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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1904)
THS OREGON DAILY JOUPNAL, PORTLAND, WKPn T4Y -'EVF-WIWO. .rCTO? I nw MarfM far inwiwtitiM thro the Pootnye Car stasia empire. a M Ca pep I cat; M to t Pd. M mm I mat. tniiiuiiii - - pHStnin Ofrlra H1 tn. aVUtortot lw MJ Bb. rUnrt iMftirii Special AdrwetialB 1M ." mmiTm Terhl TrttfU- to. Chueage. - 3 VBWKTPTIOir BATE t - ram ay wrw. a. .re ftmvnal. with Bandar. 1 f.P j Tmim by Owrkr. Tl Ha Ma Imal 1 IH t i nne JromaL 1 ar .......... ' W Pally Jotrnat With PM. J 2 W ftslle fenrnaL naantb J" 'ar fatly fcwnut. with 1onda, BaeoCba. ! JiwrnaL I ntanrb e.- The THtif, sa7 wee! 'irthwiJt awndnr eases new by Man, ; ' Jawrnal. with ftoadny. I paa ....BJ -J" Joamal. 1 eenr JonmnL with RmIw. J 2 rorrr w flatly 'e TViHt Jonrnal, nnnrhe. ... ,. T Trifle Tnnrnal with Pnndny. mmm . TH hnir Sovmat I n-otha..,.,. ", THe Heire ImimL with mday, 1 BMBBW -J ft-IV 7nnma1. 1 annrh. 'J TSe Brmday Innrnel, 1 . . ...i... "-JS tlM Bnadar Ini1 a swmfbn .... Ths nasal-Wnekly Jeejeah ... It Wrf-Wfcl" Jmirp-l. ! It SB., - tntraUi. Ml am" 1 ill Timaal IV WeV Jnrsel If eehmne f res. ta aaefe to-a. OMnM. Ml awM tpirt, t yar... ... JttMa mM W MaV fcr attw, tyw ariVn. and awn tva infill Ulikl Sm y. d lam TM. yVaiwal. 'irjrj- frau nira vmAtT mat bb rom u CAQft Putarot Rltl aHlf. M Vsntvr. airy). Kwvit r anaBvanr. tH tflta-ntB rl S. attack. B-w1a vnatt OttMC A nlaia. OTTT Braatawa. AM' ffHtnrt rta1 rm attnl; KiJlrtJ ft tlaoarT eBwnajifliW Tni rtw t. VaI tTXkB CITTL-mrt f Barrow Hiw., 41 iw itwi Boat- UK rBynrvro w k. Arc. MH ttao4; OoH-aT Wr- Mfl BatfT BPrKftl. BH. Jf W. Orafca A Wj tAfOMA. WAPH OattMl arwt WWHT. I1" ,;; AtNmov um TOMOiww. ; Wn4t. at 10 a. - Bait f awhid Mrml fiw. rarwH aM?M, 0urga Bftkar A Co . iwlliwwfi. . . - WBATBJB aVCTOBt. - , .- A' WaatWr mmIHVmi b4 aral Nracal far ' hrB, WaaatBrtoa iitbu It a mora coJrr In Montana Oi4a jaomlii ad t em pari fun o fraa1tia- a4 akw ara r"Pori',m trttoaw that atata mat tm tb Brtttak bonaHow torollat'ly to tli Bortb: cooler Watbar aW aaila b tfca WMta wwt. wblto tTun(K, tfc Cms rallar. tba aslMW At atte aad tb Naw EocUnd atataa tba tpara ttirra biaa ran Craaa 1 to 11 atf alM Ajknaroaal aBaauA 4aJBaVttABtBTarta1laTBina BWbB ffraMaiafl tb nppar lab r-Rloa. Arhanaaa. Uaaavl and Xinnraota; naewBra mmwiom un imwi rttr4 portlona of natral OadfotBla. "baa1 a Viiinaarabowara att'uuau anno um nini. fr thla dlatrlt. nmtablr tolUrmd Br abAwrs Tfiaraday U ar OrfW ba4 vaalarm Waab In c ton, - Otoaai1 raOa alaaal at A a. ?v: AHa,fa. Oal: Tft M fcbr City. Or -r TO , ; 4S Blar, Idaho m 46 Itoatna, Haaa.. ....; S ' ' Baffarit. K. T., ''44 TharlMtaa. t. )....... T4 ' -1m cbifgo. in ts Cincinnati. Ohio T TVBTrt-. Cote.. ? rt IVtralt. Ml-b. ........'.. M V 4 K1 PaM. Tol. ............ urk. Cal .j , , Franfl, Til flctena. Mont...... Ii-ArpntdMce, Cal.,.....,. jsrkanarlllr. Vbl . Kanaaa Cltr. H.'.J Lr-wlaton. Idaho !m nw r.i tir DrlfiM. -Lai. RS N-w York, K. NorfHk. Va 64 Jtnrtb Bead. Waa. ' in aba, rM PhH(llpbU, VB........ M Ptttahiira-. Pa 70 fnrtland. Or T4 KnatmrB. ' Or. Mcra Di'BtOtOu. ...... ..4 Mt Lak. Utab..i. M Baa Prancbara. Oal. TB mi . ' aa Bpokaoa, Waah., ......... Tafnrna, Vaab ........... . TtrMrta, B. -0 Valla Wailt, WaA. Vnablnctoa. 1. 0..,.... Vlnacaum, Mar. ....... Xuaia, Aria. . KiMAIdl IJOPnBA. - ' rbarlaa W. Kaalt. M, aafl , HatvataC rta. XT. J-awa Balburtraa. M. aA MaaM MUB). fT. bVnJamla r. MiUav. Ai, aad Aland A. Ma Craw, 21 Otbv r. Witt. 41, Okafcalla caaaty, Waab. and btaru Bcbraaua. . M k rkw. S3. aik4 A lira fink. IB. laaMW Monto. XX aad Batbar Bktafhtar, IT (atoth-r aaaaaanwg I riiarlaa A. MarUtt, . 4 bad 4Ub M. IKwraa, IB. Parlar A. Onaaba, IB, Mai Ofcftrs U. Or mitt. BT. v BIKTKB. aVptmbar IT. to Mr. aad Mr. Bar A, Ciabba) T 3M Jaekaaa atraat; a Aaucbtar, One- , to Mr. aad Mr., w. tL BraBat ai ITT" Havaa atraat: a aancDtav. K-Ttatbr 15, to Mr. and Mn. ttar 1. Inmm ( But fWaTtaaadh aad Mala atratta; Btaa-bar It. to Mr. aad Mra, Praak Trar at BMiaiaoa araaaa; a aaniatar. OOVTABIOVl WCTABBBi jt-T"rt' ft-tabar 4, AUam fJuaaaf, Cabw araaaa; tTMaaU fBrat. . .. DBaVTSA. Ortobar 1. laawai BwVrtaaa. ar4 dt 7ara, ac Vh'ootk, Waab.; eana. aai iw aVbUUy. Burial at Uai rir vawtarr. antMfcr la. Gharla BaaWaaaa. aa-ad BB vaara, at O. B. A N. dock; rauaa, tract ora of kuiL Banal at Uaoa rir awi-rr. otdb- 1. Tboaua Waldann. atd M rrara. f.trtaaatfc atraat aaar W.lnhard'a brMrcrr; aaa. aUatfie aboafc. BartaJ at Uaa rir fcotanbw TT. Brad B. Indara, ai4 It "ra, at laat Mark! and Ball road atrta: ranaa. eroabad baatk tb oartA. Barbri at Bt-ar otaBar S. (ivlM , M tin. aaad It vwarc. at w"a oorttatt atrrt: rauaa, aaglba B-Kina Banal at uiwnwaoa ean-vtorj. Ortobat 1. AtVilob Oaadroa. aaad T4 man. at ik waabina-t-fl atraau caaaa, faaaM al anlrld!. f-BBlnrtDB. Or lobar ft. Aaraa It-b. acad TT rvara. at IB avraath amwt; oanaa. r-raar. atobaoaaa. Burial at B-(b laraal r-aattrrr. tobar S. A1nrt H Nnateaw, at 4 44 y-ara. at 40t WataT atr-ot; naaM, pbtblala puiamwrbi aaraa ta. Burial at Ufa Vhnr Orrtaatortmi aa Oraaoa Cttr aar Baa. aaar Bl)d; aandara. arlatlflr, oatilta. akargaa A Anita, t.ia. fhikir-a. axs, Tiaitaf a. aa. t a. an. rartlaad Cm Ua aaaaaUBaa. rarttoad. Tb Bdaravd BoIbmb rada-taklBj patoaaay. rarl dlrtatara aad aaibalatora. BB) nird atra. tiaa T. , . 7. r. Platof A An, raaarat aartotora aad ar-a-ilaaata. ba r-mrad to tb-w aaw aatab- 1 nt. Nrnit TaJrd aad MadfcaM aBraaaa. aVt abaaaa K. a. BXAL BBTATS TBAaTirBBB. Ma-MaaM A Btr-M Mary R. Bltt-, , I-i Ma 4, ft aad , Mak aai ':. .0d M - t a m ao 4 M - nt -r- 4d M tt M W TO l.M 4 et o n . da -- T4 - M B Tl t 411 ra M K "A ' 44 0 a . a , t. do 0 44 ' : Jt N v at o 44 - ; dt -. -- m - T4 4d 0 n ,r- 40 'T' .: o NEWS OF :Xi,,,,,, 1 1 i t CP? llltl BEADY 1 KONTfl'S TIME m. r. T IB AJMMTt TJ "Our auino mlU for th Op tain Will tbt dllvT4 In w days, and with to anothar month w wUl b mllltn ora." amid Dr. J- T. Raddy of Bpo-mno Ut -avanlnc. Th mill bulldlnc la bb. and whan tb B-achloary la 114 down at th property U wlU b InataiiacTWUiua a short tlm.H Vr. luddr wsb b rouu ytTtlay to Bwattle. and f row thara will so to Spo kan, hU hdquartera. H It waa who lntaraatad Patay Clark In tba B1U Ldar. and later aold th oxo party to th Blu Ladao Coppar eompany, which la eoanpooad largvly of Nw Tork tB. Raoantly Dr. Raddy, With PrwAariek T. Fwmiy of Now Tork antarwa Into an aa;ranint with J. W. Opp, owat of tb mlna naar JaokaoavUla,. by which a oomplat mill qulpma( la to aa rotad at oaoa and tb mlna oporatwi ataadlly. Th mill waa ardarad aoma tlma Tha Ops mlna to on of th hlatorte prepartuta of aouthara Otacoa, bavins ba owMd by tha BMkman famuy lor many yaara. It was first worked la tn aarly fto'a, but than oaiy m a tantaziva way. BTvory mohaniam rrom a injaan- ln maohlna to a roll mill baa bn tnd In reduction of Vta or, and for tha first tlma in Ita blstorr tha plain, ordinary fflcUnt atamp Is Veins Installed an A acal eommnsurat with tb alsa or tha or body. Wbila aa arrsatra waa run on or from tb property, a ' Bisit-BrBd rock waa handled. About tw yaara aaa a thrso-atamp mill was put up. but with a plant ao small, the rda of or Bad to ba hlh. Rlchar ahoots ware mined, leaving- tb larc bodla of Averasa miUr ing ora. About I.KOA ft of 0vloptnit kaU ba dona on this property, provlnc a vela af four to 40 feat wtda. Tha depth attained does not xod ! feat on tb svaras where or la blocked out, tianee It will be aeon that the mlna la barely seratobad, and that tha or body la as oeedlsiy strotia; t ! a. reaerve war rantlDBT A 10- tamp plant whan work la ao'naar tb aurfaee. Dr. Raddy saya that a road reaarvs ta la attrht, and that whan the mine la properly opened, ba thinks 4a stamps will not bo soff Idant ta handle tha ordinary are produot from one vein. Two other watna eroaa tha troup, both af which bar atron sarfaca Indloatlona, but they have not bea opnd to any mttnt. Whan th mill la running. It la tha purpoa of tha bow manahTment to praaa dvlopmnt on broad Una. ' Th nw aulpmnt la modem In avary e- apMt, and -by mean of it th Opp will baeom a ataady produoar. No corpora tion haa baan fermaa to handle It, tha three ceatlemea tnterstd balng aaao- olatad la a partnarahlp. , .: . x HENDRYX WCRXlNGl ON COLCONDA DEAL If. T. nendryx af tumptr, who haa baan tdantlfled with aoma af tha laiWMt promotloaa f th eastern Orgon halt. dpartd from Portland last avaolna- on tha aalsakm of la-araanlslnaT th present Ootooada company. Details of the work now 1b band are not Touchaafed, but Mr. Hendryx admitted that tha rumors ra- mrdlna nrotlatlonB war oerreot. H and Alxaadr Fruln of CfaioaaTOBiave bn working an a plan for rorsmnlilng th Ooloonda eompany, and putting U In batter oondltlOB thaa tha property haa beea. Bine first takaa by the Messrs. English. , AjranATanurata for dp dflvolopmeat and exhaustive x ploratloa of 1 avals already oponod. WhUa tha milling plant rsumd on th ra- serva in sight below the fOe-foot lvl. la a gnaral autltne of what would ba taken up if vrytMng la a4Juatdj saUa- faotorlly. Mr. Hendryx trip to Portland with W. C Rlcharda, his attoraey. was In fur- thvranos of this work, whlob m aald to have attained good progress already Tha dal is expect to b cloaed aoma tlma thla month, after which work at th mine would ba roan mad aa quickly as possible. tt. BaBBysM 1 Bra tc 11134- at aL ta Mattta C. Kaltfc, lot SB, x aaa aw, awes l Laaret wood Park Portland Trust empear to Blaabatb . Grim or, lot IB, block T, WUBaaai A ra ve addltloa ..... BbaiHff to M d BaaAebl' Mark P. dre Tar-a addlttoa .J.. IS 3k Kir Batata to H. w. Otrdwan, n-aate- aboat KOslOt fact setlnninc at nlrt B4 feat aontb f iBteraactlea of aoaiB uae or aearaay win wen one ec TWNVT-IIM , Jabn D. Hewitt and wife t Aula Aader- t,Wt son. weatH lota a ad a. block xyr, Hal. laser's slrtlUoa 4,000 Portland Trnat cerBaaay to Oa-ar B. Balrd. lot 10, b4ak ll, WUhaas) Aa. roe addlHna ..... ; B t. I RarlDaaa tft al. to Peter Kara, lot 16. ttock g( BU Mas . IIHfbta - : 1 Malrolaa MeOreger aad wife ta 1. Tea d'irn; wat H lota I sad a blarb U, Mlefcolaoa'a adaitlo . 4.T09 $, L. UertBMB at L ta Allee U Whit- (s-fnb. kit 11. black t. OdDdlrUk at. ' . John HHfbte t I Pktrlrt Murray to Mary X Ugsty, tot S. bW-fc C. TtolBan trr-n P Jacob Habar ta Benjatola B. AMwtt, lot 17. bbMk S, Man at Take Place a4V i cithNt "tn rrb Hake to Benjasila B. Abtwtt. tot , 1. fcaoek , Moaat Tabor Place aadl Uea .- i. E. feiett sat wlfa te Batbena T. Klcblln, let T. bkrfc 4, Pledmbnt Park. 1 w. i.. ut nran nn wire to job orway, e-ielb J4 of weet H ef aorthwaat af lot i. atop in. uom nr eeanrterj Abf.k L. Jaonea aad baaband to IlaaiaMr. lota 1 aad JL black A. Y.Y. bart Par 0. A. Barnea to Alice Barn, lota b B, lartaatve. bUb IT, Pm-ttawntb Id Boaa L. Hampbref and fcnabaad to Ia Parker, let . Moeb Ms, Beat Pert- T land , . W. H. Tiffany aad wife to K. M. Strrkw. , lota l, t, lb, bloj a. Miller's addllioa te Ballwond - AM D. B. Bi-nW and wife ta Prank B. WtV fclna. north 23 feet tot 1, block B. Oa-rntbera- addlttoa to Crvthfra1 aadttlea. t.tOS OX Mar laaaraar aad abatrseai te real tatot frani tb Title Onaraste A Treat aaaa abjay. Cbambe Ooaaaaayee kalbMsg. , . BTTrxntBw pxaMTrg, OrtaBer'4, T. B. Tytexlna). reaab I wnin. aVbnnu betwaew BeeaabaaaU aad BaaktoaoB tmtii ceat, $190. Oetober 4. L. M. Aadiaoa, aVatney dwell la. Xaat Market btwea Eaet.Beveatfe aad Beat Blfbtb atreeto; eoat. tAOUO, Oafiber 4. PrederU H. HfPinr. t etoif dwaTl int. Clay betwaea Tenth aad Bkrreatb aveeU; ooet, 4,loa. October t, ttlBl Ah Ran. repair St ba Second betwaea Alder and Morrlaaa streets; K, Peaa. Bertaus Rkwtlag. tw fraaae biaeat. Oread aeaane between Clay Mini and llawtbere rme; rm1. BB.Oon. iVtnnar ft. Mra M. Wltberell. re wtae. anrtbweet amcf U THE RUNES SMELTER MANAGER SEES GKD FUTURE w. a. mia BATB tut v ntra awumtaim nr au ov m .T. tn aentiM a k Ti Vmltlng and Refining company, who was rglatrd yatrday at tha Hotel Portland, departed last evening for th sat ob urgent business. Mr. Fullr had Intended to g. te Taooasa from her, but waa Induced ta alter tha Itin erary boeauaa af business devolopmanaai nqumneT his attention alaawhara. "Our amalter la doing good work at Buraptr.w he aaid. MW ar receiving sufficient ora to kp It busy, and hav nough la alght t run aa through th winter. We ar highly pleaaed at tha Baannor In which too mlnea ar produc ing, and hav bo doubts whatever as to tha Mnaananey of smelting. I hav traversed the district thou roughly, visit ing avsrr mln and prospect that had any promise of producing ore, and a tat freely that I have much greater faith IB tha dlatrlet than X had befora ac quiring intlmat knowladg af It- I a n raauaoa. why a good emailing boslnsas may not b built up taer." Mr. Vullar baa prava aa tndcfailgabla rustler and sine ha assumed control l the Bumptar plant haa won tha aonfl- danoa of tha eatlr mlnral bait. . His broad sxperlenos in general business and specially or a malting in Montana. New Jersey and lawhra hare qualified him to develop ore reduction la eastern Ore gon. Contracts have bean entered Into with moat ail tha producing proprtla. with vary sat is factory results to both the amaltar manage maot andy the mine owners. Or ar balnaj relvd at Bumptar from a wlda territory, and tha 'railway axtenakm being mad throughout th mineral Bona further aniarga tha Bald af local plant, - RAILWAY NEAR THE QUARTZBIRG MINES r , " 1 ."" ' Whan MaiMgwr W. W. oibba, of tha OeppsropollB property. In Orant oounty. cam to tba city thla wk h stated that tba--worh of tha Bumptar Valley railway waa down Into th mlddl fork of th river, th oourse as far bb Austin apparently being determined. Beyond Austin, whr th road will eommnc climbing tba dlvtd- btwa the middle and main forks of tb stream, thane ts la ecrtainty ef tha axaet line to ba followed. Ha said It was probable that the nrvy would bring tha road through Huckleberry flat, on th summit, and from thara. Instead of taking an assy aonraa down ana of tha streams ta th sat, would probably awing aeross, ountry aa aa ta aoma In above Plynn'a atatloa- and aa naar tha Quartsburg mines as possible. . if tba grade la mada along this sour, Quartsbarg will b given a depot wall up on the mountain, obviating tha naeesslty of hauling con- cantratea and ora down Dixie araak to th John Day. ' . , NEW HOISTING PLANT FOR BAISLEY-ELKHORN (Jasrsel Bpaelal Barrtoa.) Baker City, Or., Oct. a. Manager Kd ward T. Plelda of tha United Elkhorn Mlnea eompany, baa Juat plaoad an or der for a le-hors power hoisting plaat. which la to ba installed on tha old work ing shaft of th Balslsy-KlkborB. While in th etty ysterday be also stated that tha wlrs for the power Una from the Rock Creek plant was on tha ground and partly strung, and within a very abort tlms h aspects ta have alaetrtelty at tba mln. Work la continuing in the big eroaaout, and aa power la Increased, the manasrvnaant will praaa work with great energy' Shipments of are from tba Baiatey-Bakhorn to tha Bumpter smsltsr continue steadily. - By means of tha new equipment and Increased power, a larger output la assured, f . CEDROS ISLAND HAS ANOTHER RICH MINE (Jeaveal BpeeUl BerrWe.) ' ' '' Sea Dwgo, Cel.. Oct. ft C. Dudat, who ha just arrived from cadres island, off tha eoeet of lower California, be lieves that ha haa "struck it rich." For asvral yoar he baa owned an American and Mexican concession on tha Island. About flOO.oet haa bean spent in search ing for mineral wealth, that Is known to exist on Csdroa island, and at last it baa ba found. Dudt showed rich spec I mans of gold, lead and copper ora found on tha Island. Traces af tourma line and other gema war dleosvered. Dudt aays that ba might take a few mora surveyors to Cedroa. whara ha goes In a few days, but estenslve mining will not begin at once. ' He said that he valued hi concession at ILeOO.. Tb Eaperansa Mining company, which owna a property In another part of the Island, baa taken out vast quantities af good ore, .- . . - J , . KEOUGH IN CHARGE , OF MT. BAKER MINE W. J. Kaaugte. for many yaara mlna superintendent at the Red Boy, la east ern Oregon, pasasd through th city today en rout to th ML Baker dis trict, Whatcom county, Washington, where h will tax th euperln tendency of the Mount Baker Mining company' a property, ownd by Portland men. Mr. Keougta M wU known throughout th eastern and southern Oregon sections, where he haa been engaged In practical mining and exprt work. His friands will regret to load him from tb state, but rejoice that he baa a good position In the more sort bora district. Flvs stamp hav ba added ta the Mt. Baker milling plant recently, giving a total of lft. Tba three better! are ta oommlaalon. omoBdiaut op bi The Victor evoseout, being drtven to opea th vela ay a tarn lying between tha B. V a and Big Cracker erk in assUrn Oregon, k COt feet long. Tb BMUtaara ment stataa that ataady work Is being dona hn the face of this adit by means of a eoBapresaap. actus bad by gasoline CLAIRVOYJJT POglTtTxXT M BCiOAl OX BAATJf V SM raw irxaaiox. 3034 WaJilar;to Stramt. v ... Sir Francis Drak $10.00 Conipkrta) mi M RaMKtlna for UC Thlt WMk Only T TXtl TOTTB WAMX." BTOOSAMa nrUM BATXBWJkOTOaT TOU OABT aa Tara jiroaa. ABaTATB OOATS0X TM BBTt. ' nnapiagej a atr oomxotor Tear past, year yreeeet Ufa andNyor en Ire rarer and everrtblag eaa be told hy Maamltlaf VI PBAKC1B DBAKB. th worM bUmM trnnee elnlrvayaat and astrtt awdlnsu who la tba sreateet toaster af ocean: ectoaea sad pay eals brea TtSe world baa aver baaws. Oarvfully. Am Wnaaat Pre (Tawts a Pan Jadga. Itoary CBatrveysa fewer, eoaablaed wltfc bU euperler kaowladsa f eecntt farcea. h.Mh hl mi bnaaaa Hd with SB erf- Ug aaeerncy treta lataacy to eUl aaa. Bta rower are wonderful and ladUpartables bla advice bj raHabU; hla Information cUar; eea rle aad te Che point la Love, Ooartshla. Mar-, rlac. tHvorc. Balee, Wltla. Pntenta. Jonraaya, rVnaloaa, lomtmaata. Baerebtlons, Property, Penalona. Mertsnses. DU sad Miatag GaaUas. Pianaaaa. etc., etc. Without any prtrtoa kaewtodge, a ao nafmral aaaaaa ef k no wins whs wbenea or far what yea eaaa, be tolls year naoM, eg, empartos, where yea nee. Be tolla im of frlanda and nsaariea. Wk bj trae and wb la.falaei telle yon wbeen and whea rtm will storry. slTtag sasMS, dates, facta, and focattaoaT toktag n fee In edTaae. aad acaaaosg sos nniaaa aattofactua m g". - gBOQ-Oa) Peart eta. X wttt ferfeH BMB) waars 1 fatl t taack yea m to faadaete aayoae yea oeatre, bow to siake aner eaeedee yoar Mada. Sanaa a Fdy Baarrlase with tk one af yoar ebotoe, i yo sood hack aad auk a yea aeecaaafil year saalneaa. remove e-rtl Indaaacaa, ra anlto the aepnratod. at to pea tacky nam barn, locate tb aartb'a bvrtod 6 a an ran. settle tb eld estate tkat tha has placed bayoad tba lawyer's abriwdsiaa. aad piatMTaty , aaaajiaei a. m. to p. aa. Deity aad Baatday. SIR FRANCIS DRAKE - aaAabBTton Bwl, Tb Ottra. Brorarch Real Estate Office at Tor th aonvntono of those who wish to purohasa property at Pied mont or West Piedmont we have opened a hraneh riffle, earner of Mlchlamn and KUllngswortb avnus. In charge of R. B. Carey, who will furnish Intsndlag priuna biih mm u his u car to th Junction, our offlc la a few blocks north. The present trans far polnt will be abandoned as soon aa the big ear barn at Michigan avanu la cam- f leted, and th Junction will than b at ha latter point, directly opposite our one. . , TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO. satf S80 S90 TREMONT PLACE TREMONT PEACE Tha Cheapest Lots on tha Mark4Looa- tloa First-Ciaas. . CORKERS n..,...,.S4 INSIDBB ) 05 Down and $8 Par Month. . . . Pacific L)Bd IcmfccDl (qq Va. law FIVE-ACRE TRACTS Eight tn Ilea from Portland on tha Ore son Wstar Power electric line, Oood land, easily cleared and prlasa .ranging rrom f to lies per acra, Just tos thing for a aMekan ranoh. LAMBERT a SARGENT PearL idsv. t oonWbutlnsT tratea to tba Bumptar smelter, the Fri day property, owned by M. J. Soraneen A Co, making quits regular ehlpnaenta at present v Tb Friday is aqutpped with a flvw-sump mill, whloh was started op reosntly on an ore dump that haa so- cumulated during th coarse of develop ment. Th or handled is high grade and concentrates carry high value. Tb output will ba four to flvs toaa per day. beside whta crude era m te a shipped. v - .. . - President Jarkson. . of tha Porta n Mining dt Bnieltlng eompany, operating th Humboldt and Red L.lon avprtla. Bakr county Is at the arat-named this, week. Where th Mrrale mlU la being put tn readme to- eommno work. AT he mlU inn tailed la a smell plant, be ing but ana battery af three rapid-drop stamps. It -will treat th or taken from tha shaft and mural workings, of which something Ilka lOf tone has cumulated on th dump. Pre ten, with Sunday Journal aash want ads. oDos't for get . - aa - aowraa - ' ' v . , v.. - CLAlRVOYANi Astro-Trance Medium, mm PROP. VAN CORTLAND Full Ufe Reading for Na Caarca II Not 8ftllsfactW7. : . Yoa to Bdi tht Jadga. r free Test - Free Test ... 'i Am anaoBaia to aaa the weaearfal el tba Bote taAtfrayasa. that mnr af tea best etUna af this city weM be only tee aaxtowa to coaaalt a rood, rcUabie eUlrvoysat and eel wist If dear were Brat aasarrd af recetrlag boom beaaat, 1 tbaratore dft hereby selasjaly sgraa and gsaf- wTtbaut any retom knowledge, sad bsriag a astaral Bteem ef knowing who yos are, wbear ar for wtat yoe came, 1 wtU toll year Ufe bat tot teas yea eaa tali it to ma OA CHABOB YOU MOT ONB PBItMT. TH1A IB BONWT. IB IT KOTT BUaasa la mr work that without a wrd. wltaest ajnaafaaa, I tall yon Jest .what yoa want ta know. Correct lafannatlo akaet au affatra af wva, eoarUbls, Btarruce. ai varea. anlas, wills, property, eld eaUtos. eaecotottoa, fttaaaaia. naialoae. patonta, is veatstonto. etc. I sauUealy toll yea when wtU hnanr sad date ef amnrrlss. ga. iwaafsim ana aa -any mnecter wb by ear nan adriaa aad faratoU events srMag BnTesgk aaaaa eaa errant. l win gia ye lack mat wns aswee m re. Bkarriaee, drenrce, apanUttoa, boalneea. kealth and krnnaactlosa; eaaae apeedy aad kappy toarrlagee: rannlU tk eepereted; 1 sill toO yos how to pa In tbe lev f the one yo deatra. ea OMesh BMka away I I wiB tatt whea ye will with abused bnadban- totle powar develoce. to. to 1 a. Bk Dally sad awaday. PROP. VAN CORTLAND situ wuaattwnw mm. - AIM pHvaaa antraaea aa thrtb street Good Bargains tm A OB All Bnly Improved; good house, barn and rchard; t miles . -. from town, an mala roaaVt Prioa fftft ' per acre, 1TB AOaaB t mil from town: axtra . good hous. barn, and wall Ira- S roved; fenced; eloaa to school -ous. on good road. This It a nice ome n4ft per acre. . BOB acbjb -cio to tba above: no . . buildings: good land, well lmprovd ' and fenced. Price $ nor. . gan BTfBBg TT-a-r old growth ftr ttm , bar; will cruls if 000,00 ft; closs to tha rlvsr. Price tt.Oe. mrnm VaTaa In large and small tracts. naTrXAB loeatlona and lbomsatsad railnq u is amen ta Maxwell 9s Burg Of Interest to fiunutic r turers and Warehouse Block200x200 Railroad Track Along Side ' PRICE AND TERMS upon APPuanoN Cross & Shaw . . , REAL ESTATE BROKERS . 233 Washington St. St alohns Park Tina, new sottagws near Woolen Mills and car Una, for sals eheaa, an BnstalV aaanit ml an. 8n with I lota ...n.aao n with 1 -t lota l,0O0 Three with I full lot each... i Poo Tb Woe Van MCJUa wlU be In operation aoon and 64 to 100- new honsee will ba Beaded la At. Jebns. , .CHIPMAN A KINQ . BaBsral AaenxwJ, at. Pakwe. BL a. Malkaaak, Own, TBS A GREAT BAROAIN I VOaaa on ear Una; high and eightlyi , hous. bam and fine cherry orchard; . will divide in acre tracts, with. dsir- , able Duuoing aitaa. DAVIDSON. WARD A CO. 5-o rem tmrSmt mt Wdmi ' - Tnna to suit. Choice Iota In Lurelwood, It per month. Take ML Beott oar, first and Aa der. r GKOK6K W. BMOWM m Pauin Bid. Phase Mais sZBft, OAKDALE New 4 and I -room eottoges for sal th this beautiful suburb. Prices ranging from 1.010 to 11.160; lots (0x10ft. Why pay rent when you eaa buy A alee bom on easy payment! , T . LAMBERT & SARGENT i v- aa j Farms and City Property t FOR SALE BV Henkle & Baker sir aawagbsn aadaT. iobh llW AOBwBWAll fanoed: novas, barn, etc.: living water; on good, level ' road. 4 mi Us to R R. aUtlon, V il ia met t a valley; 40 acres cultivated; 10 acres meadow; 40ft acres pas ture; K-0 arras wooded; good farm to ai-MivId If deaiiwd. . AM AO All good tlHab s land: Sous, bam, orchard; level road; 4 saliva from Albany; a floe farm, gfl A SB On Clukamas river. M miles from Portland; Sna road; good land; good hoaaa, barn; J MB AO All goodJand; xencjd and house, ft barns; watsiad by springs; orchard; achoolhous on corner of farm; on good county road; Sfe miles from good town on railroad, m Tain bill county, Oregon; a, good farm at a bargain; on assy tarma; immediate posse salon given. BO ACJBJad - Nice land, well fenced And , cross-fenced; 4o-crs cultivated; Id acre timber; fin barn, comfortable house; water piped into hous and barnyard; orchard; choice fsrin, irontrf oa fine level road ail way to 'or t lend; IS miles out. 40 AOans Oood land, nearly all focd; running stream of water; ' It acres cultivated, balance socne pasture and timber; good road and easy reach of Portland; on Kesl Side; aU now vary cheep, or might trade. . -, Acrmna-hofc land, near ear ltoa, at South Mt Tabor; bouse, barn, 30 - bearing fruit trees, 1.690 blackber . rles, ft acra raapberrle. hi Aor atrswberrlaSL BB ACBBB All good, tvl land, all fenced; 2 acrss eultlvstsd: house . ; and barn; 100 bearing fruit trees, 10 grape vine; Vi mil to postofflo, tor, creamery, shop, achool- con venient to Portland; cheap at l.AoO BeB AOmna Tlltabl land, on railroaU. In Linn oounty; hous, barn, orch r ard: to eloaa an asuto will atU for ' AojnBB vary choice land In fruits, beer lea, rnamntal shrubs and nice ( house; good barn, and a choice su ' burbsn noma, convsnleat to car at I Mt Tabor; might take A Bam .tn Portland aa part pay. . M AOmnfl Nice land, cultivated: fine new house, new barn; fine well of v water, near oar lta: a ehole home. AOmaS All lays nice and level; a choice tract to plat; new T-roetn. modem house; city wator; a ehancs to more than double your money and no mistake about It N grmWB rilni land, with - room house, good bam, an Oregon City oar lint BArOoa. , City Property r timiBBV nlea arasmmtal Work en front; full brick basement with furnace. lctrio lights: good corner; close In on West Bide: might take srood lot or aomi smaller pronarty as part pay. Price S4J00. a4VOaf new modem house, large recep tion hall, full basement wooo ele vator; bona piped for ga; corner tot under street light; cheap horn f-JMOni new modem hous; reception hall, ouert basement and walks; gas in bouse, a. Aioer ann iw ata aabao. fOOM bouse, all In good srBet, Bear Brooklyn acnooi biboo. O-aOOBt plaatered bouw. lota, ba Bell- wooo -9 WML kogA nlssteraa hous: chotca local ocatlon. la South RortlandWOl,! iVBMMng modern hous: xcHent work manship- central, on k. istn at. a XAJAdVa housa all 1n Brat -! order. I full lots; nice view, on Woodstock car line; will sell now J or much lees than ooet of tha . ouas.-.. V -' ' 'warehouse Site ananas fet, naar tormtaaj arownds, '; Building Lots That Must .,..,- ,.,-. . , Be Sold - Thy are oWned by non-restdenta, and no reasonable offer will b refused. 1 lot In Colo's Addition, near Mllwaa kl ava. and Beacon St I lota la arvenwood Addition, v Bear Woodstock ear Una. ilot In Hawthorns First Addition, lota, well fenced: streets graded, tn Trwmont naar atatlon, HENKLE BAKER 1 BMf It AOBObB At Rocfcwood, on Ban TLlna road. Two and one-eSalf acrea Im proved. Moatly all In fruit 1U v assorted fruit trees. Just ths right - thing for a fruit farm. . Prioa, . LAMBERT cf SARGENT Van W. Anderson . R4BdU ltdttap, Lrim and Plra IrtmUftrk4a . 201 McKay Bid, Cor. M aiv4 Start ' CITY BvPIOBBa OOnTPtXTtOV AV9 AOCKPTAXOS OP BJV : PAIBS BO TAXXKB (TKKXX BaWBB ttsttoa la hereby glee that WlTnaat a Bltlott. City Knainear, baa filed ta tb office af tba aaraaralsncd, notice that R- M. Bluer, ran tractor tor tha renatra te Teaser Crack rit, BBOnr tka arerUlons ef erdlaasSS Met 14. OTt, has caaaptoted aald eewer. Bald accvpuace will be eoasldarai by the Bseenrlee Board st 4 e' clock on the Tth day at October, ttoi, aad abhetloaa to tka aeteai aaa ef aald sewer, ar aay part thereof, atay be filed la the office ef the sasaralgasft st asy ttato prior thcrrta. TUB BXACtTTTB BOABT. U - i By THUS. C OKVI.IIT, A di tor at tbe City ef Portland. Oregne, October 1, ltoa. Pertlend. 0UMPLATWM ABB AOOXnAJTCB BP BaTWXR BTBTBaT ta StIUTBaAJf P0BTXAXP, Nntlee tl hereby gives that Wl Ilia at 0. glllott. City Bnsiaear, bu filed hi tbe offlc af the snonrtfBsd. sstlee tbat Jaettbam-Bads Co.. eoRtractora for tba eoaatractlea at a eewer ayatoto ta awstbera Portland, aader the prorlekMw ordtaeaea Be. have saaa- atctcd aald aewer. Bald acevptaaea wTB ft isHri by the Bsecnrlv Board at 4 e'elock as tbe Tth day af October. IBM. and objecHoan to the accept aaee of said eewer. or aay part thereof, way be filed la tb effW ef tha asantalgsadTst saw Unto jtrtor Ibcrete. , . THB BXACI'TiTB BOARD. , - By THOB. C. DKVLITf. - Auditor e tbe City af PertMad. rnrnaea, oresn. oateaer i, nxeb. irxOPOBALA POB PIA Beatod arnsesala will be reeelTod by tab Water Beard ef tbe City af Portland, Oragoa, Inner ee or before December 1. 1WM. All tar ba farslabid bnma44taly if eoabrnctor pre- fcra. Bidder apnat state tbe Brioa r anenilB detteerc f..b. rare, Portland, Oeenon. Wltb eneb btd moat be depontted a eertlSed Beck far 1100. payable to tba order ef the Auditor of tbe City of Pnrtland. Orefloe, and boade ercepuhla to the Mayor of th elty Wttt be reqairad af tb awccenafid Mdder. Tbe right bi reaerred by the WahaT award to refect any er all Mda. Prnpeeal eB be earlneed t S Vie, toe tod and narked "Pmnnaala for pig Lend,'' and addrveead to the andcratgnad. , , , By ardor ft lb Wtr B-mrd. PBANK T. norvia, Bnrertatoedawt, - Pwrthrad. Ptagas. October , UnM. U ' ' jjr An",U mBwm iftTrwotrr ornm ' OfTT BbTfCBw. aVBTEBBiaa 04? sAST f WAX Til IB BtUBV. Wbaraa. tb Cwabrll ef tba Ctty f Pert-la-d. a. ila It eapedteet to apea. ( lay ost v -a j CAtaYttbih an eatcnalon of xaat a Twan-Jb etrt. In th Oty ef PoctUad, froei the eoath ll ef Ptelalea atraat to tba aorth 1IM of Olton atraet aald Bast Twentlstb at -m( to ba 40 feet in width aad to enrreanoml vith Beat Twnntleth afreet aa laid ant la Acer's addition to Baat Portias, did on foe U day nf Jkiy, 1S04. direct tb pity Bnii( ' to anrvny th abate aad to mark the boundaried thereat, and to nake a plat of each aurrey. ' and a wrlttaa report coaulslnf a full aad L perfect deeerlHUn ef anck aropoeeA street and noenderlea tbereof, aad of tbe porttea fit each lot. tVset er part ef el that to hi propriatad for aanh atreet aad the City Btiai- , t f. aeer hnrlag nude each amr, plat and report . and ft4 each plat and report la the snVc of ' tha Auditor of the City ef PortUnd en fa ' . XM ear of inly, 1B04. aad mid repoit baring . beea siWted by ere (ansae Xe 14,174, entitled: "Aa a :Kinnc aooptlua tbe report of the City Bnalaaer la tbe mattw af tba propiMad f. openlas, Ujlns oat, widening sad aaUbUablng -'V of Bast Twentieth Street la tha City ef Port' Uad. BO feet ts width. In Ita arenent eowM, from tba aontb Una af Mriatee atreet to the " Berth Use ef CUato street. ' 1 Now, tbHfore, all aereona Inter anted are -hereby aotlaad tbat tb Coanall ef tba City of rorUfad ba appolatod R. J. Moirtore, J. ftlty and W. T. 7Ute riewera to view aaid pre poaed eabBBSto nf said atraat and anaba aa eetl auta at tbe benedU aad daman occaaloaed : by the epeslng, laylns out and aaUbllahins of . v tba eama. la aecordanea' with tb charter . of tb City ef PortUnd, aald rtewera to neet ai ta a race c tn Anaiter nr ta miy Portland oa the ltth say of October. Itoi at ' 'be hear of It e' clock Is the toreeoes ef as ,. -fie prd aoenrng. wideatng. toyhbjr eat end eatabirabing ef Bait Twentieth atreet hi o feet la width dad Is wore sarilcalarly h waded Sbd deacrlbad aa tollnwa: Beflnalng at S point lb lb Baoth Use f Wrlaion atreet at the aorthweet earner ef block, 1 MeadowUnd, rannlng thence waa tar IF aa tba aaatb tine ef Birlaloa atreet to feet to a pototi these aoatherly and parallel with the east line af Beat Twentieth, atreet aa sow laid eat. to me norm Baa of Citato street: these eater y aloaf th north Una of CUnfba aireet 40 fact to fee eaaterlr Use St East Twentieth atreet; thence northerly along the -aaet Uae ef Beet Tweattath atreet aa sow laid out, to the enctb nh af Mvlatoa street to tb pine ef heainaiag. The prnpoaad opealng. wlenln. toy In set and aaUbltablng of Eaat Twentletb atraet wOl InctoAe aad aaceseltat tha appropriation to pah lie - nan ef tbe tallowing aeeorlbed pnreebi y Wacta ef lead: All af lot iL htoe 1, Lasae'a BlOUlBy toinlag l.eno Vinare feet. Al7 all ef lot A Uoak 1. Lanbaf edaWsa, esatolatn Atno esnsre feat Alan all ef let 1. block 1 Lebhwa addfUia, eastalalnc l.flOO aoaere feet - Ales all ef let IT block Laaba'a adttlea, aatalBlns S.tOO asnare feet Also aD tbat part af tot k block L leehe'S addltloa, lying eaaterly ef ran propoaad wentorly , Una af Ba.t Tweatteth afereet eoslals U : eonare feet Ala. all that part ef tot T. Mocft) 1 Chas addition, lying eaaterly ef tha nroned weaterly Hna B-at TwUth atreet eeatslatag lft aqanre feet Alee a II ef tot f. block ft. tanba'a aadltlaa. lyinjr easterly af the smpoaed waaterly tine ; of Bast iweatlam street, aaatalalsg Uft aaaara J feet Alsa att tbat part ef let f . Mock t, teebea . addlttoa, lying easterly af tbipeepced weeterly Una f Xaat Twastleth atree oaUlsiag Lb aqmsre feet. . all eereeaa aMhsJag daani tea ftp reeeoa ef J the anpreanattoa ef the property shore da- ' - " - k. n. ' . sing, wieeaisg. nyine oat bb earannaaiBa; , aald atreet are hereby prrlally not t nad ts i Bta tbew rial for auch aawi agea with the Auditor nf tbe Cltr e PncUnnd before the ltth Amy f October. IBM, tbe Urns npsetatod (ar the aaeetlinj ef tb riewer tbereta. . i ' v Bp erdar sf th OMnril. --r . Aadftor af tbe CHy ef rortkasd. - -Pertlend, Ornsse, Bptosbr pa. htot. '. raopoBAU pob eawsa wenx. Beatod ar epos a la will ha . received at ta office of (be Audltar ef tbe City f Portland, antll -Pridny, October T. IBM. st a o'clock . p. si for tbe coeatracllaa ef a sewer re khMlat street freaa th eaat tin ef Wabnf street to the eewer la Bhertork arena and Bock atraat In th meaner provided be ordi nance . 1 4.1X4. anhlect to the yerlaluaa af tha Charter and enllnanees ef the fit of Portland, aad the ettunto ef the City ftWiaeer. . ea file. Mda .arnet hs etrlcttr ta printed blanks, which will he farnlaked en ' appUenrlos at tbe effloa ef tb Andlter sf , th Oty af Portland. And aald sew 1 mt f eeanleted nn or befere Bb days tmw ' the daw ef tb Maatng ef the eeatrat hy the pert lee tbcrto. X aropnMbi ar Mda wth be eeneMared . Wnlem secoaapanled hy a certinad chert oar-' . abb) to tbe erder af tbe Meyer nf tft fit , of Portland, cart 1 fled by a reesaeelbto bank far as SBtonat eial to to per mat f tb iHTU say Bad sB trd H, mwTwwW FtaTTtwL & By areas ef tbe beenfrr Baerd. A Andlter nf the City Portlaxd, ,i Pwttond. Ortgne. October 1, 1P04. 's PBOPOgn 0BAHAB OF BB IBB 0T MOBS BTBXXT. , -.-. Kerlce Is hereby grres that st the bntoethtr nf the Cttemetl f the City nf Portland. 'Oreana. , held aa the tint day of sVpt-neher, IBM. the MtowtiuT raaetnrlo waa adoptedt . Reselrnd. Tbat th Oonnril of tb CHy ef PortUnd, Otveoa. creme It expadteat and sropnaaa to ahaag and antabueh tb grade i tbe cents linn ef akMnaor Street at tb , latataevttoa of tb ceeter Una af Gernelg are- -im froai lA4.t feet to 1A1A taet abev tb , baae af etty are aaa. . Beerrnd. That the And Mnr af the-City CV Portland be aad hela hereby direct ad to 1t rot to ef fa srepnwd Chan re ef fradeWof , Mid atreet as prodded by tbe etty charter. Bennoaa trance asalnat tb ahern rbaase of grade awy he BW tb wrlrlng with the voder alrned wlthls Bf) day froaj th debs ef the Brat aeblleatloa of thta acn, , ,, t By erest sf the OmnSL " V v THOB. 0L PBfLl, ' Antttor nf tbe Ctty ef PtUad. PerOasd, Orwje. aptaaibar Bi, lftoft, , pbopoaaxj rom avrxaxna tamaT t- ;-. LAXiraraA, - t Beatod asepeaals wia be rtod at the arte of the Andltor of the City f Portland antll Bahrrday. October 1. IBM, at S:0 n. far bnlldiag kadtn for tha ferry "Uenel B. Webater," Is accaeeaaea with plana and enwetaeattos Breaared by Pred A. Battle, aad as tie at hla ofAce, 4IH Seenad atreet He proposal will ba eanaidered anleaa a. , easipealed by a certified ebeck p7bU to tb order of Oearp H. WUHasw. Mayor ef the Ct'y af PerUaad. eensl to 10 par eaat ad aha ag ar sate anesent ef the bid. Ae right to fejaet aay aad sB Mda M hatehy By erdar af nw Barsrntft aWrd. ' A , thob. a naTVLrw. - Andltor ef the City ef Portland. PerOasd, Oraaa. Beptowber 94. ltd. COafPLSTTOV AVa AOOXTTAhXIB OP Dt ' PnOTUIKXT OP BtXTM gTBKXT. waties t hereby glraa Jhst Wttttaai L f Slttott City Rnslnaar, baa flud hi th afflcn . of tb mderatyaed, sottce tbat the Trinidad Asphalt Farina Oa., eontmrtora for the Im- ' prnTenieat nf fcMxtb street aader tha prortoloas " of ardlBane Xo. 18.419. bar eompletod aald atreet from the berth 11m of Morrlaaa atreet to (he sontn Una ef Royt street. Bold accentaBO will ba eonetdeced hy the BrecntJr Beard at 4 o'clock oa tbe tth day ;. mt October. 104. and ebtlone to the acecpt anee of a!4 atreet. er any part thereof. ay be filed to tbe nrflce ef tha maaralgsad st aay ttM prior tbereta. TUB XXrrrTTTB BO ART. - - -( Br THOB. C. DBVLfX. - Andltor ef tbe City of PnrtUad. partlnd, Oregon. October 1, ltM. OOBtPTJtTTOV ARB AOCXPTAirOX OP ta pmOVXMXXT BP TAMMXXX BTBXXT. Xnfton ta berebr atrea tbat Wllnasi ft. STBott City Pnaineer. be filed la th office lott city ma-ineer. sea me la tb erne the- vnderslyned. eettoa tbat Warree One rtlon c. cootracter far the improeeavtat ". TanblU Street. ssAer th smTtalom of r of tbr rtrectlon mt Vanil ardhMBce Be. lt.nwr, save complete aaM atreet from tb center hn nf Brrenth atraat to tbe neuter line af Pnnrtoenth atreet Bald aecepfhnea will be coanldered by th Btecnttr Board at 4 o'clock on tbe Tth day ef October, 104. aad ehJectlAna to th accept. a nt aald atreet. of any part thereof r. awy be filed to the efflee f as ts sasaraia tbe aaaafBlgsad as, v asp Ubm Pflor thereto. THB BXECPTTTB BOAXTI. " ' . By THOB. C. DBTU. " ' Aadtrnr of the City of Pnritoad, Portland Orison, October I, Iftt. OOMPLETfOB ABB ACOXPTABOS OP IB PBOTaTMSBT OP POBTXBPP sTnXXT. - rtotks bj herrby given that WlllUB) C BUlett. aty Knslseer, bad filed hi the offlc of tb aaderalirned. notice tbat ftmyth A Howard Co., enntraatar for tb HaprortBtoiil of Xorthrap atreet. aader the srorlalona of erdl nance le 1I.TM. bar completed aald atreet, froai the west line of Twenty aaeoad street to the neat Fine a Twentr -third street. Bald aecautanc wilt he coneloered by th BsecnHee Board at 4 a'elock on the Tth day f Ocoer. 1fto4, and ehjecttona to the accept, aar ftf said street, or any pari thereof, aaay be filed In Jbe fflcn af th endemljrned at aar un Pr'n thereto. TUB BXBfTTtTB BOARP. - a .' i Br THOB. tl. PBTUX. ' ' Andltor af rh Cltr of rwrthind. Ptotto. Orasn. October i, l i A ' fY ' Si (