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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1905)
. - .-.7 " J -- r - A - J- -"- ri 1 .... . . 7- ' cod cvt:::ii;6. . tJ ,' V Th Wexthtr. Jontghf, fair; Wednesday, fair, not eo coM; minimum tempera-. lurt lomgui auoui 14 aegraes, VOL. HIV NO. , 223. u v ;. , '. .. t ; : Km T- T:V . AVuui arfvi vw JURY WORK 7" Body " Will Convene :and Find More lndictEenls;t f : Against v "With pring buainM yet unflnlahe an aensaCfdlMkl event pi line on eecli , other tumultuouilK tb federal gruni Jury brouht lta inqutaltion to a tempo rary end late yesterday afternoon. . t- . ' Tbe adjournment was not with a date for reoonvenlng. nor la It for the term. District Attorney Francis J. Heney ex plained to Judge Bellinger that the grand Jury had been unable te complete It work, having - several Indictments'' n hand which had been voted, but could not be presented owing; to the limited ntmr-ftvpTeparlilg-- them. MKHeae? acked that the grand Jury be permitted to adjourn until some time In April, the date for reconvening to be left to him. and he would iesue notice When he wished it to-reassemble for continuance told the court be thought the date would be about April l. Judge Bellinger dismissed the Jury, with the Instructions-requested by the fed eral proeecuting officer. '. ' t The Blue Mountain forest reserve case .was reported on last, and, the names of those againsc wnom accusation w maae were the same as forecasted In The Jour nal last evening.. Samuel B. Ormsby, th ex -special agent and -forest superintend ent, was named la the allegation as the official who was to designate the land at piled - for by . the alleged, conspirators, and It Is charged thai a deed for two sections of land was put In esqroW by 'State-Senator V- P. llays io become, the property of Crumby when the pegerv i was completed and the men ... mvotvea r reaped their prof 1C. r , W , v.-j BoBbera riaas . Pefeated. . -f ' The Investigation of Gilford ITnchot. chief of tbe forestry bureau, defeated work of this conspiracy. He found evidence bf a plan to profit by lieu land selections. . and recommended to the In terior departmentthat all school land In the withdrawal and other 'land which 'had apparently been taken 'as base' for lieu selections, be omltttd. TblM de stroyed -the value ' of . applications for -school sections. r '- ,;. t';'. ' JUan W. Tarpley and Horace Q. McKln ley are said to have been let Into the plot -by the conspirators, and It' Is pre sumed that sntu'ta of the evidence worked "out by th government - came through tbes menj ' . . ' '- - The names of all charged with this conspiracy are Senator John H. Mitchell, --Congressman. Blnger Hermann, Cou- gressmsn J. N. Williamson. State Sena tor r. F. Maya, W, tiK Jones and Oeorge Sorenson.'' ; , X 4t U believed, on good authority, that true bills have been voted In the Rose burg land office and land district cases, and that they, are among the prebeav ments that could not bo made owing to the limited time for framing tbe 4dicl-"Bt- V . -' ' tw Slllc U Beaebmrg Oasis. ' All of yesterday afternoon the Rose burg witnesses were waiting. - among them Frederick X Krlbs. ex-Recelvtr J. T. Bridges, Clerk W. W. Thackery of the land office, John Olvens and John V eaten, cruisers who-worked with Prank B. Al ley and Prederlck A. Krlbs. and numer ous, others Identified with operations ' of that section.' Witnesses who have been attending this session of the grand Jury state that a most damaging case has been audi out against the land office officials and the timber operators. There no longer remains .any doubt that ax Receiver Bridges Is making a full, oonc (Continued -a Page Five.) mat. nnR c :tmm U MSr.!2IR3 OF FEDERAL - - - r - A Tv..-l.-l:. A U D.-.. T U viuui w . ww nwMV t uitmttmw vuiwwmMi mwimi ... A. Vojtl, W. P. Polish Women Shot; Down : l J -Fierce Fighting mm- fJoaraal Bseclal lervlee.l - ' . Berlin. Feb. II. Forty men have been publicly hanged la Waraaw, Poland, for participation la the rioting of the past few weeks. ; , Forty-two persona were-killed and more than 190 wounded, many of them women and children, la . a . series of. clashes between -bodies of strikers and the police- at Loda, Poland, yesterday. For many days the strikers . ha ve been parading the) streets,'; proclaiming their protests by "means of -betmereed -by i singing songs directed against the em ployers. ,t , Women ' and, children have taken part In. these demonstrations. --No violence has been offered by the strikers. Order were Issued, yesterday to the poilc ' to 'disperse' ' the i peredea.1 how over, as against the . peace of tbe cftyU The' strikers were warned by 'numerous placards to keep off the streets, not to assemble In public place or take part In any public demonstration. - The placards had an effect opposite that which- they were Intended ' to produce, .Instead of on parade, as Is common, half -a dosen processions were formed la various parts of tbe city. . Troop were caned to the assistance of th -potto ad- attempted to drlv th trlker horn by beating them with th flat of their sword a, - Many of th mob wr armed, and a straggling vplley. be fore 'which th troop momentarily 'fell back, led to tb first blood shed.' After a steady volley with earblnea the troop ers harged th mob. slashing 'right and left with their sabre end trampling th wounded .under th . -hoofs of . their horses. ' ., -j .:.-.... - . ... . Five separate clashes occurred during the day. resulting la the heavy casual ties mentioned. - -.- : .'. ' c 1 FURIOUS FIGHTING. Xeavy tosses Bsporssd aTar M y.Tog Sana 1 Sserrt Mlssloa. rA tloersrt SomUI Service.) . , Toklo. Feb. spit Of tfi state ment given out that the movement 'afT the front la of no significance, that th real advaae -will not begin until spring opens th roads, report of th killed and wounded In th recent righting tavern of Mukdea indicate a tremendoua bat. tie. . : Semi-official estimate place th Russian losses at Mao Kou. Tat., where a battle raged from January 21 to It, at -killed -ad-Wounded.Whll this Is undoubtedly sn exaggeration, the loss give a Is greater than that at Uao Tang, and give some Indication of he . fury of the fighting. Oerteral Oyama la a report received this! morning says that th Russians last Sunday . twice attacked Wei Ta mountain. tha heavy artillery assault be ing 'followed by charge' by Infantry. Both assault were repulsed. Small force of Russian Infantry he says as saulted Japanese post at bapatsl and Has Bhaa Tal Monday but Were beaten bark. -- , - . - Vice-Admiral Togo- sailed yesterday with his Beet from JCur. Hi destina tion Is kept secret. Report from In coming vessels Indicate that he sal 14 south. It fa asserted a good authority that general order hav been lasued to all Japan naval commanders to Are on every collier found la company f a Russia war veeeeC no matter what flag the collier may carry, - PORTLAND, OREGON.! TUESDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY CfiD JURY, DISTRICT ATTORNEY AN D THE SECRET. SERVICE MAN WHO WORKED UP . ..... Dutton, F. O. Buffura, L. N. Edward J'AYNE BILL VS. -Portland; Or- Feb. It To tb Editor nt The Tanrnal .The 'chief DOlnta be- -J V:.:' - L The Jayne bill raise the peroent sg of petitioner necessary for aa elec tion front 19 per cent of the total vet cast for Justice of the supVem court to SO per cent of tb total ''registered vote. As only (I per -cent of the regis tered voter actually- vote, this -would require oyer S per cent of th actual voters. 1 '-' ' ' 1. The Jayn bill eliminate county and subdivision 'local option ' and pro vides for only prednctlocal option; but stipulate that -the precincts must oe "situated wholly within or wholly with out an Incorporated town or city." It was asserted on the floor of th house by Representative Miles that there Is noi a precinct In Tamhill eojxnty which could drdfer aa electloa under this pro vision, and It was' argued by other mem bers that: a, large part of tb cltlsens of the state would be disfranchised from local option elections. By gsrrymander rng the boundaries any precinct could be xcluded from an election. ' i J. Th Jayn bill omit in drug store sale the provilen,N"that a physician wno ooe, PPt follow-the praetios of medicine as a principal and Usual call. ing shall not be suthorised to glvs the prescription , provided for In J this sec tion," . thus allowing any on - dubbed doctor to writ prescriptions. w . - pistol: battle in V COURT. THREE INJURED 'jescasl Bperlal tervlee.) 1 A'? 1 i '.Jacksonville,: Fla., Feb.? 14. May Brown Is dead, her mother, Mr. Joseph II. Freeman, lies at death' door and Detective William B. Cahooa 1 danger oualv -wounded.' all resulting from a ' sensational shooting affray -. in x Judge Fanis court room ner. - - , Owen E. Load holts, who was accused by Miss Browa ta a paternity case, was on trial. The evidence was all in and th Judgs continued th case-until Wed nesday to hear th ngvment.-i-rv , As th continuance was announced, Mrs. Freeman did not Intend to watt' for ths,cort; but would settl matter "herself. Sh drew a). revolver and fired et Loadholts. He darted be hind Judg Farrls and pulled a revolver. Mrs. Freeman continued ' to fire. ; Her daughter May drew a revolver and Joined In th fray. Load holts took steady aim and brought both women to th floor, R. Tj. Rowling, a tenographar. was struck la th collar twice., Women and men fainted, and several wer injured la tbe stamped for thr exits. . l... - fCahoon wa attempting to prevent Loadbolts from shootlog Mrs. rreemsa when he was shot la tbt back by May Brown' revolver.- - TRIES TO SEE . THE PRESIDENT ' -iiileersal Special gervtee.) ''' 5 lw Tarkv-FeblAn old man giving his nam as William Wsldorf Jackson, Jr.. who aald he wa proprietor of th Hotel Manhattan at Lowell.' Mass. called twice at th Robinson residence this morning, to see th president. He said be wished to confer with th presi dent to reforms la government, as h wa a aelf-aominated candidate for th presidency. He , was turned away by secret service men and returned 'ta the Buckingham hotel, where he is staying. - JOE LETTER rUTACKED V; BY WYOMING WILDCAT ' '. ."Moarsal Bperlal Seme'.) ' Cheyenne; Wyo.. Feb. 14. Jo Latter of Chicago had an encounter with a wild cat In northern Wyoming a few deys sgo. th detalla of which reached Cheyenne la a letter from a member of th hunt- ' i A ' : ' Taw T U.m tnunh Runrr T- wi mmJ 9 1 DUtrict Attorney Francis J. Heney, 4. " Th Ayn bill oonflne"th elec tions to the altsrnat years from th rouiq local I greauy mcreas tb number of option elections on the off years and by so much increase th taxes. . The -Jayn . bill . provide - .that license fee must be refunded before the order of prohibition can-take effect. This would msks it possible to defeat th result of th election by the failure or. refusal of th proper authorities to refund th money, t her 'being no pro visions to compel them so to dov . . The-Jaxne bill omit the Impor tant and vital iirovlaton of lh original Uw that "If aTy person shall be con victed a second TJme-f or vioUtlng-any of th provision of this law, such per son shall be punished for such second and . each subsequent violation of th law by both auch fin and Imprison ment" . ','' ' T. Th original, law makes it th spe cial duty of th district attorney to 111 or hav filed1 complaints against vio lators of the lam Th Jayn bill re Have th officer of this duty until some private cltisen shall hav sworn out aa affidavit against the guilty party. : t. The" original law provide, that In prosecutions "it shall not be necessary t state xif kind -of liquor sold nor lo show the knowledge of th principal to convict for the acts of an "agent or servant.' Tbe Jayn. bill substitutes for the abov th provision that "ths offense charged snail be stated with th same T ng party." Leltef'aad a companion dla- vered a large bob cat in tlie branches covered a large bob eat of a dead tree, and war circling around th tree .to - get a shot at th animal. Loiter crept under th branch of tb tree, when the tree suddenly collapsed. bringing dead branches and th bob eat down oa th hunteiv Letter wa thrown to th ground, and arose to dlseovsr that tbe wildcat was about to spring. Having lost hi gun. h grabbed a club and attacked th beast. A fierce strug gle ensued, during which ' th Chicago stock speculator ' wa badly acratcheo. but h succeeded In. killing th animal. WYOMING DESPERADOES J YIELD AFTER BATTLE e : .. " (Journal gpeetal Serrlee.) ' Butt, Feb. 14 .Word baa been re ceived her of theV capture at Basin, Wyo.. of "Oklahoma" Coombs and "Denver.' .Lane, two notorious rustlers and desperadoes who broke Jail , at Billings a month ago. More than tt ahots wer xchngeL. th outlaw sur rendering to th Wyoming posse ' only after their ammunition . had -been ex hausted. The bandll: wer driven to shelter and trapped as a result of vti cold, weather, th temperature being close to It degree below aero. ' ANARCHIST SENTENCED v- FOR SPANISH PLOT ' ' (Joeraal gpertal Serrlee.)-s Madrid. Feb.' 14. Anarchist GUI. who was arrested last September.. for plotting against th life of Premier Maura, was today sentenced -to 1 1 years imprison, meat. When arrested QUI had nine dynamite cartridge In his possession... rrra tows or btbtaxxts stbyst. t -peetsl IHepeteh te Iks 7esraat.) . Post Falls, Idaho? Fob. 14. Five ton of dynamite, to be used la'thv mines, burned last night without 4 explosion. Th watchman had a stov wber tb powder wa kept, and got too hot A fir. No explosion occurred, but th xplolv simply burned tap'-f- 4BXU)1 MCJf.. (rtetal tHapatrh te The JesrseL) ' Watervin. Wean., Feb. 14. With only two small children at bom, th reel dance of A. & McEIhsny burned yester dsy. Th children escaped. Tb loss I 2.t00; insuranc f 0. The cause is uq-I known. PRESENT ' - 14,-1805 TWELVE PACEC:':"-',::';''; K. Hmn. William Sheoherd. Toaenh r m w Secret Ofticer W. J. Burn MJOtorpn particularity that 1 Is required in, 'th case of other offenses against th crim inal law o this state," thus making It extremely difficult td erlmtnat 164 guilt. : -.- - " . The Jayn bill oralis the provision. or;tn original taw .that. "the, lau of a license or Internal revenue special tax stamp by the federal government to any person" for th sale of Intoxicating liquors shait be prima facie evidence that such person is selling, exchanging or giving away Intoxicating liquor,' Thus the evident Intent of this proposed law is -to protect th lawless. IS. Th Jayn bill exempts th man ufacture of liquor-- from-the reatrlo- tiqBsr.ths lawiJuttharigtiiai Jaw does not apply to manufacturing. - 11. Th Jayn bill 'exempts th 'sal of liquor at wholesale by brewers, di tillers, wineries or wholesasl ', liquor dealer from ,tb restriction of prohi bition. So wherever saloon might be voted out "gallon houses" would open and run without a retailers license. 12. The' Jay ne bill calls for a refer endum vote In June of this year which would entail an unnecessary expense of some f (0,000 upon taxpayers, divert, th attention of th public, press and th people from the Lewis and Clark fair nd order n electlonfot wblcfe there is no genersl demand. Laws enacted by th legislature stand, for .at. least 'two yearsrr- Why should not th same nil apply to law enacted by th people? . y .' . . . .: ,. ; O. I . TUFTS. ' YACHTStfQRTHAbF wn Id if Ufl 1 11 nHLr A MILLION BURNED - -, ,'. Uewssl Seeetal ervlee.t - New Tork, Feb. 14. Tb Delaware and Colonla. two' magnificent yacht owned by Frederick O. Bourn, commodore of th Now. Tork Yscht club, burned to tbe water's dg last night ' J. Pierpont Morgan's yacht Corsair hsd a narrow escape at th foot of Sixteenth street, Hobo ken. The Delaware wa th flag ship of tb club, valued at 1(00,000, and th Colonla at flQp.000, and wer th best-equipped ships in th harbor.' Thro yachts were lying within 100 feet of each other near a private dock. Th ' fire started In th engine-room of th Dela ware. " ' "' - -. -Th crew wa railed -i to "fight "th flameaj bnt found them under such head way It was Impossible for a human being to. stay on th decks. The crew- was forced to, fie in lifeboats thence to the Colonla. - A -terrlflo wind caught - up burning smbers from tb Delaware and sent them toward other yachts anchored dangerously near. Th craw of Mr. Mor gan's Corsair wer called ' to ' quarters end ; word, sent to th engine-room to crowd on every poundof staam. " Slowly th yacht draw away . to iw Jlace of safety. .:.'..- - ' i-- , . . Th Colonla did not hav steam up and, was Unable to get a tow. .Finally th .Colonla also, became a - mass -of flame, th craw going over th two sides of the vesssl la small boat, v GRANDDAUGHTER OF .v-JEFF DAVIS TO MARRY u'-' - 1 i Jeaesal gpeetal Service.) Colorado Springs, Feb. 14. Th en gagement Is ( announced:' of Miss Lncy Hayes, the yousgest daughter of J. A. Hayes of this city,, and William Bev erly Rogers?- eon of William Beverly Roger of Baverly garrison, oa th Hud son, New Tork. Miss Hayes la a gran daughter of Jefferson Davis, th Con federate chief tain. -. Mr. Rogers I a grand san- of Hamilton Fish, who was secrstsry of stato, under General Grant. The. Hayes-Rogers marries will occur soorL Ths date bss not yet been set. OAUnrAX. SATOXAX (Jesesel Bseetal SerrWe ) Room, ; Feb. - 14. Cardinal". SatollC formerly apoeteJic delicate - kt Wash ington, who bss beea seriously til with bronchttia. suffered relapse today, Ills condition 1 setioua THE EVIDENCE. Fetzner. W. H. H. Wide. JOlin Ulffr - r . w . - py KMtt urw. . TestliMy In Court That Prisoners: AreiAd : vised to Flee. The Investigation Instituted by (Mu nicipal .Judg Hogue and Assistant- City Attorney Flugerald . into th cause of the escape of prisoners from th city rockpll gang revealed' a state of sf fairs that makesof th court a travesty and shows that certain police and detec tive officer bad advised prisoners to escspe. "for It would be easy under certain conditions," It was explained. Ouarda-Mallett and Hulme, la charge of th' rockpll gsng, wer brought Into court on subpoenas, and testified. They stated -that-Chief; Hunt had mad no effort. -fast as . they,-. knw. tOLre captur th prisoners. Th chief had not Investigated conditions at tb rock pll nd knew - nothing about affair there.- He made so investigation as to bow ..prisoners - escaped, and Issusd no Instructions as to' methods that should b sftffpted 1o'preyf"t nsfiSprtOi They, further testified that Detective H el Iyer had advised a prisoner, imme diately after sentence was pronounced, "to wait a day or so and then make a 'get-away,' for It was easy out at th rockpUe." t M , . . , It was showa that favoritism sends prisoners to the rockplle. Of fleer HeU yer, , who -1 not- Jailer, has - discretion aa to which prisoners shall be sent to th rockpll and which, shall be made "trusties. " . . ji . 1 . . Th tnvesUgation showed thai rarely ta a long-term prisoner sent to .the rockplle. H -is usually mad a "trusty." and . given partial freedom about ths station. No on could explain how. so many '"truUes". escaped. - - ,- -. t It was said. In sxpianauon or am freauent escapes that ths number of guards was Insufficient. There are two guards,' and ; rarely more than six - or eight prisoners. At th county rock oil there ars frequently le.ojtilO prls-. oners and tw . guart---The ar no scape from the county rocksue. . ' "A short time ago I was ffsrd, $S0 by a certain person If I would sgree te permit a prisoner to appeal Ills .ease, said Assistant City Attorney Fltxgerald. I refused, and th very next day that prisoner escaped. , Tin not casting in sinuations, but stst thl simply to show how - remarkable coincidence . occur . at tlmea''.-r-t . .i . When Ben Darwin. Who wa sentenced t six months' Imprisonment, escaped he went at one to see his rit and told her now ne goi swsy.- s .. n . . i "Did be com her to th station after hi money and th other article that wer -taken from him when- arrested 7" ssksd Judge Hogue. A bailiff waa sent to Investigate, and reported that the money was still ln'Uis custody of ths captain. However, It la asserted that Dwell wa sees la th vicinity of heed quarters on th dsy f hi escape. Th investigation iacloaed such a de plorable stat of affair that Mr. Fltx gerald advocated the abolishment if the rockplle, Judg Hogue, however, re fused t opnsent to this. " - "It Is nor my duty to arrange about th . rockpUe, aald . the court, "but U you guard ar - unabl to bold th prisoners that ar given to your car I will personally go before the council Land aaslst you la getting whatever help tht is needed.- f St Petersburg. Feb. 14. Genersl fv karoff reports -that ths Japanese i tacked Nsnehlnspo yesterday, bnt repulsed lesvlug many d 1 wour ROCKPILE ESCAPES Th Clrcultt'orf : : Of Th Journal " : Ytitwdty Wa PRICE FIVE CZrJTS.' r.- MMW AOimt.- UCOHO UUWUO. 'J. r , r g ' . , - . - : ;. - : - - - Score In Chicago Die "o! Cold, and' J09 Fires ; Add toSufiering .(Jesrsal B Dedal Berriee l- - Chlcsa-o. Feb. 14. Mora than ajtaraH i uve vi ciuiuren ana teem oia per sons hav been aacrlflced to the fa&rfut Cold . wave which holds Chlcee-n" In Itn grasp; -Th charity bureau has been ua-j auia u rviiev more inaa i per cent 01 iw cue ox oesiitutioa ana. ourxenng. - For the last 1 1 hours lh. tamrMratnr.' ua luie oiiy , urn aversgea - li . aegrees v,vw wru, kjmi anvwer a. J , at sero weather, mads more bitter by chllllng . uwuii m.t wv si ai&l except, thos who are forced to be abroad,' -n in. e nours ' more-ens rr ie Area hav called out th local department and. added to the misery of-tho-pewpec. r ------ ;v.m,.w . . . W odock this morning... It destroyed the uviei asrsvoon in ataaison street, lmper-i stsjtcnVthafthl8nnAr' t Tl n""H Soon, fllled wit h t amok nubin. tk.. cap of the guests very difficult. ; maayl of them barely reaching the street elsdj la night crothes,! took 'refuge. In-aearbyi uvieiB ana . arugaiores. in .lemperaturaw bcine from. t 10 - i Five firemen were injured, bya falllan wall, which also did lioooo h.. ..J the La Sail theatre. The fir tied -u the north aide' eaiila llnaa lr n - ,.. ' . , .IIWH" and of people frota. work, and th telJ vuum RunL.waa Bll - aarinnel n in rupted. Th loss to th hoUl buildiuir la tilsO.00.. . . - . ... . Ar.eurloua - featnra a t. . -l iu.i me A ouisiue, ox. ma... Dutidlng wa coated with lc from th streams ptayext upon It. whU j .th , interior -was still hurnlnar . . , T 1 i-inm , Diissara extends fromr th Ca-K nadlan nortliwMt Ia th. iit..k..i. I. . , . wLmviuew, reachln aouth fae tntn- ui.-.,.. . ..! Kentucky. Zero weather I general tall- .vuionn.1 iiiinvia,; Kven ia llOrtB'- ern Texas th cold la cauainv tockman. ' '. .. . . i i From Kansas. Nebraake. Wyoming com stories of fesrfull wsathr and-snormou loe of i stock' abroad and unsheltered, on th plains.! i", - Th coldest weather reported from Montana is, 41 degree below sero, in the northern part of the state, in Batt this iraerBiog hs Umperature" Is rlsln rapldly and betue conditions ar looked, for presently .. throughout tb mlddl west. - , .... ; . , . . . - , .... - The Ohio . end Mlealulnnl rt- their tributaries ar blocked by floating, lc endangering1 alt manner- of -craru' Lake Micblaaa ta full of lc naae ih. sbor. -iv , H.I rrua A m .. t V, ,.n...i : . v . , , - . . ... . u u n , tvM . - u)v tni.w 8tates.havs suffered severely. JTwenty! ' -W. W II. H.Wi drifts, chiefly la lansss and Colorado. many case passengers nave peen, or oay or more witaout Cr or rood.; TRAINS DELAYED, r T FtreatMt VBaaU iEsep Vy fsfwaat atg, ' L.i aaoout of Cold Veather. ' . r ;' , Extreme cold weather In MonUn and' th Dakota t'e Hot few day b! caused s i to trr'-n. ho I east Par J i DEATH IN ICY BLAST