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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1904)
THE OREOOW DAILY OUFNAIV IORTtAKD, WTOKFf DAY BVKNTNO, OCTOBER 1J, 104. PYTHIANS CHOOSE IS PORTLAND IN 1905 . MCQAS' TfiEME TOlTnTS) Our Season's Selections In Leather Woodard, Clarke & Co U SC. CUM, OP ALBANY, INSTALLED TODAY AS GRAND CHANCELLOR . . COMHANDSB OP ORKOOJf KNIGHTS OP PTTHIAS. . . fill i 111 Baayetah The fcvwL) Seaside, Or, Oct. IS. At Um Brand. lode Knight of Pythian, now la oon ventloa am today resolution nuking - Vertlaad tha permanent pteee of bm( sag waa lest. Portland, howmr, vu elected aa th next piao at meetinc . A roe ehitloa waa passsd aaatracting vbe supreme representatives to anas a law spaaing Sv member a auorum te wtaad af seven. D. B. Buchanan pre ented tba grand lodga wltb a printed history of tha ardar, A committee at mm from each district -waa' appointed to confer -vita tha Port land lodga to deviee way and means of MrtaftalBln tha aegt grand lodge. Pour doom tyre vara . laltiawd and Ana Ikaaquat fallowed. E. J. Jaeger of Portland offora a silver trophy to tha team doing tha boat third rank work, tha winning team from aach Patriot to eompeta at tha next fraud lodga. The eonventton Adjourns at 4 dock, . The principal feature of today aea wlon wag tha Installation of the offlcera nlected yeatarday. - Tha following were installed for tha ensuing term: Chancellor commander. L. M. Curt, Al bany; vice-chancellor, M. P. Davla, ttnlon: prelate. Mr. Wall. Hlliabore; master-at-arms, O. C Mooter. Portland; keeper of recorda and seal. It I Un ion. Salem; master of exchequer, J. W. Maloney, Pendleton. A grand reception waa given by the order of Khoraeaan last night find a large number of new member ware Initiated, many of whom warn fro: Portland. L. M. Curl of Albany hi one of the moat prominent members of Laurel lodge. No. T. Knurhts of Pythias, of this city. Ha la one of tha leading attorneye of Linn oounty, and prominent In professional, social and business circles. ' Mr Curl became a member of tha Al bany lodga of the order In lis). In a lew years ha had filled all tha offices In tha ledge. la IMS ho waa elected a rep reseatauvn from Laurel lodge to tba grand lodga and for three yearn repre sented the subordinate lodga la the grand body, when he waa appointed aa ofnoer n tha latter. He served four years aa a member of the gsand tribunal, then became ' grand Inside guard, psaaed eao oeesively the chairs of grand master at anna, grand prelate, and last year waa elected to the second highest pesttkm m the order, that of grand vice-chancellor. Mr. Curl has a good business here. la addition to his law pracUoe, . Be la married and baa ft family. . DAMAGE TO JETTY : IS KOT SERIOUS mHw Mmm Van tA amwht urti navoa aft tha seouth of tha Columbia aa , Srat dlspatcheg from Astoria presaged. - IfaJ. W. C Langfltt returned from aa Inspection of the Jetty mat evening, and atata tealav theft aalv about LeM fast - . f the fiamswerh, used for transporta tion purposes, had been waahad away. This does ant affect tha Jetty proper In any manner, a the Arm filling of reek 'ft4 accumulated aaad that constitutes tba breakwater under tba framework M e as fixed as ft elm. Major Laagfltt amo . stated that the trestle nut at tba and f . of tha Jetty, which waa In use for a , tansloa purposaa, remained Intact. Tba greatest Inconvenience resulting . from ths break eomce from tba fact that ' two sOctkme of tha framework. In two ' Sletiaet places, bare been lost, leaving boat I.Mt feet Isolated. Major Lang t sews that aa axaaslnatlon of this V M feet remaining will be made at i repairing tha framework to connect with I this isolated part remaining. Prom th ' engineer's earty asUmate of conditions ; ft appear that there will be no serious i be put In shape again Boon, If violent -i weather does not beoom too persistent. Partner know ledge aa to this, however, X will bo given definite form after tha ' axs urination new in progress. TELEPHONE GIRLS OUT. (Continued from Page) One.) listen t raaaon and to remember that the eompany wanted to do what waa right. Singling out those whom she thought would have tha most Influence with the striken, Mlea Cooper talked very ear neatly to them. At last. It waa decided to bold another meeting in tha dining room, where it was proposed to talk the natter over, the telephone oompany'o officials stated that tba girls bad not In formed them of their srlevaneea. "There worn It- of us at the meeting last night," said ana of tba strikers, "and tha company officers have been busying themselves all morning trying to find out who they were. But they didn't find out. - Still, two girla were sent home this morning. It being said the were tha leaders la tha whole affair. Maybe they were, and maybe they were not. "But bright and early this morning one of the girls who had beea taken into our eecreta last night told tha whole story. Wo know her nana, and she may be aorry that ah spoke. The raaaon we organised waa because tha rules were getting intolerable. We understood that whenever any one reported us a mark was registered against our natnea. Three marks meant that we ware fined ft, and when eight marks ware totaled up a discharge was hi waiting. This was too much, consid ering the small salaries that wa ware paid and ths hours we had to work. Thea another thing- waa tiresome, to say the leaat Five minutes before it was una for" as to take our places at the boards wa bad to be In line. Than a bell would be tapped, and wa bad to get ready to search; another bell and wa must be ready, and when tha third tap rang out on the air we began to file our way upward. "Wm organised. Tha eompany dis charged those whom they thought Were tha leaders of the organlaatlori. We were given to understand that SI mora were ta go aoon. So wa walked out," When seen a few minutes before tha girls walked out Manager Thatcher aald: "If tha operators have any grievances I do not know what they are. Ther have never reported any troubles ta me. Their hours have not been increased, and their wagaa have not been decreased, so I am at a long ta know what th trouble la- After being out only ft abort time all the girls went to work again at t o'clock this afternoon. Tha girls were led- to do this with tha understanding that the wltl be given a hearing tomorrow by Manager Thatcher, when ha promises to listen to all their grievances. Mr. Thatcher atated this afternoon that they had many ffrlevancee which were not Justifiable. He alao acknowl edged that two of tha 'ring leaders" of the striker had been dismissed this morning. Ha predicted that all the trouble will be amicably settled shortly. Assent ng are tba aerobatm feats that have been performed by tha Republleaa poti Helena and areas on the Imperlalietle trapese during tba mat four years."' aald H. B. Nicholas, addressing a meelng of ha Young Mes a Demoeratle club of Pert land last evening at the Chamber af Commbraa building. They bare rung all tb political changes on the Ptllplnoa, from benevolent aaalmllatloa to oold lead and tha water aura. And all the time tha commercial exploiter has been the force behind the curtain, tha man behind tba sua, aa It were. Tha islands have been bought at enormous ooet of blood and treasure, and the nation has paid for it, while the commercial adventurer la tha only on who gains any grout from the transaction." Mr. Nloholaa spoks at length upon the various phases of Imperialism, and bla sentiments were enthusiastically ap plauded by ft largo audience of very wide-awake yeuag Democrats who are helping to make tha Portland campaign Interesting and Instructive to voters. The meeting waa presided over by President a W. Allen, who appointed ft committee to confer with the state com mit ts and a similar committee from the Multnomah County Democratic club, on plana for pressing the campaign with greater vigor from now until election. The committee named by Preeldant Al len consists af L T. Perry, Newton Mo Coy and a C Armltaga. Mr. Perry made a stirring address. The meeting waa enthuaiaatlo from start ta finish. and plana are being made for a number of meetings during October that will arouse the Democratic voters and bring out tba full uerna oralis vote on election day. RUSSIANS ATTACK '' (Continued from Pag One.) stand until Kurepatkia reaches tha scene of bla recent defeat. Our lines of com munication and our supplies and ammu nition could scarcely have reached per fection ta amy point north of Llao Tang. "It does pot matter much whether Xaronatkla has assumed tha offensive ppoa orders from St. Petersburg or by his awn desire. Ha has taken a tremen dous risk, and It la not for ma to say whether ha was Justified or not. It la all vary wall ta any that tha Rueslaa oommander leaves bla eommunicatlona open to attack; but only a very large fores aan disturb such lines as Kuropat kin aossssssa. J. hear an good authority that he baa got men standing almost shoulder to shoulder along tha railway. I would bat be surprised if Kurepeakln, Instead of sontlautng a frontal attack. should launch the whole of his army against General Kurokl's flanking force. It would be ft bold stroke and precipi tate a great struggle, but the Russians are not accustomed to mountain -fight ing and would be handicapped, area though superior In numbers; 'Whatever happen e, whether Kuropat- kin is allowed to marsh oomparatkraiy unopposed ta tha Taltsa river, where Oyama has beea fortifying, or whether he diverts his army in an endeavor to crush Kurokl, tha result af ths present phase af tha ManchurlaU campaign maana much, and perhaps It w almost as vital ta ana aide aa ta tba ether. tOVU S)l fJenratl aeeelsl terHeal Ml not. N. D Oct. It A Great North- em freight, oa rrylng two eubmarlne tor pedo-boats oonslgned to Japan, wrecked east of here yeatarday, presum ably by aptea of the Russian government In tha gules of oectlon-handa- - The sus pected section-hands have dlaappeared. Tha boats were uninjured. Ueerasl serial Perth.) Tokio. Oct II. Oyama reports that th Russian attack en Slen Chwang for tha purpose of cutting Japaneee oom- munloatlona with tba Talu river, fc been repulsed, - SYMPATHY '. Yon don't hear much about sympathy In dentistry. Do you? Ptopte usually speak of dentists as cruel Arid calloused to ths -pain they Inflict. That is because our methods have not been " tried.' We are so confident that we can operate successfully ; without pain in any instance or under any conditions that we ask for a doss inrestifstion of our methods. Aa to tha . durability of our work, we invite investigation also. Dr. B. E Wright's Dental Offices ; $4M Washington Street, Coraer Seventh, -OStoe Roura-S a to r a a. Sunders, I t, a H 1 p. a - a . : . PHOM MAUf Ills. fees ferae One ftteiuiof BuOdiat Salsss, ', rJoumai Seeds! serrlee.l Tokio. Oct. Is. Heavy guns are still dropping shells into Port Arthur's har bor and tha Russian battleship Retrlsan has been severely damaged. Japanese officials believe the conquest of the port. though proving slaw work, la a ear- talnty. . t ; . . STRONG MEN CLAD TO WORK AS SERVANTS (Jesraal Special Serrlea.) Chicago, Oct. II. Strong men tn Chi cago are taking tba places of girl do mestics in private housee. Many af thane who ara out of work, due to strikes or ths latest shift in ths trouble at the stock yards, ars willing ta aet as maids, cooking, scrubbing, baking and making beds. Mrs. k. M. wadswortft. mane af the Chicaao Womans On lid. aald: "Mas servants have arrived In Chicago. Moat of ths applicants are oolered, but many whites bare also beea hired as cooks, general- housekeepers, washermen . for laundries, bed maker, sweepers end dlshwashsra Tha demand la greater thah the supply." The average salary of a servant is a month and found. $800,000 FIRE IN -WINNIPEG, MANITOBA (esrsaj Special serrhw.) Winnipeg. Man.. Oct. II. 11 re last night, which started in tha Pullmaa block destroyed that building, the Ash downs Hardware eompany 's building and the Riaito block. Tba Dufferloe Meek and Woodbine ho tel arera alao considerably damaged. The Pullman block was a six -a to ry building. The loss is MMt. LIBRARY REJECTS RIIS'" LIFE OF "TEDDY" (Jearaal SpecUt fcVrrlcM ' Council Bluffs, Oct II On the ground that H la a political work, Jacob nils' lira of Roosevelt was today re jected by the trustees of thoj public library whs are sngaged la a revision of a list of books to tui a shelf m tba new Carnegie building. - Tha volume s so laudator aa ta be a utua value aacept aa a fr lead s tribute r Ara now arriving dati-Hiothlng to exceed them in beauty, desirn of nW . .srisi has ever been shown in Portland. Tha fame of our store for equality J ' and character will be fully upheld bv tiieaa ftsw and exclusive tvaatWis In HANDBAGS. WALLETS, CARD CASES, POCKKT BOOKS. DltfiSS INO SSTS kOLL-UPS AND-TRAVXUNO CASES. , i Note We stamp ' name FREK on . erery leather , purchased. r nv FINE ART GOODS In Bt&si, Bronze, ';.v'-. i ; Ivory,1 Carved Wood and Porcelain. .' ' Vaseb, Candlesticks ; Candelabra, , Urns and Lanterns th choicMt product of )Ar AN. INDIA and EUROPE. Ton CM ahny nw rhonejr and gat tha btat hr' ha only druf atora with a cempleta talephona axchange, four trunk Una awl tan extension. Tha only atora racatving Canadian raonay . . at full valua. Woodard; Clarke & Co POPULAR PRICE DRUGGISTS ESTABLISHED J 664 V"--' ' ' i I ' :.' i " PRESBYTERY IN ' FAV08 OP ONION Overtures from tha avaerdl asilmbly of tha Presbyterian ahureh at Buffalo in reference to a anion af tha Camber land church wttfe ths Freehrterlaa church were answered alBrmativeiy by the Portland Presbytery la session at First Preebytarlaa church. Bleventhand Alder streets, this morning. -There was no discussion a or opposition to aa aAr matlva reply. Thia afternoon a report wilt be read from tha committee of Sevan appointed to Investigate tha affairs of tha church at Oregon City, of which Rev. Frank H. aflisell is pastor. DissatlsfaatloB and unpleasant conditions ars said to have arisen between the pastor aaa a certain portion of his eongregattoa that required Investigation. A ' committee for that purpose waa appointed yester day. The Investigation up to this time has disclosed nothing of a serious na ture and s statement to that attest will be Incorporated in ths report. It Is said ta be merely a case of IneompaUbUliy that may require tha removal af tba pastor to restore harmony. At the aeasioa of tha Prasbytery at Smith memorial churoh at Falrvlew vaaterdav there was an animated 'dis cussion of local option that originated by tha report en "Temperance" by Be. W. C. Leube. it was expressed gen erally that tha prohibitionists had vio lated their compact by sailing lor pro hibition elections by oouaUas Inatead of by precincts. Dr. B. P. Hill and ethers denounced th petition aa wrong and In vtolatloo of the agreement that was made wbea th oueetlon first arose, in nis report. Ut ttiha ' i-otrom mended that every Presbyterian minister aea his influence for prohibition at tba eleettoa la No vember. , Dr. Hill characterised tha recom mendation aa doubtful, and an the final vote tha presbytery decided to eliminate the word "November" from afr. Laube'a report. The adopted report accordingly merely recommends that ministers or th Presbyterian church work for prohibition. -The araobytery decided en that eours for th reason that It waa thought that tha call for county elections Instead of precinct elections waa done by four men of this city and waa Irt violation of ths compact that was made before th looaa ontlon law waa passed," aald Rev. A, Montgomery or tnis city, wno is rwi of tha presbytsry. "it was distinctly understood before that law was passed that elect lobs were to be held by pre- elnots, and now a petition baa been circu lated ashing that precinct elections oe held. A number of the ministers thought It looked Ilka S distinct viola tion of ante-election pledgee, and took. action accordingly. The presbytery adjourned for gtt aour this morning to attend In a body th fu neral of Rev. W. it. Btimpaoe. the oldest tuber of th presbytery. UNITARIANS TO HOLD THIRD ANNUAL MEET Tba third annual session af tna Worth Pad Ho Unitarian conference WIH bealh at BaJem October nV and cotiUna for three days, Rev. Qeorga W. Stone, field secretary for the Pacific soeat, will at tend and it Is also likely thai Rev. Bar! af. Wilbur, dean of the theological school In Oakland, Cel., will be present. On the afternoon of th first day dele gates will visit the state Institutions and the Indian school." In th forenoon Mrs. B. H. Trumbull, secretary of th Oregon state conference of charities and eor rectlona will deliver as address en tha "Duty of th Church Relative ta tha Dependant and Defective." com FRUIT. INDUSTRY ; : ; , , , ,v. (Mrs! Sprite! IwMe 1 Chicago, Oct it. witnesses before th Interstate commerce commission to day testified that the Armour Packing eompany baa eomplet control of tba fruit growlpg Industry la the major part of the United States. Because of tha extortionate demands for ths aaa of art vats ears. In which ths railroads co-op erate, commission merchant and fruit growers pay tribute of front lit to 7S a ear for th privilege af ahtpptng tba fruit to market, - Bdward Davie, a Chicago consignee of tha Toaemlt Valley Fruit company. aald these conditions frequently com pelled growers to allow their fruit to rot aa the ground while exorbitant prlcea were charged to nearby cities. Armour's Icing charges are) from 111 to 111 a car from Michigan to Chicago, although th icing m nnneeeeaary. Tha railroads delay th cars to make It ap pear reasonable, wnen he refuses to pay such charges. Armour notified aim to retire from business. ! Tha railroads bavin eontraet with Armour refused to accept hi shipments without exorbitant ehargee bains aald lb advance. Witnesses testified that but for ths prohibitive ehargee tha prices af fruit and other product would be reduced t par sent la tha great cities af tha east. CIRCUIT COURT JURY PANEL NOW COMPLETE Fourteen names of persons to com.1 plete tha October Jury panel were drawn in tba circuit court yesterday by Cewntr. Clerk Fields la the prasswdfyf Preeldlng Judge George, , The jury vflll be called back October IT. Tba list af saw Jurors ta as follows: H-OUuseenlu ru plumber, 411 Wash ington street; O. W. Force, fanner, Woodlawni I. Oranf Foster, farmer, 74 atallory avenu; Oliver J. drove, grocer, 121 Seventeenth street Worth; W. H. OrlnSstaff. real estate. Ill angnteenth etrset North: Thomas Hoar, farmer, Ar thur; W. i. Miller, farmer. Linn ton; Dan O'Cennelt carpenter, IN Fourth street; Ol S. Ogden, ell merchant, St. Jobnei W. C Puffer, tasaranoe. til Third Street; Ooorga Robertson, msehmlst, l Haw thorne avenue; George B. Rata, ware houseman. 469 Park street: A. B. Heant, cigars, ItlU Morrison street i Alex Rif fling, clothing, ttl Washington etreei. aoavuesra a t FBOS 1 (wseclal Pweateb at Ta tsarut) ' Blberton. Waab.. Oct 13. The prune crop, which had come 10 he on of th Important Induatriee la this section of tha state. I a feilur this year on ac count of the hllllna frosts, ezcent in aad about Blberton, wber the fruit Id of un usually fin quality end th rrop is at least eas-bsU kamviv tbaa aver pefora. , According to figure received atLaw1ft and Clark headquarters), th total paid admission to the St. lunula exponltloa grounds up to and including October 1 were T.TDT.tlt, aad ths treasurer has oa hand t,tt.ISt. Of tha attendance, M24.TI1 were adtilts ft rents), and I3l,7t war children tt cents). TAILORING CO. 265 - 287 Washington Street DOORS BAST PBRK1NS . HOTEL, Have You Seen Our ECZEMA WlWera, rwssl wKat ; laaed Iceatbra aane far '. erA eVsaaw mt Casnw havaaesa. JfrrOMfMll aaa lilvcaaaaa aaltnlf ' alMtt ItnlmMararatai athallatwarrue a4 javaee nar. Jl., na aaaaan au, a. T . SVae trtaa Sal It af J - - OWoesotia tent on receipt ol ijc.'te ThetBriiareilMetre ax powerleiawrinWldei, eeed hy kad leg fbretcaaaa. 3mW ay at aVwawura. Kt aM Prhao St. KaW arft. ahndBraUadas sea H ah in mi alsri Shin. jSUITSPi AU wool, elegantly tailored, the pink , of fashion, ; and just such garments as are sold elsewhere at $25. We are selling dozens of these tuits very day. f gsamaamaaaaanamam 1 - ' ,. .;.- j.-,-- ... ... , ' .. - . ' Mall Order Promptly Filled Add tYvtmy Udc if not ItttfefierJ (titl your pur chfcat to not the best or you fever made In any ckrthfof ttort oci Asarth. .... f? : OUR 0UARANTE3 IS ALWAYS OOOD .if V.