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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1904)
- T 1 f ' 10 - ' : ' THB ORBOOW PAILT JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENINQ, OCTOBEE 1. IsOi. 1 mmnmml mmmmammawaesB1 mammmaml mTa1 BmmmTammmmmWmma mmmmammmmenwawamemmWe A Bde of IMfefe feir Siiteay . iiiy Including Every Buffet in Our Stock Prices Uwer thsn Ve or Anyone Eke Have Ever Quoted Before This is a special MUinr repleta with intsfwsttaf baxpia. We bar adopted whiBwiy mewurt. to make H ' a success. The extreme depth to which wo hare cut prices and the reliability of the articles offend, make this vent one of unusual Importance. The etock it new-much of ft displayed to morrow for ,tha firat tuna, and to from the best makers in mis country.-,'- V ' "'. '-. ), ; r. ' We strongly advise early selections, as you well know that m ft sale of this character there is always a choice, and tha best barerains naturally 0 first.; ' ' ' v V' t . t. : 'i $65 BUFFETS, $37.50 The tccompanyinf cut. thow some of the latest creations f rora Grand Rapids, in the new styles wered oak, fines, quarter Mwcd oak, hand polished and carved, leaded glass doors, fine French piste glass J swellest SneW shownto this V to $37 50 only ...... f ...... '""" i i in i ; $6S BUFFETS, $37.30 $1.00 DOWN AND $1.00 A WIIK . i if '"I, j ' - 1000 ECLIPSE STEEL RANGES ; V Most Iw Sold by January J, 105 ; Six-Hole Range $40 FonrHolo lUns $35 W pat It p on payment of tl.M Msdy for om In your horn. Tho bt tov oa vry potat (a th world rng that has atood th tut of Uma and la withmjt an equal in Interior conatruo- Saalt work. Guaranteed for 16 jntra . W taka your oUI OUR. CARPET SECTION Is quite t wonder to most people. They seem to oracularly reason that the finest class patterns and weaves are somewhat beyond our getting. ' It's a mistake mat's cost the mistaken ones many ft dollar for not ffiveetifating.. We carry all the weaves of merit made in this country. No one can show you better because it's not possible for carpet mills to make 'em better. Our patterns are the product of the world's moat artistic designers embrac ing copies of famous BokharaPersi as and Turkish designs also many original effects in Florals of exquisite beauty. See the money we save you n Carpetinga. , f . ; ' -. ' .. ' ELEGANT NEW CARPETS Tha Baat Bllow Axmlnatar Car- ' ( pata, yard 93.10 Bavonlar Carpattn. ntim ual- ltr, yard l.wO Bart ford AzmlMtar, a btcn , erada. yard ,;. ..,.......$1.75 luonr Axmlnatar. par yardV... .ai.KO hwutoa Wool ValTta, par yrd..91.50 Body Brvaaola, par yard- i .f 1.6B Tan-WIra Tapaatry. r yard. .. .$1.15 Extra Tapaatry Bruaaala, pat y4.fl.oe) PailaaAa Tapaatry, par yard......1 Bztra Quality AU-Woot Xurala . Carp. yard ...SXrd Zncralaa, axtra uaiity. par yard. .004 Incraina. half wool, two-ply. pat yard... tTnlon Znaraln. wool a.nd oatton, y4.50 Oraaiu Incraia, pat yard . 4Sf V BEAUTIFUL NEW RUGS Bleotow, txll: yriea ...M300 Aamlnatar, Hartford, txli ; prieaSS8AM Axmtnaur. prtoo ....v98100 Body Braaaala, fx II; prleo B3S.OO Body Bruaaala, xlI prleo.,...SUie.OQ Extra Wilton Valval, txlt; prtea$SO.Oe) Valrat, tall; prtea .....36.00 Roxbury Buss, rait; prjoa..,..$aS.OO Baattla'a Bruaaala Bngm, tall; prtoo . . . , rBiiiiiiliHun, twit; prtoa.aiO.SO Art Braaraa, Inaroin all-wool nuina, tilt; prtoo ..M.e)0 Art Squaraa, fealt wool, tallt WlSf'Wtoo-teiew Unto Art Heatinl p Stove J sow Ea$yr . -' f ) Terms This Stove is $ftl56 .v. .t - tlxh and wort oal for haatln parpoaea.. MoWo tha Mmi to inm ma dnit't farnt that ff i not how cheap. how good. Tha EcTTota la tho Flnaat Haatar In tha worlA. air it, autor body eold-rollad ttaok linad with haavy oaaUron top bottom. . Warranted for flo yaara. A roal gmm. of iLvi tfi I12.M. Our aala prtca . -S-3e A Stero without an aqua! a atova, and in oom how rood. Tha Ec NO FLOURISH No jjeed to flourish trumpets; a cordial invitation to protect your own interests by visiting this store that's all. No musk, no gifts. Every dollar that we can afford for such extravagance has been taken from the pricea of the goods. We are determined to impress on the minds a all furniture buyers that trading here Is mutually satisfactory and profitable. Mail orders have our prompt attention. I. GELVURT& Tarn m VF M dW aim a, I a. I a I 1 Corner Yamhill and First Streets CEVUR.TZ SELLS IT FOR. LESS" REMEMBER WE CREDIT EVERYBODY. NOT A CHOSEN FEW ' . "THE LITTLE-AT-TIME STpRE" A- OUR TERMS $10 worth of goods for $2 down: and B0c a week until paid. - $S6 worth of goods for $4 down and $1 a week until paid. - ISO worth of goods for $8 down and H" a week until paid. . 7f worth of goods for $10 down and; $2.10 a week until paid. $100 worth of goods for $15 down and $9 a week until paid. If, iiowavor, your condition roqntra dlffarant at ransooMnU, don1! haaltata fi aak for than. . - I ssaaawSSnwanwaawSSnVM TESTS FOR CLERKS TO BE DIFFICULT vats cr.vmvs a eovi atxovs an at or KaanUaaUona for appllcanta for poal tSona aa elarka under tha eitjr eWll aar vtea commloalon will a mada mora ao vora than boratofora. Tha oowinilaaloB will attaaapt to maka tha axantlnationa for city aoaltUma aa hard aa thoaa ro ufarod MBdar tho Unltad Stataa elvfl aarvloa oommlaalon, Thlo to bocauoa la rear aalarlao ara paid by tha eltr for elarka than by tha fadoral aovarnmanL Tha aubJota In tho examination are: Bpalllnc Aa a tat tha applicant nuat avail H worda of awra than araraja dlf- flouttr AHthmatto rraotlona, tntoraat, analy ala hnd atattrnanta of atmpla aooounta Lattar Wrltlna Two lattora anuat ba written doala-ned to taat tha apolloant'o knowladca of Bnaltah oeinpoaltloa, apell ina, am tax, punctuattoa and capitalisa tion. panmanahtp Tha applicant wtl! ba markod aooordln to legibility, rapidity, naatneaa and uniformity la foraaatloa of lattara. Copyina' front roudti draft Applicant wUl bo givap a rough draft of a lattar containing- mlnpatled worda and arrora In frammir from which bo aunt aaaka a correct copy. Rapid eopytnsCalorttr of applicant In writing; will ba teatad by requiring him to copy a para graph of 1M worda within a given time. Rapid eomputlng Thla Inelndaa rapid calculattoa In addition, anbtraetton, mul tiplication, dlTlaion. decimal fracttona, fractlona andporcantaga. Forced to Raise Money. Dlamonda. wntchee. Jewelry, ent giaao and allvarwara at auction tomorrow. Salaa a t and 7 p. an. - Lowenateln a, 10 Waahlngton atract. K f SYMPATHY . You don't hear much about sympathy in dentistry.' Do you? People usually speak of dentists aa cruel and calloused to the pain they inflict That la because our methods have not been tried. We are so confident that we can operate successfully -without pain in any Instance or under any conditions that we ask for a close investigation of our methods. As to the durability of our work, we invite investigation also. ; Dr. B-'tWright's Dental Offices , ( $454 Washington Street, Corner Seventh. ." Odaca Howrgwl a. gg. to si" Sundaya, I a. ax U 1 a, ml ' raoNi stAiit tut. OnSntacSoflawaakHn. ROCK PILE SPLINTERS DAMAGE EYESIGHT Joaaph Holder, aerrlng tlma at tha county JaU for aalllng Hauor at Lenta without a lloenea, la In danger of loalng hla right aye on account of a bit of rock atrlklng It while ho waa at work yoo terday oa tha rockpilo. Hla left aya la alao In a dang roue condition through armpathetlo Inflammation. Dr. c. C MoCornaek, tho aaalatant niodoian ntdi an examination yaaterdar and removed a bit of rock from tho aya Laat night Holder waa unable to eleep and paced hla cell iu nam nntU morning. Dr. IscCornaok made a aecond examination today and luikir amall nlaca of rook. which waa removed with difficulty on account of tha Inflamed oonauion oi m organ. A aoothlng lotion waa applied and tha Injured eye bound ap. Several eccldente of a almllar ena aoter have occurred on tha rockpilo re cently. In fact, tho gueatloo of protect ing tho oyeo of tho prleonere baa grown Into a problem of noma aaagnltuda. CHIEF HUNT TALKS TO MEN ABOUT DRESS "Better gat now pair of trooaere. Thla gontla hint waa thrown out to tha Mimimm tt tha local do It ce depart- nanit today by Chief Hunt. It did not come n the form of an order, but well, the policemen ear. they gneaa they'd hot ter take tha Up and comply. "Tho chief did not order no to gat now trooaara.- eatd one polkmaan. "but iki kta ba flAalt ant wmM BUfftelent. If a man would refoaa to get a pair, he would bo having trouble ao ran it wouia take hla head actio.. Tha chief would not overlook hlne." Tho man recently geourod fall winter a nl forma. Thaw sdeaaaKy for extra troaaara, , CITY'S STATISTICS ; ' BEING COLLECTED V ftoy Thomaa, reproaentlng tha United gutaa eenaua bureau, la In thla etty aecurtng . atatlatlca regarding tha recelate and aapendlturoa of tha city and the eaaaaeari valuation and the rata of taxation of all the aneeeaanle prop- artv. Ha Kaa aaati huallv eaaed at tho ottr hall for eeveral daya with hla V work and now nag It nearly oenrplet ed it epreaentauvee or tnia awparuneni Uke atatlatlca of all el t lea of mora than 1.009 lnhabltaata. Theaa atatlatlca ara uaod la Sgaring the par eaalta taxatloa. Easteri HiDnfKlorcri Cventickei aaSKf caicago. 111.. Oct. Mh, la The Chi cago Clothing Cc I9-T1-7S Third Street. Portland Oregoat Oeatleaaon Tha man ufaoturera and wholeaale awoaea I Snd mora or loan everatockad. Hava boon able to bay cheaper than I aver expected. Cloned eeveral reeerva and aurplua atocka of the flnaat aukea at laaa than manufactarera ooeC Oot tha gooda from 40 to centa on tho dollar of actual valuo. Will remain bora until gooda. oome of which era la prograaa of manufacture, are ready for ahlpmant Will aaako one ahlpnent Of thaat all which will undoubtedly ba tho largest elngle ohlpntent f ' omS boya clothing, hata and a hoe a that aver eroeeed tho Rocky mountalna It repre aenta over lUO.OOa actual retail value. MAKE ROOM FOR THIS STOCK. Cut the pricea on 9t,M worth of our bow fall gooda ao low that tft big etore win ba Jammed. Let ovary department of the a tore give Ha quota of bargain. Advertlee It double apace. Don't let a man. woman or child within a hundred mtlee of Portland mleo tho opportunity of aecurtng the btcreet bona Ada bar galna aver offered by any etore under any elroumatancea Reduce prteaa ao low that tha people will Boca to tho Chicago by tho thouaaada. Toaro vary truly, GBOROB) LOhTWmfSOH. OREGON EDITORS' ANNUAL SESSION OZTT BZtlfBII VO T1S1 fOaa (Jearaal Saeatal Swvlaa.) " St Louie. Mo. Oot. 14-Tno rataratata commerce eommlaaloa began a hearing In St. Ixrala today In tha eomplalnt of tho St. Lou la Hay A drain company againet tha Mobile ft Ohio railroad and others. The eomplalnt allegeg unrea sonable ratee on hay from St. Loula to notnte la autea aouth of Kantocky and "Virginia and east of tho MJaalaaippi river. CASTOR I A for Iafsats aai CMluxea. .. Ill Kind Yon Han Always Bht taw jr . ywjm a. 1 SpMlal Dktaaug a Tae laamaL Hood RlveT. Or- Oot. 14. The llth annual goaaloa of thg Oregon Proas ao soclaUoa waa called as order this morn ing In tho rooms of tho Hood River Com mercial club by President S. I Moor head, editor of tha junction City Time Fifty edltore of Oregon newepapera ware present at the opening aeaaloa. This number waa increased by tha ar rival of a Urge delegation ea tha aoon train from Portland. . At tho afternoon goaalon Hon. H L. Smith welootned tho edltore on behalf of tha cltlaeno of Hood River, extending to the newspaper man the freedom of the city and Inviting them to enter the orchards and help themeelvee to all tha big, red apples and cider they wanted. Editor W. J. Clarke of Oervale mada an addraaa on hla obeervatione at the National Editorial , aaaooUtloa, Mr. Clarke having represented the Oregon association aa a delegato to tha meet ing of tho national association at Si. Louie thla Bummer. "Tho Bweeta of Newvpaper Life by Will O. Oilatrap of th Bugono Register, was followed by Walter L. Hogo of tho Forest Orovo Tlnsea, who portrayed tha "Sitter of Newspaper Ufa." Tha program tonight Inelndaa eeveral Instrumental aumberg by local talent Mrs. Abigail Soetl DunJway wlH deecrfbo "Weraan'a Work In Journal lam." Tho Growth and Influence of Newspapers" la tho Subject af an ad dreaa by ox-Governor T. T. - Goer, now editor of tho Salem Statesman. George H. Htmea, hlatoriaa of tho aeeoHaUon, will road hia annual report. Tho mombero of thd local preae. with tho aaalatanoo of tha Amorleaa Typo Foundera eompany and the paper houaea of Portland, have aupplled tha visiting newspaper moa with souvenir badges af royal purple with gold fringe. A inedaJlon support a i a exact reproduc tion of the Hood River Spt teen berg apple. A aouvanlr program, printed by S -R. Bradley of thlo city, contains a d esc riot km of Hood Rtvev waUay and tta I Sraat irui-rauung inausuj. QEVURTZ & SON'S r-w SATI RDAY NlfiHT SPECIAL:.;. This Clock $1.98 It'e worth tt f, Vat wa maka it, as aa taw Sueament to got you la oar a tore to look over jow elegant stock of furniture. Too clock la hajidaocae oak frame, guaranteed perfect Uma--. keeper for one year. '; THIS CLOCK $4.50 Ifa worth s.M an cheap at that. ( Black enameled frame, I day clook, fancy dislT perfect timekeeper aruf an ornnmant to any home. Wa gtirs our urnlM tar ft Vaaj-a, . Saturday Night Only Prom 6:00 to 10:00 P, -(, Only one to a customer I. QEVURTZ & SONS J Comer First and Yamhill r i (m fish -vi tf W 'D1DNT HURT A BIT 15 WHAT THBY JAY BY OUR METHOD W am aaaatod te aatraet tea eae M teemat one wtUag. BMltlTet aad abMletalr aithoat seta or bag after efreceh mw ia aeuraw seana beva aa Umt, as ear BMtaed at traMtnm la laltlreir aam aad aaaa itelr Mlalet. Metnti eitracuDg to We arewa aad srldae erh wltb- eet asta. Oar If yaara' Maertoaea ta Ute wort aaeblea as ta JU riferttkb. The aeet to ttae ebeapet the eaX . Wa tare ajauags aa weS yea. WISB DROSi ' DEINTlsSTS aaa.eie vitr ntfl Ctr.ivi Corner THIRD AND WAaHlHOTON Open avenlnga till S BTB. ' Sonde ya frwm I Phooa. Mala MXaV ,