March it to equal ll,00,000 and that on tba first Monday la April, when tax become delinquent, they would reach ll.7le.000. Property owner paid ia ao much mora than 'was expected, that It is now thought tbe total that will have bean paid when th delinquent period begins will be $1,000,000. The afumbor of re ceipts issued waa 1T.107, ,. . ,t Thla year's collection of tna annual a i a. and braabetf ' It IB claimed that never befor has such a Urg percentage of the total tax a paid ia before the-delinquent penalty baoama applicabl. ' OfBcaala about the court houM also' are saying that tha work has been doaa to a aaora thoraw- a manner than In pact years, and that t. method employed in kawplag th bW have beta admirable. . . Th total footings war aot wall ant 'J last evening. the aaaaa of aanry ra oelved ware a Urg that it waa tew poaalbla to tell befor laat eaefttng how much had bean paid. . : . . In threw days, March It, 14 aa4 IV 178411.41 waa paid la by , chock i only 141.000 la gold- w-Bbw--awBBBBsStBBB9Ba9aan '. T I be. -, ,' ISO lba... " bfBa. B. WUaUaa". OM Blueett So., Baffsla, tewt ta wig1tt ,. ......ST aoaada beea ia bast ...... lanhta Iat ha watat ,,..... .).... ..10 taahea best ta Upa ...... ..........BO taebas ' TbM pietara (ivae yea a Mea ef aty aspeae. act befare and after Sr rederHea by Dr. nrdat. Mr health la aarteet. 1 aevee asiered brttat health hr mtg htm. net a WHakle ta be aae..' Way eetry year . bardea laager wbea mumt la at baadt - - - illlll TUVXTUB, Or. X BO powaaa. a..n-a W KjlaMt a MM . I IX. BayeW saaraateas bla treetnteat y M aarteetly barwlMa ta every eerttcoUe. Me rinln aa etervtaa,- aa aVteaita fiwa bast, ate. aa wrlwkve er diaaeaiterta. Dr. gereer baa beea a eseeUUat la tbe eaaeeeafal treat. Mat ef efcealCy trr tba paat IB year, and baa Ste aaaaa 1 1 bed adeeaewat ef ttM ateaVal fra WreTtr. a seek tot taUlag U abaat It wee. Write leday , , ' -. 4 O. W. P. SNYDER. M. D. ' all Bafcaaa Bldg, Thtrd aad WaalOagaaa ;., amseta, Vlaad, teragoa. . , i ; 4 T " f V, ' ' t-j Where's the Best Place to Buy Carpets, Rugs, Lace Curtains and the Like ? Right Here. ",... Carpets AlNew Department:: i , ... i -, ., , . Altho i new department, it will rank among; the best in the city. Good selections, A 1 qualities and prices that will stand against any. , ' , f : We are ready to assist you in se lecting 1 the proper: Carpet for the right place. t;f :; V Only first class workmen em- ployed.1 : v You get your Carpets put down right, if yoil buy them from us. : ' And generous Credit wimout Ex tra Cost.: -v.- .' :;':1r .'. -vv LACE CURTA!HS, RUGS9 7 HATTING AND ''Jf" DRAPERIES ' r: : Brighten up your room with new j Curtains. We show hundreds of pat terns in prices from $tpq to $23.00. a pair. y ' ::..f"---" ' , ' Our fine of Rugs etnbxic'e. erery-. thing that's good, from : the small 18x874nch Rug to the largest room , sixe. The selection is grand. All pricesand prices much less than you usually pay. " " . ' "- NEW MATTINGS are in from China "and Japan our own importa tions; enabling us to asK prices on Best Mattings that others quote for; Inferior goods. , ; . , , . i . Besides that, anything you want in. Draperies, shades, etc , T J.A :u!-&m-jt I J. it ' ' ' arjjj., ,a.aM-M--maaaaaa . ffMawBawa-awaawaaaw Eastern The Store Where Vour Credit U QoxIt-390 Wcshlnr4- C: - 4