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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1905)
,. ......A, :ths crcc:i daily journal: Portland. Monday evening, fesruary 13. isos. Tl ,:.J stfe eirr Jtoticn. AffZSfMZirr 10 tKriOVEXZHT OF EAST '.-r-'t . THItTTEIOHTH STIKT. -. . .- - Notice Is hereby sicca that tbs Council ef '7 the CI 17 of. Portland. Oregon, at a meeting held on the 1st di al Frtifuarf. JttuO, do- clared tlx aaeeaenuui br arittiiance No. 14,481. f. Ill JmprurviBonC of Beet . Thlrtr-olghth .atreet, M root th south 11m. o( Haw Uh road to the hoc lb IIm of Bast YaajhM street. In the msnnrr provided kjr ordinance Ne. 14.222. tipon each Jot, part of lot and parcel ef land i which an sueelall- and BomUarl tomvBted, L- to be aa frltows. vim; rHJBhVSIIiB THIRD ADDITION to Portland. "V.". tfw-aUK K 82, kit , -Title Guarantee ,. Trout Corona, 8I1J.I7; lot , Title '( i!,r Trust Company, f 1S.OT; tot T. Tltta i guarantee Trust Compear. fSOB; " "' r:--Ttl ilustanteo oWTruat -4,'ompsnr. ' Be. 70; lot 11. Tit la Oasrante Truot Oom " . , pnay. $.t: lot 1U, Till Una rant 4a Troat ''...triy. Ill BLOCK aa, tot tt. -Title 'Jiuarastee Troat Cwmpeoy. fOa.M; lot a. '.Title' Guarantee Traat Coinpsor,- T.IO lot T. Title Ouarautee A Trust t'oaineiir. 86 ; - tot 12, Title Cnarantre A Truat Company, . . . 112.15; tot 11. Title (Jiisrsntee Truat fVim pBT, (15.80: toMO, Title Ouarentee Treat Companr. f 08.08. BLOCK 00. lot S, Title . 'Onarante Troat Company, 107.94; lot 8. .; i Till Uaaraatee Troat Company, f IB.1S; lot '. T. Title Huarantee Tmat Company. 111.); , - - tot I, Tit la Ouarantee Trust Company. 4 ,.; fB.OB; lot II. Title Ouarantee Tmat Cent a " pan, f 11.08; lot 10. Title Guarantee Truat . i Cempaiir.-f84.i8. BLOCK ST. tot Tltta j, Guarantee Truat Company, ."; tot S, Till Ousraatee Truat Company. 87.28; lot , 7 T. Tlrto Ouarantee Traat Compiuiy, UH , lot 12, TIM Ouarantee Truat Company, . . , 82.80; lot II, Tltlo Oiiarauta Troat Com ' uanr. 4.3: lot 10. l it I Ouarnnta Tr-i Comiiany, W.1J. . BLOCK TO. lot TUlo ouarantM Truat Company, 107.43; lot I -Tltl uaranta A Traat (kimpony. M ; Vit i. jttia iiuarantr Truat l mnpaur . lat IX Tllla Gnarantaa aV Truat Company, .. $.)( lot 11, Tit la Ouarantr Truat Cn - . pa nr. W.-1: lot 10, Tltla UaarantM Truat ' oowpanr, $71.40. . ' 4HT1RH PAKK ADDITION i IWt , - iaad BLOCK 1. lot 1 .j fannla 1. lln. ifiii.xoi mh z, raunia 1, lioriny, wi I. Herman Bnriru Batata. Ilrlra af. W.9U lot T. tier man Borlau Batatw, llrtra tf. t.ll. I BLOCK a. lot 1. Mary O'ttwy, MS.1B: lot t, Mary 0'Lcarr, ld.n.1;, lot. C. T. Bowan. 130.00! lot 7. C. T. Bowra. I10.M. BLOCK . lot 1. Uarr f. nitrW, $100.60: lot . Mary P. Hurler, ,l3n.8; lot . . A roe Rohann. tU.7; lot 7. Afnau Robaou, H BLOCK ..lot 1, Jeaala. K. RoBnon. lul.44; W 1 i, - . Hcott.' M.Ol! lot 8. Walter W. Wehater. M.44r tot T. Walter Wahator. M 01. BIXKIC 8, tot I, Laoa-Burteu, auOOn; tot . : Ilermaa ' Bortra. $0.08t undlrlded H tot , MMhatUu- Bal Katt Company. 1.H : un dl elded t tot T. Manhatua Baal Batata Company. IM.46: undlnaed H tot , C. Guatar Tlnrr. $t.44; undlrlrtad H tot T, r" C. Hustav Tlucry, H3.47i toUI. 1.0TM.02. i A atatamaut of aforoaald aaaaaameat aah fceeu entered la tha Parkat' of city I Jena and Is uow dua and parable at tha ofnea at tka City Traaawrr. in lawful muy of tba I aHad Mtatss, and If not paid within M ear from tka data of this noUoa'sueh nrn rwadlnts will ha taken for tha aolUotlon Of ' tha aama a are proelded py tba ckartef of tha City of Portland. Tua a bore aaaeaamant wilt bear Interest 10 daa after too Stat pobllratloa of thla notice. - TllO. C. DEW-IS, X. - Auditor f-tb Ctt of IMrtUnd. -: - Portland, .Orefoa. Tebruary 4. 100ft. WOPOIEB WEOTIMUT Of 1XATX -.-,. j- RUST. . ; j.-.,--"..' ' Notice la fesreby tl" that et tha meeting -; et tba Council of tba City of Portland, Orecon. bald on. tha 1st day of yrnruary, 1006, tba . followlna; rasolutloa waa adsptad: . . Keoolred. Tbat tba Council of the City af Portland. Orraoa, dee ma It espedlent and pur - poaea to Improra Bbarar a treat frum tba Ureet : line af Mlsalaalppl aeenoe to tba eaat line of MsryUBd -araniw, la tba follow 1 -maaaere to- lt: KtraN By (radlB th etraet rail unota wiiu .full lntrarttona dowa ta tba sub-srada aa ,Itb by the City Hrjfin Baaaiid Mr eonetmctiner aldawalka la accord- , aura with the' City engineer's plana,, apaclflcar ln,i mnA I m t mm , .-c i Third Br emu tr acting woodea rut la ae : mrdanca with. tba City Engineers plana, sped- .'tlcatluaa and estlmatea. - . - J-'oarth Be Ujlng eroeewalks la accordance ' with the tUtr itntTnaer'a plana, apart flL-atlone -ana .euumstea. . klfth hr cooatroctlng irtoar and bat gujls'sl ;,., airerdaaca with the flty Bngtueera plana, I . w rura pt ariaging vne eurxnca or too etrevt j, pill width with full Intrraeetloaa to tba eeub- llahe trrmAm with naaaL bill lmmnml Im be made la aecordaaea ' ' with tba charter and ardlnancre of tba City of Portland and tba plans, apMlflcatlonaKaad earl- - matee of the City Kngfn-er, filed to tha office ,, of the Auditor of the City 'at Portland; aa the ' .ink Amw Ar lunuM iws. tudorsod: "Cltr i Engineer's plana and specifications for tha lm i ' ncmenfiit of vharer- atreet fraea tha wast Una c -.of Mississippi a terms to the eaat Una et Mary "tood aravue. and tba' estlmatea at tha work ta . be none and tba probable total tost caereoe. - -Tba mat or aafd Imnrarement ta be a seel tt aa aroTliI'd -by the cltr charter Upon the proa. ZZZtrti apeclally and"liei-ullsriy benefited thereby 2nd Which ia hereby declared "to be all the tots, arts thereof and pa roe la of Iaad lying betweea M Una 100 feet north of and parallel with tb . . bortb Una of Bber-r atreet and a line 100 . feet soatk af and parallel with tba aeatb Una , af Sharer itreet and between tha weal Una at - .Mississippi aranua aad Ua eaat Ha) af Mary- '7land arena. - -- -- The Euglneer's estimate et tba provable total coat-. loa- 4h ImnieTameat of -said ; Sbarar atreet Is 3, - t , ' - The a bora Improvement ah all be elaaaed aaa s grarel imnroTemeat anoj sosh do muwn . i h -tv n a nnelAil of four weare. arorlded. fcowarer, that the owners of a majority at the - peepeety beoa filed by aald Improrement or any portion thereof shall ant petition fur a new or different Intprorasaeat before tba espiraUoa oX r such period. ' Tha plana, aaaciflcattouo and estlmhtea of the Cltr gnaluear for the lajurnreaieut , af aald Bt. i p M...I om h all r a.ktnrad. - RaeoUad. That the Auditor of tba . City of ortlaod be aad ne is arreoy mreerea xm anm notice of tba proposed tmprorriment at aald atreet' ss nrorlded by tbs city charter. - Brmoastrancra en Inst the above laaproremeot -- or- tile in wrlllng-with tb aaaaesignea within dara from tba data of tba tint pub- 1 lea t loa oruhis notice. - : -(By order af the Cooncl . .. -f -a the Cltr of porflsnd. t Portland. Oeeeoa. Data first bubUcatloa, rraruary a. jwjb. ' PIOPOBEB 0KAN0B 01 OKASS 01 BOCK. . . 'Notice la herthrglreo that at tha meeting - of the Council of tha City of Portland. Oregon. held oa the 1st day of rehrusry 18U0, tba foV Lm- taMbillM araa aonntedi Reaolued. Tbat the Council of tha Cltr af . Portland, Oregon, deeata it exneaieaf n esraa 1 lleh the trade oa'Bucbtrl arcane at a point . roe hnsdred 41ik) feet , north of the north Ha of Kaat rina street and at a point one 1 hnndrcd and fifty (1MI fret south af -the south A line of East 1'lne street, and deem it exprdlent ta 'change the grade aa Buchtel treuoe at Its , latrreactkih with East Plae atreet and that II la the luteal tun af aald City Council te ee " taMlab the ersde at aald point an hundred noil feat mirth of the north Una af Eaat floe street et one hundred and srrenty-oaa and arreef mx one niiwirii .eight tewrba UT1.AI feet al gredee. and hst It la lha Council to eetahllah tha i rare aoore toe oeee oi mj Intention or tha city grade at said point hundred fifty 60) feet aonth of the enutb Una of Ttaat Plna street at ana hundred uritjM and fourteen hundredtha (100 14) bi hnea tko haea of' Htr grsdea. and tbat : It la the In tent loa af the City . Cooncl) to 1 rAaaaa.rhe graoo at tba latereectloa of Eaat V line street end Buchtel srenne from one - hnndred ierenty aad eight tentha 170.) feet iwii. H Kao of cltr aredc to an hnndred , aeeenty-oac and fir tentha (lTl.i) feat abeee the Ma of city grades. . M . - Reaorred. That Ue Auditor of the Cltr of . Pert land be and be la hereby directed to tire : not lea of "She propoaed rhsngo af trad of aald mM umIji Ke the charter. Besinnatrance sratnst ' the anom rhinre f trad nut h filed In a-rltlng with tka amler elgned Within HO dar from tba data-af. the flrat nuhiicstloa af thla notice. By order af the Crmaol. .,, . . . nn C. T1ETI.1N. " Auditor of tha Cltr of Portland. Portland. Orecna. .' February 4. 1005. Data of flrat public ttoa. -nOPOBTS TWP0TrigrJT rrT NAL7 . . OF XAIT TKimTT-UCOltO 1714111. Notlra to hereby glrra that at' tba awetlnt bf the Council of the City of Portland. Oregon. 4 held on the 1st day of Pebruar. lOoft, tba following rasnlntton) waa adopted: Ucaolred. That tha Cnnnrll of tba City af ,, Portland. Oregon, deems It eipedlrnt and pnr- ' poaea t Imprure tha west half af East Thirty . eeennd street from the center lino af East UnerlaoB alraei n a enlnt loo feet north af ' the north Una of East Morrtm elraeU. la tha ' ffltowlng manner, ta-wit: rirst Br - grading the atreet ta tba. fawner -trade aa aboira -hi . Ua stakes set sr ua Cltr Engineer: Y .. HeeMwl he bielne 1 1 . m T L ) Third By eouatructlug woooVU-.ilde-walk With wooden eurbs. Bald Impmrenjeat to be made la accordance With tha charter aad ardlnaneea at the urr . af Portland snd the plane, speelflratwna ana ' eotlmalee of .the I'ltp Kiiglneer. filed In tb - of rice of tha Auditor af tba City of Portland in tea arnn aay or January, iwn. Cltr Biiglooer'a blsaa aad specifications, dT tb bnnrorerarnt of the ax aeir 01 aeiai i Thlrtr anaisd atreet from th. renter of r.aet Mnrelaon Meaa to a nrtlnt lft) feet north of the north Una of Bast VJ aHaao atreet. aad the estimates of the work to be d frobafjle total met thereof.' i The rot of ean jmrwretnent to ba aoaa ana isa aa arwrVlcd by Ike city charter upon the prop- ertr am-eleMr ar4 ero'larr benefited therebr and -i-h U ' I li b all tha . ' rf l-"d rrlna a- an lie! therewith, aad aetweia tba north Una of Kast Murrlaun atreet sod at a line 160 feet rth thereof ana parallel urrewun. The KneliM-er'a estimate of tha nrobabto total met fur the Improrrmcnt af Said weat half of Esat Thirty-ercona street is fw.uu. The plana. an irlcatlon and Mtlmatea at tha City" Kiiglneer for the liuiiroremeat af said weat half of Eaat- Thlrtr-eecood . atreet are- hereby adopted.-: i rteaolreo. That tne auditor oi rne nir at Port land be and ha la berebf directed to tire notice of the neonosed imnrorrment of aald street as provided by the city charter. . Hemonstrancea againei wo aoore wivwnaji mar be filed In writing with tha undersigned within t dara from tba data of tba first lub ltcattua of fhla nolle. ' . . HI orour ut' tba touncu. ' THOU. C. -DUTLIN, '" -' 1 ' '"' Auditor of The Cltr of fur Hand. Portland. Oree-un. Data of first mibUcallea. February d,' 100ft, " , . i . , - ' jrsoibanu) iB0TiifzxT of : eunD - ITKEXT- .. s - ' Notice Is hereby siren tbat at 'tha aeatlno of the Council of tba City of Portland, Ore- Ka, aeia on in is oar ei renruarr, iwuq. a following reaolntlon waa adopted: Heaoirea, ibsc vne touacii ec -me 1 117 01 Portia ad, Oregon, daeuia it-etprdlent and aurouaes to loiuroee Uulld atreet frouS the Berth Una af Thurmaa atreet ta the aou'.u Una of Vaugha tr- ia tha follow lug; man- f'lrat Br trading tha street fun width ta tba jmk-trsda aa tit by tba. Clt a- 'econd--8y mnatntrtliig srtladal stone aide walks In aceardanea with tha City KBglntcrJ plana, apedaoatlou. aad estlmstea. r Third By hrluglng 'the sarfaa ef ihe atreet I uU -width to Um sstabUeusd grad with aiseaasm. . - Hsld Imnroeemeat to ba made lb aceordaare with I the charter and ordlnaaree af the City of Portland .and tba puns, spaclflcatloaa ana estimate of the Cltr Engineer Hied In the of tea of tha Auditor ef' tha City of Portland an the sutb dar or January, iiem. ih-ac. 'City Bugineer a uaoa una . rpeciiicniioue lor tba lmproTmnt at uulld street, rroin . the north line ef Thurmao street to the south Una of Vaugha street and tha estimates af the work to bo doar-aad ts -uocabla -total eoet tbereaf ." - 'Tba coat of aald' Improrement to ba assessed aa ptorided by tba city enactor upon the proa art r speclsllr and peculiarly benefited thereto and which la neraur aeciarea io oa au ine Iota, parta thereof and parse Is of brad lying between a Una 10Q feet wrat of nd parallel with tha weat Una of Uulld atreet aad a Dbb 10O feat east of aad parallel with the eaat Una et Ootid atreet and betweea the aorlk line af -TkartosBv- etreet aad tba aoath Una, of Vaughn street.' ' ' The Engineer a saumaie 01 me prooaoie total cost fur tba Improvement af aald Uulld street la $1,000.00. - . ' - Tb a bora Jnipcoeemcut nun ejaaaaa ss a macadam Improrement and shall ba main tained by the citg lor a period or are yeara. Krlded,' tbat tba owners of a majorltr of property benefited by aald Improrr merit, ar ne noitlon thereof, shall not petition tor ' a new or different Improvement bufurs tba x- nlratloB of soca rterioa. The nlana. anecfficstloBB and astlaMtaa of tba City Engineer for tha lmproeemant of said Guild street are hereby aooptea. KesolTed. That the Auditor of the City-of Portland be and ba la hereby directed to fl notice of the proposed Improrement of laid street aa arorlded oy tha city charter. . Hemoneiranceu again" to aoore innwaem Cay ba died in 'writing with tha- undersigned Ithln SO dars from tha ef . the flrat puhllcstloa af thla notice.' r t . oy oroer 01 u Kunnu : r. TH08. O. DEVLIN. .- Aadltor of the City at fort land. Portland, Oregon. Data af flrat publication. renruary a. tuua. . FmOrOaTOIWBOVDinrT-W-TWaUiTT- ,r- UC01TD R1EKT. . "-. Notice U hereby aires tbat at-the maettna or toe council oi loa uty or roritaao. urajna, held on the 1st day of February. 1000, .the Bnttiwalng taaiitntloMi was uaontaar -- -J Heaolred. Tbat tba Council Of the. City of Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient ana pur Doe oa to lmurove TweutT-eecond etreet from tha sneth llaa of Waahinaton street M tha south Use of Job neon atreet. by bringing tba .roadway fall width with full Intersect lone to aatabllaaed trade with crnabed rock and crushed rock; r screen Inge, and by constracUut gaid lroproremetit tat be msda la seaordance wlth and ordtnancea of the Uty of Portland and the nlana. pacifications and rati mate at the City Engineer tied in the office of the Auditor of tha Cltr of Portland on the Sitb day of January. 1005, Indorsed: ''City Knglneer'a plana aad spec! orations for tba im prorement ef Twenty-eeeond ' atreet from tba north Una of Waahinaton atreet to tba BOUth Una af Johnson atreet. and' tba estimates of tha work ta ba dona and tba nrobable total mm ftkane - ' Tha eoet ef aald Improrement to be Buds aa ptwrided by the dtp cbsrter .apaa toe property- specialty and peculiarly benefited thereby aad which Is hereby declared ta ba all the tote, part thereof sod parcel af lead ring betweea a . Una 100 feet Weat of aad parallel with the "West Una af Twenty-second street snd a Una 100 feet eaat bf and parallel with tha aaat Una of Twentr-eecood etraet and - between the north Una of Washlnttsa gtreet and tha aeatb Una of lobnsoa atreet. 1 ne Kngineera ssumaia ok in nww Intel cost tfor tba tmprerenieut ' of . aald Twentjr second street la 11.400.00. -. . . Tha a bora tmnroremeat ia to ba classed aa a macadam Improrement and shall be maintained by tba alty foe-ev period at three yesrs, prorlded tbat tha owners of rmajoritr af the -property haoaataA be aald Imnrovament ar any Dortloa thereof, shall ant petltiougfor a new or dtffeuejit lmpcorausst be for tba expiration, ox a ilea nerlnrf. B I The -plan. spclncst1o' snd estimate of tha City Engineer for t4tnproTment of aald Twentr-aeeoud atreet .sHT hereby adopted, Heaolred. Tbat tba Auditor of tha City af Portland ba and ba la berebr directed to glre notice of the proposed Improvement af . said atraoa aa nrodlded be the cltr charter. - BeawBatraaoes against, tha shore Improee- aieat las be Bled la writing wita raa unoer algaad within 30 dsys.from tba date ef .the tret publication at tnis antic. ' . . By order ef tbe Council. . . iiiua.1 v, no . CTTt V OXIOZaV 'or t land, reoruary a. wuo.. , rxopono cxAjros of-bbadb of xait . , CUT STKXXT AT-tTNIOaT ATZBTri, : Kntica m hereby siren that at tha maattne of tbe Council af tba City of Portland, Ore ana, held aa taa isc ear ox reoTuary. vtOB), the following resolution was adopted: Heaolred. That the Council af the City f Portland, Oregua, deems It azpadlent (nd puroooee to cbsnge tba grade' of tha inter section et the east "Curb Una of fjatoa avenue lb the north curb una of Eaat Clar at from 5 20 fret to 00.00 teat a bore tb Use a.) ana! ora-alom I Reaorred. That the Auditor of the City of Portland oa ana ne is nereor oirecteo to giro Betlce of the proposed change of grade et aald atreet aa provided by the charter. Renwnatranors against tha a bore change af trade may be fllrd In writing with the under signed within an dare from the date Of th arst pubitcatton a mi eonrc. J .By order of . the 1 Council : .- 1, THOt. C. DEVLIN, . - .W... Auditor "f the Cltr of Portland. Portland Oregon. . Data af first pahlloiUoa rrbraary a, luuo. AJaEttsifZlIT FOB IEWER lCVIIXSOTA . ..... .-i.,- ATZHUX. . . ...... Notice la hereby siren that tha Cornell of tba City or rortiswi, irrrawa, at a meeting Wabt 00 the let dar af Februarr. lOfirv oviaeo the assessasent 'by ardlnance No, 14.4X9, for tha eonatrurtloa of a eewer in Minnesota ave nue from the .enutb Un af Preott Itreet rn the sewer ia nnsrer erreer. in toe manner oroTtdr by ordinance No, 14.2W. anon each lot. nart af tot and parcel af land which are epeclelly aaa pecauari eenenteo, to be I.IL.M via- M VLTNOM AH BLOCK' t. lot I. Charlr lar trasi. M.7; tot , Daraey. B. Moore,; lot B, Jobs C. ThqUiae, tff.lfl: lot T, llogan Anderson, tit 16: tot 0, Emma A. Reed, , I17.I.V ' BLOCK A tot 1. M. B. Thnmpaim. .. 17.18( tot t. M. B. Thomoeon. flT.ld; lot 0. M. m. 1 note peon,; mt 7. M. . R. Thompson). lit. In; lot 0. M. B. Thowinson.; tot IK M. B. Thomneoe, fl7.o: tot ia VI m. Tnomnaon. tl7.lft: ht is. ti bl tTbomnn. BIT la. BLOCK IT. tort, Inatrne I 1 . , . air fa. l.- a a a,. . rirtnau'iii r ' "" r - r-nima hiss. fl7.13: tol TITJohn Bectjttroal; f lT.lltrlnt T. Amy la neeir. eit to: for w. nana Met lot 11. Amelia Haharlsnd. tl7.l.1 i.t It. M. Erickeon. 117. IB: tot IS. Jnha nr. diner. 117.18 BlOCK 4. tot 1 J. E. Bcotti in. 7ft: tot 4. Reaa Ceree, f3.H; lot a, laeW tU-rth-rV-t. M4.AS: nt a. Ptmr W ptewart, 24.e: tot IO, William B. Cr-rar. 14. no: tot 12. Cbrlstlaa F. Wtebuarh, f24No. BLOCK . hl 1. Andrew n. r.trer. i4 Wl". V 4, .Ctr-ertne A. nira.; tot.- 1. It. ascAniier, sat.n; e a, a", a. -Anller. Kri.xd; lot IO, Kan eel P. 1 t24.fl; tot It. T-avid It. Poet. Fj4.M; worth SS or lot 14. BIBrnew rtrow Karat. Heirs ef, 1141): sontb S ef tot Id. C. N. pmu ia4oj-iot id. John I. Ktoffer. t' BLOCK 1- tot X. treorre W. Ret, 1-M.tB: lot 4. Nellie- Cats But tea. f24.Hn: tot 0, Annie .i-rani. a.-a.on; w v onnie riniaow 24 nr.: lot H. fVhool 1)1 trie t " I., tit SA . nt It. Mcbooi Dtstrtct '. 1, t34.e; lot 4. Bchoni Dletrict No. I, t.'IM; Vt IN, School ' a.- 1 I'm aa a-ne u A atstetneut. ef . aforesaid BMeanat baa beea catered IB the Itorket -of city I Jen and m bow en and P at rn ev- af th City Treaaarer. In lawful moner ef the I nlted ' ftat, snd If not held wtlhle 30 dara from tha del of thla notlc each pro ceedings will be taken for the aolh-rtloa ef tka asaw sa . are peavldcd ky the cbartrc ef In cltr Portland. The above aaaeeament win beer Interest 'It aura arts taa Brat sai Mica i ton ar this notice. j man. l'r l.l . Auditor f the Cltr ef rnrtUnd. Tj. ::-. Orefea. February t. ItOB. . Portland. Oregon. Data ef tout sribllealoBTlflabsiyrl with the east H ' CITT V 0TICZS. AMXajUrT FOB WBOTrillNT OI C0E- TT RBEIT. - -.:, Notlra I hereby aivea that the 'Council of the City of Purtlsnd. Orraoo. st a, meeting held on the 1st dar of Februsryv, 1B00, declared tha bbh anient br ordluauca Nac-14,424, ' for the Improvement af Corliett traet, from the auutbnesterlr Hue of Hood atreet to tbe north Una af Hrrmour arenur. in tha Bianner pro vided by orUuance No. 1S.1W3. anon aech tot, part of lot and Barecl of land which ars specially ud pacullarl betevfltatl. to ba a fol-. CABI'THERS' ADDITION TO CARUTRERB , AUUITKtN ta tba (It of Portland Bl.Ol'lv l. lot , K. it. rarxer. UI.14; lot a. s u. Parker. foS.02.' BLOCK 41. esat TS feet ef tot 1, taunt B. and John L Lsnta. f 107.07; west XT feet of tot ). W. snd M. Scott. 1.; mt a.-T." w.-Bmirtrtno'.otrtor ti . Lewis M. Tarrl.h, fl47.M4: tot 4, hlra. Anal Uupnrt. BLOCK 4t, tote 1. J.iba N. Mstscb. f 106.74:-hit SL John N. Maueb, tot , Krank PoUvks.147.W; lot d. Joseph Pollvks. - f 170.23. BLOCK 4i, lot 1, A. U. tlammoad, fl70.ST tot t. A. a. Hammond,- flts.'Ci: tot f, Dladanaa and Julia Ia ilammood. f90iM:-tot d. Dlsdanna aad Julia I- Hammond, fOa.O.t. BLOCK 44. lot 1, Job Npltseuberger. fOS.82; tot 2. John Bpltaanhcrgrr, fb2.7S; tot B, Joha M. Brauer, fd:t.6d; tot 4, Catberln F. Tberkelaea. 112.01. CAKt'TUEUH' -ADDITION to the City of port- land, ss Uld out by ' the Bouth Pprtlsna " Beat aetata- eaaDctatioo BLOCK 100, east loO feet of tot I, Oregoa Hallroad A Ksvlga- tloo Company. fl40.04; lot 4. Oregon llall . road A Navigation Company. fltl.BS. BLOCK .lift, tot 1, The -Northern Counties Inveet- mat Tract,. Ltd., 40.01; Int., The North ero Oounllea Investment Trust, Ltd., f!!.; (tot a Elisabeth A. Thomas, f.1 03; lot 4, jLiisaoein a. imwh, a-au. . izo. lot I. Julius H. Beyer, B3 M; tot 2. 'Ida M.- B-rer. M.Mi tot a, Oeorge .B. and Mln . ale jLlrliicKtou. f 3.09; tot 4. Martha He. snsw, bloc a, 134, lot 1. Aasuna M. Wood, f3.S: lot J. Adeline U. Wood. . f 3.03; lot t. Nanny B. Atklnasa Eststs, Heir of. fTOtW; lot 4. Naucy B. Atkin son Eststa, Heira of, fll2.i3. BUVTK I4B, tot 1, Oregon Ballroad A N'avtgatlos1-Oom-nsnrk tluo.04! lot x. Oreeoa Ita limed A Karlgatlou -Compenrr-fau.7 -BLOCK 1B2, norm w reex 01 lor a. An nor k, Mctireen, t7.70i. Oouth 20 feet ef tot 2. Ariuur B. lestraca, fO.Odt north. SO feet of tot 2. Joseph C. Bayer,' fl'.tli south 2. feet af north IT feat of lot A. Joaenb C. Barer. r f24.8S; Booth 13 feat of lot 3. Peter Hob- kirk, ill M; tot 4. Peter Hobklrk. f3B.aS. BLOCK lAB- 'tot l7 Tha noma.. lot .2. The. Home, fit. SO; tot S. The Heme, sie-ivi 10c -e, -ma Home, ' run R 108, lot 1. Preetoa W. Gillette." $23.10; tot t. William H. Churrhblll. f 10.10; tot B. Mali ads E. Morgan. tlO.18: tot 4. Me llsda B. Morgan. fto.7. BLOCK 179, kit 1. Samuel K. Wrepn, f4.20 lot S, J. F. Cann. fa.00; south H af tot S, Aana A, Brlcb, flli.B7; north H ef tot . Anna A. llrt.-b. flO.Mrtot 4, Anna A. Brlcb, 123.04. BLOCK 184. tot 1. Preston W. Olllett. tro.H; lot 2, Prcstoa W. Ulltotta, fllO.H2i aU ef lot t b'ng eaat bf a Una. 100. feet weat of and parallel with th west Una of Cornet t street. Preston W. j Gillette, 7 74: lot 2. Preston W Olllett. t2l.0. PORTLAND H0ME8TEAD BLOCK f,-' north iui raex or lot 1, eaat et Oregon caii fomla Ballmad Company's right ef way. Mania Winch, f314.B2: south B0 tret of " north 200 feet of lot 1," eaat Of-Oregon . California. Railroad Compaay's right of way, . Elmer B. Oolwell, f8.BG; south SO feet f lot 1, east of Oregoa Callf.u-ula Railroad "" Comnanyg -Tigbt- of - war, alarr A. Clarke, ; tot.22; north IS feet of subdlvlsloa K of . tot a Msry A. Clsrke. flf.08: south 48 feet - ( subdivision B -ef 'tot 2, Rose A. Voung, fnt-M; aubdlvlalon D of tot 2, Kate B. Mdritgemery. f.M.07: subdivision C ot tot 2. 'E. VC, Jorgansen, fjn 3: aubdlvlatna B of . tot 2. J. H. Bever. $70.04; east 100 feet ef -snbdirlalon Jt 0 tot 2. J, HB.rr. fOo.41. - All of Oregoa A California Railroad .Com . pany'a right of war Irlng east of a Una . 100 fret weat of and parallel with the weet Hue of Corbett street and between a - Una 42 S feet north of and nsrallel with th - north Una ef Bancroft srerme and a line BW . feet south of aad aarsllel -with . -the south '""line of Lowell avenue. Oregon A California Railroad Compsnr. fd.01. BLOCK B. cast 100 feet -ef siibdlrlsioa A of lot 1. Richard C. Prince, flgl.OS: eaat 100 feet of aubdl via Ion B of lot L Blchard C. Prlne. f I00.3B; V eaat V0 feet of subrflrlalea C of tot-1. Jobs , M. Bbregley, fA7.84: east 100 feet of enbdlvisioa D of tot -1. 0. W. - tlck. Mrl '"" f "f anhnlvialon of ' lot. 1. John I Ion Berber. $25t.f4; eaat 100 fart of enbdlvaiioB F of tot L Anna Louis :81rJAB. fat.oO; east 100 feet of aubdlvUloa AIif tot 2. L. B. Finn, 223.83; east 100 feet ' oC auMlrlalon B of lot 2. Ann Finn. f23.fio; esst 100 feet of aubdlvlalon C of lot S, ' Portland Truat Compear of Oregon. fo3.B4i . eaat 100 feet of - eubdlvialea D - ef lot 2. . Portland Truat Compear of Oregon. fM.0S; - eaat' 100 feet of anbdlrlebm B of tot 2. B. - Vochateln. f 100.07; east 100 fset ef eub--dlvtolon- F-ef tot 2, Muchateln. fl20.68. - BLOCK 4, east 100 feet ef eubdtvtt1en O of . tot. 1, Mary E. Msrahall. flM M; north T O feet Of eet .100 feet of anbdlvtatoa D. t . tot 1, Mary E. Marshall, $24. W; south SB eet oi east 100 feet of eiibdlvtitosv- D of 4; tot- U. rVlllinbt J JeV flO0,07tatst 400 feet of aubdlvlalon I of Tot 1, J. B. Jenkel . and H. Mandevllle. fllO.10; st 100 feet of (ubdtTtsloa F ef tot I, Frank BVhwars back, 281.0.; east bo feet ef subdlrwton 1 f of tot 1. Oranrllle O. .Ruff. fBt.13; esst 00 fset of subdlvlsloa H of lot 1. Granville Ruff, t6t.M; weet 10 feet ef esat 100 . feet of aubdlvlalon H ef tot T. M. Everest fO.TTr Wrat 10 feet of east 100 feet of eub dlvlsloa O ef lot 1. M. Krereet. f0.08r eaet 100 - feet of lot a. Baa Belling. sn.ri CARTTTHER8' ADDITION TO CARUTHERS ADDITION to tb City af Portland BLOCK T. Thomas K. Edward. ftOS.dO: all et block B lying betweea two II nee rtapactlrely 40 . feat and 100 feat eaat af and oara I la I with the aat-trne mt Corbett street. Aw- P. Smith. fA0.71. BLOCK . weet 40 feet et Bortn Be root er biocc . n, rianoaa uassen, uoi.ui . west, 40 feet of south S feet of block S. O. li. Heywond. BLOCK 82. tot 0, inf utnuu parina wn wriiy,, all ef tot- 1 lying west of a Una 100 feet eaat of snd naralle with the esst line of Corbett street, tbe Oct ma Bavin ra A Loa a "Bnnietr, $20.40: tot T, Oeorg W. Oordon. tutio.: aU at tha north B1.I28 feet of tot weex or n no avu crat wane 15. (15: -lot S. Bebastlsn Plymato. 8104.5U all Of tot S lying weet ef a Una 100 feet eaat or -ua oar, Mel with th eaat line af Cor- V bett atreet, rrsnk F. Ollhsm. f2.t --wf- the south a feat of tot 2 lying weet af a Una too feat eaat ef and Bars 1 1 allel with the east line of Corbett street. Frank ink V. GIThsm. BUST; fat B. a.' W. Oordon. S14T.2A, BIXH'K ,81, tot 0, Her Bias Heitkemper. io4.wij that aert of lot ft. block 81.. la CaruUere' - Addition to Caruthers' Addition to tha City of Portland, mnvered br J. O. Heitkemper to 'liermaa Helthemper, recorded In book . 323, page 18, Record of lleeils, Multnomah Count r, Oregoa, Herman Heitkemper. $3.1.1: - all of block 81. Caruthers' Addition to Caratnera'. Addition ta th City of Portland. eant that nart coneeved br 1. S. 1111. : kemner to Herman Heitkemper. recorded In ' bonk - xa. page 18, Reword nt llenle, Multnomah Countr, Orfgon. f. o. , Hcltkemner. f 12.04. . BLOCK M. lot 10, Mar D. Ingall. f 111.02: tot 0, Corlnna B. Wood, S10 B4; north H of tot 11. Onst. J. and Caren Owen.; sorvin -v of io uoai. a. inn l inuin- v' "'. V- . -"a Babla. f 12.80. BLOCK 104. Cast B0 feet of lot, d. Ibex (and Ootananr. fr2lr; all of lot S lying weet ef a lino-inn feet eeet of 'and parallel with the eaat line nt Corbett " street. Ibex Land Company, f 10.44: east BO feet of tot B, Ibex land Company. 83.t: . ail of lot -Wn weet of a Una 10O fset eaai ef J end parallel with tb esst Un ef - Corbett 3Treet. lbs land Cam pane, f3.ll; all. excent east B0 feet, ef tot S. F. O. Wttob. ,tS8:44: all, except eaat 80 feat f W 8. P. 8.' Welch. 817X10- lie, lot 8, Bridget sad John P- Kemaedr Ketate. Heirs ef. fo.Ol: tot T. Mary A. BalHvant.; tot S, Msrgsret C. Fslllng, S82.4!l: tot B. Margaret C. Falling. S88.2L BLOCK 128 tot s, Cera B. and Lillian A. Tie Linn, ' frt4.Tr):- tot.T. H. F. and Flora C. Oreepacht 828 23; sooth ri of lot . Alice L. Bowan, ' it 81: north U rf tot I, Cher lea Houghton. -i 81.62; . tot S, Oregon btortgaga Com- pany. $3.28. .,,bmm:k : 130 .lot . 7i.!:.r M. Pattullo. . 83.28: tot " T. Alexspder 8. Pattullo. f.03: tot O.Jenrg I BLOC i44'. weet H of lot 8. Abram,tHey. I $787; weet H ef lot T. Ignore B.. Oregorr. m ' 1 a, na, M n. . .a, . omwOII.. nit; mt 1 a m 1, niw m. wnnie, I.. ,t: ...e II. of lot 8. Haril A. W rink I tl47. r HLW'K IBS. tot t, Fraak-aad-Marr " Hsekeney, $7.08; tot S, Oscar and Lucy Bhatturk, $ HO; lot S, Oscar and Lucy Rkattuck. BLOCK 182 tot 8, Bonhla . 854 00: tot T. Bonbl Button. t44 , lot a. Jaer-b Kamm. 8.-14.04: tot 5. Jamhr Ksmm. fol. $1- BIXNTK lt. tot , Port 1 Tenat Comnsnr of OrsoB. S4.T3: tot T Port I aad Trust Company ef Oregon, 84.4a: lot 0. David 8. Stesrne, 84.40; tot S. David I eTlaaaa 11 1 BLOCK 178. tot 8. J a am "and E'llth lamnorta, 878 83; tot f. Janice and Edith' Hamioon, pi. 14; mt .- jam and E'llth (lammoea, f 3; tot S. Jamea "and Edith OsmeviB." foS.o).- BfXKK 1W. lot S,, Prank snd Mary Hackeaen tT 77; tot T. Frank -and btnry itsraeuer. 81" e; ' L a. Frank and Mere Hsrkener, flSV el. POBTI.ANJ HOhlf-BTKAD BUM'K I. north 113 feet ef tot I. Th Vnlted Stale F1dell,v tk OoerShtce) Compsnr, till so; south 38 feet ef north I feet er rot I, leiiwi Mv.-ansa. a iiie rear or snnin in rear al A. Uertrud snd Julia B. Mark. tllB.08; ul ft of kit I. James aad Katie PL Peterana. tflo0: worth 84 feet of weet 100 feet ef lot 2. Mr. E.- Weliwvcbett. f 12-00 north 00 feet ef South inn fat of west lm fort ef tot S, Ida R. Btahes.; enulh BO feet ef wrat 100 feet af lot 2. Lome M.- Foatar. 8142-83: all f a parcel af Isnd Ivtng west of a line 10u feet eet ef and parallel with etna east Una of Corbett street and between th South tine of Lowell s venae extended eearerto Is Ita prevent cearea and a Ma M feet north of end parallel with tha Berth line et Bancroft aveane. city ef Part land. SB.... BLOCK B. weet 100 feet at CUT KOTICaJt. tot 4. School IHstrlet Ho. t. fttT.tTl watt 100 feet of lot 8. Portland Truat Compasy ef Ore go s. g.iexi.4. . BLOCK 8. weet 100 feet of - subdlvlsloa A of tot 4. Eva W. Burtcb. t 184. 10; weet 100 feat of subdlrieteu B et I 4. Eva'W. Burtcb. fllU.00; weet '100 feet of subdlrlslon C of tot 4. Julia A. I'ilrtch. - f 74.8a: - weat 100 feet ef aubdlvieton D af lot 4, Flora J. 'Poison. fflS.10; weet 100 feet of subdlvlaloa E of lot 4, Julia Ullrich, f 7I.B0 wett 100 feet af aebdlvlslou F of tot 4, Julia ' L'lliirb. fTT.02; ubdlvlaloa 1 ef tot 8, Boaaa 1 II. Butler, fio7.77;, aubdlvUloa 2 ef tot f. Mat Alalorfc, $7H1; subdlviatoa t of tot f,, , Leulss Kruitaer. fot.BT; subdtrisloa d af tot . 3. Joba hilar, fiol.awi aubnlrlaloo B of tot 8. Joseph Crbech, fod.)t2; subdlvlelea ef tot 8. Jueeph Crbarh, fnd.oA; right st way of Cltr da bur ban Baiiuur CowpaBy, BttaO-aB. Tout. fl2A.8S. 'a' A statement" of aftii eeatd aensimast baa aea eater ad la' tha Docket, ef CUy Uens sad Is aow duo and Baysbl at tha eiare vf. Ue City Treaaarer, Is lawful aaeaey of th United fUte. snd If not paid wlthla 80 dara from the data of. thl notice each aro seedlngs WIU be Ukea for tbe collection of tbe asuia ss are provided by the chart ef the Cltr ef -Portland. - ' Tbe above assesemeat will beat Interest 10 days after tbe ant publication f this notice. ,, .... TUOrJ. 0. DEVLIN. Auditor of tb City of Portland. ' Portland, Orsgea, Fabraarr i, 100B. :- ASSEBSstlB'T FOB IatPBOTXMXNT OF EAAT . - Tanmrr-FoamTS stbiet. '-Notice hi bersby given tbst the Council ef Ue City ef Purtlsnd, Oregon, nt B meeting held ee the let day of Februarr. 1006, declared the aasessaeent by ordinance No. 14,420, for the Imnrwemrnt of East Thirty-fourth street from the south Una et Base Line road to tbe norU Una ef Uawtborue avenue, la Ua manner pro vided by ordlaauc No. 14.000, upon each lot. -pert of lot and parcel ef laud which are lueelallrjod pecaliajl bancatad, te ba a i- tow. tib: . . . .-'... UNrJYBiDrWBLOCK , tot IS.' Foils , f44.88; tot IT, Julia Doyle, 848.07; I woyie, tot 10. Kred bf. Branch. 843.06; . tot 10... ; Fred M. Brssch. too.OBi kit Id. rrexleru-a M. Branch. sAj.SS: tot It. Frederick VI. Branch. f71.T7. BIAK'K T, tot 18, Vstois A. Mm. 11.11: Mm li. uiuiir a .u auii. - Ha HA ia - aevmoar C Jfrleudlr. 806. 00; lot IB, Oeorge Buttle, $00.70: lot is, trustees of Kplscepal fund ef the P. b church or tne aioreee ex nreswn, t",i'i"' Samuel Andereon. BLOCK 10, tot id. Rosa J. Smith, f7I.4d; lot 17. Boas j. athT80.i8i tot if. WXT Smith.; lot IS, J. B. meore. fod.fT; tot 14, J. 8. IJm. I SiW 1 a In IX 1. fl. Moor. v 73 u. - Iiim-K 17. tot 18. Boston J. Pe -Petwlut. 1.6; tot IT, I- W. Durt, fM7; lot in, jmia nrown, entoiwi- , . .. Tucker. fdBJW; tot 14, Minnie Tsrwlg. $00.71: tot 18, Minnie Vsrwle;. 871.63: BLOCK Z3, esat H m w r. . . . 14 kit 1TF. P. Wood, $60 04: north IS 1-8 feet of-east H tot 10. r. r. wooo, o.e.i Wtottt tot lsT A. P.TesIf, W.10; t i lot XI. 1 PR". , oaa -' A. P. Mead. tlT.00; acuta 14 feet ef eaat lot -10, A. r. Mesa, i-is, ro w, r" Wood. 80S. HO : tot 14. Prank P. Wood, anaev, i 18. Prank P. Wood. S73.0B BLOCK 4u lor in V A. Crane. 178.24: north 11 feet tot 17, T. A. Bvaaa, 824. 7; aoaU 22 1-8 feet lot IT. Jj. i. Edwsras, hi 10, r. . L , . v. ,al rj. A 1 u. anrlh OH faa. t .IB. Toll Thompson. 48.08: south S 14 e-a Ia tft. XT I. atewari. aorta u, 11 xt. Bt.wart. 8:14.40: aonth U to J4. First. CoogregstlonaT church, 8J4.0S; lot 1.1 rirat Conareaatlonal church. f71.44. BIXVCK 88. tot 18. -rederlck C. Dies, 71.82; tot 17. Frederick C Die. foB.18; lot 10, u W. Lluraot, sou. so: wx is, Jkei a,, ar-nm, Bog to. lot la H V Smith st si., saa.oo. lot XrT n. : Hmlth at el.. 871.88. BLOCK 46. lot T, Charle Pslraa. f70,T8; tot S, James January, fttt.20; tot 0, Jamee Jannarj, ftM.alS; tot 10. Frank A. Tauachar. too.07. , - BrNKYSIDB ' SECOND . AJIDITION BLOCK an- Bar m. Andrew neiean. aon.w: box i . an , HaUa. 871.03. HLlMhl BS. tot 18. ..Chrtotlaa Kretaer, f71.4; tot IT, Cbrlstlsa Kretssr, ; x in. iwoerx wrtano, loa i- bit 18. Robert lairkbesd. faS.o7t nreat i.n il 19 n I. Nichols. 8a3.80: west 1-3 !.. 11 T T. Hlchala. 8'9.TS: east f3 lot 14. - Plarel 1. Bumner, a4.oa; east x ja, FUvel C Bumaer. ' f4S.40. BLOCK. . tot 1 SO, Hermsa F.. Beyer, 871.03; lot 10. Her o s. Hrer. 808.71: tot 18. Herman F, r Beyer, 81.28: tot 17, C. I K linger. f42.3; i aorta p.i.a xeet mi j -bii, e.wii '.north B3.4 feet lot 15, ' Anna Bcbmlt, f8.42; north tut 4 feet art M. Anna Hctaut, -.4u sooth SO feet- tot 14, Florcnca C Webster, 8-4a atmta-BO feet tot IB. Ftorenca C. Weh ater, fS.lB; tenth BO feet tot 10, Ftoreaca Vahatae 8817. aCNNVBIDhV BLOCK 1. tot 8. Bnnnralde land . Improvement Company, 844.76: tot 6. Bon Bvslde Land A Improvement Company, 842.00: n a annnvslo Land Ar lmnrovement Cum- ' ixnv, 842. 2it; tot' 8, Sunnvalda Land A Im provement Comaanr, .806.83; lot 3, l arrls B. Golden. fm.Tl: tot 1. James D. Wbsrton, . an r.1 BUOCK S. tot 8. Maggie A. Ontxxa . 171.77: tot 8, Mxggle A. C.ataka. SSB.27) lot 4. Maggie A. Oatxk. foOUT; tot S, Mr. De- -'tsmr Mlrchsll. t0.2B; tot S. B Loouile, fW.IUl: tot 1. . Samuel Anderson, f72.04. BLOCK 8. tot S. Wm. Msckle. $73.04: tot 0. . Wm. Msckle. fflB.u; lot a, wm. Macxi. . tmt . i . a ' u..bu a. I - .Wa- Alacklcr: fVJ9j .tofc t Wm Msckle. $72 61. BLOCK IB. tot 0. Chi. H.TJnrnam, 172.10; tot S, Jcaala H. Harrington, gnu. IT . a. leaale II. Harrington. $06.87: tot S Lealsa U. Imwulna, fOu.37; tot 2, Elisabeth M. Kara. f8.8S; tot 1. Joseph A. Pettlx, art. T7. BLOCK 21. lot S. atsrgarct parllng, $72.10; tot B. Margaret Darling. 800.27; tol 4. H. C. Hardman. fc.87: lot 8. H. C. .. Hard man. 808.08: tot 3, Henrr Hi Btauh, M MTTiii I. Hewrr-H, Stauh. 874.23. BLOCK 80, lot 8. Tba Alliance Treat Com- . pany. Lta., iin: sox e, rrsns tinnier, . .0B.2T tot 4. T. A Ivns, ftB.IKr; lot , Alfred J. Parker and Blown England. fOB.TO; lt a Alfred J. Parker and Blmoa Enaland. 808.57; tot lAIBred J. Parker Blmoa England. f71.4(t-rBM)Cr, tT lot Phillip J. M. Blampeld.' t71.1B',tot B, MsrgaretU '. Bchtoffer. foi-Tl: tot 4. Wltllaax and. Elisa beth Oomfort. ff 28; tot S. A. T. Flak. fod.25: tot 2. Frieda Lundbald. fdiTl; tot J, Frieda Londbald, fT2.04. BLOCK 40. tot 1 8, Barbara KaStor. f 71.04; tot B, Barbara Kntrier. Sflt.tT- .lot 4. Freeda Iandhald. fOB.70; lot 8. Freeda Taindbald. north i tot t. Freeda Landbald. S84.SB; aootb H tot 3. 'Nora L. Blngler. f34.T7; tot 1. Nora ' U King ley. f72 0. BIOCK BS. west H tot 8. Bsrsb J. Wetsler. $52.04: weat tot ft, Bsrsh- J- WWIcT-.-8o lwl, east H lot Ar . -li. Coleman, rnistan. 818.58: eaat XA tot J. Tl. .lman. S20.O4: tot V Manl 0. Ham ilton, fdS.3o; tot A. la la Cnrrr. fnT.0-1; tot 2. Ja-JU Currv, 0.1.v, mt i, u. x curry, $72.04. BLOCK Ba. tot T, Wax. VI. Howe. 871.48: lot 8. Wm. M. Howee. 808.071 lot 0, Wm. H. Howes. BH5.T0: tot 4. Wm. 8L- Hnwee, ftt.OS; mt 8. Oeorg Bcbearen. I1W -tot S. Oeorg Bcbearen. flo aj- lot 1, Geerg achoaren. 8 1 OA 25: tOtsL 88.071. 21. A atatement ef aforeaald aseMsment has beea entered la tha Docket et City Liens and I now due and psvahl at tbe office of the City Treasurer ta lawful money et tba Vnlted Btatea, and If not paid wlthla SO dara from th date ef thla notice each proceed I mm will be taken for tha collection of tbe aama sa are provided by tha charter of the City of Portland. The shove assessment will bear - Interest 10 dara after tb trst publics! loa of this notice. . TH08. C. DEVLIN. And) tor ef tbe City of Pwrtlaae. . Porttaad. Oregon. February t, 1006. ABSESSXXFT FOR rKFROTEaTXjTT OF BITS. . .' Saab BaJMbaf, Notice le hereby given that th Council af the CMy af Portland. Ore eon, at a meeting held en the 1st day of February. 1008, declared tha assessment by -ordinance No. 14.4.10, for tbe Improvement ef Russell street, from Ua weat line ef Uantenheln avert In Alblna to tb weet line ef William avenue. In tbe manner provided by 'ordinance No. 18,084. upon each tot, part ef 'tot snd pa roe I ef land which are specially and peculiar 1 Dear!) ted. to be aa niiowa, via. - - ALMS A BLOClf 41, east Si tot IT, Olriatlna K. Blrrell, f08.22; eeet H lot 18. Chrtotlna K. Blrrell.- $72.52: west H tot 17. Wllllsm Dotirk. S52.M: weat H tot 18. WUUsm Doack. t.'.2.8. BIXKTK SO, tot-1. J. B. Brewnewell, 8AN2.72: lot t. J. n. arownewell. 8104.80: tot IT. . Edmund Hall Estate. Heirs of. 8112.02; tot 1 Edmund Hsll Exists. Heirs of. 8412 71 BlCK 35, weat H lot 1. Flrat .Norwatlaa-DsBlab M- ' Church. 8200.8.1 ' weet XA lot t. first Norweelaa-Dsnish M. K , Church, 804.74; east H tot 2. Mlchsel Bins. ' 858.75; eaet H tot 1. Michael Bin. $10O.--M -'tot 17 bllofeolas r. Mere. 8118.47: lot 18 - NlcbnUa C. Merges, 841X20. BUXH 80. tol a-. . , a.ioar. t. 1 a - . araail unvHa .iiB a, ni".lae Bchoni DUtrlct No. l.-fUS.IO; tot 177 School District No. 1. fao.73; tot JO. School District o. t, B-vT ne. BVANM ADDITION to tbe Tewa ef AIMn BLOCK 4. rest Tt.t feet tot 13, Imdley Evsne, 8478.44; eaat Tt t feet tot 14. Dadlcf Evans, iiwnd; eaat T3.S feet tot 15. Dudley Era no, RAILROAD BHflPB ADDITION BLOCK , weal L lot t -irlraai C. Patter. $170.48 weat ' H tot S, Hiram 0. Pstteo. $.1103. esst H kt' Tha Alllanc Truat dwnnenr. l im ited. 8-11.04: east t bt A Tba Alliance Trnet - Company, Untried, f 184. IB: south 30 feet -tor 4. J. M. PUtenger. f 12.T8: aeatb lno fret - tot- f .- Vnton-Tmat Inseatment ATompaay. 014230; Bantu Its? feet tot 8. I'nhva Treat A I nreat meet lomoanr. flfll .BS: tot tl. Mart Ilubl. f.BOi nt 10, Oddfellows' Hall Ao eletlon. $108.7n nt 0.- Odd Feltowe' Hsll Association. f.1A02. BIXH.X 4, nodlridcd H west BO tet lot t. W. P.' Malice and . Barrae Baker, f nf .80; andlvbled S weet 80 feet tobS, W. P. Metlcrh ssd Bore- Baker. fWIlT: Bwdtvldrd H weat fto feet lot SV The ' Pint National Bask. fina.BO; andtvldrd V west 80 fet tot 8, The First National Bask 8-tn iT; east en fret V-t a, Edward R. aad liells F. Pitcher. William J. and Rlla I, ' Jsceba, 8180.83: eeet 4 feet lot f. Edward E. and Delle K. Pltraer. William J. and Ella U Jacobs, t4 X; kit 4, Ueorge R. Beofflns Esute. nelra of. 822 pn: aonth loo fact tot . T. Jnllna Kraamar. $J nT; weet 10.8 feet Bouth 100 feet lot t. Jullaa K re mar. S3H eaat SO feet aonth Ion feet tot S. "net. Holm-a, f lie 31: tot T. n. W. Batas. si 71 ' to 10. C. H. Rill Eetste, Blr af -8 88 tot .. C. H. H1U Estato. Htlrs ef, ,f3.os TCTTT OT'lCIl rtght af war. rortlaad Cousolldatad Railway Company. fiidS. 7a.- Total, fo.741. 40. A statement of aforesaid assessment aa beea aatered ia tha Docket of City ! nd in aow duo and aarabl at the uinra sx the City Tressnrrr. la lawful money of the I tilted States, and if not paid within 30 dara from the dale of thla notice such -pro- eeediags- will ba tskea for Ue collectlea of tba asnie aa are provided oy ,tae cuarier ei tbe - City of Portlead. - . The above aaeeaemeot will bear Interest It das after Ua tist publication a this notice. , Auditor of the ?ity of Pertlaad. f Portland. Oregon, February I. 1003. A88E8.XZFT "FOE ' MPB0V1XXMT v Off r SECOND iTEFJtl. " r. '.! Notice. Ia berebr xlxan that tb rouncll of th Cltr of Portland. Orrgon, tt a Biegtlnf held on tea 1st dsr of Kebrwarr. lOoft. de clared Ue assessment by ardlnance No. 14,484, tar tha Improvement of Beeoad street, from' tba center Una of Arthur etreet to tba north Ilea of Weude- street, la tha nianaev previdsd. by ardlnaBoa ho. l&B".. upon escn- mr. - pan of tot snd parcel at hxnd whlcb-are apeclally and nacuintflybaaatev to . 00 as . lomiw. CA RTTTHrR . ADDITION TO i CARTJTHEB- AU1UTION to the City ox rore land BLOCK 04. north H eaat 100 feet tot 1.- Char lea F. Boerker, ST.0O; south U exit 100 feet tot 1, Katie F. Babe nelrb, f87.80: esst 100 test tot 8, Katie F. Babenelcb. ftBO.04: eaat loe lt tot t. Joha F, Csplee, fiW.TO; cost loo fset tot 4. Joba F. Caplee. fao.TO. - BLOCK 80, east 100 feet let 1. Addle B. Marrar. M2 08: suet 100 feet tot 2. Addle B. Murray. UtftOI east 100 feet tot If, Frank II. Orau, tloO.ftt: aaat ! ' feet lot 4, Orlando p. B. Plummer, " BlyOi'K . east 100 feet tot 1, C. B. Bralth. 178.41; eaat lm feet mt 8 l' x. nmita. UMMT! eaat 1(10 feet hit 8. C. K. Bnilth. SOI. 11 r-east : 100 feet tot d.-Cr E. Ssxlux, A parrel ef Iaad lytof between th Bortb Un at Woods atreet and 8 Una 300 feet enutb ef aad parallel with the south Una ef Hooker treat, and betweb th weet Un of Second, arreat and a line 10Q feet west rnereor aad Htrailel. therewith. C. E. Smith. 8813.23. -1XM'K oM weet U lot S. Pannls B. Died- -ncbr fll.08r-weat 4 tot 7. l anata Bv Died- Men, sesi -teei -wsax inx a. Ixiula .Cohn, fSO.00: west 4T feet esst Hi tot T. Lonui Cohn. f40 TB: weat 100 feet tot S, Edward J. Hart. 803.31: weat 100 feet tot S. Joha CorkUh. S81.1T. BLOCK 80. weet 02 .feet mt 8, tmniahuel Bapttat Church, 874.70; weal oa tort imr J ,- lauuuuei nauiia uium, 870.20: wt SB feet ef eaat 44.1 feet tot 8. Susie C. Peat Estate. Heirs of. fd. 10 weet So feet of eaat 44.8 feet tot T. nnale C. Poet &itatev Heirs of. tB.71; weat 100 feet tot 0, ar Akera. $11200: wax too teet tot S. - Philip and Julio R. Lawtoa. tl28.27. . BLOCK B7. weal BO feet tot 8,. Nannie B. Taj lor - 883.0A: west B0 feet tot T. Nannie B. Tar , lor, $78 07; weat At feet of aaat B8 fret -jox.a. aouiu v. . eune. aiMM, weet. sv im of eaat fid feet .tot T, Abble 0. Jane, 828.90; ' weat 100 feet tot 8. Jamee L. Johns ton. $153X2: west 100 feet tot 6, Jaa - I Johnston, f 1TT.8K. A parcel of land Irlnf between th aonU , Une- bf Porter itreet and 8 Una 100 teet south therefrom and parallel therawtU and 1 between tha eaet Un or Kecond street ' and a Una 100 feet eaat therefrom' and - parallel therewith, Wlnfleld T. Stephen. - torn w. A BarrsI af land lvtna Between, the on . line ef Woods atreet and a Una 100 feet north therefrom and parallel therewith and - betweea tha east Una ef Second street and a Una 100 . feet -east tb ere from and Mr- -' allel - therewith, Joseph iaxea - aadCyna. - a, - uoipn, imi.aa , . - .-" Total U.2no.8T. -, - A auteaient of aforesaid a sa Sea meat ha been entered la tha Docket af Cltr Liens snd Is now da sad parable at-the ersce of the- City Treasurer. In ..lawful money ef the 1'nlted Btatea, and If not paid- within' 80 days from tba data of thla notice such pro ceedings : will be taken for the collect loa et the ss me aa are provided by tt jshat tar of Ua City ef Portland. - . . -r ' Th sbeve assessment wlti bear Inrereat 10 dars after tb trat Bubitratlen 0 this notice. - ' " at i . iu n r. WT f M i Auditor of tbe Cltr of Portland. Portland, Orrgon, February 8. 00. ' Asazssxiirr toe aatnoTExzirT of john ': .('. H'..- . ..MaT BTEEET.. ,'- V' , , y Kollctr Is berebr given that the Conndl ef to 1117 wb , u I l,uu, vmjia, , a., mum held oa tne 1st dag-xif Fcbf ilaxy., ISOBj. .declared the aaeeaament or ominauca no. l.4:u. tor the Improrement of Johnson treat, from the weat line ef Twenty-fourth atreet to tbe east una or TWenty-nrta Btreex in tne manner pro- vlded by erdlnsuce No. I4.04H, upon eeca lot. part ef tot and parrel ef lend which are ape ctally snd peculUrlf brneflteu. to be aa follows. KING' BECOND"aDD1TT0E Bt,OCK 4. tot 4. Matthew Brady, 810 86: tot 8. Matthew . Brsdr, $1.54; tot B. Annie P. Bross. f 16.44: tot 8. I. A, . Mxrtln. flTOS' irhkp, Jessie .- M. ana-jamee n. movracxen.; mix i. - Everell r. Palsxer, flT.lf: tot IS, Ella ' Btepbeaa, f2S.S3: tot IT. Thomas Stephana, 84.81: lot 18. Thomas stenbeae. 8.10.28. A parcel ef land Irlng betweea tbe west tin ef -Tweutr-fouiU street snd A lias 1HU faat - west . therefrom and parallel therewith an ' between tbe south line of Johnson atreet and a Una 100 feet souta taereof and Oarallal therewith.. Frederick A. Krlbs. 814.0T. ' A parcel ef land .lying betweea two llnee ; respectireif uru reet auu zio xeet west xroai and narallal -with th weat lm af Twenty . fourth atreet aad between the soars tin ef , Jobnaon atreet and a Una 100 r feet aonth therefrom aad parallel UerewlU. Dean la W crawHtr 8Jo. -'- ' A Barrel of land Irtat betweea two Tl . respectively 210 fset. and BOO feet west from and parallel with tha weat line ef Twsuty fourth atreet aad betweea Ue Bouth Une af '- Johnson street and a Una 100 fset aeatb ' therefrom and parallel therewith, BL " Hareeat. tlfl.MO. - . .. - ' A parcel ef land Irlng betweea a Una 2b0 " feet weat ef and parallel with the west line ' of Twentr-foarU street and tha cast Una .or Cornell road aa aoowa By larwis uryoen man et Portland and vicinity. 1804. and b tweea tba couth Una ef Johnson atreet and - a Una 100 feet south therefrom snd parallel therewrlta. The King Estate, Hairs ef, 8181.08. Total. 8321 Id A atatement at aforeaald assessment Has mi nlarari In the I locket of Cltr Liens sn Is bow due and parable at to ofBco of fh Itr Traaeurer. la lawful' moaer of the; United Btatea and If not paid .within So dars from the date ef Uls notice such proceedings wlU be taken for the collection of the asm aa are nrorlded br tb charter ef the City ef Port lead. .The above asanas meat will bear Interest 10 daze-after the Brat publication er this notice, ..... THOB. C. DEVLIN. Aadltor er the city of rortiaao. pertlaad, Oregoa, reta-nary B. lvoe. ABBE Bf KENT FOB tB0VX3aZaTT OF EET . ;V;"Ajrx ITKEXT, Notice la hereby given tbst tbe Council ef tbe city T portiaud, oregta. ax a ssoeting held en the 1st day ef kebrssry, luB, de clared tha aaaeeement br ordinance Ne. 14,442, for tba ImproveweaC ef Birant atreet, from Ua east Un ot Wabash svenpt tb weet Una et Delaware th tuanner provided or orainsnce no. js,i,m. upuu vac c, r i et tot sud parcel et land whl4 are ej-erisllr fad I peculiarly Vnedted. to be aa follows, vtx : T allHUa L1".!I& sun a j a. ri a. IMpa. TTnatee. aie ou; lot a, octa itw. Traetee, 82.18; s aouth 10 $1.08: aoath 10 1-4 1 -n aevx t a aetn ia roue, j .feet of tot 10, A Lenipert, $2.04; lot IT, A. lau'.hert. BJLUO: lot IN- A. LamBeTt. 842.75. . HUit'K 14. bit 1. Ralph Feeuer. f47.le4; tot t. Mahm Keener, fn.48; aouth Id 1-8 feet of tot 8. italph reener. f 21; aouth 18 1-8 feet ef lot IS. Becartty saving irusi tneapaar, f l.b; tot IT. Beenrlty Bsrlugs A Truat om- psnr. fs.81: tot la, Becurtty Bavlnge A Trust -Conipaur. 823.40. BLtM- K . kivl, Becartiy, Bsricgs A) Trust Company. f'AVaS; kt a. Beenrlty Saviaga A Truat Company. fa -4b soatk Iff 1-8 feet ef tot 8. aeruritj rlty Savlnga Trwat- Company, fl-18; aouth 10 1-8. feet of lot Id, J. 67 oeborne, $2.15; tol IT, J. B. Oeborse, $4.32; tot 18. J. M. Oeberna, $82.61. " BUM.E Id. tot 1. Karl C. Bronaugh. 840.aT; . kt k, Karl L. Bronaugh. 85 : aonth 10 1-8 feet of lot 8, Rari c. Broaaugh, $204; south 10 1-8 feet of tot IS, Esrl C. Uronaagb, f2.0t: lot 17. Karl C. Brensugh. f0.7. tot 18, Karl C. BrOBsagh, 83402. BlAK'rC IT, tot 1. Jennie W. Dotiaell. f4l.0; 'tot 2. Earl V. Mroiatuth, fT.Ki; aoitth Id 1-S (cat et tot 8, X'apl 1 Rr,,aiich. 8:1.IMX. f Bl BBAnC TBAfl BLOCkf 1. tot'lf. Tnemag i.. fcUut, am 4, jaomae u. mum, H; l ll" ftinsnas U r.Uot, f7..; let TI Tbvmss L rJuM.f2B.0B. 9JOCK tar ' Vt 18. Thomas U Plwt. $13.47, tot . 14. Thomas L. Kllet, f 72; tot 1 V Thomas L. Eliot. M.IB; tot 12. Tkeessa U F.ltoti $ BLOCK 10, t-l. Thomsa L. kltot. Sdd-Ta; tot 14. Ttomaf La Allot, $8.07; tot li. Ihosaaa IT Kllot. $!.; tot 12, Thomsa L. Kltot. $48 78. BUK E r. tot IS, Tninmae la Ellox, LUlii: tot 14. Thoaxaa U Bllot. 810.82: to 1 1. Tomns L Eliot, true, lot 12. Taomee L. Allot. I11XM k. 2, tot 12, Thomas t a-iiat t-.t an? lot IA Thomsa IV Kilot 80.83; tot It, Thorns limatt I aiutt. aw.i un. Eliot, $XZi.' - - - I., isemae l- ABHOR I.iMM.t HUM K yi. tol TL wary M. Mock. $22,471 t IO. Msry M. Mock. 82.B4; bit 0. btr M. Mock. 8 47; let 14. Marr M. Mock. 8. Hi bit 11. Marr M. Mvca. M. (al lot .IX Alsry M, Mock, $421. BUrCE It. tol 12. Miry 0. Suell. feu.15: to. 11, Marv C. Bnell, SH.47; tot l. A. Hsrsxee, tA42; 7 tot li. North PeetSa Lumber t aeapaar. f4.B7; lot 14, - Berlh ParlSo Lamher Compsnr, SC. 9ii tof I. North I'sciflc 1 .am her t vuipenr. $48.48. BUM'K 10, tot 12. Earl C. Bronaugh. f A.02 tot li. Earl C. Brnnsaga, Sfi.SS; tot - In. Karl C. Broueugh, fJ-U2; lot 15. hi. a!. . Herclrlch. ft On; M 14, M. K. Uenrirlck. ran; k la. M. E. ttendrlck. 884 .88. BMrl K k-t 12 H-ittle L. Sweet Wnetell. $!. ; .lot It. Hattte L. Sweet Westell. 88.10; I in, Haiti la Bwt Wnetell. f.104; M ,. . . B. ilsrduer, to et; tot 14. Flrat !' terts Ch-irrb. 87 .11: lot 1.1. Pint Pre terl.a Ctiarrh. f i.t BlAlCE 8. tot Jeaaia W. fMeavil, fM.14; tot II, Jv 7. - CITT - stOTICEBV - W. iVonaell, fll.!!;' tot'lOy Jsoale W. Dea- BlRKAtid TB ACT BLOCK 10. undivided 14 of bit 84, Varsb J. Barrage, 8I0.0O; uikUvIoWU U of tot Swi Barsb J. Burr age. fa. 10: uudt- viaed H er ot .4. William rJ. urrata.giuw andlrlitod V, af xn 2a. WUUsm, H. Burrsg. t:i 111: unrilvln,. ti of hit a.' William, u. vurrage. f.ev; nnniviaea hhvii, n inwm 11 Burrage. f 13.07; nadlvldrd V, of .tot 2. Barak J. Burrage, $3.4U; undivided V. ef tot 1, Barah I. Hurrhge. $13.07. BLOCK 14. tot 24. Barah J. sad WUUsm H. Burrs;, $23.47; lot 28, Sarah J. and .William H. Burrago. fu.42; tot hV Sarah J, and W illiam 11. Bur rage, $4.(4; tot 1. Barah J. and William H. Burrage, $18.10. . BUM. K 11. nndUldcd Vi of lot 24, Sarah J. Burrage. f 14.70: undivided H of tot 2.1. Berth J. burrage. t3.e; undi vided. Vs of tot 84, WllUam H. Burrage, 814.701 nndlv4fll U of lot 23. William U. -Burreg-r Sd.bOr t otOotX Wllllxm II. Burrage, fe.eU: umllvlded W of bt 1. William II. Burrsg. 822.48; uadlvliled Vm of lot a, Barsb J. Barrage. 84. tw: anaiviqea of tot 1, Ha rah J. Burrsg, 822.4:1. HIXKK 0. tot it. Barak 1. and William IK Burrage. armsT- lot wx a.eao-3 and William H. 'Ilurrage. 8S.T4: "tot 2 Barak J.-aad WUUam H. Burrage, 81.00; tot 1. Barah, J. and Wll Ham II Ttiirreaa SVU TO HIlCK 8. tot 24 W. U. Killlugsworth,. 818.3B; lot 23, W. U. Kllllngawurth. 80.08; tot- 2, WV 0.- KlUings. worm, ail. 44; lot I, w, u. a,iiiiugwuvui, 83.1U. Total. 81444.42. - 'A' statemeet of fneeeld aaaeaament ' has bean' entered in tba Docket ef City LI OS end la aow due' sud parable at the office ot the City Treaaurer,,ln lawful money ot tb United State end If nol nalll wlthla SO dsva from ua eate ot this notice suca proreeuiug w" be tikes for the collection of the aama aa are provided by the charter af tha City ef Portland. Tha above - asaeeament will bear Interest 10 Say after Ue Brat publication at tnie noiwa. . ... .. .... " -1 HUS. V, PSIt". . ' Aodltar ef Ua City of Portland. Portland. .Oregon, February 8. 1008. . . . AfSIaaTfEET FOB EXTENBIOK , 01 EAST t -V.V.. , SAlatON STREET. ' ;-'.. Notice la. herebr aivan tbst the assessment made by erdlnsuce No. 14.301. satltled: . "An ordinance adopting tha report ef tbe- viewer ta Ua matter et the proposed opening, string out and eatabllahint 'of Eaat Salmon atreet treat the-weet una ot Asst aBirty-eutota firi to . Ua west Una -of blooks 11" and 12. - Hunnrslde addition. makiua- ' aa - avasmant ot Ua beneOte " and damages get forth In said report," approved Josary p. 10JIA kaa - baa ealared aealnat tho aaVSTSl owners of and persona Interested In tbe land L I a IL k--l ll.kla WaM-. arm n i luai aa iui Mmani - - for. In tbe Docket ot City IJans, - which said asseeameute Are made due and parsble at tbe efilee of the City Treasurer. 10 United States rild and silver coin, snd unices psht oetnre ebruary 20. 1006. tha aama trill become dtun aueat snd sack proceedings will be token for tbe col taction et me same ss are provioew or Us charter or the city of rwtnxa, saia asasss meats being as follows, to-wlt: oiMio-a AIUilTIiiN -Lot 8. -Jehe -tTeod-. fto mt 0. Joha ueoo, t-tuai; wx iu, jobb uooo, J 40.00: tot 11, John Uood. 840.00; . lot 12, ohn Good, fto.00; lot 18, John Uood. 840.00; lot 14, Juha Uood, B-rU.oo; lot is, jeaa ueee, 80 All- 4JUNNY8IDE ADDITION BLOCK "12. lotl Ilulda Bteimein, aa.on: n z, anna r. uu bart 88 on: lot 1 Kltsn E. Gilbert. 88.00 sat d. Barbers' Westwlrk. $8.00: lot B. Louisa A. McOrefnr. fd.00; tot 0, A. II. Breyman Snd Joha Bemuiervllle, t8.0n; tot T, A. H. ireymaa and John Sommsrvllle. fd.00. BLOCK ; 11. tot a. KaUerloa A. Martin. 88.00: esst .17.14 feet of lot 0, Katharine A, MarUn, . f 2.8B; weat 30.72 feet ot lot B, starr j bleb. 83.38: bit 10. Mary J. Rlgbr. 88.00 - tot II. Fllxaheth . Bnrnhxm. 80. no; lot 12. William A. Msckensle. 88. 00; lot 18. W. W. j- Mlaar and Nettle J, Mlnar. fO.OOt tot 14. w. tv , euuar anu ,riii . etna. BLOCK 18. tot 1. Breymsa Bros. ft-TB tot t. Brermnn Brae.. $4 78; lot 8. Brermsn Wen . aa til: lot A M. Olaen. 84. Tn- ut a wrtan Hros.. 84. TB: tot 0. B. II. Bowman. .7H; kit 7. Jt. II.. wvein. ev. iov o . lot 8. Ceorar. A. L. Winters sad Bertha Wlster. 84.TB; tot S. Lillian H. Dundee Estate. Heirs of. $4.75; lot 10. Lillian H riuarfa Estste. Helnl af. B4.7B: tot 11 - Oeorg A. HeavaA ft 78; tot, 1 2. Oeorge A waa mi hid tot la. i lara b. ficaeon. ev. ia lot 14, Clsra S. Dlrkean, $4.75. BI0CK to tot 1. A. H. Brejmaa snd Joha rtommer vllle, $4 40; tot 2, A. H. Rrevmsn aad Joha Sommrrrllle; 4 BL"ca. i. nt a, rt. A. Bttner, 84.40; lot 4. KraafeUne S. Shaw, I-jiofltor f th Cftr Portland. Febrnsry 10.- 180S. INj Only Double-Track 1 RaOwty leea tbe - Missouri River lbs Chicago-Portland- Special, tht most luxurious train in the world, Drtwine-rootn sleeping cart, dining car, buffet smoking and library car (barber and bathV Leu than three days Portland to Chicago. I' ThroughTrains to Oilcan sr operated daliyrla tb Oregoa K. R. Na. Co. U. t. R. K. and Chicago North-Weetera Ry. e Chicago from Portland and points ia Oregon aad sXaeierB' W aabuHftotx. Daily exesrsioax in paltmao tourist .' sleepingcsrx Iroa Fortlsnd tbreufh ,1 to Cbtoaf o without change. B.B.BtTCBtK. Arte. BABKBB. - Seal Act. Bee. Coast, Cari Arret, c. m n.-w, bv. i.. n.-w. ., Sir Market street, XT5t aira aiora-,. ah Pbabcisco. CAta PBAaciaco. cat roaTieurn, una. vOXr XRAINS VX4.WAtaNOTON - VVEINIIAKD'S ity Brewery -; : '. " , ,. ' Larf-eat aad Voart Coatpltta , ' Bretrary tai taa aTortbweav HAf lax4) Paoe a S-o- fi ja v - - . HVIInvu n vmutwn aTsa ts. !"' aad Cre . i TUAjca cr. mm mmr vsmmasABsaB- - - . v Chicairo - m IxAXTIMORJ, OHIO R. R. "1 II ntrii nrLAi O BAXLK0A9 1 S:io Lira AHaumonPAcinc 3 Trains to the East Daily 3 . Through Putlmsn stsndsrd and toarlst ttoeo- ' rnr - csre- dsHr lav- Oawha. .Chicago. Bveksne) . tourist " sleeping;- care - dolly -ta- kaasaa tltr 1 .7 7 rhreugh Pullman tourist elrenlng can (person. , sllr conducledl weekly to I 'hlra go..-' Becllulut .' chair aara (seats free) to the Kast dally. . CMOS DKPOT. Leavsa. Arrives. CHICAOO-PORTLAND SPSCIAU. :';ai. S:Ma. Bt.. Fog tba Kaat via Bant Dally.'. DaUy. v lugtoa. ... 8POKANB FI'VRB. For .P.sstera Washing ton. Wslla WaUa. LewJ 8 IB a. I 8:00 a. BV Dally. . bJtoa, Unent d Alone and Great Northern Dally. . boliita. ATLANTHl KXPBKBS. BttSf. Dally. f:1Ba. ax. Dally., ur the Kast via Hunt lugtoa. Oslumbuv" Biver Divlslsn, FOR ASTORIA snd way solnts, eonnectlna with S:noa, Dsllr. atmr. for Ilwsca and ex. Hundsv. 1MB ax. North Beach,, str. Ha Heturuar. as. Bandar. selo, A ah -at, dock lll:(M) p. m Yamhill Blear BouteT FOB DATTOW, Oregon fltr aad Yamhill Biver Tma. m. DaUy. . . , T:80t,.A.. Dally.. k points, stmra. Bath aad atoooc. Asn-er. ooca. l Water permitting.) ax. Baaday- sx. Sunday. Snaa Blver (cuts, FOR LBWIBTOK. Tda.. and way oointa from Rlpatia, - Waab., emrs. Spoksne snd Lcwtatoa.l About t oo p. m. Dally. '"" ea. Friday, S:0 a. St. Dally. ea. Satorda TICKET OFFICE. Third and Washington. Tele- . i-,a pooaa aisia tl. ---t - ft-W. STISOieB. City Tlctet Afent. A. -L. CBA10. (ienerat Paseenger Axent. " EASTVu SOIJTH Leaves. TJMlOJt PBPOT. e OVEBIaANO BXPB8J48 trains, for Salem. Rose burg. Ashlsnd. Bacra tneuto. (Ialen. Ben Fraa- B:0B. at. T J5 S.8J rtaco, Btocktoa, Loe Aa-1 Clos, Bl Paao, new ur ns aad the Kaat. Moraine: train con nects , st Woodburn dally ' except , Sundar ilia train for X4I f :08 a. ax. Angel. 8 1 1 r r t e a. u row na vllle. Htrill flsld. Wsndilsg awl Matron. . .- Albanr Bamenner con 40a,sx. -T "v-. T .SOa. m. necta at Woodbura with 10.10 a. Mt. Angel asd "llee-! ton local. Corralll bssuger. Bbccldaa nansei'ter. 'f:B0p.av 8 15 a. m. Il-'W ' Daily.- HDally. except Bnnilar. ' FextJasa-OawaM rmburbaa Bervloa aa YamkOJ " . Ih via lea. . ,. . .'' Be pot font ot Jefferson afreet. - ' " Leave Portland dally for Oswego T: a. S I 12B0. ton. 0:28. B20. S. T:4ft. 10:10 Dally (e-0 rninday. B:00. 0:80. S 8J. 10 25 a. ax.! 4:00, 1100 a. ax. . Sunday, only. :00 " ''rtstimilnt fraiwswege. arrlvw Prln dally S:S0 a. . 1:B. 8:OJ. 4:88. SrtB. T:rf8. S :M ll:le, n, imilgvjexeept Buodari 0 25, T:25, 0 30. 10 2". 11:44 it m. Except Monday 12.AB , n. m. Bunds onlr, 10:00 a. m- . ' . Learea from asme depot for Dsllss aad Inter mediate points dally lexcept rJuodaf 4.00 88. , Th7 Jlrcd Motnr--lJr;.:.. operate dally to Meameutn aad Alrlie, cos necttng with Bouthera Peelte. eompssy b tracks at Deltas aad iBdependence. - Flrst-cbiss fare from Port lead ! ts Saeramenta aad Ss Fraaclsco f20. bertha fB; aeoood -class fare fit, secand-rbiaa berthe 82 50. , Tickets ta Eastern solnts and Europe, am , Japan. China. Honolulu aad Australia. . ajty .Tlcketj0f8ea coraer Third aad Wa lngli,B Mreeia. Pbea Mala T12. C. W. BTINOER. - W. E. ro-!. -' City Tlchst Agent- Pea. Faaa. Agent, ; TIME CARD OF; . TRAINS Portlands CHIOIf BE POT. Departa. Arrlres. Paget 8ouorXlmltcd, for Tacoma, Seattle. OlrmpU. Boafh Bend sad Urey'8 . Harbor points. North Coait Limited, for Taeoma, ' Beattls, f:S0a.8V 4:48 sa. I Butte. St. Psol, Mln- 1:00 s. SI. r-.oo a. at. neeDniiB. lamia, new York, Bostou and points Fast aad Soutksast. Twla-Clty Ex puss, for Tarume. Besttle. ,Spe kao..xJelena. St. Panl. Minneapolis Chicago. New YorkCltoetoe and U:49 fw Bl, T:08 8. Bt. (II points East -aad Bentbeaat. - Paget Bound a Kansas Clty-81. Louis BpeclaL fin- Tacoena. Brstihr. Bpobnae. Butta BlIllnge.L Iienver. omasa. Svaoeaai Cltr. St.' Louis and all f:J0 a. T :00 t. IB. pointa Kast aad Bouth -I east. All tralao dally - excent ea aonth branch. A. D. CHARLTOJf. s Asslstaat Oeaeral Pssseagr Agent '.T 228 Morrteo at., cor. Third. PertlaBd. Or, Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. .- Lrsres. - CKIOX DEPOT. Arrive. . , 8:00 8. ax. Fee Margers, Rainier, 11:10 a. . , Daily, - Clstskanl. Wealnnrt. Dally. .. , Clifton, Astoria. War- .. . t ' .a. rvaton, . Havel, Ham- , -. -.' j moiid. Fort Steven. aau'" "1. v 'eer hart Part. Beaelde. "v - ' i. Astoria aad eVeaaor. - - T:oV.'.. 'Erb.iiyr;rJ TwT,"."" D"' ,., . Astaeia ElpressI -h J. C MA TO. '"". O. F. aad T. A Aetari. Or. C. A. STEWART, rvnameveiai A grot. (49 AMrf x atreet. - Phone Main QiaV TbsBxjB 4ax4Bt IM TrnkT St. rtkm C. ) rA Tt-anA;antlnntsxi nW TrtmlnaB Dally J , FACT TIME TO r'-AV1. FT. faljt, Dl" "T", i -.a.s- A PUTjl 8, CT. v- A j Aiala iv.klA k .. ,.-., trtp t -rwu. v-' t-t r- ----. 1 V A, x A. a.