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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1904)
G OOD EVENINQ. 3 cl THE GECUUTtCI or rat jorcm TESTU3AYWAS ftp y v Tonight and Wedneeday cloudy, with showers; winds mostly southerly. VOX- III. NO. 1H. GRAND JURY TAKE UP Timber Thieves Who Have Been Fear ful of Indictment Granted Reprieve, '5 r But Agents Gathering Evidence. - John Anderson, Accused of Manafadaring Bogus Coin, Held to Indian Murder,. Under investigation.; :' Th timber th levee whs have fearful of - Indictment by the federal grand Jury, which oosriBtd thla morn- ,.. ln. ere to have om nor respite. With perhaps k alngl unimportant excep tion, no evidence In relation to the land fraud la to ba submitted to thla grand Jury and a Sort wilt be made by tba government to oaoaro further Indict mente. No sabpoeaee"' for wltnaaaaa against thoaa concerned la tha frauda have baaa Issued by United States Dte trlct Attorney John BalL Tha government's Inaction la a aur- 1 prise, yet It doea not aeosssarlly todl .. aate an abandonaaaat of tha effort to - reach thoaa of tba oonaplratora who have thus fnr oaeaped from that clutebee of . the law. Secret areata of the Interior department are- still engaged hi ferret ing oat th proofa of guilt, and tt la well known that they have evidence which points stroagly to tha complicity - at mew of mean end e blah station, wboaa roator haa long ooanoeted with , the frauda. But whether thla evidence . la sufficient to form tha basis of to dlctmente la uncertain, i Francis' J. Heaey. special sounstl for ' tha government la tha proaocatlon of Benson, Hyde, Dtmond and ohaoMer. . and la the eaneo against Home McKta- ley and hie aooooaplloss, la taking ho part In the Investigation of ethers whooa - operations la pubUo nan hava arouse the suspicion of tha foruMot Ow ing to the aim ile of hts private prae tloe Mr. Honey la relaetant ta extend . tha scope of hat wees, la the land fraad caeca. . Tha sesslea of tha preaant grand jury bj likely- ta ba aeveta of sissst'oas v faataraa and will probably ba ooacladed within h weak or It daya. Ope liMUob mant, that of Joha Andoraoa. aceuaed of eoaaterfeltlnc. waa roturaed thla morn Ins. Am Indian murdar aa Ma Grand Koad reeervatkm la ecoupyla tha crand Jury' a attenttow thla afternoon. Other easea to ooana beforo thorn an , aaaiporatlvaty awlmportaat. Tha Jurors assembled In Judo Bst-Mna-or court at It e clock thla morw anc and wore duly sworn ta. W K. Stobsrtsom of Portlaaw waa ppslatsg foremaa. 1 W. Durant of Woodbarn. P. . Brlsham of Portland and Jamas Dart of It. Helena were saeiissfl Oeorse D. Paebler of PeadlcoB J. B. Cawl- fleld of ttosobar ana J. W. DaTta of Xemota failed to appear. Qeare Ma TouTall of T-oacalla on Fred Q. Buf fum of Portland were reported aa out of the state. The Jury aa impanelled la as follower W. B, Robertson otf Portland, JURY GIVES 15-YEAR- -OLD GIRL 40,000 aecrsal apeak aervteak - Chicago, Oct. Its. A Jury toddy awardV ad damage of M,sao to Shorn Groa nell. a la-yearld girt, against tha Union Traction company, for Injuries caused by being run over by a streetcar hi 114. Thla tap tb third crnu ox wo Taeoma, Oct. 11 William H. Dosllt Ue, who Is to flU out the aunegeaMnto ftpinel DJBMtel ts The earasL GRAFTERS PLAN FOR FAIR YEAR . A wide opes town during IBs totr a eat year would be worth thoua ands ps thousando of doUara, sot alons ts trass tmmedlataly ansa get hi the wars, box to thoaa to apposition to afford them protection It would ba great thmg for tha graftera, but It would bo a body Mow to rortlaadt which stust hasp te skirts slssm then above all other tima ' - t ' It was for reaeoa of the preopoaO'vo graft that as much sli ms wss laid apoa th passage sf tha poolroom nrittiiaos sod m waa to fessstolt apposition, which In the ars hstsrs of things was ts ha expected, that n wss sneaked through. But the smooth sailing was Interrupted by the unexpected veto of the mayor, which has precipitated discussion aad mads apparent ths unalterable opsoshlos to the meaeuTO. , n takes a twa-thlraw vote to pass tha ordinance over ths veto. Oaly two men. Flegal and Albee, wars aeiely ssuiiUd againac. SI tier Is sot sf ths dty aad cannot return for tomorrow' meting aad it is stated Max Bentley will absent himself. Other members of ths "solid sevan" , are said to be wavering; which would Indicate that ths ordinance sen sot ba paasid,. , . - But as ths ordinance was erlgtooilr passed without th susHo being swsr sf what wss going om tt m barely posslbla that another trleh of ths same sort will be attempted at ths suiting held at o-oJaok tomor d row. It would therefore be wall to d are tatsrseted hi suppressing Oris spetriee sf gambling shouM be present , d d Is the council chamber tomorrow. They should make It dearly evident d d by their prapanoa that they will sot stand such work and that th aider- d d) swa whs vote ts override tha may ors veto will ho marked man la this d d eonmunlty haraaftans. -r . , d d "y " " dr WILL NOT LAND FRAUDS i v Answer for Crime- faremaaf A. Bettlasar, The Dalles; T , X Bd wards, Duety ; Ooorvo Oust In, Chrtetea Chrle tense n, PorUsndi U Herrea. Turner; J. R." Haya, Oaweco; Willis Johnson, Clsckaman; Al Voale, Pilot Bock; V. W. Roblnet, bhedda; W. H. H. ads. CurrlDsvllle; J. r. Tempi. Pendleton; William flhepperd. North TamhlU; roster Adams. W. P. Xhittoa. Hepnper; J. W. Jory. Booedalo; Al H. Parsons. Cove; - Joha Shaw, North Powder; Joseph Petaner, Grants raaa; Carl Phelps. Odd hUl; Prank Bolter, Brooks; Joseph Keener. Ifovntatadala, Tba flret oaaa to be considered by taa fettlna aaainat Joha Andoraoa, wboeei plant for the manufacture of spurious cola waa discovered at- ' Willamette heights, six moatha Tba evidenee waa so clear that Andoraoa attempt ta defend himself from ' the chars and tha ladlotmeat area found la abort site Tha next case to ba considered waa that f lOBla avaaa. aa Indian, ac cused of the murder ax Poster Waohono on the Grand Bondo taaervaUoa. Aprlt 14. ipsa. Tha Indiana had beam hold ing a pow-wow at tha house of Wach- 0000 brother aJM H waa prolonged far Into the- alght.- Savage anally quarrelsome and engaged ta a flrht w.. another Indian. Waehena attempted to part tha oembataata and Savaga la to have ahot and killed him.. Br. Korehaw. superintendent of the tloa. waa tha only wli folaied (Miy to the aatava anTdh wound roeotvon ay Waehonew and to aha Mea ttfloattea of tb masdiMi mam A roora of Indiana of both eexea were on hand tat testify to the facto of the- affray, and their evidence to being takeav this after noon. . One of the moat hat portent oasis to be considered by tow grand jury la tha peaatoa fraad charged against Iao M. T re via of Bttgeoe. Travla ta well known la the Willamette valley. He ran for the legislature against Dr. Kuy kendail four years ago on the Demo oratle ticket. - He waa a" member of the caoad Oregon regiment la tha Pblllp ptnon and the panalea applloatlaai whloh forma the baala of the charge against him waa founded apoa that serrhio. Albert HaaTendoa. formerly poet me s tor at Woodatook. must faoa the charge of smbsaallng governmeat funds, and hta ease will probably coma ap tomor row. Sam Bales, aceuaed of v using a canceled pontes stomp, will alee have to faoa the grand jury. of Oeargo Taraer, Pemocratla aandldate far sivimtr of Washlngtoax is Is Ta oema today. Mr. Dootlttle Is aathorlty for tba sjtstomsnt that Senator Turner is vary etch and) mar net make any mart spsoahee this ammpalsav Mr. Turner waa Brat takes tU ta Taosamv His sflmeat is stoasach troubta. iasiiiiiB Pendleton. Or., Oct, XI. At Irtt Cotock Wednesdar afternoon, eetober It, the Inland Eat pirst Teachers' sseqela tfcm will bo sailed ts order. Tba aaa sfons will continue over four days. Many teachers are already bora aaC others w1lbrrtT tonight and tomorrow. T ; -4 tags as shaspia, The people whs d L ' 0 y' ' PORTLAND, OREGON, TUESDAY EVENING, i I - cr Hcrw aro ataia Psafc'a rmaontam-tellinwInTg reoardsr thW best to a:womsa In tha western hemisphere:- Mount TfiUaecSni'Peru, '31.0 fast. October v ' 1M4; Mount Sorata, Bolivia, 10. tot feet. -August-1 10." lto Mount OHsebe, -htexloo. It. tot feet May 1. ISB7; Mount Shasta, California. lt.4 feet; htattemhorn. Swjtaevlaod. lv7M feet; Monat Popocmtepetl, Moxleav IT.ted - ENGINEER IN "FLYER'S". CAB Uearaal Speenl trtae. ' '" XeCDok. Neb., Oct. It. A Burttagton "flyer paaaoagor train went thundering through the darkness from MoCook to St. Louis lite last alght, while the en gineer sat upright In bis seat, his hand gripping taa throttle, dead. ' Tba en gineer waa James O'ConnelL ' Tha train reached a point some distance from bora and waa running at a high rata sf speed, when the fireman happened to glance at tha engineer and observed that a pallor had overspread his face and that hie body app eared rigid. The firemaA. went over and touched th sngtmer and waa ahoakod to discover that, he- was dead, aad had evidently baas dead some time. The train was thaa running on s down grade and had attained a terrific spedd, having gained sot only tba momentum of tha biU Itself, but that of working with wide open, throttle and tun t head of steam. it waa the wUdneas of , the running MUSICIAN'S FIERCE FIGHT WITH MAD DOG I Baetoa. Pa. Oct 9vr M sto Sunday soon Arthur Smith, aa or ohestra loader, battled with a mad bull dag. which had- attached and bitten Sue aad ' Mary Danner. daughters of - Stat Senator Danner. Ha managed to choke th brute- to death. In killing ths dog Smith's handa were she winy hie arras torns and most sf his clothing stripped from his body. The Mlssse Danner, aev oom panted Smith for s walk. . Th aanators bull dog waa s beast weigh lag 44 pounds, s pot of the girls, aad went along. Suddenly th dog - went mad and attacked the girls, biting them severely. Smith attacked tha dog and tried- to Strangle It, During the id mln utse ths light Issted man and dog rolled about on the ground,, and tha. man was anally tha victor. FIVE CARS OF JAPAN COTTON IS WRECKED (ftpaslal Dtojttek ta Tb Jeerml.) Twooma, Oct. IB. A frotght train west bound on tha Northern Paclflo waa wreaked Inst night near Weston. Bight rare piled in tha ditch. Viva of the wrecked care contained cotton- for Jnpea. BrnMeman J. M Hatton waa Injured, hut not aerlously. The exact sauss of ths wreck is sot knows . 1: DEAD '1 - . . .(.... 3. .,i i.-y ' that caused the Bremen ts withdrew from the window and looar across at his companion. It la not Improbable thst tha train waa running-at nearly 74 miles an hour, as tha looomotreo haa, aw many I occasions, exceeded t miles aa hour, being one of. the fastest that Bulla tha -flyer." With-ewe- head tha flieeneii supported the engineer's - body. white- with tha other he snapped the throttle shut and gradually released the air until -tha trala came to a atandstllL The conduc tor came running, forward,, s brakemaa asated himself behind the serpee and In this way the fireman ran the trala back to MoCook, wbern another engineer waa supplied and It went on to . SC. Louis, Bad the engineer's death not been discovered and the train stopped beforo It reached the station It waa ap proaching. It would havs collided with a trala coming from tha oppoalte dtreo tion. The paeeengera wars unaware of Um-occurrence. ' . ' , MUMMIES OF PIGMIES FOUND IN ARIZONA fJeareel apenal aeiilee.' ' ' Phoenix, Aruw Oct-1 An arohaasle- gist sow conduct! ns m research hi t vldnlty 1 of the govermnent reservoir hi Tonto baaUt haa found ths mummies of two children six years, of age whoas lag aad- thigh bones are only four Inches in length. - The- doors of -the prehistoric cave dwelling of these people waa only three feet high. Oti tha floor bsslds tha mummies were found beautifully woven sandals exquis itely embroidered and tha material of which they were mad la silk, Thoaa things may havs bean, obtained he Be lieves by trad lag. He aleo obtained many crude hterogtyphloa and paintings executed with Indestructible metallic paint. One snows one of their own peo ple attacking a man of much larger stat us with a apsar which. hS'Saar oaly lift to th bigger nan's knee, JUMPS 125 FEET, : DASKED TO DEATH X (yesmsl gpHMl aervtea) New Tork. Oct. 1 .Paul Oooard, s FreeehnMMV Jumped from one of the ap proaches of t .the new Wtlllameburg brMg this nwrnlng, Snd waa dashed to dtath on tbe navemant, lit feet below. He was despondent because- he bad failed to mass a sueessa to bueaaeua- is this souatry OCTOBER it, 1904. PORTLAND IN LEAD One Month's Wheat Ship ments Largest in the World. THE OFFICIAL FIGURES September fieports Show This City Id Froot Thir. 01 List for Year flour Sbfpaeots Blj Shippers JoblUat Statlstles Just prepared by the 4 pertinent of commerce and labor show that there waa a greater ouantltr of wheat exported from Portland during tha month of September than from any other port ta the United States. Port land takes the lead with HS.ttl buah ela. San Pranoloo cornea next with t7.ti, Galveston at third with It. tot white Puget sound comes fourth on the hot with only f.Ut. bushels to bar credit. During tha nine months of tha year ending with September, Portland ocou ptea third pines oa the list -mil reepeet to wheat exports. Oalvestoa shipped,l4 bushels. New Orleans, 1,117, 4e, and Portland la a eJoaa eoatostant for aeooad ptaco with l,l,t. which she sent to eountrtee across the sea. San Francisco comes next with t71,t bushele and Paget sound hi fifth with S.m bushele placed oppoalte her Ait owing to tha difficulty which has Kpeiienced la getting su (Detent number of oriental Hoe re at this port Puget sound takes tha . load when It comes to flour shipments. During tha month of September the Several sound cities exported 111,174 barrels of flour, Saa Franc leoe, 41. Set, and Portland la third of any other port ta the' United States --with 41,404 barrels. At least two mors iniairr prnils eamdMawaTts- patehaS from here had they seen availa ble, and tb Oregon metropoUa would have bees wall up toward the lead Is this' Has Sf business. Mot belag able to secure traaaportstlos facilities the ex porters wars obliged to send their ship ments by way of the sound. During the past alne months th Sous exported from Portland meaaureg 434. S43 barrels. For the same length of time New Tork carried oa? th honors with s total of I.17I.SS1 barrels. Balti more comes next with 1.6ft.17S and Philadelphia shipped l,r71.l barrels, HOLD CONVENTIONS ' AT STATE CAPITAL (atoawl Pkjpefew the JbeveaLV Salem Oct. It. The eTuAday sehsol aad Toung People's Alliance conventions of Salem district, Evangelical asaoela- Uow, wlU begin Its session her ta the Cbemeketa street Bvsngelloal church at T:S o'clock this evening Many delo- -gatea and vlet tors hava already arrived and every Incoming trala adda Its Quota of Interested and en thus last to members aad visitors to tha assemblage. The program for this evening wm be gin with a general Opening at ?:t. o'clock by tha Sunday school district superintendent, This will ba followed by an address of welcome by Kelvin Burdlck and a responaa by It. P. Jame son. At o'clock J. J. Hoffman will de liver Mrxeon. Tha conventions will otoe as th evening sf October M. COMMITS ASSAULT BY PULLING MAN'S BEARD k Jaeeh KrtmM ta very proud of his whlsksrs. Ha would rather a man would do most anything toward him thaa to tamper with them. . W. B, Abels knew sow Krtmbls re garded hta whiskers, so when he I came angry the old man, and wanted to get even, h walked up W him and laid hold of th h. route adornments. TU pull that bunch of whisk re est and throw It Is th buss saw,' aald Abels. "Ton will complain about mo dropping debris on tba street from my scavenger wagon, will your And Abels started to do aa ha said ha would, tor tha light took place at the plant of tha Eastern A Westers lumbar mill. Btit Krlmbla got away with his whiskers and had Abels arrested. Jus ttcs Reld today fined th defendant 14. r.n4ll Psjsaaw, tm The JtofceU " Taeoma, WaaiL, Oct. It. Surgeon S J. Call of the revenue cutter Thetla, now In Taooma harbor, is In receipt of a handsome gold meomi rrom tne gov ernment. The act of heorlsm this medal IS intended to com me me rats waa Sur geon's Call's devotion to duty In reliev ing the suffering of thoaa on eight ves sels oBoght to tha lea near Point Bar row. Surgeon Call was then attached to the cutter Bear. (Spatial PI amies m Tbe Jeerml.T Taooma, Wash- Oct. It. Tbe frelght Bllhu Thompson, which arrived la Taooma harbor four days sverdue, had decidedly rough voyage, according to Captain Amea, The Thompson brought down a full csrgSt including an immense quantity of fish. Th Thompson will llkety go into wlatev quarters-at Quar master barboa, , v.: I t.At T . M HBLBTf, DUCHRSS OP MAN - CHBSTBR, WHO WAS MISS ZIMMERMAN OF CINCINNATI. - She has set London ts talking because she declined the Invita tion from the king and queen of England to hunt around Balmo ral. Royal tarvltetlons begla "Hie majesty "commands." snd any one receiving s "command" Is expect ed to oanool every other engage ment and accept tha king's Invi tation, , . , ,.i Ji WAR FORESEEN IN INCREASE CF BOYS Birth Bee$f. tf Rales li Cblcatt Bigbest Imwi--CiIi tl 500 Per Cent IttdieatH fcy Flfarev IJearasl special fhevl.) thla year will break all records. The In crease hi the majority of boys ova girls born si see January 1 has startled statis ticians aad the superstitious are pre dicting s It Is believed by them that the sudden Increase Is tha snmbar of boy babies portends war. A local scientist claims th war be tween Japan aad Russia, has as aroused the martial spirit of. Chios goans that the proportion of boys will show aa ia erease of M per cent ts lto4. He figures th increase la 141, bora la Chicago, at 14. lit boys and girls; hi It, at l,Mt boys, and 1S.444 glrla, th boys showing a majority of 1.144. In the Mrot eight months of 1M4 there were 1,444 mora boys than girls bora and stetlatlclans declare that should this rate of gala continue growing, complete returna for 1444 will show 1,444 mora beys thaa girls being aa advance of 404 per cent. MUST FILE BOND TO CONTINUE SUIT If JVBL McClung whmea to saatteu the oaaa against W. B.-McPheraoa for th peas ass ton of tha Tremont house, corner af Seventh and Everett streets, he will have to ale a bond tor tt.ui.ta. Circuit Judge Seara rendered, this de- oieiou in ia morning. iast sprmg mc- Clung, aided by friends asm Mlghbora, went to the lodging house and eueted all those living there. It was then being occupied by McPheraon, wn had leaeed th property from- a real estate com pany. Later MeClang. purchased t tha houee. Before costing McPhereon and hte ten ante. Justice William Held had. given a deolalos that McClung wa eatitled to the property. McPhereon did not move aooa enough, so he waa moved, Whan appealed to the circuit court, - Judge Seara found for McPheraon, The case will a doubt bo carried to ths supreme osurt, , , .. ,.. . ftJMVsa'VaTsi sffrCvt! aBmeawBV Saa Praneleoo, Oct. It. Oarnett was this morning asntsnoed to 14 yearn la Sas Quemtla- for the siurdev of Mai. J. W. McClung In the room of Mrs. Rttoh ooek st tba Palace hotel last Novsmhor, fSesraal toeSil Serrtoa.) r , wlbraHar, Oct.. It. 'During man- oeuvers off her last night tha British torpedo destroyers Ardent and Boxer collided sad the- Ardea, waa seriously demagog. , -1 1 , -. GERMAN WORKS AS A WAITER ' '' tfaersal tpeeial Swihe.) ' Chicago, Oct. lBv--Prem copies off a hook from Berlla tt develops that Im pertai Councilor Kolh sf that city, g fatldtoua gentleman of the Imperial mto lstsrlal circle, spent Several Weeks ta Chloags working disguised as s common waiter la order to study conditions snd make s report to th he tee. Among ether employments mentioned by Msrr Kolh Is that of watte Ineog atto at the fanMonaMe Chicago Athletic olvn. t or the time he lodaed ta a r" i $1.41 a week aad PRICE FIVE CENTS. ARE STILL The Great Armies Fight Throughout the Mght ' ta Chilling'Raio. - REPORTS IN CONFLICT Battle Seem to Be flloH Upoi tbe Active if tbe Central Potato vV Wlere broftalUi StIU (sperlal Dtepswh ts the l.sal Mukden, Oct. Is, it rained all nlrhd and daybreak came with s sold biting ' wind that chilled the troops, whose rest enrougnout waa broken by a ateadv ar tlllery battle that never wavered ss osased. Unlike tb previous atahts them waa no loll la th Art as. the unnera of. secik side steadily serving their pieces, eisitadi ay angles ano naanee. Several attacks were made hv rha Russian forces to tha alght aad theee were met by Japanese counter aitecka. There la so news from the front indi cating that either side gained anything ny ibis desperate wart are. although tha opponents frequently came to such close quarters that the men fought each other- bllndly to tha darkness and rain, tell in , friends only by tha eoBtlauel aalilna ad battle arlea. The casualty lists oa both sides are " not believed to have bees heavy, aa stock of such gating Is Ineffectual when mi lled by dead and wounded. Thla fighting wss nearly an confined to the central positions, which seemed des tined to be tbe turning points of tha bat tle: Unless the Japanese forcee are ' greater thaa they ere believed to be, they will bo unable to execute any hanking ssovementa and stand tha constant dan ger of sturopatkln's driving bis wsdgs home and cutting them hi two. absreaattkla continues ta command of the center which be Is reported to bo steadily holding although the Jasaseas are bringing forward fresh troops. operations aw. the ahisstea right flarfh ars said to be nearly at a standstill to day aad) yesterday there- was but Itttl lighting oa the left Sank reported. If there was say ssrloas ooafllet at the let ter point It must have bees far removed, because whUe the rear of artillery eouM do heard to the west and from the cen ter, there was nearly complete aUsnoa to the east. . The, trains loaded with wounded aoa- nue their passage through here te th north, whore hospital facilities are ade quate to provide for such a great news of patients. . y Jeamat geirtsl SMvteer St Petersburg, Oct. 14. OenersJ tak harotl resorts sadar today date as fsev lows! Ths Japanese yesterday evening at tacked aur right Sank la saasldarshto force, but were repulsed. "We thea puehed forward and ohouxds positions at ShalaatsL "A largo aumber sf burled by oa oa Puttloff kllL Th snemy Is now concenfrattag to large aumbero against our center. "There was so fighting oa our left yes terday.' A report from Washington to th ef fect that President Roosevelt la Inclined to bVlteve the tlm for mediation to th far eastern war approaching haa created An. unfavorable tmpreealoa la govero- meat electee here. The Idea of peace, M le asserted, eeuld hardly come st, a atorw inopportune time and tha announcement has aroused only resentment. There hi no doubt that tf President RooeeveU attempted to open ths question at this time he would meat a rebuff. Almost all ths papers Is comment ing on his attitude emphatically assort that there can be no peace and no steaa In such direction until th war has been fought to a more definite coaolualon thaat It la rfow nosatbla to reach. Anxiety here la centered oa th Mtus tloa south of Mukden, where th deci sive battle of thla season's cam net en 1 unquestionably being fought. Mope To expressed her that Kuropatktn will ba able to hold hie position and make at leeet as orderly retreat. It la even regarded- as possible by some that th baf- tl may eventually he decided to s vic tory for the Russlane. Ths public is pcMlmtstto as a rule hot haa lost no whit of Its oonfldenoe that next ceases will tell m different stow. Port Arthur's downfall la aow regarded (Continued Page Two.) BATTLING MWTiagyf BMPOaWS ABAMOSV Sight WhU Seed to Bhww tilljl-l COUNCILOR at m restaorene where nothing on to bill sf fare cost mors thaa a dime Ho offered himself as a hostler, a milker of cows a grocer's driver, baker' s boy, dishwasher, gardener and bterk smith's helper and waa rejected la eacs piee. t Then ho get s tsmotary Job at - -club, wher he was e e of To wearing black t- white tie. L -cry. carrirtir usttl n I t. I,