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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1904)
THE OEriON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, 1 SDAY EVE INO,' OCTw 1 TODAY'S MARKETS , Steady Files and Littla Noist Have E'.V-d Hop Defers to Pick Up PracticaUy fti.O.O alea of Thii Year'i Hop Crop to Oregon. 1 it "fa'- 'to r, to awt Or foe tranMorUtlM Bw tbe aa mom- aHr BMlt- J , n. ...... - - - n kb a. M to - tKl, t eent; It I it pagea, BBBbl. BE 14 .- a Pages, -"i EdrtorUl Boome Mala ERA bualAMB Ofto Mala boo. Btered at tit anwtofae f Parti, J Tf YrU.d rWogemtn Bpertel Advertising Agency, ' -V JM NiMig Nml, New lark; Tribes JtaUd- wai. J ' y' The Dally Journal. 1 rear I l The Dallv Ji!Pul. arith ! nnll .7B 7iT" The 6llf Ji naU months . V Journal, with Sunday, I mean. 1 a The Daily Journal, with Sunday, 1 month. .00 The fWlfr k A.Uhm ftik4ir !y. .'. Tb- Dully. per week, dUvrA Ban AM ,Npit4 SatM Vy Mnfl. . , (r.s The ally Journal, with Buaday, 1 fa....fT n Tha Daily Journal. 1 year v - - Th Dally Jwrnel. with Ben day. 4 Sana the. I TJ ;' The Dally Joarail, month. ,.f Tbe Daily JoarnaL with Sunday, month. .0 The Daily Journal, f months .... 1.40 The Daily Journal wit Sunday, 1 month.. TM mur Jonrnal. 1 moot.,.. -j" " Vbe Sunday Jcernal. 1 year 7? 1M laaair JcernaL Btentne ...i. ....... "- Aa aaamWflaUr JaaamaL fba Imb-WIt Joaraal, to IS fIM ' haoa. lUa-tratoa. mu aww r- Bart. 1 yaaw - flat VaaUr JaarL Vha Waahtr Joarcal. 100 eotaaiM a raa . luc aach laaoa, uiaauaira. iu mmnm, rf V t-porta, I yaar , 4lu naautuaeaa aaaaiw aa nuuw ay ar"ii. v-1 tKjfra. uprfaa ordfra an4 aaaalr an eaaaUHa ! 1 4 S-eaat aytaa awn udto"" mrr Inmna. tnuiAU FV O. Bo In. Partsnd. Or. vhkb ran nmMu. mat as yonro. -' ,1 Tha fearaat aaa to asanJi aala si lha - Inwlnt aao: potHK. IDAHO PVaaar haat atora. CIlICAQti PaatoMoa Nam oaatpaa. IT Daar "ira atraat. . Dryvr. COLO. Ktaan Bank a ttanoaary rmaaaur, VIS BtfnurnTB auaaaf a. aMam. Slitmtb act Cnftla atraata. KANSAS PITT Taa Hoy Hra aaaaaff. . I (IK iKRII BL-n r. aaranwr. 16A Bnth Spring atraatt Ottvar Ualaaak, SO loath Rirtnr atnt- liVEAfOLim , S. Kavaaavch, a Tfitrrt. Xrw TOR It CTTT raataaa'a, TMas WM. OMAHA MIUar4 Hntal twiwa ataaall WajaafJa Btattaorry anianany. ln nrnnia atraat BALT LAKB CITY Ki'fiyo ! aawa atan4: Rarrnw Braa.. at Waat Brconi atraat. Sooth. T rxtma Phtils ai Lamat atraat. BAN FBANCI8CO W. B Arrtln. Falaaa Ratal aawa ata4: OoMaaairtt Broa.. no nuar ttwat: rrrd W. Pitts, ions afarkrt atraat. POKAKB. WAdH. John W. Oraham Ca. TAOOMA. WASH. Caatral Mrwa oaaapaay. 11H Paetflr avatiaa. VKXTIVB BOTIOB. BAM. af Portia b4 tiod. Na. ST. A. O. P. W. Maabra ar? rrqamtad to attrnd lo4ta Fn 4ay alyht, Oatbpr 38, at which Una wa will rrlahrata tha B0th annlvaraary of aar ror. Voa will be aatrrtalixHl. hVfnahmrBta and s rlaara will to aarvad. Caaa and hrlnjr alont a joaar anaa aba la ant a member. By order J. H. TACKABERT. Uaater WackBHUa. Attest: t. WL TEABBT, Bacordar. MINNEHAHA TBI BIB. rt. S, Improaaal Ordrr Rrd Man. Tba rutar awtlna win ha ktrtd la tb naw wlraia. Wlllaro-tta ball. No. t ITOH taoand atraat, t a'cVrfc to. aacb . Tharadajr evanlnc. ' PAOB CABTeB. .-5- L eABarnmajww, cbiaf af Baaorda. OHIO BOrtKTT Tha rarolar toonthly maatlac nt tha thlo aortaty wlll ha hfld an mday. Otobar at K. of p. hall. Hanraam halld- . ' Inc. A lam attandanfla la Mniated, Ba- rhfn.ntB. y WU. OOt,DMAN. aaaa-aaMaaa)aaaaa-Maajaa- i ,i, , , aaa AOOTTOlf BALBB jfOBOBaoW,.-' By Oaav Bahar A Ob.. Aldar and Park atraata. ' mt 1 p. at., aala of bansebold foroltnra, aarpata. nr. cao. Ha l or aoftionara. Weathar rartdltle and vaaaral foraeaat far IViaoa. WaablBCtoa and Idaho U hi foggy thla sraralag In Waatrra Oregon gad wratrrn ' Waahlngtoa and along tha tuimadlit eaaat from Cape Maadortoo aortbward to Capa Flattery; laawfcer K tha Knrfcy aaoaoUta and Pari Ac aaat aUtoe tha weathar la cenarally clear. Pair and aaederatelr eool waathar aantlmiM ' throaghoot tha United State aaat af the Kooky 'mmialaln. hiiwM tn the aaner take rraloa and along the Booth AtUntto eeaat, where light . r&ln eeearred dnrlna tlte naat 24 knnre. :,-. Hilling froata are report Ml throagboat nnasla. -t-1 The lodlcatlana era for genaraUy fab- weather ta thU dlatrlct Prlday. aaeept In weatom Wash 1 ag to n. where abawera are probahla. Obaarratlaaa) efoaad at f a, at. : ' ' t : r. . . TBMP. ' .V '' ' ,., at. Tta atlaata. Oa. Baker Cltr. O S4 M 0 B"ton. Maw. Bnffala. N. T 44 , M ' .OS Cltarleatnn. B, O. Tl 80 .80 CWrego. in So . M .01 ' CtDrhmatl. Ohto,. ........ M ; ' M . t f , ..! r -Vnrer. C F BO 0 ivtrott. Wlrb 44 SB . , 0 - Kureka. Cal 54 , 40 .01 v;- Trrmmo. Cel. .............. B0 SO - , 1, OalTeatoa. Teg M . 0 --ifc. fleleaa. Moat A4 BO . 0 In(lepe-diic, Cal..., 74 , 40 , JarfcRonTllle. Pla T4 ,.-' 1. BCallepell. Haat...... M " " SB , 0 Kanaaa City. Me 00 ;W u ' 3 2. IwlatoB. Idaho W M ,- 0 Lna Angelee. Cel.. T 84 0 i.w. fcew Orl-aaa. I TS, M i;- 0 SBWi Sew Tort. A. T v. ' AS : M . r 2 . Worth Bead. Waah M t if 411 Omaba. Neb 4S r-irtlana. Or S3 44 ' RnaelMirg. Or 0S BarranBento. Gal. T Pt. Lmila, lfo 3 B8 4 - , : TO 64 tf B4 , 3 0 , 4S 4 40 04 as Tl an "S a C: W a.. T.I,. Iffc.fc . :t S Pranrlaro, Cal........ - F"!, Minn -vl? &". ...... . Taenma, Waeh ' Vtrtorta. B. C:.... '5 -.T Valla Walla, Waah , I 5.aahlngtna, P. C. L ' yinaemaia. Kaa.. .,..., . ru....t. ........ aa , -..-a. ,- KABAIAOB UOZVKEB. . ' F. S. afoheea. fa. ial Iab Tahaatlaa. SR. K . P. Trtpn, SB. sad Waaeg eaaatr, and waaa Mmmt ia axBTma. OHer , Mr. ea Mrs. Oaatawj HtaWB m Hothraah. Or. ; g aoa. October . to Mr. and Mra. W. J. H1B af 0M Batat Tweaty-thtrd atraat; a daaajbter. ' Ortober SS, ta Mr. and Mra. WlUtasa if. bm1I of 401 Oafnrd ttreet; a aoa. OctoNT SO, ta Mr. and Mra, Jeaaa (1 Bbaaag , 0f PortUadj daaghter. Ortebar ST. t Mr and Mr. AlaUwXae. A, ' .Wayae af 4TS Beat nrteenth atreet,; a eon. Ortnber SB. to Mr. and Mra. Charles Browa '.. .mt Pnarth and BherBnaa atraeU: a danabtar. Oetoher B4. to Mr. and Mrs. Bdward B. Bathcrfard of lie Beet Aaheay etreet; a gam. OOBTA0IOVS TffBHtW. aaV. Btraat; ehickaapoa. BXATHA, Oetoher 14. Knoflg Pergi MeOea. Bged S rear, at go Ct Third atreet. North; raaaa. aaaa tar7. Burial at Lone Fir cemetery. Ortnber 24, J oh a Scbarr. aged at) yra, at BNT Rest aferrlaas) atreet; eaaaa. paraiyala. Bwrtel at Irtne Plr remetery. O tber t. Oeurge It. Tress be. aged Do yars. VlaeaBit'B aanatarlan: eaaae, pelmnary t Vt. Barial at Trmlan, fVatth Dahnta. j&t tS, Juhn Haetlaga, aged 40 yeare. i. Vincent's bnepltal: eaaae, UbarraUahi. . ! at kmat ralvary eeaaetery. ober SB. Agere Boas Bwlntn. gaVd B r . at Alaeworth and WilllaaM atrewtsi e, paiajaeata. Barial ct Blrarrlav eaaae- W '4ier 04, wnUaal Maa, aged years, at r at. Weak.; raaee, aeloM IB Bartal at narnrimrg. or. -'tor"aa saj 0 9 : mt. f a City ear r aad. aaa to. cbsrgaa i, i i. . .aB I t. a. m- Iuu4 C iBHrnei aaaaalatfcav, IrarUaWBBV Or. d i ' md aaa... ..a. Pamaa Bar. A P. Ptnh-r A . fuaaral aRraetord aaal been lato.iranl to Baaw am ammge I8,t:3 BALES ARE; GROWERS' HANDS Aooommv vo una bschcavbs rout hoot tun o a aftMO BAU OBOV OF KOH MATS Afc- oin ovv f Frowt ttiwt, Ort. IT. Tfc prtBrtpal fctflwi f the PorUaM wbolaaaU aWhaM More WIN ( hop mad. TtylBf to bfoat prltw of teM, jpMcbM arr prwt)all7 Mt. Dealan tfbtloc tar mP SnaQ rVn for potato ooaM. - Ufht dullnaaa to pouHry. Ori-coa bnttar la to bisfe "" f,tM auk BafT AMWfUaar to tba awry lataat MtlaiatM tally bafcM of hap.. t. of crop of M.UW batM, ar airMdy oat of tar mmi oc t grew m.i. i... in nan halM M I n.niu vaawtld. but this Am ta a yn Ubaral I w and la ahoy tb crarral tatkaoataa. Uhrral MLa(lBiata of tha Iwpa. raaMlBlaaj aaaoU a.tha varloaa aarttoat abov: VaaaU Bntteenia, Aarara and Caanpoef die- trtrta , , 4,' uacKanaaa vrmatf .w. .. Tim hill eoanty .................. rig eoaaty , Baleat and Marin fjattatlaa Eugene and Vtctalty B It ered I i ... . WaahlDgtoa aaaoaf ................... Karl ma ted nnenld iB.ono ' As the aaaaoai advances the bop market be enaaes atroager and tbayera are now ronOntng thenaieiyea BMlnly te the parehaaea at prima or aeedtaH-mde Stork. Bow frw purchaaas era reverted at araand KKI30S.C ' for thla grade. Agala attempta are being made by aoroe peapla to basat tba aurket and Bales an reported at hi bar aareree tba a are actually paid. .Aa la- atanee of UiU la aeen ta the sale of B4B hales at Aarara. Of this John Mnrray af that plare aaya: "George Yergea, aayarlf and a Japanese who baa a part of nr yard sold baock of S48 balaa of prime hops tha other day. In the lot wars lot Da We belonglag to Tergea. SB be lea to aha Japaneee and BS balea te myaell. Vargea red red tttt for bla hopa, while tba Jap and nyself received SOe. Tba OreoaJaB reported the entire traneactlea at tlHe and this aaa ranged aaa aweh Ineoaranleaoe; aa It wag aot trae." Bobm addltloBal ardrra are brine; re ceived treat Bnglaad and Gerotany and the market aaa batter tons with higher prleea ex pected. - ' Paaetrea Are aVattoafly Oat. ' Tnert la great ararclty af peaebea In file aurket today, -the entire receipts of the atreet aot aaaoaatlag to ran tbaa several doaea boaea. . Sobm sate of faavr atock were made aa high at (I. Orapee of all kinds are eery ecaroa wttir Ugbsr prtcaa raluig .. ' aaaall Ordeea ray PeteAeea Oaantog. A few ardera for Ore gee potatoM are brtBg received by local, dealers but they cannot be Sited 'am sceeaat Of tha higher price mtlng here. Tba farmers are offering mora freely and aaay possibly cobm to tcrma with tha deae- tn reg-ard to prices oaring tba coming ttakana are being held. a Braj as ever today. - BthrBi PBiiaaaa ta remnry. Thar la a alight dallaass 1b tha pomJtry Mar ket, tba receipts being heavier .and tba de mand a trine alack. No aaW have yet been Blade at lower Sgtirea, Oregon eggs are very acaree and dealers find Bo trouble, la aaa wing tha price tar everything that oaaee. ., , - Orates BMtar la Cap High. Compared with price ruling elsewhere IB the batter market Portland la rharglag toe much far tha baane-pmdnced article. Eastern bat ter of Jaat aa good joHty aa the local stock cbji be laid down In thla city after paying a ateep freight rat and gOU aaid smack ander the local aadB. - . , , , . .. - Wheat Oaallhsaa DnlL ' - la wheal there 1a abaotetely nothing dptng an aecoont of tba lower market In tba east thla morning; and the lose there yesterday. The Boar market baa a Brm ton with na new In qtilrtea coming from tba eaat. Arcordlng to ad Ices from the Japencee this morning, nor prima on Boar are from Be to lOe tao high Cor them. Aa pffer of lOv ander enrreat Bgnraa ana ra faaed for S.0M) aacka trtta mnenlne. Today's wholesale oaotetlocta, aa rTtasd,"are aa uuowa; , rata. Ptear aaat Teed. WHEAT Nrw and oUWaUa Walla, iBai Btaestem. taw; vaiiey. vrc. BARLBY Peed, fel.oOtJll.TBl loOad. BSS.B brewing. S2S.00. ' CORN Whole. par toR; arackeA, BaB.0, OATS rYodncen' prloe-tf. t wbito. ttf-00; gray. ssbs.o. rLOtR-Eaatera Oregoai Patents. S4.0R hBBBMBt, Bath Ma. B. Panaral wreathe aod est flowers a anaaUlty at Roea city Qreeahonae, Twenty aaoond and Bast Macneea, app. cemetery Chart Bra, for flowers. SBB Morrtato atfawt . BBAL miTtnAlaflU R. H. Da via and bwabend to Charles BtalcofaBL tot a. block L. HkfhUnd nchool lioeae addition tBa D. U. Blckert and wife to J- rloyd. aontb wrt U at atftheaat M eartlna B. town. able 1 sooth, ranaa 4 eaat 1.000 C. L. Wlleon to l. C. Boorail, let 1A BloCB SOB. Coach addition B.10B Columbia Heal Batata company to La tire Herrlck. lots S. HA U, bioch IS, reals, swlar addition lo. S Thomas M. Anderson and wlfa to Otto Kiev sua and win, part af weet an feet lot 1 and eaat 10 teat lot A General Anderson addition ...,. IJ" Oaorg W. Brown te B. B. Jones, RtC m, block t. Arlata Park Ho. S .. John Stewart and wlfa to W. J. Peddl- mrd. anrthBMt U lot T. Iorfc Jamea Johns addltJoa to Bt. Johns ... 800 Und and West Portland Park IS BLprlff to 8. RaaMthil. lota 14. 1A Lv claalrr. block A Itoaewood , 10 W. H. Rennedv to W. H. Maraa. tot 4. block TS. Woodstock 1B0 W. U. King and wife to T. B. Cockran' t BnathHat U V.ta I end A. block ' M. Jemea J ohm addition to Bt. Johns.. ASM $. Myers and wife te A. D. Jonea at aL , let 0. block 1Z7. Btepbeaa adrtitloa ..... a, aw aata B. liaander and hnaitaiMl to . Strode. aiduliVd u northeast U aaethn BA townehln IT aontb. rancS John rarreil 'to X 'CBTrhi,' k Batli 09.04 feet let 14. block 14, Alblaa . . . AS00 AllUna Traat aompany to B J. Bond ifM AllUno Trinrt aaamnV'to V."faV B lot A block A Douglas addlttoa.. ASB ParlBe Ooaat Abstract tiaaranty e Trust aoarpnay an a. d. aauury, eaat e oaa A loTlS. 14; lots 11 and It, block A Railroad Shoaa addition Oregon A California Railroad company to Nathan pearcy, lot 1. aactlnn Ul lot l'west. eoatalalna a.W acres . ""St P. O. Bradford and hnaband to M. lee. block 1A Jaaaaa Johnaf Be iuiiwd to ei. Don a,euo h. h. Deveoy ana huaoaaa u j. ooa. ,, pongh, lot A block SA Bawtbarae'e 1 Plrat addltbm , ,. 000 berlff to John B. Kelly, lots to Morgta'a addltloa. Glenkaven Park St Bberirr to Ferine Coast Abstract Oaaranty ' Traat company, eaat H lota a id. la, ie; tots 11 sag IX. aeocB ay auuroaa Bhone addition . t. Almeter and Wife to R. Smith, lota SS and Bt. block 2X ktonnt Tahor Villa, am Sheriff W. OaawaU, lota ha OlenhavsB rare gg W. O. Manaell and wife to Bt. R. Adam, soil no met DegiaMns at point utar aectloa Kaat Twelfth and IUm elgnfl Jeeale A llortea te Portland Trust com pany, lota V and Id. Meek MS Oeaoh , addition 10 Cnited StatoJ id Nathan Pearcy. lot A aectien ie, mwnanip 3 north, raage 1 t weet. coaUlalag UUmtrm natoat).... at year rnearanee and aaatraeto to read catoto from tha Title Onaraatee A Traat eeaa caasiBer at Commerce bnaaag. tnamw PEBjfirft. Oeteber B fengena Walah. eVelllnf. nentew Relng aveana betw-es TlUamaok and Manovafc Mreia; coi, ai.mai. 1.0 Ig October It. Pnng Ptnil Cbwna. rape I re to bouee Reonad betwasm w betwaam Waahlngtoa aaal Aider etre-ta: coat, taw. '1. S3 TB; aariey. t4.10i faham. K MlUJTlfrKB BraB, ib b par to nrtd- diingL fCaVor,; ahosta, aoBBtrp. S2AAU; eh. HAT ProdBteea pHcav-TlBtathy. WTIlametta yeuey, nncy. .4. Oca ordinary, siz-wea 10-MflS.O0; clover, WOOglll.JJ. frsi. tAl.Bt v.ev. vanvaa. aU.aom 1JUBQ. ' Hopa, Weal amd Batae. ' ' HOP-ism, MmlH fat eitra B)j:r tor choice; 2SraW for pHm. WOO! Mociliv.1 V.H.. M M ITSA:. ea.tera Oregea. Ula. bk'iiaj n new, gun, l!KaraKlNSflfeMrto: lodjsntt ebert weal. woo. AttdjMMt loag waoL SOrOai.00 aau-h JLt.Zr- Bg Bh, ddjiai Mfc $ mmi BARKp Bv hnyrng priem HID Kg Dry bldea. RoT 1. tf too aad ap. MHU per lb; dry Up, Ko. L I to if BM. l4e; re calf, No. 1. under Iba. He: dry salted bulla and at eg. 14 less than dry Bint: eel tad hide, steer, eoand. e lbs or ever. TO; BO t 00 lbs. Ye: ander tO Iba and eown. ataXTc; at re and bulls, aoa ad. let tifi. to to lha. THc; eoand. JO to 14 ma. At: f , ,aenBA andar 10 lbs. tU! (bb alted. Te per m tee! ml le per lb lel Wee hlden. salt h1. each. tl.l.Tnr drv. aaeb. tl OOOl.iW: eolta' hldaa. e-cn. 'aBN goat aklna. coca mo a. Mcb. mdjlftei Aagora. with aoat K each. SBcfttl.OA - , .f - - Bhettea. fag aaat Penltw. : "; . BITTFIR PATBweet. BIHc: aaew. tBH. BfTTTKIt City creamery, beat. SOe: second trade, SS.vt2Tie; outalde faacy, STHJ30c: ordi rry. cold at or age, StmCi aaatera, SZUf-jQc; store, lstfisc. EOOB Na. 1 fresh OragMk STfjSTHdl aastarB, freah. 2TV; Aprils. S4r. , CHEEBB New Fun cream, tarta, U11)M: Toiina Amfriea. 14T14He. PO LLT It Y Chick a no, mixed, Italic Ibj bene. UHt12c per lb; rooalcra, aid. HASc Tb: voan. 1014 1 1c nay lb: broil era. l4iae par in: rryera, llQllHc per Ibj ducks, pta. ir per in: vnungr. aoc per 'in; geese, nc per m; lorn. uiee par in; grease a. nana an au, Pratto and Tagotohlea. ' POTA TO Kft Beet Oregon, tl perewt: buyera' prices, bpw(w; sweeu, par wi; craiee. o.v'lONR--TAeal. xi.BHell.TSi barer' price.; CaUferBla, ti.TSi garU. BfelOc w in. -' PREBH P R TTIT) A nolee. fancy Oregoa. tldj pi. BO pox: cheap grartea. ortviac box; oraagea, late VaLaerlaa. X3 SofliLTB nee box: ba- aaaaa. Be per Bt lemons, ebelee, aATSBra.oa per box: faacv. ga otJO-l 50 ner box: limea. ox; taacv. ga.OtJO-l W per box; lime, in. 09c 1M; plneeppleat S2.S04iS; plume. V per 'box; peachea. ordlnarv. BniiaOc rz; fence, SOe per box; aeara. tl.O0ttl.C9; Hpvica trV ner box arenas, TaVcttl.aS par box; Oregon. 0ej T5c: Ooncorda. XOc oar B-to haak-t; 10 IT. basket. a6446r: ceatalonpea. Tficfltl-SB per crate; caaabaa, tl.BO ner doe; BBcklcberrlea, 91 ine pv lb: eranherrtee. kvaL per nni; Oape Cod. tft.ftnth9.oo per bM; prunes. Sc par lb. v aviKTA mralr. fl.Xn per sacs, ear rota. 11.96 i-er eaah: baata. tl X Bar mck: Oreroa redlahea, lo net dns: a "hare. Or.a'i'B. tl.BIiat.on ret; tertuce. bead. 15c don: ren pepper. 40&0e per box: celery. TOdrTBc per dos: Oregon 30d?40c per box; parsnips. TBaJ tl.SS: green peag. Be par Iba preen enlona, ItUe ner 4rm: local ereeu It imMl.TA tier each: pla plant. tQTHa par Bt atrlag baana. ; e?i co saner, our per aacx; caniniower, euc r doe: hntter been. Be- immnklne. IWc per lb; bneaeradtab. Te par lb; apron ta. Be; mesh- aoorea. -tmc per IB. t DRIED FHriTB Antilae. ova ner a ted. TBBe par Tb; aprtcobv BUOltc par lb; aacka, e R kaas; peaehea, at lie per Rti pear" - per Tb prunes. ItaTlav tHa4Ue per lb: Pn-ncb. tuatUe ner lb: Ss. California black. Beane r-v lb: Callfomfa white-. par lb: ptarna, pitted par : da tee. an Hap, 0H Bar nt card., m 154b boa. , , ... Bi 1 mi hi. Bt. ' BTTOAR Rack baata Tnhar BB B: nowdereA M.8K; fruit grannlated.; drv gra aala ted. 8 IB: beat rraaulated. SB. 0B; extra a BB.16; olden O. BOB: bbls. 10c: U bhm. Sbet bokea. BOe advaBC oa sack bagls, leas Bto ewt Car oaaa. i aer; aaa pie. 4jia psr-m.- COFrEB-Oreen llneha. lenci lav, fane. fflfflZc; Jlva. rood, toatfic: Java, ordinary inavxuc: rosta Blca. yancv. lpaziie; coara nice, good. lSfllge! rnta Rica ordlnarv. llellBt per th: neckag coffee, I14.TB. TFJAB Oolonn. different sradad. SBfltoet gun powder, t8n)S2t35c: Englleb break rart. dif ferent gradea, lIHft; aplderleg. anealnred Japan. tnQaott Brass Japan (veer acarea), KB BaTt nnewR. bb. to. 4a. Ba. 10a. tl.BA: table, dairy. BOa. M.Mdlll.oO: 10ns, B 00; Imported IJverpooL BOa. tl B.0O410.00t TnOs. tU; 824a, tlABOrrld.SO: extra fine, hfals. Si. Ss. B. 10a. UMi balk, SB) Km. e.o'; eacxa, na, bbc. Rn.2ft0a.5O; BOa ner ton, tfi.4BOv.00: ttverpool mrap mck. a is. MO JO no per tan; SB-l reex, B8.2eM.TB: inns, xn TBCta.xS. fAbov prtcaa apply to ealea of leas tbaa ear lota. Car lata at special prtoas eabjeet ie oncniaTiona. 0RA1N RAflll ruVeHe. BRTKBMdB nee 10B ' BICB Imnertat In nan Mn 1. 4 ale; No. A to; New, Orlaaaa bead. tttySet Adjaak. tnyar ITWl C. , . . BEANS Smalt white. ' dat tars- pink. 4c; bayou, e; Umaa. tc) Mast can reria. BU. Nrrrl Pan note, T: yOrnwaf, H Bar BV: raw. tSlne ner fh; ennetad. eneeanuta. BBm 80c per ne: walnuta, IRUfUliVe per lb; pine nnra, msaizwe per Tb: Meporr nuts, lor ner ra; cheatnaM. eaatevn. ISAinc nee lb: Rra ail snta. IBe per lb: fllbeeta. I"f10e nee Th: faaew Paoasa, IdOUto per t armonda. Itdjlte per ah. Bteata. Pum ant TinhrtiiBg . PRBMB MEATS laepectedi Beef, steer. per ib; eowa, 001140 per lb; mat to. 4 ft Be pee lb: lamha. drecaed. Baiac ner Bx . FRESH M BATS Front atrtBeef. statV aaxBc ner lb: nork. block, aernue ner n: neck era, BUe per lb; bulls, tr)2tAe per Ibr eow. H44c per lb: mutton, dressed. 40c per lb: vesi, extra. 74c per lb; ordinary. nejTc lb: poor. 4c ner lb: Win be. Bti (RBUa ner Ib. HAMS. BACON. ETf. Portland pecfc( locaTl hems. 10 to 14 lb. 1B4c per lb; 14 to It lbs. l.i c per n: is to so in, lsvae ner Tb: conare. lSc per tb; breakfast baron, 1411 Ac per Ib; Mcnica. lie Bar Ib: rmrolar sheet clears, a emoked. lOUe ner smoked. HUe ner lb: clear backs. BnemofeeA 10c ner Rt; smoked, lie per Th; Union butt. 10 to IS Iba. BnsmokeA Be per in: araoked. 9e per T: eWr belllen aw- amoxeo, use per in; smokeo. uh per 1. LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. 10. tle per lb: Ra, liatc par Ib; 00-lb tine. 10e per lb: steam rendered. 10. 10c per th; Be. 10ic per Ib; an. 10c per Ib: eompotmd ttereea. A 4 par mi tana nt per ; ooe. par to. CANNED SALMON Colambto river I- tsTM, C BS; S-lb talU, tt.BO; fancy l ib Sato, tS 00; -!h faacv Sat, ti n: faacy l ib ova. tt.TB: Alaska ten, sink, BBBOOc; ra 1.B0 Boenlnal aa.un. az.oo. Plan Rock cod. Tc per Tb; nnandera, Be par ror nenriut. Te ner Ik: crane. 11, an ner ana: atriped baas, 101SH per lb; cat flab. Te par in: Himnn. eniaonx, oc per in: suveraioee, oc per Tb: herring. Be per lb; soles, ge per Tb; shrimp. lOe per lb; eh ad, dreaaed. pat Jh; perch. Be per Ib: shad roe. per tb: had. Be par Tb: black cod. Be per tbi Bflver emelt. Be ner lb: loriater, 12c: fresh mackerel. Be: crawflKh, SOe per doa; Bonndere. Be par lb. OYSTERS "no I water bay, per gL It BS: par each. B4 .00 net; OlympJs. par aaef. it.xS; CLAMS Bard ahetL par bax. CS.00: tiar da am, 12.00 per box. , - Pahtto. Oaal OO. 9,-- BOPB PmwWhteaUa, Utri! BtoamaiR, Ua; Btaal. 104c. COAL tLPeart r Aetnl-haea, tJUe per galp water whit, troa bbb) 10c par pL woodea . par gal: headlight. 170-dec, aaa a S3HC MjrariroB bbls 1T per gaL MNKEED OIL Pure raw. la bbls 54c par ant ceees SBe par a-al; genuine kettle boiled, rseea Sic Per gal. bob) Me per gal; ground cake. car lata B2B.0B par tea. maa tkaa ear SM.00 per ton. OABOLITTB tt dar, eaaaa Oa per pal bwa Wm StV per gal: at eve, eases Si peg gaJ. iron nnis iaa )er gsi. Bsr7.inav--ie, m Pa taV Ira kale 104a ner gaL PAINT OIL Ra bht 8Be per gat. sbmm to per gal; boiled, ease 40a per gaL TURPENTINE--Is ease S5c ner saL bbls. Sle per fa I, Iron bbla TB par gaL lA-to WHTTR LEAD Ton mra Ti Ba to. BBB-Bt Bats TVc par Tb, trm lots Be per In, wietai aiAiii n traaant nae i aa.en. r-' 1 1 1, . BAB PBABOBWO LOCAL iltyfJEa. ( . Ban PraaHsco, Oct. ST. Local atoemi eloarat. lliBO a. m.t i Bid. i Aatj. Rprlnr Valley Water.. Ji ao4 CeatraJ Ught S4 4 rt. P. Gaa A rtetrto. .. 4 ST ttlsnt Powder ; V, 04 W iiawaiirn uiainwivnii na na Ilnlchlnenn Sugar H igar. , 01A; 10 , cwra , , lrtr?..rr.,..l.;..... SB ..jf..ijra t Make well Haasr Onnmea Nnrar raanhaii Rngar...'. , 144 Alaska Packers' Aaa'a. ...T m r...; IV law a' Aaa'a.. T B0 ( ai. rrnlt I anners. 'anners... Bp BB14 m-lir.f:K:::::; .u yai. wine Aae Oeehle Blcnm: PacMc State Telephone....... 11S4 PgDATl ABB OXJUsUBwaf. TV Pvmami dearkas hadsy aa falViwa; ('lea rlau . . t ,.,.. ,tl,.; BeJaBK Bern Torn Oar. ' New York. Oct. ST.Curb onotatWina1 North ern Bevtirllle opened at lit, tbe bias point: low at 1144, and cloned at Uvll. IUi BvBW All CAIN tXCtfl THE JIM C?TD OBZOAOO vbbat n TOBBBW EmOMlcmXB ABU BEAT AB. ! TABTOB man WBTUI aTVU OPT M 0BBT" OOBB XXB OATB AXaBO UP. . TODAY WHEAT HABKBT. S Ope , ' 1 ... Today - October.. .4. December.,,., l.l&li lay.., A.r-ihk Ju&.. M Ckma' Cloe Today - WeA Gala Today l.iai4N 1.12i l.l3t4N 1.1214 M4t4 l-lii . 1.12 1.12 , .0u .' .a .00 ft (PnruMhadl bp Over beck, Starr A Cook Co.) Chlcaxo. Oct. ST .Logan m Brian say; RenoBBhall eablea bb advaB la Liverpool wheat, oaneed byrtbe extremely grav political aliuatlon a broa C race current la beer tax. renortljav wheal cros Ma and enlarged area There WW general Buying; at tha opening on the war new, us market nouuug very eieauy tba firat hunr af ' tha saaainn. The anrthweat Mold throuffa the aoautUaeloa houses, causing the amiket to break under y eater day. a cloelug prices. The market oa toe whole waa a very nervous affair, traders holding rather dose te shore. On good baying by the Codahy brokers the pit crowd got lung, but on a let-up from that soaroe they dumved thelts.whaat at the cloee. Tbe caah alt nation la a lightly Improved, ahnni 1TO.0OD buaheu belns: aold here to mlllera. Tbe flour situation la reported from MlnnoapoHa as very slow and RiaapnotnuiaB. Oara Acts Btreng. Oonsiderlng tbe Mrrousneea In wheat aad at tlnaes Its extreme Irregularity, the action of the corn axarket waa today very gratifying to tha bulla. The cash bunlneaa reported waa ltM.000 buaben and elevator peupls eontlaaed to bar. Th ehorte eonUlbuted to the buying Gwer t tba opening. Brokers nanally act I fee th northwester ouoiUigent ware good burern of Drpembar. Cora hat been peralal ently Md aid an aitrenwly torxa abort Inter est exist. They are very confident of their pavilion and It may take aome- little time and patience to ' get corn n teey much, but at tha present pdc for caA we believe May corn areaenU aa attraetlra samorwultp to BurrBaeera about praaint prlcaa, . , ' Out tlmslaa; to Prlaatx ' Th data market. Ilk earn, hi pleestng to Its friends. The cash totalneba reported afaa 00.000 bushel. Commlaaion bonaaa wer th pH net pal buyer at tbe openiug. i Cash and eletatur people are apparenlly doing nothing. Quito a ltttle prnfaaskaul Uhlog appoara at the top, which canoed a sharp eef-bech. Oom mlaaloB boa ace wt-ra tba nrfnclpal buyer u the break, The caab attuation while not urgent, till reualBa good, and am believe ante Bra a buy bb any raactioB. . r Brokaea' Trade ta PravialaBB. ' la BrovMlona' tha nrinHpal Trad Wa By broker. Jackr report trade alow. Piwvbrtona nffer from a dull speculative aondltloa. bnt on any let-op la .to receipts of bogs It aaeme reasooaUla fa aum packers would be true Today' avBctxl market aaiwat - -(.- .- y - WHBAT. ; " ' '" - ' V " Onaw. - - Blah. ' - Lour. -' Ciea. - Oct.. i.J... A.....V IL1SUB I"" l-ro 'i"ib' i'it Dee. May Jaly CORN. Oct.: Dec....; .te A0 May...., .dm-i. . Jaiy...I .At . r. ddfl Jnlr OATA OCt.. .-, II" .BOW .29UB H5A Dee...,.,' .W - .tiS ,( .tig . r... ; .bis ,.tiiif lAtott - Jax,'. ' IA' 12.8SH 1ABB .f. Avast. bbW. , , I" TB U.f... .....V 12B2- . I r, - LARD. 4 AWt ' lt.a2V4 kiaj Oct;.... T.111, t.itH T.1TWN t.SBK T.06N T.IT4A T.SBat " S.A0B . AuBB Nor.,... Dec Jan...... T.12H T-ltH1 Attn '," -" -' : A'4t" ABO Mat.,..,; Oct.... ; T.80 -RIBA. A56" ABB .' Jan .-: ABO May...t AM , PRICES BOOSTED ON ALL 'FRISCO WHEAT .. .i..,,.,i. . " 11 111 1 , , - - r A (Purnlsbed ftr Oeerback, Btarr B Cooke Oo.) Baa PraBdsco, Oct. 27 B. P. Hat ton ft Co. ear: Local wheat eootlnaee Very dnll with no disposition to go on way or other. Shorts do not car te Increase the line and prospectlr buyera ax holding iff until December uqaldav tln ba ran Its coarse. , Barley la dalL Demand for feed M aot aa (ood aa It has been. There are some big ttnee eld by prominent honaea here. Today'e efdcUl ii-.m a. am, aurfeatt -X WHBAT. . i. . Open. High. -Low. Cloee. 11.44 Deeeaabet ,...1.44 tl J4 91-44 May ........ i.aa 1.94 .. ' BABLSY. l.ef. Daemhaf AOT LOT 1.0T ' I.W , O0BTUIEJTAL WBKAT BTOCXA ' Jftrootrfhaira Cora Trade New. Oct. 11., -The following were the Mock of wheat at the principal aeaUaentel markets oa tha data Oct 1.1 B04. Bept 1,1904. Oct.l.lBOA jMianew. . ttoatieia. Buabeia. J.4io,ono LOSS.tNa) BU.0O0 awoieoo Bd.000 . 4Vt,0(ll) -. A. 000 oai.000 BOtl.Uta) - A2D0.OMO - B28.00U ' 144,000 - so.ono y jan.nw . 10,000 16.o rt , A000 144'ofai tao. 000 440.000 , 4K.0I1" 40.0IK1 4A,OfMI loti.txm Phrl Uarsellk .., Havre ...,.: Dunkirk. ..... CalaU Nastea ...... 4B.OO0 son. ooo' SMO.0DO o.ono , 1B.0I10 ' A0U0 Bt. Nasatr ., RvnneaBX ... Berlin Hanibarg Mannheim ,.1 . 4x4.000 440,000 t, 112.000 ATBO.rmo Be.noo uremra Mtettln Manlch ...... Rotterdam Amsterdam r .1 BS.0OO 40. tail M.OfM) - "O.iino 18.000 -TSO.OftO 4i.00 le.noii 4.uf0 . 1A4.00U BM.00O .040. (aw - JiO.OOtt 204. on Ocooa , Venice ...... B40.000 0O.(MHJ se,A(io ; 144,000 tio,oon 1 1.440, OOp - 500,00ft Tlenna - r,MTr Konleabant .. 144,onO ... T2.0"0 Dantslg , 408.000 Buda pesth ... AiWl.OOO lBS.ono B, 840.000 ' TBO.ono Til, one " BO.O0O B8.000 ' .noo ' 10. oral Yarn 500.000- Bonrrea ..... 720.000 S.J 20.00(1 BsloaloB ..... 144,000 ; B.ono ..JM.OOO 16.000 Riga ......, 1A4.000 Bvsl ....7k. 1U.OOO Llhaa 00.000 8,000 (Messa .; B.Aon.onO 1.00.000 11. too. 000 ljeo.000 A400.0AI) Nicola leff .... A700.onrt Rerdlanakl c... 000.000 . . 4m.0na 480.000 Marlaoopla ... 1.880,000 000,000 1.UUL0U0 Iheodoala, Bb Stltorl bs41 ." - - - , rtch ATW.ono l.rm.0M ' l aan noo Roatoff-oB-DoR 1.440.000 . 1. 44O.0nn, . erxi one Taganrog .... 400,000 240.000 SOO.ojn) Noror ovale l.m.OiNi l.oaiooo eiAtmn fluiin ,,...! , 32,ooo L; soo.000 Oalat a 176,000 i . lll.ono - Dedeaaateh .. tlt.ono atvouo Brails ., B.OTiO.gOO ...... .:.... Totals 900, 00(1 tt.TB2.000 ' BO.140.000 Ib addition ta tha ' stocks ntnnal at Prendi porta, there are some quantities held aia noun at miiirrn wnrenoanea, out IhaSt aausc ptltle assaot .b saoartalned promptlj. PATMAAT, BJUPBjjj'IB ABB OXZAAABCBA Oharas, Oct AT, Primary receipt: Tnnay Year ARn Baah. Buah. WBeat iff tairttti .. B44.MI0 124,000 , ,041.000 TJt.fakt 16.000 404.000 tra.000 SaA.oiki Cleamaee erere: Wheat ans rknw oa vno Btiahel; ODTB, 14,000 bwhsUr. OStS, AT0 bMshela. , . . ' 1 'I 1 CBlOAwO QABB WBBAV. , '; CMeaaa, Oct. BT.Oea whest) : lit. S red .....,...... ...ll.W tl V O, g ren 1.14 J. 17 No. I hard winter,,,.. LI No, I barn WlBtn 1. No, 1 northern aprlng. r,.,.. I t No, t nurtbera spring.-...; i.o MpRwapslla wrata Barket Mtaneapolta. Oct. p7. Cbami Wbaat, Daeaaa at. Il.lljfci May. I1.U4. .iet 1.1SUB v.; rMH ...... r4W . .40 . , JW4B . .404 .40 4 A S J-IB ot 1.12 lie a SENSATIONAL RISE CF i . .. ex rAiltr BB1 a i C3 rom!ahd bp OVerback. ttarr A Cnnka Co.) new xora. UCt. ZI- aoa siocas ww; creaimi a aensatloa by advancing fully t points from the clsMJif leaterday at SO. Great Weatern Biada a mrg movement today, sggreiatiug tZ.3U a share and rlna. 1 Bolat BB. However. the advance la Boo was th talk, aa this la prac tically an English stock and is eipecieu to o affected by war nevrs. Th aaarkal la gaaarally down today 00 th lUt. Xodaj s Bfflctel atock turkat: BBCA1 PTIOM. 1 Anaconda Mining Co.... Auial, Uapver Oa...,,.. Atohleou. oem,,.,...,,. do preferred. .'. . Am. Car A Fen ad., com. Hft 101 H 2BI t(24 Jim preferred. Am. sugar, com. Am. Atnelt.. com. do preferred..,,.,. Am. ice, com.. Baltimore A Obto'amn'r on urererreo Brook Its kipig Transit. Canadian PactA?, ejam... Chi. A Alton, com .77?.. da nreferred Cht Ut Weat. cam.. ChL, Mil at. Paua... a1 hlJi - i?o5 ntBrm,, jbm. Chl. Terminal Ry..,,.. Chesapeake Otw IBS 14 1, Vi A Ail. Uulu. r'uel boa. 1 wviw. niniB., dov. .... .1' do 2d preferred,.;,.! no ibi nffifnwi. . lieiswara A Hudeon..... Dels.. Lscks. Wast... D. A St. Q., com.,....,, do Preferred. ......... Brie, 00m , do 2d preferred., do 1st nrrfnrrad . Illlnola Central 1424 1824 LuUvUle A NaahvlUb.,. Metro. Tract hi a Co 1204 aiaunattan Elevated. . Healcsa Central By..... Minn.. St. P. A Bto. M. . 10 w do nreferred Missouri Pacific M-, K. A T., com,,.,.. an nrernrrea BttU New York Central...... Norfolk it WeetjK-B. aB. 133 70 N. Y.: Ont. A Wee'.'"' Paaoayrvanta By...,;.,. r, u., u a c. ok Preened Steel Car, com. . do nreferred.. ..... Pacific Mall Steam. Co. . Beading, com Oa aa preferred..,,... do 1st Bvefrrred Rep. iron, A BteeL cam. do nreferred. . . . . . BtV Boskr la land. com...v.. do meferred . . A . . outhera By., oato.,... do nreferred. . . . . rVmthern PaclBf Rt. L. A P , Bd pfd.. Bt L, A A W.. asm.... do nreferred.......... Texaa A Partfte. lean, imi dk iron , T.. Rt. L. f W., earn. . 00 prererraa Colon Pacific, com do nreferred . U. I. Leather, COto.... .do preferred V. A Rubber, dam..... do preferred V. A Steal Co., com.... da nreferred. . . . . ..... Wbeer L. A, am.;,. do Sd preferred do lat preferred Wisconsin Central, com. do preferred Western L'aloB lto.,. Wabash, com B4 43 Amalxamated. ex-dlvidend af coat Canadian Pact Bo. comnMin, ex-r Total eele fur day, 1, 07,700 money, intta per cant. BAB PAAVCXBCO BTEB1B0 BTOOSTA BIA TM.BoRtaaa.. 11.824 Bclawnt .Tl p Midway ...,., - .ST McNamara ..... .20 OsWbI Pot fit 4 m .OB twn. imperial . . Kentacky Belcher ttnh Con.; Beg. Bsbehar.... .OSA Mi JB .or .07 .00 .40 .IB .28 .It .38 .IT .14 .BB 1 .74 BB Ton. Nevnda .., '.004 Ton. worn Ht.,1 .17 Jumbo M Ton, OoM rield.' M Hale A Norcrom .BB Yellow Jacket.. .It Ophlr w ABO Mi-xlcaa 1.80 Gold A Curry-.. .14 Beet Release. 1.10 Savage ........ .ST OMUar -IB Con. Oal-Pa., iM Potoal j.. .MA Uuarte Csledonto ..... CballenBB ..... Andes Alpha Cob ..... Sierra Nevada.. Bullion 'Overmaa ....... Union Co . .... Silver Hill lOccldaatal, cornioa s...... t" , ABTEBTOaa BTOCKB IB LOVDOV. Loadoa. Act. IT, 1 a. m Atcbleon AveHneel 1. preferrad declined 4. Baltimore A Ohto declined jk, Canadian Pacific BecHned 4, rbcaapeake A Ohio deeHmd 1U. at. Pan! declined 14. Denver Mlo Oca n da decltsed. 1. Krie oociineg nrato decuned 1. I III now Central dw lined 14. Loulsvlll. A Nashville declined I, Mlsaourt, Kanaaa" A Texas de clined A New York Central declined 14. Ontario A Wee tern declined 14. Norfolk A w cat era ueciined 1, Pennayrraala declined 1, Keaaiog aecuoea 4. nrst decline 14, Boutb era Parts declined 1. Bonthera BelTwav rla rllned 14. preferred declined 4. United fltates is tea Jl nteei aecuneo 1 a, prererrea ssriined W aba eh declined 1. preferrad decltned Northers Becurltles declined 14, aesaoal BT oecnnan reet BBCosngaa. . .. .. -j 1 -s? 1 Ikvaasad Btorttat. -' New Tort, t)et ST. Demand eteetliBV, dSAtB agaon.Ba, ev ejajn, uea.avaiane.Aih h "'''Taiima wrata Mark, j (SBedal Dla natch to The JenwwaL Tseoma, Wash., Oct 27. Wheat, strong, an. cbans-ed, BluestSav. 001 stab and red. Saat ' 's ". TJesypnal vahx Barfcat. Uvwravjot. Oct ST. Cteaet Wheat Dee em. her. Ta 04A ftd Ufhar; Marah. t TMd, 4d Cora Caesaibii. 4s BA 4 hlgbsr. tf '1. BalstB Orala Bsrhet 'ttulotB, Vt. ST.'-Oosb:, tl.M4i Map, tl-iBH Wheat, Picambar Bt Laula wrsta BUrkat Bt 1emH, Oct 27. Closet Wheat her. ALIO 4 J May, (1.104. . -. '' l-'f 'Asasas Otty rato aWhot . Kanaaa city, Oct ST. tloaet Wheat Deesaa- oar, Bi.uBii; nay. fi.gT4. : " BuwBBBS wnto Bsyhwt. Milwaukee. Oct ST. Cloee: Wheat ftMB ner, pi.Mih; may, si.ig nakeo. Corn December, BO 40 May. bid. ' ' Bear fork wrata Badud. ' V - . Bew York, Oct ST. Close; , Wheat pa, si. is. ; t . COTTON LOSES 9 TO , 10 POINTS TODAY CPumlabedl bp Over beck. Starr A Cook Pa.) New Torh. Oct. ST.-r'otf.m Ritnree cloeed 0 to 10 potato lowar. . Today ffldal aot ton Him. Low, January..; Pebrnarp.. March...., April...... May 60 . 0 W . 0.73 ABB ATS ' 0.TB . i'M t.'aa ABB BSC . 0.51 BTO June..,,,, , ,i, Jnlr lit OctAVer... . 00 November., A 40 December.. 0.00 t fM i F;lahNS ( 9BVJsnrdi Mamestvasnles1 Sa form, ae 11 aa ; ' mi eaar!n;red w ,S4lt tnel JavBdrok. taev aae nnona your esa i W ' " -W,j t DA.B4AJI 4.BV 4P . Hoae. 0.OB AflOflaT t TS 0.Tnd7S ATS PTPtlTe .... 0.T5'" ATt i B.aiuss .,. t.iW ABB - ARtiajitT BBS . B.4Ztt4X 0 40 . .4t A At AST SAB I went to aaa the rria rMoa all aaaag the nark. 1 a te 'if thfeegb Part ta Jeraasiasi sad back, I'el a te t tba auU af it 4 (hlak I'd )eei aa so Take ike aaeeiarhu ta Hadaa a4 the alrtaie M the 1 eaat ears hew 1 get isaM, friend, bat whea 1 mska etriha It's me tor eU bl Leak) yam to live aUag the plks, - Based af the Pike," by Wallace Irwto. Casynghtod Cacnec'a Weekly. PmbinAed ay finsawiaa. - SO ' 1 ' nam" Tial Rwatni ninf!! n.H flHnal RwaMaW Th Rock IiUod Sraten ohcti two rootea to the WorW'a Fair City ris 8c. IHuI-Minneapolis, and throofk Scenk o)orackK Nochsngeof can, Ogdea to St, Louia nd 8c Fwl la St. Louia. ' , ,. t - ca pV R- McDoeiAUk, 0srl MOWeJtrawtoot-.Ald-waMiaaw, . . PorttojaAOrav Bear! aaxmiadoR mjw, OcA BT, BB, OVERBKCK. STARR t COOKE CO. M aaa bar Cftkma Bosrd of Tradm. toBAZB. BmOTZBTTOBrA OCrTTOB, aTTOCBB ABTX US TBlral Btrwai, MoKAp ' ' ' B1M A BjTBIOTX,T Coninaotis Markets bp Brlvats Wlrw. i won. ninaera, u ucnai City! Brewery Bottled Beer 4 Specialty VA, ft. PORTLvAMD, ORBOON, eSftdnn wUMtbLu'f OC Or ar TlftvV la pasnedr br dlarrbcne. TWENTY .11 YB OENTB A BWTTLB, aeeeewMeeneaetanienannevaeaenaVevveaewneaanJ TONE IN HOGS IS NOW f AIRLY STEADY PortMad TJbIob Stockyards. OetTfT The ton m noga ia now isiriy area ay, vrnue uii in cattle I strong on account of th lata a stall receipts, aneep are steady at uncBsnajad Bg area. Tha receipts today eualated mt but 114 ekeep. Official rutins nrleea tods arst Cattle Beat eastern OregoB steers, tt-OOCJ ASB; best valley steer. S.7Bja.O0: medium steers, SA80; cow. 02.00; bnlm, aimj Stag. 12.00. Hog Beat heavy. pAB04j5.T; block, tt.BO; CMna rats, f.oo; atockera and reedera, n.w. Sheep Beat grain-fad wethers, 42.aetj2.t0; nauat aa.iwss.s&; mixes aaaap, Ba-aa, XABxBBB BOwB i CKBTB UWKB, ehktnso. Oat. Br. Llveatocft recelpbii Hog. - Cattle. Bheeti. Oilcem .....,......i...k22.l0 U.O00 1M.0OO Kanaaa OHy... ........ .... T.OHO .11,000 AOtK) Omaba .................. 8. 000 4,000 0,000 Hog opened tc lower WlU A0O0 left ovnr from yesterday. Receipts a pear ago wer xfl.OOO. KuUag kog price-. Mixed and butcher. 04.8Ul8.aOi Riuul! IhVtOdSAew, rough, SA.TU4J ttea:T'"T :K : --.'V " BXtewBteBdy. ' ' V BBV TOBX OOfTKB BARJCKT. Navy Tork, Oct tT. Coffee fMaiap atssad bb- cm hanged to B point blgbar: Tb exRdsl coffee market atoaat . ; . BIA Ask. - BU. Ask. October ..... jo.MlAnrlV M..9T.OO tToS November . B.B0 AMI May ....... MO f.lB December... ABB B. 70 1 J nni , T 15 t.20 January ... 0.TB 0.8OiJuly ..;,, T.2B t.80 February 0.3 0.0"! August . .... T.80 T.40 March 0.P9 a acineptamaer .. 7.40 t.4S Slew York bash OefTe. Nw Tork. Oct ST. Cash ooffasi R. f Bto, Bc; N. d Santo. 4, . AGED AND WEALTHY SHE WEDS A YOUTH -. - . ', I Journal tnaelal Barvios.l teOB Anssl, Oat ST. Mrs. Issbslra Kaatins of Boolta AfaadoWB, A wlflow RMinwMnad ot a for tuns of IS.BOo.oat. wttk half R ooscn Brown chlldran, has bocom r biida for th asoond timet, la th uttla Catholle ehuroh at Santa Mon ica at) a was yeaterday lad to th altar by I as iah H. Smith, youaa noub to frm hmr man, and A poor ana. Two cloaad earrtaauai wara drivon hur rlsdlT to th church, and th brld and a few of han frlsnda n tared, .ah was attsnded bjr few lawjrSP, Oorg iL. Hub- ton. After ' a' rather long wait th door suddanlr 1 opened , and i In ruptiad th Tounf man, who, , with nervouft Btrlda, wfcltad ut ' th alal and took a amat besida fh rk1-to- ba Thtrp war sootu raitdB on a. - Th 1st Charles Keatlnp and on of bla son prlahd at sa on thla ooaat a few yemrh ago. H lft bl Widow a vast aatat tn Chtl. mlnas , and other property tn Alaska and ' British Colombia, and Imruti of fertile soil on th oeaaa front aa In southern California. SECURING MONEY FOR PORTAGE RAILROAD (npedal DWpateh to Tb JonrasL) Pol fax. Wash., Oct. ST.-hartM T. MeKenalO, C B. BertbaT and Edwin T. Coman, who onstltttt th Committee for Whitman oovntp to aacora th t. 000 for Which th county ta aaked to. ward tb oonatrootkm of th prop need poeaa railroad on th Columbia river conneotlnv at earn era above and hVlow Celllo talk, are prosraeMtiBa; atka'aottBr Hp with their work. Clrrular letters hav been sent Out to pro hub I awbaorlbers and tha peopto of tn oantp ar betns tnad familiar with what la sxpected and what th advsjrta) of tb eoxutrusUoa ml this 1 -- .aSB.luT a. aT m I, m . tt. Berkaxm tlmrtt, am4rp dspm. Bulldta Portland. Or. oar BUBAB'BaB. Quick BrT4o RERKrTFBI laM w vuu Dr. W Norton Davis IN A WEEK We traat umahnr all eetvato ahroaia od man. aleo blood, alomnnk heart Over- kidney and throat troabteh. Wa aar SYPH1LLIS (without mercury) ta atap eared forever, ta BO to 09 da y. W ramevn BTRlOTUABa wltaaaA Bjarattoa pata, ta IB ar -aaa BJntna. fa e sbsea, tmmadtatalp. We-cah raatora the anual vtgo f any maa nnder BO by BMaaa mt Masl traaP aaaat paoanar to as aire a. , : . WcCiire Gottonlioti In Week The' doetor at thai tasfrteto ar afl ragwtaf Eidsstas, kave Bad many pears exMdca bee known ta Portland far 10 peara, hav b rspBtatJoa to am la tars, aad wtfl tmdt-, tok a case aalasa eartota smre aaa a ( fee ted. . Wa guarBBta te care ta erery esse we asaBse. tare or chary a bb fee. Onbultattoa free. Let. tors eeBfldeattaL TaatrBetfv BOOS POB MR tailed fro In cm la wrapper. tf Ton Marwvt call at nrflee. WTfts fat BnwS , tlea Mank, Boaaa treatsaead oaimfat Of aa Reaa f t A kad f to a aMaya, i b eb Varaf tMlte(f Biwlltrt taa aWayaBtBTrnW Brtsfeahmst 1BBA Dr. W.Norton Davis & Co. Yea Bar atewsL . B. Oek irJrd amd A SflB Bxyne, SPOatnABTB, OBBB4M. 1 C. GEE WO TB aiBBt ChlllwBB Doctor .. Xm ealled rreat b ean htawooAtorful Eur ar ao wall oown throughout th United itstoe. End because so manf people are thankful to him for eavtua taerr uv OPERATIONS Ba treat ur and Bll dlaaauM with eowarful C h 1 a herb, root. Buda barks BAd Tagetavble to that ar entirely un known to medical Bcieoco In thla wran trr. and throas-h th na f tbeaw harvv. leaa rc-anad!. Thla famoua dootor knova tb action of over BOO dltterant remedies that he has Bocceasfully need la different dlaeasea. fla aiarante to our oatarrb, aaWma, tuna trouble, rheumatism, aer vouaneaa stomach. Jivar, kldoepA fe male trouble and all private dtaeas. Hundred T tewtimouiaja. vabxs Boderatav Catl end aa him. OOBB V U ATtOB snaBB. atlanta nut of the ltY VTtt 4W blank and trcaiar. Inoloa Btassp. Ad ore i ' THE U OEE WO CHINESB t MEDICINE COe . IBS Aklr rti-ASR, PmrtlaUaA Ota tton thla papr. COMMISSION) CXX (aBttBBaaanma ,.' rabbb i CbaaBbar of Cobbabpor, Oevnd ' . Plocar. .... .a arpla i.V, BtOAafB Bt Gralti.PrwVtsions, Slocks and Bowls We CBaras " aMWBIBft. BraPaUBB B , (Atabltahed BrKBA ABB -rPOCX Booaa 4, Crrowad TKh. ' CWAtf 'it Op o "toTrr-mtb. road win be to them pernonallp. Tint K oommlttee, acting; la th capacity af an . Informatioa bureau, ha been buap tell- ina people what th portage nilrnad hi ; for a wek pa at and next weak th : work of actuallp - taking aubaorlptkias , ' Laramst Pilaato Wlr Byehma ta Aaksitaas win Be eosmineooea. . . r ii,ArJ""""