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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1904)
si-i aha: 3Ari's I! c:-2Ai :: . V ' i 1 rs - . - -.- i - - - - - .9 v, I V 4 . We don't always like to be "blowino; our own horn," as the alang would have it, but we d want the public to know what w are doing for them-that's business Our selection of styles, quality, judgment of materials and modesty in prices will be veri fied by careful shopping about town. We try. to. Juve so nearly what-ia want unnecessary, but should you doubt us, a little investigating will make you more Joyal than ever.' Wants multiply rapidly at . this time of the year. " Things not thought of a month since become absolute necessities, now. First in th field with the new-r est and most needed things is "SHAN AH AN." If it is quality; if it is style; if it is novelty; if it is exclusivenestrif it is price moderation; if it is anything or everything that should be a -part of progressive storekeeping then you will find it here. GMAM1 vin'S It SHAT4 ARAN'S - 1 1 1 ' !. . . t'- .- '- ( V"-'.1. ji - - ' JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER. WH08E WEALTH J3 GROWING MORE RAPIDLT -r- - TOLD HIS BIBLE CLASS "LATELY: "THB POOREST MAN I KNOW 13 monet." , , . , --v,.'.;. V -.-- i-i..!-..- ; -V-.j. COWLITZ RIVER - .it. xaaozvo bsoavsb YOWBOATB cabbo it may imonuTi According to Captain C ..Stayton of Kelso, Wuh, water in the Cowllta river la lower than (or six years. On account of this . condition tha shingle mill at that plaee, which la accredited with being tha largest On th Paelflo (out, has-been ahut down. Until tha rhraf geta at a rood boating etage, ha axplalna. It will ib lropoaalbla to get tha product of -tha mill to market, and consequently tha plant had to be closed. "United State Senator Foater waa there on Saturday," eald the captain, and tha members of the Merchants club entertained him. They informed him of conditions and accompanied him on a trip down the river. T Incidentally they inquired If it would -fee-poaalble to euro a government appropriation euf f lcleatly large t dredire the Cowllta to a depth of 1 feetv He rave it aa hta optnlon'-that tha matter would be easy of accomplishment. - It waa . estimated that $180,00 would be all that la needed Tor tha purpose.' There la only .a stretch of water about '. three miles in length from Kelso tb the Columbia.. ; At the present time there la not- three feet of water in the stream, and it la Impossible for the towboata to operate there.- The logging camp hare also been forced to close down walling . f or tha rains to awell the rivr." Captain ' Btayton owns tha " ateamer Wllavla, a email propeller which diawa about three and one half feet of water. The vessel" Is used altogether In the -owta business, bat a thq logging In , . dustry is at a standstill aha haa been ' taken out jot. commission., temporarily. V,It, things, do not brighten up soon the "V1 skipper says that- he la golnroto 1 sell tha craft and engage In some other line of work.. After conveying logs to the Columbia they are taken In tow by the v local steamera and brought up to Fort (A tand. " v . "But notwithstanding tha dtsoeursg - Ing outlook." concluded tha captain, "Kelso is one of the best towns on the . . ' 'rlrer. ' It le steadily pushing to the 'fi. 'front and In another year It " will, have "population-6T morethWri.wOO." . 'r XasBpioa and Xaardala Baaoh Fort Forme Has Cargo, Latter in Ballast, Two mora windjammers arrived In the' harbor this afternoon. They are the British ships Hampton and Langdale. Th former cam from Antwerp with a -general cargo oonslgaed t- Talor, , Young A Co., while the latter mad the -trip In ballast from Honsay. - The Lang - dale Is under charter to Balfour, Guthrie at Co, to load grain for -rtie outward trip. The Italian ships S. -Celeste and tha French bark Asia are at Astoria and j will .probably leave up for Portland to . morow. The well known here. , When In Portland, harbor, three years ago next winter she turned turtle, and it; required -three months repair the ' damage which she sustained. Tha Hampton will secure a berth at Columbia dock No. 1. where aha will dls , charge the following freight, brought from-tha European port: bars of Iron. Ill -casea of beer. 141 barrela of whisky, II caaes of preserves. cases of Apollanarla water. lO.cases of Apenta " water, 1.100 barrels of cement, and 100 tons of ooke. ' '-. . ; The 8.. Celesta will dock at tha foot of Pin etreet. Hef-, cargo aa foln Iowa: 40 cases of wfclsky, 1 case of f tarracotU autues, ISO par of fertlltsef, : ! ' - : : . ' 1 - & Hurt-'';-- ' -- ISicase of beerTil casks of pickles, I casks of curry powder, 170 cases of olive oil, IT cases of vrneger, X caslf pt essence coftae, II barrela of -ginger ale, 41 cases "of liquors.: 14.000 barrela of cement and a- quantity of cokes - Advices received locally state thsjrthe British ship Durbridg will leave up from tne mouth of the river, for Port land ' tomorrow.,-She will reoelv cargo of lumber at the -North Paelflo mill for Fort Natal. -r . B-ake to rrlaoo to be Bepelred. While they were badly bruised ..and battered, thedamage .dona to the 4rrhoohers- Irene and- Andy Mahony by th steamer Northland running Into them Saturday night can be repaired, "it Is believed, for less than 11.000. - It Is held that tha vessels are In a fit seaworthy condition to make the trip to San Fran Cisco, where the work of putting them in rood shape will be done. Their' lum ber oarroea are about completed and they wlUaaU .noma time during the week. .f:':' Cantata A. Crowe made an Of flctal survey of the echoOnera yesterday af ternoon, and aaya tnat tney win not oe detained in port on account of the acci dent. His Investigation showed that while th steamer Northland was maneuvering, to ret away from tha In- maa-Foulsen ; dock that evwenuy ner machinery got beyond , the control of the . engineer. . She ran Into the Irene, striking her a glancing blow amidships, scraping and bruising tha planJrtnsj from there to her stern. . One of the small boats on tha schooner was also struck and damaged beyond repair, , ' i-' Passing by the Irene tne Northland then . ran Into' the Andy Mahony. Tha latter waa struck on tha port quarter and her planking wia badly damaged. The "atern mooring lines parted, which allowed the vessel to swing in on the beach. The gangway ladder waa also broken by th coUJslon. - ' rf ; STBaJTO tOSBS qmMm. t BepablU Uaiiaed Bow by a Orunber ' . some Affair. ' 1 ..Rigged up with a temporary rudder that resembles a barn, door th steamer Republic is attracting more than ordi nary . attention ' along ' the . waterfront Among seamen it Is known aa a ''Jury rudder," for thai reason, .ft la explained, that It requires the combined strength of II mo to operate It After meeting wltt- an accident and losing herrudder on Sunday-th -craft was hastily pro vided with the ' arrangement - which now servo to guide her course, L.. It , ils ah Invention of Captain 'Good and Chief ' Engineer Hartman, ' and th -statement la made that there was never anything just-Ilka it .aver-aen in Jooal water. The "barn door" affair ' is worked back and forth by means-of pulleys Which connect with th pilot house. While It la possible to get good work out of the boat In deep water, it Is explained that considerable difficulty la experienced lii making landing with er Tha captain say that ha ww proa- aWy charter steamer Stranrer ' to I , n h 12 A..1.VM if n i l, tm jinrii in, hii i be fitted out with a new rudder. ' ' Axmro na watbbfbobt. '. Captain Oeorge- Shaver, has returned from the Yukon, where he operated a steamboat during the past season. - . , MerriUBroaMw ferfy ilrie. now In operation alongside it ' th Morrraon streets bridge, la doing a thriving busi ness. - The steam - launch - Active ; la maintaining a regular H-minute serv ice. - . ' Having completed her grain cargo for the United Kingdom, the French ship Duplelx moved out Into tha stream thla morning. She will leave for the sea In a day or .two. Tha Cambronne moved' Into the berth she vacated at the Irving dock.-.'- '.. ! At I o'clock last night the Elder ar rived from San Francises with a gen eral cargo and a big paasanger list. . Tha oncers report that they experienced fine 0 BJVFAZB 9AJKAOB." BVmooasrs Xrea am Aady Kaboay WiU """" THAN HE CAN ESTIMATE IT HB THH MAN WHO HAS NOTHING BUT !, .... v , , ; -" . weather during the entire trip. 'Tomorrow- the tender Heather will Uav for arcrulse" down th coast to look-after-te-slds to navigation and supply th lighthouse . stations . in tha district It is probable that It will be about two weeks before, ah returns to tha mouth of tha river, rr v.".-7-i ii m all JV'.UL iv ' - OFFOSZTZOB KASOOT. w OH seme -Btaj.B. Flaoed on For. Iand and Xwls Blve Bnn. Fred Brower of Ijt CeaUr. Waslw ia back jOf . a movement to put another steamer on tha run between Portland and Lewis lver in opposition to tha Mascotr 'Mir. B rower . recently sold his farm bear" La Canter and. It la said, ia anxlous'to engage In tha steam boat business.-Other Lewis river peo ple are co-operating with him, and It la said that a deal for a oat is likoly'to be consummated. . : ', ' , ' . If th plan is carried through to a successful conclusion local steamboat men aay ther ia no doubt that a big rat war will ensue. . The Mascot Is jwnedby Jacob Kamm. lOflli - Astoria, Nov. 1. Arrived and left up last night, steamer laqua; from Baa Francisco, No bar report Cap lino down, " '" '-" ' ' - ' ' St Helens, Nov.' 1. Paased at 1:6$, British ship Hampton and barkentlna Oeorge C" Perkins. :- . . -Passed at a. m.. British ' ship Langdal and barkentlno James John? Ion. - " '.. ' San Francisco. Oct II. Sailed at 4:10 p. m.. ateamer' Aacunslon, schooner Virginia, for Portland, : , Astoria, Oct. It Sailed at I; JO p. m.. achooner - Alice - McDonald, for- San Pedro. 'v. , Sailed at p. m., schooner William Ronton.' for San Francisco.' . PORTLAND-MAY GET I LIFE-SAVING OFFICE V- i 7- i t . -, - . ' Taooma, Wssh., Nov. 1. lf Tacoma would retain tha life-saving office, now, ia tha time for her cltlsens ' to make their representations." So remarked Cap t. John C. Moore, general superin tendent of construction of the revenue cutter service; " who, with Capt C. F. Shoemaker, chief of the division, Wash ington, D. C, are in Tacoma, making a tour of Inspection of the sound. They say that Portland will get the life saving o flics . unless Tacoma ; . acts promptly. a . '.L.".1 . .: ' As a result of the ytslt of these ef flclale th Tutter-Arcater and th patrol boats Scout and Guard are -to be re paired and painted. Captain Tosler of the cutter Grant -wHI be retired" from active sea duty. He .will be detached from the Grant and assigned to shore duty, probably at Tacoma. -? r,-i a . rri r A r at rii r r I I III A If rUK lltff - . - - - - CREMATORY" OUTFIT ;' In the estimate for : 1105 1 the city board of health has made allowance for the repairing of th crematory furnace and th construction of a-new one. The estimate of the expendlturea is I1I.140, of which amount 10,000 goes toward im proving the crematory.' It met with the favorable consideration-of the members of the board. , . - The Ores lrv th crematory dump seem to be nnqueiMttiable. Water has beert allowed to run upon the dump by day and night for weeks; the fire department has been called into service several times; rain haa also saturated the dump on several occasions, yet' the fire atlll remains and the smell still lingers to the great discomfort of tha residents In that vicinity. - s .-, -t- .. -t v. f-'j ... Patterns Tha latest and new et patterns for fail Snt.aoc-.5c Ask to Sec Them : : - ,: LOT-4Tii.7Srheserare-a broken line ov wool cheviot Rainy DayiSkirts-: we have them in navy , black and brown ; good -. &lfjE . value for $4. Our Price. . U ;:LOT 5, This is the cracks - ajack lot ; they are in wool cheviot, in" ' shades " of brown, "navy,', black and 1 gray, they have 5 to 8 rows of tuck- . Jngand stitchingLthe miirs(M CC -price yis $5."Our Price 7.fL)D LOT 6, AT ?2.85WooLliridseyin gray over blade, lapped seams, double ' stitched, from 5 to 8 rowsof stitchmg V- on bottom of. skirt; this- kirt we ,considercheapfor $6. Of" 7 , Our Price. ... ...... ... PiVeOp -LOT 7rATf2!Ti-skirt-is !Z'made'irom the 'plaid back -wool golf. We .have themin different shades of . . brown and gray, they are made with --10-inch flounce and iVrows of stitch--; ing on flounce; Jheyjiave been sold ' for $6.50. for $6.50. AC Our Price. . , .1 . . .. . . . ..LJyO ROUSING DOIMESTIC BARGAINS sue ooicromTS, S94. ' A ruU : double td else ComfOYtT covered with bright colored ealloo, ; filled food, clean cotton regular 1.10. Special ......... ..60) - . si.ts oonroayn, $15. A' fall double bed else Comfort, nloely quilted and covered with ' pretty floral designed sllkollne and, well filled with pure, white cot-' .. ton; regular value, 11.71. Special ... ... .1.25 . '" mrmMAon, fi.55.-" ' A beautiful heavy fringed whit And -. colored Bedspread, extra . large else, elegant designs; worth - .td. Special, ... ......fl.55 , StOO nrUATMa, f 1.10. A nice, fine quality of whit and. colored Crochet Bed 8pfeads- sllghtiy soiled; full double bed sis. -' Thee are exceptionally good v value.- Special, while they- last " good value for .0O wUl be sold for ... ... ... ....... ...f 1.10 . a si-oo srasAss, est. Fine Honeycomb-Spread, larg bed also; cornea in tMr different pat terns r regular, $1.00, - Our prlcr for this week, special, at ...fJSe) $uoo Bxarxxra, 65a). 10- 4 grey Blanket., good else, never, aold for leaa than 11.00; our price, pair ... v.- 6Sa) ' 81.TS axjunorra, f 1.20. 11- grey and tan double Blankets; -estra 'large also, good heavy. - Tleec, palr"T.T..-.;-.;rr-!Trr.f 1.20 Modern Business Hoase. Washington (street. Is now at ita best to dress the men and boys, to gown the women and girls and to furnish "the home of . fashionable Portland for. the moot Important event of the season Thanksgiving. Our store Is complete yaxh every requisite in .toggery,-finery gild ornamental and usefuUhome fur nishings. Ws appreciate the generous patronage- th people bestoW upon u and we are pleased to say that our greatest aaeet Is the vast army of satis fied --customers, who not, only' give us their trade but advise their friends to trade at our store. In return we en deavor to earn auch consideration by carrying tha best lines of merchandise, by ' Increasing efforts to , better every season's record through the succeeding one. by -splendid value giving and by extending the most liberal credit accom modations without any charge of Inter est whatsoever. ..' . . ' .-. ' ' yrafetted treocs. Canned wssaa. " : Alloa Lewis' Best Brand, u A purchase timely fortunate' for . you. . We . have ,; bought a mill's overproduction of Golf, Rainy Day :" and Walking Skirts and we are now ready with our -Cloak and Suit Room brim full of bargains. - We itell yeu sbout ifewjef wem on this page. . You can LsaielyJydge.tne whole by these few---rjr LOT 1, AT" 80eW)ford gray-Rainy Dayt'iBkirt, 4 rows of stitching; well worth $1.50. . Q(n s f Our Price. . ....... . . . ; :.. X. . . OUC ": LOT 2, AT 90 This is a pretty some have 3 and others 4 rows of tucking, trim- med with satin ribbon; cheap : QA for $2.50. Our Price. ....... .. ... . . ... . "Ulv LOT 3, AT $1.65 We have this skirt in navy snd 3 -shades of gray fsome are tucked and others ; stitched; a good skirt for stormy days; ( J? elsewhere they ask you $3.50.- Our LOT 8, AT. ?3.4S This, is a good - one, an all-wool cheviot, in gray, black and brown, stitched or tucked ; - you would nofrhesitate to pay $7.50 '.... for one. . '',11' '; A C Our r rice i w . jOAO LOT 9, AT 95.85 This is the best lot of all, they tone in black only, of n a fine satin finished all-wool cheviot, 8-inch flounce5rrpwspf stitching on flounce ; the skirt for this season ; the price was $12.50. jg OP Our Price .... . . . . . . .. .)000 ; Lafies Cravcnette Skirts We haveJustwrecetve(lno -those beautiful light-weight water proof Skirts, in the shades of the sea- few 5 - O BJ prices $9.50, $7.50, $5.85.eJ)OeOO v-.'-" - Missw' SlrJrti ' Our line of Misses' Skirts is now com jplete. We have them in alt the new mixtures, plain colors and snow- flake effects, and. at the right price." we nave tnem at $4.zo, (g nr $2.95, $2.50, $2.25. saas luirnn, fa.45. An extra largo 11-4 mixed gray wool -Blanket, - fancy colored borders; , will wear well; big value at 11.11 Special ,.r 52.45 , S4.7S BXJUnCSTS, f 3.T5. A nice, fine qoa.lty of grey, tan and vicuna Blanket; extra heavy and extra large aise; good vsrow at I4.TI Special f 3.75 - 54.05. 1 White wool Blanket beautiful quality 7 of heavy white "Wool Blanket full double bed alio, with "pink and blue borders, beautifully , soft and warm; our - leader at , . H.00 pair. Thla week for... 94.95 . s-tm. vzxaows. 48 4. PlUowi reather-Pillows, t lbs." weight, good strong featharproof, ... ",'stnpea ticking. Special, ' each ... .......48eV moss nnows from 25a) sack. We Sheets for Your Bed Itxtl Bleached Sheets, hemmed and ironed ready for use; good heavy cloth, all one width, no seems.' Special .................48 4lxt Pillow Case to match, ' Special i.i ....... FRESHMEN BANQUETED . BY UPPER CLASSMEN . (gpSUl Dtapstch to Tse iearsaL) -Forest 'Orove, Or, "Nov. 1. -A Hal loweea banquet waa given at tha Co lonial hotel last evening by the three upper classes of. the university. The Freshmen were the guests of . honor. During th early part of the evening a half dosen roasted chickens myster iously disappeared from the kitchen, so It became necessary to banquet without chicken on 'the bill of fare. . , rOOTBAU BOTBS. Football practice will be resumed at tha Multnomah club this evening. The men are getting into shaft for th big games that are coming and aspect to. be able to hold their own against all com era. -. The Astoria eleven, ljgettlng ready LKJ ffj !- tJS -team Tourist Walking Skirt,: kTictfltXJU We have just those handsome mixtures, mannish in style And up-to-the-minute.-.They, come" from 42 'to 64 inches long' with strapped back, and the prices are the lowest of the season '- ''" '' ' $6.50 Quality now. . ... . . $4.95 $9.50 Qualityowl J.. . ;.w 7.65 $11.00 Qualityr now. .. v . . . . . ..I... I f 8.45 $12.00 Quality, now .TT.Vf. . V". 99.6S'. $13.00 Quality, nowI;;7.7. . .7.7 '. T ?9.G5 "$14.50nQuamy7n6w. . . . . . .T.V. .... ..f 11.95 $17.50 Quality now. . . .". .'. . . . . . .$14.C5 $26IoTQuaIityf ' now. ... i.. ... . . .f 15J85 Our FWlSale Boas we have 95f, ? 1.95, 94.95,- which prices. : v -'. j Table Linen Opportunity 0o TABU UBBV. 294. 18-lnch Cream- Damask - Tabling." good, strong linen, very durable, : flna designs; regular value 40o now ... .....29) ss iVDm 40. ':' 0-lnches wide, every thread pure, bleached linen, good, atrong qual ity; a number of dainty designs to -choose from; regular value Oto ' ' for L ......... ..... ..94 ' " M TABU Um, 60). A full (t-tn. wide, -of every thresd r pur linen - satin - finish 'Damask; -good value at $1.04; our Prlc ....'.0V A . full . line l of Damask ' Napkins . from ... ....784 d to 92.95 - Portieres and tirtalns ' ; S-oo yosnnis, 92.95 yaim.' Heavy . Chenille Portieres, I yds.' long nd 41. laches 'wide; heavy fringe top and bottom; a large as sortment of colors to select from; "-Clever- sold - less tha -4.00. Our pric. per pair 92.05 SUM XVAOB OtrBTAXsTS, Q84 Nottingham Lace Curtains, I yards -'long, 40 Inctfea wide, in flowered and plain center, handsome borders; --well" worth $1.00. Sale price, per pair ... 68a) ' sias ivaoa ouBTim S94 vazx. Double thread Leno Lae Curtains, small or larg patterns, also 'plain; center: would be cheep for 11.11. '. - While they last, per 'pair ....894 . ' Tot this week every ewstomr pnrohaeiag a pair of Portieres ahaU . ' receive a pel and ftxtores free, ov a pal of Zrfko Oartalna, a Brass for, their .second gam with Multnomah. Captain '. Stockton haa about recovered from his recent injuries, and he intends patting his mew through vigorous prac tices. Van . Voorhls, who played ' guard In several games last -season for tha M. A. A. C, will be out this vvenlng with' his moleskins on. Vajr.; plays good ball. Clemmer. a new man at the club, will try for an end. or halfback pndtion at thla wee 10 tryout. Clemmer Qtayed a short time against Utah on Saturday and made a good ahnwlng. OXBTBXjtsTS BAT AT VATJa, 'iJearnat Rperla rk.) . ' St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 1. Today was set aside as Cleveland day at the, St. Louis exposition. Exercises of an In formal nature were held In -the Ohio building and were parttclpatM Jn-by a delegation of city officials and repre sentatives of the commercial end other organisations of tha Foreet City, , . McCdi's Manazino 50c A YIAJt A swell monthly of fashion and fiction, S)ag ft free aowy ef fo sTovember. eVw - ) ' received a l.inie of - samples PURS still continues. In Scarfs and a few of the sample line left at ?2.50, 92.75, S3.95 add is 33 per' cent less than factory i : 1; , Iv ';.'. ' CbUdre n't Wear Misses heavy anit Skirts, solid col ors, finished with crochet edge, .- Special ... ...50a) Muses' and Children's knit Skirts; All colore. Special ... ......354 , Misses' and Children's heavy Out ing Flannel Downs, with) donbt yoke; all sixes ... tOo Children's heavy ribbed, fleeo lined Sleeping Garments; all sixes.. 354 Girls, cloth and AngoraTama; plain' and mixed colore. Special, ..15s) Misses and Girls' Caps, all the lat est styles, whit and colors. Special ... ... -. ..50a) Children's Fascinators and ' Wool Hoods; all colors. Special ...15s) Children's Wool Knit Xggins, knee length; colore, black, red and white. Special ... ... .....35e) Women's and Children's -'.'; Underwear ; ladles' wool plaited Vests and Pants regular, Tie. Special- r-50a) " " Ladlee fleece lined." knit Union Suits; grey and cream colored. Onelta style. Special ..V..504 Ladies' ' white ' wool ' TTn Ion. .Suits, Onelta style; regular. 11.00. 1 .' Special, ... ... ...... .....9125 Children's fleece lined, ribbed, Union Suits; all sises. Special 25o) ' Boys' camel's hair wool Vests and Drawers; regular, SOc; all alses. ' Special ...... 35) Boys' extra heavy fleece lined Shirt e and Drawers;, all atsea .....354 Children's fleece lined, ribbed Vests .:: and Drawers; all alsea ......254 Ladles' extra else, fleece Jlned Vests and -Pants n vtttt; vr.r . . .354 STnCEDB. (gpetUTPtspshw tu The Juwl.t Vancouver, B. C. Nov. 1. A logger this morning In his room in -a down town hotel. - H blew out his brains. II was suffering from delirium tremens. H was unmarried. " V,; ' BWXBj IB BBOHOTBB. ' . - . (flpeeia! Dispatch to Tee Jearsal.) Tacoma. Wash.. Nov. 1 William Mol of Tacoma haa been appointed generel master mechanic of ths Northern Paelfia oa all divisions weet of Helena. -at. m,M, I'T. : - AT. VI l:. .... , 'A' .v