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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1904)
jOTTRNAL", ' PORTLAND; ' 1 "VKSDAV EVENING, OCTOBER t7, ' J I TrT3 C ZOOM fZwS'flr SFfllfiL'.'S VCHLD BROWNS TKOUNCE ANGELS AGAIN . DAN PATCH LOWERS RECORD FOOTBALL, RACING AND BASEBALL A CLEAN J. A. HOftVAN I T - 1 i DTLH niccis KilllANT gm:e nut nw. wabbap, bbcx nr bob- ; Wl eNUp YIOTOBT. 'Portland, 4; Lm Aanle. 1. Butter end JCel lackey; Jons ud Spis ' "What happened to Jones." a toul Sttrrinc drama, wu pnMntid at Ree- ' : reetion park yetrday afternoon and wi aretly appreciated by tn Butler . aiayare. Th play was wall etaed and Ike Butlar aharad hla bard-earned bon- - ora wits PhU Madaaa and Brv Bck. ' It waa a glorious day (or baaaball z and tha fans saw a brilliant eontaat and. ' anexcltlns- finish. Butlar ws opposed, o, uiw jones, mxs 01 cna orouKiyn Nationals, who waa secured by Mr. Mor- lay to halDLo AuIm win th pennant. , and pitched such apleodtd ball that the loo Laos ware kept gussslns for irina - lnntna-a. Ia only three Inntnao war tna Angels abta to ooonaot safely with But ter's curve, while tha Browns tasted of ': Jonas' offerings on abt different oeoa- sione, two of which ooat tha vlaltors tha sana. la tha fourth Inning, Book ,oam ail 'the way around from ftrat when Spies' throw want through .Barn ard's trtlblea, and tha' score was one .- auX In tha followtna Inning tha Browns . lost raspaot for tha famous Jonas -and . 'pounded out four hits n .nleh suooas sioa and tallied Wires runs. .Los An ' enlitfl eeane hek In tha next lit nine- with a whoop and on three oafs drlvea'talltad two rasa This ended tha soortns". as - both pitchers ware vary affectlTe the re amer. Tha ninth liming, no nearly producing, wsoleeele heart fall- urea among tha Portland fans. - With one down, Braahear, who batted for Tomea. was paeeed to first. Ross bit a tons; one to Nadeawy wko grappled It safely after a long rua "Hankerino" . Sple came up and eent baattty to tha left field fence and Mr. . Braahear started for hone as fast mS his lacs could carry him. Roundlne third. Cap- . tain Flood aoted as paoamakar for tha tiring Braahear, while .tha fans' were pa tiently await ins; Nadeau's throw.- Quick an a shot PhU sent the ball from the '' fanes to Book, who was playing- within M feat of tha home plats. Without second to spars Back whipped tha ball 'to Kallaekay, and Braahear was taarced Mi Inches from the plats in one of tha prettleet plays of many neona. . The crowd fairly rolled Itself hoars at this psrformhnos and left for hosts simitar the praises of tha Brownies. It great day for Portland and tha. match soulda't nave boon batter. Butlar pttohed, , B pare gam and worked out of several Bad holes- on aooount of errors. Jones, too, twirled a rood gains, -tout the locals found him st the right Tim. Tnlalmaa, Madaau, Butler and Beok wars Port land's stars. Loo Angelas made a des perate effort to capture the gams and played spirited ball, bat Portland was too steady to be saovad away from sis- lory. Tag soars jew PORTLAND. V t - . iR tr pol' a. m. At tiolland, r. t Br.1.?.::::::-: S Kad L f. 1 J o J fRunkle. a a. t M ! 1 sjpencer, .. ......... 1 S Kellackey, a, ......, 0, Bavle, Ibi ..4 1' poller, p. Totals . , ........ 4 t 17 11 4 V09 ANQBLBm -1 r. vaB.REPaA.1 . narnara. as,.... z s w f e Eagar. c. f. 1 0 I 0 Flood. In, mltn. si Cravatn. rhaaa. lb. 4 A Toman, a S. Brashear . . Ross. L A 4 Spies. & 4 . 1 J f g X Jones. P. NaT, t ! Totals . '. ....... . . .t4 I I 1J ..; RUN! AND HITS BT INN1NOS, Portland i Hits Loa Anae irslss .....i iliiiMI-i M1U . S I I I M ( I- I r . ' T7MMART. - , '" Barned runs Los Angeles. I. Stolen Maaa Rosa. I. Base on balls Off Butler. 1 (Brashear): on? Jones, 3 (Spsn ccr. Runkle). Struck out By Butler. I (Smith. Cravatn Tonfan. Spies Jones); by Jonea t (Thlelman, Beck). Sacrifice Jift Kel lackey 'Two-base hits Thlel man. Spies 1 -Smith, Chase. Left on baaaa Portland. I; Los Anselaa, A- Hit by pltchnr Th lain) an. . Paaaed ball Splea Tims of game One hour and I minutes. Umpire Tom Brown, . Btaroacya on. " (fwaraal Ssarlal aWrlsa.) '. Bsnton Harbor, If Ich., Oct - IT Tommy Wallace of Philadelphia was knocked out by Tommy Ryan la tha fifth round of what was sohedaled so be a la-round bouL SOLX AGENT FOR THE , , CELEBRATED ; DliNLARHAT TTut'i OnaUty sn4 StyW .t Thar are "flocks" of hats, but "hone 06 them are of tna asms feather as , THE R0BS0N Tbs best ant that eaa for ti.ftft. bs mads ROBim&CO. t s UTAH O C3 DOWN UKZl 0. A. C TEAM 1 ;- " (JoaVmal in rill Servian) " Corvallls. Oct. ST. In a hot gams of football on O. A. C. field yesterday af tsrnooa, with olear skies and people as onlookars. the Oregon Agrt cultural college defeated tha Uolveralty of Utah by a soors of f to . This Is the sams soors as that by which Seattle defeated the Utah, men last Saturday. The gams this afternoon was olaan and porta manlike and rood feellor pro vailed. Three of tha Utah man wars more or leaa Injured, but none aerlously Pour touchdowns wars mads By- Floyd Williams, two by PUklngton, and two by Root. There were several rood rnns by O. A. C. man, Williams sspeclally dlstlnnlshtar himself . by brilliant nlaya. The Dler of the- Asalss . i f eater by far than that of tha Utah a. tha lktteT'' gaJnlng only by superior weight la nuoking tna una . a.t n tnns. however, did It look as though tag Utah men -would make a touchdown. ' never wars they encroaching en O. A. C. ter ritory, except when the: ball was kicked there, and then It was Immediately taken out by soma O. A. a player-- The f)rot touchdown was mads In two and a. half minutes of straight play, of football. The Utah men played dean ball i hewed thesmsalvas to be gentlemen In matters,, ox .sport The Una up was; uran. rositiea.' . uragoo. Petarsoa .C. . .... Walker Marnnse. .R. O.. Bundy Nelson Maa..L; a.,.M Eninlap Olaaa ... w. R-T.... Abraham sfadsaa ..Mk..Li.T.M. Bowars Kadlts ...R.n.,.,..... Cooper Roberts ' . ., . . . . I BL ....... , Stalwer Waynagard M....1.H. Root Jardlne w.,Lh H......... Williams Egbert ,r.m..,.y. B,.. Pllklnrton Penn ...Q.. Rlnehart Substitutes A. Hansoa, Hatson, Jamison, Rich. inrersoL ' S. Hanson. LUe, weak, Carter, Von dar Ueliaa. Plan,. DIAMOND GLISTENING Jim Morlsy wtmd Tim Flood to pitch Osoar Jones yesterday, herioe the change In program, sforley really wanted that gam and also every one of th games scheduled for this weak, but he had bat- tor send Matthawsoa and sons mors of the big leaguers bare, . Buck Freeman Is slated to finish the season with Seattle and will Join Hall's aggregation next week at Saw. Praa- olsoa, where ha Is now loeatedi Skal Roach declares that ha will not return to Butte hext season, but will play Independent hall around Chicago Instead. His case has been referred to the national board of arbitration. : Hugh Kallaekey caught Butlar ' fn splendid style yesterday. His work back of the bat Is -excellent and ha Is A good man with tns stick. r - PACB710 COAST UACVB. flflf W -4- TaenSMl Loa Aocelem .... 11I1SI a a kH -10 .eua Atattl ., OakUnd Saa rraaawai Portland ,.j t is .. g 13110 44 ft S .. 1114 41 ttUs 4sl4s4alai5u! f2 JBIZ .444 MS 1 1 'f 1 11 Seattle. Wash Oct. IT.Ven Hall. traa's hits In tha ninth soared two runa and won tbs gama for Seattle. Corbet t had the Slwashes at his mercy up to ma sixul waen tney bunched hits and scored four mag, Tbs soovsr Seattls . . ... 1 1 1 5-5" u San Pran 1 1 1 1 II D 1 a a is. 1 Batteries C. Hsll and Lcnhv: Cnrhett and Shea. Umplree-Wllllama anA Wha- Avate Bsfsatg Oaktaad, Kan Pranclsoa. Oct. it. Ovlo Overall t agalast tha Canuautsrs es- tsraay ana won his gams; Bart Jones was wild and found for safe hits as op portune tlmeev Tha soar: n r s Tecoma . rf . , , 1 ft g ft 1 1 ft 4 ft - ft Oakland . , . . .4 0 4 0 0 1 ft 0 - I 4 Batteries Overall and Drahaiai- Jonss aad Stark. Umpire Petrtne. BZBXBO-T It Is practically assured that As toria will meet Multnomah on the local fteld on December Thia game shou)d attract great attention on account of tha recent good showing of tbs As tartans against the club anen, Should Dave Jordan not be In ahaoe to play Saturday. Kerrigan will go la at left end. and Hoi man majK play quar terback. . , The Utah aggregation will arrive hers this evening and tomorrow they will practice an the Multnomah gridiron. An snort Is being made to have the & A. C. team meet Multnomah on ristmas. On aooount sf O. A. C.'s fine ahowlne; this year, a post season gams with Multnomah would bs a bir attraction, ' Coaoh Lovargan of tha Columbia eleven will referea the Multnomah-Utah game on Saturday. Mr. Lovergmn'B of ftalatlnr In the Astoria ram waa very good and all who saw his work were WU plained. 1 POOTBAU MM PSarZtUtTOBT. -- (Jearaat gperlal Servke.) . Pendleton. Or.. Oct. 37. the Pendle ton High School football team and the Walla Walla High School eleren Wall meet lathe Garden City Saturday after noon. A special rata has been made over th O. R. A K. line, and a number of rooters will accompany tha team t WA walla. .... . .4 ........ i.. . nurru Jack SuHlvma, the crack young; boxer, who appeared on several oresalona at Tommy Traoey's gymnaslun during tha period of four-round exhlbitiona, re ocntly suffered sn soctdent whhsb, will termUiats his boxing career. He had s foot eruaned In a railway yard whU swltchlhr XAOBXasf pmnra wo ' (laml Beertal Swvfae.) London, Oct. IT Th CambHdgeshlr stakes, run at th Newmarket meeting yesterday, was won by iHaokler'a Pride from a field of 17. VrU was ssetmd aad Nabob third. , vmAnrn ohm babat nrjrrmBB. Memphis, Tsnn, Oct IT. While driving a sulky at Billing park yes terday, Dd Oeers, th vMeratt turfman aad trainer, wan thrown and seriously .kAjared. His ooadiUoo is sarlsua. MR' ma HAKES mtaDwm Uoaraat gfteelal Safvtm.) kemnhla Oct. 17 Dan Patch, with a paoamakar carrying a wind shield, suds th fastest mils sver psoeu or tmieo by. a harnsss horn yestsrday, going the mile in 1 :44 flat. The record time ws l:fitu -mada by Dan patch in lroa. Durlnar the afternoon Major Delmitr trotted a nlla Xo a hla wnsst guiky bn 1:01 flss. Reaultsi a:ai nace.' ii.vuv, iwu u ton won twA straight heats in a:itt. a: 1 J trot, ififtog. two In three Van- sandt won two-ftralght haata la :lftfc, t :16 nrosv I1.W, two 1a three Tom Axworthy won ewo straight heats in Chicago. Odt l7.-AWorth resultsi Six furlongs lsmprr of India won; tun. 1:14. . - T - One mtta and o atxtasntsr Bans Street won; time, l;4t 1-A One mile Cutter wf n; time. 1:14 l-g. On mil Anantas Won; time, 1:41. 'One mile and one sixteenth Dutiful won; time,-1:44 I-i. i Six and one half -fu fUrloaga drioral sung vun, tuna, u Kansas City, Oct 7, AatnrtdT um- msry; . , 7. -f One and an elgrhUi miles Tiepflooo on; tlsss, 1:14.' ' ' ' - . Plvs and a half fuxidkmi Envoy won; (lm. l:ftSH.- K One and a slxtseath mJlaa" Prtnosss Tulan won; time l:4t1i. v . The Derby Candidate s stakes, one mils, for J-year-olds Klnr'gv Trsptgr won; Urns, 1:41. . Flva furlonrs-Jla Alone snj Uma, HUM. '- Seven furlong- Peroxtol Pas woa; Uma. .... - ,v'4 K At Bll HIS St. Louts.' OcC 7.-Ielmar re salts sills and Tt yards, selllns Mint Bed wont time, iit1. . 1 jSlx furlongs Cashier won; time, 1:1s,' Slx and a half furlongs, seUlngf Flar-' staff won; time, l:lilfc. v Six- furlongs. handicap Tst Boa. won; Urns. i:is. - ... - Seven furlongs.. ; ssUlnr Ben Lssi' won; tune, ;io. 1 - - - . wue ana . io yams ajnscn nwrgaa won; tin, 1:47. '- . ; , .' a' 1 New York Oct ST. Jamaica resultsi Six furlongs, selling Dm: won time. 1-a. Plvs and a half nrtonrn-HTuK Uma. 1:W t-A r i -J Mil aad a sixteenth Bali wsm tlnm. The Packer ataksa, selling-, flva sad a half furlongs Coy Maid - ran; time. l:4Tv 1 ' Mil and 19 yards, ssUlaarObaan Tld woo; Urn. 1:44 I I. Mil and sixteenth Mayor Dalarar- fiald won; time, 1:4A v PACIFIC TO PLAY THE ALBANY ELEVEN ' - . . . : (iesraal Ssaelsl Serrlee.) ' Porsst Orov. Or., Out. 47. Pacine's team will oontsst with Albany's eleven tomorrow at 2:1ft on the local field. AK though Paclflo'S team baa not fully re covered from Saturday's game. It hag been dblng hard work and consistent practice this week. Several of the man La the back field have sprained ankles. . This is Albany's first visit to pacing university. . Ths stores of ths town will be eloeed .during tha gams, so- a larg crowd Is expected. . A football rally was riven In Marsh hall last night to cheer up th boys. Speeches were mad by members of th faculty and others Interested in football. A hard gams Is anticipated for tomor row with the Albania ha Pacific uni versity' baa won every gam It played this vpdr, aad it is very anxious to keep up its good reoord. The lineup: , Albany. .. , Position, , Paelfie Mack ............ ..C.r.k, Q. Phllbrook Butler ...... ...B OL., ....... Ward. Morgan ....... .LORTT'....... Hall Do Ian .. R T L. ..,. James Qrifflth C.) ...LTR..,,.,,,, Dtmlck Underwood .B E 1. ........ Purdla Prancls L R.,,. Spagle Saltmarsh RHL., Nsal-Peterson Leonard R. Shannon Knglehart .. ,P B J. Phllbrook Babh . .QB... Brown-Sparks POSITIVE PROOF Should Convince the Greatest : Skeptic in Portlaod, Because It's th erldence of A Port land eltlsen. Testlmonr eailir taveetltated. The stronaest Indorsement of nsrlC Th best of proof. Bead lit . J. Carson, sroplored at the Portland Lumber COi, foot of Llnoota street, and who realdes at left First street, says: t was feel In e tilserable with a deprees Ins lameness around the aaaeil of sar back all last summer. At fret I did not pay rauoh attention to It, but It son tlnued to arrow worse and Anailr became ao bad that I thousht I would have to la off Work. To bend or aiove ouloklr cauaed severa twlnves. I was often at tarked with dlasy apella. aperks ap peared before my eyee and X had no am bition or energy. In the mom In a I arose as tired as when 1 went to bed. (act. had all the symptoms of a very Severe ease of kfdnt- trouble. Whan I was suffering the worst I read about Doan's Kidney Pllla and prooored a box at the iaue-pavls l)ru co.'s store. I soon notices an Improvement my rondltlon and the oaln and arhlns aeroas my bark soon disappeared. About elx weeka ao I was laid up with a siege of the grip for two weeka Symptoms of kidney complaint made their appear ance a train and I resorted toPoen'a Kid-' ney Pllla a second time. They )t a thoroughly freed m of th trouble as In the former eaee. I cannot sxpress what s change they have made tn ms. 1 simply feel like a Affferant perann. For aals by all denier. Price 40 cents per box. Poeter-Mtlburn Co., Buf falo. 14. Y., sol MaU for th United State. - , Rmmhr tn name X0AJB4ad, VASBOVB VAOBB 4MTBB A KU A eaiaaiw 0J . fH BaTM MW ASOUB nm os & paat piasii UTaltT ySTf1 1 HW MABat POB BUM WsUUXi BUUCV bm no- Moauiwe . .,-, INTEREST IN SATURDAY'S MATCHES ' Speculation is keen over ths result of Saturdays gams between, the Mult nomah and Utah elevens, sn account of th aoeree atad agalnat th Mormons by th Unlvsrslty of Washtactsa 'and th Oregon Agrtoultural -oilg team Washington and Corvallls sympathiser say that Multnomah W1U not bs able to run up so larg a ooore as their teams did, while the local elub men are con Sdant of administering a crushing, da feat to th Utah acgregatton. Multno mah Intends putting her saost powerful mea In Saturday's Una-up, and the grid iron rooters will have an opportunity to judge of th slvn's speed and prow ss. It Is admitted about ths elub that this year's eleven Is probably . th strongest organisation vr turned out by Multnomah, and Manager WaUrlns expect to ses hi man toakn a An showing this season. . Oa Saturday afternoon tbs Multnomah second eleven will meet tbs Portland Academy team en Multnomah Pield at 4 s'oloak. This, gams will be finished at t o'clock, when the Varalty lines up against Utah. One admission will ad mit to both matches. On aooount of the great rivalry between the stub's saoond team and the Pi A. eleven a larg crowd will undoubtedly turn out to so th match. One week ago last Saturday thoss sams two teams played a tie gams, and now that both have sines Improved the friends of both teams claim supe riority. In th "varsity (saw tha line-up Win be as follows; Multnomah:' TJtah. Rtntoul-Orleva r - iM)ti Petaraon Seeley , ...r g. Martlnaen Koas ......! Nelaou Pratt t.. Olaen Stow .1 t.. ..... Madaen Dowllnn .......... r s . . ... . . Kadlts Jordan 1 ..,.-.... Roberta Kerrlaaa a b. Pern Horaa .....mhT b b..... Wadyagard Corbett .1 h b .... Sardine Dolph f b BgWrt BUT Th Ievens representing; tha Portland academy and th Portland High school played a tl gam yesterday, neither taam belnr Sbl to scors, Th lineup: . Port Aoad, Position, : High School. Snow ....M.o.LERtiu.t.n. Lewis Pallinc ...Mt...LTR.H Pugh Oeorga ....LOR..( MacDonald Rankin -T--rr n -i.--.---t Pratt Merrltt p " T , , Nicholas Bates 1 111. 1 1 " " T- . iiili Lm Reohard Marsdan . n 1 p " - Ti a 1 Magneas Hart .!. ..Q- w m Hoaford Corbett ,.,H..LHlt.;,HU, Otnuni Kinoaid ,..'..KHL,....m. Vernon Nleholn M,..,.r..t,.,MM Harrison MApOatBB. Matchmaker Tommy Tracer of ths Willamette Athletlo club has practlctlly completed arimngumenti tor a le-round flgfrt to take place In this city on No vember 17, between Tommy Burns, who recently met Philadelphia Jack O'Brien, and Dava Barry, the Irish champion ran AJTB BAJUST rstsutyiln . aisr nnroinsua) ip . . - ACCUSED OF ARSON Jaraal Bserta! larrke.) - Cbioago. Oat. 47. Ths investigation of a mysterious fir which oocurred at th CbloagoCer and Looomotivs oontpany's plant at Hegewlsch, 111 Is esulUng in some sensational developmenta, aocord- Inr to a statement made publle by A B Tolman, corporation aounaal of th city law department. He says: - "Th vldno nhows byond any doubt that th fir was of lnoendiary origin. Tha testimony of the engineer In charge of the building, together with that of .th x-uprlntndent of the company, amounted to a dlreot charge that Isaao N. Perry, president of the National Bank of North America, had become the owner of the property through sale under bankruptcy pro ceedings: that he had proceeded to man ipulate the books and inventories for ths purpose of auaklng a largely In creased showlar as to to value of th plsnt; that he had ordered th Insur ance, then about llftO.Mft; to be In oreassd to about 1204,404 that be had ordered all th oars, locomotives and other property of th company to be stored within th shops; that be had succeeded la obtaining- - aooeea no th shops alone and unaccompanied upon a Sunday afternoon, and that- within an hour thereafter fire had. broken out In four of the fir buildings and resulted in th total destruction of two f them;" in asserttnr big tonoesnb. President Pm Bald? f The charges earn from men who wanted to rule or ruin the car company and who had failed in their attempt at ths former." - -,-.. $10 for i Name The Chicago win pay the above amount to any person sending; in a name that will be considered best for thetr great 44.44 Hatn The firm sells mora 1 SO bats than any store In Portland, keeping up at all times over 44 stylos and colors. The jalu of th bat Is a wonder at the price. The styles are exact duplicate of the leading U aoft and stiff bats of th ttmss. They want to christen tha bat give U n sultabl nam. Send short names fcf yon will, sn they will be ttven prfreoe. Address all MtnmunlaaUons advertising; manager of ' the Chicago, . 71, 74 Third streesr Oontaet closes Monday, November t at 4 p. m. . All names will be numbered as receive and In osss w decld n a asms that Is re peated by two or mora persons, th 414 will be given to th first party sug gesting ths nam. What Is fa a name? Increased BujIocu h Direct Roylo From eaktarn tanneries nabls as tn give yon men's good sewed oak soles at (to; tha beat In th world for too. Han's heel fixed 44c. Ladles' olea 40o and l4o. Ladles' heels flxed loc. We put on the following brands of who! or half rubber heel: O'Bulllvan, poster Ami Slip. Nerv Ces. Bes Walk and Morfrss A Wrtgbt'a - , v Work Aons while yon . wait ts waur specialty. Ooodreer Shoe Repair pne- tory, Tammu strset. near Oas company 'nd offlea. We sail for and deliver free.- W Wko Win? Thar handsome touring ear. and 444 other prise, which wlH be awarded for the nearest oorreot eetiaaatea pf the pop-alar- vote for president. Th prises are valued at H,00 and bear In mind the eon teat closes on November 4 Take a chenoe and send In your estimate today. On gues Is allowed for every SI seats remitted for 'subscriptions at regular fates 4s Th Journal . nBreftened Btaeft Seauaed Allan n4 ewui Bae viL SCORE ;v . SJJHBSnVSnwBaxexeaxe t.-i jh.' 1 ' i- ' ' ' . . Hundreds of DIAMONDS AND WATCHES haw besa sold by' our liberal crwdit system.9 and w have J: yet to hear of a case where a customer complained of niisrepresentation. Wtt 1 are not infallible, but if we ever make .'a mistake we will make it good. ' . . .. We know people are more thins? else, the 'most timid - With every Diamond we sell we give a certificate absolutely - value of vour purchase. Your money back lesa 10 per cent ; within one year, ; " avaty weeuy or Monthly raymenu at lam inn V The Portland Loan Office VAN MAXOProprktor , ; -.74 Thirtl StrMt, Portland Oregon PARKER TO MAKE THREE SPEECHES OOMBOTTBB ABBOUBO VatAV, BCOITBAT SnUSC. A1V at HAraosr squabb abbbbt. ""... ay. .s (leoraaf aeelal brvle. , New fork, Oct. 17. The Democratic national committee announoee that Judgs Parker will -deliver three ad- drasaen, Th flrat speech will be mad Monday .night at Madlpon square gar den: the second : Tuesday night, at Newark, M. J., and .tha third, Thursday jitgbt, at New . Haven or y Hartford, bono, Ths commlttsa say In Its of ficial anoou noement; Thl aeriea of meeting Involves th appearano upon th platform for nearly flva nights next Week of Judge Parkar, or Mr. Cleveland, or both, and thre state are included In th echedute. "The first meeting of tmv series win oa, held .In Msdlaon square, gardaa an Monday night under th aueplcea of the Parker and Davis Business Men' elub, which supervised the meeting held In Carnegie ball a few-days ago. The chair man of this meeting will beIssdor Strauss, and ths a peaks ra so far as ar ranged will bs Judge Parker and Hoke Smith, ex-Secretary of th Interior. Th name of other speakers will b an nounced later. "On Tuesday a great meeting will b f MMe-Mee I Subscribe to THE "f J , ; x;vBx i COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH Comparatively FREE! f Subscriber's Cou pon of Inquiry To The Joqrnal: Pleese send your representa tive to my Address as given below, to secure fny order for ONE COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHQNB) etc and THE JOURNAL under the terms of vour special offer: Name , Address -eaaeaa " 4 By special arrangement with the Cr'umbia Phonograph Corr . The Journal is enaV ke this extraor " :1 to I 'it' SMMMMM44eMS4 - 1, I' I ...... . Diamonds Our Specialty skeptical when buying DIAMONDS titan when buying any buyers cannot help to place confidence m us. OUR GUAKANT1LIU :. . v- v t held tn Newark Under tha anaplo of Now Yorkers resident la Near Jersey. It wlU be presided ever lar Richard V. Lindabury, and Judge Parkar wUl bs ths principal speaker. Arrangements are under way for th appearano of an ss cabinet dfflclaL "The meeting an ' November In Cooper anion will be ander the auspices of th German ef New Tork. Th chairman of this meeting will b Carl Be burs, and Mr. Cleveland will be th principal apeaker. Several prominent Germans will also take part and all ths spooking will be In that languag with the 'exception of the speech to b deliv ered by Ms. Cleveland. -Oo Thursday a meeting win b held In either Hartford or Nsw Haves. Conn at which Judge Parker will be th prin cipal apeaker. I "On Friday n saoond meeting win n bld at Newark, over which Mr. Cleve land will preetda, and tbs principal apeaker will be Jam H. Sckala, ex controller of th currency." bbtaji Qirrrs muii, ; Vang Sf -ttearael HanuBond, Knd'Oot t7. The Indiana tour of W. J. Bryan was brought to a olose here yesterday. At an overflow moating held In addition to the regular meeting Mr. Bryan said In part , . "As this Is my last meeting In In diana, and the end f my 14 days' tour of fhs alete, X deairS to make this fare well appeal 10 thoeJ who voted for me When I was a oandldats, Let no friends of mine hesitate about th support- of th ticket Let no friend of mm Imagine that h an help so by con tributing toward th slotton of Roose velt Jjudge Parksr's eleotlon will haeten every reform la which X am In- HMM DAILY and SUNDAY JOURNAL f JUaRKIER and you will ..... "JounuT Graphophone Agreement B,..t; JOinUfAt BUB. OO Perttaas. Ont Weetleowa 1 here? anberrtbe far the by MRU, for a rrlr. fnr a rtn4 ef ob jeer at tb rate ef OSe per neeth, la . and Me. anilrk L Wrebr par fnr a OMtixia rntttltet iae to tha r alak aw entlrvlr fre at the eftlee ef the Colnmhla PhAnasrapb t watra to ftiralak sWeeta etreet. en rvur 97.M QrainphnB Svl if. troot rartorr. paeaina. etfl.1. far ezojetiv fmrtorr. It la aareeif faitker that I ea ret that I ea ret mi!!' tall araphofbeae aertn Ik terra e air Mberrtptloai Kit It at ecr time aad et mr wa eptton I Oe porchaee 10 aaMlttaaal tecerda at talr ebeve lUrcn, aad eaaiPleta 44al aeSeertstloa. aaa uaSaae tkae fceeeaiaa af aaetaelve preferty Sarever. BBW 't f .''i OU4 Slu4 pep 0Mi),Unl..HMiHa - l BolUKer a,..,;., HOTS. The eehasMa Pewsntraefe rwespev Onlamtita aUrhtae te the IBWMIBt f BO at ate Ore Mepaone ai tBear oran a tavar onice, ne. isa erTcari N. B Frlee af all rater eeatt tack. e4 'V.;VWJW; -'v guaranteeing the quality and . of the cash purchasing price - . "S"''-'. mumwnm ior uh. ; -. s ,1 t terested by rssaovimr from the arena ef polltioo the queatlona whtofei now diver public attention front oononl and In dustrial probieaas. , "Prssidsnt Roosevelt eleotlon would delay every reform tn which I an In terested by keeping Imperialism and, kindred Issues before the country, -and none can tell what aew Issues this war like spirit may compel as to asset during? ths next four years. ' "A- victory for our national ticket will not be a victory for Parker alone, it Lav 111 be a victory ior m as well, because X mads my oanvsss on Imperialism lour years ago and atood than where Parkar tand now. If we can only overthrow the doctrine of lmperlallem there will be glory snougk in tha victory tor all f ua." . . ' - , . . , BAT PBJSUIHB Bl Tiling (Jeer oel rrlil Berrtee.) ' - - - New Tork, Oct. S7. John Hay, eeers tary of ktats, made the first speech st ths Republican mass meeting held here In Carnegie hall last night " An Unmenaa crowd congregated to hear the diet t ti gushed stateemsn and the Boors tle rera locked at t:St ' clock. The apeaker referred ulogisttcallr to Presldsnt Roaevelt, toumeo on th dec laration mad by Judge Perker that th Phlllppmsa should be promised Inde pendence, and other oampalgn question Lthst ars now beore th nubile. He waa greeted with frequent applause. Rx Uovernor Frank S. Black aad Lteuten-ant-Governor Hlggins also spoke, . . , Mayor Harrison 'of Chloago la rei ported a expressing the opinion that Illinois would go Democratic, but per haps bs has acquired th habit of talk ing through his sat, poUMoally. CALL AT.THX orriCE or llfUiaitiYaiiihmStwe, -" v-" : ..." '' - The Columbia Phonograph Company 126SevwthSU And hear the machino play, and enter your sub- t scription at once get a ; yfs SMUUESOaW. BKass Wiealea; Maid in Oar asgMBaJQ. The Journal rosTLAKB, oa...v... Bally aaaf Smgey Jwevset Be eeUM IdaraikHt of Sret rot.ra. roe ai PtuMMMtreD CutlMBJ. Si). 1 (epen m arlna It for nprnta Mtarvae. aae aarfaa the terei ef tky lesrtatlaa. te awrkaea anj further tMd to nialn e mrrfcaat anj further Irenrde to rvlaln rt n I on I but It at ar.r Him a4 at ai et the to tn Ma Pkennerei f0Kaar rtinw4ln.,,rtMH't'H -nt ifW a erlt ea ear Brew iw time aawles ise rer as eaaaaase - uec, eeatreet. Bh