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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1904)
a GOOD EVE NINO. , " v - wbatkxb - - Tonight end -Saturday, partly cloudy; Wind mostly northwest- ' orly. A. tee asmmo .it ( ' UiLkiMI WAS I V ' se;,.' ,;',": ij.-'.s" V e. f ' O. - . vol. xn. NO. tos. PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER tS, : 1904 SIXTEEN PAGES. PRICE FIVE CENTS. " i n ppt hp n a CAR FAMINE 110IIY 150,000 MARK 3 irm PORTLANDS POPULATION niicei p. FREIGHT ..'.-" aBMBk Maaa a . .iont AFFLICTS NORTHWEST ' eiem M i, u i. ' , " '.V " Russia Practically Ac cedes to AH Brlt-f , ; ata's Demands. -, i SITUATION LESS ACUTE lire Hopeful FccIId( pervades Loi- k and Cabinet Shews Signs Pleaure British Fleets Ht bfllzlij, - A randaa,, Oet, tl. BuUtt U la kttthorttativaty mtmtmA that propor tion f nrtmr th Korth M lapvw t out ( toulnr hu km aoaptod la prlaeipla, ithomk amemt dauila ud formalltlM ramaln to b arranirwL . TIm ftDDOlntiBMit t arbitrator u to 'W aiaowaiia by Banofcanairff and Laca WM tomorrow. Tbo final loqulry wlil ImIA at th Bacno ndar th ntlaa f tho Hacua oocrranttoo. Too only do taU whlck remalna to ba arrancad tha OBOant of Spain to parvtlt that portion of tha Ruaalan float oonoarnad In tha North Sam Incident to romata at Vlfo aUi tho Inauiry la oooBplotad. St. Ptarabur. Oct. It. ( Bunttn 'A protaat haa boon rooalTod from tha wodlah awonuaont rafeardlna; . tho drtna upon tho atamoMT Aldebaraa by a Buaalaa orniaar mday aicbt. Londoni Oct. iTKBalloUa.) dla- patek from-a Raaatan now aconoy aaya tha RiMstan ailnUtat- or forotcn aira nottffid tho Bnuah - ambaaaador that Boaaia oonoonto to an lmiadiat inquiry -at Vlo rosardlnc tho. North aaa affair. A porlod of to dara has on al lowod for tbo lnvoatlratloii A a ra- ult of tho foaling that a oonatec -oo- toM Xnaftaad aad Kuaala haa noon ftvartodV tha atook hwrsot aloaod m .$k hottar toadonoy. . . ' $ ' v- -XJ' X- tindon.Oot. M.rytbn , now 5olnta to an amteablo adjuaUnont of tho lorth aaa olaah and tbera are not want- tom todloattono that proamuo j aon braoBiU to baar front many quartan to thla ond. - t Tho cab (not maotinc. maioaa or oaina fcaM at noon, oanM by appointment at aa oarUar aiomont. it la a - awnuioani faot that aborUy baforo tt mmt Baron Rothaehlld oalled on.Promlar Balfour la tho to (areata of a paaoaful aatUaaant of tlM qooaUona at toauo batwoan Oraat Britain andVRuaala. Tha BothaehUda ara aald to ba heavy holdara of Buaalan aaonrltlaa and . probably no oao nu Hying oould do Mora to actually bold tha ooaa of war" than ba who thla mora ine intaroatod , himaalf la jaxfalro of atato. Vary BMeQbor - of tha oamnat waa fraaant at tha veatlnc Wblob nvatad until 1:4 o'oloek thla aftarnoon. Whan tt waa ooaeludod and tha mambera omarsad from tha faanbam thay wara ail In bian rood iramor ana ware lantn Ina; and ohaUlns plaaaanUy. whlQh ooold ba taken aa nona other than an Indloa tJop that peaoeful aattUiaent of tha dia puta bad either bean reached or waa to 4 atato aatiafaotory to tho oablnet. . JUMI oeiora iue nwuiio; jmatm eJoae' Count BenokandorfC, the Ruaalaa Brinbrtar oamo to tho forelra afflea, whore later ha and Laaadowaa ooo,- ferred at lenath, Prior to tha . maotlna; Boaobeadorff and Lanadowno bald another ooBToraa tka laatlna; until nearly It o'clock. Tha French amoaaaaAer, M. CantMO, alao eo tared Into tha oonf eranea and de parted with . Mw ; Buaalam - repreaent- atlva. , - - At tha Ruaalaa ambaaay tbia nomine; Ch following atatomont waa UMuad; Wi ara m ooaatant eomnumtoathm with tha Brltlah rovermnnt and aa a result of thee oanonunleattona tbo on. baaay bopea there wlk ba a epeedy and aatiafaotory aattlomaat off the dlapato. The whole eepeot of tbo situation baa daeldodly Improved. " Klnar Bdward attna tJto rmeoa -at Mawmarfcet thla afternoon. Thla fact la also take a an Indication that the taeuea between Buaala and Bhialand will ba amloably adjusted, - A dlanatoa to tho central wewa ma Olbraltar aaya that ale Brltlah cruleera hava left there, beadlna; aaatward. It bellovad their daetlnatioa W Tanaier. attbousH a dlapateh. to the Baafaanau TaleiTaph aaya tha orutaere hava socte to visa. . v Tha ftrat dtrwlon or in noma mat oalled from tho Firth of Forth today for the talo of Portland. (Continued oa Fa Two.) DRUNKEN BOY IS ATTACKED BV RATS aoaraal apeslal twvW.) Oaktaad, CaL, Oat. to. -Carl BoetJ. yeara af aga and roaldlng at M.Oafc atraat, narrowly eeoaped belns eaten by rata. Carl and hla oompanlon auoount ered a eel lor, who gava thee a partly filled flaah of whisky. Bath tha boys ilmblbed. the Bo hie boy taking moot Ctormiy. A party of boy put Carl on truck, wheeled htm over to th empty IF f Fre Market, brok open tbo door. 11 d lot Inside , stall, aailaa the plana up and left. A man living pear th market saw tbo Inoy put la the stall and eel led tha porloe ho bmk In and found tha place rn, To toy, waa J (Jeeraal Ofiefcl Bne.y ' Tlgo, OcL It. Tha Roaaum fleet prepared to aail from hero thla moraine With tbo exoepOou of thoaa warahtpa wboaa an ainea wara to need, of repair. Before they oould olear,, bow1 ever, ruah, orders from ' St. PKerabure; detainhur Admh-al Bojaatvanakr, to aether with all ablpa which participated to the North aaa, affair. . Prior to tho receipt of tbo order and aa tha Mp wara elearlna; a dlapateh waa aent to Madrid announoina; tha departure of tho float and tbo tovernment there, aooordlna; to prtvato adrleoa received here, hn madutaiy notified BnflaxMt that aha mlcht take action. By tho lnvaatiaation Kna1anda damaada have all been eomplled with and tho Sndlnaa will place Buaala to auoh ft poeltlon that aha can hardly do otbarwlao then punwh tbo offend tag offloors la oaaa Mamo la Anally attaehad to them by tha eourt of lnreatlaay - t d FINDS RICH LEDGE IN DEATfl VALLEY i, ,1 Prospector Foaatf 40 llles Wltbli Des-' ert Hoc, li Dcllrlwa Oftuitlia, . With Ore .-Worth $20,W0.. - , (loereel aparial tervtee.) Callonta. Nay. Oot. t. -Old Deo Wltooa. who for year proepeeaed throuaii every atato and tha tntertaoun- taln oountry of Mexico and Brltlah Co lumbia, arrived at Callanto yeatorday with one aaok of or taken from a three foot ledau of snow-white quarts In the dreaded Death valley. Hla hand 'and face were perfectly raw from aend- etonaa Ha to naady blind, and ao la what ho baa to abow for two month of the moat terrible experience a prospector over, wat through. Ha started last Jane, and after travel tn lr nlle la tho deeert. reaebed tha aonunlt Of a ranca of hUla la Death valley and there truck a ledsu of woa derfuUy rseb auarta,., , . -., k September tl bo started with frre aacka on hla - return trip.. Five day later he waa overtaken by a terrific aandatorm . which , nearly blinded Ala, and durlnf Its proare no loat bta horao and paok "'-" .and an marka of tha trail waa obliterated. A third of a barrel of water waa air that re mained to last him tha ronulnlns; eighty mile. WBaon bad very little recoil eo- tloa of how ha passed tha next weak, but at th and of that time ha found him If in tha eamp of Morris Rellly and Biok Sand ford, prospector near tha edge at Death' valley. . They found th proapector 40 mile within tho desert Una with on Back of ore, which be had alius to through hla fearful wandering. Hla Upa war parched and bleeding and they war compelled to force hla teeth apart to tiva him water, and hla tongue was ao swollen that he oould not apealL Proa paotora have gone to locate tha ledge, . BROKER FAILS FOR . ; SEVERAL MILLIONS ' (Tesraal daedal SerrWe.) 'New Tarn, Oc. ttTha ment m mad of tho falluro of J. Walter iAbareu 4k Co.. with VabUttlea anywhere from tl.0M.H0 to $7,000,000. Labareo waa mhwlng a woek ago. La baroa waa tbo whole firm and wao con ducting on af the biggest bucket shop buslseaeea In th city and had branch office extending from Toronto to New Oleosa with hundreda of oayrespond enta ' v TJabaraa'a euatomar a umbered tbova anda and tbo full extent of hla falluro cannot be eel art red until com plate re port are received from all the agenolaa. Tna news of the. disappearance of Labaroa waa ant out to tha branch f floae and correspondent arg aomlna; to towa . to . drove. . . . v -... .i. h, . PARKER IS PLEASED WITH BRYAN'S TOUR tfearaal Spedal Saima) ' ' Baopua, N. T.. OcL to Aftor read ing Bryaa'a eloetng speech In tha In diana newspaper thla moraine, Parker sunt tbo Ne reaves th following tolo gram: "I wlah to thank you for tho splendid ervlo you hava rendered to tha Demo cratic party In India and alawwbaro during tha meant easapalgn.M taken to' tho pollca station and pleaded guilty before Judge Samuel eourt to th oharga of drunkenneee. V left to the plac all night the boy would have been killed by tbo famished rodent. . They bad already began aeampertna; over tba Inanimate form of tbo Intox icated boy. and even refused to I rave tha vtetnlty when, hn rescuer entered ta take him away. It la supposed th boy who left young Boehl to th va cant atall wero unaware af the real danger to which they war aubjaetlng him. Aa effort will be jnada to find tho man who guv tha boy tho liquor, and bo Witt bo arraigned and aavaraly deejt .wUS U ajprsbsndsd. - - . t x lllZilS 1100 Montana Man ; Makes ' Counter Proposition a to Lawson. - i- ' it SAYS HE HAS CONTROL WiH Past Farfeft af SUO.OM if Bov v tn Rai:Wlll Da UkewfsefV t-r. that He Owes Major 4 - - (tssrlsl Bliailm ta 91a JerseL Butto, Mont., Oct. M. P. August Hainan la wllBnaj to wager 2H.Oao Hb Thoraa W. Xawbou, tba Boatoa atll lloaaire aoppor magnata, that ba aaa show a oontr oiling BUmbor of abarau to tfto United Copper eompany. to hla of fort to refute tbo otatametrt of tbo Boa toa man, mart yea terday to too effect that th Hatnae tetoreats had been takao over by the amslgeraated. - . TTiiaat baa signed a rejoinder aa fol lowa: '1 am too buoy a man to ba celled upon, to answer aneb wlio atato menta a tboap amanatlng from Mr. Tbomaa W. liawaim of- Baalem, aaaV aaaa r am abwa. but 1 am stm nw7 "Tf prove myaelf atooaraly, to tfad people f Montana and to do ao I am ready to Lgnere tba aoura from, whmf auob statameato msua, and to reply to Mr. Lawaon'a aaeertlon that I hava lost con trol of my mining propertle to Butt, I hereby offer-tbo fQOowtaa;. propoaitloa to Mr. Lawson: HI win pott a forfeit af UaO.OOO to any. reputable bank In Butt City to ba need to build and mil"1' ta the state of Montana, a ham for Indigent and dta aUad union men, tt. I do not produ'w la tbo city of Butto. before a oommltteo oamnaaad of flvo gonttemen. One each. hmppolnted, by the miner' union, mill and meltarman's union, stationery an gtoemu' union, Amerloan Faderatma of lahor and Amerlcaa Labor Union the oontroUlnc stock of the United Copper oompaay. provKltng Mr. xnomao w. Lawson af Boston-posta a Hk sum to tba aame plao binding himself to for feit tba. sam to bo uaeg for ine aame purpose, m I ao not proanoe hm emie, here ln-bef ore referred to. Th sensation created ay fh puuiea- tton yeatorday of tha ohargea mado by Lawoon. baa been added to by tba ooua- tar proposition brought forward by Helnse. Tba ail-absorhlng toplo off dl ouaslon among both busmeea moa ana politicians la tho probable outcome ana tho truthfulness or tno asoeruon maoo by tba two millionaire. The bitter war la which Montana has been embroiled tbo past few years, both la poDtloal and mining circles, baa left many of the prominent ei risen oc me statu stalwart partisans of th onoee they ohamploned. Thla oondltlon of ex isting affalra, ahowu Itself ta tbo pres ent outburst, ta that many ara moimea to believe Hflna. whtl Lawoon also baa many followers. Tba balance seems slightly to HetnaVa favor, especially among th labor union element. ' CONGRESS WILL MEET ;: : HERE NEXT YEAR :.jyy i Lewi Secretary Henry Bad - of and Clark oorporatlou l dm- patch from J. P. Marshall, special com missioner, thla morning announcing that tbo Trans-MlsataalppI oongraaa voted at St. Lout ta favor of Portland aa tha next meeting place. - The proposition went through' by acclamation, and th oougTUM will be held hero during tba fair. Thla mnch waa expected when Theo dore B. WUcox of thai city waa elected preetdt of tba congress. Tbo decision speaka eloquently of tho campaign waged m tbo interest of this erty at St Louts and tho new from Conunlas loner Marshall wad Joyfully received at head quarters. Tbo , Trana-Mlaulaslppl oa- mu hi on f America' a mrgaat na tional tnatltutlona and Ita aalaotlou of Portland aa tbo next meeting plao m of no little inter, especially to tba prontotora of -tho exposition. , SECURITIES' APPEAL - 4 AGAIN BROUGHT UP h "J:- y r I, y i .- - (timrmi aVenul fcnim.) Philadelphia, Pa., Oct ItIn tha United States drew It eourt today tha ap peal of tba Northern Securlttea oompaay from tbo order of Judge Bradford grant ing tha petition of th Harrlmaa in terests for a temporary ree training ar dar, earn up for argument. This to on of tha two suits- brought by Marrtmaa, tba ether being to" compel tbo return of tba actuaj stocks dopoaltod ta ex change for Northern Secuiitlea steok. Instead of to pro rata eJetrlbu Uou propoaad. BUSY There Are 123 jf For eign Birth 'Living "Jntheaty.v; 56, t- i'i- v'-'ff1-,; ''.si. NEW DIRECTORY TALKS t y-. : Tells !itemtln Starr af City Grawth . eHaTB th AflS TbaSORfl Is. ( A crease Each loath Our V -Inf the Year. i . 'V, v Manager Hia X Gin ton of th 1 Polk Dtreetory oompawy dsolarsd tbia afternoon that tha populattoa at Port land la not leea than lt0. Tho but af tbo forma I ta prepara tion for tho printer and withta a abort while th new city directory will ap pear In oonflrmatotoa of tba reaaarfcabl ataimntj After a lomy weak of oountlng and figuring Mia Clinton arrived at the con clusion atatod above. There will ba ta tho volume 104 mar par than laat year, tba reeidenta of Vanoouver and Oregon City being Included la tbo book thla year, but, not. of oourse, aa a part of Portland's population. There wul aa 14. fOO nam ta the directory and upon th baa la always employed oy directory publishers thla mean a population of 117, tad. Compared with tha population laat year, which waa lBt.lll, figured on tbo earn beeis, there haa been aa to- reaae ot nearly 14,000 popt ta lven montha. -This do not taetuda tbo Chine oenuletlon mt tha dtr." aald Mm. Clin ton, "which I estimate at t.OOt, nor the Japanese. Ztollana and other foreigners; nor die tt Include tno floating popula tion the hotel trade, which may legiti mately ba oalled a portion of th popu lation. If we bad all of theaa to the number not lean than 1M.000. Tho to- area has bean remarkable, aa toe fig ure indicate. It has for eleven months averaged mora than 1. 000 monthly, and there la every reaasn to believe tout thla peroentage of tear haa- not fallen oft since wo started aoUaettag tbia data, two montha ago.' PORT ARTHUK IS f! IN DIRE STRAITS i.y ".; 1 1 1 " - (Jeeraal apeetal Barrlw.) Chefoe, Oct. StA Chlnaao junk taat arrived from Port Arthur brings the In formation that minor events over small port! one of tna contested territory ooour nightly. Japanese aheua hava louna lodgment to several Buaama warahkt. Tba garrison aggregate 1000 man wearing mat winter's unlforma. Largo aelga- guna continue to arrtve at Dalny. It hi reported that tba Japan hava mad a desperate assault on tha eastern forte of tho Rekwaa group October M and sllenoed tbo Buaalan batteiie. Th Russian aatterlee on BlhUung mountoto and Sunghobowain were also sllenoed and th fort ta front af tbeae moua- tolna occupied. A shell exploded ta a Buarfau mag- axineand that night there wa a fir ta Port Arthur and tbb following day a shell .struck tho battleship Sevastopol, and two Ruaalaa steamers war sunk. Prom Information gained through th above eouroee tt la considered her that tbo ohanoea for relief of Port Arthur aa they mw appear are exceptionally slight. Ballet It hi well understood, to bo of any value, must oomo without do lor, aa despite th apparent optimism displayed In regard to tho situation, tt la oonoadad that th oaaa to really a des perate one. General Stoeeael to slowly but surely being starved out af tba Port Arthur stronghold. White some moiino taw ew tho herolo general may by aomo nook or crook eventually eacmpo, th opinion feat becoming general that the com plete capitulation of th fertreaa will taka plaoe in, the near roam - y.X CMeroa. Oct. ts. Admiral Togo baar received many appltoaUpno from Junior offloors - desirous of ' emulating tbo example of a lieutenant, who, with a torpedo, swam to tba entrance of Port (Continued on Pagu Two.) YOUR ONLY CHANCE ; . . . ! - ... -( To road a real ttua metropollUa pewapeper' en Sunday; to to buy Tba Sunday Journal. It la th rnly aawupapor to, Oregon that publish a doubt outer aomta aupplemmfj with th bant lima tratlona that manuy dan buy. In haa too anty apoetol leased wire to th atato, and to provided with m , news aervtoa which ao ether paper aaa equal Xt'a merely matter of oomparteaev Set Th Journal alongside any of Ita asm potltora and aaa which to too bV tor paper, If you do that, there' will The -Sunday journal 7 BLOW TO ATOntS. w isaraal toirlil anrvtaa SI Property Valned at Mil lion Burns-One Dead Several Missing. : ; PROBABLY INCENDIARY v-y - ,y.! 'IV. V'.f . Fwsr ' Steamships Badly DaaufeW Crews asu Watchnei Jams lata V' -the Water aad Art Kes end h f iremKBe ; . ''y'y--- -vr ;'v : New Torn. Oot St. On man dead, aa aeverely lmjurad, awvaral aulaalng. and 1 1,000. 000 worth of property de stroyad la tho rseuit of an early morn rod fir, wblob burned four steamehlpa, ev er! piera and warebouaw of tbo Buah Terminal ompaays - atoro- at South Brooklyn, More than Worth af eotton, bomp and general cargo waa de stroyed. Policeman Patrick Cashing Si dead and Benjamin Walsh, a firs aertoualy Injured. Other dead may found later. Tbo department fought tha fire which la aoUeved to bar been tar eandmry, for tbred hours. Tho vessels which war badly damagod worn tho American, Ajrlsonlan and Nebraska n of tho Amerloan and Hawaiian line and tno pitta da Palermo of th Italian lino. Th Palermo coffered the moat, bar valuable eargo being ruined. The fire spread o rapidly that tugs could not reaoa. tho biasing vessels. Tba watch man and ere we of tho vassals Jumped Into tho water, from whloa tney were rescued by tha firemen. Thar has been much 111 feeling in tho neighborhood against tho eompany. Laat Tuesday a mysterious fir caused a loss of 160.000 worth of cotton. Blnoa that time an unuanalt watch baa boon kept to prevent a repetl- m. Last night th foroa f watchmen on duty to that vicinity waa th sama aa usual, but despite ail precautions. arsrythtos todtostea that the tooendlary evaded tho petroling night watches, nred tho building and eeoaped without datoetwn. Late this aftarnoon tho em bers had sufficiently ooeled to allow of a fairly alo examination, and it to now thought that if any mora Uvea waro loat they wero among tho who Jumped front tba burning Tsaaeta Into tbo water. Although too flame roe high ta th air making tha surrounding country a. glare of light, ao that small objects oould bo aeen at some distance on tbo water's eurfaoe, thus giving every op portunity to th rescuers, It la asserted by aomo of tho watcher that two per sons were on to disappear beneath tho water and did not again reappear. It la rumored tout devajopmento of a rather sensational nature- may result from tho Investigation that la now con templated, looking to th dlaoovery of th real eauae for tho fire. . COLUMBIA OBSERVES : : I50TH BIRTHDAY 'fearaal tfsrtsl Sarrlss.) '' ' Naur Tork, Oct. It. The oommomotu tloa of tho UOth annrvemary of th founding of King's college (now Co lumbia university), far wblob prepera- tlona hava been going forward for al most a year, waa begun today with a recaption ta .honor of tha alumni and friend e of tbo Institution. Many noted educators from verloua parts of tha country are herb to take part to th oalebratlea, which win mat several day. Tomorrow tho visitors will attend the, football guma between Tala and Colum bia and ta tho evening a smoker at the Columbia University dub wllbb a feat vr of tbo program. Servtoos of praise and thanksgiving will bo bold In too university gyra- lum on. Sunday, with Blahqp Doano of Albany aa tha preacher. Monday will ba tha big day of tho celebration. On that day tba oornorston for tho several new halls and dormitory building of tho university, will bo laid. These cere monies will taka place In tho fotenoon and will bo followed ta tho afternoon by th university convocation, with a com memorative address by President Nich olas Murray Butler and tho conferring of honorary degree upon distinguished alus!!. II I -.1 ' ' BOU (lew eel aneeWl Trenton, N. J, Oot. St. Tha New Jersey Congress ofMethars opened Its fourth annual meeting today In tha high school building, Mrs. Edward H. Orloe of- Blverton presiding. The feature of tho opening session this aftarnoon waa an address by Mrs, Kate Waller Bar rett of Alexandria, Ta., on "Quardlan of tbo Junior Cltlaana. Tbo sees ions will continue through tomorrow. Among the distinguished Visitors present la M re Theodore Blrney of Washington, hon orary praaldent Of tho NfUlooaJ Co frees ot Mother, A oar famine, .unprecedented t la tha history of tho Paolfl d north west, confronts tho ship-: d per -of Oregon, Tha enormous demand ta tha east for Oregon Wheat ao far axoaada all axpeo totiona that tho rallroada ara un able to handle eastern ship ments. Local shippers estimate that 10.000.000 bushels of wheat are now awaiting shlpmaot to tbia and adjoining states. . Tboueaads of additional aura d are needed by the railroads to 4 ban die tbo unexpected t raffia and th delay In forwarding wheat shipment will entail aa Immense loaa ta tha buyers. Shippers of lumbar, hops, vwool, fruits and other Oregon product must alao suffer, for no Immediate relief Is In sight Thla extraordinary condition hi duo primarily to tho falluro af too wheat crop ta many eastern states and tha Imperative do mends upon tba wheat produoers o af th Paclac northwest- 4 Tho rallroada oould not foreeee th emergency and ara utterly unprepared to meet tt. s IS A FILIPINO AN AMERICAN CITIZEN? A.aloa!da's Coasla, a Tale Sludeat, Balses Qoetfloa Whet Bight ta iefister Is DeiM B!a. v (Journal Speaul BWvIm.) New Haven, Conn., Oct. tt. Aa aid question waa revived today Whan J. B. luagdomoo, a young PUlplne bow study ing law at Tala, and elalmtng to be an American ottlsea, wag refused the right to register and rota. Hla request waa thrown out on. tbo ground that ha la an alien. Ha wul hava to spend ftvu yeara hero and ba uaturuaad. Lagdomco waa Indignant . When he heard of tbo d laton. - "I am ta Tala tow school audi know my rights, bo amid, "I am aa Am loan mtlsea by the treaty af Parts, and all I have to do If I changs my reet- denoe- to any part "wt th United States to- lira tbera a year baforo S nan vote. I hava been her 10 month." Lagdomoo la a cousin af Agufnaldo. ' It I understood that ba m a young man of oouslderabl means and that hla present Intention la to eonfer with other prominent Filipinos and politicians who have token an interest la his oaaa, and la an probability a tost oaaa win ba made to determine for anon and all the exact standing of th el Usees of the annexed bland ao tor aa their rights of ttttlaenehlp ara oonoarned whim they ara reel dents of tho United States proper, - . - BRAKEMAN PROVES THAT HE IS A HERO ' ; -r ' t i.-..,.- (Upiclil Ptesetto to Ta Jearaat) ' Taooroa. Waah Oct. It. L. J. Klat nera. a Unman on tha Taooma A Bast sru railroad waa killed today by Jump tag from a train to aaeape a aolllalon with a log train- Tbo engineer, C A. Da via. landed safely. H. C. Preach, a brakemen, Sndlng tha angina deeert ed stopped tna train u time to prevent further dlaaator. Tba ooroner la lava- tlgaUug. Tna oooupanta at tna oao aooamo ter ror stricken while tha train was going down bill and tho engineer shouted. Tor God's sake. Jump." Tha fireman Imme diately sprang from tho cab and waa followed by .th engineer. Tha train had attained a frightful rat af speed and tbo engineer Imagined tt waa be yond bto oontroL , h EX-GOVERNOR NASH OF OHIO PASSES AWAY w ! r ' (Jearaal aperlal Sfrrke.) : Columbus, Oh Oct, II. Ex-Oovrnor Nash dropped dead to hla bathroom at 11:40 o'clock this morning. Heart trou ble af long standing caused his death. Ha declined rapidly after ho retired from tbo executive oflloe last January. Ha waa a widower with aaa- atop danghtsr. Th lata governor waa born ta this stats In 1142, waa eduoated and prac ticed tow ta thla state and flrat held publle onVo when bo became chief olerk to th secretary of state. Ha waa prosecuting attorney of Franklin county from 1070 to lltfi and Judge of tha au prema court from ItOI to llti. Ha then practiced law ta Cohimbum where he became actlv In Republican poll t lea, and waa elected governor for th terms of 1000-1 and MOt-4. VANDERBILT DRIVES : AN ELECTRIC TRAIN .- ' : (feataal Ssetfal Bervfea.) Schenectady. N. T., Oct. t. Spat a lag at tha rata af If to 00 mile aa hour, while aeerea of moa prominent to rail road and el act Heel circle ateod by an elestrie locomotive built by tha nert Rlectrte-Aiuericaa Low-' r-.., for tho New T- " Ice in K at rated 1 Railroads Cannot Handle Wheat That Is Pur- . ' chased Here. , IS WANTED IN TEE EAST Croa af Pacific rlarthwest Is UtW Ter Cett af Eatlre Caaotr aad ' There Are Ra leau f af Mavlot IL Oondltlons unpreoedantad hi tno kto tory of Oregon bav brought about a oar auwrtago oa th three tnasoonti- . nantal sysums serving tha state, wbioh baa raaohed tho gravest proportiona. With a bumper crop-of wheat, wblob eastern buyer are eagerly taking at tha highest prices ever paid ta tho aorta west, and with tba usual heavy fttnH ' for Oregon lumber, hope, selaaon, wool and other products ahlppara are sin fronted with a ear famine which hag almost brought east-bound fralsh trafno to a standstill. . ' . Looal grata man estimate that of wheat alone fuUy lO.OOO.OM buahela . havo bean delayed la ehipment, and too oar ahortaga la aomputed at thouaanda of oar. Tho shortage on tho O. B. N. Is amend at S.S00 oars and tha South- era Paolfle at too. Tbo oar famine oa tbo Northern Paclac to equally serious, ' Tho railroads ara face to face with a situation which baa no parallel la their previous history and which even tbo keenest foresight could eoarcely have anticipated. The volume of east-bound t raffle tola year wiU far axeaed all past roborda and montha must elapse be fore the railroads are able to handto ' shipments with normal speed. ' BuaiM QoaaO It. ' ' ' TfclB oxtraordlnary oondltlon, which affeeta tho entire Paoiftc northwsot, to due te tho unpreoadented demand -for ita wheat which has. arisen In th east. Hitherto only aa laooaslderabl propor tion of tha wheat crop of Washington, Oregon end Idaho has been ablpped by rail. Most of It waa shipped by water Jo foreign markets, and tho rallroada ' handled without difficulty the oompara- -tlvely small quantity that found aaie la tha aaat. This year tho wheat crop of tho United Btatea la 10f.000.f00 bushels lass than tha average, tbo crop failure in i eoma sections of tho wast and tbo north west being almost totaL "Much of tho wheat la of Inferior quality and unfit for milling. In th Paotflo northwest. oa tho other band, tha crop haa been aa enormona one end tho quality of tha boot. , - Tho eonseqaenee has boon auch a do arnnd for Oregon, Washington and Idaho wheat by eastern millers as hag a ever been known before, Tba wheat crop of the three states this year to approxi mately 4e.0d0.00 bushels, and tt la esti mated that M per esnt of th crop haa ' already bean sold to eastern buyers. Portland la tba trad center for eastern Washington, Oregon and part of Idaho, ao that the wheat of this section ftnda Its market through this atty. Under normal conditio tho capacity of the railroads Is heavily taxed by Ore gon's Immense shipments of products other than wheat. With tho added re quirement arising from th unlooked for demand for wheat, tha railroads ara utterly unable to supply ear In suffi otont numbers to meet tba emergency. Officiate of tho roads refuse to dts ouaa tba situation except to oay that an unusual ahortaga ex lata Commis sion merchinta, however, who keep in close touch with railroad affairs, asserts that tba rallroada are oonf ranted with a situation that haa never existed be fore. They further assert that scent promise of relief from th oogestioa are offered by tho oompanlaa. If tha wheat crop wara all that tho railroads have to handle, th ear famine would not be of very long duration, but tbera are other important Interests which must bo aoooramodatod. Oregon is shipping more wool, more lumber more hope and mora mohair than any other atato la tha Union. It ranks high aa a shipper af lrresteek, fruits and do- . tatoe. For tha acreage under culti vation tt to tbo largest shipper of ag ricultural products to the United StaUa. for while ita area to over 0u.OM.0od eorea, only a,M,t0 ara cultivated. .N . lismaai B torn cam Benvy The average ehipment of lumbar and nbinglaa from Portland and points an th sound to th east amounts to l.Iftq . oar a month. There la a ahortag thla year of perhaps SO par cant ta tha hop crop of Oregon but price are high and the demand bj strong. Th crop will probably amount to M.0O0 halee and ( Continued on Page Two.) track at 40 wHen an hour, ik vat car w- h brow t i Central ofr - to l i it on, w si