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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1904)
( G c rr , , . Tonight end Timliy, anwtheciy wind, VOL." HI.' NO. 906. BURIED BY COLLAPSE , Twenty Persons Co Down 'y In Ruins of a Memphis . ;Z Structure.; ' ? CAUSED BY EXCAVATION . - , .... .... .. Three" Mci Have Remarkable Escapes ' from Death afld. Escape Hull- jBreo-f ate ef Haqr.Vfe- tlms ta DoobL : . " (TMTWl feed! SSrrlW.) , . ' Hempala, Tenn.. Oct. II With a re nouadiag nut ul without preliminary eettllng ta give warning to tha eoeu peata, the Boyla building, en upper Msip , etrect to this atty, oollapeed at 1:49 f 0010(41 thla moraine burying those wltfala It tna huge heap of Aobrla. It la koHarod that atdaaat M paraoea wara to tb halldlnr (Um Urn ot tho eroah and at noon mit xnanjMd haan ra noH, all nora or leao Injarad. What , fata ovartook th othara" 'wUI sot ba - kaowa nntU lata thta araalnc by whloh tlBM tha sraatar aart of tha dtbrla will hava boon Marched. It la probable, howarar, that aavaral daya will jriapaa Datura fun aaaroh will ba aoaqtlatad. Tha building waa on of tha old land narka of Mamphla and waa for joara knows aa tha Bolmltar bulldlna-. tt hav . lnr baan aeouplad by that aewapapar ' until its now buUdlna; waa araotad. Slnpa than tha lowar floor baa baan oeevplod by tha Conuaaatal SaTlnsa bank and tha uppor two atorlaa darotad to anleaa. and amaltar tanaata. - : An aBeavatton hac baaar to praar for tha T aa Traat eompanya nky- , aorapar by tha aid of tha buUdhv whloh eollapaod. Truatinf to tha hoavy clay which -coram tha rivar bajft. but lima attmpt waa mada to atay "tha bulMloa adJoln!na Thara had baan no ' aiTlng -way noticed In tha ambanknant. Tba Boyla buUdlBv whan tt ooUapaod. ' fairly fall ovar Into tha bin kola and boonma a maaa of broken hrldr Untbar and mortar, c . Tbraa of tha naay raawyad wara aa 'tlraly uninjured, harlnc had a moat ra- inarkabia aacapa, They wara oarrled wlth tha f alii oa ttmbara Into tna asoa- vatlon, bat a aaotlon oT"- upper floor . heajna bacama wadsed ebove them Id auch. a shape ma to form a perfaet truaa, protaotta( rhem aonplataly from the ton of amahlas walcbt abova., .;, ' Vana af Mka ratollr Kmvt, t rfoha of tha l taken out waa fatally ltnrt, but T. D. 1C chaan, prealdant of tha bank, waa brulaod and Injarad ln tamally anttl whan removed aa wan do llrloua from tho ahock. Caahlar Hanoohaburd had hta rlfht laa; broken la two plaeea and hla neat ruahofl untn ft waa flat. John Flachar, a tailor whoaa ah op waa M tha top uoor, waa badly Injured. A man in hla amploy waa tha only man In tha bulldlna who aaoapad when tha bulldlna started to falL Ha waa on the lower floor within ranch of tha ontranoa. ' Immediately after tha eatlapaa tha po lios and flra departxnente wera on .tha nene, and assisted by hundreds of vol unteers, bearan tha endeavor to save tha llvas Of thoso In tna ruins. Fortiinately there wara no Is borers in tha excavation, , otherwise tha disaster mlht have baan attended with treater fetalltles. Tha bank offlelala aoujrht aafety (n tha vaolU whan tha bulldlna: eollapaad. bat the vault In part anva way. In ad dition to tba tailor shop an tba third floor wara many atoeplns; apartments, but nana of these are, believed to have ' bean ocoupled. At tha rear and of tha bunding waa a ami II buffet saloon and tha naaro porter employed them m believed to ba among those burled. SAYS HE WON BOGUS CHECK AT POKER (IbwehJ Weratra lbs JaaraaL) - Pomeroy. Waah., Oet, tl-DaU Qulsfo, atranaer, waa arrested here yesterday for attempting to pass a bogna oheok for He asserts ha got K from B. 9. Boa waU and says that ha won It at poker. (asartal Dlspitea W The fearasL) lfoaoow. Ida., Oct SI. B. N. Brown, managar of tha Clearwater Lumber eom poiiy. waa thrown from hla horse In a mea and probably fatally injured yea- terday. Ills foot waa erushed. the flesh torn from tha bono of hta lag an hla hand Injured. BETS. HIS $600,000 MINE ON ELECTION ' 7earssl svprls Swvlte.) Waahlngton, Oct tl According to a waatara man, tha hugaat election bat af tha earn paten wan- recently mada at Silver City, R at, between T. C Place, general managar of a mining company in Grant aouaty, and Cbariee M. Shannon, proprietor of a newspaper at Silver City. Plan bet a gold mill recently erected that cost $46,000, mines and other prop- arty. Including i ihwwi CUTOFF IF Harry ' Thaw , Faces Re duction of Yearly In f come to $2,500. : : .r. HE GETS $80,00( riOW If Millionaire's Heir Caniot, Prove That He, Has Rot Harried Cborn r Jlrl Family Will JMuce -, V . Allowance. ; f-, tfoaraal apMtal servhje.) . Ptttsburr. Pa,, Oct. tl -Harry Thaw w coming noma from BnaijuuL Vnlass ha shows the family that ha haa not mar Had Bvalla Neeblt, be will find Ma In come redueed from M.0o a rear to 12,600. 1 - " Old Thaw did not Ilka the, war Barry out Op avveral Tears ago and when Ma win waa opened It waa found -that ha hadout Harry off with ft.tot a year un til ba should become 2t rears of aga. lira. Thaw pleaded successfully with tha rest of tho family to acres ta alls Harry to have SM.Oot each year. But hla wadding alllanoa with fivalln NaaMt, a chorus girl, has been too much. Harry has bean ordered noma wtthoot Bralln. If ba falls to show that there la no foundation for tha tales coming that ha -married hftaa KasMt. Harry wlU get tha fatted calf elsewhere than In tba Thaw ' boms. Tha family havs found that tba eonaanjt they gava to Harry's getting tho full share of hla Income m deflnaos of his father's wtll. can ba wHh draw and Harry may ba raduoed to l baggnrly 3,S0 ysarly. ' BLISS AND DODGE- ' ELECIE5iCCTKS ' Tha dlreetera af tha Portmnd Baseball company bald a special meeting to' tba offloa of Prealdant Bly today at noon, and elected Walter B. Bliss and WllUam H. Dodge aa directors to anooaad O. p. Bwlgert and Edward Lyona, who resigned from tba directorate last week. Tha di rectors present wars Ban -Bly. -J. - P. Richards and W. Fred Sty, who arrived from Pasadena, Cat. last evening. After stating tha object of tha maattng. tha realgnatlons of Mr. Bwlgert and Mr. Lyona wera aoospted, and their snooes sore elected unanimously.- Tha new directors are well known lo- oally and are experts m baaebalL ' Both Mr. Bliss and Mr. Dodge stated that they wera glad to become Interested la baas- bail for the lore of the sport, and would do all .In their power to asslsr In 'securing a winning team, and first-class baseball for Portland. President Bly stated that the new dlraetora wera elected ao that tha business of tha slab aould be properly conducted, as there are many matters that are In need of adjustment before BODY OF MATE FOUND ; IN BAY AT TACOMA '-- (Special THepeam at lbs Jenrasl.) Tacoraa. Wash-. Oct. 11. Tha body of tha first mate of tha salting ship St Frances, B. ML Nordberg, waa found to tha bay thta mornUig, probably mur dered by a blow oa tha head by a blunt Instrument Tha coroner la Investigat ing. Nordberg waa onoe oonneoted with tha old Taeoma mllL - Ha waa last aeon taking tha steamer Flyer for Seattle Saturday e renins;. Nordberg waa onoe commander of tha steam schooner Charles Nelson, and also of tha Blue Jacket and Dashing Ware SCHOOLBOY BREAKS f BACK WHILE AT PLAY (Masrisl Inspateh la The JonmaLI Princeton. Ida.. Oct. II. Herbert Hawkins, aged T, while playing boras at school Friday, feU and broke hla back la two piaoan. .Ha dtod noon after at a hos pital. Tha boya mother la fa euoh critical condition that aha cannot ba Informed of bar aon'e aeoldent and death. ,- nlfUOfl O PBABOmr. .: npeetal msasteb The Jearaal. Helena, . Mont, . Oet II. Ooveraor Tools of Montana aays that be will not honor requlsltlona from Governor Pea body of Colorado until ha la satisfied that tha courts of that state are aot ruled by tha militia. Roosevelt against urge eoppef mines and buildings at Clifton, "put up" by Shannon. It was necessary that pspers ba made out In escrow. The property at Clifton represented by Shannon la valued at 100.000, the present owner having refused 1400.000. Tha property staked an the Republican candidate la In Ana condition, and said to ba producing regular monthly ship ments of gold bullion. Shannon held an afSolal noaiuoa and as aen-ateaeV WEDDED PORTLAND,. OREGON, MONDAY EVENINO. ARTILLERY DUEL MAY FORETELL BIG GKNTJUaT sttTROPATKrir A WD UM 1 TKAKCsl OJT XUM TOMBS OF T RUNAWAY WHOLE? FAMILY fflpselal Msath to Tbs esrsl. " Cheney, WaatL. Oet 11 In a runaway hers yesterday Mra. James Dlgman had two ribs broken and received Internal Injuries, her eldest daughter had an ankle wrenched- a tooth knocked out and lips badly out, an 11-year-old girl received a scalp wound and had her face bruised. Mra Dtgmaa'a husband sustained a fracture af the left leg be low tha knee, a tittle Burbank girl re ceived a smashed shbuldsr- and severe OFFICER STOPPED BY . "BUBBLER'S" DOG GUN 1 - ' XJearaal gseslsl aerrtee.) Mew York. Oet 11. A speeding auto- moblllat used an "ammonia gun," such as are used on dogs, on Bike Policeman Debbeo on Fifth avenue. It gave the policeman hla quietus. Debbea waa at Twenty-third street and Fifth avenue, whea an automobile 'ohot by -him' It held two men and two women, who yelled In merriment at the efforts of, pedestrians and drivers to get out' of the way. Debbea started after them. In 10 blocks ba got abreast Debbea waa In a fair way of eutttng off the auto whan out oame the. deadly ammonia gun, 'In the hands of one of the women, whose aim was sura The po licemen's eyes were abut, hta breath atopped, hla wheel hit tha curb and Debbea shot on 10 feet ahead and at rock In a heap. Tha automntol lists dashed on laughing gleefully. Debbea want to tha police station a wreck. , LIFE OF STUBBS IS TWICE JEOPARIZED (Psesnl Nspstta Is The 7nrssl. Taeoma, Wash.. Oot II. Fred It Stubbe, tha youthful soldier of Com pany K. Nineteenth United States in fantry, who shot and killed private Themes C Vandtver, of the same com pany, la to ba tried ror nia lire again. Stubbe killed Vandlver during a quarrel at tha American Lake encampment July t. 1 Ha waa given a hearing before a fury In tha superior court In Taeoma and ac quitted. Tuesday, at Vancouver bar racka, Stubbe must appear before a court mart l ul to answer for hta act If found guilty tt la within the province of tha eourtmartlal to order Stubbe ebot NAN PATTERSON MAY - BE PROVED INNOCENT : JeerLl special Berries.) Nsw Yerk, Oot II. The Press says: Tt la extremely probable that the Inno cence of Nan Patterson, who la accused of shooting Caesar Young, may be proved In the next 14 honra. Newa haa eem h that two young men, who are among ths It ret eltlsens of their communities .end are well known in buetasaa. aaw . the turfman kill himself. Only the exigency of legal detail With holde the emphatic anncunosmsat, that the actress to InaooanC OCTOBER , gTAFT TX?TTWa ftfstAW THnt Blf- HE MANOHV -JUNOA, AT sfUIUMUR. HURTS concussion af the brain? ' All wara re moved to Spokane hospital. They ail wara In ana wagon going down hill when tha tongue dropped from tba neck yoke. Tha- grade- waa rather ateep and tha sudden dropping of tha tongue Tram tho neckrok eauaed tha wagon to ahobt forward against tha team, which immediately took fright - Tha brekea failed to held and aa tba bottom- at tho hill waa n eared they awerved suddenly. throwing tha oooupanta In all direc tion- i It la thought all will recover. DOWIE'S ZION IS TO BUILD NEW TEMPLE tfoaraal saeebJ servlee.) - Chicago, Oet 1 1. Tomorrow ta to be a great day at DowlCg Zlon City. The entire population will suspend pork and attend- the ceremonies which will ao oompany the breaking, of ground for the new tabernacle, which ta to ooat 000. 000 and acooaunodata . 10,004) persona Tha const ruction will provide employment for ail men la 2km City not working to tha rectories. The original plana of Dr. Dowle In re gard ta - tha tabernacle have bean ohanged. - He bad Intended to build a steel, structure, bat will una cement gravel and atone, -and . eonetderable marble Instead. One of tha features of the temple will ba a tower ltd feet high It ta expected to have the structure completed In a year and a half. While It haa been generally believed that the new temple was to be the - permanent Bjace of werahlp far Zlon. Dr. Dowle now announces that after five or six yearn K would ba donverted into a ael lega building. By that time Dowle be lieves he wttt have erected another accommodate 10.000 peruana. ONE KILLED AND TWO INJURED IN HECLA (flseeui JMspatsb t The feuraaL) ' Bnrke, Ida., Oct II. John Anderson was Instantly killed, John Peterson fa tally Injured and W. B. Ousee slightly injured In. an explosion at tha Heola mine sear here Saturday. Tha mine re drilled Into a missed hole Anderson's abdomen and oh est were torn open, hla ayoa torn from their nocketa and hla faee blackened with powder. Both af Peterson's ayea were destroyed and hla face shot to pieces. Hs cannot live. Thla to tha Orrt fatal accident to ooeur in tha Heola mine in four years. srusBAjrB Ajra wm btiumbw ' " rnperial Mssstea Is Ths Jew ml.) Virginia City, Mont- Oct II. The dead bodies of Jesse Arraltage and hla wlfa were -found beside ths road near their farm thla morning. They had evi dently been thrown from buggy to a runaway laet night IflpeMal Dbtsat s Ta JsarmL) RHsvLUe. Wash.. Oct 11. Mlsa Augusta Ruahmeyer, an employ of a laundry, had both handa badly burned and bruised la a mangle aWturday. . 1904 FOURTEEN PAGES. v 4 BATTLE ' - -r Japanese Are Believed to '. Be Preparing for a General Advance. -i OYAMA GETS MORE MEN Karopatkli Believes That H Attempt VIII Be Make by Kurokl tt ' Swlol Roand His Easteri 1 (JeereU. laeHl lervW.) Berlin, Oct II. (Bulletin.) Frank tourter Seltung baa a dispatch from T and era which states that tha officers of tba Baltic fleet there admit that while coming to Tanglera they shelled a British oolller which waa carrying no light. The result af tba shelling la net known tfoaraal Biirlil aarrlei.) fHbraltar, Oct U. ( Bulletin. V-The Miiah tmM 1mm nbnrf tn -nairnl the straits and Intercept aM British eol Itesa and bring them a re. Tna neat naa also beam ordered to eeoort tha mail tfesraal ases1al Sarvtas.) Mukden. Oct II A heavy artillery duel haa been waged alnce yastarday afternoon an tba Russian Hriht and thla forenoon tha action became general along the front. Indicating tha an early resumption of the battle of tba snaana river may be .expected. It la believed here that thta artillery attack waa Intended to divert Kuro netkln'a attention, from hta eastern flank, but If ao It failed an particular effort la being mada in that direction to ward off what ta presumed will ba an offensive movement under Kurokl tn an attempt to flank tba Russian Ceraaa. '' PsBsniss Qroaa the Shakne, It la learned thla morning that great bodies of Japanese troop were aent across the Shakbe to the south and east of Mukden, and It ta also known that tho Japanese have within the past two daya received hoary relnforcemente of fresh man. t The Japanese thla morning began baa VT- bombardment on Lone Tree hill. The troops on the Russian enter are greatly rested and yeatsrday ta ao far aa that position waa ooncerned, waa a quiet one. . Blgh Attach An attack waa made on tba entrench ment north of Llnslepn last night but the Rnalans ewraeeded .In repulsing it. AU along tha wings of the army aa well aa at tha center tha enemies confront each other, la some plaeea tha trench ee are within a stone's throw of each other and conversations pan be plainly heard. Bharpehoottng and "'snipping" are the only signs af warfare In. those positions aa a rule, but each aide grimly awaits an attack. Ths operations bf today have switched Interest from tha Rualaa oenter to tha two nanka, Morlng Blwsra. There la a general movement of Japans troopo to the eastward. Moat of the men wba are going tn that direc tion are fresh levies, a large portion of them being from South Cheng Wang Cheng and many others are supposed to have come from For Arthur. Prisoners say that first taasrva men are arriving la numbers and predict for tha benefit of their captors that the Japanese will be la Mukden within a few days. Tha weather la moderate for thla time of the year. In the night time the mer cury usually . reaches Its lowest point at II dsgrasa Fahrenheit freeslng the puddle and roads until they are In- ex cellent condition. Tha troops are bet ter supplied with clothing and there la no suffering. Sanitary oondltlona are also excellent and there seems to be but little Blcfcnese. Tha wounded In tha Hos pitals here are rapidly recovering and there la no longer difficulty la earing for the Injured. Off oiMfoa am- ntedea to PXeJi Xarbev. , tfoaraal SseelBl Sarrlse.) ' Kagaaakt Oet II. A mine exploded hi Mojl harbor yeeerday while being oarrled aahore, badly damaging the steamer Dalnlchlyoda Mara, and killed or injured to of her craw. The mine waa found n eating yester day off Chefoo and the gunboat Tamato aent man to secure It In eome way untrnpwn tt waa discharged aa tt passed tha Dlaalohlyoda, Warning baa been Issued all merchantmen to keep a aharp lookout while traversing waters In that vicinity, aa many mtnea are reported to have broksa their moorings. FlwBflBw A FOBS ABTaTtrm. Brtoga Mows - - - - ifrMsf.' , - tfearaat ssslal bnin.) -Chefoo, Oct II. A ateamer arrhrtng from Nlurhwang reports having heard heavy firing at Port, Arthur last night and today, and It la believed that the general aaaault begun October It etlll oontlnuaa, af fngmsry lata London, Oot ll. Tha cabinet met thla afternoon to- eonsldrthe points of Inquiry into tha North sea affair, fioth- iCeatlnuad oa Page Two.) WM UaaSsOahs X0MeV Wtt Pmallsr Fetoto ca too TO REFUSE City Council . Inclined to Reject $20,000 Burrell 1 - n a ; Bequest T MIGHT SPOIL THE PLAZA Matter Will Be Settled Before Case Is Called for Final DecUoi It ' , Court oa Hext Saturday ; " Mornlo -VrX 'J " ' j ... . '' ' h ) White It to unusual for a municipality to refuse a legacy of 0.0O9, that seems exactly what tha city of Portland may do m the case of the bequest made It under the will of Mra. Rosa F. Burrell. Mayor Williams and several members af tbv ex ecutive board, are aald to be opposed to accepting the legacy under the terms Im posed that la. that the money be used to ereot n fountain In the Plana block for tha reason that they believe tt will re sult to one of the olfy'a "breathing spots" being defaced. Thla statement waa mada thla morning by Cltx Attorney McMary. He would not aay positively that the city would with draw its claim, but expressed a belief that auch will ba Its action. Ha said that the question will be definitely settled at a meeting of tha executive board, to ba held next Friday. Objections to the set tlement af the estate are to ba heard la tba county court next Saturday, by which time, it la expected, an amicable settle ment will have been made among alii the parties oonoerned. The various propositions m contro versy were to have been heard this morn- Ins by County Judge Webster. Attorney J. N. Teal roa to aoart however, and Informed the court that by stipulation of counsel tt had been agreed to postpone tha hearing until Saturday. .Attorney C. A. Doiph expressed himself aa set lined with this arrangement and City Attorney MoNary, who arrived after Attorney Teal bad departed, also acquiesced la the peat, ponement ' The city attorney explained the eondltten of affaire so far as the dtr Is concerned after ooart had adjourned. "Mayor Will lams and certain members of tha executive board,' be aald, "are arse ta receiving the It, 000 be- queethed tha municipality under tha pro vlsions of - Mrs. BurreU's will. - The money can be collected only for tho pur pose ot constructing a fountain in the Plana block. They believe that a foun tain there would Injure tha general ap pearance of tha block. I am not able to aay positively that the city will with draw Its claim tn tha legacy but believe that such will be' the case. "Tha executive board meets next Fri day, when the question will coma up for oonsMeratwn. At tha conclusion of that session I will be able to state ewinltely whether the city will withdraw Its claim. If such a course hi decided on. ft will be without reference to the alalma af other secondary legatees. It la known that tha settlement of claims against the aetata ta now In pro gress, with a good chance of amicable ar- ranaementa betas: mada all around. It ta expected, according to the statement af Walter F. Burrell. that other secondary legatees win withdraw thstr cleima. WEBSTER AND VICTIM : BURIED IN LA GRANDE . (apeetal Dsreatrft t The Jesrmt.) Im Orands, Or., Oct II. In the ease of Charles Webster and Jam Cbeeser. tha men who disputed In a logging camp Saturday algnt over a II account tbs laborer Webster kill rag the foreman and then killing himself, the coroner's Jury agreed that James Chesser came to hla death by a gunshot wound Inflicted by Chart ea Webster, and that Webster died by his own handa. Both bodies are now tn La ft rand for burtaL They wara unmarried middle aged men, PARKER TO SPEAK IN NEW YORK TONIGHT tfearml Speelsl tervtre.V Xaopua. R Y Ot II. Parker left for New York at noon today Tonight - at Madison Square Garden ba will deliver tha Brat of tha speeches with which he will close tha campaign, Mra. Parker and their daughter, Mrs. Hail, will ba present at the meeting tonight - He la billed for a speech at Jersey City Tuesday night and at Cooper Union hall Wednesday alght FOITAN YAQUI INDIANS KILL AMERICAN MINERS tfearxal special Barrio. Phoenix. Aria. Oct II. Dancing Ilka fiends about the body of their American victim, more than lot Taqul Indiana spent last alght , to revelry-and a war dance Just across tha United State boundary, near Douglas. They were fleeing before Colonel Koaterlltasky's picked troops of Mexican rural cavalry men, who routed them from a canyon near Magdalen after a pitched battle tn which a score of the savages was killed. Near Ague Prteta the Indiana found an Innocent American prospector and after killing him they danced a war dance about hla body ail aigatr ci as coca im Fcrurz? PRICE FIVE CENTS. T BY Three Boys Injured by Brutal Trick at North-western University. ; .; .'....v i I,. 1 ; t , PLUNGED IN ICY PATH Forced to Walk Blindfolded lito 30 Feet . of Water 7hei to Tram Bone ; Ib Wet Clothes Pneunonla : Vi " 'the BeulL 7 V'! tfearsal BperUl servlee.y ' ( Chicago Oct. Il.As tha reault af a basing In wblob . seven North western University freshman wera forced to walk blindfolded from aa Ice chute Into ee) feet of water la an old clay hole, three of the victims are la a serious condition and are - threatened with pneumonia, while tha othera are Just recovering. They were aelaed by a party of upper classmen Friday morning. - Tha young men were . paraded bare headed under a guard about the streets, then kept clone prisoners without food the whole day. At 10:10 o'clock that night they were again required to fall Into line and march through the center of the town, give college yells and clamber In and out of a fountain,, - , They were marched about tha principal streets until midnight then marched to South Bvaneton, to a deserted clay hot. Oa the aide of the clap bote stands soma old icehouses, and from the Bid of .one protrudes a chute extending aver the water about aet Ths fnshanen wera blindfolded, and Informed they wara about to die. ' One by one they wera'marehe up tha rickety ladder, then out - oa tha plank which terminated at the adga of the ten chute, A vigor one push hurled each- ta the water b lew. Altar etonibcrtng si of the ice water the freshmen wera com pelled ta walk hoses to their wet clotA CANADA TO EXCLUDE UNDESIRABLE CLASS fSseslsl ntspstsh ts The Jearssl) ' Vancouver, B. C, Oct II, All persong coming to Vancouver direct from Traae Pacific ports who may In any manner suffer from chronic dujeaaea. will hero 1 after be prevented from landing; Paup ers or people who are likely to become public charges will alee ba shut out, that la, they wlU- bp prevented front landing here If they oosne direct from any trana-Paclflo port It would appear, however, that tha aforementioned undesirable may enter Vancouver with perfect ahfety provided they cross the Pacific to.Puget Sound porta, Portland or San Francisco, and, then come by stsemer to Vancouver. Tha Dominion- government have appointed a general Immlgmtton agent la thla Mty, and the taw will be etrletly carried out. Such an Inspection aa tha agent hag been appointed to carry, oat la now an, forced by tha Dominion govern ores t oa the Atlantic seaboard and St Lawrence river points. The United States goveriaiiont also) enforces similar Inspection both on tha Atlantic and Pacific coasts and It cover) sll eoastlng vessels as well aa craft frona transoceanfo parts. SEALING SCHOONERS MAKE BIG CATCHES ' (ftpeelat Meysteh Ta Jbnrnat) -: Victoria. B. C. Oct II Two more oval tag achoonera have arrived from Behriog sea with good eatohea. Tha achooner Jessie brought 171 and the Victoria MS skins. They bring new that tha schooner Umbrtna, from here an October 1, had nearly 1.M0 skins and Setllah May had about 4M. The weather waa rough In the north and the Setllah May bad suffered somewhat, having porta af bar riaaing damaged. Tha hunters on tha returned seal erg pronoanoa tha eeeeon tha beat for years for seal, though rough weather latar farad with then work. , BAV AT (Jearssl Bperlat ssrvkml St Lou la. Mo,, Oct II. A urge parr) of visitors arrived from Cleveland. Ow. today to take part In the aslsbratkm of Cleveland day at tha exposition. Tha day wlU be celebrated tomorrow and the exercises will be held under the ausplsaa af tha Cleveland chamber of eommerea. . Kpeterlitaaky la again ea their trail and the governor of Artarma to eager to give assistance. It la probable the rmt States troops at Fort Huachuca Will b ordered to Jota the Mexican rursles to a war of eatermlnatioa of the red nw derera Kosteri1tashra men have all of the guilty Indian oa' a trial, and deport every 1 m to"" -ewd W- ej w" not give a sstlefferlery sccowt self. Great IndienaUoa la t. i outrageous murders of J and his son. American r eon. near HermnelUO. UtsraUy Sited "h lend -t HI HAZING