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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1904)
THB OREGON DAItY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVE NINO, OCTOBER 19, lt04. : . , - 1 ' ii. iii ' t Today's fliST GAME GOES : TO BUTLER'S KEN Portland, n Be Franclse. I. Batteries: Iber and Bteelmsji; Ber ber a ad Wilson- Ibex and Mnu rleao T Pf dale, yesterday, in the very first fm under atanacer BuUer, did mud to win tns cams. " Th field wa sloppy and tha atmos f pbare chilly, which serve to eej most of tb fans away. .Ira "Slats- David addad hla afforta ; toward cheer in tha local team to vlo y tor y. and his y ration o tba soacntns :. Una were-vastly maalns- Ira waa ancaaad In a Portland uniform and a ha has outsrown tha orwmtn of "Slata." the uniform of Teally JUymond fitted him ratbar suddenly, Ibsr. ' Runkla. Spencer and Marshall accepted V avarV chanes that oama thalr wrwlU- ' Lou Runkla wad espselsAy brilliant ' as aavaral of hla chances waro qulU - difficult on account of tha precarious footlnf. Steelroan waa alt that any on : oauld want behind tha bat, and hla baok Ins up of low throw from Spencer to . Marshall. In trying to complete a doubia play In tha eacond Inn Ins. eeoompllahsd tba play, because Anderson fell before ha could ft back to first. - v, or n sb ukm win - Portland scored two earned mm tn tha seccrnd, whan, with ona out, Marenall bant-ad ona to laft and Runkla fotlswsd . suit tpwoantar. Spencer advanoad both with s eaortnee, and on Steelman'a beeu , tiful .drive to oantar field both Marshall and Runkla aoorad. . -Portland annexed another In tha sixth. Spencer, tha flrat man up, flaw out to Mesne. Steelman want ' out at first. Ibera waltad and was paaaad on four " wlda ones, and trottad all tha way noma l on Jack Drennea's eorkinr doubia to loft ." field. For alht Inninsa Iber had baan - cleolns tha Seeie out without a run. and bad pitchod himself out of soma tiaht holes, la tba ninth ho a tart ad off badly 1. by hlttln Pat Maanay. Charlie Jrwln , followad with hla third hit of tha jwm. Anderson's out advanced both man. - OocJinauer hit to Runkla and waa out at - first, lfcanay aortaa on taw piarr Wtt : son ondad tha pama by a ahanoa to . dbarp, and thosa of tha faithful who at- - landad want away wall saUsftad that tha local taam la tn .battar aha pa, aa Imrmm ptaylns; Is- eonearuad than any ttm this aaason. Starkallb and vtatlaclrar wfll bo tha battery for Portland today, while tha oewlne; maoblne wfll work for the PaaU. vto : wDaelar and Wilson. -Tostarday'B soora: :. t -' - . - - fi PORTLAND. 1 : - AB. R. H. Fa A. . PronnsB A, f. Holland, f. 1 . Marshall, lb. ....... Runkla. a a. Bpancer, lb. ......... Staalman,, a. ".'...'..' Xbara; p. Tou .v..'.; iv m , - BAN FRANCISCO. AO.R H.PO, A. F. Van Bvrvv lb. HUdebrand, L f. Wiildran, ft. f . 4 ', hfaaney. n t Irwin, In, - f f -I i Anderson, Jb. - . . OAchnauar. s. i wilBnn. C .r Barber, p. Total: 1 V t. RUNS AND KITS BT INNINOS. fcrt,;: ...IIIIIUIl lev - a a San'pran'olaoo .... Hits v SUM MART. teamed runsPortland. 1 Basss on balls Off Barber. J H (Holland, Beck. Ibera). Struck outBy Ibsrav 4 .(Bar ber I. Oochnauer); by Barber, I fibers. Nadaau. Spencer, Marahall I). Sacrifice hue Beck, Spencer. Anderson. Two base hits Prannan, Nadaau. Doubia niv Runkla to Spencer to BtealmaB ff, UarshalL Left On bases P ortland. ; a.n rranclaco. 7.. Hit by pitcher Hll r. i i in ci a or tame one Umpire Tom hour and pA mlnntaa. Brown, &o Aaselas af eated Sssitla, " Seittla. Waslu Oct. 1 Seattle aaalu bunched errors and tha Ioo Loos ' clouted the ball opportusely. Umpire McDonald waa slightly oft la hla dools- lona. Sooroi . . . ., ft H.k . Seattle ' itaaaiaii Batterlea Boyle andLaahyi Qrey and flplfMi. 1'mplrfr Mriwnna. i SCOTT'S EMULSION Scott's Enratoon , --v v i '. Scott's Emufekm v . '."" I Scott's Emulsion rt , ? Scott's Emulsion ,ji v : 1 Scott's Emulsion the old story, told times without number and repeated over and over again lor tha last thirty years ' But it's always a welcome story to those in need of strength and health. " There's nothing in the world thai steps wasting , diseases as quickly as Scott's Cmulsion. . . s. . . k r,,: . Wa"B mad yea aamsmb. bat - - IVOTT SOWHI, 'm rWt bw, New Tsib, a t v PAOXTXQ COAST AAAtrVB. : Vi.M it: r ; - i.'.r VJ'- i Twoat -i 1 11 1 1 . CTAnfeko .. Ill M .VI sTtttoTrTrt f .. twit m JT - Oakland 9 j-1" 2 '. Lpat.... .....WtWIW njsHTiail ' , Sporting JOYOUS JINGLES FOR MERRY WINNING HORSES OX THE TRACKS ' (yesrsal SyaeUl SrHe. ' sfamphla, Tenn., Oct It. Toeterday'B card of the Memphla Trottms ?' tlon, was notable for the defeat of Lou Dillon by Major Del mar. Summary: Diamond handicap, : trot. W.000, two in three Sweet Maria won two stralsht heats la t4. :-. t it trot, lt,aa. two tn three Oak Blossom won two atralsht heats In ''I'il pads. SLOfS. two tn three John M. won thai third and fourth koato tn Memphis Gold Cup, free for all trot tars to wason. amateurs to drl. two tn three -Major Delmar, b. S-. by Dalmar. dam Expectation (Mr. Smathera), won two stralsht Mats In M. LoU Dmal Toh. m., by Sidney DUlon Mr. BlUlnsa). also startod. At Stmndso Traefc. Kanaas City. Oct. ir Rewrtar rive and oTha halt furlonse Venator won; time. 1:7H- " rio furtona-eTyrollan won; time 1 F1 re and one half fori on s Sir An drew won; time. 1:t7. Happy Chappy, flrst; but was disqualified. Ona mils and one eighth Alma Du four won: time. S:itH. Ona mllo WUltam WrlsM wonj time. 1:UIL - .- - one mile San Nicholas won; Urns, St. Zyouta, Oot IP. Delmar summary: One mils and Ts yarda. aelltns Cap tain Oaaton wont time. 1:4TH. Six fnrlonsn, aallln Paaatra won; time. 1:1a, ... PITS and ene half furlonirs. aelllns Tom Manklns won Urns, 1:0s. Six furlonse. handicap Commodore won: time. 1:14. I On mils and one sixteenth, purso Aden wonr-tlma. l:4Mk. One mllo and 7e yarda. salllnrFenUn won; time, 1:4TW- . s M Worth: Chleaso, Oct. 1 Worth summary: : Six furlonss Green Crown won; time, 1:14. wive and one ' half furlonss Tom Maybln won: time, 1:0 w One mile and ona elsnth-J-ou Wooda won: time, . V One mUeoral Kins wont ttmo, f:I P-S. - - , Five furlonss Subtle wrmj time. l:tl. Ona mUe and on eighth Qlenwood won; time, l:Sf t-i. - - at denies New York, Oot. Jamaica results; Six fnrlor.seClrnsoTm wooj Us One mil nd one sixteenth si may u. n; time, 1:4? 4-1. . .. . Ona mile and one sixteenth James F. won; tlm, 1:4 Six furlonso. The Hastlnyton stake, sellings Auditor won; time. t:ll. ' Six furlonse, sUtasW-MlsBln Link won; time, 1:14. , six Turionse-Aaoot Belle won; time, 111 : -- , . Ad EowlstoBj. - ' Lewlaton, Ida., Oct Iff. nesvJts dt ths Intarstata fain - trie nae OueeH SV won hi tkrss- strsisht heata: best time, 1:1 Three elshtha of a mUe, ruanlns ltoeeleaf won. ' Quarter mllo. da eh -Judge Thomas wan: time, :li, - Flvs and Ofke half furtongs Sallle Ooodww woa: time, irOIH-' , MUe daah Suburban Queen won; ttm ' A4 Berne. " Bote, Ida.. Oot. Iff. Summary: i ' , Freo-for-all pass Dolly Brlggs wont urn. t:ttU. ' 1:1ft txot. 1 mils dash Dead hast News (OerrrlcH. ifoa V w. m. An unfortunatd man named McGraw, Ones took out his mother-in-law; ; ; Th auto broke down 1 And they walked back to town. My, how the old lady did jaw. between -nita' -H. and The Common wealth; time, t:St. Seren furlonse, running -Cerro Santo worn- time, Quarter mil Class is won; time. Fiva furlongs Resigned won; time, 1:04. - (y DIAMOND GLISTENINGS Ik Butler was generally congratulated last evening. Hla many friends were well pleased at ths outcome of the drat same, which augura wall for tha now manager. Ham lb nr. besides pitching a splendid game, fielded Ws .position. In. excel leu t style. .7 ' Hugh Kellackey will catch hla flrst game In Portland this afternoon. He Is a likely looking young chap and la said to be a eomer In hist profesaton. Slats Davis hslped considerably toward livening up yesterday'a game, and ha says that he will bo out every day and help the locale win. His ooaehlng la of value to any sluh. Jus Marshall played a splendid same at first- base yesterday, accepting It chances without an error. , Joe alao made the flrst hit. The locals bunched ' three hits on Barber In the fourth and yet could not score on account of the hits being short ones and the track so muddy that faat work oa the bases was almost Impossi ble. - The fans gave Tan Bursa and Andy Anderson the glad hand on their appearance.- These two men are still red hot favoritee n this elty. - Joe Corbett la somewhat under the weather and did not go to the ball perk yesterday. Joe expects to be all right when his xurn at pitching arrives. George Hlldebrand robbed Jack Hol land of two clean cut hlta yesterday. Hildy captured hla drive In the fourth and another tn ths sixth, both of which were eeemingly lmpoaalblo enaaeea, ASTtaUA VOOTBALIi BCaTOtTU. : .l ilosrstl Bpedai Barrtee4 Astoria, Or., Oct 1 The Commer cial club football team, which made an excellent showing against Multnomah on the Sth, has an Interesting schedule for the season, and Astorlann Will sea eome good football.' The Multnomah team will be here soma time In Decem ber, probably on the Id, when ths Com mercials hope to be able to square ac counts for tho recent defeat at Portland. Despite tho outcome of the Portland same, local enthusiasts sra still willing to wager that Commercial can defeat Multnomah, and victory for tha Astoria eleven la looked for on the local gridiron. " t. Ths schedule of games as announced la as follows: October 81 With Hoqulam, place yet to "be decided. October iff With Pugat Bound a veratty, at Tacoma. November I With Albany college, at Astoria. November It With Puget Sound University, at Astoria. Thanksgiving day With Chemewa. at Astorls. . ' December ft With Multnomah, at As toria. Negotiations are also under way for a conteat F'th the Seattle Athletic dub. The Commercial -Oregon gams haa bcn oiled off. BLOOD poison W (be wonrt dleeaee es eartk. ret Ul eealeet to ire writ IuU KNOW WHAT TO DO. Man save sue alae, ppote oa toe akin, eoree ta the atoetb. eloern. railing hair bene yaloa. ea turre. led don't know II la BLOOD POISON. Bend e Dk BariWN, in Arch at., Pblbelphla. Feea.. for BROWN'S BLOOD. CI'RE. 2aK) eer battle; la.ta eae ontb. M la forttaal esly by pries See. rwueed lleeel raaeeef. , . - NEW MANAGER MAKES EXCELLENT START CALIFORNIA OVERWHELMS MULTNOMAHfiACINQ AND BOXINa i MOTORISTS . ... I 'VARSITY TEAM OFF FOR CALIFORNIA ' (Journal Ppwial Sarrko.) University of Oregon, Eugene, Oct. Iff. This afternoon 14 football players rap- resenting tho Stats university left by train for Oakland, CaU what they will go to Berkeley and there play a gams with the University of California, and next week play a game with Loland Stanford university. Ths men wars ao cotnpanled by Coaoh Dick Smith and Manager Dave Graham and a few of the students, who also wished to make the trip. The leaving of the little band of football players was mad tho occasion of much enthusiasm on tho part of the students, who sheered tha men as they left . Tho 14 men who have been chosen to repreaent tha university are In line form and ready for tho game of their Uvea. Ths team averages HI pounds per man, which Is six pounds heavier than tho taam that went south m lffoff. This team will be somewhat different than the ltOO team. In that it has dif ferent coaching and the eastern styls of football will be played against the Call fornlans. whereas In ths years before the eorihes of this Institution have all come from tha University of California and their styls of football has been fol lowed and It was easy for tho play to. be broken up by ths Berkeley men. The game of last Saturday against Willamette university, which ths uni versity won by a soots of It to ff, haa developed tho fact that Oregon has the faateet .team over developed, tho beet generated and In the beat condition. The play simply carried the Willamette boys off their feet and) hsd the field been dry. Instead of a sea of mud, the score would have been much larger. The games In California wUl no doubt be played on a faat fleld and tbo team ahould make a good showing even. If they don't win any games. As to winning. Smith la non-committal, but says that he likes the chances. Berkeley and Stanford outnumber the students hers about It It 1. and of course It ts hard to pick out a strong team from a squad of St man, but the men who have made the taam this year ere nearly all experienced, and Smith haa Instilled Into them team play and ginger that ehould make winning football. It wns hard for the coaoh to make his selec tion and many man are left who could have upheld the honor cf the eollego as wll ss thoss who were chosen. Among thees are Johnson, end; Hathaway, full back; Stelwer, guard; Holmes, quarter back; Rhodes, end; Raid, tackle, and many ethers. Tho men who left- and thalr positions follow: Hug. center; McSisin, laft guard: F. Temple ton, right guard: Karl, light tackle Amaptger, left tackle; Chandler, rtsht end; Moo res. left sad Latourette, quarterback; Captain Templaton, rtsht halfback; Qray. left halfback; Karros, fullback. - Substitutes Barker, half back; Fenland, tackle, and Hammond, guard. California la played on tho ltd and Stanford on the llth. . . - ' r to rmxr AT Now that th Traeay-McKeevar fight ts off. the only affair ef interest to ths local fight fans Is tho Muller-Queen an bout scheduled for Oregon City on Nov ember It. These men have met eeevral times before, but this will be the first opportunity for ths loeal sports to wit nee thsm I astlow. ' (Jeereel Opeetsl Sentee.) ' St Paul, Oot. II.- young boxer, said to be Bud Brown of Chicago, was knocked out and severely Injured In a boxing contest with- Jim Potts of Min neapolis last ersnlng. He may secovar. Es: hf J. A. HOHAN HOBSE GOSSIP FROM GOTHAM nor SOW , AT FOUTAW of m AS tOU BT . (Jearaal Special Sarvte.) -New York, Oct Iff There were strong hopes In tha early part of. last week that tho wind-up at Morris park would made memorable by a special race betweea Syaonby, Tradition, Olseaa and Artful t soalo weight to determine which waa tbo beat 1-year-old. The owners of these great youngsters could pot reach an agreement and the aama old queatlon which Is left open at the close of every seaaoa Is unanswered for the season of ls04. There are half a doaen "bast" S-yearolds and anybody can take hla choice and prove bo la right by the records, to hla own satisfaction at least. Alt of this leads up to the faot that the manager of at Mast one of the big Metropolitan freaks is eeriodsly contem plating the estsbllshmsot of a series of stake raoeev when big purses will be hung up and wbloh will be open for entries up to within a short time before they are run. The plan contemplates a race for 1-year-olds, l-year-olds and for any aged horses, at weight for age. This plan would undoubtedly furnish an op portunity to determine definitely which Is tho best horse la the various classes. and every owner who believes ho hes a champion would have a chance to prove it without taking too great rleks. Ths Idea- meets with favor among owners ss welt as race pstrons who are act own ers, and It may become a feature of next season's racing. The great event of the week Among racing men was unquestionably the die- no sal eale of the W. C Whitney Stud. Never has there been each a gathering of racing men and breeders In America, and It was made a great social function as wslL Ths story of ths sale h been told In the news oolumns. and. I therefore pass It up. The sals, how ever, ha given rise to bo end of gossip on one point. "Matty" Corbett bought Meddler, who heads ths list of winning sires. Mr. Corbett is amply able to buy Meddler and several other horses with out seeing the bottom of his bank roll. but he has never shown any disposition to take up the breading end of the gam. and the question naturally arises aa to what hs proposes to do with the great stallion. Ooaalo has It that Corbeft bought for Boms one slse. and ths whole list cf breeders who would be likely to be able to have Meddler at the head of their atud baa been guessed. Corbett la mum on ths subject, and an he will amy la that he bought Meddler with his own money" and It's nobody's business what he doss with .him. Ths weight of wise opinion Is that tho great sire will ultimately And his way back to Kngland, or at least Ireland, and that he will sooner or later head the stud of Richard Creksr. formerly Tammany boss. This may or may not be so. Corbett ts the only men. who knows and he won't say. ' Another bit of gossip about ths sale u that John Madden by buying Tankee has now In bis stud three futurity win ners), Ogden and Requital are the ether two. Meddler leads tho list of winning rtrea by a mar gain of mors than S60, 00. Tanya. Stalwart snd Colonial Girt sack Is credited with winning of mors than IIO.OOO, and hs haa In addition no lees than 11 sons and daughters on the winning list of tho season. Ben Brush eomes next, due to Delhi, ths sessonl biggest winner. With more than $75,000 to his credit, and Broomstick with near ly 14. 000. An oven doaen of the others 65-57 1 THIRD ST. THE ONLY HIGH-CLASS CLOTHING -STORE: BELOW THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE , WE HAVEN'T "COT THE HABIT" of inaugurating fake sales, doing sensational adver tising stunts or carrying cheap, shoddy clothing and furnishing goods with which to bunko the public, nor do we propose doing any of these things. ' We ;j value our good reputation too highly, and shall con- . tinue to sell GUARANTEED . merchandise at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES consistent with THAT MUST OUR FURNISHING new, STANDARD UNDERWEAR Bhown SUITS AND Let U TaD You How ' m - .... ... I. THOUSANDS BENEFITED ' V 1 BY OUR POLICY, Drop us a postal, statin; your age and w will mail you full ptrtiynuars bow to protect your family an4 build up an estate for yourself. , i- AGE 6 CENTS a day aawed each year will PROTECT you for f 1,000.00 and guarantee you a GOOD INVEST MENT, Why be without a Policy Insure : The Washington Life op new york. - ; . , Write for particulars. , s - v BLAIR T. SCOTT, Geretral Manager. , t , r K HARRY B. SCOTT, Agency Director. ; ! . 609, 610, 611, 612 and 613 Cham, of Com. Bldg Pcvtland, Ore, of the get ef Ben. Bruak fguro at tns money. Artful and Hamburg Belle a mn Hamburg third In the llat of winning atrea. Besides these two 1 of bis sons and dau enters have brought sash to their owners. These three stres are th eniy ones whoss get are credited with more than 1100,000. Other winning aires of . 000 and mora In ths order of their win ning are Ben Stroma, Ormonde, King Bton. Hastings. King Brfta, Athellng, Octogon, Sir Ption. Lamplighter, Re quital, Golden Garter, Usher, Hermencoi Pirate of Pensanoe, The Commoner Or nament and Star Ruby. Of these. Pirate of Pensanoe sired tho greatest number of horeee that figured In tho money. 40 j Lamplights waa oloae seoond with 44. ' Yesterday saw the opening of a two weeks' racing season at Jamaica, and then will follow week at Aqueduct, which will be ths wind-up of th Met ropolitan racing seaaoa for 1004. There are If stakes that are to be de cided during tho meeting at Jamaica, and each one haa filled well, so that there should be some high class racing at this trsok. Ths added money in the overnight events during ths meet ing will average over IT00 to a raoa Ths opening event will be tho Plerr pout, for whfeh soma of the best horses In the country are engaged. Tho llat includes Stalwart, Ounnre, Pulsus, Ham burg Belle, Alen-e-DeJe, Ijeonldas, Dolly Spanker. MoChcanay and Iota. They are all likely to face the starter. , Th announcement of the program for the California tracks this winter haa largely Increased Interest among eastern horse men In the racing there, and there will be a big eonUngent of good east ern horses sent west after the does of the fall meeting at Banning. " J. x Holland wlU take asnsldera bls string of horses to Los Angeles the vifitif. Rella Dison. purchased gt ths dispersal sale of ths National! table two weeks ago conrsssor. jonn I who showed some sprinting ability early In ths season, and half a doaen others will make up the California ship ment. Mr. Holland has released & Walah, who was expected to make one of the star rider of tho season. Bull man will oo most of tho riding for the Holland stable at Los Angeles. This will be Mr. Holland's first ruing ven ture la tbo far vert. Hs spent a part of last winter at Los Angeles, and liked the plsos so weU that ho decided then to race there this winter. Tha sals of Hamburg fo 70,v0 and Meddler for tSl.OOe, has led the trot ting horse men to plume themselves somewhat. Oa of them remarked after ths sals: Ths record pries paid for a trotting stallion Is 1S,00. which ths late JT. Malcolm Forbes paid for Arlon, 1:07, while AxtelL 1:1. bold for I10S, 000 as a S-rear-old. Not long sines the owner of Dan Patch rsf used 1 1 8,000 for the stallion, and 1 can mention a num ber of trot ting -bred stres that1 would bring tiO.000 today tf ottered en the suction block. A running gelding has never been known to change hands for as much as 40,000, ths prloo BL & Smathers paid for Major Delmar, b:oi. BE MAINTAINED OOODS DEPAKTM1SWT goods, including . positively in tbo city at $1.00 to $5.00 OVERCOATS QUALITY! P)25 25 with DENVER ED MARTIN EASY FOR JOHNSON (7osral special servta.) Log Angelee, CsL, Oct. lfc Jaok son. the colored heavyweight ehejuptem. knocked oat Denver Btt Martin ta th second round of what was sebeduled to be a t-rouad bout at HaaardTd PavtUoa last evening. The fight was of th whirlwind variety while It lasted and both man landed some terrific blows. Johnson blows wars evidently tho harder for a knocked Martin down twice hi ths first round, and tn ths seoond th Denver man went to the floor three time before to went down for ths count. Manager McCaray of tho Ceoeury dub stated last evening that ho would offer a IIS.OO guarantee for amatok betweesi Johnson and Jeffries. - BOWLING NOTES. ' Last night ths elaas A and B ten pro, doubles was played on the Portland bowling alleys. Ths gams was sxeiUng from start to .fin is. Bd. Capes) -mado the bl sheet score, lit; also tko high average 117. Toe soar by geneo fet- loi Capen Armltagt , . IMS 14 17 404 Total ......, MtS Kruae , ....107 1H Lamonn 174 141 lit 101 lea 401 Total OS Ball . ; tfv..a....l4 Walking 10 Total . .... Hanson , ..104 Uysmltk , . ....... Ikl -Total a Oatnard . i . .17 Boulaar., 14 .Total. .?VM'...4TCtft. M1 TotSjl . it 11 .j Nsxt Prfdsy night-ths seven pin tour nament betweea tho Pine and Maple will be played. Tho latter team worn ths last match, but the Pines are oecv fldsnt they sen down thorn. TO PXtAT AT : - The T. ML C. A. footbaT! eleven left hero this morwlng for Porsst Grove, where they have arranged for gwm with the Pacific university second eleven, which wlUbs played there this after noon. Ths . saooclatlon boys have not had much practice and do not antlotpato victory, . They took the open data ta or der to . secure th benefit ef a. regular swans as practice. t v" AT ANY PRICE IS BUKIIWU wun tte LARGEST LINE of the wit ; , 0? T0!AY 111 - 4H 14T 140 UT . ,.?. .to lit KB 4tt lit 141 401 ........... 414 Ul 1T 111 ' 141 -111 417 , i