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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1904)
THE . OREGON1 DAILY - JOURNAL, - PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING.-- OCTOBER 14. !. 1 S.U.EF.I EC? IIAKKET SOWS STRONGER ! ffc ! Til II ill e Th iMMlt Salem. Or, Oct. 14. There wm much stronger com to thi nop mb .tnv Uu, has bMB felt for MM . dan end the amount of Inquiry for hops from buyers wu rar in - iv bhvImiIt. In fact It would esem that there was aa sttort to do something on ths part or tns cov ers yesterday, and on Ml of bales was mad by OUbort Patterson to Oeorgs Dorcas at 10 H osnta. the hops being from their Lincoln yarns, iw la the only- wi Mrtually nlnsit here veatertfav. Secretary Wlnstanley of the Hop rimmra' iMHlftiliin Said that there mm no doubt at all that aa SOOB OS numbor of M1U of lading that have been forwarded reach Kngiana ibmi wiu bo a good chance for holders U nd ' kimra .tul ha la of th OnlntOB that there will ba better prises offered before vary jong. - - . Ohm An est, ' ; Tha supreme eourt yesurdey est tha following oaaaa for hearing 00 tha dates - given: Lewis vs. Plrat National bank, appeal from Multnomah. October l: Dechenbsob to. Rise, appeal from Mult nomah eounty. Oetobar V: McDonald vs. , O-Rellly, sppaal from Multnomah oounty. Ootobor if, Hlbberd. Spencer. Bartlatt A Co. vs. mala, appeal from Multnomah county, miuuwj . Rogawsy, ths Lebanon arson eass, Oo tobor 17; Scott vs. Ford, appeal from tM muni. Oetobar ST. The omae of J. H. Pen land whose wife was killed between tha ears of a switch ing freight at tha grade mossing In May last, wherein ho sues tha Southern Pacific railway for 15.00a. was hoard yesterday and suhmittea to ens jury sc lata hour yesterday afternoon.- -It became evident that tha jury would not agree last night so they wars provided with blanket- sna . M doubt Slept .soundly all night The jury at t eel celt this morula re ported a disagreement and waa dm oheixed. It ts said ft stood U for todg msnt for the plaintiff. MILLINER'S CASE HAS DAY IN COURT '.- I 'n .. - tsfeelal Wepefc t The Jeerm.L pokane. Wash., Oct. 1. The bear tng on, tha demurrers filod to toe oom plaints asalnat tha mUUnors of this city, ta which they ar obarg-ed With selllns; tha plumaa-t of the earet eon trary to tha law of the ststo of Wash Inrton, earns up In Justles tocker'a court Wednaaday. - Aooordlna; to pra- -vlous arransamont none of the defend snts wars la the oourtroom. eaoh bains represented by an attorney. The attorneys for the defense at- , tacked, the validity of the law and also - tha eomplatanaas of .- ths eomplalnts. They said the defense was prepared to show that the plumaa complained of was tn tha milliners' possession prior to . tha paaasca of the law. The doelalon BENSON, ACCUSED OF LAflD FRAUD, .BAILED Jearasl BpecUl errlee.) ' New York. Oct. 14. Judaa Laeonba tn ths United States circuit court today ranted tha application of John A. Ban . son of San Francisco for dischargs an a writ of habeas' corpus. He ordered Benson to furnish llt.eto ball for his sppearanos within ! days in easa tha government enters an appeal. with conspiracy to defraud tha govern ment in connection with land deals la California and OTacon, INVERNESS CARRIES -SUSPICIOUS CARGO f': . ' . 1 . . 1 ' - 1 " . ' (petlsl mapsteh to TVs JenrseL) . Tacoma. Waah.. Oct. 14. The British Ship Inverness sailed today for Japan. Bha carried a bis: cargo of steal rails, pig load -and cotton. Also H cases of what are billed "sporting revolvers" and a consignment ' ateeinoai sppiiancea. The latter may and may not be Intended for tha Japansss navy. Ths Inverness sails direct to Japansss porta, and bar cargo Is consigned to individuals. (aaeatal IssnMm t She Jisisst.) - Tacoma. Wash, Oct. 14. W tills try . tng to swim ths Puyallup river at a point about six miles from Taootna Charles Andsrson, rancher, was drowned.' Tbs tragedy was ths outcome of a bantering remark by a sompanlon that Anderson could not swim ths river. Tbs rancher quickly removed his cloth ing and Jumped la He had reached tbs middle of tbs stream when he was seised with a cramp and sank before aid could reach him. wr-uovm bat nr bfo: SpMlsl mesa ft IwmI.) ' Spokane, Waah.. Oct. 14. The board of public works has decided thatne man In ths employ of contractors doing work for the city shall work aver eight hours a day. Ths contractors arc to bs noti fied that they must give sn account of themselves In this res pact and are to be wrought upon ths carpet before ths board of public works. - ' cVllff)CdW frosWt DYSPEPSIA nly td relief, bat as abeohns care lm this dnttsnting troabie by saiag m srder as prove that IMS abMhnety tmlcea tweedy ceres catarrhal la eMMikm of the eteenach, I will tend TRIAL BIZC BOTTLE FPCB a receipt of q caste ts pay pnetage. Clvcosom not eaiy rewevea. Sat carea. Is Uie Hi old W tssksUftd sVuggtsts. m sSsnaatBowTeew. mal Sjr Oa hMOM nmn r noBmn wrav vaxxor;,'. . OSTAKE OF HUNTER MAY PROVE FATAL OnT OT.iOTsTi fsserlsl Mssstm m Tee Jtorsal.1 Oregon City. Oct. 14. News has Just reached here of an accidental shooting at Aurora wbien may result fatally. Osorga Maaeltt. who formerly lived in this city and whs ts now a property owner hers, was shooting pheasants and crippled ons which alighted in a Ir some dlstaaos away. It appears that a nephew of his, a little boy T or years old, by ths name of Kyle, saw ths bird alight and reached- tha tree - before MueaiU and had climbed tbs same In search of the bird. On reaching ths tree Muesttt saw ths limbs moving and sup posing ths bird waa trying to fly away, at ones flred into tbs moving limbs. emptying ths entire ehargs Into tha dot's back. At last account ths boy waa alive, but It Is not known If bs will rsoovsr. iiiimnnrt BiHgm at Wee. A government dredger arrived last evsnlng at ths rapids at ths- mouth of tbs n -rainss river and Is at work open ing up ths channel at that plaoa, v The new brick building of Councilman A. Knapp. on tha corner of Eighth and Main streets, to neartng completion and ths general appearance is being Improved by a cement a Ida walk on both aides of his corner. Robert Bradley, a psjnrsr: strnek town soma Urns ago and wsnt to work for . S. Mohlsr. Mot being soqusintod. Mahler stood good for htr board and lodging mt tha Electric hotel. A fsw days ago Bradley stopped work and began drink ing, whereupon Mohler refused to be re sponslbls for his board and lodging and Bradley concluded to get even by going on a drunk. Officer Burns soon had him In tha city jail charged with drunken ness, and on being arraigned, bs pleaded guilty and was given U days la jail by BAoordsr Curry. DECIDED TO MARRY IN MINUTE'S TIME It took alias Thorn Ponlssa and Dr. a T. Trommeid Just M seconds to de cide that thaw would bo married. Ths suggestion was mads as a toko, but both liked ths toko and decided to follow tbs suggsstlon. An automobile rids led to ths Jobs, the sue goat ton and thersfors to the wedding osrsmony. Miss Poulson Is ths pretty daughter or Jobs Poulsan of Xiunsn, Poulssn Co. Her husband to with Dr. A. B. Hockey, who has offices in ths Marquam build ing. They were engaged to be married In January..' Last - Saturday they went automobUtng- Dusty from a spin tn ths suburbs, they stepped Into a clothing store to get ths physician new coat "Hello!" exclaimed . Roy. O. Durham, who happened to be In ths store, "you two wear a very domestic appearanos with all that dust on you." "Tea." assented Miss Poulssn, laugh ingly, 1 suppose we ought to bo mar ried." , .1 . " Dr. Trommald looked at Durham and then at his nances. Then he smiled. "Well, I guess we hadn't better loss any time," bs remarked. Durham saw a chance for a romance. He declared that marrlags was the only thing to be eonsldered. Taken fairly by storm. Miss Poulssn consented and Durham hurried to the court house la the automobile and returned with a license made out by Chief Deputy County Clerk Freddy Prasp, Ths party then proceeded to ths homo of the Rev. Mr. Wilson, at SM Blzth street, where ths ceremony was per formed. Durham officiating as best man. Tbs happy pair are auartered at ths Portland hoteL "There la really no romance, said Mrs. Trommald., Xverythla . required only about Ave minutes. MARRIAGE FOR GOLD THEN A SHOOTING rv. (". ? ' (Josrssl rspeetol berries.) 1 Low Angeles, Oct 14. A sensation was created at the trial before Judges llsnt and Works to collect Sle.OOs at torney fees from Colonel Griffiths, ax pork oomm las loner, who to under a sen tence of two years for shooting bis wlfa A letter waa read, written by Griffith in 1SI7. to tha girl bs married and aftsr warda shot Ha naked that their en gagement bo broken, as ska bad misrep resented her wealth. - RUMOR OF DISASTER TO RUSSIAN ARMS (fesrsal gptelal service.) Bt Petersburg, Oct 14. Official news regarding today's flffhtlng Is lacking, but tbs. prevailing Impression here Is that the day has gone against Kuro pstkln. The rlty Is even filled with a rumor of his disastrous dsfsat DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE ; PASSES QUIET DAY ' - . ,- r , ' A' (Jesrsal Spatial servW.) ' Beeps a, N. T Oct. 14. There were no callers st Rosemont today. Judge Parker passsd ths forenoon disposing of his correspondence and will return U Now Torn next Tuesday. Judge Bellinger to devoting this week to hearing the sppeal oaaaa of the dossn Chinese who think they are entitled to remain te America. Twe to three ere before the Judgs sack dayr when the arguments that havs been presented to the eommlasioners are revamped and such evidence ss the suspects may pro duce is presented to the higher tribunal. No decjalon Is bring rendered in the In dividual esses, and It Is probable that the Judge will require ths svldenee to bs extended before passing Judgment - lapeetal Btapasm te fhe esrssL Monmouth, Or., Oct 14. The report has Just asms to Monmouth that ths pe tition for a vote en local option at the coming election In Polk eounty, al though containing the required number of names, reached the eounty seat after the adjournment of the eounty court andi it to alleged la tasrafsrs af o ef fect. : e mmom am umi nrnw, !! Wam A FnTiidisT gcrafananr niDfii a POJTlAraRS. AT D RIVER FAIR (aerial ImaeMh At The JestssL) Hood Rlvsr, Or Oct 14. Ths early morning train from Spokane brought an excursion party of las business msn, returning from a trip to . tb Walla Walla fair. Tbs seven oars containing ths Portland ers wore toft hers. A large number of the party remained over un til the afternoon train to accept an In vitation from ths Hood River Commer cial club for a drive through the or chards of tbs valley. Banked on both sides of ths exhibit ball are tons of apples. Packed n bushel boxes ready for shipment the fruit to arranged la tiers six and sight boxes deep. There to box after box of apples, monster specimens, 4s of which completely fin a box, and grown on land for which the owners have refused ttog an acre. One of these farms to that of Ludwig 01111011, two miles south of ths elty. Ons of the finest Individual displays Is hat of It. B. Tucker, wboss orchard Is planted on ths south bank of Hood rlvsr, five miles south of town. Tsllow Newtown pippins from this orchard have won gold medals at the Chicago and Buffalo expositions. His apples sold In London last winter for IS, Ik a box. A portion of ths north side of ths pa vilion la reserved for vegetables. Hers may be found egg plant weighing five pounds eaoh, grown by J. M. Hollo well; 10-pound pumpkins and cabbage beads two feet la diameter exhibited by G. L. Robinson. Tha fair, as viewed through ths eyes of ths Portland visitors, la considered a magnificent and unequalled dlsplsy. No comparison waa mads by- Walla Walla. Many ssy they never saw Its equal and are untiring' In their- praise. A movement will be started at once by the Portland Commercial dub to raise a fund and send the exhibit Intact to Bt Louis. Ths 4lf publis school children of Hood River, in obarge of their teachers, visited the apple exhibit today. The Portland day excursionists to ths Walla Walla fair arrived borne at lt:te o'clock today In a special train over ths Oregon Railroad 4b Navigation; mads up for them at Hood River, where they spent two hours this morning aa ths guests of that elty. They arc well Pleased with their trip. BOUND OVER TO - CIRCUIT COURT fsyiaiU BwsateTi to The Toaraal.) " ugene, Or Oct 14. Henry Qlen and Oeorgs Bauer, charged with assaulting and robbing Oeorgs Horton, aa aged resident of Palrmeunt Bunday night ware yeeterday afternoon held In e00 bonds each for . trial by the circuit court O ten's real nrnmo to Ellsworth. Hs wsa receently released from the in sane asylum at Seism, having ...been sent there from Multnomah oounty. Hs has a wlfs la California, who recently Instituted suit against him for divorce, W. a T. V, Stesto 0 Mi sis. 1 The Women's Christian Temperance Union of K ugene yesterday elected new officers aa follows: President Mrs. W. L. Houston; corresponding secre tary, Mrs. J. Q. Wstls; recording secre tary, Mr a W. A. Winn; treasurer, Mrs, B. M. Royce: delegates to ths stats con vention, Mrs. Houston and Mrs. Royoa. Appealed to Saprsme Oouvk Ths case of Herbert Beadle against Dm. D. A. Paine and W. Kuyksndall for alleged malpractice In setting a broken arm, decided In favor of ths defendants at the March term of circuit court, has been appealed to the suprsms court. A committee from the Eugene Com mercial club baa been appointed to con fer with tha eounty count tn regard to getting up aa sxbibit of Lane eounty products to send - to the Lewis and Clark exposition next year. Tha com mittee eoastota of H. I Transr, T. O. Hendricks, P. W. Osbum, H. Gordon and P. M. Wllklns. ... SENTENCE PASSED BY COURT AT PENDLETON (speetsl Mesateh to The ZeeraeL) ' Pendleton, Or Oct 14. Oeorgs L wtont Who waa found guilty nf lar ceny as bailee, eras this morning sen tenced to three years In the peniten tiary. Edwin R. Btokea received a light sentence for picking pockets. Ralph Ward, who waa found guilty of simple assault wsa fined Ilia. Tha criminal esses before the present term of the sir- cult court are ended. Can't bs perfect health without pure blood. Burdock Blood Bitters makes pure blood. Tones and Invlgoratea ths wnoie eye tern. yElKjEPAIR AND RECOVER TUB felBS tn your umbrella trsak off at tha ton , -r because they rust. . With our pstent RUCT-PROQF frame you bave no trouble, for It to flnlahed la brass and can not rust They cost no more than the common kind I Led and IS. Od. , Oct ana at stthsr rectory. ALLEaSINA TWO FACTORIES r 1 SM Morrison. SSI Washlngtoa, nTWJTBT ffUf, TIO WITS IMU1 baUBn, WAS OTUMU WITS AB SABXTXWS) AsTB mOBBXWs) AM ABBB MAX, IS BAD) TO BB TBAT BXXBB VsTBBS ABBUMBB, BABTB. ENGLAND CAPHGED BY OREGON Fill fspaelal Dhwateb to the JeMuaM Albany. Or.. Oat 14. H. S. Oils of Salem, representing tha Willamette Val ley Prune as so elation, waa In 'Albany yesterday. Hs said that hs waa ready to ship sight carloads of Oregon prunes to London, Liverpool end Bristol, Eng land, where they had bean sold at good fla-urss early In the season. Last year be shipped a oar toad sf prunes to Xng land, and as a result he received orders readily for this year's product latsrnal aJntos.' ' James Mlaner, a laborer at tha Curtis Lumber aompany'a mills la Mill City, suffered . Internal Injuries yesterday while aiding in unloading' togs from a flat ear. Two of the logs slipped In such manner ss to throw him to, the ground and roll over him. but a skid way near which bo fall prevented the logs from falling on him with- their whole weight Hs to badly crushed. There la hope for bis recovery. Ha lives to Mill City. . thmnsto Back to Jail, . Bbsrlff' Whits has Ira Connstt back la ths oounty JaiL The youth la suffer ing from aa Injury in the left knee, sustained while dodging tha searching party In the mountains last Saturday svsnlng, when hs fell over a rook. Hs la thoroughly sxbaustsd from hla flight Sheriff White has ths prisoner looked in a cell, where he will be kept until the dsts of the trial. ... Ths board of Ars dslsgatas sleeted of ficers tost night In annual meeting as sembled. The ofnoers chosen for ths coming ysar are: Joseph Ralston, pros ident; Walter Worrell, vice-president; secretary-treaaurer. J. C. rvlna, WOULD CLOSE FAIR GATES ON SUNDAY The Masters Oregon presbytery made sa' overture nt ths aynod of Oregon meeting this morning In reference to the division of their prssbytsry because of the large territory and large number of churck Included. The plea was granted with a little discussion. Ths Southern Oregon presbytery pre sented a similar plea because' of the poor connections -between the two ex tremes. The question was referred back to tbs prssbytsry Itself. ... A third overture recommended that stops be token toward closing tbs gates on Sunday at the Lewis and Clark ex position. . I Ths sfternoon Rev. B. F. Hill save the report on home missions and waa fol lowed by Rev. John Dixon, D. D.. of New Tork leading a conference. This svsn lng there will be a popular missionary meeting. Last night the . following of ficers were elected: Rev. Jacob K. Bay. der, moderator; Rev. Dr. Townssnd, state clerk; Rsv. A. D. Soper, temporary clerk; Dr. W. S Holt reporting clerk. Visiting elergymsn outside ths Oregon synod are: Rev. J. H. Letter, synod of Columbia of tha United Presbyterian church; Rev. S. O. Strange, D. D synod of Washlngtoa: Rev. John Dixon, D. synod of Nsw Tork; Rev. F. B. Zsrtmaa, synod of Nsw Tork; Rsv. A. ' W. Rain hard, synod of Missouri; Rev. A H, Laughlin, D. D synod of China. K (Spietel Dtopatea to Tbs JeerssM ' Roseburg, Or., Oct 14. In behalf of the Roseburg Water and Light 00m pany Governor Chamberlain Inst night attempted the settlement of a bill of al most S,0t for light furnished this city for a period of three years. The eon tract price wss till per month, but as It want through various suits a reason abls settlement waa planned, which as yet has resulted In nothing definite. Ths council mads an offer of settlement at the rate of $leO a month. in TiuiT nmri TffOaT VO BXXP Btlff OIII DABB VO &OB94MT, .' UTBBWOM all . Crooa rfBtnum. Our EVERY DEPARTMENT OF OUR 8TORE IS ADDING ITS MITE TO MAKE THIS SALE ONE OP THE LEADING EVENTS OF OUR YEAR'S BUSINESS. EVERYTHING HERE IS THE BEST, BUT THE PRICE IS VERY LOW, YOU SHOULD SEEOUR v iJ-M& SuitS;v:-: JpgCSra fvm Overcoats . . f 4 :AV I ' V Nothing like them In style and quelity emd you'd pay i " v li i H J . from $15.00 to $22.00 for no better at the other clothing I VI. j fsjl ' ' l ' stores. Out f 12.50 garments are all new, thU sesson's , c , I If 1 I -5 : . fA' , . 1 styles and goods, hand-tailored by the best tsilors of . . fX I'iVA I 1 : ; ,i , r -4 AmericB--the BrownsriUe Woolen MUl's Tailors; goods;'; tW YT - .. .... - Ij ' made by the same milL AH of which stamps superiority , j "k .' r . ; on erery psTment' Ths priceSf li)te the quality snd style, v r "'fl " ' . ' -X '''' :, - are just right . , , , . - T ,;-Bf . ' ; . : - ' ' Brownsville Woolen (pvant m A Chiffonier conunends ItseH sliks to msn and womenther. room for all sorts of appeal and sroythlnf is get-sA-BJle. Our Chiffoniers will commend themselves to YOU theyVe all pretty new. patterns, nicely finished, with well-fitting drawers and doors. You can see them with or without LET US It contains an infinite yaricty of furnishings for all parts of the house at prices that are sn inducement to you to do your trsding with us. . just sena a postal BIG BORE NEARS i ITS COMPLETION flu slil Msyalrn m Ths gsnisst) ' Seattle, Waah Oct 14. Today Tout M feet of ground separates advance orews en both ends of the Oreat North ern tunnel, extending I. SOS feet di rectly underneath tbs heart of the elty. The engineers to charge of the work expect them to meet November ft. whan there will ho a general celebration. At the present time progress Is being made - j. 4 r 1, s-'H; '"' ' '. t - BBATVUI WtbSj OltBSBJLTB VMM SLSBTXW OV TXS TWO BABwS wxxom; abb BsurnrevKB cbbat BxnanrBmaT linwiT vubbbi. GiraiM Harvest Sale : . . . . ; . 9 ... PRETTY CHIFFONIERS iipp: mirrors, in fir, maple, oak and mahogany. MAIL YOU OUR NEW CATALOQUE witn your aaaress. - we sena it ith your address. - we send it at tha rate of It feet a day, and no dif ferent character af dirt la ax pee ted be fore the Job la finished. The points where the crews are working are approximately 12ft feet under the surface of the ground on which some of the haavtost buildings In ths city are built. While ths hole wfO be through by this date, the tunnel will not be In oondltlon for use for several months ysC Before trains can be operated throusV It, steel viaducts over Main and Jackson streets y F 4f ' ; OWN TERMS I fJill Store 1,1 1- -. ' t - postpaid. . .., ' ,-. -, , posipaia. MAKEYOUB OWN TERMS mast be constructed, and while tbs ma terial for thess hss been ordered, none of it baa bean shipped. As soon aa the ooncrete work Is fin ished, which mill be about November 1ft, , orews will begin laying the double tracks, and by February 1 It la expected all the passenger trains coming Into the city will sntsr through the tunnel. By that time Railroad avenue and the wa ter front will be cleared for water trace po nation facilities. - - , ' ThW and Stark St. Opp Cham, of Come '- i ; A - -1 - f