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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1904)
THE ORZGON DAILY 'JOURNAL, PORTLAND, k XING, mitt REPAIRED ' "" """" ' . pra ootrven mn awa ', mvnM or hums vmosuni. Despairing of MCflital Btw brftdgss over SulUvan'a guloh at Union and Orand irtw croestnga. reetdenta the east Slee mm petitioned the niyor and executive board of Uw city far aa ap propriation to repair UmporerUy tha jjnloa avanua derated roadway. Mayor Williams received Um petition tbla morning. It waa signed by U II Walla, secretary, and W. H. Newhall, chairman of the oommtttee representing the aast aide ran Mian ta who oraanlaad some ubm aa u agitate the building of a bridge. ' ' " Thla oommlttao waa Instructed to pre para ana circulate a petition for tba ereo tton of two elevated roadways, on on Grand ana tba other on Union ave nuea, but attar careful consideration tba committee decided that It would ba Impracticable to prooaad along tha lino, owlnr to conflicting Intereats and tba probability of defeat. . - Inetead of build In entirely new bridges tba committee urges that tha Union avanua bridge bo temporarUr re paired and thrown open to tba pubho until soma feaelbl plan la found for tha erection of a bridge ear alayatad road. - By doing tbla tha committee atataa tha Croat inconvenience tovhth tha public 1 now subjected may ba relieved. Tba oommlttao baa boon In consulta tion with Joeeph Paquet and othor bridge builders, who ha to mada tba state moot that tba Union, avanua roadway ean ba ropalrod and mada safe for tha public for a laast ana yaar and parbapa longer on 91. to a. Attention la called Jto tba fact that the Portland railway com pany aanda Ita heavy oara acroaa tba bridge ovary flvo minutes baoaaaa H baa temporarily repaired Ita portion of tba structure and Ut committee states Miat thay aaa no raaaon why tba raat af tha bridge cannot ba rapaJrad la tha asms manner. Because of tha 'cloning of the bridge tha east side flrd dapartmant la out Into two porta and practically all bualnaaa relations between tha resldenta north and aouth of Sullivan's gulch ara hamp- arad and- retarded In a moat aggravating manner. Tha committee aska tha mayor and eaeeutlve board for Immediate re lief. Tha petition wlU ootne before the executive board Friday afternoon. City Engineer Elliott aald that In hie opinion It would ba lmpoaalbla ta make the bridge aafa for travel with an ex penditure of t,oa. Ha aald that .not leas than S.aOf would bo aeeeeeary ta repair tha bridge properly. ' , ztaaxajt mmsw nm ; . Fort Ana-elea, Waah.. Oct. W. Tha Italian ship Italia haa been taxed a Una of I ft. Dot for failure to secure a bill of health from Kobe. Captain Brlaettl, master of the ship, la suffering from a paralytic stroke, and unable to attend to business. Hts agent, Henry Roth cfalld, of Port Townsend, la seeking re mlttaaoe of tha fine. PORTLAND THEATRICS BaABASOV A lFIO0Wf MUL In his unique eonatructtoa of "Sowing tba Wind," Bydaay Omndy lonictea upon the actor performlne; Mr. Brabaaon tba difficult taak of reeMlnloc upon the stane throucbout one entire act. Audi ences have wondered this weak at the skUl with which Bdcar Beame of the Columbia Stock company accomplishes tba mii-DOee of the author. Brabaaoa Is an old man, auffartna In tensely from aout. Ha w barely able to be out of doors and once settled In an easy chair la hts garden, ha does not move until near tha finale of the act. which rune for t mlnutee or 1 oncer. He has a loner dlecueeloa with hie friend. Watkla, rather a lenathy soliloquy, and one ba one Draetloaiiy every member ok thd cast eaxrtes dialogue with him. But throuch it all tha actor la not al lowed to move out of hie chair. To avoid at rained action. If not absolute mo notony. In tbla limited field of action ta a problem to tax tha beat of atock actora Mr. Baume solves It effectively enouah to receive from three to four ourtatn ealle ulfhtly. The Columbia atUl reporta record breeUna- bualnaaa. Few unoccupied seats ara to ba found In tha auditorium. upstair or dowa. whan tba curtain rtM V " r ' :' ' - . Jootfbt at the Marquam Grand thea tre Florence Roberta and her excellent aupportlna company will present 'Tees of tha 1 Urbervlllea" for tha last time. Betinnlna tomorrow Thursday) night and continuing; Friday and Saturday night, with a apectal pries matinee Saturday, "Marta of tba Lowlands," a drama of Spanish Ufa. will be the bill. According to the story. Marta. a poor girt, haa been sheltered by a rich man, Sebastian, and though ha levee her, la obliged to contract a marriage with a wealthy woman of his own elans in order Lto remedy his fortunes. Not wishing to lose marta. ne arranges a mamage ior her with ana of his highland shepherds, Manelloh, telling her ha haa paid the shepherd for his bargain, but keeping all tha facta withhold front tba huaband. Menellch lovee Marta, but she despises him at first beoauee aha thank be baa aold bis name and honor. lAter aha finds he has been deceived also and hie noble qualities win her Jove. She diaclose the truth to Manelloh, who eventually stran gles tha wlokad Sebastian and takes Marta away with him to his mountain BTSSSXA BOaTV UatS HP. 'Tb Ruaalan government la strongly opposing tha presentation of "For Her Bake. tba thrilling melodramatic pro duction now being presented at Cor dray's. The reason for the opposition la tha startling expose of Russia's se cret methods of government Tha play goes further than exposing tha tyranny practiced on the aarfa, for Ita eoenea shift to the penal settlements m Si beria, and the wonderful last act por traya In a most raaJletle manner the barbarities of exile lib m tha mines of Kara, The company now appearing in tha play wdudea aid Blily Marble, the famous comedian, , - "A FsMBBB OF VBTB VAMBT. For years Harry. Crandall haa bean associated with soma of tha most euc- ...i,,.,,,.,,, Sf " Make Enthmbiuc' yj'' " ) A Reduced Reproduction of th Graphophone. The Columbia Graphophone eeearai snanagers to tba country.' and bla name haa ret to ha connected with a single failure. He haa etaged soma 1 tPollUn auoceeeea and played The Burgomaster" in the orig inal New York production, but It has been humorous character roles that have contributed moat to his tremendous pop ularity. He la adding laurels to ills reputation of being the moat nnotioue oomedlan on the stage today by hie oiever work In W, B, Gorman's farcical eomedy hit.! Friend of the Family." which opens a three nlg-hta engage ment at aha Marquam Oread, beginning Monday, October 1. The advance sale of seats will open next Friday moraine at la o'clock. Tha Arcade theatre in nreeentlne: a strong bill this week. Heara and Camp bell, two dashing comedians and ainaere. ara good. Their great weatern mualcal set with Its electrical effects Is one that taken the fancy of tha theatre goers at once. Jar ret. tba mimic and dancer, la an unusually atrong char ecter, bla dancing being an eeaecial feature. Howard and CamobelL the wonderful Roman ring exoerta. a-et much appiauae- for their thrilling aerial per- When three of them Sylvester. J ones and Prlngle etng together at tha Star theatre, the audience goes wild, - At every performance this teem bows ta tha audience and proceed wHh their act. but tha audience will not allow them to bow off tha stage, tha trio onuat etng again, ao they sing again and once mora, while tha management wondera when tba rest of tha program will have time to abow Itself; . .1 - aVYBXQ IS BAOXMD. Tha Lyric theatre was crowded last night until Its walla literally bulged. This week's bill has caught on la great abase- It Includes Byron and Went, the music team; R. O. Welch and company? in a aaw sketch; Maxwell, the monologue man; La Bora e and Ryeraon, In a mu steal skit, -and Mabel LeUar tha coon ohouter. i Plenty of good muale and rich eomedy will amuse an audience at any turn of tba road. Tha Lytic has It this weefc. i OOmBBATS BBS 0YBBXaw. The offering at Cord ray' for the week commencing Sunday matinee, October XI, Will ba the beautiful New England drama of -paatoral life, "An Orphan's Prayer. Tha icaat la ana of tha beat now appearing In tha west and Is headed by that charming aoubratta Nettle De- Coursey. . . - SUOV1 ABTBUaSj Those intelligent dogs and grimacing monkeys raised a big hearty lauah at tha Bijou yesterday. Youngsters and grown upa. too, really enjoyed the performance of Hunter's Eouesouiiculum. Whiob Is Which." the sketch of Beahan, Mascotte and Beahan, proved ltaelf one of the most delightful little plays seen la a vaudeville theatre for a long time. - . PREPARING RIVER FOR CANAL WORK THE. - m paw iias e-eaa v , - waai as m m m m m ny. A WEEK ' . v ,m . a s a-vw. a V'-''--. r THE STORC THAT CAVILS YOU MONEVV . "Every Cro a Jovcl" NOT I?OW CHEAP, but HOW GOOD-tiiafs the JEWEL! v As your Ddgbborv, ,', A WEEK BUYS IT ? THE JEWEL RANGES Hsre no squal for style or mauV ity. ' Notfains; but the highest grade planished steel used in their construction. . It . bskes perfectly, saves fuel and ta as its name implies, ... , . A Jewel s" THE JEWRL RANGE Id the hanfkxBneat medhim priced ransA made of blue planished steel, broiler door, duplex (rates has every 1804 improvement. We show them in all tisee snd prices. It's no trouble to ahow . - yx A Jewel HEATING STOVES. .BEST FURNITURE, CARPETS AND RUGS The Dayton stock of RANGES and GRANITEWARE SIXTY CENTS on the -DOLLAR VaTlQVn MUUr A m aujon n ojp rjnarmovaTaOTrrs- xn wn snnuiT m wobjc REGULAR PRICE $750 ; Caaranteed to be a Perfect Talking Machine 2 The Columbia Phonograph company guarantees this grapho phone to be a perfect talking machine- -in fact thev will allow a credit of $5.00 on it toward the purchase of any other machine that they make at any time within a year, the sub scriber to have the full use of the graphophone during that r ; t. r-'-. : Ite Journal Extraordinary Offer By special arrangement with the Columbia Phonograph company, 128 Seventh street. The Journal is enabled to make the following extraordinary offer: Ve. (. Journal" Graphophone Agreement , rORTUXO, OS ItftlU WVm. OSh aerates, ' 0aMaiaa 1 Wreajr eakerrtlM ft Sallr ea teaser leerael far aae rar at m regaiar rmtt t Btpeeguh, la immwtiloi ef wblva, I error ear fc a enapoa nlltllnc at to Oh trst reewd. rat n as enttrij ra at tk ofOn ef lb CoUwM rbeaofrape a sarMt ef I sf,. whir remlak dm Sfffrnta fonninf. M irerc ea NfiMr T ae wepanpaeai tnpoa my pariaf l for tvpma rbir,, pm farter, eaehief. etc.), far avy aaalMlT mm aarbff ta Sra af tals ntaeriatlM. It la ear fartfcer tbmt I rai let ceaipvlW to parraaM ear fartkar rnr4m U rMala It la acTMf fertter tbat I rai vet eaipvlle to parraaM ear farlaar reraa a rMala tkM Onpaepkoee eerleg tW Jmm ef av eutetrleUa; eat If at atf tlaM aa4 at mf e-a eptlea I ea. perrfaua S3 aadlttoaal lecerila at tba CotwwMa rboMrapa CtaMir at 0a aaow adaraM, aae aeaaptata tate eaMttstlea, the swealaa thaa iawsiai mr aaclaalva preperty ewertr. , . s OU) . twees ... M (lat........ lOTa. Te Oatasnaa PaneefrajBi Oaneasr w(a atlnw s erMn ea ear taretr OoHeihu u'elaa to I ha awnaot of 00 at aw tlma sarlag tae j la eacfeaaea far sm Grkpe(e at tartf afOoa, No. IK r1. M. ft rvtaa mt aS fetara reterea a-.thla aaetfaet, Baraeafaae taef an aaeta aaca. Tha work of elaarlns tha Columbia between The Dallas and the point where tha aanal tnust nUlmatelj ooaunanoa ta snrsaount tha rapids to Celllo. haa eotn- ajenoed, After tha serious tflfflcultr of tetUns the barge wp stream. Contractor WakeflBld haa tvt tbrea drUUi la eom- miaaion. ana expects to put three Mora at work within a short tlma A repreeentatrre of the Hammond Manufacturing company returned from the scene of oneratlona thla mornlna. and atataa that obstructions ara being removed in tne bed of the stream and aisa aaoh as project from the bank ba bond a certain Una. The equipment for drilling rock many feet under water la an Interesting contrivance that will ap peal to the average mine operator. The drill barge Is placed over tha rock ta be ehet, and br means of spuds, est fl ratty la the channel la held rigidly anough ta permit of tha boring of a straight hole. Tha drill steel haa a Mnarth of :i to It feet, the drill being placed above water, a team la uaed directly la tha piston. Instead of compressed; air. thus avatdlng tba neceaalty of a eompreeeor. In mining operations tha average drill steel la from ten Inches to ten feet In length, and tha aaa ef. a It-foot stall for nvsr work is a remarkable advance. Such drills have been very aueoesafully employed, and vastly expedite work un der water. Without euca derteee boal dera would hava to ba lifted, and fixed rock formation could be broken only by men woraing anner water. Tha barges now uaed ara a mile and a half or two miles above The Dalles. The contractor 1s shaping his work rap- loiy, and will nave everything moving with full force soon. Thla work Is under tha supervision or Major w. a lngntt, and la really tha first work undertaken by tha gov ernment toward clearing tha great oe- atruotlona between The Dalles and Ce lllo, Tha clearing force will merely put tha river In shape for the heavier work above, which the people of the Inland Empire ara determined to have dona by the reaerai government. CLUBMEN WEAKEN ; Y DURING LAST HALF ... IJeerssl spatial Sarrlee.l Ban franc'iaoo, Oct 1. After playing the University of California eleven to a standstill during the first half of tha football game at Berkeley yeaterday, the Multnomah team of Portland went to pieces, and the Bias and Sold piled np a score of points la the mat It antrH utes of play. The game was hard fought and stubbornly contested by aaoh team during tha first half, And honors we apparently evenly matched, but after five minutes of play In tha ecoond naif tha clubmen evidently lost heart, for all tha snap and vigor of their ear lier work disappeared, and California, noticing thla defection. Immediately took advantage of their opportunity and Kern scored a touchdown, after which by a series of line rushes and plunges thay forced tha bell to Multnomah's It-yard line, from whence Froa kicked a goal from the field. Shortly after this Kern again crossed the clubmen's goal for an other touchdown, Tha third touchdown waa mada by Boynton. and force kicked the goal, making a total of 10 points for California. Kra was tha bright particular star of the Call Torn la eleven. Seeley, Ross, Dowlinsv Uoraa, Dolpa and Kerrigan . ... iyjyy::;:B - Furniture CORNER. FIRST AND TAYLOR. STREETS -ft yy'j::,e:: made splendid plays for the vi altera. The weather waa warm for football and this undoubtedly told am tha. clubmen. The lineup; California. 1 ' Position. : Ifultaomah. Howard BL B. Dawllng Heltmullsr.,.....U T. R. ...Oault Qray .,,... I O. A..Pratt-Carlaon Stroud .......)....C Orleve fltArns-Haffey... .R. O. I Seeley Poroe... R. T. I.... Ross Elliott. B. Lk...wt.Johnson Kl trails ... Q Ksnigan Oraves-Kern R. H. 1. Dolph Whlte-Mead. H. R..... . .Horan La a tar-Boynton. ..t .F. ea. Northrup RafereeHamlltoay TTmplre McPad den. Tlmera "Pete" Smith and Powell. Linesmen Hunt and Ballentlne. Halves Twenty minutes. ScoreCalifornia, I; Multnomah, a. ASeOCXATZOaT. Outhiie, Okie-. Oct- Tha annual convention of tha Aatl-Horaethlef asso ciation of Oklahoma aad Indian Terri tories began here today and will con tinue through tomorrow. Tba aesocla tlon haa about 4ee branches la tha two territories, all of which ara represented by del a gates Catarrh of the Stornach etmala, ban) Safe aad ffew . ; anal Oaaa f Za, r Catarrh of Ihe stomach haa long, bean considered tha next thing to Incurable Tha usual symptoms are a full or bloat ing sensation after eating, accompanied sometimes with sour or watery rlalags. a 'formation of gases. eauelng proa aura on tne seen ana rangs ana airricuit breathing, headaches, fickle appetite. nervoueness and a general played oat. languid feeling. There la often a foul taste in the mouth, coated tongue and If the Inter ior of the atcanaoh could be seen H would ahow a alimy, Inflamed aondl- Uoa. Tha oara for this common and abstt- nite trouble la found in a treatment which eauses the food ta ba readily. thoroughly digested before It haa Umr to ferment and Irrltata tha delicate muooua surfaces of tha stomach, To se cure a prompt and healthy digestion is tha one necessary thing to do and when normal digestion is secured the catarrhal eondltkm . will. ava dis appeared. ' According to Dr. nartaneoa. tha saf est and beat treatment Is ta use after each meaj a tablet, oomposed- of DmtaaV, Aseptic Pepsin, a little Nux, Golden Seal dnd fruit acids. These tab lets oan now be found at all drug stores under tha name of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets and not being a patent medlolne ean be uaed with perfect safety and as surance that healthy appetite and thor ough digestion will follow their regu lar use after aieals. Mr. R a Workman, Chicago, tils.. writes: Catarrh is a local eondttloa re sulting from a neglected cold In tha head, whereby the lining membrane of the noee becomes fen flamed and the polsonows discharge therefrom paaalng baa award into the throat reaohea the stomach, this producing eatarrh of tha stomach. Medical aetborltlee pre scribed far ma for three years for tarrh of etomach without aara, but todar I am tha happiest of man after oslng only one boa of Stuatfa Dyspepsia Tablets. 1 cannot find appropriate werda ta express any good feeling. I hava found fleeh, appetite and sound rest from their uae." i Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets IS ths oaf-. est preparation aa well aa the simplest and most convenient remedy for any form af Indigestion, catarrh of stomach. biltouenees, sour atomaca heartburn aad Moating alter meal , A MASTER ' MECHANIC Taken ne chance when he buy tools he wants to know what he Is getting. Therefore ha buys here, where nothing but tha beat la sold. Wa hava every- uuog la oarawara line. Avery & Co.. S3 THIRD UTRBBT best C0ALH0i,sE Raveji Nuf Coal. ..'......f 5.75 RaTefl Lump Coal.:.,.. 86.50 Carbon Hill Ltrrnp.,,. ,..17.60 Australian Lump S8.00 Rock Springs Lump..... $8.50 Special Kates on Five-Ton Lota. Vulcan Coal Co. Phone Main 877. ' ' No. 829 BURNSIDE ST. SAVE YOUR MONEY la a lifetime wa soma cross many a chance to save money, aad It la unwise to let tha opportunities paea without taking advantage of them. Our aaay narmsnt nlaa on Ane Watches and Dia monds grvee yoa a ohanoe'to make email savings every week aad ootara run value for your money. Before buying a Watch or Diamond elsewhere get our prices. Wa give a guarantee on aur goods that will proteot you. Bee our dlanlay of Diamonds la our ahow win dow. UNCLE FRANKLIN Is adapted to all who are rua down physically and mentally. It strengthens and builds up and thus restores lost vitality. 111 ef fects of malaria, chronic diseases and impure blood ' , ', For 8ala at J , v KNIGHTS. 807 Washington Tacoma, Oct lh The Contracting 1TB- glneerlng company of Taooma haa been Incorporated, with a capital -ef tlt.000. Tha directors are George C. Mans of Portland; Charles B. atarley and T. L. StUea af Taooma. Portland Marble Works scrakbh a mro. ataanfaoturara af and dealers la all kladeef Marble, Granite and Stone Worl : aattmatea Otvea aa AppUoatloa. ' 261 FIBT STREET Bet hfadtaon anal Jefferson Streets. . FORTLAKIX Or. PIP aold mm an ria lin vaaarmrr. Bm hasa aaai ay MtiHoaa ef nehm fori ev ft f far ear ytrw Y It ao. aaa Ue ah. Laortae ua gaaO, aJlr C TwaaTTjriTB cmrg a Nmt Dr. W. Norton DawU. r IN A WEEK We weft eseaamfany sa private set was aad swiala alaaaaet at smb. aba Ueea. atasmeh. aaart. Mry , .itaaey as throat trneMeavte tar aTrariljIjrwltBeet aMrestrl ts stay fared flarever, ta It ta H aara. We rwi'l irilOTDaa, wUaaat mtatlis at Sak, m at Twa aaaa evataa. tba raaeH ef sstf shasa. ef a ay atee evataa. ta latatr. we eaa restore fee saxaal visas aem&e?Mr MneaaT"" " 1kl ". We Cote (rtwrtwu ta a Week The dealers ef tM taetttsts am all Ngaaw ' gradaatea, save bad SMay yean esferUaee. save baea known Is Portland far ll yaera, have a reaetaOoa a bm lot ita. aad will aaeat gkeas ease aaliaa aaruta aara aaa be ea We gesrantae ta earn ta every eaa we aalia take er eharra ae fea. CnBaaluH'ia frae. Let tare eoefldnrlat TaaWerIva BOOK fOS MaJt : BMfled free ta atata wraaDar. If yoa eaas'H tall at office. waa steak. Baaae 0 a with) fa weatweat inaiiniL a a. aad f ta a aendays, M b II Dr.W. Norton Davis & Co. Tag. Vay atovat, ST. . 0s W mA : weinharits ; City Brewery Bottled Beer a Specialty a. ta. FOBTLiAND, ORSJbOlC GOAL " i Tru will Fiarar klok if gnu bum DIA MKD ooaL Irv It onoe and yoa will always use It ' It hnrna brightly, doaa not clinker. mak no aoot and vary Uttls ash. Telephone ua your order. K1INO COAL CO. ' 1