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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1904)
V -- 'r Hi Gr 3 EV I'' J Tonight and Thursday t northwesterly wind i' ' Portland, oregon, Wednesday evening, October sa, sixteen pages. PRICE FIVE CENTS. VOL. III. NO. Ml. DUPED BY to mm DAMAGED FROM A. . 11 af- -Jill I I lie CZAR SAID TO HAVE RECEIVED "PIICESS" ROJESTVENSKY TRANSPORT A KLiUiu i j" Great Britain's Represen- tatives Impatiently 1 , Await Reply. . fLEET IS NOW AT VIGO Win Rot Be Allow ti Enter the Bv-l bor Sm to Secure Fotoitw Tfeei Oily One Sbti it V Tlae.. "it IPMW garvtee.) Ylgo. Oct. it. (Bulletin.) The Bui tie fleet arrived off the port today, and cipher dispatches a waiting Admiral Ro Jeetvenaky were immediately delivered. '$ It la believed thy Mil for an explana tion of tbo North see Incident Local '. authorities have bMt ordered to pmM V only tbo rarletusllng of . tbo Riisslsn .... ships within this port, and om tbo con dition that only ono ship at a time oomoo In. JTles bland, la tbo Boy of Vigo, will ,-. bo tbo reffdesvoua of tbo floot ta eoaso quease of una aedar.,.vy v ix', :-.' "-' liOndoa 6ot f. (Bulletin. WToe parla oorroopondoM of Dalasll's agency wires that Ita la stated on tho highest authority tboro that Russia baa made an . unqualified apology to Kngleud for tha ': - forth sen tragedy. ' puojMd Bpilal Ssrv.) - ; ' .'- St Moratmrff. Oct. U tbta af V tornoon roportod on hlh anthorttj that '! ' tbo esar tbla foronoon rooolvod Admiral i, RoioatToaaky'o roport oovoiinc tborftr- lnV anon tbo HnU flanlnc (loot ia tbo . .Worth oaa. If tbla la tbo oaao no offMal aa yot - - ' a wtlltnc to admit that tbo atory offMaUy taM baa boon rooalrod In tbo capital i " ' ' - i mas M km tt nona ' that It will no laaufld. jutU Jttn AbxLLf M.nin aa th oartay of fho InirOan miM iiaraoBirato Ha bobur naaaod Vfton by Ttea-Jtdmirai ATollan. who at oat of tbo our wxn r"r u,u b ah t Tbo admiral wont to Taarakoo 0io ImR ntghtcaa no won eaHod thoro, n at that tlaw ft traa - not' bollowd that thoro would bo a roport from tbo Boitla float until aomo tlmo Cbla aaorn. Tho adWraltr at noon aaaartod' that fto word of explanation had boon ro corvod from RooatTonafcy through that c, but admitted It poaulblo that In m mm of oaaorsonay tho csnr mlbt bavo tho nowa. Tbo admiralty, ottolala paid that laiaaaaia bad bmtn aont to Ro3oot: Voaoky at an tbo varloua polnU whoro It wan oapoetod ho would touch and that aa aoon aa bla rvpky had boon ro coind It will bo aetod upon and an an awor mado to Groat Britain aa well as m pub) to laooanoa of tho Admlrei'a ao .ount of )ho affair. It la qui to plain that tho admiralty omclala bollovo tho Urine on tho Hahermon to bavo boon a plain oaao of blundorlnc. tho aauan for wbleb will bo hard to explain. Tbo officials tnalat that It win o tm poaaHuo to toko definite action until tbo admbral'o report la at hand. Great Britain undoubtedly Intend to pi the matter to aa laou and hi no Surdanoe with thm determination Cap tain OaHhorpo, tho Brlttah naval at tacbo, accompanied by n ehaaaeur, both In fall uniform, ropolred to the admiral ty effloea tbla moralna; and roquooted In fannatloa an to the probable time of tho (Continued on Pace Two.) SEES DOUBLE, AFTER - BLOW ON EYE-BALL rrnofc W the Oyo by a bu- 4 ahot fired fro nman-nooter.-- 4 Clark Korooy. ll-year-ow iaa. w 4 f WaehoaaL a little hamlet op 0 the Commbla rlvor, von oee twtoa d c o many obioot out of the In- ' a red optM aa ha could arerloua' 2 to tbo accident- If two apples I are bold In front of bio bad" 4 4 y ho fanewo be aea fonr; nT d q four ere plaoed before him he . - ay lmaclneo there are el rat. . The cue. la perplaxliuj to phy . . ftO flolana, ' V ''.i it I feared that ho wfll el- d ' 4 wayo ba affllotod with doM 4 i vision. - - d It waa while nlaytnv wHh a d . 2 afMupanloa named Roy Peteroon ". o that he waa Injured. On Moo- e day each of the boy waa pro- e) ' . o vldod with a ' joan-ohootor." 4 . . i They benan flrlnp; mtaellea of 4 1 o various kinds back and forth. d ; o and on of thorn struck Ksraey d In the eye. Younn potoraon, ' 4 who la aaM to be 1 yoara of 4 im, 'is tbo eon of ono of tbo d ' d membera of the Dunbar Thtatrl- . d d oal eompany mow In Portland. 4 4 At tho tlne of the accMont tba 4 :ahow people wore In WaeboueuL where they jara an entertain- o ' eb oscnt. ' ' , d ; m - pemroon was placet under ar- q 4- feet. Ho waa eiven h hearlna; 4 q meotsrday at Waahouaal before . d aV Justice' of the Pence D. I Rue- d . o sell, who fined him and aa aatl. ' 4 w"' omtm CHIN BBS COUL1XM BMPLOTKO BY, SEEKS ft O:,lAff TO r1 give: ber Spokaic MIIUoMlrt Waits to FId, Krx Aistiv, Who Hold? HlirliC Froperty,v Bat Hi Viifsheix; '''' 5 (! N. T Oot H- Uth- mUUonnlro of tpokane.. Waah., left nraonnv far Mew Tork City, today to 000 tin ue bis eeareh for Mr Austin. tC; whom no wishes to aire m,d. Be haa hen tod throuah flyraenoe and sev eral other up-state- otttea. IT not auo osasfol before - ovember X Mrs. Austin wUl not et the money. An Interest b a mmlnf -property; le- onted near Butte, MonU waa flvon Mra. Austin anany years as. It was eon stdred worthleaa then, but a strike was made m U about a Tar-ao and a syn dicate Has- offered a large amount for tho mine. The deal oould be olosed without the oo-operatlen of -. Mra. Auatln. Obut Lltba-en dJareo ho wants her to cot fair play, and Is searchta for her so she can learn of her cood hick and claim a portion of the purchase money. Mrs. Austin lived here eight years ago, but moved to New Tork. , ZJtbocen. with Urals an energy, not only traced her hers, but through bis agents found where she bad resided at tho tlmo of ber departure for Nsw Tork. Because of the shortness of the time al lowed tor-her participation bi tho sale, bo wlH- uss the newspapers of tho latter city to dloeover her ad arose, offering lib eral ranajds for information. t , VENEZUELA RIGHT IN - SEIZING ASPHALT Wanblairtsn, Oct. It. A dispatch from Caracas says that tho court has rendered jodament agntnst tho Mew Tork 4k Ber muda Asphalt company and the latter hen appealed to a higher court. Tho de cfokm upholds the attachment on the part of tbo government of Venesuela of tho aaphalt flelde and tba appointment of a receiver. in" i - T UB JAPANESE IN. BTJBTINO TH3B P OLD SUN SHOOTS HIS - WIFE'S FRIEND Stnife Infotiotloi of o ffomi C Teors of Afe for Mai Bit 26' - TeuvUods to Trouble. X " (Jesraal special ervle. T' Mew Torbv Oct. M. WUnam CTCon- nor. a rich yonnc real estate nroacr, was . yesterdays shot ' and seriously wounded by Wootf PMIHpo. an aged dl Mntnn rtnhlUhnr. beoauoe of the atten tions of O'Connor to Mra. Phillips. At naretoga aaaaaonwn r waa bmhu . im at that maht of lira. Phillips, who la S years of agd. and who dressed 'like a debuntato, entering tho dining room on tho arm of O'Connor, an athlctlo man of M yeans age. Phillips, n ttttle, .old, man dressed In black, and looking every day of bis Tt years, oamo trotttag along In tho rear.- ' It waa not unusual for Mrs. PhllHpo to appear, at breakfast In a low-cut gown, ber nook covered with coral beeda a ittftt mrf thrown about bar shoulders. O'Oosner la at BeUevue bos- pi uU. In a sertou oonainon irom tno effects of a shot -in turn neck, which be looslssfl ki the hallway of the Phillips home. -' . ' ' ' Phillips any O Connor and not be tk. rint ahca. which the eM man says glanced off a bunch of keys which was hi bw trousers poena, nt aassiia that be , then fired upon tho youngar man kt sell defense. Ha indignantly denies that Ins wife Was tbo eauss of the trouble. ,', x ' VATIOaTAaV AaOOTAIOaT IUOHL fiiaraai faeHsl asrvlfe. ' : New Tork. Oct. M. The National As aoctatlon of Prefeselonal Baseball Clubs today elected Patrick T. Powers, of Jer sey City, president; John N. Barren, of Auburn, ceo eatery, and Kugeno Burt, bfl Ban Francisco, a member of tba exeoo Uyo board. ; ; , Ruin is grmAjraxo. ' ' (learaal gpreial PwvW ) Naasau. N- K. Oct. tc Tho stoamer , IfaasachuMtts. from Cardiff for New Orleans, previously reported lost, la stranded off Abaeo, Bshama Islands The vessel la resting easily. 5 i j BAR Qy JOTg , AH Ml AJTRB THK MAINE HUNTER IS OOT FOR A HEDAL lakes All; Other Fishemei's ' Hooter's Tiles Seen Like Sober Trnta Boose flaot litest i ' - - (Heraal peeM terrtse.) 1 Bangor., Ma.. Oot M. The markabla advoatnro of tho season te the Mains woods Is that which, aeosrdlng to his story, befell Abbott Nctuou of Bkow hegnn Baturday near the forks of the Kennebec river. Nelson soya be, was our- rled three ml lee through the woods oa the homo of an Infuriated bull moose, wan neaity drowned m a lake which the moons swam and wan. then swung on the animal's horns t while It, did battle with another moose.1 NeUbn, Strang u his story Is, snrvtvod his experience unscathed.- He bad climbed a tree, ho says,- to escape the. animal, but the Hnb broke, and bo alighted on tho moose's horns, bis clothing becoming caught. He ass wis bo' was rendered nnconselous by the fail, but was revived when the moose swam tho lake. When the other bull appeared a fight began with Nelson stui fastened to tbo annual's horns, and ho waa banged about until ho was nearly killed. Finally his clothing gave way and ho waa tossed aside. The two moose fought to a finish and tho survivor was so weak thai Nelson was able by out Its throat. Nelson hVtbe same man who last eon told of having been chased -for half a mile by a mammoth trout which he had booked and which In revenge took to the land and attempted, to bite bim la still a prohibition state, .; WILL FLY AIRSHIP ; : . NEXT THURSDAY -'V v"'' ' r 1 ftamsl teertaj ttovke.) " gt. Lmiie, Oct. It. Captain Baldwin of Bau prandaeo, stated today that his airship Would make another trip Thurs day If the weather Is favorable. 'Knab enschus erlll sgaiu navigate. T. C Ben- how of Montana la on the program for a flight with his airship Wednesday af ternoon. . The British Merchantman i Strikes a Floating ; Mine at Sea. . TWO OF CREW KILLED Oker Reports Position of Armlet Ui , chonged ud That Bosslai " Cov-lry Drives Bock E ; ' trene Left Outposts. . Maanal ansdel lervtet.) Wei Hal Wei. Oct. Tho British stem mar Kashtnf baa been damaad by strlklnc a noatlnv mine nar Alooste Tha hoar af the VSOSSl WU snauhed, two of the nrew Wiled, and four Injured. Ttsim iMiAant brbum fee amlnd the dis cussion that waa waed. relative to the danger that menaoed shlppinc at ine Hm. m- iwun known that many of the nalnso In tbo vtolnlty of Port Arthur naroor; were w""" w " fasteqmaa or dehberateir turnoa aanrc ttu tu fKal waa struck by the Kaab- i ui bmimvA to aa one Of tnoeo inat haa drtfted Into the Japanese current w w.ntna.lhr floated across tns enan- dm to th apot la the direct course of the vessel it la halleved by many aoippina- men that tho ultimata outcome of tno ae- araahina- will be the ebaa- donlns of ;he route that la thought to ba- endenaerod ny noaBn - understood that amne captalos of v abm that have been piyins orar mm courae have refuoed to take further risks, but Ins ait on a ettanae at rouio. where thrtr courae win be entirely dear of the current that tney oonsioer are at tbla tlmo trauaht with more than or- dmary damper. ;- " rrem Ana ta Bunriea Pohmd. ' fliarwl atrial aervtss.l ril am a ma Zalt has learned k pmmb Wuaala. thai B.OSO troops' k... ' the Ruaalan army In Rus sian Poland during the last few days. Sixty have arrived at craeow. ine e- mmwrm era halno hunted With blood- hounds. It being shot Sunday while try ing to cross the frontier.. , imvmmma ITJUId gbf . mejoiee a Xesrasl dp tl Srrte.,l uhIiAaii nt. s Th ensdtntmont of Kuropatktn as chief of "command -of all the Russian forces m tno new nan ueeu received with wild enthusiasm by tbo treops. . . . - i, , - (Jeemal apeelal errk. Toklo. Oct. if. Becaoee of the many attempts by Russian prisoners to es m m aiwl their awneral refractory eoi duct, stringent regulations bavo been Is sued calling for the hanging of the leed m nt nraanlaad assaults and tbo ImDlia- onment In dungeons of those participat ing. (Joersal gpedsl Ssntes.) anarM. Oct. If. -A rooort from Oku'l headquarters, states that the position of tho opposing armies fa unchanged. Jap anese outposts on tba extreme left were driven back by tho Kuseiea oavairy. wbleb In turn retired oerore detach ment ef Japanese oavalry. . , . .. j . - .. " i'.' " WAJffW OUOEUi B i dil tmpevm le lbs Jesraal) Taooma, Wash., Oot. J. It was (Continued on Pago Two.) ' dawBnammanMpaBanmaammam -VtaMV BartieaalpMrtfc ; Foarnon laMg. Tib ia ii i Onapasta Srbram Bash - ... mnsstsa Oavalry. . : LAW'S DELAY I N CAS EOF MURDERER GUGLIELMO i - -- eaBHauih OaatlalmA aJovetai and hi oaptored by Pootnaster Fred Aioara at Lin area. Jtms S-Omtrlat Attorney men mrar- matkan. Bench warrant sf Juna Id-rraJgnnuad la ofrouR count before M. C. George, the Judge sreeiO ha HWen eao day to plead to Charge ef first-degree murder. June IT Demurrer ana nnwjon w qunsn Information filed by Attorney Albert H. Fsrrem. Argument eeritmned to Juna St. June ht-Motloa denied and demurrer overruled. Perrera withdraws from de fense end Dan R- Maiarkey la retained as defendant's counsel. I June Si Defendant enters ptea of But guilty. Trial est for Juno St. June u John r. 4-ogna rmsinsn sa aa- i -? -, "Daughter of LHiuokalani" Sought by Seattle - iV ,;' 'V .1 i Ctsmc TIES,. IP MUCH LAND Checks for Property Bought by "Mrs. Sell" Came Back Dishonored--; Seven! Creditors Tell Stories ; of Their Coofideice. 7 - v (Special mepstra Is Tee Jeerml.) Bamttla. Oot !. Mrs. KUea Marr Prochdvklakoy. alleged direct deacondant of ex -Queen Ulluokaianl of Hawaii. 'and related to tho royal blood of the Island group In a doaen different ways, waa the name she gave when she arrived In Seattle and interviewed bankers and real estate men. Then she met Tom Page, a local attorney, and bo induced her to ae oompany him to the superior court, where be loaned her the S4 necessary to change her awful name to Mra Seal un til her 'millions of wealth arrived from Ban Francisco and los Angeles banks. Now woman, name and all are missing; and Page la not the only mourner. Tied up In tho Scandinavian-American bank are several deeds to property, all made out In the name of Mrs. goal, to be delivered when the money was returned for tho California e hooka. Tho obeefca have come back dishonored and Mrs. Seal has deserted bor apartments In a h hotel for some more favored spot. A furniture dealer at Odessa Is now m the elty looking for the Hawalfun prin cess, whom he trusted with 1M worth of furniture, which she sold. One of tbo first places Mrs Frock dvklakey, or Seal, visited after coming to SeatUo three Weeks ago. was the of fice of Daniel Jones ft Co.. real aetata agents. There she negotiated for a pur- ,chnas -of . -Revennn Park and gave checks for a $19.99 mortgage which had to be lifted. - .. In several other parts of the dry she made real estate deals, and on tho strength of her oomlng line- of credit at tho Scandinavian-American bank aha borrowed a few dollars. But It la all over, and aa aoon as the deeds are destroyed tba property In volved will again bo put upon tho mar ket. , ' GIRL DRAGGED BY A MULE, BUT IS UNHURT "" (Joareel pectel ftvrvfee.) r Santa Barbara, Oct. H. Cut, bruised and bleeding from head In foot and with her clothing torn almost aompletety off, Emma Culberteon, the 12-year-old' daughter of George Culberteon, was found lying against a brO Wire fence last night. While untying a mute tho girl became entangled In a long Una. The mule ran ray, dragging ber a quarter or a mile sr a rocky road, kicking frantically at ber as she Jerked and bounced along and finally turned Into an orchard and to the fence. The ,chlld was supposed to be dead, burroae unassisted ana warned home. Medical examination showed that she had had a remarkable escape, no bones beinr broken, nor Internal ta Juries sustained. UMORROW COUNTY TO VOTE ON PKOMulUUN (Spirts! INeMtm s The JearmLl determine whether sr not county prohi bition shall ba enforced wUl be held in Morrow county Bin mumn. m uuuas Hon forbidding the presentation of tho isooe was today dissolved. - - " " '" ) - Mnuiai inu m Biaomnk - ateMlnnvllMB. Or- Oct. A.--rho oouncfl lea nieht rebonded the cltr for The McMlnnvllle National hank bought the entire bond, . r ' ' . " inn . -r . June ts Impenellng of jury begins bo fere Judge John B. Cleland. Three special venires exhausted. Fourth spe cial venire of men ordered. June StJury eompaKed and taking of teetlnwny begins. June M Taking ef testimony com pleted. Argument made by counsel Case goes to jury, which returns verdict of guilty as charged. Defendant granted It days hi which to move for a new trial. July T Motion to arrvet Judgment and mot Ion for new trial filed. Jury Motions argued. July a Argument concluded ami matter taken under advisement, July it Motions denied. July lb-Ougllebnd sentenced to be hanaed August U and allowed M days In which to prepare a bill of excepUona. Bent to Salem penitentiary. July SS Bill of oxoeptkma presented ts Judge Cleland.-. . illnii i Government to Be Peti tioned to Send Vessel Here' In a Month. " 'FRISCO AFTER BUSINESS Rloteeitb lifiotry To Be Seot Freoi Viocoiver to Phillpplaes Port- . -. , bB4ers Are Aixiooi to Secare Bnsiiess Eod of Dei), i Strang ehTorts win ha made by) Pert- land's chamber of commerce and Ore gon's eonareaalodml delegation to .have the government send to this port tho transport that m to oonvey the Nino-' teenth infantry from Vancouver bar- ' racks to tho Philippines. It can ba done by prompt action and those most deeply Interested are already at work. Letters were mailed today te each of Oregon's senators and representatives soliciting their support and they will undoubtedly take the matter up with tba quartermaster general at Washington Immediately. "The bringing of this transport to Portland would mean a great, deal to the business interests of the olty," said Alfred Tucker, chairman of tho oom mittee on navigation, tbla morning. T ha sh ip would take on a valuable cargo for the Philippines. This cargo would prob ably oo as 1st of grain, nay, food sup plies and lumber. Portland can furnish all this Just aa cheaply an Ban Fran cisco. And the embarking of the troopo here would ba a great convenience to tho officers and men, as the trip to San Francises would necessarily entaM con siderable expense. Portland Is entitled to this transport. We have all the bar bor . faculties, and as . the troops are stationed at Vancouver, w believe that they should not. be taken to Baa Fraar olaco to be put en the ships." , It Is understood that San Frandaoo has already made a bid for the busi ness and tho chamber of eommsree be- " llcvea that thm can be headed off If tho tight kind of influence is brought to bear. Portland Is mors convenient to Vancouver In every way than San Fran- -dace. Tho troops could pack camp ke Vancouver, have the foods put on tho river tug and loaded on the transport In the harbor. They would be at no expense. If Saa Francisco la ehoseu tbo regiment will be compelled to either go Into camp again In that elty wwSe wait ing to be loaded or go to the hotels either ease Involving unnecessary ex pense. 10 very Item of the cargo would be right at hand In Portland, which would not be the cans la Saa Fran- Cisco. An a general thing these trans ports take Immense quantities of lum ber for the Philippines. . The Eleventh regiment, now stationed in the Philippines, will be brought homo some time in March and the Nineteenth from Vancouver will be taken over. It Is the plan of tbo chamber of com merce to have the transport bringing the men from the Philippines to some -to Portland, where the troops could bo -unloaded at Vancouver barracks and tho Nineteenth regiment taken on without any extra ex pence to either tho men or the government. Although the transfer will not take place until March, the navigation committee says that new la the time to take the matter up with the authorities at Washington. TA CL. la order to prevent Baa Fimnemon front -getting the business. lewarSSI Washington, Oct. It. Though the) president's birthday Boos not fall until tomorrow, a shower of eongrntulatory messagvs were prematurely received at tho White House today from individual friends and admirers and political er ganisatlona m sll parts of the country. Mr. Roosevelt was born la New York City, October IT, Hit. and tesnorrow will be hut itth birthday. Ho will ob elrre the day In an entirely Informal manner, lunching and dining with such membera of his family as are tn tba olty, and with a few Intimate friends. . , July MBM signed by court and filed. July Certificate of probable enans signed by sourt. Order arresting execu tion of Jodganent served oa Sheriff Word and Warden Curt of the state sesitsn tiary. August lSDsfvndant returned from penitentiary to custody of Sheriff Word. August it Ralph B. Moody retained as associate counsel for the defence. September k Btate supreme eet grants defendant t days m wmeh lo i. e brief. October MOefsndanrp oounesl sev brief wiU bs filed m two or w.n-e Dbttrlct sttorney w ' whleh to file brief brier Is fl!d by ' Ceee Will ( H fr ee r f y ' TO IM AIOffHB TaUa. lpeelsl Ssrrtvsrt OPAPbPHONES! FREE TQp Wortti VVluk)