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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1904)
- - GOOD EVENING. ' Fair thU afternoon, tonlgbt Bad, "V Tuuraday; was to north wind. - TOEaRCUUTlOl ; OF THE JOURNAL ' YESTERDAY WA1 I5.I0 c: . VOL. III. NO. 189. PORTLAND. OREGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 18,1904. PRICE FIVE CENTS. RUSSIANS OF 15 MILES AND LOSS OF LIFE IS AS VERY HEAVY ALONG A FRONT REPORTED 4 Japanese Offer Stubborn Resistance to y. the Advance and Many : Positions) Are Fogbt Oyama's Men Extend Line of Trenches in Semi circle North of Yehtai V v Steadily , Hold t ' HWIII MCU1 imWl n . St. Petersburg. Oct. ifc Dlspatehaa ? from Mukden today atat the Russians under Kuropatkln am attacking tba whole ftpiMM front, which extends from the railway eaatward to Kaotalta, - Mun of between It Mid St milaa. - The fighting began rMHiwjr lth Ml severity and th Jiptam have b , slowly fulling bank but tubbornIy en deavor to mala vy foot of ground traversed. No atatament la given aa to the oaaual tie except to announce that Tba Rue .alan loan are very havy. General Denlaloff, commanding the Sixth Siberian division waa vrely wounded wail directing tba advano af bl troopa. - Tha Japaa Monday aftarnooa aa aumad tha offmaiva, balnc avldantlr - hurt hr tha artUlary fin, and tha Kua-' alaao ratraatad aeroaa tha aohlll- rlrar. palf way botwaea Mukdan and Uaojraac- . Yaatardajr Kxtrninv tha Ruaatana. how avr, drovo thaoi baek aeroaa tha aVhlll and until dark teat alatit a daaparata t tvht took ateoa alx mUaa . north of 'SantaL It la raportad la Hukdaa thla aiont fn that tha Boaalana at dawn atada an-- dthar flaraa forward mvuMirt and ar aow nahtlaa; for v tha naaaaaatoa of TaataL "f , Kuropatkln offleunr raporta a fal- Tha (mttla Mow Mukdan oonthiuoa to raaa'alona; our ontlra front today. -r-Whaa -yaatMday'a fla-hUas- andad tha apaDaaa wra offartnn- a atubbora ra aUtanoa and had avaa advaaoad tbalr po altlona. Our artlllarjr bora tha brunt of tha fla-hUna Tha Japanaaa atuck to thalr runs and our kattortaa wara uaabh) ! dioloda thaa- "Ganaral Danlaloff au wowndod la tba laav but did not a-lva up hla .ooaa- ,. paand. , f -Tha Jaaaaaa ha to aatraaehod ltaaa . aatandtni la a aamfc-otrelo north of Tantai rail way ataUoa, wbiah ftbay atUl hold." By tba dlapatebaa It aaa baooaia ap parant that thara waa ao daeoylns alaa , la tha Japanoao rttraat. or that If auoh waa tha eaaa M aaa baaa ao far a loalna; ..aiovamant. Whathar tha aula battlo la now balna- (fought, bowovtr, atuat attlt ho a awtter , of eoniaotura. Zt la baltomd bara that , tha as oat daaparata work will not coma antU Taaa Itaalf la tha point af aontrsvai ay. Word waa raeahrad bora today af tha aaia arrtral f aaa of tba ablna aant to Tladhrootok with prorlalona by tha haata af afoaoow. A aaeand ahli w racked aa routa. ao graat ara tha atoraa bow aeeuaiulat- laa at VladlTaatok that tha railway la aald to bo eonreatad la Ita baadUnc af fratcht to HarMa whara a-raat wara bouaaa ara filled to orarflowln tn aa- tlelpatloa af tba aacaaalty af provtdlna; or a eonataatly hwraaatnc army durlna tha wtntar. Troopa ara fltring; forward without aaaaatloa and K wUl ba but a abort Una antll Kuropatkln win bavat a axoat foraildabb) foroa at bin aoamand. Tha following naval appoint nwata War aaaattad today: Admiral BaaobraaofY th (a command tha flrat dtnaloa of tha Baltic flaet; Ad antnU Haupt la to eommand tha aaooad dlvlaloa. Admiral Craava n a oommand tha Vladivostok aquadroa, aaeeaadlnc Haupt. Admiral Taaata la to eommand tha flrat Paatfla anuadroa, auiaaidlng ' Baaoocaaoff. - . tJemaal daedal aarrtae.) - TakMi Oot. U. Tba battle about Taw tat aoatlnueu today, but tba raault kt atlll and ec Med. Tha Ruaamaa bara a aaary foroa oa tba Japnneaa right, la tha direction af tha Taltae rlrar. but It la bettered that tha Jag sain nnvo checked. the Rnaaiaa turning- movaaaont. A Ruaalaa Infantry arlgnda, with l.toa anralry and twa gUM tr eased tba Taltae rlvar Oetohar t, tn aa attempt at atrlka Rarokl'a flunk. Tha Japanese eat off their retreat, and Karokl hope to be able to enpturu them. Tba Buss tans are probably andor miimaal of General Kit- v TBVTA1 BATTU OOJT1BBBBL FOR TWENTY YEARS HAS K, S Oat. U-aea Cnaan- BeWghbora bear a llasaa a hla wnkagub aeem Sr. Frank M. Bbntty, waa attaemed Caeteflna aaeaml amatba, anya: 1 anew paattraely tnaa CaotaHao aaa aot alept a wink for mora tbnn a year, nd I am foreed to aaHoeu tha atateman. however hwproaahm It amy eeem thai ha baa not aleut ta M yenra." Dr. Rio hard Tern una. who attended Castellno It yea re earn, at Intervale for U-rea yeara agraeg with ha brother phy- Raflway StaUon and Their GrouncL-" :;. aehanko, whoaa abaan ca la oaualna tba Ruaalaa officials oonsldarabla aaxlaty. TO AOTAJTOm. Kay Oasapaiaary. (Jaaraal BmnmI aarrfa. ' Blrmlnsham. Oct. It. Tba Foot today atataa that a talearata baa raaohad a hlah offleial quarter la London from tL Paurvburc daclarlna that tha advance of General Kuropatkln, and even tba ceneral order leaued under hla alcnatura, wara dictated from tha Ruaalan oapltaL Qeneral Kuropatkln waa peremptorily ordered to either advance and raoooupy L4ao Tana- or return homo. Llao Tans having been dee 1 gnat ad all alone aa tha winter haadQuartara for tha Ruaalaa army. , . ;. wtrea Oak la Brlaf. -tfearaal tpeelal aTTtem.) TOfeta, MkX. 12. laarahal Oyama ra- porta ahat tha japnneaa ara aulnlna; ground In the battln to tha aouth -of Mukden. The Ruaalaa attack haa, he eaya. baaa rapnlaad for tha time at least, but will probably bo continued. Tha war departments dlepatch waa a long one, but no other portion tan that auea ad baa been issued. It la presumed It details further plana that ara contem plated, and for that reaaoa haa baaa bald secret. ,;1 Ba Vaad tn Iml - , rsjrhttna: m ru Bant. :. Quasi, bwUl SerrW.l .' . Tlantia, Oct. 11 The Ruaalaa govern ment haa ordered 1M torpedoes from tha Whitehead firm, and work la being rushed an them In tlaw foe their ehlp- aMut to tha far asst. -Tha order will 'undoubtedly ba placed aboard tha Baltw aquadron at ao point aa routa, thua equipping tha ahlpa to full fighting etrength before they raaoh boatlla watara. - Vang ta mam tha Blaafcaaa at Burt .. -: - Artaaara watawny. (Jearaal apwlal asrrtce.) Londofb Oct. 12. Baron Hyaahl, tba Japaneaa anlnlatar, raporta that a Jap nneaa guardahlp onpturad tha steamer FunnvOetober 1, while aha waa attempt tag to amuggla aa anormoua quantity of oaatrabnad into, Fart Arthur, lefArvKTmstl sMEawl ' 9VC4C f London, Oct. 11 Baroa Uayaaht, tha Japaneaa minister hare, haa given out tba following statement: "Uvea tba assumption of tha tnltiatrre must benefit tba Ruaalan fereea, I no mora belwra that General Kuropatkln'a move la a Muff thaa I believe that Marauhi Oyama'o lack af aggreealoa la duo ta an atteamt to lura Kuropatkln lata a trap, Tha situation rsjuly sain quite aUaplo, Oyama, aaVyptlng tha moat aautlbua aiethed. haa baaa fortifying, step by atep and never advancing an leaa ha waa nbta ta aeeura tha abaolnta safety af bla ooestanUr lengthening llaaa of communication. Ho must have had grant difficulty la bringing up auf fleleat ouppUea and ammunition for hut large army, which wara depleted greatly at tha battle of Lno Tang. If ha and randy, ba would dowbtleea bara taken that naVaataga which beleaga In all warfare to tha aggreaaor and at- tnakad Kuropatkln at Mukden. It -la a point In Kuropatkln'a favor that ha waa randy- ta retreat. "A weak from now thara should ba a aoelarya battle, and m likely ta eecur at XJno Taeg or aa tba Taltae river. ab mtahea will take place meenwhUa, but tm I am very much mistaken the Japan ess win no Cent famed aw Paga Twa) NOT SLEPT CaaMhwa wtfo being aa hrvaltd la prtsaarUy raanonaiblo far bla preaant state of anraat. Ha anal freoaeut doe tor' a atlk ta pay nad bagaa to worry about meeting tbem uattl hm nbUtty to aieep waa pet mnnaaUy "Bach night when l Caeteltne, X would toaa abaut for aonra. ea alaep. My aondltloa untH pa my forty aarentb I annarkaaaad for tba Irat tinea what It hi aa lie awake during an anctre night.' aHnea that Una. Caacaltna sere ba baa aovar alept. Caaealiaa fc farssaaa af a gang at laborara employed aa tba workn Ha worka every aay IBOTsI IS Vt BX.VTT. MRS. PHIPPS LOSES $500,000 --A .v.l .... . r :i V'.- ' - Mnaajgfaa NEW MMDS IN BANK CLEARINGS StetuV Growth Hetltbr Ceireral , .Cofflncrct ii Portlond Is Canse , ff Hew Berts. -X bhsnday af thla weak broke an pra rloua reeorde for bank clearlnn In Portland. , Considered by weeks, last weak waa tha largest on record, and this weak promisee to break tba record again. Monday 'of thla weak, tha raoord- breaklng, day. tha elearlnga wara tl.- US.IM.zi. The largest elearlnga re corded for any prevloua day la tba his tory of Portland wara 1.1S,1I2.41. oa March 24, lftZ. That oar's business. however, la not regarded aa atnctly a eonunorclai transaction, aa It waa In a measure due to tea transfer between tba banka. Tha heavy elearlnga of last Monday were due to eommarelai tfhna- actiooa af ofuaary aharaatar. Thar re ta some extent cauasd by the heavy dealing la Oregon wheat, bat thara m n vary large iaereaae shown in the volume of ordlaary eommerclaJ bualnaaa. Wheat purchnasa - made through Oregon country banka or banka la tha anal, do aot show In the Port land bank clearings, and thara have baaa large auala la wheat that ara not In cluded la tba above ftgurea. "There hi a atendy lacraaaa hi tba bank elearlnga bara ovary year," aald John- U Hartmaa. mnnngur for - tha Portland Clearing House asportation, thia snorntng. "Our reoorda show that tha increase at tola time Is enuoad by a etaady growth of healthy ganaral eoan aroa la Portland.' - ' Tha record-breaking weak ending Oc tober ft, shows elearlnga amount log to, and bank balaaoaa of tatl.iat, Oa Monday,- tha record breaker af the preceding weak, tha elear lnga were tl.eft4.Sl. aa against f64r f3. for tha aame data ta September, ehowlng a large lacraaaa from ordinary bualaaaa aoorcea. The Portland bank clearings for tba month af August. llOi ware fl OOP, aa aamparad with HV M,M for Anguat a year now. BARGES, WITH WOMEN AND CHILDREN, LOST Maw Turk. Oct. It. During a vtotewt Wind and rain atoraa tkle sanlu ikm barge loaded with coal broke from thalr maonnga at neveaty-Mit street, an aot rlvar, and wara drtvew-aown tha stream at great speed before tuga oould ba called. On board wara tha aeptataa and taatr Aksallte. MnMaHiia m 11 a IB m a At daylight the bar tree bam dlanppaared, ana k ta aaiiavaa tney wara otthar anr- rkat ta aaa or aunk. - - -f WeeeeeeeeenaamasBmHfcsiaBamammmmmmmmsmhBr "I a Tba bjerisl l La brando. Or.. Oct. Ik Oaanr Mab lery af Oronee, Wallowa aoanty, waa aa aldantallr klUed near there Monday by a keg rorllng over bias. A wheal af tha .rapped tata n rat and when tba name up tha tea rolld aver an MeUery. hi! ring him Instantly. Am bad baaa ha tknOenuatry but n few alha. bavlat gone there, from tha enat ift usm v - ty-yt v kvsvt m n (learaal apeHsl tanW.) Nw York, Oct. It. Tha departure for Buropa af W. Rart IfeKao. ana of a millionaire Pittsburg glass manufacturer, disposes for tha preeent of the rumor that ha la to marry lire, Genevieve Chandler Phlppa aa aeon aa aaob caa obtain a divorce. If Mrs. Phlppa should marry again aha will low MOt.tat of tha ll.aoo.Mt aattlad on her by tha terma of bar separation from Lawrence C Phlppa, tba at eel millionaire of Denver. Concerning tha rumored In tentlonn of afro. Phlppa and afeKee, Dr. R. ft. Suttoa of Pittsburg, father af lire. Lydla Button HoKea, aaldt ' "Mr. McKee did hand- over to my daughtor. hla wife, for herself and bar children, a sum amounting to about ttoo.tOO. Ha had to. I went to any right bara that If my daughter eboaa to eontlnue to live with him aa bla wlfa. or refuaad ta lira with him. waa a matter which ranted entirely with bar. "Ha had or baa no defense and no baa knows It better than himself. Ha eould not get a divorce la a thousand yea re from my daughter, but aha can get one from blm tba moment aha chooses ta ralaa bar linger, and bo knowo It," , Mpr .i 5 4 X-r; ' I I'll a mtrw prcTfRw or rm hawiovb wira or lawhbntk c phippw. WHOBs7 B EQUATION A L, BKPARATION JiAfl OCCCP1BD MUCH ATTEN TION. II THJ! ADJOINING PICTL'RFl ARB SHOWN THE TWO PHIPP CHILDREN, POR WHOIH POBSKSSION TUB MOTHER MADE MUCH A FIOHT IN COURT. THBT ABB ACCOMPANIED BT A MAID EMPLOTZD BT MR. PHIPPk. .i...... - EX-GOV. CRANE IN HOAR'S Boaton, Oct, It. Oovernor Batao to day apootatad oa-Oov. Wlnthrop Murray Crane aa United Statea senator from Maeaacfaueeus ta aucoeed tha lata aan ator Hoar. Tha appointment will bold until tha leglelntdre saeeta aaxt Janu ary. . Crane may never take ft east ta the United Btatea aenata. Ho auby decide that bla bualnaaa Internets ara too valu able ta ba given up for the honor and glory ba would gala by being the col league af Henry Cabot Lodge, now senior Bene tor from tho Boy state and spokesman for tha administration ta tha upper house of congress, Es-Oovernor Crane la Interested la the Hal yoke paper mills, which ta under con tract to supply tha government with paper need la tba awaking; af noteo and boada. Thla oontraet. ao M la sett, will ba ta foroa for aavernl yeara ta eome. aad brtaga tba nwnere of tho milJe a vast amount of money annus 11 y. Crane aaa- GOULD LUl'RED IN WRECK IN ARKANSAS UttM Rock, Ariu Oat. ir A baa baaa received bara that la a train wrack near Wynne, Ark., ana of Oeorgo J. Gould's lega waa broken. No details of tba wrack have ranched bara, but of flclala any that tha report la probably Wynne la a atatloa aa the Bt. Levta. Trow Mouatata A Southern railway, which la a part or the Oould Mmeaurl Paelfl ayatam. farMPsVsd mMltt ef'ftp. J tfMfon, Oct. 11 Lord Ml mar' bee reetgned tha high emmleatnnrhtp af Boutk AJrlaa) aa aoaount af tU health. IF SHE WEOS Jr Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiininl T - h -A a not take bla aant tn tha aenata unleea ha gives up hla rntereeta In tha paper ml 11 a, for a government official annnot ba oonnaetad with any firm that baa a government contract. Tha news of Cranaa appointment name ea a surprise ta many who thought thamaaWaa wlaa la tha political affairs of tha Pilgrim commonwealth. It haa bean tha opinion af many that Attorney General Moody would succeed Hoar, aa It waa- stated that tba late aeaater asked that Moody bo appointed. W. M- Crane waa bora bt Dal ton, Maae., April 22, llftl. He recetved hla education la tho publM school of bla native town, and at tha Will is ton semi nary. While taking an active rn tercet tn polltlca since bla early manhood, tho newly appointed senator would aot ac cept a puMle of flee antll lt7, whan ba waa elected lieutenant-governor. Thla office ba bald for two years, la IMa ha waa elected governor, serving aaa t TWO MEN INJURED : IN FREIGHT WRECK Bacrameata. CaX. Oat. 11. By tha breaking af a truek, aaat -bound freight No. sift waa wrecked near AppMamta at mfcfalght. . Coaataetor Campbell aad Bvakamaa Kalley were aerleuely mjured. Ths Jim mk Wood bur a. Or.. Oct IS. Wlllism Waft ana wna arrested thla morning on a war rant leaned by R U Coa A Cat, charg ing blm with forgery. Watson. M la at l'd. forgad tho nantO' of hla grand fsthar. J. W. Watson, on a three month ante far ST, with which ba eeoured a huggy from Coa PLACE TELEPHONE V' GIRLS OUT Leave Switchboards Be cause of Company's Rigid Rules. BACK TO WORK AT 2 P.M. Service Since Tnuble Todiy Badly Olsimntcd Subscribtn (liable U Raise MCeatnl"Effflrti UPitck Up Dima!tles. ' Pwaanaiona arising from ft rigid aye tern of rules that raoantly became ef fective at tha ewltnh board of the Paam tata Teltpbooa aompany In thai city reeulted at 1 p. m. today tn a atrlka of tha operators, all but three going out. Thar were bout It oa tha day shift who quit. After a brief conference thay were Induoad to return to work pending n discussion -tomorrow of their griev ances. The girl war out about an hour. Tha trouble begad last Week when plana war laid for the organisation of a union. A story to that effect waa pub lished la The Journal and vehemently denied by aabrtatg of tha company who lnnxtod I hat no trouble existed. The strike wa threatened Saturday bight when a new manager af the switchboard arrived from Ban rranclaeo and, accord ing to the operator, waa mora than necessarily strict tn bla requirements. To The Journal that night General Man ager Thatcher vigorously denied the aa latenoe of trouble of any hind, Kvon to day, during a conference betweea emctal of tha company and' tha operator re garding a eettlament of tho etrtka, Mr, Thatch.. Insisted that he knew af ao trouble. Last Bight tha operator mot ta tha federated tradea hall for tba purpose of dleeuealng the Impending strike. Tha meeting began at ft 'dock and con tinued antll 11 o'clock and every feature of tha aoateattoa waa dleoueeed la de tail. It 1a claimed by tha operator that among other dies gr ere trie Teetoree of tha system Is rule that aaob maet alt at tba switchboard lght boor a day and not speak to anyone. She must neither move nor, leave bap chair, It 1 aald. An Infraction of one of tha new rule. It ta s ts ted, aneen on demerit. An employe of tha company ta constantly oa duty to aa that tha rules ara ob served. There ta on watcher for every eight glrte, It la claimed. Bight daraerlta or Mack amrk for aa Infraction la mid t mean die mines I from the aewlce. A number of the older operators left tha aervloe Immedi ately on tho Installation of tho new ays tarn and ethers threatened to autt. It Is claimed by tha aider opera tor that It was the desire of the company ta all a-grate the older operators la ardor to sup plant them with younger and lees ex perienced one who would readily submit ta tba now ayatam. Thara ara tn the aalghhorbood af fftft operator employed by tba aompany In thla elty. Those who went oa atrlka today Include only tha day shift. Efforts are being made by tha oavial of tha company la settle tha dlfnaulttea before tha sight shift report for duty. Late thla afternoon a conferearw was ta pragrsaa between reprsosatatrvo af the union- and ometsle af the company. A delegation from the operator ta aald to have bean aant ta General Manager Thatcher's ofltoe fble morning ta are their content kme. -No settlement waa ranched. Shortly after noon tho order was given that the atrlka wa on. Tha girl filed hvto tha elnak rooma, nut aa their wrap and lingered a minute to as that their hat were aa straight, and then walked out tha rear entrance of tha building. In front Of tht entrance hi a small oourtj thla was aeon altva with girls. They war -unlet and- very orderly. Only three r smalm i by tha switchboard. j As oon aa she saw tha atovu en tho part of tha girl eperatora, Mia Cooper, the local service manager, malted Into tha court where the girls bad gathered, ana at on argwd them not ta b rush, ta (Continued aa Pag Two.) JEALOUS TOT OF TWO KILLS BABY New Torn, Oct. .- Kfnmot HoMnartars ana waa sut of Joint when a little attnr earn ta hi bonae at Hvaok. Ha waa two year and seven months old. and the drat child, when wee Otadye blessed hie par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas ftonfnm. Bahv Gladys smiled In her seothor' ara ft. -thrrd a lh hahy i!d, aid tnfaa- IIIM I e" U RANK JOB SUSPECTED Property Owners Object to Work On Tanner . . Creek Sewer. SAY WORK IS INFERIOR Tbey Declare Lift ef Sewer Is Water1 ally Shortest1 AIIcDcyIi - Hon Froa Original flans ; , V Van Spfclflcatlpos. " v If report by tho who have Investi gated tha work b true, tb recently completed Tanner reek sewer la on of th rankest job perpetrated during tb preeent administration af tha city engineer's department. Tha eot af tha work la nearly 11,10ft la excess of the contractor' hid. and nearly 111,00 more than tha original estimate. M ta aald that th specifications have been Ignored lQ Important particulars and that th work ha bean dona ao poorly that tha sewer will eeareely withstand a atngl eeseoa's aaa - Bo sertoua ara-tho sharp as that aev erat large property owner to who al tenttea they her-" - bmuaht hsv united lh a petition to th mayor and tha executive board, asking for an eapert examination of th work by a board of three clvtl engineers. Ttila petition la a follows: To tho Hondnrbl Mayor and Raeco tlv Board of the City of Portland Pear lira W. th undersigned prop erty bolder tn th dtetrlet eatabllshrd for tha payment of the repairs to Tan nr creek ewer, respectfully aek youf honorable body for permission ta Inspect same by a board of three civil engineers. . We would ash for one week to mske re port, a tha time previously allowed wa Insufficient. Sunday living taken up one . of the three days Mowed, Eatate of H, W. Corbotl, by Henry Ladd Corbet t. a ecu tor; Clementine P. Lwi. by George Oood, attorney; Good, by George Good; Kltaabeth & Lao pried; estate of W. ft Ladd, by W. M. Ladd, executor; J. C Alnaworth: estate of Amanda W. iUed, by Martlftv Winch, executor. " erbal proteat aaatnet th acceptance) of tho Tanaer creek sewer waa made be fore the executive board last Friday by C C Painter, aa attorney. Tha board agreed to allow three days for aa ta veet taut ton of tb wrh, but yoeterday, no further steps having been tskeu by Palmar ta sustain th charge that tha work waa defective, tho aewer coram It tee of tba executive board acaptd tb work. Tho anginal estimate aa tha work wa If.. Th contract wee awarded to It M. ftlner, whose bid was fai.iftft. The sum finally allowed by tho elty engineer to s.sS, or , amra thaa tb aoa Iractor' bid. Practical ma who ara belieTved ta have good ground for their statement aesert that a thorough expert Invaatlga rlon by oompeteat engineer will show that a thorough expert invest tgpjloa by competent engineers will show Importont deviations from tha plana and specldca tlona, entailing unwarranted lacreae ht tha eoet It ta aald si so that tha char acter of the work la Inferior ao that trfe Ufa af tha aewer will b awteriaJLy shortened. Among th alleged defect are fhaaot la plaeea where thara ehould be threw ring of ewer brick there hi but one. a that tha danger thai tha aewer will cava la la greatly Increased: tn repairing. under plan B, stonea were laid on the old brick work instead of in cement, as required by the epe titration; lntd' of putting fttl yard of enncret- into th work tha contractor la MM to have put ta only ft yards; Instead f putting m foar manholes, all that wer required by tha plana, tha contractor t said to have put tn six, th extra two being char god at lie aplnca. It bt aald that the dapartsrea? from tha plana and peotnat lona ara auf dently serious to grasllv lesawn the value of the work, and that thla win ho oemonet rated by an export inveetlgatlou. wttb a brha stptoeft wh-h mother had laben from the " Plva minutes pexsd ' 4 oa heard Bmme . ' v "Mamma, hurry, r he ruahed e i' By r the 1 t