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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1904)
' S OOn EVENING. TldiXCUTICI -r " s gar. w i . -r - ;, -' j Tonight and Wdndy.' cloud, VU" v : ' v ' with showers; southerly wind, sc Tit a ;Anr i rromlrVN PRICE FIVE CENTS. id "V' v.:. ' ji r - - vW .. A. ' AAA v .' . ' :". J. f ' .l'. , V , . u BRITAIN 1MIJGWRK$ FOR 1 INSTANT ACTION .L. TtAAi nAAnn fnEt'LlllLl' i iiiii liiiiiiii nil ill it i i ji i . n . . - M w UlillV VIII Sheriff's Men .Clear Place . lifmployesC DEPUTY NOW IN CHARGE Courtj Will Have to Decide and Sberiffs Order Compels tlie Poolroom Men to Move ( . '' First- -- Bhertlt Word put th auletua on (an Wio In Fortluid at t o'clock thl aX , Urnoon bj cloainf Uio poolroom ' oon . ducted bjr" tho Warwick CommUilon companjr on Exturtb atreet near Aldor. Tb lUt under the ban now Includes faro, roulette, blackjack, crape and other Kamea carried on In a public rambling houae, poker, keno, money paying alot machines and the aellina; of poola on races, . ' Under, the direction of Under Sheriff Morden,- Deputies Dvwner. - Moreland, Cftrdono. Oruaal and Parrot walked Into the Warwick poolroom at 1 o'clock, fhla place la closed by order of the sheriff, aaW X'nder Bherltt Morden ts JUanarer M. O. Nsase, Ton can notify all the people preson except ins, opera -tors ts leave the bu (Idles; at once, or I will do so. Just as you par."' - u - "You have taken chart here," was the reaponae of Nsase. "and my orders Will have to be given by you,- , . The under sheriff, assisted by his deputies, then proceeded to clear the house. In a short time a crowd . of about 1,000 people had collected in front of the Dlaoa. Deputy BberMI Jjowney stood at the door and denied everybody admittance. Policeman John uuinton waa attracted by the immenee crowd and entered the poolroom, thinking a ftaht waa In progresa. Aa soon as h found the sheriffs representatives In charge he proceeded to. clear the Wide walk. He had a hard task, as the crowd vacated the sidewalk only to gather on the corners and In the street. . It was announced by Undersherlff Morden that Deputy SherlfP Parrott will be placed In charge of the pool room, which will not be allowed to re open. Other deputies will suocsed Par rott and one Will be kept there day and night until the right of th company to conduct a poolroom business Is deter mined In the courts. The raid was made. It Is said, without a warrant. Taos Arrested. The following, were placed under a reat: M. O. Nease. manager !-Joe Mar shall, cashier; Al Nelrasyer telegraph operator; Billy Humphreys, marker; J: N. Fleahman, M: 'I Degnen, J. EL Steph ens and J. C Culllson, clerks. P. P. Wood, the bartender, having nothing to do with the poolroom branch of th as tablishment waa not arrested. V.., All the money In the pool boxes about tl.SOO was held by Undersherlff Morden as evidence. Manager Msass protested, saying It was saloon monef. .The underuherlff retuaed to permit Nease to take the money, - . The policy of Sheriff Word will he to keep the place closed and throat th burden on the company by forolng It to take action at law In order to ra- open. Other who contemplated opening pool rooms are at sea on the proposition at present and will say nothing. IT R. Car son, manager of ths Orphsum, would not say whether or not he would, await th result in this case oerore trying to open a pool room. Harvey Dal also' refused to give any Information relative to th policy to he pursued by th Portland club. As no Informations have been filed asmlnst the poolroom operators th clr cult court has refused to accept ball. In consequence all th arrested men, szoept Manager Nease, have been confined m the county 'jail. It is a question whether or not Neass will also be Im prisoned. SCHWAB'S PROFITS ARE $8,000,000 (Jeafaal pedal Servtee.) New Tor. Nov. 1. It Is reported that th Wall atreet winnings of Charles M. Schwab In th stock market during th present year have been at least M.000, 000, and. elrcumstanoea corroborate the Statement H was on th street today busy selling stock. , Schwab' campaign began ia coffee, In which he cleaned up more than 11,000, 000, and ended ta Steel preferred. According to a report Herman lirikM, th great oftffee merchant ; of Broad Street had Sscwab as a market partner ta th celebrated bull (campaign last Winter. K. - - Slsiken. as bear, drwnd th bull IN RIOT Riisiafts Attempt to Mo bilize Troops Results iinlDisorder VERY MANY ARE KILLED Police Scot Oat fo Brin in Drafts In Odessa -r Knropatklo, Ejcpected .. to Fall. Back on Tie v ; " LlngPass.- ; t (Jooraal Special Servtee.) ... ' i ..( 1tfi.M.Mia nors nave socuirva iu. " wut ouenca of the mobilisation of reserve. . . . . M - . V I - A. . Moba at ' Busualaw. Waaaylkow andr Kanlow It la reported, have attacked th houses and shops of Jews. Troops in terfered and a large number ef person was killed. More troops' are eu route to th district From numerous-parts .of th district Included In th summons for reserves' it Is reported that many are refUaingytOL obey ana tnu th Internal snlrit of the revolt that Is ever present, although unsee. : Is af this Tim mors openly active than ever, before. JEvqry reported reverse suffered by th Bus aiasi eriKV now ta th Held but adds, to the fuel ot dlaoontsnt that prevails, ia many sections of Kuaala. HttJs news of which reaches the outsiae wona,.-"" uv effort ts mad to suppress th agitations. STTKMOirS. f Kilrtary QuallfleatlOBS mounded Vp by Polloe. (looraal Special Servlea.) Odesa. Nov. 1. In this city. In Kishi nev and In Colaiev reeervlsts are being brought to ib barracka by the police patrol a. In the South Don mining aia trict th miners are refusing to obey the military summons, and serious disturb ances are resulting. Hundreds of de serters are croaalng the borders Into Roumanla, Austria and Germany. unm noK xvmoxx. - - Japanese Bsply to Busslaa Bomahard-- meat ef Trenohea. (Joucul Special Service.) Toklo, Nov .1. A report from" Kurokl State .that th Japan yestrdsy f jr the first time replied to the Ruaalan bombardment which ha been frequent for several .day past.i Sunday night ths Russian cannonaded th positions of ths right central army,,but were re pulsed after an action of several hours. nan ajnu9 qtjxtx.t. sksroff meports Ieft Advaooed rive Tsrsts. Ieanal' Special Servlee.) 8t Petersburg, Nov.' 1. Sakaroff re ports: ' "Th night paaeed quietly, the Ruaalana - - reooanoitared to - Sansidi, which the Japan recently evacuated. Our left ha advanced five versts." TRAIN FALLS THROUGH A BURNING BRIDGE (SpeHal Dlasateh te Tae lesraaL) Winnipeg, Man., Nov. i.-J. Dauphin, aa engineer, was killed and H. Floyd fatally Injured at Canmore, oa th Can adian Padlflo railway, where a heavy freight fell through a burning bridge. Th engineer saw the burning bridge and put on th emergency brakes, but the weight of ths train caused It to move on to total destruction In ths river. - Th angln,. lander and four cars weft broken beyond repairs. Seeing the dan ger, both men Jumped, f Dauphin was- in stantly killed and Lloyd will die. under' th leadership of th 1st Leonard Lswtsaohn, ia aa ocean of coffee, break ing th price from II -cent to I oenta a pound. Whan the market - wavered. Bielksn-i tamed, and. with Schwab as market: oompanlon, bought millions of pounds. The1 sensational rise that wiped out a paper loss of mors than I U. 000,000 against th Lewlasohn estate 1 a matter of history. ' Out of .ths uproar Schwab cashed tl. 000.000 pronto and . took part In other speculation until th tld turned stocks. especially Steel. ' He bought heavily, and when th market turned a few 'week ago hs began to sell.'snd It I alleged be has let out shares or Steel avaand som promts, r-i txeafta or fHSstK " f 4 " ; r s x - MirsiSsftJfVJa wwaSamVsmWsl -i - TKr.lLLUftTKT OTI fc. - - es- Jmmtm I TV SMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm V t l It T z mm 'HSsSSriSSJJ irjosir A SOMS OF THBJ SHIPS OF THH BRITI SH CHANNBJW flQUADRON. AMONG THE MOST POWERFUL IN THE WORLD, WHICHJ.S'SEBKINO TO INTERCEPT THs5 RU88IAN" BALTIC FLEET. " TRICKED, BY Mr. Christina Jaakcey, who until re cently- believed herself to be Mrs. J. C, Barnes, suspects that sbs was tricked into a mock .marriage. Appearing" at the office of County Clerk- Fields yesterday, Mrs. Jaskcey asked whether r not the certificate of her marriage had been "returned. Find ing it had not aha related a story which caused, th officials to asad her to see District Attorney Msnnlhg. ' Ths cir cumstance were .related to Mr., Man ning, -who is now making a searching Investigation.' Joseoii Hawkins anoeared at County Clerk' Field's, office September H. andformeu. AUTOMOBILE PARTY HAS NARROW ESCAPE ' ' " ' ' ' (Jooatal Sperial Servtee.) Oaklard. Cal Nov. t Prompted by great presence, of mind, Mrs. Viotor H. Metcalf, wife of Secretary of Commerce and Labor Victor H. Metoalf, narrowly escaped death yesterday afternoon In an automobile aootdeut While riding In Piedmont hill In company with Pay Dl rector Llttlefleld of the . United States navy, P. K. Bowles, prssldsnt cf ths First National bank of Oakland, and Mr a. Bowles. As the party -nearsd tbn top of a steep grade the power suddenly gave out and ths brakes failed to hold. . The rutomobll waa gradually gaining In momentum and realising if she stayed In her rest she was likely to thrown over a precipice, ! Mrs. Metcalf v Jumped jast ks th back trucks struck sn em bankment, upsetting the machine. Psy Director LltUefleld end Mrs. Bowles were thrown over aa embankment, while Mr. Powles was pinned under th overturned machine. Alt were etmfcen up and bruised except Mrs, Metoalf. , REMORSE CAUSES MAN TO COMMIT SUICIDE . ; " (Jonraal Speetat Servk-e.) Chicago, Nov. 1. Albert Nare'C who two weeks ego killed David Imrham. aged, 14, for throwing atones a hi bar, today committed suicide by shooting himself In th bead.'! was erased, by his previous act .-, - If: .THE, -f4 hv t"-i w ' -t?i? -t- -jkopu , TH E. BTVrv , JTW' f i.l .71 ill . . . . - .'TT'1, ':-1'.4 SHE THINKS, - A MQCK MARRIAGE making the necessary affidavit wlt nsssed by Chief Deputy' Prasp, a llcenae was Issued authorising the wedding ot J. C. Barnes, aged 41, and Mrs. -Christina Jaakoey, aged Jl. ' "I am a resident of Vancouver, Wash ington," said Mr. Jaskcey shs now be lieves that to be her nam "and when Mr. Barnes propoeed that we come to Portland and be married. I readily con sented, aa L-bava. thought-a-great deal of him. Ths marriage license was se cured. Thst night be took m to some house. --e location of which I cannot remember, as I am not familiar with the city, where th ceremony era per- MILLIONAIRE BREWER ATTACKS ANGRY DEER ' (Josrsal Special Service.) St Loula, Mo., Nov. 1. With ' his eldest son. Oussle, lying' prostrate oa th ground, an Infuriated deer standing over him ready to paw htm to death, Adolphus Bgach. the multi-millionaire brewer, fearlessly attacked ths big deer." using a heavy rifle as a club, and with a power ful blow atunned th enraged animal temporarily. This gars Augustus' Busch time to ex tricate himself and seise a rifle and des patch the animal. Guaal Busch' placed himself In the dangerous position whlls going to the rescue of a young friend, Frank., Paniso, 15 year old, whom ths buck first a,ttacksd. Ths -deer charged the boy and lifted him on It spreading antlers. The terrific fight took place on the farm formerly owned by Oeneral U. S, OranW near Old, Orchard, In St Loula county, which JJu'ach hss bought and converted Into a game preserve. TAMOUS rrAXAXOsT tXLUD. t. - (Joernal Special Service.) Lincoln, Neb.. Nov. 1. Oeorgn Start, ths famous Nebraska stallion, valued at 110.000 partahed In a . fire thla morn ing at Norfolk. Nolfc TicamoT szas. (Jooraal Special Servtee.)' Peking.' Nov. t. The viceroy of Nan kin. iA HI Slog Jan. formerly minister to Japan, Is dead. . ''. Russia Adds to Irritation: by Detaching nected With the sky's Command St. Petersburg I i ' .m THE. CftR iejp. V xf 4 nt.YS.KCrC,-' - v - t 55 E.X KOU T H "Mr. Barnes explained to me that the Judge was busy and could not attend and perform the ceremony himself, but hsd sent his clerk who, he said, would do just ss well. I did not suspect any thing and the ceremony was performed. "Recently I have had reaaon to sus pect thst everything is not as It should be; My husband, as I believed, has said a thing bf two during" slight disagree ments that made me believe something waa wrong.. Now that I find no .mar riage certificate has ever been returned, I am oonvinoed that I have been duped and am not his wife at all." HORSES WERE GUIDED BY LIFELESS HANDS - (Joornal Special Sertioe.) Reno, Nev. Nov. 1. Six horses, pull ing two wagons heavily loaded with freight walked through th street of Cherry Creek, a email mining camp In Whit Pin eountyLNevada, as they wer accustomed to do, and stopped only at Uie livery Stable camp. The driver, Charles Wagner, was on the seat as ushal, but when he did not get down the stablemen climbed Into the Wagon and were horrified to see that he a a dead. , Lifa had been extthot sev eral hours, th. aged miner having died alone on the desert, and the horses brought him to his destination. Wagner waa an old tlms prospector, and Comatock teamster. SOU SHOOTS FATHER TO PROTECT MOTHER (Special Dispatch to The Jooraal.) Tacoma, Wash.. Nov, 1. John B. Carlson, a contractor In this city, was spot dead by his son. Erall. lata yester day afternoon. Emll Carlson, who -1 chief night operator for th Western Vnlon Telegraph company here, says his father came home Intoxicated and threatened ' the lives of himself , and mother. They ran upatsirs and locked themselves In a room. Th father broke In th door, when th son fired.' Kmtl Carlson waa rsleased oa ball of $1,000, " ' e ,','..' .' ; ' i'i,v. , -"l '!, !r". '--M North Sea Affair and Ordering Without Notifying London Papers-Assert Russfel Has Broki Faitfi Excitement Runs HighJind Active Royal EnginiUnderUrdei British Ship Pijkig - (Jooraal Special Sarrtee.) i London, Nov. 1. (Bulletin.) Up to a lata hour this afternoon no explanation of the apparently alarming telegrams from Gibraltar has been given. . At the foreign office end th Rua- slsa embassy It Is positively stated that there la no hitch in negotiations-ex-cept through a failure of Russia to notify the British government of the names ot ths offloers detached from th Russian squadron, who were princlpale In hs firing on-the Hull trawlers: (Jooraal Special Bertie. ) Gibraltar. Nov.- 1. (Bulletin) Th British neet which this morning cleared for action, continues its stay In the har bor. The patrol of the Straits of Gi braltar and the play of searchlights .1 constant- Up to late tonight there have been no vessels Intercepted. - (Joornal Special Service.) LonJon, Nov. 1. p. nv- Qreal Brit aln and Ruala are on the verge oi con- lliot. Kws Is expected of a battbe between th British fleet eommjundedhy Admiral fcurtaford and the. Russian Baltlo- Meet directed by Admiral Rojeatvensky. either off the entrance to ths straits of 'IfuraJ tar- or .a. srkesever-' th. ,tata. jiaeAS bargo placed upon blm and Is ajianrnUy making a dash for tbs Medllevraaean. That he will be Intercepted go without ssylng, as by his aet Russia ha- given open defiance to Great Britain.' . . v Added to this te the Irritating fact that -Russia baa detached f,our oAoars connected with th North sea, affair from the Baltic neet and ordered them to St Petersburg, but failed to notify liaglaiid of this action. ' - That ths 'situation Is serious and war rants ths high, pitch of excitement thst pervades London is shown -not only by tbs tenor of . news from Gibraltar and Vigo, but by dlplomatlo action at horn. Clear foe Action. A mesags waa received here thla after noon from Gibraltar giving . th new that the garlson had been paraded and that the fleet commanded by Beresford hsd cleared for action, called ail offloers and sailors on shore leave aboard ship and weighed anchor. A dispatch from th British conaul at Vigo atated that at 7:10 o'clock this morning the Russian fleet under Rojest vensky weighed anchor and steamed from the port No notincatipn was given the- autfaortttea. - - - ' StUl another aad later dispatch from a Vigo correspondent state that heavy firing was heard off that port, attri uted by the correspondent to naval gun practice. This latter messags la the only one that conveys a hope that trouble Is not Impending, but th gun practice . must have been prolonged otherwise the fleet would have been re ported as again at anchorage in Vigo bay. Plplomatio Activity. It became apparent last night that som unusual move was portending in diplomatic circles, as ForelgoT Secretary Lahsdowne, LordV Selbourne, first lord of ths admiralty, and the Ruaalan min ister. Count- Benoekendorff had a long conference, lasting until nearly mid night Despite th lsteness of the hour, through Minister Balfour a summons waa Issued calling all members of th cabinet to a meeting to be held Wednes day, It waa Intimated In official circle that th call would have been Issued for today but for tha tact that - some mem bers 6f the cabinet believing the crisis passed, had gon to place sufficiently remote to prevent tbelr arriving la time to attend a meeting before tomorrow. This . gave rise to a rumor, which I without confirmation up to thla hour. that a serious niton.-had suddenly arisen in negotiations regarding the North sea afalr. It seem exceedingly difficult to obtain any definite Information a to the character of th hitch, and even th unusual reticence of offlolala tend to Increase apprehension that events ax haptng emselve away from peace. This afternoon Balfour had a sessldn with Prince Louis of Battsnberg. head of the naval Intelligence bureau. Lord Selbourne and Secretary Lanadown. It lasted a considerable time and whea th official dispersed . all hurried . away with grave looks. '' at) S9afy for War. Lanadown immediately after . th meeting went to th war -off toes, where he was closeted with H. Carnold For ter, secretary for war. Th crowd that had - collected before the - government buildings continued to watch an, wait for new, and when Lanadown had re turned to hi of tea lata this aftrnopiv waa not slow to notice - that Count Benckendorf f, Russia's' , representative, called and held a short privet conver sation with th foreign, secretary, v-- 1 In th meantime It waa learned that Benoekendorff aarjy- thla morning -Was received by King Edward at Bucking- Lham palace. It was. not so tnsoh la the novelty pi in caii, aa in ise iact insi n took place at an unusual, hour, that tod ;-.iJ . '" our Officers Con- r -1 1 . ' Vi V- yen- fci'.v.J.;.-i!'i-;'i to Report in Great Britain to th belief thst Bencekendorff was th "' bearer, of -Important news to th king ' direct. .WC.'. :.v. '. ' When the news of th visit passed abroad the wildest of .rumor floated-. through tha - stseets. - conjecture vea being hasarded that Russia had disap proved of England's persistence and h4 ";' taken th preliminary step ta th break- ' . Ing off of all dlplomatlo Intercourse, aa -action. In such aa acuta time a Jtbla, : tantamount to-a declaration of war. Up to th time that he saw ths king . ' the Russian ambassador. Count Bencek- V) endorff, had received no aotiflcatloa r , gardlng th detachment of officers front - th Baltic Hej'--'wttt ' 'l :i ' :' '. - Another rumor has It that the British officials, displeased at Russia' dilator!- - ness, hsve Issue a not of such curt- " neaa to th csars government that her ' demanda will be olther promptly met ia ' ; full - or more serldus. action may., be taken.-. ' ';- ,. . 4 . . j. . Tha prevalent belief la that th ac tivity at Gibraltar' I accounted for . olely-hyth sailing of th Russian ' fioet which Is .taken by th government to- be , In dlreyg contravention of. th pledge given toremler Balfour. ' '1 ' f.TiivRtn:M has mewl assuredly .broken faith. 'The following statement was Issued N ' . this morning; j--i . . "Lanadown has delivered to Count--' Benckeadorff th draft f a convention providing for a commission of Inquiry Into tha North a Incident Thla ha - been sent to St Petersourg for .. tha . csars acceptance. ' '...; j . ... .. Whn his majesty sxpreases bis . agreement to the oeeivantloa, commls- sloners will be appointed at once. ; - From a semi official Russlaa source ' It was learned last night that four offiv ear named by Rojestvensky aa cou- ' earned In the Doggerbank affair hav -been detached from th fleet at Vigo and are now en route to St Petersburg ' to present their report to the ... caar, Thsse reports the caar will submit to th Inquiry commission, . according -to) .'--the Informant - ... j, - ' " j- . . .. Th Baltic fleet., according -to thla v source of news, will contlnu to th far -east aa aoon aa th coaling difflcultlea at. Tan glare are overcome. ,-.'"vv '--.'"''. AXXJLaXTAJs Ss ASTXB. OasJaouAC Ptaparatloaa Fleel ' '' Strip for Actloa, ,.- - (Jearaal SpecUT Service.) ':: V."'C.'' Gibraltar,. Nov. L -Th most ominous ' preparatlona are apparently being mad . -here and public report ha it that wlthla. a fsw short hours there I a possibility of the famed defenses of th strong- 1 hold being tested 4a actual warfare. - . - It ha become knowa- her that tha Russtsa Baltio fleet cleared thla morn- , Jng from Vigo, and It is presumed by ', the crvlltana who are ramillar with th 1 situation that This aocoupts for tha ac- T tlvlty which lmmmed lately followed th ' receipt of the news, - Officers positively decline to give out any information. At IS o'clock this morning th garrl- ' on was suddenly ordered to snobllls and th fleet was ordered to b ready to put to. sea la a half houra time. This could hav' had no eonaectlon with an other lnoldent ot th night which - be cam knowa thla momrng. In th deten- tlon ot th collier London-JBrldge. Thla veasel waa Intercepted by th. British.' warshlpa, which alt night patrolled th trait and wa brought her at aoon. . Shortly after th order for tb mobtl . Isatlon of th garrison , th governor summoned alt offloers in -oommand to a con fere no at th government houae. Orders for th Fifteenth company of artillery were shortly afterward posted, notifying It that : It Should remain Jn garrison. This cam aa a surprise, as tha men had previously been ordered tt-'-; prepare to embark for Sierra Leone, and. " '. wer even at that tlm packing up. ., - All entrance to the harbor wer alsa . t closed with- boom defenses and . tonight ' searchllghta are constantly flashing from tha fleet- the boat on patrol and the - ' land atatkma. aearchlng every foot of th water which must be traversed by th' RussUns If they bop to pasa hy th way of th Mediterranean. - -; . Official announcement hav not bee ,. , mad and no oivlflaa ta allowed entranc . to th work thU aftenwoa, - It to ap parent however, that aU actio hag . been taken on advtc from London, . ; AJl BrsuMhe Drawn-Vpa aad aft' - i aear Kept a sdts .. V:-' " . (Jearaal Speelal Servle.) i Alderehot Kng.. Nov. 1. Stren? draft hav been made en all branches of th royal navy and the eaglneer hsv beea rdered to b la readiness to leaw fov Gibraltar aad Malta at a moment nolle.'.-- 7 ,--.".- -. - - Not elnea tli . stirring day fhe marked th advent of tha Boer war, h so snnch suppreeeed xclterent r vailed SS St ressnt . ; .', - .; A- 1. r. 1 .