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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1904)
. . . I . r.:z or TT-f-a I NEWS OF THE IMES Thft Graat Forced Clearance Sale Is in Full Svirm TRY ALAO COAL t HM .LAND, 1 i giBakijaesBaapBjsnggaeBagsasaMRaBBw iTTir LAI ILL SDIER SHELTER i HAS AK3TGER F'.IKE am oo , 'V Jonathan Bourn' BftB mine, eevea ' mile from lunpttr, to ah I pp lug ooace . tntn u tb Sumpter smelter. lUMfir I J. a Wyatt hu inutd with the emel- tr management Co deliver the product - of th 10-atemp mln, and H la under- - atood that uoh aruda or aa-la shipped will be turned la on tha mom ooo tract. Up until tba B. a A began shipping , i to tha Oregon; smelter, neither of tba three large Cracker creek mIbn we contributing to lta support. Manager Frad D. Fuller bad found abundant or to kaep hla plant going full blast wlth- out receiving from thraa be the largest - and ateadleat produoara of ihe ejtate. A ' these mines all bad contract with athar , smelter, by which they reoolvea specie - Nratea, thsy did not oar ta rlak ft change " untu tha? had mm what tba Sumpter ' t smelter management oould do, aad bow -permanent It warn. Tha ranaarfcrnbla su ' eoee af Manager Fuller In hla early ' work eoema to havo aatlaflad tha Crackar ; creek operator that ha will build up a steady, thriving business, and the . B. management haa lad In tha braak ta support tha lomuVplant. Nothing ana aa learned from althar tha a&lae manage- , mant or smelter people regarding tha - market af tha Columbia and North Fole mlnaa la tha future, but aaauranoa la i fait on tha outald that within a abort - . time tba Buaaptar plant will also Ct tha ooacantrataa aad or of tha two atbar t large Crackar creek niiwi. thua adding : i nearly enough to kaap on furnaoa busy. Tba K, A la dropping Wrap ; afeadUy. having two yeare rissrvo for plant of that alaa a bora tha collar of tha -' ahaf t Tha atamp duty la probably about four tons, giving a total of M tona milled. Bight to It tana of concentrates would ba a raaaonabla product from tha ' tablsc whll handling thla tonnage. Tha K. B. alao ahlppad a quantity of high grade goid-eUver or during tha early . spring, aoma of tha rook running aavea - ounces in silver and eavan ouneea In ' gold. Thla body of shipping eame from ' tha Eureka elatm, neat to- tha Taher . fraction, and aa depth la attained on the ahoot. there will probably ba a ataady tonnage of about II tone. During 190t V tha North Pol ahlpped a large amount '.- of erude or that had not beea milled, ' and la undaretood to and out oonstdere ' bla quantities yet, aa'tha mln had a ' vary rich are ahoot. Tha dally tonnage .. af tha North Pole would ba an Important . factor for any local amelter. - Tba Co ' lumbls haa SO atamp dropping steadily, and alao ahtpe at tatarvaia high-grade oruda ore. It abould hav a concentrate : product of at leeat it tonav lta tonnage J will alao beooma of great value whea available for tha home 1 actuation. Whan i tha Ooloonda waa running. It produoad bight aa la tona of ooooantrateat and ... whea leopeaed, aa Manager Jama Howard aaaure will aoon ha th oaaa, ' It will agala prodaoa at about tha nam tat. It will be aean that tha Sumpter a matter' moat Important aouro of or la Juet being opened to It, which glvea further aaauranoa of parmananea and prodtabaa work, lUoolvlng all of tha Craoker areek produot and the aupply : from a multitude of mlnaa atlmulated V by tha rataa granted, the amaltar ta more likely to eniarg lta furnace oapaolty : thaa M la to oloa WASXOVffMUa Oeorg 9. Braalltt, formarty of port land but now engaged la tha atock bual neea of alumaaia oounty. Waahlngtoa, with a ranch near the Waahougal cop per propertla of Maaara, Ladd and Bourne, aald while In tba olty today that th owner of thla mineral group had aoM mad any local manlfeatatloa of reaum Ing work thara. Slaoo tba ahatt aauea iburned In th great pre two year ago, the managament haa not bean ngaged la any development work, and haa made no statement to Skamania oounty people ta dloatlng their purpoae ta do - ao aoon. Tha Waahougal dlatrlot ta about If pallaa from tha active copper dlatrlot on th north aide of ft. Helena mountain, ,w1tre Dr. Co and B. A. fteaaiona are opening propartlaa, but la ragarded a portloa of tha bum gaoaial mineral belt ' A Harney eeuaty man threshed bush els of alfalfa aed from two acres.. My Lady of the North J iThi now rwnonce hf tba ' WIGr',raady. ,v , Ik it tU Uetury f tkahmi Soethem o&osT md it m4Mgf trm Mf. Pat nan i ar book. Ask row bobeflar tot wioMfot jraaj an npawo Id otvd Hp cvctylfin asaj ka raait Om purjv atetmf ' you ' loal to al aatakW . . dnxrai3iona ; . ' mwarataabCamf : ' RAIL ' USE TO ST. fiELENS Hallway work for tha Mi. Helena min ing dlatrlot promlaea ta boooma tha aub Ject af bean lntereet tba earning year. Unlea aomethiag la dona toward gvt Un a road through from Caatle Rook, along tba eourae of tba Tootle. Taeoma wlU have a decided advantage through ax tana! on of th Tacoma aV Baatam. Aa Indicated a few daye ago by B. A. Beaalona the aouthera termlaua af thla Una la now. but about tt mile from tha active copper aeotlon, The line has at tained a length of M mllee at nee start ing out from Taooma, M mile af thla distance having been oo in plated th paat year. It foUowa for a distance Uw general baaln of tha Puyailup thaa oroaaea Into tha Nlaqualley. Aahford, th preoant terrnktaa, la la tha NlaouaUay baala, amidst Immanea timber ereaa, and opening th aaw ooal depoalta of aouthera Pteroa aad northern Lew la count!. Ia further extension, the Una will croaa a very lew divide into the headwaters of th Cowllta, and may than follow th baala of that stream to within two or three mile of some of the copper proportion.. The as sistant manager af the railway haa In dicated that thla additional extension would probably ba made tha coming year, bringing th lln II mllee nearer tha Clapua passy which la acid to ba tha objective. , Th eoal mteraota of tha aaw'ragloB being opened havo greater Importance thaa many know of. Thla aeotlon la a part of the very produottve area af Pierce- that has been mined avooeaefuUy in recant yeara. Th Oregon Railroad A Navigation company la aald to havo Important ooal Interests at Morton, la the Cowllta basin, where development work Is being prosecuted energetically. Other work la also being dona, and be aldaa tba vast forests of timber, th rail lines reaching those section a wlU have a tonnage Immediately available. The territory la said to bo full of prom tee aa, an agricultural section, and virgin forest will be followed la many parts by th husbandman. - Th Toutle Una, which would bring the St. Helena ore toward Portland, has aa fin timber along its course aa th world haa aver aeon, aad if aoma ener getic promoter would get bold af th proposition, operator of St. Helens be lieve that no difficulty would be expe rienced la building thla aoad for the timber alone. All ether resources. Uwhtok th Taooma mastera Una ex pects to develop, would ba additional LANDORE SMELTER ;C1YE11 INITIAL TEST , r-i ' rr" (sedal mass Ths SesraaL) Council, Idaho, Oct 1 ."-Teamsters hauling to this place from tha Sevea Devtla etate that th Landor smelting plant of th Ladd Metal eompaay has been running for abort time. After the plant was first blowa In soma diffi culty we experienced, bat the men hauling to and from Land ore state that everything now indicates better success. Th tTP of th furnace la a novelty. and may ba aald to be double stack with reverberatory connections between them. Fuel la charged la aa stack, from which th blast goes downward, there being tuyere for admitting a oold air bleat with oxygoa after th combus tion baa taken plaoe. At th bottom of the first a tack la a davlc for Injecting a moist draft into the niaat, which- is regarded aa additional heat producer. Some r la charged Into the reverber atory part of the plant between th ataoke, aad fine fuel may also b fed there If needed. It la at about thla point that tha boat Is supposed to be most Intense, and fusion ooaura la th bottom of the aocond stack, it la aald that th second stack Is need for th regular era charge, th blast being in troduced from the reverberatory c ham bar. Particulars have not been received. ao that any Men am tha permanent suc cess of the plant may be fudged. Th Idea la departure from blast furnaces used In tha paat, and haa been devel oped by Manager W. H. Adams of th nompaay. Thar ta aa aounaane of or for the plant if it auoeeaas la handling tha anna Soma of th or of th eva Devtla district la being shipped to tha Sumptar plant, in Oregon, where a blast fumaoa la operating. BALLIET TO BE TRIED ; AGAIN NOVEMBER 22 While tetaaa Balllet has been befor th nubile In aa effort to retain a large block of atock la hla former White Swam Mln eompaay, limited, tha fed eral officer have been preparing for hla fourth trial in th district court at Dm Molnea for using tha government mails far fraudulent purposes, November II la tha date fixed for tha next bearing. and eeverel witnesses are being sum- mooed to attend at that .time, -One th Jury In Balllet' oasV disagreed. ones a lure died lust aa the evidence waa closing, and the last time Baiimt waa eonvtoted. th verdict being act aside by tha circuit court of appeala for technical errors. Th ease haa coat th government many thousand dollars, but praoecuMoa m doggedly held to. As Balllet la now down and will bo unable to command the political Influence that formerly responded to his munificent touch, and his aged father. Judge Bal llet, of Dea Moines, Is hla only fast friend, a speedy eonvtetlaav la regarded probable, A wand for the Copper Butte mtatitg property, situated ta the Panhandle dis trict af Baker ooeaty, has been given by Job R U liaison UAH. MoCorkle, for 'the expressed consideration of lit,- 090. The property haa been loo ted many yeara and a considerable amount of surface work has been prosecuted oa It. - - ...... ffesrsal speslBl ate.) raieaao, UL, Oct. lfc-Onty prfana tory bualneea waa transacted at tha an nua meeting of the atookheldera of the nilaola Central railroad today. Th muring waa attendee: by scores of etock- wawswanaJfT v TAOoatA ba- : memm o svxua vo uo oaxp. wwm uxf orwun mow 00A& anvrmxcT. - aWsdaaaatsawaaaBpB arnmAWA Tw m wxurwwn ,wm ' aaOnO VtTB WO aT ! TOft MUTI FOB OTBAM BmVSZftV BAsTa VO MOOTS ABB TgR IUft urux . ' Peotfle coast ahipptna; tnWraata aad Portland men who have been Investigat ing tha coal and oil recourse la the Kayak and Yakutet fields of southeast am Alaska are much interested la the prospective teat that Is to be mad with thla coal In tha trial trip of the bat tleship Nebraska. Tests that have already beea made by privets Individuals and experts In the employ of the geological department of th government tndtoato that the eoal will equal or surpass every other ooal now la uaa for ateam vessels. If exM naive naval teste bear out V view It b predicted that the high grade ooal Industry of America will be trans ferred from peonaylvaala, Maryland and West Virginia to southeastern Alaska wit hla the next few yeara. for two rem sons that tba Alaska eoal la of th highest grade, and there are practically movntalna of It, lying within II mils of tidewater and easily mined, Port land la directly asoeasibla to those re gions aa a trading poiat. and the bulk of the ' business to be developed from the eoal mines and oil wells oould ba secured by the ' merchants of this city with the aid of a lino of steamships from Portland ta Kayak, Tekutat Valdeg and the Copper river. "To the present date there has been great scarcity of bituminous ooal fit for naval ateam usee ta the United State, often delaying the departure af ships fe aa embarrassing extent,' aaya the latest quarterly report on coaling atatlona. Th demaad for eteem ooal for United states navy uses has Increased from 7,0 tons In lift! to 44T.000 tona In HO. The amount aed In ltoi waa an InorcBS of 17 per cent over th figures of lftQI. The naval department paid laat3year as average price of M-TI a tea for the eoal, ta port The best Welch eoal f. a h. at Cardiff last year cost the United Ptatea aavy aa average of It .M a ton. and t thla waa added the cost of transportation. Th government bought la th United Btates last year . tona of ooal for shipment to naval atatlona at fereiga and domestic ports, mostly to Its Astatic atatlona. Tha coal waa carried la navy colliers and obartered .vessels, at aa average freight charge of 14 . 14 a tea. Xa addition -to agreements with c coaling porta oa the globe, the United tates aavy new baa th following ooal Ing stations, of lta own la the Pacific ocean: Sitka, f.004 tons; Puget sound, 10,000 tons; Mare Island. 10. 040 tons; Cavlta, IO,oa tons; Manila 10,00 tona I tea for large ooallng stations ar be ing aegotlsted at Hawaii, Baa rraaolaoo bay and Sao Diego. A site la being secured at Dutch Har bor for a large coaling station, and for tifications have been recommended by th navy department, for th reason that this point Is now directly in the line of a large shipping trade with the north where valuable cargoes and treasure are la transit. The department haa also reconunended' the enlargement of the oo in blind capacity f th ooallng sta tions of Sitka. Mar Island aad Puget sound to 109.00 tons. v , , - HARD TO SECURE ' I ; A 6000 WHISTLE According to eld Maanfboatmen tt ta on of the most dlfflouit things In the world to gat a good boat whletle. There la nothing about a steamer, they declare, that la ao Indicative of Individuality as the whistle To get one perfect In ev ery respect la deemed almost aa fan pos sibility. The explanation la made that there la almost invariably something wrong with the tone. - B. W. CrMhtoa, who boa beea atcam boatlng for years on the Willamette and Columbia rivers, aaya that the Bailey Oatsert has en of the most perfect whistle with which any vessel oa the Pacific ooast Is equipped. Ha ds oieree that en a still day her whistle oaa ba heard for a distance of II mllee It has beea tested oo many ooeaalona and experts have pronounced tt aa sear perfect aa anything aver produoad la that line. "everybody who has beea along the river for any length of time." aaya Mr. Crlchton "knows the Qatacrt'a whlatle even the dogs know IL I am fully con vl need of the dog part of the state ment. A good many yeara ago tlw whistle of the Oatsert belonged to the old steamer Telephone. The captain of tba latter was a man by the same f eott Whll going dowa the river Poott formed the habit af having all tha scraps from the table thrown over at Cathiamet. Naturally the dogs at that plaoe made It a point to meet the Tele phone ovary time aha went by. Aad It 1b many a good morecl of meat they got for their trouble. On varloua occasions th boat would be late, but aa eooa aa the aMMgrois heard her whletle they pricked up their ears and made for the landing, knowing that dinner was In sight There were ether whlatlea blow ing at frequent Intervals all throughouc the day, but the animate paid no atten tion to them. But aa aoon as the drat shriek came from the Telephone they Immediately began I bowl and aaake for th landing. v Tteally the Telephone waa taken caT th run and the BeUey Ckttasrt was sup plied with her whistle. Two months had elapsed aisoe .the Bound of that whistle bad penetrated the hllla la the vtntnitv of Cathiamet. Bat when the Oatsert Beared the town and began to toot to Indicate her arrival. It was com perattvely ao time until the bank of the river was lined with cure of every de scription. They jumped into the air and appeared to be almost overcome with ecstecy. They recognised the old whistle end thought they were going to get another meal. The skipper did net under! and the attention, sad the next time he went dowa there I Instructed him to be sure to feed those dogs. "There Is another instance 1 recall allowing how the sound of a steam- CASTOR I A fag laiaBwl aJbi CUUlwaV fill Ktt Yn Iiti Atap IvsjA Bdon tha y . vftrST FawalepmBBByeBBm ovMr to on iiip.pj Vbhtu mm auuT ayaxaamv mti mnot opt ra paoxno OOAaT OMXBI OaT TWUBrWO. life The Big Store in the IF OUR PEN WERE j $50,000 Forced to make room for tha fmtJrt) roMrv and torpWttock of Mvral fnawiaacturot. of fin clotUng, which Tbo Chicago bought for apot cash at Ha own prlotv Tba lavgoat aingla thipmant of Ana apparat that arar croaaad tha Kockka wiU haad to ward Portland in a few daya. - --. "- -x ' ;' .-';-' ":;- Fall and Winter Overcoats and Cravehettes k This Stock Must Go and Go It Will a : Flying Such terrific price alaahlng aa we wiH do hi thla depailuieut la a revelation in bargain giving. The Chicago don't do things with a faint heart The finest garrnentaw-their amperiota do not exist anywhere r all new styles, everyone of' thorn,, with over 1.000 to chooM from. Broken sizes, ia dark Aurora or Beech Grove ) Meltons; cut from $8.00 and $9.00. , , For choice of hundreds, all styles and colore and weights, with or without belt back. In all lengths from the finger tips to the heels; medium colors $19.00, $13.60 and some $16.00 in this great tot r ' Youag Men's Overcoats and Cravenettes We""are' the store for quality and style, but during thla great clearing sale prices are cut to smtttiereena. 8ell la the word; make room for a big stock just bought $6.00 For elegant styles in nobby dark or medium color; von Bare1 just one-third, for $9.00 is the regular price. -$9.00 Cravenctte, belt back, ordinary length Overcoats, is a bargain that needa little talking about We- are telling all our regular, fine winter Coats; worth up to $15.00. f 12.00 For choice of the finest Cravenctte or Overcoat in the department; over 20 styles la all that's good and new, cut . from $16.00 and $18.00, and can't be bought for that money ' today in the .west - " ' ' TERRIFIC REDUCTIONS OH $20,000 WORTH OF CHILDREN SOti, Boat's whistle win aasta) aa Istaresslnn a pea the naman nlnd. Jest prior la the Aatsrleaa-SpanJsa war there we a veeeel known as tba Ocean Wave, der ating la local waura. aa had a very peculiar Whistle. At the loa off the war the Oregon aoya returned aocee way of San Franelaoe Whea th traas port carry tag then pulled mte the Bay City harbor It was after algM. A whla Ue h lew sharply. Oaa ef the boya jumped clear eat ef his own anal began to Inquire whea they had reach id Fart la a. Ha was toM thaa they were at Saa Fie unless S "There at est he aoaia mists he, ' he answered. 1 aaa sure I heard the wete Ue oT the Ooeaa Wave. Aa4 ha wag Middle of the Block. DIPPED !N THE STARS we could pot tctt jQU wholesome vnmatchable bargains thai await jou!, Worth (eveiy 1 20 to 50 per cent reduction on MJ a 4 Fail or winter weight Orer coats or Cravenettee, a display of styles and materials and col ors to please the most exacting, y including the very newest and best of our $10.00 and $18.00 and soma $90.00 ones, also Crottse tk Brandagee'a world renowned" ,h and -tailored gar- menta. . ' ': Cravenettes and Overcoats, consist of our best $20.00, $21.50 and tome $26.00 ones. The styles, materials and work manship are of the top notch order. The variety insures the kind you may want We have cut loose. Take your choice of the finest and beet fall or winter Overcoat or Cra venette in the store, Including all Grouse Breridagee's best $Se,00, $27.60 and $30.00 styles, trimmed and tailored fit for a tight Whn ha was ta the Phiupplaea th heat waa purehaaed by Callforaia capitalists and taken aovth. It waa the whlatle frosa the eM stsaaiar that he heard aad he eosid aot aalstahs aha The steajner Charted alee aald to he supplied with an excep tionally Sue whistle. Many yeara age tt aid service a a vessel that piled oa th Mississippi Whea Captain Spencer got It the whtstl was awing eervtee at a Heed river en waa OX H iPyspepsIa bane of human r Bardnrk Blood BHtsrs cures It t permanently, tlegaiateg aad U I! v x .- : . - ! '.-i'' i--V t "!,-,' v-" VV-' 1 ;T 69-71-73 Third St, cent of Our Goods Bear the Union Hand-Sewing Label-The Very Best Wot a suit in all onr atock ta spared; 1,000 of the beat pro ducts of Crouse 9t Biaadagee, 8. Piirah, The Acorn and other makea of fine union tailored garmanta, ' comprising single and doubls braaatad Backs; Qiawternelds and Prince Al berts, including all the fine grades advertised by us thia fall up to $30.00. ' For choice of a big lot of dark and medium colored all-wool $10.00 Suits; limited lots. Takes choice of huadreda of tingle and double breasted Suits, in all colore and materi als ; cut from $12.00, $13.60 and some $16.00. . ,. . , , Mew eW. We nave divided the entire stock into four grand lots at prices that will bring every youth in thia town to The Chicago, 14.00 Buye a $7.60 all-wool Suit; broken, v' . .iV ' f 7.SO For choice of over 20 styles of Suits, worth up to $12.60r, light, medium and dark colors ; great bargains. - f 0.50 For elegant hand-tailored $16.00 Crouse & Brandagee , Suits, single and double breasted styles, medium or extra heavyweight , .f . - .... . . ; $13.50 For choice of tha finest Suit in the stock; thia includes all our fine tailor-made black silk mixed and unfinished wor- steds and serges ; worth up to $20.00. OVERCOATS. AND MEN'S AND BOYT FINAL FIGURES ARE SIE"ITTED BY WYNNE ; 4 (leanMl Spews! SerrteM Waahtngtca, Oct. It. PostHnmtor Oeneral Wyna subasltted hla final Ag area af estimates for approprlalloos for the pootoffloe denartaseat to the pres 4em at tha cabinet meeting yaatcrSay. van had aarefully revises th eetl- as prepared by the cbMfo of the rent denertoieMe unOer htm. The 4 aeuat aa eewsaalad is fee,!.- Bet Oak and Pine Sts. ' ' ' " " ,- .' one bait of the good : regular vawes 600 cnatom-finishedV.all hand tailored, fine black, bine, brown or nobby plaids, also neat mixtures, worsteds, chev iots, tweeds, etc Tha choice of our $16.00, $18.00 and some $20.00 suits. Puts yon right into the grand est lot of hand-tailored, select style Suits, 700 of them, con sisting of single and double breasted sacks and Prince Al berts ; our . choicest $20.00, $21.60 and some $26.00 ones. Takes the best Soft in the house none reserved indud ing alUhe nobby merchant tail or patterns that we have been selling at $30.00 and $27.60, and the most select of onr great $26.00 suits, including all the new wood brown and finest black Thibet unfinished wor steds, some silk and satin fined. Not a suit in the lot of over 800 but would do credit to the best tailor in the land in style, ma terial and workmanship. s Suits :" i; - "I aw"- If i Young Men's Suits , : r 1 BATS, SHOES AND n)MISmNGS ttt. aa agatnat aa approarianea far fe curves .meal year Of n0,4 .. the toereese aver the approprtatlm fay law oarrena year bdag iiS.MlttC It to artmatsd that the reiena wl mereaa awe per cent for the year lte-. Nearly tha entire dfwleay the eo greoa la askd to proves r-r the rerr year m tocladed m t - erese a, for rural trm !"" - . F