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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1905)
' -. ' . . -.- ' : -r. . , . V mi a" i .. . . i .... . . .. .. .i . , ... . .... . .... .. t..i -. , . i. -.;' ...I,:.' .'....i.:.;::.:.' Ji -.V'l .l'"... T -: . i r --J, :..-,..v.--.-r. -i v- - 'i-V'.. '. -- '-'V-"'--"':f ; , ' v'ii ' v i ' ,.' .-.v - ' - :.":;v. ; POnttAIID. ;onSGON. -SyNDAY MORNING. MARCH 13. IZll - : t'v ,-iV: tl'.:.,' OUR GTANOARD ALWAVO WE HIQHEST OUR PRICES ABSOLUTELV.THE tOWEOTUR;QTOCIIO ALVAY8 THB BBST 'IIMM I New Art: Shop Feature Eciroiicrf Lessons Ghrca Ytttt 4 1 " h the Art SImHv V; I START. MONpAYTTTnlli JIr i ::.rsap,."..: We Big xargcun in Monday Only A WORLD'S CONTRIBUTION OF THE CHOIG-; FOREMOST DESIGNERS AND GREATEST.'ANDvFINEST SHOWING OF NEW GOODS ir--- V'V.;- ANE 5 AU HO WTATIVE STYLES WEST OT . : i . The tnitef productions of-skilled artisans and t designers, representing the creative, genius of America Europe and the ; orient.' Frotnc the quality and tasnion; work; o.ur,ne,,siocs:snaye Deen ca.reiuuy cnosen oy me mwt pm ouying organuaaon on me .racinc stops' taff unsurpassed in" America in. knowledge of merchandise and the only right source of supply. ' We go to the fountain .'head J at;' all. -times for election. Thcorestiee 'and'eurchasine-oower of this business organization rive us decided price advantage in 'every reputa". orestiee ' hie tte mart! and! assure r patrons, of (Satisfactory selections at lowest possible cost quality being always the basic consideration. 'We invite you to a feast of fashion, jofj&eauty andvof values unmatchable tomorrowand week. . AN .EXPOSITION IMPOSSIBLE -T ELSEWHERE. : t"n7--. -M".''.:,i i-.i '- -': V i ' ' v. -''.,:::y .P ;"'-'' O C fX C 1 FOR HANDSOME. NEW; $ 1000 i D.yp;;siiPETTia3 Tbla atorhu prwntM Its ptrna from tlm t tlm injh Vt with raJlr WMitorfal PetUcbat vJu but nvr (me tht-qult xjuaHJJbo ' la tomorrow extra apeta- offortng. Tin aklrts pf ,nw. ncn- matUn Cbffot'Tffrt.: In- btock n4 color, bo Utter, mbraclnhnd . - some i-olden-brown. rih na.vlaa. baaatiful silver and. dove graya. eUv fin - vry new trim an tea; affect, some m flounced atyles. wiU nrffle. accordion plalU. etc-. A few of the new-c styUs. Included. A splendid snresa-v tlon sf tbe (resteet vsines ever offeree at sny apeclal or bthsr sale DJ "J.. waeUrn hotiseu These Petticoats ere abaoiuieiy new. xne ni dyed, aad correct la every detoaJ Superb Bilk Skirts.. heat-resUrvsJue. at 1.0 ever shown la the mty. special Monday only at a choice for fo.VB, -eV S"." , "t'WT fj! '? Shoe-Store on the Offers Tempting Bargains ,'ibr the Coming Week Av yser ey iMJ FLOOR. '..j The foremost, jeve. semf ortabls- and -lightest ahoe-etore- la .the -Uy STYtlSH 'AND SEASONABLE SHOES THAT - FIT, AND' ,.WEAR'-:,5 -f We prefer that our'Bhoe Department ahaH be known for tha xellenes of Its sffertnn rather than for the apses It occupies. There is nothing tbeaser" than a "cheap" shoe: nothing more annoying than an Ul-flttlng shoe; and few things are less seonomlcal than a "bargain" shoe. - Kens of these in that department not an old or undesirable hpe. noe . auasUonable auallty. Shoes of Straal grade cannot be- made to aU at lees than our regular prtoes; and on some of our famous "apeelala there is a clear saving of from too to LM a pair, as compared with most, other makes In similar grades. . t'jv . . ' ' . Wt adviM buying In the morning hours, when that U convenient: for oftentimes the afternoon throngs tax even our liberal capacity to handle as comfortably as we might, wish. It takes time to fit ehoes properly sad ws want to provide plenty' of It for the proper serving of every: one. of our rapidly growing army, of patrons today. a ... . ...... -; -f t.- " f- '. 2 i VvJ 1 ' - ' . l ' ! . woaiisrrn L7 BurrEiu J Wotnen'a one strap Slippers, of vlci kid. with hand 1. turned soles and . comfortable, yet good. - styled heels, regular 11.78 value; pedal price, the v , pair 1.3B v . BOTS tl.60 SHOES $100. ' , , Boys'. School Shoes,, the solid, good wearing kind. -. with oak soles, our regular Sl-SO value; special v t. the pair .. ............B2.00 womurs ti.oo oxfords . $.. f . Women's - Oxfords for street wear, with vicl kM vamps, dull kid ; Quarters, potent - Hp,, welt soles. MEltS $4-00 SHOES $5.00. lien's euatom or bench-made Shoes, la the very 1st; est dealgna. . made " of chiiral kid. Hylo" last. blueher lace with patent Uce facing; one of the newest thing 'manufactured, regular M-00 value; special price, the pair.... ................ .$8.00 BO ICE NEW ARRIVALS IN WOMEN'S OXFORDS. .... t WOMEN'S $0 OXFORDS $1.80. Women's dark tan, undressed kid oxfords, with hand turned soles, made on the newest fashioned model. . ' very dresay end pleasing In appearance, weU worth the pain epeolel saU pries. palru,,., .$ 3.50 rregular-tS.OO value; special price, tbe pair..$2.50 Dainty Trifrimed ;Hats cr. a eymphony rn color. Berlin, London and New hate West Annex, on the second floor. Is a big. Joyous poem UU Ului uiiuli u lai wntlifa .mllllnanr ititntara.erac.ta.. Tork seem- to have vied with each other to produce that are at once atrlklng and artlatla. and we hare been fortunate enough to secure .what', we. deem .the, masterpiece; of sach. These. ws offer you at prices not far from their coat to ua, and wo will give you copies or them, MADE IN OUR OWN WORKROOM, ' out of almost Identical materials, by bands as akiitod aa those across the water aU. from C (JV '. z '-,.t ' : ' ' . r. t I- $2.49: to $10.00 GRAND PRELIMINARY SHOWING OF SDTT- AND , , . . .. gTREET -HATS."'"'--1 i ' -Daring the pt week we have .received shipment, after shipment. In enormous quantltlea. of new and atyllsh suit and atreet hats. 4 Among them are' the ' famous Connolly Turbans and Englleh Bendel Walk- , Ing Hats, of which wa are sole distributors for. Port-. ., lend the Phlpp, Oege and Atchison Hats. Id sny of these lines we ahow a magnificent sssortment and prices range from tha loweat to the highest. , .SPECIAL EXHIBIT OF ' HANDSOME TRIMMED V ' This' week, we wlll irtace on sale 800 of the aea . ' son's newest oreations v in ' popular ' priced trimmed hats. All new ahapea. every new-eolor and trimmed atyliahly and taststnlly. . They are priced from , ::;$2.49 iipto $iaoo In the -ArVeat ...Annex u First :i'3'. '.la ' displayed, a'' grand array of c an that la ew V ,ln i.Man'a'Flx. la's Iwmenee ;r Jltnes of 'New'' Spring Shlrta in - ' all atylea and '. , eolorlnga and at ' all priceai 99- ' V MEN'S Tiff SHIRTS 4T. u j, ,, : Mtn'a Golf SMrta. In plain blue, tan and gray madias,' also aome In figured blue and gray effects Ton oennot buy a better ehlrt anywhere for, TSo.:' Br. , rial this week at, each .... i,.4T .'.', '.'f NEW SPRING KECKWBAR. 1 , .' A handaoma new line ef I-"'s French-FoM Foor.ln-' w.nda 2 and m l In all tne r-weet. :, and prettleot rolort ' " ' '. ' each - J v . f .-., s t ' tt . .......... 4 ... . .... , ; ; , OOLF( SHIRTS. , 7 '.; , '-Either plain or plaited,' with attached or detached - i, ouffs.-aaade.cosA or regular atyler hers In ataay , .- f different klnda of goods and ale the neweeV.pat--; i tarns. , ' v. SOFT NEGLIGEE SHIRTS. ,;,'. '! In: Madras, Light .Flannel. Mercerised Sateen. Ponge Blk, etc; ehlrte priced to ault all pocketbooks. v'Jnm..l.... V f.5.00 .V '4 MEN'S HOSIERT. . - . , We am ' eetlafled that ' we are showing the' prettiest ; -llnee of Spring and Summer Hosiery for Meh In' -the city. We have them in all the neweaa-shadee ",, of tana and browns, in black, In changeable allk ' Ilfcles, lacs Hales, etc, snd at all prices from, tbe Z'J, 'pair 25 ro .. .MSN'S SOo HANDKERCHIEFS TWO FOR I8. . -Men's Pur frlah Linen Handkerchiefs, with hemmed .Vhordera, splendid, valuss at too; eneeial for this ' W' reek at. .tWO FOB 25 : : J' '- MEN'S L SHIRTS FOR c ' V ' ? ' . A fine new Una of Men'a Pongea Colored Mercerised ' Sateen Shirts, with Soft collars, entirely new and the tet .ws can buy to sell jtt tl.tSr To make It interest ins. we wui sen mem vnia w war special pnoe or, eaca . . ' -, , ''- ' ' V MEN-S '!o SOX It o. - ' I5en'a Fancy Hoee. In oyeter gray, with fancy atrip, . our. beat 2 So valaef apeclal price, the pair... .Td Pcrfiectly'fixquisite Suijts fori Spring W . ..' - rV1 ' IA PEERIEWr EXPOSITION OF FASTIION'S LATEST DRESS EDICTS PRO- ' ': ' ! MULGATED FROM THB BIO SaLONB OF DRESS ItROK8T AND. '-- LEADING OARMKNT BTORK8 WEST OF CHICAOO TUB AU- : j' - THORITAT1VB C:NTER OF PASHION IN WOMEN'S .1 APPAREL JN THE WEST SECOND FLOOR., ;r--, v; j '".' SUITS THAT ; ALMOST EQUAL COSTUMES. - - Tn point nf beauty and color-introduction they are as artletlo and beautiful aa frockJL.. Tet tbe eervlce Is easily within the bound of dreaay tailored wear. Light-colored Chiffon Broadcloths are a greet deal In evidence so light In weight that they may b tucked snd ahlrred like a bit of coalite. Jackets are rather fanciful. A bit of canvas, a bright touch of velvet and high bodice . girdles are all new features that you will like. ' -.- . . , Tbe .whole effect of the salons la apiing-llke. Given over to tha first - hint of blossoming and full-blown faahions. - Don't trust to a repetition, of tha best. Why, aome of the aulta are not duplicated beyond one, and won't be. fr,'7 . - ;;' , ': ;,;:a word of .them.; ; v.'-.. -;' '"..: ," Soita that savor of spring's sunshine with Jaunty Jackets in Eton, Blouse and Norfolk, styles, single and double breasted; lengths rainr "from-33 to tt Inches, . Also the more srlstocratlc red Ingots 'tor those wbo'prefer tha longer coated effects these in It-Inch length. A choice sf Panama Cloths, Serges, t pretty. Tweedlah Fabrics. Ilght-wetght Imported Canvas Cloths, .Homespuns, "-fancy Wood Etamlnos and tniported fency-rlxe4 -CwrXm. Serges are a prime .fsvorits among ths smart dressers In eastern style centers, and promise to ' lesd all Other fabrics for.dreesy street Wear. - Shepherd plaids and checks are far in tha lead of Batterns. rancins In else from the tthy check to the. more pronounced almost plaldlah affect theee In black, wtittea and a full range or retty and deucate colorings tnat una uvar mdwi apnns ww-wiioonuo. n plain OOlors, tno navy nas reeumea iu piece as iwr, wun mi n avium browns ss close competitors.' Beautifully tailored, in exquisite worxmananip. Ths price range gives generous choice. . From the modest atreet frock at $12.50 to Its Grander Sister at $150.00 : : Mora than a score' of In-between prices, each representing tha Beat In Its class. ' - - ; flnniTWAIST SUITS DEMI TAILORED AND JACKET SUIT8. . - . . ' ' A magnificent and comprehensive collection of the trig teat snd JaunUeat In these amsrt creations. Mors beau tiful and fetching than ever this season In- their trlmmtnga of handsome laces snd fancy strappings. Absolute, ly new In every detail. A atrlklng novelty among thess Is the Silk Suspender Suit, with bodloe of lacs and skirt of silk, with silk suspender effect to matcn sain over mi ""'""" Choosing 1.3.0 (J AIXU fKUffl 1 , eio.vw, . : t- i w WALKLNCJ SKIRTS. 1 i ; ,........ jjvt i-? 1 ' '''' '' ' ' :; V Choice allows of a wide price range In Cue fuller than In oast seasons: tight overJilpa and flaring toward bottom; somalounced. Replicas, of tbe skirts of grandma'a time, whtn hoopoklrta ' . were in vogue, but without the hoops now. Mate- . rials favored ale EUmlnes. Serges. Imported Al- 1 .. paeas, Panama- Cloths. Brtlllantlnes, Silks and Smart ' Mannish , Mixed " Llght-Welght Suitings. Priced at S3.60 TO S35.0O - (Tbe best values ever shown In Portland.) . THE BEAUTIFUL HAND-MADE LINGERIE .......... WAISTS. '',' Soft and filmy creations that seem almost aa dell- . .. cats as the summer cloud that flits across ths "ether of earth's adorns shows usi lacy affairs, per fectly exqulalU in design snd workmanahlp . products of tbe 'most expert needlewomen In ths world. - All hand-made and embroidered and worn.. -In - preference to v silk waists -by many this season :"..5.00 TO $35.00 The largest assortment of Silk Wslsts In the city rw t........S.OO TO STB.OO ' EXQUISITE NEW SHIRTWAISTS. For weir of dainty women; more delicate, beautiful and more feminine than ever. Tbe grandest, larg- '. eat assortment ever shown by any western house. ' ' Materials are of Handkerchief Linens, Butcher ' Linens, Fancy Lawns, Madraa, Etamlnea snd " Dainty Whits Dotted Swisses, f l.OO TO flO.OO NEW SPRING COVERT JACKETS. 3;. ' ' In the trim and Jaunty lengths so favored for spring' and mimmer evening wear, tt to SO Inches, hand ' , sotnely tailored In plain atyles or trimmed smartly . . with strappings . snd doubls stitched effects. Jackets are satin, taffeta and serge lined, made In exquisite workmanship by ths most expert man tailors In America. Choose Tfrom r...TTirTTTrri...$S.OO TO 50.00 "V- CHILDREN'S NEW SPRING COATS. An Immense assortment Just In the largest Una ever shown in Portland: In all favored, materials and newesr atyles.-at the lowest prices for standard makes In all the west. Choose from ...V....'. f 2.50 TO S2S.OO ? . .. ceitiWorkv; The demand for .experts In laH;llriee of :buelneas'. In! hiow sorgrest that "success beyond the common aver age. resolves Itseir into x matter-or special-training; tor some one particular line ofwork. It la the buU ness of '- ' ' v l. - " ' ' --.. Tit fatuatiis r. t V . , . . . H ..... .... ...- .... . Of Kmurton. Patto.fumlh thls'irrwctal training.' We have aver. OOO.OO, students, over 3;000'ot which are in- the staU of Oregon,''and shdut 1,000 are'ln poruand. awsrded tbe two free scholarships to. be given by the OLpS, WOKTMAN 4k KING store organisation has developed an intense enthusiasm among the sev eral candidates and their friends all ever the city.1 In fact, 'the Interest has spread widely, as has been evinced by the receipt of several bulky packages con taining votes from several sections of Portland's trading territory situate some distance from the city. That the contestant have many friends outside the city limits hss established Itself a fact ditto the store, much-to our gratification. Keep up the good work, friends; The end is yet away off. and It's no body's race today. Five weeks remain of ths voting, which enda at p. m, on Saturday. April 23. . - --THB-RBSULT'oF THE VOTE AT 8, P. M. YESTERDAY. . ' . 7. Reginald CartenV BELLBOY -THE NORTON". SI.T13 Arthur Taylor. M. A. 8HOOREN 0.1 U.. HuihM. KNTQHT 8HOB CO. ........... 1.J1 rather Carlson. MASON. EHRMAN CO.. ,! Ches, Adler. WOODARD. CLARKE Si CO. .... 17.070 Guv De Pus. PORTLAND - DELI VERT CO.i. 14.10a CHINA, CUT GLASS AN1 BRIC-A-BRAC V - BARGAINS ABOUND : t ... i ( . . First Floor. .' '. . ; ' '.-.' ''' Tour cook's thna la worth something to you. ' Ton pay. for It' If.ymi hr Mr utenalls vou make her lose time restrict her- In reenlts attained doirt get all you pay for snd would get with the same expenditure of effort If proper appliances were given her. Same aa to aecond maid or gardener or yardman.- . ? . Tbere'a think over. - . . ;y;, , im VJ 'Tha peerless vslues In china are . matchless wed of them. ., - GREAT' SPECIAL SALE OF ALL IMPORTED FANCT .DECORATED CHINA. We Itemise a few of the tnany articles wnioti wui De sola at special prices ' ww .. i - : ' CAKE PLATES 3c t . 'v Fins thin China Cake pistes, att-lnch else, tinted ' and- decorated with gold edge and open handleas special sale price, each. .880 e ' .J ' ' ' t- ' TEA PLATES 'UC U i'r I , PrettHy decorated China' Tea Plates'; our $178 value; special sals price, he doaen. . .......... ...S1.0S .- . : , ... SUGAR AND CREAMER ISe. V' T ' ' ; ' '' - Deeorated China Sugar and Creamer; our las value; " . apeclal eale price, the pair r..........35 SALAD BOWLS. 3 lcv ', Decorated China Salad1 Bowie; our 40c value; special v sale price, each 284s ."TV. CREAMERS 10c . '.' ; Deoo rated and Tinted China Creamers, our lie value: apeclal sale price, esch. 10 ." JARDINIERES AT SPECIAL PRICES. ' -Jardinieres, (-Inch alas, decorated In assorted colors,' our lOo value; apeclal aale price, each. ... . .21 . 7 H -Inch else, assorted colors, our 4Qp value; apenwl aale price, each . . .......29 - 1-Inch. alae, assorted colors, our. $1.35 value; special - sale price, each ............ . .Sl.OO - Dent fall to visit the beaoUful Crystal Grotto and view the glittering, dassiing array , of Llbby Cut Glass all the newest cuttings: Llbby Cut Glaaa, for, which we ere Portland sole agents, waa given 'tbe blgheet premium award at St Louia, 1104. , , in the Art Grot to" we are ahowlng tbe very latest . arrivals In Art Pottery new Jardinieres and Pedes tals. new-Umbrella Stands, new Vases In Loowetsa . and Sicardo artware, imported Punch Bets and Steins. , Bronx es. Marble Pedestals and Statuettes. We are agents for the relekrated Block Lights. They save half ' your gaa bill and give twice tha . light Jof . any, other burner on tho market: . HA VILA ND A CO.'S DECORATED CHINA PLATES At a Great Special Reduction. . Plates. 10-tnch atoa, oar $10.00. value; special aale price, the dosenr..... J... 02S.OO , Plates 10 Aoch srse, . our $13J0 rvalue; special sale price, the doaen ............. . . ....... .02S.OO . -PUtee,-0-mch'er, our $30.00 .value; special sale . . . price, tbe dssen 92S.80 ; Ptatns. H-lnch slxe,. sur $30.00 value; special sarT , . price, the dosen 20.8O platee. OH-lnch else, eur $30.00 value; apeclal aale price, tha dosen 24.00 Plates. $H-lnch else, our $33.O0value; special sale price, the dosen S25.60 Plates.. SH-lnch else, our $33.00 value; apeclal aale price, the dosen ,....v. ..$2WO " plates, $H -Inch slss, our. $33.00 value; apeclal sale . . price, the dosen ..........v...;.. 01S.4O 'Pistes, $H-rnch slaa, our $30.00 value; , special sale , - price, the dosen 1 S20.SO " Platee. 7 14-Inch alae.: our $33.00' value; apeclal eale price, ths dosen .8J1T.60 . Plates. 7-lnch alas, our $11.00 value; apeclal aale prtc the dosen .....812.80 'Plates. TH-lnch sue, our $14.00 value; apeclal sale -price, the dosen .911.20 ' Plates. t -Inch alae, our $34.00 value; apeclal sale I , price, the dosen 919.SO ' Plates. 014-lrrch else, our $11.00 value; apeclal sale - price, the' dosen ..........814;40 '. .. ' . . CREAMERS ' 8c" ; '. Deoorated and Tinted Chlaa Creamers, gmal ahm. our lOo. value; special aale price., each., ...... ! -C.'-. CUPS AND SAUCERS SOc ' Deeoratsd China Cups and Saucers, very thin and dainty, our $to value; special sale price, pair, 3 ' ' - 1 ' FERN DISH TOO. ' . ' Deooreied' Fem Dish with llntnay our $1 T vw;. s- apeclal sale price, earh..........'... Scattering . Total s a " e s 374.701 . 41.350 .....I. ...310.131 he?M lyrCJJ-AvV'T i GET tHB HOUSEHOLD FRINcif' OR FRTNCESS . . OUT OF DOORS THESE FINE DAYS. In the Big StoresFirst Floor : OPENING OF MAGNIFICENT' NEW GOODS. The season of active business Is now with us In this section. Our orders for spring exceed those of an v former year. The new goods coming forward win command vonr attention and admiration. Rich Damaaks. Broeadea. Tapestries for bsngtngs and fur niture are .now being shown. .-.; ,' "' ; OUR LACE CURTAINS. 1;. ' Are a nromlnent feature of our business., embracing rich Arabians, dslntv Brussels, Cluny, Renaissance, Colbert and niany kinds aeasonable and correct for all partsvof ths bouse, i ' ' SASH CURTAINS. '" - New Rffects in-Arab and Renaissance. -In this department we hare men of, large experi ence to advise with you shout Interior decoration. and estimates and aketches wUl be , cheerfully fur- nlahed. : 7 , ' v ir A Few Special Mentions ' ' SUMMER WEIGHT COMFORTERS. , ' ; Very - dainty sllkollne coverings, pure white cotton ftlleif. tied: sneclal at. each 81.35, fl.50, 1.T5, $2.00 Ttt'" " FEATHER FILLED PILLOWS. 7T . Satin finish tick; special at, each 754 6S f l.OO 1J25 $1.50 $1.75 TO $3.50 " NEW' ARRIVALS IN RUFFLED NET LACE . CURTAINS . . . V ; ' With laco edse and insertion: special at. pair, ' ll.JB tl tit $,.Ott k ;.tW,JJJJSQTQ $.oo FECIAL SALE CURTAINS. Special purchase of tamo quantity Brussels - effect curtains. - ... j Regular 33.00 value: spe clal, pair... ...$1.58 Regular tllOvalue1 spe ; clal. pair..... .$1.6.3 Regular $8.78 value: pe nal, pair $2.05 Regular $3.00 value; spe t clal. palr......$27 Resular 83.80 value: spe cial.-pair.. ....$2.63 :' Regular $4.00 value: spe : . clal. pair ...... $2.98 SAMPLE CURTAINS. bmnls' Curtains, half - pairs "only.-, I? end ttt'yards lone. Braaeals and Renalaaance effect; special at ., :SOa 75e AND $1.00 New ,1008 Carpets. . Rugs, Matting. etc Complete assortment of Oriental Ruga, at exceptional values. - BABY GO-CARTS. Oo-Carts with reclin ing back, adjustable foo treat, reed body, automobile gear, pat ant ' foot brake, oen- tefrlction wheel fas teners,'' rubber tires; complete ' with cush ion and parasol at. .. .--..-asch, .. Si loo, suum. i.e-, tiajo. siTjo, tixz tcao. r94x. rr trr-rt a f - - 5 i , .'.'" FOLDING CC Folding Ge-Carts. plain, at. Adjustable back and tmt I ' . snd. f