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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1905)
V -L " , ! , '. ....... i m'iiAktn i v T!v,nrvrT otfooiuttv ' H 1 .-THE OREGON DAILY 'JPUKWAL.; fUKlLAHi;, mww a v j, auuav. a. r- J' S ' i i. .'. ' . ' 7 -jj. am ."yfc Entered il (It yjcatnfsce- mTTmiiM: for traaapnruttoa jtbrouga tb mall as saeoBd- --i'u BMtir. - . K r .r fcata. for single roptes: For 8, 10 t ; " pag paper. 1 cent; lit M W page. Besots; 84 . t 44 pages,- 4 XMt. . - ;-'';-' "-telephones. : "u :j i-V Editorial Rnj...t.,a,,;" 2 -"1Btnfr-0(flcB;v.- , ."Ml "y YOEEIwB ABTERTTSINw BSFRESEBTATTFlt. VreHaiid-Bengamta Snerl.l Advertising Asvwcy. ISO Nassau atrfl New York; Tribune Bulld ' '" Ing, Chicago, .. ... v h r T t 7 subscription aUTEtv'TT i". .... Venus ay Cerrtor. - - . .Tbe Dally Journal, with Sunday. r,vrS " The Dslly Jeurual, J yeer.. ....... JilS lb. Dslly Journal. With Sunday, swaths. 8. The Dally Joiirsal. months. ...... Jr7 The Daily Journal, with Sunday. 8 moatbv J 12 Ik Italic Journal. 8 month ?V Ih Dally Journal. wlU Sunday. I 'l Th Dnlly. per .. wart. delivered, . Sunday Include .......r ;.........; . Tb Dally, par week. . delivered. Sunday -. - excepted ' T ' '..-..---."Ll;. f .akl-X-' : The Pally JonrnaL with Sunday, 1 year,..? 'la Pally Journal, 1 yanr. . : Tba lally Journal, with Sunday, BooUia. S.7B -r-Tn Ually Journal,--nMtba-.-;i. . . -. J- .lb lially Journal, -with rSnriday. nruotn. A Hb Imlly Journal, nonlba.... ..... ' Tba imlly Journal, wllb Sunday 1 nouthk ln Tb Ibtily JoarnaVl aiMllh........,...yJ Tbe Handay Journal. 1 yaar .-..... ; 3ba Sunday Journal, uontba.. 1 Tkd Susl-Wa Jauml. ,' Tha 8n.Wackl Journal. 8 to '! ' , , - wt luw, 4Uuatrstnd.tuUTnrket j1B0 . f tui'rtld M 'Mdai'nTB'W. 1 , 1 .mall amoUUtU UT ufcr-pcaoi a ami s Itt . . T. O. Bol 121. PortUnd. Oregon j'wnxMz ni JoromA hat M.yowro- '-Th jownal can ba (oand mmU. Vt " U W- ,-lwlnf nlara: v POIKB. IDAHO Plor Book atore. ' CHICAGO Pontotoc Xewa cumpany.lTB WW- born atwet. ' - ---r - ,"7... DKNVKK. OiI.O-KriKlrU B ut5 . Kltlrynlb and Cnrlia atrjta. . LOS ANiKI.ES-B. F. Gardnar. i 7r. Bprlnc 4ltrl)m; JUJi,?? i I N N K Al-OLIS M. J. . KiMMUfh, BO out 1 NBw'' VORK- CITt BrMitaoo'a. J7n bonbrb. OMAHA Millard Hotel Nwa Uad: Meatb Ktallonrry company, imm r . ' S.VLT LAKE CITy-Knyo Hotel N" V' . WAV KHANCISCO W. E. dlrdlnf. Hotel nAirWmiih Rrna..- 230 6ttttr Atcnoa sAtxa tomoiow. -. a. ' . . 011 pat afreet. at 1 l n. , Hale vt furnllare, pnotoaraptale bnppllceTetc.' oua A !lt. .octloor ' tor ueorse Baker Co.. Park and AMer llrwn, at JO a. m. Bale r rormaDinaa oxpri. 'v. If. rwddVnrp. flcorse Baker A Co .- anctloncera. . . . .. . i . r I. . UmiIiu and tha Cnuadtan aortbweat and the tempera tnra. has riaen. rroar aai w ow urfi. - tkl. Suambere weat of, the ','7.,' -b Mlaalaaipui Tajjey i. I eontlnnea. Bbarp troaw ZTl -erTVe"E? and 1:"lJ.Wt.B" llliiiinaiita the Daketaa. irVlaeoiiUB, Iowa. Kan ..TalSherV Mlia-rt tba trmper.ture. ire front 2U to 28 below aero. Halo, turning " auowT U reported la the Atlantic and . New ET"1-S!cenoo. are for fair and ;Wl-a old weather la thlalatrlct toolght and Tue- if.--, '-,.y' J.;n '' Wedding Card.' . u. awltli A Ce. Wash. Uclin ildg.reT. ronrtb aad Waahlagtoa ata. '.'V'i .' r' 'V! Vi-'.v I'v .roUD rebrnary .- Hrt-aM-Mra,-Walter. .N. Ford. Stewart atatlon. Or.; a daughteei IHIK8BEB0KK January , to Jtr. and Jars. Jeahua C. Uonaberger, M Weldler street; a .ann W rilOHT January M, til Mr. and Mrs, Ernest ., W right, 6U3 Jobasoa atreet; a dsagb,ter. , ' ' '. ' - - COHTAOIOPS anxAaxs. at ' ' V al A K A T February S, Harold Malay, 654 Blltb . street;. eryelpeUS. '. .. I J gmtta. a gen St years, la city jau, cauar, iracm . . frnrlal at Baleni, Or. - M IK1N A1J February 8. Ellaabeth McDonald, aced 72 years, at Bale",, ' Or. ; eauae. seal la decay. Burial at Loo Fir cemetery. . Jt - -OKKTU-lFebrnsry 10. Bsltbasar OertU, aged M yean, at Metropolis hotel j'eans. alco hollam. Burial at Loae Fir reaaetary. MlTCHrXleFeuruary . ; AlaxsjHlar W. Mitchell... sgvd - 61 . years. Good . BamaUtaa ; hoapttal: -ranee, diabetes. Burial St, Monta- 11U met err. " raaa tortaai ea Orewoa City ear Una. " aear ellwood; BHtdera. srlestiae, oonplets. Cfcugas Adults, t36; children, (2S. TUltore g a. at, to . p. ran la an vieamiwa aanocianea. fertlaad. Oregea. The Edward Holmaa Cadertaklag. eeajnsay, funeral ' directors sad embalaMrs. XN Third ...street. r Fhoaa aOT. i J. P. Flnley A fta.- funeral uireetors and ewibslaiers, corner Tbb-4 and Madiaon atreeta. Otace of county rornimr. Telephone Mala . ; FanersI wreaths aad eat. flowers' a 'specialty , at Roaa City 6reeuhouer. Twenty aacoad aad Ent iserriaoa, app. eemerery. , . . BEAl EBTATE TgAKgrZEl. Parlde Wfe Inearaace company to Port land Timet company, wiuuu Teet weat . ' uf IntemK-tloa of Kprlug street 000 O. W. Taylor and wife to M. J. olldner. , lot 18 sad Tsylor's aabdlrUUm . . . . . aectioa towaablp 1. smith, range S . east , gOO -George iHirham arid wife-to O. Egglea- . ton. lot 16. block M. Woodlawa 125 Alice Welch and husband ta J. II, Leader. - eaat bo lert 'tot , . block SZl, Bakw'a - - . artdlttoa ..V.... -j ,4500 , Annie M. Wotkevand bualiaad tsCT. Wes. lnr, trnatca, tot i. Mark 4. JBarrtcb .. i ' .- l-ark 1 Augaat Bens and wife to K Wetnherd, trustee, -4UiUi feet beginning anutb- JV, . real corner block , Market Street ad- . ., dltloB . J. A. Melton and wtfs to M. B. WalHag, lot a. block lua. West Irrlngtoa .1 , Kltaaheth Kyan tft J. A, Melum, let a. block ion, Weat rrrlngtoa f 460 Laura Breake and bn aba nil ta J. M. Jones. . esat 00 feet lot 6. block 1V0. city ... 1,000 . MTuura at iiea eociety to b. r rank, . weat T feet lota J sod 8. black 817. T- 'CHy-rrT-i-Tia-. lit. s ,'. jr. 1,000 ; w. M. nrewsn ana wrr ta t. Kepcba, Vita 6-g, laclualre,, block U Btrswberry addltlea ...... r 800 a-suiina sm waati ana nuanane to t. - lllchey, let 4. block - 1, toBllneea'a adllltHaa ..S..J.. - .......r. - S60 aataeia ana awapann ,a i , M. Crook, lot Jo, block 164, Lulraralty - Park addltlea ,.. f. A. gckonpe and wife to A. B. Mae. - Maattra. anuth lot T. block IIS, city; lot I. block 2SI. Couch addltlea O. T. Btrtkln and wife te M. Botklat, kit 1. rratal Pprtnga tract ......... Eprle Andrews and husband to A. It. Nlnchtaa, tot 1. aectioa a, towaahlp X , aaaia, range 8 esat -160 1 :'''.'' 1 ' r. ' ' Oet yesv. Tramrinc and - abstracts ta real estate from tbe Title Onaraatee Treat aaas paajr, Caaaibar of Commerce building. . V - v. . - f-C ; '.'- imunnum,, -. COKFBEY-1-Fesa aary 11. O. M. Ondfrev, -store koaae. tiolog street - between Wtlllant and . Vancouver avenue! eut, fll'vl. AXIir.HiMlN eeumarv II. tjacse Aadersna. . celtae-e, corner Murrla atreet aad Mlaeiaalppl avenue; coat, SSftl.. x , TaPHI MDF.N February IS, W. M. Tapneadea. dwelling. Bartbwtrk hetwj Knott and Rus sell street; Cue. $1,300. , I" 1 "' Reduced Rates to California. The -Southern Paclflo company hag Tlsoed on gala round trip tickets te Vom Angeles at tha fata of tti, limit 8$ ya. Thla afford a an f goal lent oppor i - ty to Tlalt tha many beautrfut wla - r resort a of Southerm CalUomla At a -ta east. ' i. . EGGS ARE DM . : HELD M FARMERS Receipts Are Smaller,1 But Deal Vera Refuse to JPay tha fix- 'Irpected RiseTin Price. - PbUL:TRYgpPLTSSHOW A BIG SHORTAGE TODAY Halibut Lower, With Heavy Re- - ceipts Cheese Not Plenti-: IX-s ful Wheat Rrm. . Front atreet, Feb. IS. Tba prtriWpal features ef tbe Purtlsad wbeleaala marsrla toasy are; . Eggs are held Tcry grot, ,; " Poultry aunpllrs are exbaaated. ' "; "jVH lines freak meU Arasetv 'Halibut plentiful and tower. . t ' Freeh water nab receipt, anulC ' " Car vegetable,; two esrs banauaa. 1 "Bntler market In. good sbapa.t.-' '. Cbeeae supplies Try small. ' Wheat Brut with ao" ehsnfet. - Egg, Are XeU Tery Tina. " v 'Receipt of eggs" today were quite (mall Tbe continuance of toe prevent cold weather s eaualng tbe farmer and ruunvry a tor keep. era to bold what email . supplies they new have oa band lal anticipation of as advance - la price. . Tha retail trad la eery . quiet and dealers '. are' aaly purcasalug freai bead to BKmth. Above ZHe it would be almon. jnt. poaatbte to'eerl eggs today, as the trade will aot pay It. . The general belief Is that egga will becoae very plentiful and tower wltbla tbe' next few days Prtces today rang, feetweea ooara. ; Poultry applisa Are tvkaaaUd. Supplies of. ehlekeaa along Front street wrr very . meager today. ,. The receipts' today, a well aa during tba pa at week, - were very mall. There was aa anusual denabd ruling for tha Brat period of the week but It could not be aatlafled, aa there -were ao supplies. met, in? Clinging cloaer to top prices. Afi Xresh Ktata Ara'rtrmer, '. In freak meat a aa annaoally -strong tope la ruling. Tba recelpta all through are very amall tbe demand far dnaard hog sad veal be fbg much greater' tbaa tbe supplies There Is aw a eery good grmsud puling for . muttoa aad prices are showing aa advance.- No beef la arriving atong tbe atreet and Quotatloa ta that Una are more 'nominal. 1 Halibut Plentiful amt lawer, Bebort from Paaet anund received today say. 4bat tbe catch of halibut of lata ba broken all records for the present .aesaoa and that the market la glutted. - Tola caused a rut of le par pound la tbe auotatloa atong Front -atreet today. Practically ae Colpmhla river sslmoo. a melt or other fresh wdter Oah arrived today ea aceouDt of the cold weather. Price In, other lines ere Unchanged. Butter staahat ta wood Shape. ' The ' creamery butter market la In eery rood stuns with the receipt of first grade stork andrr tfi demand. Even til second. grade atoefca sre aot coming aa fast. Country store batter la alow In coming, but Is flndlog a good call, '-,... .; ., ? - Case Supplies Asa Tery Small, f ' Siinnllea ef cbeeae are Very assail la this market aad present prices are tightening. Tbe demand la showing sa Improvement aad soma dealers" are anticipating an advance la prices Storks, of eastern. cheese la tW market are also (mail. .;; '.;:-i . Wheat Firm With He Changes. ' . ; Tha .1.1 market tndav was oalet but 8rm sad' bo chsnge appear la tba quotations. Tbe tern -markets ' are' e meed today tma neing UneoU'a birthday se- there, pre aanqalrlos from that enures. Tbe tone of " the tour market la etronger, but attempts te advaace price have aa far reralted la failure. Jfethiag . Deiag la- Hep. . , There Is , nothing of Interest la the hop mar ge, lousy. IHB coiu vmuiar ! ion raaivrn Uteg has stopped tbe demand. aaarly altogether, but a few days of euesbin will cbaag all thla. Tbe market abows- no -eaangs .Sm -eoadltlens during tba PSt tew usys. Today's wbolessla prices, a revMea, are a follow. i i -v.- . .':, , ". ':.-'' , '' firauv ' Vlear aad leal. ; ,-. J WHEAT Club and red. 86c : blue tern. A 2cv valley., S7b8c. ' - nABlLiE. a rim, vm. wy.w, . rauva, VM,!" brewing, I23.0IV , . - CORN Whole, 2.oo par toa; cracked, 827.00 per ton. -v , . . - HI It f 1.1X1 per cwi, ' OATS Producers' prica Xa. 1 whit. 827.60: gray. ?.0i 27.00. - FLOi:B Kaatera . Oregon PaUnts. 84.68; tralghU. 8X.76; valley. 8410; graham, M. 84.a; in, (t 5r rye, 60a. 86.00: balsa,- 88.76. " MI7XSTTFFS Braa,' 819.00 per ton; mid dlings, 826.00; sborta. country. 123.00; chop, tlft.OO. - HAY Prod ace ra' price Tlmotny, Willamette valley, fancy, f ra.noaru.on: orninary, IS no- .eaatersi Oreeosu l.fawl.oO: mixed. 12.nifri.1.un; clover, aii.mari2.uoi grata. 811 .i fil.vvs'ia.w; casst, tii.wau.w, ' Batter, Egga aad reultry, BTTTFR FAT Sweet. 81c: sour. 28c, BrTTKft-Tlty Wmerr beSfi 82Ur! second gesoje. zthc: eataine rsacy, aoe; ordl nary, 2iV,c; California, 26030c; atore, 12h lc KGOS Me. 1 freak Oregon, Z7026c; eastera. 242!W. CHEKnK Hew ruir cream. twra. lBe: Young America, lsttc; - esstera. l&ai8H; Cheddar, I.V. - " Pori.TKT cnicaens, bum, u iiu tw PA; ben. 124!13r per lb; rooster, old. lie per lb; young. JZtlZt4e per lb: broilers. IT He per lb:, fryers, 18c per lb: docks. 68.00f in.00 per dee: geeae, ec nee Ibi turkeys, I7j 18c per lb: dreesed. 20r22H per lb. . . WILD. ;AIIC Teal, gl.75; widgeon. $100; mallard, 83 60; csavaabacka, $4.&00. . ' - Kepa, Wool aad Kldea. nnpa Contract lOiVl. ettrtiKc: lfms mm. 7Hx2)c for choice; 24281 for primes aad medium. ' . WOOle-Contrecta' ions clip. 120 lSc; valley, enarae te naedium, KQlTc; Sua, llftlSc; eaat ern Oregon. 10c. . "- . - v HHAIK Mew. -sne. . 8HKF.PSKINS Shearing, 1A)2ne: abort wool. VU3itr: medium wool, SOU Sue i king wool. 60c.fl.on each. ' TAliiOw prime, per id, zac; ho. s aad gree. 2t2He. . -, t I HII lia KAKF. per in, mying price. HIIIKS Drr hides. No. 1. Id lla and an. lA16te pee lb: dry kip.- Ke. 1, 6 to 16 lb, IV: dry calf. No. 1. . under 6 tba,. 16c! a,T aaHed bulla and ataaa. 1-S lees than dr Slnt; aalted hides, steers, annnd. 00 lbs or over, 6 Vic; 60 to e ibs. ae: unoer no id aad cow, lit ftef ataga and bulla, ound. 8c; gp. 15 to 80 tha, SHc; sound. 10 to 14 Ins. Oe; calf, sound, undor In lbs. 8Hc; green (flnaaltedv le per lb leaat eulla. 1c pec lb lean; horse hide, aalted. each, l 281 75; dry each. tl.OOirp.t.60; 1. I.ti... ..K URflKw. mnmt .11. Ammm. each, leif 15c; Apgora, with wool,'oa, , ach. sixra.St.uw. - v. , . ' Fruita sad Trgstsblas. POtATORS Best Oregon. SOtxf 1.00; buy ers, INtuHlic; second grade, 8ft nrr sack; buy ing price. 75c; sweets, heat. l.40irl.60; crated, ll.50i!.6: new California. taHe per h. ONONK ga.Mieri.75: buyers' price, aoaatry, t2.l6126; garlic, loc pec 1(k . FRESH FRt'lTS Apple, extra' fancy, 81.60 fancy , Oregon, II. on . per --boat eaeap granee, ioe per nos: ersngea, navel.' (.2iVl. per botj. eeedlloga. fl.M la.a, 84.78- oranges, ajrivi5a per boa ! bananas. lb lreMHia, ebolee, g.t.ZB per box; fancy. $3.76 per butt 11 limes. Meilrsn, BAc par ino; pi apple, $2.26; cranberries, eaatern, $11.00 per owi. - u. : - ,- - VEOKTABlXS-Titmlna. $1.00 ner sack;- car Tot. gl.Ot) per. ark; beet. 81.25' per ck; Oregon radHftea. I.V per d; eabbage, Oregon. il.76 cwt; tallforal. $126; lettuce. Botbouae. 1.2601.76 crate; graea peppers, 7c per lb; chill pepper, lie -er lb; celery. 66iSSe par do; tomatoes, California. 82.00; - parsnips, 76 till. 21: egg plant. I2',e per lb; string bean. 12c; cauliflower. gl.2r.Ml.T5 crate: butter beans Set- awaHkiv--ae-pee lb horaaraiwsh, 7eSs par lb; sprouts, 7c; srtlchukes. l.ool 25 per dos; peas, lnc per lb; cucumbers, California hot. Soiree. $1.TS doe. "- DRIED FBt'lTS Anfle,-' eve oersted. fffSe per lb! apricots. 8 4 i 1.1c per lb;,a.ka. He per lb lees: peecbee. SV 12c per lb: peer, per i; prune. Italian. 't."ic per ro French. S-r4e per lb: CaHforsto black fi6fli.e ner Ih: tallfnrala white. ner lb'. pHiBui, pitted. per I: -detee, guides, ' Sc par Ih; farua, $1.60 per 16-lh box. , Oioeerloa. s Bats, Eta, ' St OAS Sack beale Cnh. "$ ! powdered. C.16; fmlt grdnulated. $d.U1: dry.grannlaled. 'K.1- beet - granulated. $n.6; etra 17. $6.66; golden CT $6.44; bbla.- 1Ar; If bbla. 2V boxes, IWi sdvsnc ea ch twsla, lee eto cwt for eh. 16 day: maple. 14Ulec-pr lb. , IIONrT 14T1V. - COrTEE Package brands, $18.JS. - , SALT Fins Hale 2s. X ea. 6.' 10.' $1.60; ISMe,- dairy. 6ns, $11.00; I'lOa. 410.76; Im noeted Uvarpnol. Bo, $17.00; Ion. $1$ 60; tC4v.$lgiAU antra 8a. bbla, 2a, 8s, ta. log. EASTERN EXCHANGES - HONORING LINCOLN 'x 4 ; Today, Llnooln'i ' birthday. 1 4 being celebrated In moat of tha 4 " eaatern aUtea and all Anaaclalr d : markets are cloaed. Tha appear-' 4 anca of Law son ta the oil tight ' 4 haa created much . Intereat and 4 ' atartllng events are expected oa 4 e 'change within tha next day or- 4 ao. All tha market( wll be PPlLje tolriorrow morning. - -! - - -'-re ... ... ' - ' i 84.6018 8ft,- balk; 8S8 B, - 4.0Oie .00; sactt, toe, 0orN. . - ..... SALT Cuerse Half ground. 100s, per ton. 88.6; 60a, per ton. $7.00; Liverpool lump rock, $1.60 per too; &o-lb rock.; 100a, 8S.H5. . , (Above price apply to aales of less tbaa car 1otT Car tot at special prices aubject U duct us ttoua. 1 H Al N BAOS Calcutta, 8fl.756,0 i pel ' 180. RICB Imperial Japan. KdT'ir d4,c: No. 2. eci !Cew Orleans, head, 6Vc; Adjax, JVicJ CTlCAN!tsmaU wblts do: lrg 'white.' SHet pink, .Hkc; beyoa, 8ic Utaaa, 6ci Mextcsn reus. f. . KCTS Peiaats, 7e; jumbos, t per Tb; raw. PHatlue per lb; roasted. t eocosnura, Ah0c per doe; walnuta. 14$16c per lb I pise nta. 10&12He per lb: alckory nut. 10c per lb; chestnuts, eaatern. ISflloc per lb; Br all nuts, 15c per lb: alberta. 164,166- per lb; fancy paraaa, 14W15e per lb; slmoods, 13tlia per lb. --iv-' rslsta, Cosl -OUs Bte--1-. ' BrVrE Pure Manila. 14c: stsndsrd, UHc; Slaal. losic; latle brand Hlaal. 8c. , 1QAL OIL l'earl or Astral Cassa, 1 per gal water white, tron bhla. 16 We pea gal; wooden. 17e per gal: headlight, lTivdrg, cases 23c per gal; Iron bbto, 16Wo per. aL v - . IJNSEKD OIL Pur raw fa bbla, 6dc Per gal. ee 01c per Sal; genuine kettle belled, caeee le per gal, bbla 68c per gal; ground eak. car lota $2u.M per toa, less tbaa. car tots $30.00 per ton. . - - . . v.v i- . GAKOUNE SS-deg.- esgea ,82c per gtU tron bbto 20c per gal; atova, eslea 24ia Per gsL Iron bbla lnc per gal. -ir BEN2INK 68-deg. rasea 2S per gal. - Iron bbla. 14eper gal - TUBPENTTNE In eases, 8lv par gat. wooden bbla. Me pec gal. Iron bbla, 78c per f&A0-lb caae lota 84c per gal. - - - --- ; " ' -WHITE LEAD Toa lota. Tg per Ib 600-lb lota. 7 per lb; less lots 8c per' lb. -. WIRE MArLS Present baa at $10,,..;. -- Keats, risk aad' Brerlaloaa. " "FRESH MEATS Front street Beef, a teen, 45e per lb; potk. block 7e , Per lb: packer. Sh7 per lb; bull,tHe per lb; cowa. SfllHc Pr 7b; mutt6a. wether and lamb. 7c: awes, 8c; seal, extra, Po per lb; ordinary, 8te per lb. ' . .- ., ITAMfl, BACO.ii. gmr. rortiano paca tiocau hama, 10 to 14 lb. 12 per lb; 14 to 18 lb. 121ae ear lb: IS to 30 lb. IJttC per lb; cottage. c per- lb; Itreakfaat ibacon. 12(16e per lb; six. m IK- Mmlir hrt clears, un- smoked, V,e per lb; smoked, loo per lb; clear backe. unamoked, 8c per - lb; smoked, luc per Ih; Union butts, 10 to 18 lbs. unamoked. Be per lb: smoked, ae per tb; clear -bellies, aa smoked. lie per lb: amoked. 12 par lb. LOCAL LARD Kettle . leaf, 10a, 10e-Perth; 6s, 10 Vic per lb; 5(v-lb tins. 10He per lb; ateam rendered, 10. 84e per lb; 6s, 6Va per lb; tub. 6ieJer lb; 60e, Se,per lb. ; , CANNEtJ 8ALMON Columbia river 1-lb talto. ll.WS; t-lb talis, $2 60; fancy 1-lb flats. S2.0O; H-lb fsary flats. $1.28 fancy 1-lb ovals. $2.76: Alsska tails, pink, SSQvOc; red, $1.60; nominal . tall $2.00. - . , FlBIf Rock cod. go-par lb: flounders. 6 per lb; hallbnt. 6Hc per lb; crabs. $1.26 per dos; atrlped baaa, 104I12M, per lb; eat Bah, Tc per hi salmon. Colombia river. -Chinook. 12c: teelheada, Re per lb; frosen alive raldes. To per- lb; herring 6 per lb: eoles. Se .per m; ahiimDS 10c tier lb: abad, dreesed, c per lb; perch, 8e per lb! aharf roe.- per- lb; shad. 8e per lb; buck cod. c per lb: Columbia river ameit, -ae per in; aiiver, eaawn. m ,i, lobatera, 12e: fresh mackerel. Se , per lb crawnah. 2ue per doe: Sounders, So- per lb; sturgeon. Te per Bb ' -. - ' OYSTERS Sbosl water nay, " per' gal, 82.JB; per sack. $4.oo net: Olympla.'per ck. $6.26. i i. Ai n riara buvii, nor oos, ef:w rxuw HEAVY ADVANCE IN - ; LOCAL HOC VALUES Call Is Larger Than Supply and ' Prices' Are .Fifty ' Cents v " . Higher Aa a Result. ; ; . Portland t'ntoa Stopkyarda. Feb. , lS-There was aa advance of Aoe" per hundred pound la the "quotations of all grades of begs at tha torsi yards this morning SB account ef tbe heavy demand. - , , The packers are bow eager purchaser of hoga aad the retail batchers are looking for heavier supplies. The top of tha Bog market today la o-ve per pouna. . At ths preseot figure the local hog marker la higher than these la the east sad this condi tion msy not last long because tbe eaetemers are willing to nhln their atocka In thla direction. - The cattle market la la good ehsue with top arlaea tie rnllna once In ell lines. ghaea are aulot but- aaehanged ravahw. -r-: . - Tbe receipta lousy were ou came ana xov Ofnclal ruling prices today for llveatock: - Hoe- Heat eastera Oregoo. 86.60: , light Unckere snd Chins fata, $6.00438.76; stackers and feeder- B4.fiOsl6.Ou-' Cattle Best esstera Oregon tteert, light and aiedtuia ateera, $3.60! cows, a, .11 ha. 1 . .-J 1 1 k . -- . anumui nw v 1 . uiut w.a, -, stnekera and feeder. $2.0002.26; hull. $1.60 as ,ai ' - - nneep rjeet -xuncy aaeep, ea.nv, ewes, ee.uv i 1 TWETXAJTB BAJTX BTATntXirT. Clearings Balances ...842,110. SI .... 68,440.26 LAWSON MAY LEAD FIGHT, ON STANDARD OIL : V iournal Bpedal Bervica.) i Tocoka. Feb. 13. 'Thomaa A. j-Lw- aon of VFrenated n nance" fama will In all probability ' lead the movement to drive tha Standard Oil company from Kan sea. - Tha OU Producara' association has forwarded an Invitation to the lioa- ton man to Intereat himself In the re fining of oil In that state." The associa tion that adopted - the Invitation alao unanlrrioualy Insists - that Lstwson be given' hearty support by. thO- people of Kansas. : ';.'. - - The elan of the ansoctatlon Is to have the Laiwson Pure Oil company of Pcnn ylvanlg take up the refining of crude petroleum and manufacture by-products In 'opposition to the Standard Oil com pany. The 'Pure OU company is said to be the -strongest, competitor of. the Standard in the rrnited States. Dis patches from tha oil fields say that the statement - of Manager-O Br ten el -the Standard "Oil company, that bualness In Kansas wUl be continued la' false; and that there Is a' complete shutdown in the oil belt This has intensified the in dignation of the people and. members of the legislature and the passage of the anti-Standard Oil bills by the house Wednesday seems assured. Thousands of letters from over aU tho state have been - received by the member, urging thtrm to puss the state refinery bll I. Special trains will bring 808 olt rrro- ducers to Topeka Tuasdsgt. ' ' TRADE STATISTICS OF 7, ALASKA SHOW INCREASE (Spectsi DUpatcb by Leased Wire ta Tbe Jeutaail Han Franoiaco.- Feb. 18. -Collector of diatoms Btratton la la receipt of a com munication from D. H. Jarvls of Juneau, collector of customs for the district of Alsaka, giving statist tea of the trade of that territory for the calendar year l04 These statistic show an lnrreene-in domestic products 'nclved of $2,062,781, .Lurid an Increaae of Imports of $8t.T87. a total of $2.ii8.4f, or sn Increase In total value'of Eootla received, over last year, of Over J per cent. .' - The principal towns In toutheestern Alsaka how a decided lncrejta. Col lector Jarvla saya that thla would seem to Indicate a more settled state of busi ness snd that -the towna are becoming depota of supplies for the outlying coan try.';; - . ' ' - ;'; - fi, POTATOES KOWJH Thirteen Care ' Arrive En Route CaiilBemaiiCNtfeA''f: tOOKSiKE-ONIOrsS- WILL REACH HIGHER Large Dealers Predicting Three v.r. Cents At Country Points ; ,;M;,. .. ? . ... ;,, Ther were. 18 earl' of flrerler. Colo., potstoes oa the track la thla city thla moruiug. . . hi these all -but vfvur cart were already sold for Puget sou ad account, while ena car. was diverted to San Frsnclaco. The ether tkrae car remained pa tb track here. ' V A Dot. to man from Grrelry was la tb city with tb three rare and made aa early tour of tbe produce dlatrlct in aa endeavor to uianoe of his hoidlnsa. , Portland was torsi to tha heme - produced Potatoes end - tb -awning -work antouuted to naught. Tb prices ssked by mm lor tbe-beat gvaues rangea rrom t r $I.U6 per hundred pounila, 1 hue being sbovs Lnct valnea lufl, cereal ttt hHV. Th market for local fancy BurbsnkS la 3ulet tvday on aceouut of the cooler weather, ealera not cdrlng to purrhasa Bauer present eonUoo.- ' . Oaiea Itarket Xa Cllmking;. J. . , Tha farr of tbe onion market Is gradually bowlur sa lmiiroveuwnt snd prices are being atretcbed, Growers no tongcv . care to sell st present prices Bud ' dealer have about given up tbe struggle of asking them le. By the prominent dealers It Is now predicted that the price will surety te to tbe Sc mark before tbe present season Is over. Seversl attempt Mrs been anade to aacurs-out wide anion .to take the place of Oregon la California, but all of them hare Droved futile, for the quality was uraiiig... - : --. FoUU itnatlea Elsewhar. Jn a recent laaua of tht Mlnneapoll Market Record tbe notato situation was summed UD as bullosa ... , .. .. .. . , "Tbe potato crop tbe past aeanna was large. amounting to 2hb.7ou.0uo bushel for th I'nlted States, -against g26,0MJ,U(iv bushels lu 1UOS. In tbe wasters Important potato statca Mlnneeqta, Iowa, Wlacooals and Michigan the Increased production wa - especially large, mounting to nearly xl. 000,01 ni bushel bmh-s tbaa ths ore vl one rear. Block a la tbe north west are consequently Urge and a mock lower rang of price exist tbaa a year ago. From recent estimate mad It would seem that there ta from 40 to 00 per cent of the total crop still on hand, agalnat about 18 per -cent a year go. In some heavy prudurtug section of the country price are ao tow. aa to almeat discourage shipments, Tbe only object- gained. apparently, la a reduction ' of stocks btf ore aaoiner crop comes oa we niarsei. . -. . xjttls ' Chsnos f r Bnw, ..'--4-1,-, -ToaaliWIne nreaent conditions, there does not aeem ta be any reason for aa improvement la price. Tb only brightening feature of tbe market I that with tbe low' price prevail ing there la a very neavy cousumtrtion, wnteu will do much toward reducing stock before (be aprlng season. - IB Minneeots tne poinie lunnwiry sn im portant and growing one. . This stau raise from 18.OUO.000 to 20.000,000 buahrla snnaslly aad from tbe unusually good quality there 1 B, demand for them In other states to be need aa seed aad alao for conaumptlon. From oa tbird to pn half of he Minnesota crop-is an nually exported. "Durtns the osst fW rear tbe Minnesota ex periment station haa been endeavoring to secure remedy ror piignt-ana-ro:wnicn si time erloualv affected tbe Pntsto crop In thla e- PORTLAND tiou. The agTlcuirurritanonr'Mgmrto-TbtTi000' of states was that made by Senator conclusion that the soil of the older ' potato sections of tbe' states la apparently badly In- ntlVH . .1 UIV . -' .... v,..v .... .hivh will probably be- troublesome every year and la exceptionally cool, wet years, like . that of 1004 It will cause ertooe" Injury. - The atatlon recommend spraying tbs vlnee everjMJwo weeka to render them Immona to the germs of potato disease." i , - v . " ' " MUCH INTEREST IN : : . PERSIAN MINISTER General Morteza Kahn, ITJew - Diplomat to" Entertain In '' ; 3 Oriental Style. ; v ; r (Journal Special Service.) - Washington, Feb.- ll.Wn -diplomatic: and official, clrclca the arrival of Gen. Mortexa, Khan, styled Momtas Oi-Molic the new" minister from - Persia to . the United States, is awaited with much In terest He Is due to reach New York today and will proceed at once to this city. " . -' i..'- -'.k a - -.- ' -. The .new -minister Is a -bachelor, -ex tremely wealUty and comes of a noble line.- His father, the late Hadji Mlrxa Tylers A tchati- wm tha first nun In the Ire , to olntrodUC Kurppeaii I Ideas and waa the first newspaper pub lisher, starting -the Iran, the first pub lication approaching the newspaper as Americans understand it- He waa ap pointed minister of education, publication- and mines. -ti-t ,. ., Minister Mortexa Khan was a page In the royal palaca and haa passed his life in official posts. When he waa 11 -years old the ahah Bent him to the imperial school "at Darnel-Funnun. Ha went In 1878 to Parts, where he finished his edu cation. He returned to Persia in 1882 and was appointed chamberlain to the ahah and dragoman in the state depart ment.' ....'.:.. ';: ' ,"';""v Tha preeent shah appointed Gen. Mortexa. Khan consul general for all the Caucasus at TUflla, Russia, and in J 889 made htm first assistant Becretary of the foreign office. He was trans ferred later . ta ' the state department, where he had charge of the affairs of the United States, the Latin . countries of South Amertcav France, Holland and Italy.----' - - .-- . Minuter Mortexa has a beautiful home In the fashionable quarter of Teheran, the capital of -Persia, where his aged mother- lives. He haa sent here large quantities of rich draperies, expensive ornaments and gorgeous examples -of Persian art.' with which to embellish the embassy , In Klghteenth atreetX-Hdr Will entertain lavlehly in the oriental style. for which purpose hs brings a Persian chef. - Only a small retinue Of servants WlU be brought from' Persia, however.. aa.ha minister1 prefers to surround hlm ierf with' servants who speak English nd are used to the customs -of the country..' ,'.' It Is the aim or the new minister to open upa great trade.. between thla rotmtry and I'rralsv -A-t preaewt the- Warea. fabrlca aad art works of Persia are practically unknown here and it is tbe Idea of the Persian government that a' large part of- tnj -Japaneaa trade with the I'nlted States In Burh commodities may be diverted to Persia. . TO BUILD ROAD FROM r : FARMINGTON TO LELAND -t.1 - --T--" - (Special niapstch to Tue Journal.) .: ' Iceland. Idiihor Feb. 18.-Mne Of the largeat publlo githerlnga ever- held In Lalantf was that of Thursday evert ing, when- addresses were delivered by President Abbott of tne Rasters Waah tngton Conarruotlon ' company, and E. T. Tannat, engineer of the company, relative to ths building "of a rsllroad from Farmlngton, - Wash., to' Leland, Idaho. ; " - . J A committee, consisting of Messrs. Freka and Schulta, was appointed to confer with the officials in regard to terminal grounds. ' - 'A free electrical panorama el the corner of Third snd Alder suseta, freoa . n. to p. OIJLV K3 iIEHCEOS : OF DEAL SOCIETY Washington's Social Census- Nw Yorker Cuts the Num-; - ' ber to a Dozen. . SOME-FAMOUS-WIDOW: r IN NATION'S CAPITAL Fairbanks Remembers Mrs. Mo Kinley Battle for Statehood r; ; Official Game of Tag ? . (Wsshlngtoa Barsaa of Tb Journal) - Washington, Feb, " IS. Nothing 'could be more graceful or tactful than th visit that the vice-president-elect and Mrs. Fairbanks' paid last week to the widow of thf lamented President McKtnleyr lw her rotirement at Canton Mrs. McKlnley Is not often remembered by .those who shared - her high 1 fortune when, she reigned at th White House.. Mr. Cortel you waa one of her most faithful vis itors, and only stress of 'duty has pre vented - mora frequent - pilgrimages to Canton.. - Mrs. FaJrbanka - was one of those to whom Mrs. McKlnley was genu. inely . attached. ' They Jbelongad to ..the sum etiurun ana wr-ar,wn. logeiuer by many other kindred interests. ' The fascination which official life possesses, for - those' who have once basked in the light is presented in strong colors by the Inereaslng solony of ths widows of famous men. - Just now there are jno. less.than nine women who have occupied the loftiest places in, social and official life. 7 They are Mra. Garrett A. Hobart, widow of a vlce-prealdent, Mra. Henry C. Payne, Mrs. Mark Hanna, Mra. John A. LrOgan. Mra Phil Bherldan. Mra. James McMillan, widow of the senator from Michigan, and Mra. T. Da Witt T al io ad ge, wldtty, 0? tha. eminent divine. . ' Stra. Talma dge's Bevwtlom. " Mrs. Talmadge is the only member of thla body of Women who is young enough to be cenatderad a matrimonial pofealbll ltr. . Irl addition to being an exceedingly handsome and well-groomed woman, she haa a. fine fortune and a magnmcentir euulriDed home in the heart, of the fash ionable sectlouvJh8 . purchased her nousevwnicn ta aimtwi oppvaiw mv uv, man .embassy, from tha heirs of Pr. Tal madge estate- immediately after the probation of the will- She paid a good, round sum for tha bouse and furniture. But Mrs. Talmadge was devoted t the famous preacher,, albelt'-ahe . was the third wile.. .Everything connected with him and his work and his Washington mission is sacred to her, and she keeps up the home exactly as during his life time. This winter she haa jthrown off the widow's weeds entirely and la wear ing the finest toilets seen here in years. -- . Battle to sTUsahoog. Oneof the strongest argumesltsmads In ths sens to in favor of Btngle -UUe-hood for-jhe-fourwesternr territories clamoring for admission into toa sister Clark of, Montana. Mr. Clark- argued that in matters of population, intelli gence, wealth and material resources Oklahoma, Arlsona, New Mexico and the Indian territory f Ul aU tha requirements of single statehood. The senator laid the facts before the senate in a forcible. interesting and lucid manner, and' were )t not tor tha fact that the subject of admitting the territories into the union was a matter of political policy instead of a matter' of -justtca and right, Sena tor - Clark's . argument Jn .' their behalf would have settled the question In the minds -of - senators without -further . de lay. , Republican senators fear that the niaht new senators who would be elect ed to congress in, course of time would mean eight new votes for tne Democratic side. , From a partisan standpoint this ia not to be tolerated. -Therefore the doubllng-up prooeaa must go forward to a successful cone lo Ion, or else tha, ter ritories' will remain as thy are for an Indefinite period., ., ..- - -. . :.,;-:V Waahlngtoa's Two radiwa lfmew-aTlne. 7teocrdtnr to- New York authority by way of a book recently published, there are less than a- dosen people residing In Washington Who are entlUed to social recognition, or, ,.-in other words, are worthy of being present at any of the functions which may tjs given by the Four Hundred, or by the queen Mrs. Astor.v herselt Those included In this very select set sre asra. van) rwinsasuBAir cruger, air. ana ssrs. nc,iiutm irntfi.ii, Mr. and Mrs. Ueorge PeaDoay wet more, the Misses Wetmore, the Messrs. Rogers snd -William Wetmore, and Miss Alice Roosevelt. Through the author's course of reasoning we come to the .realisation that the President and Mra. Roosevelt are not of the favored few. How, then. account for the elevation of their eldest daughter?; - Well may we ask. Upon whnt meat doth this our Alice leeo, tnai soe hath grown ao areatT - By -actual count", according to the last official -census taken of Washington's most exclusive set there are exactly 298 members of that body. Three of the number reside in the Philippines, which sreaka well for our kindly efforts inJ taming and clvlllxlng the colonies and permuting them to share our beat re fining Influences. One of these three is General Corbln, who enjoys an interna tional reputation as . a poker-piayer. ... . . t An Offloial Oame of Tag-. Zernstvo, or other movement towards rational legislation, anight be taken by the people of the JJlscnct c-t Columbia If we may judge by the widespread die- contsnt with existing conditions. Within the past week it has been suggested that the district should have one man at Ita head, who will know what la going on and why. Whenever an abuse Is to bd corrected, -each of the three commission ers says It comes under the 'jurisdiction g4T another.'- and . the, publlo elands help- lees while the triumvirate amuses itself with -this edifying game of three-cornered tag. 4 Itarlng the "past week a strong effort was made to -Increase the salnf leg of public school teachers. The biirwaa defeated In congress by- tech nicallty. In self-justification the house committee on appropriation said that'the committee en Uestrlct of Columbia should nave aone tne worn,, unu tne uisim-i committee retorted in kind. 1- The na tional government has charge of the tidal basin, under the direct supervision of tha division of public buildings and grounds, yet the district commissioners break' up the ice there to- spoil skating on' a natural laka that gome cities would spend a million to.-aco.uire Just for fluent sport, Everywhere about' us there Is tndeft- nlteness of responsibility. By whom are we governed? Or do we ''just" get along somehow.". The chairman, of the dis trict committee-In congress Is referred to ns the. mayor of Wash trig ton. and his confreres s aldermen.- Not, only Is the district -en orphan ' ch11dVwlthout the right to vote, but poverty rnny be added to her woes. ' The appropriation for her care and beautifying during the coming year the honae, - like a- marciiewd atep- f.ither, 'cut down out of all proportion to her needs; but the senate, ke a fairy gonmorner. aat up mo figure -again to a fiMr amount. The bill carrlaa total of $.3.:i-- Out of thla $2.t00.v0$ mark the limit of the cost of the municipal building,, which is to contain the grrst ballroom.' and $275,008 Is to be used t build B bridge at Anacosua. tlETCAlf REFC3TS c;iEiG:iT-i:ot3 day Work of Former Coni'Tls'oner and Is Advsrse to the v.. -.Cause' of '"Labor, tJoeraal Bnerlgl Benlee.) .. v Washington,' Feb.' l.-i-Becretarr Of Commerce and Labor Metcalf has sent a report en the eight-hour question to the- ttrmserflTrnmttteerjn -1aborVr There are "144 pagea of statistics and, infer ences, the work of former Labor Com missioner Carroll D. Wright and. aa was expected, the conclusions, so fsr as they express anything are: adverse to the cause of labor. In theiletter of trana mtsaion Becretary Metcalf says thst much "careful study" has been given the subject and then adda . that the quea tiona propounded by the labor commit ted) of th house sre Impoasible to gn awer. '' r .-rv.-.,:- r" " "''". -Near the end of the last hegslon, of congress, just before the presidential campaign.' the Republican majority on the house committee sidetracked the eight-hour bill by referring the whole subject to the department of eommeroe and labor for Investigation. The labor bureau'a report haa been completed since the-16th of December last, but It did not reach the house committee till today. Thla delay ia clearly indicative that leg islation in the intereat of 01M benent labor ta to be again buried, by the rush of "more important" mattere In the cloe lng hours of the short seBlon. ' The Becretary answers' the query bout the desire of organised and -unorganised labpr as to the eight-hour, day by saying the leaders of organised .labor Jnave spoken in favor of tha bill and that It Is physically impossible to ascertain the sentiment of nnorganlaed labor. One aet of compariaona only in 4h volume deel directly with the results of the eight hour dsy. The work accomplished on the battleship Connecticut at the Brook lyn navy yard under the eight-hour day by employee of -the government and the results attained ty prtvats yard at Newport Nsws In the construction of, -a sister ship, tha Loulsjana. shows that hour for hour-. the-Brooklyn yard ac complished the better results. Compsrl son as to the cost of the same amount of work la not given. ...t ,;; ; ajlk --I Mi JitsU oniwht The big Jlu-Jltau exhibition tonight at Rlngler'a Physical Culture hall will demonstrate-ths wonderful wecrets-wf -this ...iH.,ln. . r, neneral Nit and the royal Japanese troupe will give a morvel- ous perf ornvanoe- or tne mucn-o mcuneeu jiu-jitsu. Prof. B-Ingler . wilt Interpret and assist In the demonstration. Popu lar - prioes prevail. Seats now pn sale at halL 0 Alder street. - Phone Mala 1M. e .,.--' I '-' " too 1ATB jto jytjugrrr. WANTED Stenographer who Is' good oa Eng. ' llah; aula salary expected. Apply L 16, care Journal. . - ' , t Preddminiltes At 247 Washington street, sure., .- It's, Fellows" Grocery I Co where' thousands ; of . ' Portland housewi.ves-their- marketqng. Fellows' meats and ; groceries have become famous all throqgh out ' Portland. . , ; " -Vt; V flji.00 J 17 lbs. Dry, Granulated Sugar.1 " 25a . . ...--v Two $-lb. cans Pork and Beans, t Gallon. can Choice Table Syrup; H-gal- ; . . , i Ion cana 20c. , t ., , . ,V,;V'; V-v:: 60 V - ..-V Gallon can Fancy Sugar Syrup; -gallon cans 85 cents. .. - . , . : '-5-jpi.00' V . Gallon can Pure Maple Syrup. ...' $-lb. can Solid Pack Eastern Tomatoes. r-.;C-f - 15' -c' ' ' V t cans Standard Jlomatoes, -: - Ti'-'--, 25 - - " -: '.: J cans TablvTPeaches of Apricots. ; -; Pound Good Gunpowder Tea. 15 - Pound Fellows' Blend Costa Rica Coffee. Fellows Grocery Co. Vbom Btaia 8588 374 Washington' St HIT I B0TICES. COMPLETION - ABO A00EFTAVCX Of tM- yxoYisirgT or tovm bteiet. .. ' Notice la hereby given thst Charte Wanner. City Knglneer. ha filed - in - tb ofOc of tb underalgord notice that J. W. Sweeney, contractor fur the Improvement '.of Fourth treet, under .the -pro via lima of ordinance No. I4.I:1S, has completed said street - Iron -the out h tin of- Hooker, street te th north line of Woods street. 1 5 ' " Said acceptance wilt be considered Jiy trie Exeeutlr - Bosrd at 4 o'clock, ou the 17th day of February, if, and objections to the acceptance of aald street, o any part thereof may be Sled in tbe. of Are at th andenlgned at any flaw prior thereto. . . . , b . TUB EXECITIVB BOARD. By THOS. c. DEVLIN. K j ' v Auditor of the City ef Portland.' --PertUnd, Oregon. February 11. 1900. - COMFLXTI0B AVD aAOCElTABCX OF IX. FEOVEMEBt OF BAST TKIETY-EIOHTH - Notice to hereby -gfrew thr Charte W stiver. City Engineer, has Sled la -.tlx t-focs of tbe nnilerslgned notice that J." It. fC Nell, eodtrnctee for tbe Improvement of East Thirty eighth atrevt. under tbe nrovlalnna nf go. 14. m. ha rompleteit said atreet. from th center line of Keet Waablugtoa atrnet tu the rSiiter Hue of Belmont atreet. Vald acceptanc will be eoMldered by the Executive Board at 4 o'clock, on tbe 17th flay of February, land, ami, objection to tb acceptance of aald atreet. or Buy part thereof, may be Sled In' the efttc ef th andrrsigned at any tlam prior thereto. ' , , THE KXFCI'TlTll BOARD. ' ' "' ' '. By THOS. t DKVI.IH. gdrtttny f ih, fftv ef Portland. , Portland. Oregon. Fem-narv 11. imm. I L I.... J.. . sfnririwo, xorxrirs $i co .;, ,. (Kstabllshed 11(8.) ' . WKBAT ABB BTOOat BB0KXBS. - Been 4, Orowad neor. ' -CalABCBlim OT CWlmaBantOB. --ae., " "ai a s' '"'.;;, OVERBKCK, STARR i& COOKE CO. " Membera Chicago I ion rd or Trade. " ' i . ;, . , V VV OKAIJr. rKOTIglOITB, COTTOW, STOOstS AsTT aOBBS, . r .-' V" 101 Third Street. McKey Building. Portland. Or. ' '."- y'-,it V Wl BO A BTaVICTXT OOatMSBIOX BTJarTBTHBg. Conllauous Markets by Prtvats Wire. Quirk Bervlee. REFERFINCKS JLadd V ' . .sfUton, bankers, and United blates National Unk ot f orUand, mAr't. P0etabo nm vrirkir or obboov. r a a. T2UBB BT. - - - , Tk Oldest Trut Comnsay la 0raga. . 4 CAJ-.fAL. M,M. W eonduct a seaersl hanking buainea. We ' receive savings d-ooalta. Vi iaau Uaaa car- -tln-stes and certinvaiea of depualt payalile sooa 10 day' call, -be day' cell or 6 days' call, with Interest at 8W. 8Mi and xer cent, per assam, teaiHK-ttv.ty. call eg sand fur our booh of .Lun.AATIOBfl, - - ,. BtNJ. I. COf ... President H. L. MTTtM'K ...,.Ylo-PTeldcut . B. LEB PAOEr. ..i... ...... .becretary : J. O. UOLTB A Aaalaunl BesrsUry- L0MD0B SAB FB6WCIS0O JUBX, i j. ' " IlaUlAi), ' ' ' , - amndlne- -"flilrt-aae- ttatk Itraeta, Head Offlea, 88 Old Broad Street. LonSsa.. This bask trsnsscta a (enesal bsaklng heal seas, makes mass, discounts hills and Issues letter of credit available tor traveler and for th purcbu of merchaadl la any city of the' world. Deal la furaiga aad domtatte xcaaaa! Iatanat paid ea all tlu deposit. - . Vt. A. MAI-BAB. SXOUaUTY 8AVIK0 A TXUBT 00 MP AMY. 88 Morris St, lertlaad. Or. I Trsnsscta k Oensml Basking Buslsaas. - SAVIBu I A.2TTr ","'" , Interest Allowed sn Time snd Having Dapoalts. ' . Acts Truatee for Eat tea. . I Draft tod Letter of, Credit Avallsblo la All, J l-srts of fb. World.. . t 1 C. F. A1AMS........,,',...,.....:.rM0,t, L. A. LF.WIS.......M,t,..FIrt tcs-Prsaldent' A. L. Kif.'J. .. ....... ..Second Tlca-Prealitest ' B- Q. JLBITE ........,.Seertary U KITED STATYS WATT0BAL BAKK. . - OF POKTLaHP. ORtOOW. - B0BTTTWX8T COB, THIRD AND 0AT gTB. ' ' Traaaaeta. a Oeaeral Banking Busla. , ' y - . 0BAFT8 ISSUF.rV - '.' Available In All Cities of the United states i . r ad Europe, lioog Kong aad Maaua. . COLLEOTTOBB sfAOX 0B FAT0RA TI w TFBWg r Prvsldeot..... v.J. 0. AINSWORTT1' ' Ice-l'raSliWnt... .....,...,W, B, AYSB -Cbler. ,.B. W. BCfTMEKrl ' . Aaalatant Ca.hler. ....... i... A. If. WHIOHT ' riBST .XATT0BAL BABX " T" r a, en n vt mn awwaaw m a .Deslgaaied lkwealtory and Ylaaaalai 'Ageat at V , tha tlnlteal IMIa a"v a Prestdeat., ;a. u Mrrxs U W. NBWKIRK . .W. C. AtVORO aaaiaiant t aeaier. Second Amlatant Csahler B. F. BTEVBNB Lsttera C Credit leaned Available la Euro no - ,l aad the Eaatern State, i Sight Riehsnge nd Telegraphle TTsasfera sold oa New York, Boaton, Chicago, St. Lout. " St. Paul, Omaha, San Frsaclsce sad the 1 principal potnta In th Northwest. - Bight snd time bills draws In sums te etrft ' ea London. Parts. Berlin.- Frank fort-oa-th. Mala, Hong Kong. Yokohama. Copenhagen. ChrUtlanln. gtnrkbnlm, St. Petmburg, MoZ Sow, Enrich. Honolura. " - OelUetioa Mad sa FsversVle Terms. - ' LAOS'ca. TTXTOW,. BAB ITERS. ' ' . ,-. , '. (XstaWlshed la 186S. ' ' Trsrsaets a Oeaeral Banking Busts,. ' ColWctl.uia mad at all point ea favorable term. Latter of credit iaaucd valUb!e laP"" Eump and all points In tbe Cnlted States.' Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Traaafera -old oa New York. Washington. Chicago, St. , Loul. DeBrver, Omaha, Baa Frasciaco . and Montana end British Columbia. ' : ' ' Excbang- old ea London. , PjurJ". . Berlin. - Frankfort.. Bong Kong, Yokohama, Manila aaj Ilonolulu . - , . . , MUOIABT8' BATT0BAL BAHV. . , , j P0R1XAKD, OBXO0B. ' U- rsaiih v a IWfl ........... r. ,y. rrssteaat t n. u, iviinaa ..,.... V H I esioena R. W. nOYT , 1. .Caehlee - 6EOROR W. ttOT-T".....,... Aaalatant Caaator Traaaaeta a Beaaral Banklag Basts,,,. vniiw- aiea imiR,' o. v it-i i . i.nru avvsuaoas " a Alt I-a k. VUn.ia - , . r-v-- Corlectlons a Specialty. .Gold Dust Bought. M ORRIS BROS, ft 0KBIBTEBBEB. M8H First Straat. Fortlsad, Off- eilt-Edg Inwatnaant la Ilnlelnsl aad . - Bslirasd Bead. Writs. r Cejl. - MORTOAGE LOANS OS Psrtlaad Baal Xstata at T-eweet Bate. ( V--' Title Insured. Abatraot Fursblbad. V 1 ' - TITLE BUABABTKB ft TRUST CO, ' I - ' Baeaa 8, Chmkr ef Conamaroa. r k;.-. CRY B0TlCESr'"H' -i e COMPLETIOB XABD . A00ZPXAB0B 0E .-' FROYEMEBT OF JEBSTP1 STREET. .-"v. Notice la bereby gtvca that Charles wanrei Cite . Knalnecr. . . has fttrd . is . ths .-alflr of ths ua arraigned notice that K. J. Bebnbr,, contractor for th Improvement - of Jasaup street voider.: the : prerlslon of erdlasae. Ks. 14,2T1. haa completed said atreet from the ces let line of Miaaiaaippl Ivans te tb center line ef Alblaa venue. ....a...,. . - . . v Said- acceptance, will be considered by tha Executive nor ,t 4 o ewea, - oa to ntn dsy of February. 1106, aad objectlooa ta tb acceptance of said street, or any part' thereof, may be Sled la tbe offlc of the aneenlgaed at Bay time -prior tnercto. .' ...j...-,.. - THI US EXEC'ITIYB BOARD.'"-, . ... By THOS. U. UIU.1, ' ' - Andltor of th City ef ParUaod. --IHslginj-oregoff.-rbruary,lC 1806. . -nary( if. tOOxWaJ cobtfletiov abb aocmtabcb or FROYEMZBT -0F BAt-VOBaUWlf .. STREET. - . . . . Notice la hereby glrea tbat Cnarles Wner, City Knglneer. ha Sled ' la the ofOce -of the andersigned BotU-w that M. F. Loy, eon tractor for tbe improvement of Eaat Morrl-.. ana atreet, under tbe provlaloaa of ordinance; Ho. 14,223, has completed ld treet, from the, esat line of Beat Thlrtylghtb tret to. . the west line of Eaaf Thlrty-nluth Street. . 1 Said acceptanc . will be eonaldered by ' the Btevullte Ibaird at 4 o'clock, oa tho 7tsu day of Februacrr 1111. and ebjectiona to tb , acceptance of aald street, or any part thereof,' may he filed In the offlc of the andrrslgnad . at, any time prior thereto. .." .' ----, ,. . ,. - - . TUB EXECITTIYB BOARD. By THOS. O. DEVLIN. . ."" f ' Afldlfor of th City of PortUad, f Portland, Oregoa. February U. 1808. COMPLETIOB ABB ACCEPTANCE OF IB... - SFROVEXIBT OF C0BBETT STREET; Notice to hereby gives that Cksrles Wner. , nty ' Engineer, bss flled In -tha- ofnee. of the undersigned notice thst Smyth A How ard Company, contractor for th Improvement of Corbett treet. under the - pruvlalun of ordinance No. 18.9W1, have completed (aid street from the center line of Pennoyer street tu the renter line ef Aberaethf tret ; ahw from tha tenter tin of Arthur street te the center Use-of Baker atreet.. ' - . . ' . ' 4. . Bald acceptance will he emialsVred by the Executive Board t 4 o'clock on the 17th , day of February. 1W. and object lorn to the cceptanre ef aald atreet. or ny part thereof may be Sled lu the of dee ef tb aodrrtlgned al any tlu prior thereto. ' " , , 1 any ue ljekcCTIVB BOARD. - ; r ' - ' By Tlltm. C DEVLIN, V . ' ' Andtrar of the City of Portland. I.. ' Pnrtuind. Oregon. Febrnry II- 1806. OOVTLETIOB ABB ACCEMANCB OF IM PROVEMENT, .OF EAST WASHWOTOB - STREET. - " -""'?' Notice is hereby given that Charley Wanser. -Cltv . Kiislneer. - h Bled la. the nfflce ?f 'the undeTrigned 1 Botlcw that t. Tt. O'Nell. ; Mitrctnr fur the Improvement ef Eaat Waah Ingum atreet, under tbe provisions of ordinance No. 14 231, bus completed' said street from the renter Una of Kast.rThtrty-fourth street : te the west line ef Sunnysid Third addition. , - -Bald sceeptsncs will be considered by th"., Eieentlve Hoerd St 4 o'rtork. i th17tb dny of February, 1006, and objection re thV Kieptance of aald atreeL or sy part thereof, . way be nied In the of (lea of the ndrrsljud t anr time prior thereto. , -at any mn KXt.,., Ttrg jkubd. , . , " ' ;,''-: By THOrT.' A JUEVL1N. T -r"-" Andltnr of the- 4ilty-el Portia. , Portland, Omro. February llLltt ; OOatTtrTIOB ABB " A0CETTAB0B Ot !? ygOYIKlNT Vt . EAST- TBIRTY-FOu'ETK . STREET. ,. ' ' Netlce Is hereby ftes that Tbaflea Wanier, City- Engineer, ha flled ra tb office f the uaileralrned antics thst 1. tt. f-Nell, mntrartor for ths Improvement of Est Thirty fourth Street, ander the prevlaloM of onlinanc No. I4.(iri. ha completed aaid atreet from the couth Un of Baa Line mad ta ths center line ot Eaat Abler street and from the center line ef Kaat 1 ay tor atreet. ta the' aorth. Hue -of Hawtles-ne avenue. j Saiit accrptani-a will b conalderad by Ah Etccutlva Board at 4 e'ekjek, on tke J7lb -lay ef February, 1U03, and ebjectiona to the teceptrwe of said aire, t, or say part thereof, may lie Sled In the nfe ef the aadrraigned at any time prior thereto. - - , TUB EXKCI'TIYS BOARD , . By THOS. C. DEVLIN. 1 - Andltnr ot'lue tuty of rurtlans. .Portland. Krewnn.. February 11. lorn.. Ml a. - 4 if - -Jrc " "' aieferreA Stoek Oaaaeg (Aooda. 1 Ailea er X-ewU' . Best Brand. . -. ; ' ' " " y - . . :.-.:L 4