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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1904)
THOlOCGONDAilA' JOURNAU 7,. PORTLAND , A DAY L YBK. . NOV ' : " ' " ; -'. !,.. v-f H ...ORESFROUBIiEiEORS TELEPHONE COMPANY ''; ,"" At the meeting of the city council to . Borrow afternoon Rev. James H. Slack, sastor of the St Franole Cathollo church la Eaat Portland, will introduce On ordl nanc to disfranchise the Pacific States P. t relephone company. " . r, ".:"'"';,. Thla moTtmrat had its Inception many months ago. but the matter has recently been brought to a climax through tha . itrlke . of tha .telephone , (Iris, during .which time poor servloe waa given.. -;u It la said that majority of, tha mem- . bora, of tha council have : already promised " their hearty, support, to the ' ordinance. Many are of the opinion that tha ordinance will be rushed through tha jouncll tomorrow afternoon, while ' ..-others think there will b enouxkr op - position to place it la the hands of a .committee, t t - , In speaking of the proposed ordinance Vhls afternoon Father .Black acknowl- idged that ha had prepared such a meeTTllnes alone outside of - the real estate. iu re and that he Intended to introduce It . t tt the council meeting tomorrow. : . He tlso stated that he aeoured pledges from V"; wore . than a majority, of the niembera Y-i. f the council to vote .tir favor of dls , franchising th telephone company. . :Tbla- la a matter which not only In- ":ASK1NC COURT -TODAY,-: :T0 RELEASE WALTON Circuit Judge Cteland Is bearing the . argument of counsel for the state and 'for Charles W. Walton this afternoon ; on. the motion to discharge the prisoner ffrora custody on the ground that he has never pleaded either io tha charge of .'murderously assaulting Policeman Net---eon or ef- folding up a street oar and , - robbing Conductor Emanuel Johnson. J The - boar was set for t o'clock by ..Judge George on motion of Deputy Pla--.trlct -Attorney Adams. , u Attorney St jRayner did not know the time would be set so early and arrived at the couuJ2.0O0 to gold. This caused, great ex- house In response - to a notincatlon 'shortly before noon.. . , -w.rr-.T ; v Affidavits were filed thla morning .by -, Bt. Rayner. : subaertbed to by : Deputy -- Clrcsll Clerk Marlon R. Johnson, to the .effect 'that the records do not show that .Walton ever entered a 'plea, -rr , v ARCHBISHOP ELDER ; - DIES AT CINCINNATI Jearaal tpeeUI Berrlee.) vi k ' Cincinnati. Nov. 1. Most Reverend . 7tlllara Henry Elder, archbishop of Cin cinnati. Is dead. . llm was 80 years of ' .age.' A severe attack ef grippe, from , which, he had sudered for tha past four f days. complicated with extreme weak ' v uses, was the causa of his death. '. ;k As peacefully and with aa 'beautiful a Xf,Hh as that in 'which ha had jvodH - ',- died. ' : . ''----.-''i-.. v- The funeral will be bald nxt Tuesday . ' 'morning at ; o'clock at fit Peter's i cathedral. Many Cathollo ' dignitaries "ii"Vwm "end... It la probable that Arch ie bishop Gibbons will deliver .the funeral - r oration. Archbishop Elder , was . born - ' March St, ltia, In Baltimore and waa '! - ordained priest March tt, 14, and De ' 'Hi' cember XL. !: becama archblshop if FRANK li MERRICK IS NEW PUBLICITY MAN v'. frank L. Merrick, 'who waa prominent '.' ..-la the press bureau of-the Bt Louis -'.' fair, baa been engaged by the Lewis 'and Clark ex position corporation to take " v ' charge of tha newspaper publicity de- ' ;'.-paHment of. tha project-Ha arrived .; "yesterday and has opened an 'office at 1 1 : headquarters, from which most-of the -'; ( Information concerning IBa big 'show - will come hereafter; ' - y - Mr. Merrick, In aceordanea Wlth-the . '' work.'he has performed for other ex . -- f posttlooa, ; will superintend tha compe j sltlon and mailing of reading matter . ' each week to g.000 different papers In -''r.the United States. Besides tha strict ? 'news ef tha show there will be many -..', 'Special descriptive srtlcles, fully 11 ' ;tustrmtsd.- .The press-bureau la regarded ' aa the very best meana of advertising. ? "and a denhlta policy -for Its guidance wl be adopted "by tha committee on V press and publicity at a meeting to be 'i. Ibeld tomorrow. .'..:-..-.... v 7 Mr. Merrick' - father was the late ' . Henry Merrick of the Washington Post. "All rlglM." said tbe Mills traderstatid yon want : ! io be ground Just rlItt or 1; Ihera will be trouble. 111 do my part and see that you are ttranulated, not pulverized, as you pass ' . tnrouilb me I itnow that coffee atround too fine t tMtea bitter. , Skip alonij and keep your date with tfeltle."-: . TP. Metblad ae whb GOLDS OATS ' t ,i CorrCS kat aatlsfacttoa. Ho; -,..'fJ seises ' aseaS-'W erssbry -' ' I Ml S Ik. eresta-tlshl tlaae ; .V . . Heves ftaMto j-,;-, , KatabUamoal Um1 Ceaejr fraviietsco'-"''';";.. teres ts rne but 'every property owner, said Father Black. ."I am large prop erty owner on tha east aide. Soma time ago the telephone company put Its poles la front Of say property without my per mission. -Iu franchise wis granted tha company by the fouiiuil luyrekentlng the people under 4he promise that tt. would give good service to the. people, ; under penalty of having Its franchise taken away. It has failed to keep Its agree meat for Its service nai been very1 poor for soma time paat. ' We tsan get hardly any service at aU and I thlnkr a pany which cannot give good service la not entitled to a franchise.. The matter may be taken' Into tha courts, where the question whether, or- not tha company la complying with Its agreement - will be settled. " - ,..: v. i.x. ; - 4 Tha telephone company owns and con trols a most valuable telephone system, Tha assessed valuation of the company's Is estimated at 1111.090. The real val uation of tha property, however. Is said to be $1,008,000. it - the company , la disfranchised tha plant of the company may, according to the franchise, be pur chased by tha city bat thla la vary un CHEST- 1N.-;-tv "AN OLD CHIMNEY v ' (Jearaal BpeeUl gerrlee.) " Napa, CaL, Nov. 1. To become 120.000 richer In a moment from a myaterloua quarter does not occur to every farmer, yet thla la what happened to K. 8. Jones, who - owns . a large . cherry - orchard - In Green valley. It miles from this city. Jones had some carpenters .at. work, on bis residence, and while ana-aged .la mak ing repairs to a chimney on the second floor, the workmen came across a secret receptacle in tha old-fashioned masonry. and In thla they found a chest containing dtement about the building. ' It baa .been stated that lesser sums haven, been . found coc coaled . about- the premises, amounting In all to ISO. 000, The ranch formerly belonged to. Captain. Granville Bwlft. a - veteran or the Mex ican war and a pioneer, dwelling In the old Sonoma valley aa early as 1841. He. pose eased a large fortune, out was ex ceedingly skeptical. aa to banking-and bankers and was In the habit of conceal ing; his money in secret places. The captain-waa thrown froo a horse and utiea ac tne- age ef TRAIN WRECK TURNS . WILCOX BACK HOME - Mr. and Mrs. T. 8. Wflcox of thts city had the- nerve-racking experience of be ing in tha fJorthern Paclflo wreck af LindV WaslL, ths other day. - Thsy had started east On. a pleasure trip, Intend ing to take in tha fair at Bt. Xxnils, but after tha accident. In which they both were badly shaken : np, without being severely hurt tha first train car ried them back to Portland. - , .i , , "We were somewhat unnerved.' said Mr. Wilcox, "by the shock and thought It beet to coma back home for a fresh start.' . v- ' ' .The work which. Mr. Wilcox la to do for ths .Lewis and Clark people at 8t Louis will not ' be delayed because ef his return. He will again start east, probably -with In a week.- ' BRANDS STORY AS . A "CAMPAIGN FAKE" (Jearaal gpaelat Scrriee.) . New TorkjNov. 1. Arthur Helnsa.. a brother of Sv-August Hsinss and a di rector In the United Copper company, said today that there la no truth la tha atory that a settlement of the copper fight has been effected, or thai John W. Oatea has bought out. tha Helnsa In terest. ; . ...'7- " He pronounced tha story a "campaign fake" or "market canard." gotten np for the purpose of selling Amalgamated stock. . SHOOTS HIS PARTNER AND KILLS HIMSELF . .....(Jearaal Sserlat Service.) ... ,.. Chicago, Nov. 1. Henry Hots today seriously wounded William Kupleman, shooting htm twk-e In the presence of the tatter's family. ' He then reloaded his re volver and killed himself. The two. men were owners and editors of the Cathollo Weekly and Quarreled over a division- of , the profits of the paper. fatally hurts wife and Takes own life (Journal Spertil Berrieat Chicago, Nov. 1. Mrs. Anna Bpelka Is dying ef a wound Inflicted by a termer husband, James Spalka, who committed suicide. Mrs. Bpalka secured a divorce and opened a rival butcher shop across ths street from ... her husbands The woman's prosperity at the expense of the husband resulted In the tragedy to- -' - ; BOOT SZST TO XOWA. ' (pedal Dlaeatrb ts The Journal.) ' La arande. Or., Nov.' I. -The body of Charles Webster, the man who killed James Chesser tn a row st'a logging camp near here Saturday, and then ahot himself, over a tt account was sent te Audubon, Iowa, today for burial. , His family resides there. Cheaser was burled tn La Grande thla afternoon. . .raowns wStxls xtnrmrs. . (Sseelal Dtapateh is The Jearaal.) Vancouver, B. C. Nov. l.--Jerry Ball and a companion went out shooting In a boat Punday In Ewens slough, nesr here. The bot waa ca pulsed and all ssnk and never came up. His companion swsm ashore. Ball leavea a family,- ' And now Great Britain asks a Thlhe- taa indemnity of nearly 14.001.000. To pay' a friendly Vlalt to A neighbor and then send him a bill for traveling eg- penses Is tare Insular thrifty . , DISCUSS PRC3LEH f VOMI nninoi oomsvoxAXi " 4no CZATZOV CLWBQOMB ROSin. 0' TooMrmmMmad- hatxji 9 xt i oajaoT r.ox.Trjr or qvm WOW fmitATB OATXTAfc.;,,- if"?! " , v - KArwIal Map Jearaal.) . 1 Pendleton, Oy, Nov, L If the federal government cannot or will not . solve tha irrigation problem In this region, nrlvate canltal can and wllk, This was tha keynote of an Important -oonferanoo held hare taat night In the plubrooms ol the Pendleton Commercial association. Delegates were -pressnt from VVaJU WallA Echo, Butter Creek and Pendleton.--Judge 8. A. Lowell presided. 'Addresses were given by H. CWlllls, Dr. M Gk Blaiock, Dr. C J. Smith, C C Berkeley. X. Johnson. J". . - Van Clave, Bert Huffman, a & Sampson, .Lee Teutscb and A..W. Nye. . .... v Tbe truth appears to be that tha eonr-4reaentatlvea of the federal . govern mant, who have examined and reported on tha various projects hereabout, have erred ' in adhering, too closely r to the technicalities' of Irrigation' -engineering, which have been stipulated by tha o fa cial of the Interior department The Investigation seems to have bean based upon-the assumption that tha govern ment aaa encourage and participate only la reservoir proleota. Whereas, accord ing te ha testimony Of the several ex perts 'who wore parties to tha Pendle ton conference, winter and spring flood Irrigation will reclaim i thousands - of acres f now arid lands and cause them to be transformed InU veritable gardea I spots. j t was tne nnai aeierminaiion ex ins conference that,' If the federal govern. meet ihall abandon tha work, meana devised by tha people hare so that tha lands may-be reclaimed. The first effort Is to ae to induce the gov ernment to aid tn tha execution of th plana, and, in tha event such aid la de nied, . then. : neighborhood ' associations will ba formed and local 'co-operation will accomplish the results. ' Dr. Blaiock, who la tha veteran Irriga tion and horticulture expert from Walla Walla, gava tha conference tha benefit of his vast experience through the paat 10 years. - Dr. Blaiock affirmed that he had demonstrated repeatedly-the value of. -winter irrigation, and gava detailed xaota pertinent tnereto. C C Berkeley, a civil engineer, as serted that past Pendleton flows; during three or four months of the winter and spring, 110,000 to 160,000 miners' Inches of water, sufficient to reclaim a vast area of arid lands adjacent to Psndle- Mr.. Huffman suggested ' tha 'collection- at data showing that winter lrrt gatloa has - actually reclaimed Urge areas of arid landa and the forwarding or suon oata to, wasnmgton' -Judge Lowell emphasised the neces sity of prompt action in delaying final reports by the federal engineers, : and also to ask investigation by tha agri cultural department, upon the request w m aeereiary-axtae . Intenoev It was determined.- upon the susses- tlon of Dr. Smith, to ask. United States Senators Mitchell, , Fulton.' Ankeny and Heyburn to meet here en Troute to Wash Ington, and convey the petition to tha federal government. . Tha Columbia Val ley Irrigation association will . meet soon and formulate tha request such meeting being decided .on tha motion of Huffman. ,y.,r .i v . ; t JEWISH RIOT, TRIALS ; i ARE ON AT GOMEL ' 1 '-(Jearaal Seeefa) eivles. - - -OomeL Bussia, Nov. 1. Ths trial of the persona charged with being respon sible for the Jewish Holts here In Sen tember, 10I, la In progress, eleven de fendants and II others are bains; held oa tbe same charge. - Tha government la attempting to prove the disorders, were in 'the nature of anti-Christian rlota and not of aa anti-Jewish character. It la as Bert ed tha riots were organised by the Jews to takS engeance for . tha Klahenay af fairs. - ..''' - FRANCE AND U. S. SIGN ARBITRATION TREATY . (Joaraal SseeUl Serrw. - Washington, Nov. 1. The- arbitration treaty between the United Statea and rranoe was Signed this afternoon by Secretary Hay and Ambassador Jusse- rsna. ; The convention follows tha lines rec ently concluded by tha treaty between Great Britain and franca, which pro vided for a permanent court of arbitra tion for tha settlement of ay disputes not settled by diplomacy, the treaty to ba in force for a period of five y vara TRUANT WIFE TAKES ALL BUT 35 CENTS ' - ' (Hpecal Dtupafea to The Jearsal) Helena, Mont., Nov. - 1. Mrs. . Peter Hornlck, her husband saya, not only dsserted him, but prior to hsr departure opened bia etrong box ana extractsa 14.000 In cash. When he awoke ha could find only 15 rents and her note, saying she- had decided to abaddon his fireside. Hornlck upon learning that hie wife had been driven to Great Falls by ' a young man. and waa understood to hsve left for Helena, swore out a warrant tor rher. charging grand larceny. Hornlck la a saloon-keeper at Belt. . Tha woman la about t-yesra- old. -. r TWELVE MEN ROBBED . BY TWO HIGHWAYMEN ', (Joaraal flpeelal Servtee.) .. Mattoon. I1U Nov. 1. Two highway men entered tha Peerless saloon here at an early hour this -morning and com pelled a dosen men to stand facing the wall while. thy relieved them, of prop erty, money , and -'- diamonds worth Tbe robbers escaped and nave aa xar. eluded capture, although - the . officers have a fairly good description, and ex pect to have them. In custody la a short time, ., .i ,iv i o avsTias, Seaaral StaS Thinks Xaropatkla Will Stand at Tta liar, ''''.'''.i y , Bt PeUraburgr Nov. 1-The general staff has expressed tbe belief that Gen eral Karopatkln Is preparing to retire from the Shakha rivar as soon as tha Japanese advance develop. They have no hope that the Russians will .be able to bold Mukden, but a determined stand t expected at Tls Ung. , , ..j ..-'J L 16ATI0N I T Mil II I U II II - I 1 I l MIS V 1 1 -V - II II I ' -v,m M ', ... III ...mii aisaaiiii,i 11,11 it ill ii.. ii-bi. II 111! -M I W II II II II M I I i I V ' V V , m. I Uba,.sT S " UHsS- M Ufa - We "w-e ; j.tow w' , v. ( wi ';.'C- Th innouncement of which .- H plainly howrOn ths ctiarscter, style,-fjuuty sna low j . . . Tiiiunnnnth nn nwoorn yve vouth. snd boys -HUNDREDS7 OP PERFECT FITTIIIO, CXYLISII LOOKING AND HAND TAILORED .SUITS. AT PLEASINO PRICED An Ls. j tcttaent' of high grsds goods sre hers forvyou to select frorr. W hsr no'latt j-rtr's ctrrover3, but s score of .the,; beat mskes in the country sir repKesented in: our msiLScer.t cu!v r.rrac-bcr. tSst this Drown Taar Sale Is for'the exprese ptrrpose or closing out. our reuu1 bu.::: j to ene:La the;swholeal - 'U;'buslness.Prices sre -slaughtered 'hers ca s:y - 'k .rx:K ' -v Buaucaa-'srf .a eu waumMM mis m .-.. - , - -rx.v ."-.'V- v .,:',.-;r';.'.-. t-s- r V .,';':. v.Ti..r, ,- ,'. s -s '. , '.1 ' -i M as AAA iJnnt kl9'-:''J?' I! -11- 'ilf ' ' 1 " 1 ' -'' I - $6.SO II all wo a$k for Men's $10 snd $1 FaU sndiWinter Sulu or. Overcoats, various shapes; styles, fabrics snd patterns on which the vogue has set its teal You weald have paid 25 per cent i. more elsewhere on the origins! price. " v . - Gives you your choice of Men. Fine" $11 Suits,' Overcoats snd Cravenettes, Jt includes Rain Costs snd Winter OvercoaU, as welt-si Suits. All the styles, fabrics and colorings sffected by, careful dressers everywhere. - An offer not well for you to slight. Two Snaps In I ; CLOTHING ; rW'wUl-selV hundreds of Boyr Knea PanU Suits ta double breasted, Norfolk - and .Novelty styles, also Overcoats, at tha : eboioe ror - - - We will sell. Jiund reds of Boys. I0.B0. IT and 17.80 Knee Pent. Salts, Io doubls-brsaated. Norfolk rand Novelty tyles; Ovaraoatg of eame value oholoe for iX-st ' ;' Mail we su - dan promptly aaS gaaraatea parfeeO ft faad the aaaerfmny. as a trial. Otva .ft '. An Ctrs JAPANESE BELL HOPS t FOR PORTLAND HOTEL Japanese ' baU" ooys-wara -kgam im- s tailed in tha Hotel - Portland this morning. - Manager Bowers employed Japs la this capacity some time ago, out tha innovation waa found unaatlafaotory and1 he returned to tha American "bell hops." But tha term of servloo oz tne Americas boy la ao uncertain that It keepa tha management busy bunting top litendanta of this class. On ths con trary, the Japanese are very industrious and do not make each rspia enanges in employment. - This time the Portland has retained a couple of America oeu boys, whose duties are to instruct tha Jananeae in tha arts of tha service. Mr. Bowers believes that with careful train ing tha Japs will grasp tha situation and make excellent bell boys. ; . '. " ': S ALLIANCE INVOLVES. ? S . $1,000,000 TRAFFIC ' - (Jearaal Special Servkw.) 4 New York. Nov. l.-A gignlfloaat traf- flc alliance has been made between the Union Paclflo and Chicago, "Milwaukee St. Paul railroads, by which tha two roads wlU exchange business at Kansas City, .thus - displacing .tha Chicago . m Alton, heretofore the Union Pacific's ehlsf connection at that point. Boms railroad men regard tha new ar rangement as a direct slap at the Rock tslaad, which lately got the aoatraot of the Alton away from Harrimaa. Others, however,. see In it one result of the ad vent of large Rockefeller Interests In the Union Paclflo. - William Rockefeller la now a director la both tha Union Paoifld and Bt. Paul roads. A passenger traffic of 11.000,000 a year la Involved In the deaL . y.-'-.v'-" ';-.'"-- ' r-axAsomA ncrmovrjrcr. 1 " ' ; t,riiSiJ. -. e (Jeenul gsertal Sejrvlea.) " New York. Nov.. :' L -Takahlra, the Japaaeaa minister, is Improving rapidly today after aa operation for appendi citis. :. OOXXIDS.- JA-.- 'VJasrsat pHl M-rl. ' . Sanv francisoo, Nov,- 1-A freight and work? train collided at Tamarae, a small station In tha Sierras last night. and.W. W. Taylor; a fireman, was seriously In jured, r;.. . -, ' v -1 ' ' ' ' "' " ' ""' '' 1 VSSUTIUS SOTXTS. '. . , ' 7 - (Josrnat gpeelU Berries.) J.z-ii '" Naples.' Nov. 1. VeesvluO Is again showing signs of activity. -Tha crater la emitting dense columns of dust - ..,..,. .11 ' , -U-LiflB DC. GUSH'S ', t "S IMPROVED V 4 a irr-n fte s . ' ONLY ONKrOR A OOSS it ,'" OURRHSAOAONS - : ' :!.$ -by removing the cause . . OURB BIUOUSNSSS , - . by siding digestion y' ' U '.-' Tunning tfioUood ' IEJT Pill ON EARTH i -" soLS tr ALt, BsoaorsTS. oa t gfun, on aaoairi or ratoa. ssa, rmi nog . i fe(MO MAMS POR PRIR eAMPLS BOX DR. SOSANKO C0 HIUOaXPHIA, f A. 0. S. A. $2,501 will be xnfiSe Friday in our sd. MEIV3 and WOMEN'S MEN'S SHOES - : Men's fine !. Shoes on gala' Cf 50;, per pair ........ It pairs of Men's atra ojiallty Shoes , that are worth l and . 2.50 pair, at ...... ......-""', 110 pairs Metal C of Men's 1 bo and jt oim Calf Bluchey Shoes oa 2.85 it, pair ,.m.v",w; ale at, pair WOMEN'S SHOES U Wo place on sale sevarai styles of dies' It and II..0 Bhoea. recent ar--. rlvela. In all the latest modelsPat-, ant Kid, Patent Coltskin, French Calf and Viol Kid at tha choice, C2.50 r, per pair Wa place on sals Oil pairs of Ladles' VjlfJT- and Viol Kid - Shoes, turn and wait aoleo, at. - ; $1.75 per pair ,....... . We'll sell i our tdle'y - J- Vict Kid Bhoea and Calfskin Shoes, with sztensloa or flexible , $1.50 ,'' aoiea,.at -,,,,.........wsf' ;-r: (The Msme Clothing . snd I it .9 tnT JTBX MT. Mft3BKftN SMS VA!kITl s U7iivi ,a-sa a iww s Stop Within Ten Steps of Our -Door. PATROOFtSTRAITSS BY BRITISH-SHIPS 't V;v-v'', .; ........ :'1:-r (Joaraal SseeUl SerrlM.) t;'' ' Olbraltar. Nor. 1. The channel and Mediterranean fleets and torpedo boat flotilla weighed anohor and steamed slowly to and fro holding positions. -. But tha moat alarming event of the' day eame shortly after noon whem-tae Britlah fleet suddenly cleared for action, strip ping to clean fighting trim and appar ently with the xpectatlon of serious work sntly with the expectation ot serious work wlthln-ar short time. - While observers on the shors noted these rapid changes, a gun- boomed out from the flagabip aa a signal for all officers . to - "board ship," sad there await orders,' . . -' :- . Despite this activity, tha fleet , re mained In harbor for a great portion of the afternoon. - evidently expecting in structions from London. ; That orders have bean Issued that under no circum stances ehall Rojestvsnsky ba allowed to pass, cannot ba doubted. In view of the fact that tha Isls, Boomerang and Rlngarooma left- later ia the day with the torpedo-boat flotilla, to patrol tha straits of Gibraltar.) . . 1. CHANCE ESTATEiCOES . TO HIS CHILDREN Th wnr ortloorre H." Ing of an aetata, aggregating 111.100 In value, was filed for probate " In ' tha county court thl lBOfnlng. " Tha Usta taydlrecta that aa aanulty he paid his Invalid daughter. Sarah EL Chance. Tha residua of tha aetata Is divided among. other children. - -. i, - Benjamin Roop's will - waa aleo filed for probata. Three of bla children are allowed only 11 each oa account - of having been provided f6r previously by the wlU of their mother. After direct ing that an outlawed bill of 1200 he paid Albert Morgan, a son-in-law, the testament provides that tha remainder of the estate shall go to two daugh ters. :,-t ..: J,- :-..,,"' - -.. .'1 ' - II PROHIBITIOHISTSJO -r-CATHER AT-rYrHL t-A. : Prohibitionists will ssther this even Ing In the Y. MHX A. auditorium.'. The meeting will be held ander the . Joint supervision of the. -.County Prohibition committee and the iMpltnomah prohibi tion alllanca.Jrhe two principal speak era of tha evening wlU be Rev. E. Nelson Alien, of the Cumberland Presbvtetian church, and Rev. J. W. Brougher, of the First Bsptlst church. ' County Chairman B.'Loa Paget will preside and deliver the opening address. The -Other speakers will be Rv. H. VBhafer. of tha United Brethren church, and Rev. F. B. Short of tha First M. EV church. Arthur P. Johnson will render a vocal solo or two. , r ; FOVHSBT OOMVAMT CXOBSS. J ' ' Jefferson villa. Ind., Nov. 1. The local plant of tha American Car and1 Foundry oompany , was alosed today for an In definite period.'' About 100 men ere mad t Idle by the shut down. ; -:'.. , ; - i ' . TmAJfKBQrTCTS rOCI.AATTO. Washington, Nov. - l.--Ths president today Issued his annual Thanksgiving proclamation for '- - Thursday, Novem ber 1 4. ',. . ' ..s i -ccncnw o uuo us .""rvj-. ::i r .: -J. -Illrh cists elothlnx lot Is all we ssIk for choice .of Men's SwljCnTtercdSuita' Overcoats and Cravenettes .worth $12 and $15. A bargain that wont jrerasin long. L-Those who come first get pick; and s snap - it wiU be for them.' .There's too few to last long. For choke 'of Men's Nobby $20 snd ' $22.50 Suits, Rsin Costs snd Winter Overcoats. Hundreds to select from, in 'sll the ityles and in sll the weaves, patterns snd colors In vogue. - Dol- s i V :lars saved for Men's HaTs; ft dosen Men's dew-fall Shape I stiff and soft Hats the cream of the Dre.- ent season a styles all ' lect to your choice now all sub- tl AC ow for. ,9l0?h 10 dosen Men's IS.B0 and stiff and soft Hats thr present season's high . est and moat approved . shapes h blaeka snd colors your Kft ebolee for .T.......''" We al place an aWle our own .brand -. of IS stiff and aoft Hats tbe best-iu. S'j . America au ins .. newest iinui in 'price. , .... -TJVy-, ::URNisHiNds;t Good Stiff-bosom Bhtrts of a.ualltr--, . sells from 0o to (It oar . . OKr prio . . Soft-bosom II and 111 style a shirt ; goo-enough to-wear any plae ajx. - by any man , .. w.. . ........... ' Chotoe of soft and golf LI0 hc- ru,,-- nsiv Several styles of 0o and 11 Cn-f It. derwear at, garment Natural, all-gray 11.11 Under-. . wear, a sensible garment that 14 TK "unequalM. for ............."..."" The very nnest ausiruian in ma wen very finest Australian in tha well own Roots max a. In all col- C IE A worth. 11.60 .....,,....w'i'V .... know ore, Chicago : Shoe Stores.)' ifi'tx?r . wwww. '; ; Trsrers to AU Parts SITE IS GIVEN FOR ; FRATERNAL TEMPLE t A site has been' scoured" by the Lewis and Clark Fraternal Building associa tion for tha fraternal temple which will be erected on tha fair grounds. A strip 110 by liO feet, adjoining tha ground on which will ba the Massachusetts build ing, baa been awarded the association by the .fair directors. It Is one of the best building sites la ths grounds, being on aa elevation that commands aa ex cellent view. ' '' ' . . At tha meeting of 'the association, which will be held next Monday Even ing, tha stock certifies tee will be ready for distribution. . Then ths active work of canvassing for funds will be sin. it -is expected that at least $60 wHI ba sub scribed by each subordinate lodge and a much -i larger sum by each of the state and national organisations. .... : SOaphajtaas fcamsel Brtvero. 4 -,. From St Nicholas, rf; V:, ' Any one who thinks tha elephant a alow, clumsy beast would have cauae to change bla opinion on- Seeing him at work along tha rivers of northern Slam. - Tha rainyaeaaon, ' which begins - in XprilTln the time when the teak logs, cut during the dry season in the forests llllitlliiiliiliiiiiiliiA FOR. EVERY BOY AND GIRL HOVY tO In ovary sack of OLYMPTC Patent Flour and package at Pancake Flour, Cake and Pastry Flour and Wheat Hearts will ba found one Olympic Vne-ia Picture. Sara a lull Uncancelled set numbered from one to nine 2 of theee pictures end Vresent them MILtUS fjo at lit Biara, Btreet, ana prises t THE PRIZES "Tjnoyaar's -r subsettptlon to . ' Yottth's Compsnion. a? -t. 'tt.nAiiiiTitlT . Dresa4Ml - i Blsnus J -'.-Doll. standing It Inches high. 2 ' .. Talks and opens and shuts Its '.( . yea, " - ' Choice. Of any now book of flor . - tlon. . ; ' , ' One Lewis and Clark Soutenlr Dollar. r '.-.' - ; One years , aubacHption to A-jac-lnti ai-tfc, ill Ask Your Grocer About It The Portland Flouring Mills Co J BTTTTTfffwyfy?TyTviyy?yf r - V '-J j'j'' you--aoiiar8 . josi to us. in - We offer- nundreda' of Youths II Suite and'Overcoata, cut In all the moat approved models. . in- wide range of . fabrics colors and 'pat tarns; slses 18 to 10, at the '-- choice, of them alitor'.--. $535 . t-.ii; . . .!.. :i i Wa submit ta your select Idn ban. dreda of Touths superlatively alo gant tK.BO and IIS Suits and Over coats. In thr widest range of fash ionable weaves, - in - all the I new models; "slses - II . to 20v at. tha '.v, , - J'choloa.for- ; .',.'.. .'.J . -. .v - -r . , -T.tJ; -. $10.50 Wholesale MM SU fc for S slagls gar- or a fcaaared .1 - at a momaaVs ao tieev7' We aoUoM ywag traaa, ..-. of the City.'. m about the turner -water of the Menam " " i rl very are floated down to Rah an g, where they are caught and rafted to Bangkok. Inatead of red-shir ted,1 splks - shoed "river drivers", such aa handle tha legs . In their down stream journey" to- the sawmills oa tha Penobscot and Kenne bec In Mains, tha "Iwmaer driving" of .4. tha Siamese rivers" is dons . by bare footed, half-naked man on elephants," and tha "bone" labor and much of thov thinking; involved,: In ths1 operation are ; dona by tha elephants. '. ; t 'Vi -':viV;; :. eHsls-aa. Ooadnovora fog' Oaaatky. Rutland, Yt. Correepondenca It T. Sun. '."- -Fourteen Rutland young women acted as conductors on tha eara-4of. tha Rut- land Btreet Railway Com pany for tha -aak of charity in, connection with the annual fall festival of tha Rutland Mia- - sionary association ror tns oeneni or tne :v Old Ladles noma They were allowed r, , by the street railway company to re- ; tainf all they took in ever tha awarage , dayfa receipts. One citlsen gave 1100 for riding a few - yards. Several thousand . ' dollars ware cleared. , ., . v : . ; Daiiclnf School. : Professor Eaton opened big dancing class Monday. October . and will con tinue Monday and Thursday evenings for six months. Gentlemen 111, ladlsa IS. Arlon hall. Second and Oak. Thone West. 111. ....'.'.;-.- '-.' ' . AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASAASi CStt Ota: W- M:.-f."t to THE PORTLAND FLOUR I Na your uuoioe a nw iuiiuwiui VE GIVE: ---Ladles' kome Journal. Ons Spalding Rugby Special - - Football.' ' A '".",', One - Spalding Special - League Mask. - . ",-" One Spalding. Official Le&guo BasebalU . ' , - ' ' One Spalding Baseball Glovo or .v-MIt . -4i . One. Spalding Baaeball- Bat. ' ' V PATENT FAMILY FLOUR PAKCAXE acU2 . r CAXe AND PASTRY FLOUR t WuEAT ClSTS ; v iffi ? tttf i iff vTvyfy?fyyTU SI k J I i 4f' :