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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1904)
- .'. TH3 ORKC-tf DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER U, 1904. - ed n o ra RELIALLC SH02S Shoes that you can depend upon to stand the wst and wsar and tear. You'll find them here m all styles and In light and heavy grades.. Priced right to suit the most economical mind. siioir litis SCHOOL, SHOES For boys and girls. In rid kid, box calf and kanga roo calf uppers and solid leather soles Women's Shoes, $3.00 Vici sod dongola kid and' rico and box calf uppers, good oak soles for wet weather; styles to suit the most critical mind ; regular $240. Special at. ... .f 2.00 1 Men's Shoes, $3.O0 . Box calf and chrome; viscol calf uppers, strong t oak tanned, Goodyear welt soles, perfect in fit and reliable for wear; regular $3.00. . Special at fS.OO BARON'S SHOE STORE .'. , . V . ' - . . ; . . ,, ;,: - V: ;, y AT THE THEATRES trhat follows. To bnU vtth. The Wloard of Oe le the moat marvel oua eoenie exhtblUon ever revealed . ander Um tarq.anVa Catalan. "Soente" In tale ease 4m not atead alone for tom of glide eanvae and eluater of ImivImomiu wlh a Km of rod Mi-flu etack up In front. O! It MUM, DMldM UM highest M- tiliwwit In th iiui BaQofasnlo'B aual- fHi awia- w wauwMk nu. m hot , thin of beauty, gracefully wom by a epeotaenlar lot of woanon ud And added to all Ue manlfloenoe la novelty the great element of eurprloe rare enough In thlo ace of plagiaiiaai to , atartle tho eebeidar attar ale ton aearek for M thing bow. Oe oat nnd talk aboe tt Beaghbora. The Wleard"s a -alt. - ' Aetlont Well, tho atafl WWCif haa , eoaroeiy ronwTOd hie finger from tho curtain Bbrnei whoa a Kinm oyoloae note in, and for fully If mlautea, wall . the audiooM sapM at tho ewirtly un- , veiled murrain of etage eraftj there la not a Maria word opohaa. Then, for three MUd hoere, the paaonuna of eplea or la nnroUad anttl one's ayM ar mad to aoba by tho aaaoMaloa of aaarvele. ; Steele happona." danooa beooiae tnnamara Me, greet aaaomblM erowd npoa aaoh ethers heela, aaoh of tham ranroallnc tho kingly hand of Julian UitoaoU, aaaa- . tar of uniformity. And In botWMa aoaMa oomody, nwdo for ehUdraa, but , laughod at by tho arowa-vpa la aplta af thasaaalvaa. Ton Imt th thaatra with th honaat onvtatloa that yon hara booa royally : ntartalaad, no ntattar by wnat and by ' wham. Ton got oxaoUy what you want for. aod nwr than you oapaotad, par- Aflor th apoetaelo, Tho Whwrd f Oa baoomoa, of oouraa. larcoly a amt tar of tndlvldaai opinion, whleh thla la lntandad to ba Paraonally, aran at tho , Majaatla tbMtr. Naw Tark with aavaral hundrad paopla and Montgomary .and Stona on tha ataga, tbara war faaturva of tha ahow I did not Ilka. . Tha book la not ona that wlU aat th Willamatt aflan. H oontaln apwarda of a thou aand mora ar loaa maahanloal JokM. raal good ohm among tham balng a . aoarM ao ratUamakM on th Mulr gla- ' elar. Tha oomadlana, aambarlng aoma half Soaan, all aorobata, atrnggla val lanUy with tha Una, atid gt 11 tha aat ant of tham, but to my notion tha aow (L. JT. Wyokoff) w tha hH f th parformanM aa an tnatlgator of fun. Tha aooro la of a hlghr tandarS than tha Ubrotto at any tarn f th raad. Th oompany aant to th oout thla yar I nbova th awrag -aon-atar or ganisation. Tha aoarMi-ow and th tin " woodman. aharaoMra that hara rolvd additional fama through atary hooka and onmta aupplamanta, ara Imporaonatad by AN EXTRAORDINARY OFFER i In order to introduce still mors extensively the merits of "Journal . Want Ada." The Journal will rive with every cash "want ad." for the Daily a lsrs package of C D. Smith ft Co.. Premier SAYPO Washing Powder, sold regularly and all over the city for 0c per package. v -. Girls,',, sizes 5 to I, fl.OO; sizes Y to 11,S125; sizes UJ4 to , f 1JS0.. Boys', sizes 9 to 13, f 1.25;, sizes 13 to $1.45. na th Swore, BaV ao4ohn, an amUmnaly olovar Uta of daoara and grotaaqvM Mmadmna. Blaaen Todd, tho Dorothy Gala, la a dainty aoabratUah mora! who miasm nar eonga rwningiy, but la nandv oappad by a tandanoy ta lam th hay. hlay Taylor play ad tna lady lanatla vt raeloaalr. hr abUlty ahowlng Itaalf Mat In th phmolo aong m tha first act. notanthatajiidlnK th oano aha raoalvad an imih a Mir a parfaet Lady Mad." VloianM SttaaoK is oa)HTnna; aa- ttum. as atoga ''Sammy'' with planty of able, bat UtUa voloa. In fact, th only rolo of not among th woman la that of MUdrod SOalna, tho ahanalv naat lumu who aang an oantralto Mia waU and anrthar not ao wau. iam moot admlrabla rooailat in th whata aggragatlon. aa a matter of fact, la a ahorua man. Trad Waat. who aang about four maaauMa of raolta Uto If that fta tha word and waa an olaudad on It. "Th wiur Baturday nigh. wtU a lUHn tamer- By all tak the imneteaJ ' RACK WHITKnTT. ;-' " cr - An anthualaetla waloom wae rlran tha production of the melodrama "Knoba o TannaMM lest Taiag at 0rdraya thMtre by the Hunnray-Chapmaa oampaay. WlnahMtora and rarolTart play prom mnt porta a the atory of th moon ahlner'e lore and troublM la anfoldad. The fact that the plot la aim oat lmpoa alble dMa not eeeor aa an objection. Orral Humphrey play the herVa role end 4om It ta a faaolnaflng' manner that w the andlenM from the be ginning. Sua Tan Brahaam, th beanty of the eempany. SUye oppoatt him and aiaam la far a good ahar of the enplane. Aa tha young wife ah mak a hit with tha houM when aha eenee her father who ejfera money, home and lnfluanoa if aha will return with him end divan her moon ah mar lover. The oomody parte are la the handa af a Swede, a Mere and a Datehmam Th latter part waa written for and billed aa aa liieh eharaoter hut Loula J. Xrugar baa recently mm engaged and he oon verta It Into a delleloua plooe of Dutch Mmedy. It m Kruger'o u ait acted and natural dial act that maJtaa ale part tha alt f the pieee. The Knobe a Tome wttl ran the balanoa of the week, with a Batvrday WBJMV Tha pradletloa that "An American Oltlean would draw tha Urgaet bual nM for the week la tha hletory af the Columbia theatre haa been fulfilled by a big margin, aa far aa the weak haa pregreeMd. Again last eveqlog, in aplta af atrong opposition, ' tha boom -waa flllod and the great oomody went with tha mm nerve and brUllanoy that haa made the production the moot not able of alt the etock company' e offer ing. There are but thrM mor ehanoM of viewing "An Amerloan Cltleon Just a Word About Saypo : 4 Washing Powder '. - ' " Remembei Absolutely fres with cash "Want Ads' for Tbt) Daily JoarnaL Sme old want ratM t-21 words for 1 5c. . It took eome time for Arohlmod to aecertaln tha walcbt of Hloro'e erown. and even Alexander wanted oonaiderabla time en the Oordlaa knot before ha aaada in of hie eword. Tha with Harbormaeter Ba Blglla. ' Oa oomplaittt of Maihoiaiaeler BlgUn, Capt juUua AUm af th ataamer CharlM R. Spanoar, and Capt Fred erick H. S barman of the eteamer Bailey Oalaart. war haled Into the polloa court laat Saturday and- char gad with violat ing the epead ordinance, which Aim limit of six mllM an noun Though the decleloa haa not yet been given, Har bormaeter Blglla had to admit he oould not prove the apeed of either ateamar. Both eraft ply on The Dal 1m Una for different eompanue and kasn rivalry ealete betwsaa them. .The awelle eauaad by their raelng have dona eooelderablj damage In th bm af other vassal moored at wharvea, and haa aadly dla- turbed. the hajrbornweter'e paaoa of alad. At laat. howevar, he haa hit on aa azpadiant, and In future the running tlm of both veoMle oa entering and leaving port wlU be known. The harbormaeter haa measured the distance btwen th ateel bridge and tho Portland flouring mUla. The a glnaer en th steal bridge haa been. In- struoTad to take the time of each vi eel passing through tha draw both waya. Aa official at the flouting mllla wlU tak the time each paeeM that point going and coming. The watehM of th two timers have been Bet together. With time and distance known, th apeed can be Instantly da term In ad and no racing will a aoMlbl within I olty limit. Mast Have Hoier. - ttS.oee worth of diamond a. watehM and jewelry t auction tomorrow. SaJae at I and T a. av. at Lowenatela'a, M Waahlngtoa etraet. night and Ing. . Meat weekB Bill, MSowlng tha Wlad." nv arhiah ut will ha Mlllna- tomor row, la a play of an entirely dlfferrat oharaotar, an of ayaney urunaye ireu. mmmiab with s. saaral thai ban bean taught la every pulpit in th world. Judging by th way th advance eels pened thla morning It look aa though evrybdy m Portland wanta to aaa tumum Kaharta at - tha Maranam Orand next week la her produottona of "TM of tho D'UrbarvUlM" and "Marta of the LewUnda. Tbre waa a eoMtant steady demand for aaate from the mo ment the box office epsoad and the tel Mhana wu r4ns4B sll tha tlm. Plor- enM Roberto le nndoubtedly the greatMt ravorita among au tna aramauo aura who vlalt thla eUy and ehe deserves her popularity, for ao one haa kept bet ter faith with th publla. . , ' Nothing oould be mar timely than "Tar Bar aaaar waioa smbm so vor- diu1! nax weak oommenctna with mattnM Sunday. It deal with Ruaetau military and eoclai Ufa. It ahlfte to far off Slbeiia and Ita terrible exile prla ona. It ebowa to a remarkable dagrM k m i iii's t warhtnaw af the Russian aea- ptr and Juat wow when mil the world la watching th great war in tn orient It le the moat appropriate play that oould aoMlbty be onerea tna WMuigem patrons af the theatre.' There m a vaudeville bill of all-round exoeUene at the Arendo theatre tbla wak. a full 1 cants' ererth. a anroue a mirth far a dim. Hueernel bro there ara tha tap-llnera. Nothlnr hA is thrilling ha aorobatla work and little that la laueh-preduolng ta oomody naa bean oviitN rram cnair aaetcn. But the Helm chlldrM preea the hre there eieae for th laurel wreath. Vaudeville and eaady go wall together. Drery ahlld who atteods tomorrows matteM at Bijou will be pieaeuf d with a box af oandy. . The Inimitable B)ou quartet haa th newest eonga in town. The minstrel entertainmenx oz Owen A Hart's Comedy oompany makM people teU their frlenda af the BIJoe, TKMT A I Leora'a giant swmg at the Star the atre la thrilling. The program thla week la a happy eomMnation or wit. meele and eklU. Dutch Walton laltatM aim different thine on tha ooaoor- Una, and doea not have ta explain hla imttatioaa. aanfera ana iwungcon supply moot of the fun. P A ITbU, Rniw Welch and hla com nany are n.kin s. hit si tha Lvrle thMtre this week. Tonight l( In gold will ao given away. t each performance. It is the purest because ft contains no -aarnful ingredients and will not injure .' the finest fabrics or the hands. If you sought it, you'd gt more for the same noney than any other. It will dean any thing and it does its work thoroughly. Your home Isn't complete without it. Saypo Washing Powder is a Pacific coast product (made in Portland) and one you laturally want to use. ; 1 , ,'. :;Is;:;Easy.;:Mi ' ,i f " y011 know ho--our customers claim they 'iar ? " T - XL ) '' ' know one wsy buying ons of our "-. 'Jmf ( ) OVERCOATS ( (? ' AT ' . , 0 ' They are the equal of those sold in most stores " r S l I ; at $10. FIT and FABRIC are the best. If A ' - - ' 'tM I . - saving of $3 to $5 on a suit or overcoat is sny , I I ' ) object to you, you will surely pay us a visit-r . ; S ( now. It may be too late after while. r I I -1 1 n I Footballs, Air Rifles J f ' 0jS5SiT GIVEN AWAY with all Boys' Suits and Over- . ;l ' '' - . coats. : , ", ' . mS ' ' v - , mmm WHAT ONE MAN SAID Prominent Citizen Enthuses Over Story and Clark Special Offer. Figures by Purchasing One He WlU 5ave Enough to Oo to the 5t. Louis Fair. -I oat aropoM to look eleewbere for - 1 SuIahjI a nunhutr St OUT staVs raetarday. "There le no aansa tn ouaaui an otw ww - f Clark planoa are a bar rain, anr ona oan SS COat. 1 COUlUIl V Um oom If I bad placed a special order, ITt h. Kun thtnkln OX dOlUC and aelMted the wood myeaEt." "Mr iitue mm was mmnm I" . menoe her music, anyway, mis ran. mil ara will taJce U)0 Six muniin ivwuub eraUs. and the Instruction books, too, and irtth what we save. I bums my wtfe and lean menace to so to the 8t. Louis Fair thla XalL zee, ana own 1 luj cabinet for Chrletmaa. I never aaw a ohanoe like this before and 1 am coins to take'au 1 can . The purchaaar wrote aa hla eheck for the wholeaale price of the Story a Clark piano he had Mleeted and urced us to set It up to hie houne es eoon aa wa oould, aa he knew his folk were o lna ta be "tickleft to death." , This le only one of many similar tn etancM that nave occurrad since thla Introductory offer wae made by us for the Story A CUrk Company. Everybody who baye one of thrae eupirb planoa hu Mmathlns antbusiaaUo to aay about their purchase. ; Km mm vf Irnrv a Clark nlanoe sold by EUlare Piano House, who baa juat aooepted the aeancy for teem. are to go at deaiere' wnoissue prices, and. elx months' frM 'tuition in muslo. preferred by the purchaaar, le also fur- nisnaa ay i"m Dlui ' ii mm all teztbooke reaulred durlnc the six menthe. Clark Company will praaant each pur- ahaaar or one 01 m pianos coniiinru . w.. hm Dim. ia.ra with a handafmti. muslo oablnat as a Christmas gift. ThrM carioaos xor in uur wnn- . .nv Whan tha alaa nt tha country covered by Ellars Piano House la considered, comparatively few people are aoinc to est the benefit of thla ex ceptional offer. All WO oaa mmy ib, sw jwr wraw early. It will be takea cere of promptly .. m Man wnuch fnr vour never re gretting your purchaae. , All ensn, or our piij-wjihwh Whichever la preferred In purchasing these planoe. Every one fully ffuaran- irilara Plkno Hnusa. Ill Waan- Inctoft street, oomer Park. ..v 1 BEST C0ALH0lSE Screenings, delivered. ...-4.00 Raven Nut Coal f 5.75 Carbon Hill Lump....... $7.50 Australian Lump ....... . j 8.00 Rock Springs Lump. ... .$8.50 Special Rates on Five-Ton Lots, Vulcan Coal Co. v phone Main 877, .! - : When you see it THIRD AND OAK STS. DehnKe-Valker BUSINESS COLLEGE ' an awDnafsoaT SPECIAL COURSE IN PENMANSHIP On Monday and Thursday evenings from 7 to 9 o'clock. TUITION, 3 Mons., f 10.00 This class is in charge of Mr. I. M. Walker and Mr. H. W. Ennis. Mr. Walker was a student of the noted penmen Behrensmier, Scho fieki ft Williams. Mr. Ennis has been card writer ' at Meier ft Prank's for the past tour years. TOP ROOe OF STEARNS BUILDING SAVE YOUR MONEY In e lifetime we oorae eoroee many a ..n.a tn aava nonsv. and it le unwise tA it the oDoort unities paae without arfvantaaa at them. Our eaar payment plan on fine WiTthee end Lla monds gives yoa a chance to make until savings every week and obtain full an Ana v Rafnra htlvlna a Watch or Diamond elsewhere get our prirea. vs a -' r goods that will protect you. See our i -play of Diamonds la our enow win- TUNCLE FRANKLIN in our ad. it's so 1 .- -r V V A Good Lookout from Indoor depende mark on the win dows. For these we supply glass. Bash weights, cords end fasteners of beat quality. Carpenters and butlderi will find It to their advantage to do their hardware buying here, because of ma' terlal, price, prompt and oourteoas at tention to pit rone. , ( . Avery Co. S3 THIRD aTREBT ' Portland Marble Works - SCHANSN KWU. lfanufaoturera of and daalara la aU klada of Marble Granite and Stone Work Betlmatea Oreea ea . AppUeaUan. 268 RUT STREET Bet. Mad I eon and ' Jefferson Streete. . . PORTLAND Oa, STORES 312 Wttaiaton is 293 Morrissa , Near PwUl $1.15 Repairing and Recovering Cw Bte j fa, aaao.'.- 1 a h V a m one e e a a. 1 i U J U 1 II II I MM U U M V eataaM.edTv smoXAlV Staa aerge ejeata, seaal vod. aae sat gaaaeft wltk norm and aawneal weed areetk r I smw nr. W. NArton Tlsvla. IN A WEEK Wt west estaininy artrete wti-e ead etroals ilaaues of awe, also Mono. tasMeh, avert, ttrv kldaey and throat troubles, wa care ITPHLLIS (wltbeet airmrr) te etf cwrad forCTMr, ta 90 to OA flays. W tmmf iTBIcrUkC wtthoet aserawaa ar am at. at im stea erefaa;' tat Neen af eetf ehaaa. hesjiWstrly. W ees reetw AW eexnsl vtsaj ear awe eaavr tn a was of leeal ewa swat "jakac to eeieilvav We Cure Gonorrhoea In a Week The eattors et tkto teatltsw are eH regala radsatas. bar had easy yeare aaeerUaea, save beas knows la Portland far lit yare, have reastatlea to anlntaia, ead win see aik aa saw aalaas asstale eata erne he e fced. Wa geareatee to eete to every eeee wa aeiae take or -harv ae tr. fAtwalta ttnn fr. Iv trra eannBrlair Taetrsrtlv BOOS FOB MB! aiatlae free la ril wrapper. It Tm eaannt call at yfica. writo nm eaea M ea feeen lfcl.-iTa beneaye. to la 19. Di-.W. Norton Davis 4 Co. aa Sev evet W. a. TEETH Boston Painless Dentists Known the world over, are the oal dent lets In Portland having the late bo tanical DISCOVERT to applr t "a gums for EXTRACTING, FILl-INO aid CROWNING TEETH WITHOUT PAlrl. and guaranteed for TKN TEARS, a pMIIiMI' a ivs : a V v i i r i t t T 3S BMll ftfV ..... u. ,F a ISS