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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1904)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER It, 1901 FUNERAL PYRE IS READY FOR GUM JI God of Eva Watches With Canning Eye Prep arations Being Made for His Destruction ; ; "The Devil Chase'' This Afternoon.' Jk ' , t . ..j J (f open to pubtlo rUw a puble.rtdmjl. Prehd Inside the milr houee Oun Jl must wait th oomlng of th ftamaa thai will be started beneath. Ob both a Me th iUmi from Flo to AMr street bonflrea will burn bve feat apart. One kwide the row oi OarnM bis op la tmpoMlbl. This ftrnooB tb Darll ChaM will tab plaoa. Tabica wUl b aprtad xr tha trMts which wiu rwat bowu ar ru. oho auy uul chop atloka. Rooatar oomba and otbar dalloaclaa will ba plaod on tha tablaa and looa; bamboaa and atfefcy OBluaa wlU llahtad, tapar wUl ba narbr. ' Tha feaat Is praparad t lara Ota aril aptrlta that snar hava erapt late Cblnay town duiinc tha alht to aaalat tha cod of avll In bla aaoapa. For an hour or mora na jaUow taoa will ba aaas. Tha atraata wlU ba dMartad. Than whan tbay saa na ana tha avU spliita mar ba lurad to tha faaat. But ftidaaa inaida tba labrrtath of doors and ball way a will ba atatlonad pious Calaatlais to watch for tha oomioc of tna avll ocas. Tbay will ba armad wltb aluba and nolaa-pro-ducln tom-tosas and cones. uddanlr a prlaat, daokad In ortantal splaodor wlU daab froos a doorwajr, fol lowed br a hundrad yallow, franalad China. Thay will raoa round tha taala houtlna. ralllnd, aoraamlnv, baattnc tha drum and- tom-tom to diva away tba wlokad aprltas who thought thay war unobaarvad. Tba ohaaa will oontlnua for half an hour whan all tha avU aplrlts wlU hava dapartad and uua Ji toft to his fata. la tha jom bauaa at 94 Saeond straat last alarht thousands of eurlous whit paopla mlna-lad with atoloal MOnffollaas. la balcony blab abova tha crowd a band of musicians tolled aaoaaalnsry with tbalr paoullar taatrumaats. It waa a atransja malody of axotaaqu sound. Without a stop or lntarmlaatoa tba band playad ftaroaly until daybraak and will raauma Its labors aarly taw avaninc , Tbia IS ba Oala WlfM. Tonlfht la tha vala. nlcht. Bandal wood Inoanaa will rlsa from all China town; Hchtad tanart will slaam from avary nook and oornsr or tn straats; bonflraa will add a lurid Ilfbt to tha acana; lavlab ooatumea will ba worn. Tha faaUvlUaa will aootlBua ontU day braak. - .4 Araonf tna aaalatants ta tha band of prlaata wbo wars Imported from 'flan Francisco la a amall Cblnaaa boy, Wah Tina; Fu. Ha la vary yeunc and vary amall but .w anvlad by avary boy in Chinatown. For unto him bafal tha honor of ow-towlns" bafora tba nra aftar tha priests had chanted and toaaad rloa and oolns upon the llamas. H lea da tha procession through tha streets and is attired In sjaudy robes that trans forms Mooffoltaa yontha lata monsters of envy. He was aaalatlnc la tha aervtoee last algbt. There waa ft araat crowd about and Bodla was in tha act of "kow-tow- Ins." - A Chinese email boy pulled bla cue. The lad turned la boiy horror at tha Impious act. Before tha prlaata or others eould Interfere he flaw at tba mis creant. Xslk tiny furies they fought through yelllnc ob earing arowd of whltaa into tha Btreat. There they separated for an Instant. Tha other boy etooped down and aelsad a handful of mud. Ha would rula tba daaallns; robes of bis enemy, ha BECOMING HATS FOR FA The) Popular Autumn Hats are shown in sufficient number of styles and proportions to insure A becoming selection for every cast ot feature. , ;- . m. r' ' I 1 'v .r ' v ' Youmans, Dcrbys, SilK and Opera Hats .: Arc rashion Dictators v ( John B. Stetson's 8oftnd Stiff Hats. 1 Perhsps no house in the west carries such an extensive line of these fins goods. Ws show' al most every different model that Stetson makes at 9400 94.50, f5.00 and 90.00. Oiir Special Hats at $3 Including the famous Gordon and Imperial makes st 93.00. They sre the greatest hats ever offered. - Correct fall fash ions appear m both' Derby and Fedora styles at 93.00 LADIES EXTRA WIDE BRIM . COWBOY HATS v V; JUST RECEIVED BY EXPRESS.' ' v Ipff ' tjlf JX OOP OF SVII WHO WILL BBBimKBDIH. CHTWATOWJJ TOKIOHT f ' n ' a a ' v4 . . Tha DavU -Chase. which will oocur at 4 o'clock this afteraoon. whea prlaata and others will ehase away tba evil aplrlta that saay b lurking tn Chinatown. At f o'clock this aAernowa tha bandstand for musicians and prtasU who will play and chant aa Gum Jl to aramatad wlU ba oompletad. Tha lighting of bonflraa at a distance of every Ave feet from. Pine to Aider street lb Second at T o'clock. Continuous rellgtoos services IN tha Joaa house. 4 Second straat,, where tha Chinese band tars. Tba burning of ' Gum JTL tha Snale of tba ptrformaaoe, at IS, 'olock. . .-. i ..y . O There Is treat rajolclng In Chinatown. Thay ara roasting a pig. ' They . are i cheering tha great. San TH Law and ' mighty San Dl Ola. They ara burning t inoanaa and chanting pralsea ta tha ' heroic god who hava won In. their bat ; tie with evIL s They are hurling Jeera and InauHe at - i Oum JI, tba conquered one. - Oood has . prevailed and tonight evil will die. Deft hands ara -rttetng bis 'funeral pyre. v Liing out of bla cunning rS. Oum Jl sit In tha balcony ta Second street watch ing the workman aa thay build his fun eral pyre, but pays ao heed ta their da vottons. ' But still ha smllea. ; Ha may eacape, though on one side stands Saa Dl Law and on tha other San ZM Oln. Near by ara . stationed Chinees watchmen In structed by tna priests to watch .both night and day, that tha crafty one amy not elude his giant guard and mount tha paper steed that waits to carry them away. Throughout last night tha yal low amtlnels kept constant vigil over tha avll spirit and all of today thay re saalned on duty. "' Dun Jl waa vanquished laat sight by tha goda of good. Ha must die tonight about midnight and death await the aentlnel wbo permits tha wicked son of night to aaoapa tha fat that awasta him. He refused to head tha proffers that were mad to envetgle him to the feaat The tea at bla aide remalna untouched; the pipe ba did not light; tha food ba did not eatw , So other means will ba employed to. bring about the will of prlaat and ploua. Carpenters began early this morning ta erect tn Second etreet near Pin a stand for the musicians. It will be computed by doolgbt and laalda the red curtains will ba atatlonad tha band and. prteeta. Music will sound aa Oum Jl dlea and prlaata will chant his fuaecal dirge. Tire aS Bvery Tun. -A ehort distance away wlH ba erected amaller building. It will sot b eov- by aurtaia or canopy, it will ba I With a cry f terror Bddto fled to tha protecting priests. TWO FREIGHT TRAINS I COLLIDE NEAR ROY vpsai iwaaic im hi.i Taeoma. Wash. Oct. IS. Freight train No, it. bound for Portland, and an extra from Portland, east -bound on tha Norths era -Paelflo, aaet ta a head-on collision Just west of Roy, at t o'clock this merit ing; Tha tender of tba extra and two onre war derailed. William Ryan and wnitam Mart!, two tramp wbo were stealing a ride, were Injured. Traffic was delayed four hours. Tha Portland train waa sent around by way of Olympta. WARREN STEPHENS FORFEITS $900 BAIL "LITTLE RHODY S i CONVENTION TAME (Jaenul emcUl brfte.) ' ' ' rrovldsnoa, R. L. Oct. IS. Tha Repub lican state convention today adopted a platform endorsing tha national plat form and oom mending RooeevelU Oeorg H. Utter of Westerly was nominated for governor, and Frederic: H. Jackaoa ox Provldanoe for lieutenant governor. Prior to the ooaventiott bare Repabll- oana had stood In fear of a split of tha party over local Issue which hava been brought up from time to time, particu larly thoe referring to now corporation laws. The convention, however, owing to tha skillful programing Indulged In bafora lta opening, proved to ba a vary tame affair and there was not even a spirited oontaat over the choice of tba gubernatorial candidate. Tba convention finished Its labors sad adjourned lata thl aftarnooa. (Jaarasl Special gerrle.) ' ' VRockvllle, Ind.. Oct. 12- W. J. Bryan began hla apaaklng tour ta Indiana by special train this morning. He Is ac companied by State Chairman O'Brien and other member of iha tea. . A big crowd greeted him here. P AIUAHS XAATXVO ZOWA. ' Uearaal Speetal Safvlae.) Oaa Molnea. Ia.. Oct. 12. rmlrbanka spoko to a large crowd from tba plat form of bis ear this morning. The a pe dal left at t:SS o'clock for the final day's tour la this state. .... r SATIS ' (tneeUl Meaab fa Ta Jeers L) Pendleton. Or.. Oct. IS. Cash ball to the amount of MOO was forfeited to the a tat circuit court this morning by Warren Stephana, charged with horse stealing! Stephens to supposed to ba la Pennsylvania, where hla mother resides. Ha was axreated laat July for stealing SS head of horaea, tha property of Frank Hannah and Charles Barker. - (Special Dweawb t Tbe Saral.) Spokane, Waeh., Oct. IS. In tha eass of A. N. Doty mgalnat the city for S10. 009 asmagea on aooouht of smallpox contracted la tha Isolation hospital, the corporation haa decided that tha city cannot ba held liable for damage. Doty avers that be waa farced to go to th hospital whan he had ahtckan pox. and that while there he contracted the smallpox. levUpww""'t-TosAccol irwl rawVTft fOMANCffTLYCUSEN raa rvu pmtkmju SSlTWTT.POaTI.ANa.OmC. (jMraal becUl Sarffea.) Oakland, Md.t Oct. 1L Sevaral hun dred Demoorats greeted the Davis a pe dal which mad the first stop of the day bare this morning. Speeches fol lowed, which were loudly applauded by tba crowd. INJURED MAN TAKEN TO INSANE ASYLUM (aerial Dtaaatah a tba JearaaLt'a La Grand. Or., Oct IS. Th man wbo gave bis nam as W. Jl. Miller, whs waa aeverely Injured ta the O. R. A N. paeoenger wrack west af this city a few weaka ago, was taken to Salem laat night, aa his mind Is still considerably deranged. He haa at so time since tha accident been entirely rational, but ba baa been able of lata to write the Baa Pitman ayatem of shorthand perfectly and quite rapidly. uea ie beat of Bnglleh lan guage and Is highly educated. Ha claims ta hava at one time beta con nected with some of the leading papers on tha PaeMO coast, but haa not been able to gtva a correct account af bla past up ta this time. Tha paat seems al bunk to him. Theodore Roosevelt SERVING TRAY... , Beeutiful enamel on hesvy sheetiron body. This trsy sells for 50c in New York City today. Special here this "week. ,",.; i .V; '. :.' .','" 36c While they last. In the window. - See them HAINES TEA STORE 170 THIRD STREET Phone Main 1706. V SHANGHAIED FOR if lililllil Hsppy Is the man out-of-doors who is clad in one of our Crave netts Rain Coats. It is the only rainproof cost mads that com bines all the essentials of a smart overcoat and rain coat,' and ia therefore suitsbls for daytime and evening wear. t Ws will welcome you just as cheerfully whether you coma to look or buy most people do both. . t ii Raincoats,: $12.50 to Topcoats, $12.50 to $30.00 $25.00 SAfJ'L ROSENBLATT SCO. SEALING CRUISE ttparial lMapeteh ta The Jearaal.) Seattle, Oct. II Bhanshaled and placed aboard tha sealing acnoonor Car- menclta, which left Saa Pranclaoa Ave montha ago for a erutae of th Arctic Is the story told by William ORourk. Jr., a son of tha prominent New York politician who, with other members of the sebeoner's crow, la now In Seattle. SI saontbo ago ORourke waa serving la tha quartermaater's department la Manila. He waa taken 111 and secured a leave of aoeenoa to visit hla home. He reached San Pranelaoo and while travel ing from tha ferryboat to hla hotel on tha day of his arrival ha was seised by crimps, gagged, bound and carried aboard tn Carmeaelta. He waa plsoad In confinement for three days and when released the schooner waa wll out to sea. He waa then told that he would work as as ordinary seaman or starve. Ho recites talea af hardship on tha trip and will remain her until he hear from h.s father when, be says, he will begin actio against tba officers oi the schooner and alalm government protection. Tha Carmenelta Is tha boat Brad open supposedly by Russians whits poaching off the coast of Siberia In violation of the law laat July and during Wiach bom bardment Walter Tork was shot. York waa brougnt to Seattle and died bora In Providence hospital. Before hia death York stated tba Carmeaelta ws tag. O'Rourke makes tna stna statement and eaye that tha shooting of York oc curred after tha Carmenelta had been warned away and refused to go. Ha to nnabl to tall whether or not the cutter Which did the flrlnr waa a usalaa or not. He aaserte that during the trip the treatment ha received baa Injured hla health. WRECK NEAR SCENE OF MONDAY'S TRAGEDY (Jearaal apsriej . St. Louie, Ha, Oct It. Two Mis souri Pacific train this morning nar rowly averted a disastrous wreck ia passing each other at Knobnoater, near tha scene of th tragedy af Monday, wherein I person ot tbtr Uvea. Train No. t attempted to paae train Na. east-bound, but tha latter failed toelear the switch sufltelenUy and a refusal af tha air brake on tha paaalng train caused tba locomotive ta strike th laat Pullman, ripping tha entire aide out of tha oar. The paaeengere, warned, escaped to tha opposite side of J;'' - .ft. 1.4 v.- The Best $3.50 Shoe f. Do you know what's the best $3.50 and $4 shoe made ? Not unless you've been wearing a - - . ' , c .'. mi pair of Selz Royal Blue shoes. TheyH cost ; you three -fifty and fbui;; and they're so -much better than they cost, youll buy another pair If the first ever wear out' You can buy them here, $3-50; special styles, $4 i i - Laue-Dayis Drug Co. Main Store Third and Yamhill Streets, Portland, Oregon.' ' - Branch Store Sellwood. Y. M. B. I. Y. V. I. What Does It Mean? . - . ' . x , ' , It means: nTour Money Back If You Want It" Ws hm no desire to have you keep our merchandise unless you prefer it to the money paid us. If for any reason you changs your mind regardinar, your purchase here 'and want your money mors than you do our goods, remember, ws say, Y. M. B. I. Y. W. I. See us before buying any kind of medicines and druggist's supplies. , ; , w- . .- v - . Electric BELTS . . . - . i . is mi 11 " & '4& Ws have the finest assort ment in the city. Come to us when you, want to get the best Pncewfrom', . $2c?toC40 Every belt guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. IT'S EASY To get all the Perfumes, Toilet Goods, Brushes, Syr inges, Hot Water Bags, and all other Druggists Sundries if you don't mind what you get. But it Js safer in the long run to take the trouble To Co To the right place. Don't go theVVronsVay We are In s position to sup ply the wants of everybody. Ws have everything that is to be had in the Drug or Drug Sundry lines and ws sell them st such remarka bly low prices tiiat we a s bound to win your cos snd incidents: your wilL tba ear sad wars tuuajsre - - - -