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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1905)
THE OREGON' SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY .KOISSIia MAZC'IVM ' 7.1AN WHO LOVES FOUR-FOOTED : .'V TIIINGSfTO TALK TO CHILDREN -! v-- - . !. esmnsij - V ,'.:'.' TbeDlj Ctorwln thotllacf the CcV ;vr; r 6971-73 "Third Strt 3Uv&a Ct end PfcsaL Mil' M t'.l..' V - ' 1 i . . . I 1 r r' -.- i, ': i. ' i ; , t - V i J Y Ernest Thompson 8cton- V : ' ' Ernest ' Thompson Seten, author : of tvi ii iniintlt I Han Known." ' "The Biography of a Grlasly." sto., wUl lec ture at the Marquam Grand next Mon day aftarnooa at 4 'clock, tbia hour avloc. been eelected for the benefit of Reboot children, who are amoqx .'the Warmeet admirers of tbo naturalist. Hia talk wilt be on a subject characteristic of hla life's work, wild animals. V on the same evening, at s o'clock. Mr. Beton will lecture at the Marquam, 11 lustratlng his talk. : ,'.- r , i ' Beton stands without 'a peer to - his UiiPATENTED LAND CARiiOT BE TAXED U ."V," ." .... .-.f ' 1 . . Which' Is Probably "the Reason j '.Why Railroada Delay Par-'C;. fectintf Title 1 .;. Troutdele. Or... March II. To.the Bdle lor of The--Journal. Will - you Please St Us a dispute about taxes on 4 timber claim. Suppose I hare, proved np on a claim but have no patent? A says I 'must pay ' taxes. B says not. until I have a deed. DAILT SUBSCRIBER. - ' Until patent has kef n Issued for realty there Is no provision uader the present Isw whereby it "may be taxed. Improve ments on unpatented property may be taxed, es other' property. of ' the same kind, but the real' esUte Itself, timber growing- thereon or mineral within It does not seem subject to tax until patent has ' issued Or whatever form of, deed may-transfer1 title-from the government tc the individual, has been executed and delivered. ',.'.. ' STATEMENT 07 THE the :Unitcd t States National Bank ; ... :.' I ,. , - . r. . AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS, MARCH 14. 110. ' r " - V ASSETS. '- . W Loess and 'dlsflDUBUrC. $1.41. 111.T4 V. 8. bonds . to .secure circulation. . tO,.U V. 8. and other bonds . and premiums .... tls.etft Real estate t IMlilt Office furniture . and fixtures . ... ' 4. i Bank .Building v. i Cash and due -.from V t'v'A hi r I '.VTl ! 50-Room A ( House, great bargain, two blocks from steel ; ; bridgcTohr East side; it 1 h r nish(I. Tiyo yczr? lease. Ilcnt 975 per month. Most bo cold . -el ee .. at once. , 173 ' I ' .. . ' salons field.- - Besides the books he has nuhllahed. all of which have had glgan tlo circulation, he has a repertoire of six lectures, any one of Which la worth a. Ions; Journey o hear. They are en titled "Personality of Wild Animals." "Wild Animals at Home," "The Indian As I Knew Him" (new), "Wild Animals I hare Known.", "Mind I Animal He roes" and "New Adventures of Animal Friends, "v - i - v : v ' - That th children, as well as srewn upa, are to have an opportunity of hearing- Baton's wonderful storlea.of animal life Is gratify ins;. ' This 'point is' ft vital Issue in Una county, where it Is ssld that the North era Faclfle has 10MQ0 acres of valuable timber land. - A vast area of these hold tags are unpatented, yet such progress has been made In acquiring title that the patent would- issue If requested by the company.: . Technically. It has been held that the law will not permit 'of sea si eg this property, although. It seems appar eat that the last stage of perfecting title Is wilfully delayed by the person profit ing therebv. An effort has been Blade to establish the state's light to- taxes under such circumstances, bqt the pres ent rule Is to exempt such property. . Unpatented mining property is not as sessed. Improvement thereon are sub ject to tax, but a. thoroughly developed and producing, mine which has 'not been patented, has been held 'not subject to taxation. . '; nv For Gas and Electric Chandeliers See The M. J. Walsh company, 141 Washington street, , corner ' Seventh. They also carry y a complete line of hearth, floor and i, wall tile, grates, sen dumps, dampers and ash-pit doors. Phone : them for estimates on all elec tric light wiring, gas piping and tile worn. i ;...,..-, CONDITION OF (!.' UABIUTIES. : ' capiur . -v.r . :T77. , ito,to.M.- Surplus and undivided ' . profits . ... .144.114.54 - Circulation.. lOe.eoo.e tMvtdends unpaid .... T i Deposits MSMM.J7 f SS,TS,ITS.St ' Attest correct: " . - . r '. c AINSWOBTH, President. Lodging e esses -iv.'ai swi ' j i r - 175 First V MmMPMiM III ; O verffarrneiits ; : J; A Top Coat or Cravenette is a requisite jtnjl guard, against colds and illness that sudden changeslnweather. always darriesTwith it $7.50. $10.00, 7 $17.50, $2aoo;to $35.00 J Cives you a choice of materials and styles that-will enable you ; : to satisfy your desires The young mansof today is the He is more exacting arid is an Our immense stock for spring- ' sacks, rough or smooth vi.'xy :rjy"' $t5.85,;$8.85, "T-.. ma e - KO PillZE FIGHTS says rii Saloon and Gambling Houses : May Be Tolerated But Ring ; Contests Barred.S GRANGE AND CHURCHES TO OPPOSE PORTLAND SPORTS Residents Hold That Place Is Gaining the Wrong Sort 7J of Notoriety. ltlaiia bfb wUllDf tO .1- low the newly-esUbllsbed saloon to re main. They ,een new . with 1 calmness . rumors that a Moots Carlo is to be established in ueir bounds, hot they draw tne line on prise SanU and generally Insist that neither a railroad- company nor any combination of Portland sports can iww the repoUUon of being the only plane la western Oregon' where fistic sn eounters can be held. " ' r. "' The Mnwaukle grange Friday eren Ing considered whether steps should be taken to submit ins iimbw the roters in the near future but no definite action waa taken. As the sa loon recently established there was ad mitted by a vote oi.iw. m one -. . . h... m Aomnlaint -to make regarding the management of the place. It is not- pronuiw ni will tans any sciwn r u. would support It If taken, .r But prise ninis ar. bihtoi. w m.ttmm ht w&ed an active cam- ' i 1 h. uIaail and who is pmjgH ... . recognised ss a power In the town, la determinea max w pnav held In the city and molt of all that no resulsr oroaram of ring battle. abaU be Instituted. Mayor William Shlndler ts conservaUve and nas not maoe nin pw . ... i .K A....tlnn at It la lllvn RIHIWB . not believed that he would oppose popu lar sentiment, wnicn is oecraeai? light. .a ( lumen tha nromoters have made no arrangements with the officials of MUwaukie and the announoe ment that a flcht vu to be held in the place and that others would follow, came as news io aw m.uim .au city officials. Many of the residents have not yet learned of the eomlng fight there and others believe the announce ment merely a rumor, out an agree that Mllwaukl. desires no gathering of light fans. ,:, i, TO BEAUTIFY SUBURB. Stew ' Theogh bat e week old the TTnlvetsHy Park CWlo Improvement Jeague haa be gun active work and has taken charge of a district three miles square and ap pointed committees to . attend to tne varioae waste and bare places In, the district '' ' ' '. The offlcefs of the league are: Presi dent, Mrs. B. P. Athey: vice-president, Mrs. A. Peddlcord; secrets ry snd treas urer.. Mrs. a P. Kerr. . The eseflutlve eommlttee U Mrs. F. R. McKenna, Mrs. 0fX'".Z r'2Z'. :0y.-lfyyi TmfinnasTsI Xkfae Frnds Kadk -Wrk s.Staes to Bo It. ' ".. $12.50, $15.00, and gauge your purse, ,r criterion of what's nice to wear, elegant guide for correct styles. in double and single' breasted materials, runs in price,:.' I ; : $11.85, $14.85, j : " L' J ' tfP'Afl ? fc. nleKoen. Mrs. D. 8. Morgan. ? lira; B. a. McLane and Mre. D. O. Wetater. At a meeting Friday night la was de cided to organise the big district thor oughly by the appointment of oommlt tees which would have charge of small tracts and see to their 'Improvement. It was also decided to held sn entertain ment to secure funds f of the) general Improvement work, and as 'part of this, work It' waa decided to have the rubbish hsuled from lots of non-residents who will - not ' take care of their property. The league has under 'consideration the question of appropriating a portion of Columbia park to the younger genera tion and laying out a baseball diamond in one portion of H. The University Park school grounds " - will also be cleaned up and the piles of dirt re moved. The executive board will meet Monday afternoon at S o'clock to further consider the work of the league and the league will meet Friday evening at Artisans' halL ' - SELLWOOD CADDIES MAD. aora The. boys of Sellwood are oontein plat ing a strike.-,' Their grlevanee to that feminine labor has taken ' away the sourco-that supplied them with marbles. tops and other-Juvenile' treasures and that the evU is growing' so great that no boy 'has ' chancer -r'-j- - ---.r-' -The girl caddy Is the crying erll com plained of .and various meetings havs been- held on street corners to devise remedies, but to no avail. Tbo trouble started when two small girls, of harm-J lees a apex v and with braided hair peep ing from under their sunbonneta,.eamd forth on the golf links ss caddies.- The dots sniffed and ssld nothing and al lowed the small girls ts trail around. behind the larger ones with heavy, bags bulslna with clubs. . But the other girls earns, .'and not only did they fill the shortage In. the caddy .market, and supply the -needs of the fair golfers, but they actually be came so proficient and grew eo expert In saying "Aw fudge- and "Sugar on tbo ball," that ' masculine golfers Who could not master Scotch epithets choee them and the boys were allowed to re main Idle. Finally big girls who were old enough to know better came' and boldlr noshed their small brothers from the field and then the pent up wrath of patient caddy pioneers burst forth and ways and foeans were discussed for re lief. So far discussion has been the only action taken and the girl crop of caddie, .continues to bloom ana mossom with ever increasing viniuy. ; Btnm woa on Work on ths Oregon Water POwa a Railway company's park. Hear Sellwood la nroarasalna rapidly,' workmen being engaged on the buildings snd grading contracts. A bandstand, dancing peril Ion, booths and chutes have been nearly completed and a dredger Is st work deepening the waterfront and Ailing the lake. Streets have been laid out, sidewalks buUt and landscape gardening started. A wharf for the use of pleasure erart win no one or tne fea tures of, ths watsrfront. ... v miWOOa . BSTXTAS A SPOOBSS. The1 special - services ' at ' Sellwood which have been conducted by the min isters of the place and Rev. . Ml Bur der, evangelist, tha psst week, closed tonight. The meetings have been well attended and will result la the addition of several members to ths various churches there end In ths uniting of the four congregations for further work In the rortland evangeiistio campaign. II rJilTIIE ee which would here charge of small . ' : ; :' w ' T : 7 -' T ' v; - .7. ." VT, I IJAlllllr tracts and see to their 'tmprorement. It, . ; - -fc . , !( ' ' . - , ' -' V . LllrllJllllil was also decided to held sn entertain-1 , . ' : - f 1 ' i ' ' t j .i. . - . ' ' ; V - " " x 'J The remarkable success - which, .has attended the efforts of Frot-JCU-W. Harris tn his eroaads against sickness and disease haa astonished '.the , community- and : stats. His euros i nave grown within a few months to.hundred. and thousands and the stamp of success ftrnnglT marks his work' In the-great battle of ailing humanity. 1 " Many professed tnetr 'doubts of ths efficacy of Professor Harris treatments when -first having neara oi us man who claimed to conquer . u disease in its worst, forms. within a short ttms snd ,' without the aid of medicine, but th. results of hla labors havs been so striking that he Is readily acclaimed the greatest healer the western., .world haa ever had. - rk. mmhIm nf a enra and 'the actual condition of hav- " Ing been cured are 'two en tirely different propool tlons, and as such to be considered. -Many people doctor for s years In vain, but hopeful for the prom Ise that Is held out to them. These eases are unknown to Professor Harris; hs locates ths trouble In ' those who ' com. to him for treatment. . without . any, hesitancy whatever, and informs the patient at once whether a cure Is posslbls or not. H. , claims that sickness Is an offense s gainst humanity X and that a man or woman t Who" desires relief from a physical or mental ailment can have It. . ' ' "A man Is best Judged." said James 3, Hill, the rail road magnate, ."by what his fellow clUsens have to eay of him.". In this respect It . might be said that any aaan . prominently before the pub- ' lie eye may well ealcnlwte to find some persons will Ing to make derogatory ; statements.- In-ths ease of ' Prof. C. W. Harris Of Coun- eU Bluffs. where the healer haa resided for the ' f- pest two years, a can rasa made of prominent business) men of that city by a newspaper representative elicited the fact that any on eould won be proud of the eetlmates 1 In which Prof. C W. Harris la held by hla fellow elttsens. Of ths many seen the follow ing statements from men of promlnenee best reflect the trend of publto opinion In regard to hlmi s . : . t H. Z. Harla, Harle-Hass Wholesale Drug company, one of the largest and oldest drug house In th west) I know Professor Harris personally, hav. Ing taken treatment from htm when the right side of my face waa paralysed and I II J -4 ?M Welco On an exhibit of lien's. Youths', and Children's apparel that courts comparison with the foremost stocks of high class clothing to be seen anywhere. Whafs more, our prtceas on .high class clothing are always way below what you hare to pay for like grades and styles at other stores. Jest take interest enough in clothes to find where you can get, the . best styles and qualities for the price you want to pay, and you U qo yoor aotntng uuymg at ine umwvuu, the store that nerer disappoints, and sells more high class apparel than all the stores "lorth of Jhe Chamber of Commerce on Third c-..f . s ., We Uy epecIal ; si. o made and Michael Stern ca T.-rsirtinT drtsMJca aonreciato lines, as merchant tatioriicre Spring Siints- Ha -materials, In Jsl l ' spring; popularities,- single and double breasted styles, ..l.V 'extensive rvarietv?. . ' v--v,-,s ..- I Select "fabrics,: In 'highest class serges, . worsteds, e.Mte 4h . f.cVi!rMaK1 arrive snH .' material. ' 01T Brandagee madeand flifk "A price jthat cornea pretty close to buying almost any T 1 1 t ''kind of fine materials" colors and. styles that the heart' eovUd 'wish, Brandagee made, arid Michael Stern & Co. ; T s ''JM i ; We show over 30 styles in the top- la S tTu 11 Ai I most ; tnaterials and .fashions, gar PaVO U,IU WO? : mtnta th,t must go to the very hiV' est class tailors in-order tobe duplicated at i0 to $55. . A . questionably-by far the best suits the Pacific northwest. I could , not move a muscle. ' Too see, my fee Is all right' now. and I took no other treatment after I began with him. Previous to that, the drug doctors ail told me , there wsa absolutely . no hope for me- He Is always .well spoken of." J. C Mitchell, city passenger agent Union Pacific . and Chicago North western railways: "I have known Dr. Hauls I nine the greater portion of his resldsnoe In ' Com know him -to b a man who repute tlon Is above repute. I have found hint ' l' '-'1 'Jr'-N, t.f.rV '1 trustworthy, eonsolentlous and a maa of whom everyone speaks moat highly Abner T. m well, agent tjnlted States Express company, and city . paaeenger agent Chicago Reek - Island Paclfle railway: "Dr. Harris seems to be very successful. I nave . always heard him well s pokes of." ... ,----,. Metoalf MstceJf, oldest clothjng and gents", furnishing goods noose. In the west: "We know Professor Harris vary well, and have always found him a man of. his word. - He enjoys the 'confidence and respeet of everyone - fa this com munity." , . r t ';'.- : . ( Y r .1 , ,. A , 4 , ,' . ,.1 ':: Rays me Ca s good end fine clothes. the correctness of the above more or less rtprodncers of Michael Stern & Co.- . for the money to be seen in 4-t. ) t Clark Elliot, w.U-known drnggisbn "We , have never heard anything ton favorable of Prof eesor Harrla We ' hav found him a man to be respected.'- Dr.' Donald Macrae, mayor of Council Bluffs; "Professor' Harria is very sue- oessfaL - I do not knosr anything against ' him as a man. .' -. . Joseph Smith A Cou, clothiers and fur- ouncll Wlullsii aaallllilierrProf. C. W.-Harrte la too well and UrSWhnSSBmrw-mi of commendation from ua" -' : . S,. . Mr. IV W . Hart Presl- ; dent'. N. T. . Plumbing -Co) 1 manager olty-gaa and water works, -receiver and .man ager of tbe Grand . hotel. Hsald: T .can "recommend t. . Dr. Harris .as a gentleman 'of honor and Integrity. I r have been aoquaintediWith' ' him for two years." , v . '- Mr. Fred. Johnson, chief . tel.rk Council Bluffs poet-' offloe and manager of the ' civil serrtoe in this terrt- ' tory, ssld: . I hare known j" . the doctor for soms time, snd know him to be honor-. 1 . sble and . conscientious. , I have ' heard . of many. re-. ' markable i cure mad by , htm.. In fact, know one man personally , who - he A cored from a long-standing ' : : aliment In 14 houre." . ' Judge 8. B. Wadaworth . said: T have known Dr. " , . Harris ' personally for a ' -' year, and can aay he la a -' man of honorable dealings and Integrity.- He enjoys , the ' confidence ' and respect of all who know him." i- Ounnobde tt Eurmuehlen, . wholesale - cigars snd to . bscco:. "Ws know Dr. Hsr , rls, ss does every other ', business msn In this city, . end he Is -certainly one of our beat oltlsena Ws have " i, never heard anything but -favorable reports . of him, ; , both aa a man. and 1n his professional capacity. Mr. . Zurmuehlen 'Is city clerk of ' ' Council Bluff a - These gen- .' 'i tlemen are all well and far- .r f "I ... orably known, and w in- i? rite and ' boliett anyone who has any - . doubts about Prof eesor Harrla to call on or oof respond with any or all of thess msn snd leam the standing of this doe tor who cures - without medicine. Dr. Harrla Is new located permanently In Portland at tt-S SeUtng-HIrach build ing. Ill H "Washington street. If ye will present this '.statement to him tomorrow you may consult wtja him and receive a treatment free of charge. Otherwise It.fe will be charged for the same'aervloa. l.' .. ', - s. M A if-".' .V U