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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1904)
REFUSES TO Ee Declares Thst the City ' Does Pet Need the Rev , erce Prc?cseir . POOLSELLCS GAOLING Volets EifBt Coflicilaci Are Pre- fired to Stultify Their Pesltloi ;V-:. of Three Moitbs Afo the ; Ordinate Is Deal ; : f. - ; - v .. . . . : Mayor WTllmms hu vetoed tho pool tton ordinance, thereby oarryiog dls Mr Into the .hearts of tb gambling fm- . tornRy who relied Upon hie acquiescence in the eehetae to Mkl Portland agata wide-open towa. - The mayor! veto eMsiege wee rna this morning. Unless eiaht wnbin of . ths City council shell vote to override ; fal two. tho poolrooms wUl aot bo al lowed to reopen. . Mayor Williams disposes summarily his mhh of tb pretense that the city needs tho revenue to be derived ' Trom licencing th poolroom and de slarea his belief thaT poolssllln ta "one ,pt tho moat vidioua and seductive form of gamMlng," which bo will not allow to beoeme a local lastttuttoa In thta oUy. Tho mayor reminds tho oounell that It la but thro months ago that an ordlnanoa , absolutely prohibiting tho operating- of poolrooms tu passed, receiving tho votse of 1 of tho 11 eounoUmen. and de ellnes to bo a party to tho sudden change ' f front now proponed. - . - .. . vomt at ua Tuts. . ! Tho atossage follows ' ' . - "To tho HoBorablo CouncO of tho CRT ' of ' Portland, Oregon."- Oontlomen 1 - i koMWlth return ordlnanoa No. I .!. ea tiud 'An ordlnanoa to prohibit tho oon--i dueling- of boeawnaklng and pool -sailing establishments within tho corporate lim its of tho city of Portland without first obtaining a Jtoanao therefor, without my njproroi. '' "An ordlnanoa. of which tho following If A copy, 1 now In fores in this city: M 'It la hereby declared to bo unlawful tor any person either aa owner, pro 1 prtetor, aaanagor, employe or leeaoo or otherwise, within the oorporato limits of tho elty of Portland to oonduet any book-making Mtabllahmsnto or ta bell pools or tickets or to gamble In any manner whatsoever upon horns races either within or without the oorporato limits of the elty of Portland, and any prmon violating tho provision of this ordlnanoa shall, upon conviction thereof, hefore the muntolDal court, be punished by a fine not toexoeed ItOt or by taiprto- onznsnttn the city fell for to days; pro-'- video, however, thst thta ordinance shall ' not apply to the sale of pools or tickets or book-making upon tho results of KJ horse-races hold within tho en closure of a moo or fair association within tho cor porate limits of tho elty of Portland dor- - In? a race meeting; and, provMod. fur ther, that there shall bo no ouch sale of "' pools or Ucketa or book-making upon tho reeuM of horse raoao held outside of ' the enolosure In which such horse raoss hall bo earrted on.' . . m "This ordlnanoa wan passod on tho loth day of July. 104. was voted for by 10 members of tho council and was an proved by mo on tho list day of July. 104. I know of no reason why this or- . dinanee should now bo repealed and an other enacted expressly prorldlng for - tho ootabllshinont of poolrooms la this . olty. ' "There ts no force ta tho argument that the financial ooadltlon of this elty snakes h1 ehanao necessary, as the - amount of rovonuo to bo reoelvod under 1 this now ordlnanoa would bo too trifling to bo entitled to mnoh, tf any, oonaldera tlon. Z am of tho opinion that the sell U Ing of pools npon homo moos tn distant parts of tho country la one of tho moat - vicious and eeductlve forms' of gambling ' and 1 cannot consent to make It a legal Inetltutlon hi thta olty. - Respectfully submlUed, ' - - vjaonaa n. wh.liams, l ," " . - "Mayor. . .'- ' Osnnorrsisgj f a mam. Mayor Wllltama veto places tho nine aounctlmon who have advocated tho poolroom ordlnanoa In on awkward poai- '. tlon. The mayor reminds thorn that loos than three months ago they passed an ' ordlnanoa absolutely prohibiting all pool selllng; and that 1 of tho councllmoB . voted for that ordlnanoa. Relays bam tho absurdity of he pretense that tho poolrooms most now bo licensed In order to replenish tho city treasury. Them la ,. therefore no possible excuse for the ex traordinary change of front Involved tn (Continued on Page Two.) WOOD ALCOHOL KILLS 25 SALOON PATRONS (sweat gpaelal ftVrrW.) Kevt York. Oct. 11. Rudolph Prttsho, a' saloonksepor on Tenth avenue, baa been arrested and charred with being a person demanding survotllanea, but ths real oauao was tho death of II per sons la that neighborhood within ! days. These deaths word' duo to acute alco holic poteontng. A chemist found that Prttebe's whisky contained wood alco hol. The whisky retailed at 10 cents a ptnt, Prltohe aald ho bought tho liquors from a reputaoie. wholesale concern. The police will probably close down tho Wbolesala house today. jAvastigauoa disclosed tho fact, that ' '. f HUGE GAPS III JETTY Fierce Stem Undoes Con siderable Work of U. , ;Se Engineers. - i SIX KEN ; IN DANGER ; Left, After Breaks; Oo Outer Eod if StrictBre Life Boat Rcicia " Thea After Perlleas iwr- ; C; V ley Across Bar. Onoa mom the Columbia river Jetty has been broken by tho Irresistible as sault of sn ocean storm, from the southwest wtUT all the gather lng might -of thousands of miles of aa-1 Interrupted travel, the storm burst noon tho .Oregon ooaat yesterday morning. Tho huge rollere boat upon tho etty at tho mouth of tho Columbia with a vlo lonoo which sou Id not be withstood and Vwo huge gaps were opened In tho trestle work, cutting off all communication with the outer end of the structure and effectually , suspending further opera tions f orchis season, major JLaogfltt, the government one I near char as of the worn, estimates that about foot of piling- have been carried away. -j. A-'tormina- incident was tho narrow escape from death, of ate men who were! sought upon tho outer end of tho Jetty when tho break occurred and whose res cue was aooompliohod aalg after hears of desperate of fort, -Pong for the Pears om entertained that, weakened by tho storm, still mom of tho Jetty wUl glvo way, thereby undotnc a groat part of tho work which haa boon accom plished this season. The storm was r, iIiJmm Kilt Mil - hn. man In this city is not yet in posses- slon of definite information, aa to the velocity of tho gala News' of tho storm reached Portland mot evening and Major Langfltt left at onoa for Fort Bterena, where he Is to day superintending the efforts to pre vent further damage. Ho aside tho following statement by long distance telephone this morning: -There are two breaks ta tho trestle and altogether about 1,004 foot of pU 1ns; has boon oarried away. One of these breaks la at a nolnt whom the trestle was earrted away before. It Is Impossi ble to say whether any mom of tho trestle will go, but X bono to prevent this. Kelthar of the breaks Is at tho outer end of tho Jetty. Tho .work of repairing tho bmaka will bo commenced no soon as possible and ws may be eWe to complete It this fall, but It win bo Impossible to do anything- mom this season toward tho extension of ths Jetty. Tho rook work will novo to stop until next saaaosv Of eourse thorn la too danger as always In such oases that tho destruction of a part of the Jetty may bo followed, by the less of aUU mom of It At tho Portland office of the United gtatso engineering department m defi nite information as to the damage to tho Jetty has boon received. Major Langr- fltt is not expected to return untu to morrow morning. bona TnaawaUy Severe. The storm was of unusual severity for one 00 early m tho winter season. Heavy seas worn rolling when tho men em ployed on tho Jetty went to work yester day morning and the spray was dashing hi ah over tho too of tho trestle. No serious danger was apprehended, how ever, and the rook trains wsm travs Una- back and forth, carrying out their loada of ballast for tho piling! One train had Just oomo la, leaving oht men at the outer and of tho Jetty, when tho breaks occurred. These men worn Robert Pal eoner, two brothers named Qesser, Ous Larson, H. Humphrey and C Stout. The men were completely out off from shorn and worn exposed to ths growing fury of tho waves, so that they warn soon drenched and benumbed. Tho Point Adams life saving grow put ant to rescue tho men, but the breakers upon tho bar worn so violent that the (Continued "On Pago Two.) tho saloonkeeper had a btg call for fhw al 00 hollaed whisky. Which m largely Used by the poorer classes of that section aa aa Intoxicant after being diluted and sweetened with sugar.. This trade has been kept up for yearn, henoe there la but small ground upon which to hold the saloonkeeper, as It la believed the ease wUl Anally simmer down to carelessness on the part of tho wholesalers. Tho wholesale house Is also conducting an Inveotiamllon Into the ease, to learn whemla tho blame on their part la to bo placed. ffevere ether vlctrma 'of (he alcohol poisoning are la a eriiioei oondlttoa and may die . - - SANCTION mi ; ill 1 ... - ?rt j .. Hi .Huff 1 .n 111 : : AT THS LEFT OT THB) PICTURU I . . am stirs up - POLITICS I?f UTAD J' Fonber Seoatftr Prlicipal Speaker at HeeUot Tells Haw Electaral Vate af State h Bartered ty Ckareh. (Jearaal gpeelal srrieB. ' alt Lake City, Oct. lly Pormor s)en ator Prank Cannon, one of the most prominent Mormons of tho country, has msdo the moat sensational speech ever delivered In Utah. Senator Can non was tho oh Ief orator at a mooting of too American party, Just organised by the Republican and Democratic Gentiles who am opposed to tho domination, of the Mormon ohurott la polltlca. He said: - v ' " - "In lltC a senator of tho United States came to Utah ta behalf of tho Republican party, and bargained With the ecclesiastical power for the delivery of the electoral vote of Utah and sur rounding states. It was Impossible to carry out tho bargain at that time. In 10 another emlaeary of tho Repub licaa national party oamo tn Utah and made tho earns bargain for tho elec toral vote, Tho bargain wag executed and Utah, "which four years previously bad given ls,eet majority for Bryan, was turned over to tho Republican parly by socles last loal dictation. This year similar bargains have been made, "Before the death of Hanoa, Presi dent Roosevelt became fearful that Sen ator K earns would take the Hanna dele gation into the Chicago convention, and a bargain was made by which, if Sena tor Smoot would take tho Roosevelt del egation Into the Chloago convention, the Smoot Investigation, which It was pointed out would bo renewed at Salt Lake City ta tho summer, would bo postponed until after election. , That bargain was oarried out 1 "Btnoo that time and quits recently another emissary has appeared prop erly accredited with high authority from Washington, who has bargained for the delivery of the electoral vote of tho state of Utah for the Roosevelt ticket. HORSE DEAD AND MAN MAY DIE FROM FUMES ' tfsarsal gpeeUl . Serrto. Ssn Bernardino, CaL, Oct. 11. Fred Deoounter, a mining man. Is tn a orlt oal condition from the effects of cyanide fumes, ho having been found In tho des ert unconscious, while beside him lay his homo, dead. Iaoounter otarted to oarry to tho O. K. mine at Dale part of a sack of cyanide, throwing tho each over his shoulder a hs rode along. Throe hours later hs was found, hts horse having borne him a number of miles before ho was overpowered by the deadly fumso, when, otumbHng. H threw Deeouator to one aide, while tho contents of tho bag were ooattered over tho ani mal, exposing It to further fumes, which soon brought death, Decounter was In a dying condition when found, and It lo likely death win follow. (Boiriel nssaatk w The JeorsaM Salem. Or, Oct. 11. Bight applicants for admission ' to tho bar am being examined this afternoon by th4 supreme OWM - -M - . IB eTOV So) WUL - 'i ' (Jearaal gpKlsl gei-rice.) Londosj, Oct H. Lady Cumon passed a fair night, but la Mt so well this sBornlngy. - THS PTdURB OP KAN DI LAW AND THH OTHKR FIOURM AT THB RIQHT 19 i JOgBES. THS gMALL riOURS IS THAT OP QUsf TL OOD OF EV1U DEATH KNELL GUM Jl s. Gum Jt the crafty effsprlag of tho night, who plots wickedness against msn. still sits bealda the mighty goda of good at de Ssoood street and smiles a cunning smile at those who. work for hla, destruction. Through his mss ngoist of evil be already knows tho fats that awaits him, but ba does not deign to fear. Through all ths years bo baa lived and still will live, though all tho wiles and arts of Chinatown have been arrayed against hla. They am beokoning to him to Join tho feaat that Is tn pi-ogress in Second street in honor of the harvest festival. Bewla of Moo have been placed beside him; a long bamboo and "slx biuy bop" am near that bo may amoks and dream. But bo does not head tho wily tempters. Cunning speech of prlast-and earnest prayer of penitent have not availed to luse him from his perch an the balcony. Other means wilt bo employed tonight and a deep plot Is being laid by pious souls to foroo htm from hla place ta case ho WUl not come when bidden. - Tonight long linos of lights will bs stretched oa both sides. of tho street from Pino to Alder street Candles will bum at dletanoo of every five feet, bidding a welcome to ovary one both good and evlt to the feast that has been prepared. Onoa Inside tho lino of lights ths evil god's power la at an end. Only by outside assistance can bo escape. If once b la Inveigled within tho fiery bounds. Hs will shriek and call to his legions of blank spirits, but outside tho row of lights will bo a double lino of Chlnamsn. who with wild noise will drive away tho spirits that may answer the call. . - So Oum Jl's and la drawing near. Tho oandles will burn tonight to bid him to tho feast If he Is too wlee to oomo, fires wUl burn In place of oandles In the streets tomorrow night Then, tf he does not oomo, all avenues of osoaps will bo watched while four sturdy prleste march to ths balcony and foroo him to tho fire. His uoeo will burn at each blase until bis evil bead la gone; then with wild shouts of Joy and loud re joicings ba will ba tossed Into a hugs fire and wholly cremated. ' Tonight the lines of lighted ottndteo will J extended to tho river front Down to tho water's edge and out upon a small raft the tiny names will gleam to light the way tnto the spirit world of tbooo who drowned. Servleee will be held upon the raft for pfoue Chlneoo who found tho other world through Che river MILLIONAIRE KILLED IN A FIERCE DUEL (msl gpeelal service.) Seville, Spain, Oct lLMarquM Pick man, millionaire politician, was killed in a dual bora today by a gendarme, Cap tain Parados. ' Tho duel was tho moult of a personal difference and wag fought ta regular) form, but wUh great fury, both moa re fusmoT to yield after being wounded, TTsTBOA PABVOAX &A (Jearaal Sssdsl berries.) . . Herrls Heights, Jf. T Oat It. The gunboat Paduoah wan ; successfully launched st tho yards, of tho dkrabury company st Stiff o'clock thta moral og. She ta of I.etO tons register and Is a slater ship of tho Dubuque. She ts do siemed for eervtee sh Central and South Amertesa water a -v.-.r; & ,. . mm IS RUNG channel during the past year. Inoenet of sandalwood wilt rise from polished censers; ths weird, sepulchral chant of tho choir will float over the waters. But only for tho souls of those who were good ta Hfe will services be )ield. Their spirits still hover tn Chinatown and Watch their frtende and relatives to see If proper ooremony U done their memory. The souls of those who fol lowed tho god of evil ta life am forgot ten. They have found lodament In the forma of chickens, cows, pica and other anlmaja, - Whan tho animal dlea tho soul rushes Into space, whom It files at ran dom for a Urns until it again possesses tho body of a pig or rooster. During tho feast now In progress ta Chinatown the late netting la on the out side to aJL The hungry may eat free of coot Tho rule applies to both living Chinamen and spectral forma. For the living them am largo bowls of rioe, ehop sticks and chop auey. For tho dead them am similar articles of food In equally large quantities, that la renewed each day. Though It remains apparent ly untouched, tho spirits havs fed. and It would bo a oaorlleaious insult to proffer them tho sums food twice., - SHUed wrap Ooeches Baa. " -' The prleots and eholr that worn Im ported from Baa Francisco have been extremely .busy since their arrival. At any hour, day or night, am heard -In Second street the frightful din of beat ing tomtom and screeching pipe. Prom Joashouso to Josehouss the pries tiyparty marchee and holds short servleee in each. At 108 Second otreet this morning a monster mt was sacrlfloed to appease great San Dl Law and San Dl Ola In a gilded trap too mt was caught last night to give 'Its Ufa to the gods at good, that have been somewhat over looked by tho attentions that bavo boon paid to Oum Jt, tho god of evlt The festivities will continue till II o'clock Wednesday night Visitors am weloomod, provided they behave then serves, and can wltneee the oeleorauons ln almost any part of Chinatown. Tomorrow night after Oum Jl Is de stroyed, both Ban EH Gin and San Li Law will disappear. Nona but the priests will know whom the giant figures bavo gone. At tho same time will also disap pear tho paper steed that waits the bid ding of Us maerter. Those learned In priestly craft say that the curious chart er wUl oarry away both tho goda to the distant spirit land whllo A aloud ob scures tho moon.' CONFESS PLOT TO ry KILL KING ALFONSO ' f ' , - (Jesnal fssrlsl sarrtm.) .' Barcelona, Spain, Oat It TbO polloo today arrested three dangerous anarch ists who am reported to have oonf eased having a plot on foot for tho aosaseina tfcm of King Alfonso. t . While no efflclei statement haa boon madb aa to tho nature of tho plot tt lo understood it to a portion of that which was formulated soma weeks ago in which the anarchists expected not only to kill Alfonso but ooveral other rulers aa well. The men arrested am known to tho occTOt eervtoee of nearly all ste reo .- .- : 'M, JBO TOBBXi APFOTJTxBJK ' (Jew sal gavHsl gervfee.) -Borne, Oct 11. It wao announced to day that Dr. Leo Vogwl baa been ap pointed minister of state, .:. THAT OP BAN tt OIN, GOOD - 1 - ' '- ' - - - DEACLYP1STCL FIGHT L SMALL 'HCl Three BosiiKss Hci Are Killed and Twi Of here Mtf Woooded li ";, , 7 Houston. Texas. : i i (Jearaal geeelal servh-e.) ' Houstdn, Tet, Oct. 11. Them was an unusual chapter of bloodshed ta Hous ton Sunday evening, five business men being snot, three of thorn killed and two seriously wounded, Tho Bret trag edy wao ta tho killing of Charles W. Jones, secretary of tho Houston Pi re A Marine eompany, by Major H. H. Swan, a former United States army officer, and eon ef the president of the eompany. Swan championed his father In a slight business difference with Jones. He met Jones and shot aim down without a word. Tho oeeond tragedy was enacted at tho borne of Ernest Scbelllng; a wealthy retired landowner. . Hermann Ottman called to see Mies Schelllngr sod wao weloomod by her father. Her two brothers. PrHj and Henry, soon arrived, and obieeted- to, the presence of Ottman. Ottman grew angry and pulled a six shooter. Both yeuac ScheUlngs drew guns, and U shots worn Brad ta tho "ottnan fell. riddled, and v Scbelllng senior,, ta' attempting to prevent the trouble, oamo within rang of one of bio son's revolvers, and waa also shot dead. Tho BebeUtng brothers worn shot through by Ottman, who managed to empty his revolver after bo had fallen. One of the sons Is perhapo fatally wounded, and tho other is In a serlou condition. , . 4 . k REQUEST POPE TO S ALLOW TONTI TO ACT i ' (Jearaal soeeUl service. Homo, Oct. 11. The pope haa boon re quested by Braatl and Bolivia to ojlow Mgr. Tontt, tho papal aunoto at Rio Janlero, to act as president of tho arbi tration tribunal for the settlement af territorial question between the two oountrloa. . POJUCT KTJVB T '- ' L e-s-a-e-...SBB , - V . (Yesrsal gpeeUl ierrlee.) . KeW Tors, Oct. 11. A. 1 Adams, the former policy king, waa released from Sing Sins this morning.. He served a term of 1 months. Hs wag ta tho hos pital nearly all the time. . - - IMITATION HOLDUP ' BECOMES REALISTIC ' - (Jearaal Beeelel Berries. -Denver. Oct. li. A party a m stern tourists riding to the foothills yesterday near Colorado Springs oamo suddenly upon a real let to stagn holdup. They heard a shot and saw a man fall. Be lieving tt genuine several tourists, who worn armed, opened B re en the supposed bandits and William N. Sellg of Chicago waa shot aad painfully wounded ta tho arm. Por several days Sellg and A H. Bueb walter bavo been letting up amoving pio- BOAT SUNK 300 DM -1 ' t. Japanese Gunboat Hal Yen Strikes a Sub- ? marine Mine.' FIGHT ARTILLERY DUEL Uaa Yaot May Again Be the Sccoc of Flaal Struck Russlm at fort ; 7 - Artbir Eeaceopy Takhe r Bay Works I ; : Toklo, Oet : Jl.-MBullotta)-Tha Japanese gunboat Xel Ten struck mine in Pigeon bay, west of Port Arthur, September II, and sunk. Only four off her crew were saved. The Kel Tea wag a first-class boat of 1,1 M tons. Nearly 106 men were drowned by the sinking of the Ket Tea, . (Joarsat special Service.) ' St. Peters burs, Oct. 11 -It if believed hem that the great battle of the pres ent season's campaign haa already 00m menced or that tt can be but; a taw boom distant. Advices trom Mukden state that Sun day aa artillery duel took place which nearly precipitated a general engage ment. It lasted throughout the day and the entire Russian center and left were engaged. A general battle was averted only by the retreat of the Japanese, who fell back rapidly, being pressed everywhere with the utmost vigor by tho Russians, the Cossacks bearthg tho brunt of the fighting. Monday the artillery duel again opened, but at ? much longer range. Heavy advances were made by Kurow patkln. The Japanese riant Sank was at that Umo about 14 miles from Mua den. At :tt o'clock thlf afternoon heavy cannonading was heard, according to tho Mukden correspondent. In tho direction of tho Russian center. It Is not believed hem that the Jap anese oan evolve a plan aufllclently adroit to entrap Kuropathln, although It is admitted that he wUl probably toko desperate chaneen tn his advance. The Japanese, aooordlng to private advices, am undoubtedly endeavoring to draw Kuropathln toward fortified cen tral points above Llao Tang, dependlntt on holding him them until two Japanese wings oan bo thrown out en either flank of his eonoentrated army. Kuropathln would then be compelled to retreat or poos on through sod over tho Jap anise oanter. Should tho Japanese prove strong enough they might thus out oft his return to Mukden, leaving hla eota centrated army between th Japnneso forces at Uao Tang and those ta his Kuropathln would ta this ease, now be nrrhtlng a mucn inrenor rorosj ta each direction, and tt hi rsaarded aa possible that be hi accepting thle gag and will push forward en tho Japanese center trusting to hla position to bead oa nnr'g attempts. . BBOOOTrPT A FOB B li us Agate BsM Vakbe Saw a Post Ax. f "v v (Josrsel gpaetal Servtos-I ' . St. Petersburg, Oct. 1L Official ad Vices received hem today state the Rus sian forces at Port Arthur made a sortie October and succeeded In repocupylng the heights which overlook Takhe bay which some days ago was captured by the Japanese after a fierce assault. The report contains no casualty Mat. but It Is certain the position could not have been re-oceupVd save by desperate fighting, as tho Japanese hold ten acloualy to any ground which they may seise, - A report current hero, to the effect that General Stoeseol has appealed for aid. saying that he cannot hold out longer than through November lo denied. Btoessel, on the contrary, fires no time as his limit but firmly maintains a dog ed determinaUoTMo hold on so lone aa he oaa which. It Is believed, owing to -f ale bull-dog character, means that ba (Continued on Page Twa) tores rvpreoenrlns on exefttng atta1 and rnhhery of the Ieadvttle sin re Yesterday the play robbers tMfc ' ambush and the attarh w mad t lonely spot Ave miles from Cl city. After the robbery of the r- ' ' the imitation bandits p when the tourists opr f who stopped tried to cease firing and w-s s ter ran hark and em." The bull ft struck a v coat or U WWUbd B rlousv V 1