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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1904)
' ' ' ' ' . A ". ' T 3 OK--- DAILY rurAi; portlaKa), wxdnfsday evenino, October , 1904. 0T pwwTfiBd, 4BTY both"", CTffY BOTTft", CITY BNrTfOBm BTTT JFBf JOBB BA2BJBAb r 'tie tsovoin wiwMiii yob mnovs , nan oy bbxxwoob otbbxt. - . . . .aaaal rVat thO CoatO-tll Of Ml' the th air f li l.rfd HWDGMI t . i Hut AT IT swim w s btg apoeHiir - Jp Md 4 rtVtoM toerf for T of BoU-i Kitt fro the uno 1 "ir.'" . .1 Ti.. J nnrtni i nmaBt CMC witaiiT li day too- tb dat of UmQ uiml TtbTPii of th the coat of aald lMprriD3t. ALBINSLOCKB. West 1B f J" YA Offuu BTgUel Mtimraa .""A;". XntWaa Chart. iM M; tot 28. f lot ft BenJnmlB Y. BtrM, 4 r 100 foot of to , Mattle A. North. 60.10; , sVStb w rat of tot 21. wun. H.nbo. Ul.ftT; booth 100 fMt of tot fUrUOMr. 10X71; west M jl wft 1 fMt of tot 18. 0. BCandotedt, Wl-! Sari field, 21.04: t7i,Am-?tS . too (Mt T tot A J .f F reer of out Ptf fMt Of tot 15. Bwno Jr. OravM, 2AU; sooth fMt of Mtt 00 J ft M fMt ot lot 14, iioi. fMgertoa. aA48i tof A J Li; ton" 4 28, WMt 16 fMt Of SOth WO fMt Ar U tt. lobn J. D. Bdgoetoa. ?iaaL 5 8 fMt of sooth 'S Smi W io7AdMKrtoi. MOth "jM,j-ir,.7.-r fi of to Luu t Vii-ot; M.t iMt r k.t Wrt Vt SSi.0. Mtk lttO fMt of tot JL ?SLV&ta ill Ml 100 fMt of lot Kror . I'"'! 7 .m !n .luti Mam rat .A. Potonon, Oj aA. wlh 1M fMt of M 10. I"llt. FlMOm-T: oortB M0J f-Jtt oftot t JKolto ,: f Mid tot Mary fraacM Ughtaor. $120 tu.ll. Van Vlat. OBI: WMt f. : Ct IB iHlliV V-a VlMt iT i fKLla? ' ) M f W : aMUV-YM Vlott. 93UM. f. ; Total. KBtB ft D-jvW. , Alitor of bo Cltp of rmtMtmM. ,. :. ' rorttood. OtacoB. Oetobor t. IftO- frBOrOSBB AAVaaTbtXXT BOB WFB0TB. - MBKT OB BABT 9AT1B BTBSBX. arnui aniMrtr and owaor or 0 MMtally and porultorly booodta to I oo bol X - aat onnodlto tbo BamM ana m-I ; SptSWMrSi foTtti TtoDMrM of Ba-t fwMty-Mrood atraot to fJ22 ?JSnS!a s Koatr-ftmrU atrMt, aa oirrldM ay ardtoaaoo - 2Sirtto- toi-tt rtfrc"w , , OaaTllal IbiiiIii riOlft BrMt fea BMd DB WntUtg -w wltbta U daya fra to of rt iBrat pab. : Heat loo of tbU aotlco, and Mid I'll: 1 7 C koiH anl dotMialMd bp tha CocUb tt7Ml tbo orsioaao aaatjalMj SW mm V KBVBfiftioif b. tbo Cltr of For. - , lafe- BLOCB 1. tot Oroaetatl-wd Coaa- ': Lwn t?.TjJ,rref t"?.00" ; m-NN S ADDITION But FJ"--Bl0a: 10. tot d, Blbort W. roopor. 3BM tot T. Toaoa. m.bT')o , J. B. aoott. a.Tti tot .nt10 nW f Port- - , BLOCPT-. aaat M foot tot ew- vnt Eatnd Oomaaar. ib.m; au at m Mat d tMt.Mrlo Btoft, il.f: tot Mta 0. owltt, pld-TIJ totjfVaawat lM '' Aadlbsr of tbo City of rortUaoV. rVrtUad. Orofoa. Oetobor l TtoB. ; " tomopoass ww 0B - WTBOTB jPtlfT, OB BABT TWSBTTBXXni BTBBXT Vottor hi borobp prran that tbo Oa-mrtl or w 1t of PortUD propoo MUM tbO follow- lag dooertbod prapartp or pa bolag aoadally rod vonBarly rMttd ta Cm Vww.tlHt oppootto & aaaaoi bad dMarlp- --t- turn tbanof for tbo ?Pr"?a Z. J?..1 : Twoatpltth ttraot froaa tbo aorth Una of Malt - BABMb ttroot to tbo ioutb liao of ' Hatoop, atrott. ' - aa provided by ordlBaaoo o. 13.840 . Aoy objocttoao to tbo apporttoaMOit of wot S 4w Mid foaratvBMut B0t bo Bjoda la writing to tbo CoodcU and Blod with tht A ndltor wltbia 7. dy7roai tho daU of Oj bit publkatioo ft ibH aotlco. ,md to ylj" ,J i brard aad drtcralnod bp tho Conacll boforo tha r paga of tha ordlaaaca lawlu tho eot of (- r..rB TO PJOLUBAY PABK Aft ' . DITION, Portland, Orogoa. -BLOCK IT. tot 1, Tbo TItto OaanatM Traot OsoMony, , iiOR Ol; tot B Tb TItto OvaraatM Traai . Conpaay. Ta; tot , Tho Tlllo Oaaraatoo d ' ' 1 TruatQaaapaay, 1 M; tot 0, Tba TltJa6oar antM Treat compaay. muyi m. f. tot 1, Tbo TItto OuaraaUo A Traot Company, fll4.i tot Tbo Tltlo OaarantM,, Trait Coaipaay, td.Mi tot IK, Tbo Tltlo aaarajptM Trial Company. P 84; tot WT Tbo TItto a. taai A Trual CkunMa. llSt.a. BLOCK 81. lot 1, Tao Tltlo OuaroatM dt Tract Ooav- pany. Ilf4 ! lot z. Tbo Tiuo uaaraaiM m Traol AHHpaay. tll.Bl; tot IP.taa TItto Ooar- utM t7at iowMny. $11: tot BJ. Tb , Tltlo QoaraatM dt Troat Cosipaax, tPT.oB. BLOCK IS, tot 4, Tbo TItto OaaraatM ft I - froat Oaampaay. llOBTd; tot d. Tbo TItto OuarajitM A Traat Comrany, fS.BO; tot d, - :. Tba Tltlo OMrantM gi Traat CoBrpany. ; k-t a. Tbo Till Ooaraatoo B Trait OMapan '--I MB. BLOCK II. lot 10. Tbo TItto Oiiaraoto Trait Oatspaap, 10d.lT; tot a, , . Tbo Title OMmntco Treat Company. 18.41; tot IX Tbo Tltlo OurantM A Truat Coa paay, 7.88; tot 11, Tba Tltlo OnaraatM Troii Companr. . BLOCK S3, tot 10, ; ' Tha Tltlo UaarantM ttmi umnoBy, '; tot Tho TItto Ova ran too Troat ' C"Bany, Jt ot; tot M. Tbo Tltlo OaarantM 14 d TVq1 Cocapany, fl ; tot It, Tba TItto Oaorantoo dTXraat Com pilar, IbBM. Total. - l.OdB.O. TROB a DBYLTtf, Aodttor of tb atp of PorUoad. PoHtoad, OrogoB. Oetobor 8. 1P04. ' VBOYOBBB ABBlaUMABT YOB ZKYBOTK. r- , MBBT OY CXJVTOK ITBSBT. . V BotlM la artbp glMB that tbo Oannffl fh Cltp of Portland propMM to moom tht fel towtaa daaorlrted proporty and owbot or owboi M bolag pMlally and poonUarly bonodtod to tao amoobta Mt oppoalto tbo udm and daerip i 4 ttoaa thortot for tbo tmpfforomrnt of Clifton " . otirot from tho WMt 11m of BUtaoatt Uat i , to tbo nrl 11m of TwoBtooad atraot, at -pot rldod by ordlnajMO No. 1AT. . . t Any obJortloDa to tba apportion bmbi of ooot tor aald Tm arc raawnt mnat M mad la writing , to ST OoineU and Blod with tt Aadltor - wtthlall daya from tba fata of tba trot ouN ; llcattoa f tbU aotlco, and Mid obtorttooo will . . to bMrf and dotortoto-d by tbo QmnrU m ffwa tbo pooMr of tbo ordlBOBat Milng 4 tba OMt of mM JmrwtooBt. i CABTRB t ADDITION to tbo Cltp Of Port-t-f, land BLOCK tt, tot d. loMpblno B. Chlldj. , ,; tot B Ma H. CrdwU, frt.Ml tot s h. B. Utt. m M; tot U ' Lltt WW-T9-f flAiCW. MH. tot 4, BllKbath S. finttb. , jBT.Sli tot Kllaaboth B. imltb. W4.47; ' north U tot d. OMrgto A. Nottingham, .TT; toot tot , I M. Sborno, 820.IT: lot B, - E ht. ftorao,"tlfl 8B. BLOC 4T tot B Ida T, Orayaoa, 81 M: ooaTh 10 foot tot 8. IAa 9 OtvJm- tM T BLOtTK 48. lot t Faaiito P. Part, Ipfl.H: Bontb BO foot tot - - L Paanlo Y. Paff. HO.IT; aonth ft) tot 10.1T; annth so rt flT.TB; tot 4, rbnulo aot of land lying brtwt I. Panel P. Part, Pago. A ti P. traat af land IrlnC brtwooa Bbrtbora Um of Clifton atrnt aad a IIm 100 ft Bortbrtly thonfrom aad parallel thoro- Sitb and botwooa tho vatt Sao of Twtotr at atraot and tbo Mat lino of Twority-oooond liMt, oacnrlty Having nwi tomnany Mi l, miiuoi a. WlUUm K. Smith. m1tb, tTi.Tft; lot i, ii.noi mx f . aarnrFi num. un..-w m. Homo, 82- 88: - tot B f. W. HMTMng, 1M ft. BLOCK TL lot 1, II Im B Framo. fdUlC: tot B BI1m B ddBBl: tot T. Maroorot au Net iar. 1.401 tot P, Margarat . Mct-ior. n art., niwi to. nnrtb inn raj or mm foot. OriDW hT. Ba akin. 13TVM: WMt 1 fMt of aaat 100 trti of north .100 fMt, Agnoi If. Crawford. A8S.: WMt TA fMt of north in fMt, R"hort Warrark, t2Xn , ItJK'f tt. tot I mtm U WoodwariCl BT4Ji tot B Hi la i. woodward. ai7.M; m t, whimm m. Ladd. traatM. 41. TS: lot g, William M. Ladd. fMMto. ' B0i, BLOf K T4, lot k A . U Board, IHa.n; tor B Tar Ourdaraon, f4BT8; tot P, tra Onadrraoa. tld.Mt lot I. A. U iaro. 8-!T4i rlsbt of way. Portland Balo- trap oay. bbb.o. twil tb, TnnB r. Addlfor at tb dtp of Portia ad. PbrUaad, Oatobor 104, rmotMAU vob rrmxn woul InM DPOMMto. W)U M NNtNl Ot tM oniM at tha a W of ot Ctty of PortUi4, utir PVlday Or T. ot f o'clock . fot tM lBinrajtVaMat Of fWU Mmt. m tM Mat Uao of k.ltrinhto otrMt to tho WMt llM of Ett TwBtf-nnt ttTMl. Ik rhs man sar prurtdcMl br wtlnuM No. 14.1W, Mbjact to tkO fMVWMMM of tu FBOTtw nd orrilnancM of too Ciij of fort lnd. uMl to Mtk ia( Of tM atr BnglBOOr, M flU. B ta aiaat bo otrUtlr la wwor4aco "rtfat BrtnU bUnka, wMcn will oo forolaooj oo apvllMtloa at too offtoa j)t tho Aadlior of tkr flty of PortlaaC Ana Mia ImoroTOOient Dot bo aoaipWud oo bofon 1M MM fraOi the MM Of fbO MXBMf Of tM OMtTOCt fef tM KrtiM UtarrtO. Bo. pnptuli or Moo wfll bo aooatteod Ml 1 BWonpanB by a Mrtlflod akack oay abto to IS ordv of tfe Buror of tbo CJtr of rortlan4, etrtlfM by a roaaeoalbto ban for aa a moo at awta! to W aor Mat of ta MfhT"rtVbtr0r-Mt oar uf aU bio. to aareoj- raMfrta. Uj ardor of lb ReaUo Board. Aooltt of tba City of1 rortkai. rortlaaaV &ra. Qetobor I, lto. BMVOBIXS FOB ITUtn WOBB. ' SMlod aropoMbi ortB bo mtlNfl at tao offlco of tbo Auditor of ta City of Portlood. aatll rriaar. Oetobor T. 1004. at 8 o'fkx a. Bk. for tbo ImprrrraaMrat of Eaot WMblnaton trMt. from tbo oMt Mm of Bart Talrtrvtlilrd Mmt to tbo Mt Um of Saaanlao Third addl ttoo. la tbo auanar Bmldrd by ordlnaao No. 1.2S1, tnttjact to tbo MorlaloM of tbo cbartar and ordtoancM of tbo City of Portland, aad tbo MtlmaU of taa City Bnrtooor, oa llo. Klda 'Btnat bo otrtetly ta aoonrdaoM Wltb prtntod blaaka, walcb will bo rarnlaa on arpUcatloa at tao offlco of too Auditor of tbo Oily of Portia od. ortiaaa. Ana aata taipr aaoat bo onaplotad oa Or boforo 00 daya fro as tbo date of tba oloaUai of tba ooatrart by tbo aartlM tharoto, . No BMpoMla or ftida Wtd to OPMMorad BnloH ocroapaatod by a oortlflod ebork pay ablo to tbo ardor of tho Mayor of tbo City of Portland. Mrtlflod br a raoBMolblo baal for aa a aroint oaaal to 19 par oaat Of tbo 4b7 HpbV tontoat aap bad an Mda k horobp raaorrad. 1 . Bp rM of ho IhMottM Board-J V , ' Attdltor of tao City of PaMlaaCs PoHtaad, 0r0, Oatobor . 10M. BBOBOdBB ABdlMBllPt YOB TMVBOYaV i MBBT QP OLaVOXAMAf BTBBBT. t ' Nottoa la borobp ftroa that tbo CoaaoB of tbo City of Portlaad propooM to mo Ma tho follow ing Mar 1 1 tu il property and owner or owaoro aa mToc apacUlly and pacaltorly baaodtod la tbo amennta wt rppoalto th naaMO aad dMrrintloM tbrroof for tbo lanprarfmoat of ClarkamM arrMt, froaa tho oaat Um of Boat Tatr fourth otrMt to tbr wrat 11m of Cit TwMty atahth atraot. M amrldod bp ordlMa Mo. U.m1. ' Any obtorttooja to tho aaoorttoriBMBt of roat far aald IniproTcawBt tBMt bo audo la writing tu tbo Council and dld with tha Abdltnr wltbia IB day from tbo data of tbo drat public tlo of tblo aotioo, and Mid obymloM win bo tward and datonataod by tbo OonncU boforo tho pi ugo of tbo ordbWBM aaaqaalag tho ooot of aald lmnroTOBwnt. PlhT ADDITfOM TO HOtXADAY PABK AT dlltoa, Portland. OrogoavBLOCB 11. omrtb 100 foot tot 10. Tbo TItto OoarantM at Tm Oompaay, U.O; aoajth 100 fMt tot t. Tho Tit la OaarantM Traot Coaipaay, H.n3'. oath 100 fMt tot I, Tba' TItto tinaraatM Trnot CoBapoay. AM 48; aoatb IbO foot tot T, Tba TItto OaarantM Trnot Oontpaay, W7.P6; oMth 100 fart tot d, Tbo TItto Oaar MM Trait Coaipaay, 937. m; aoatb 100 fMt lot L Tbo Tltlo Guar an tM aV Troat Odi- oany, tST.W; aonth 100 fMt tot 4, Tbo Tltlo OaarantM Traat Company. MT XT : aoatb 100 fMt tot B Tho Tltlo OaarantM B Truat Onmpaap, BM.PT; aonth lot fMt tot 8, Tbo Tltlo OaarantM di Traot Compaay. 884.41; oath 100 fMt tat t. Tho Tltla OaarantM A Truat Company. J 11114. BLOCK 18, aoatb lOO faot Id! 10. Thai Tltla OnarantM A Tnia 7 Compaay. 11144; aoutb 100 foot tot , Tbo " Tltlo .Cfnaron too A Troo Company. tM.M: uta ivo mi m a, in j lite uiwnam Traat CoaiMJiy. 80.11; ooBth 100 fMt lot f. Tho Tltlo Ooarantoo B Traat Company. 0B8d oontb 100 foot lot-B Tho Tltlo Our antoo B JTraot Compaay. BM. IP: aoatb 108 fMt tot 0. Tho TItto GuaroBtM dt Traat Con Siny, 81.01; annth 100 fort tot 4. Tbo Tltlo oarantoo A Trnot Compaay, 42.40: aoatb 100 fMt tot 8, Tha TItto OaarantM Traot Cnmpanr. 41.PTi Boath 100 frot tot B Tb Tltla Ooarantoo A Traot Compaay. gtBdt; aoutb 100 foot tot 1, Tao Tltla OnaraatM TrMt Ootaaaay. 4d.TB, BLOCK 10, tot II, Tho Tltlo OoarantM B Traat Company, B8.84; tot 11. Tbo Tltlo Owanto Traot CaawnyT41 at; tot IS. Tho Tltlo OnafaatM Traot'Oompaay, 80 U; tot 14. Tbo TItto OaarantM B Troat Goat pany. 843.80; lot li, Tb Tltlo OaaraatM m Traat CompaBy, MtT; tot Id. Tbo Tltlo Ooarantoo B Traai CDnjpaay. ddO.Mt tot IT, Tao Tltlo OnaraatM B Trait Company,; lot la, Tbo Tltlo uoarantM s zroot Uompaay, ag.Bf lot is. Titm unarantr Traot Oampaay, B: tot 10, Tbo THlt OnarantM A Truat nr. I118.N. BLOCK 10. tot 11. Tbo It to OnarantM B Traot Onmnanr. hld.lS? tot IB Tbo Tttlo OaaraatM dt Trnot Com pant. M HT: tot 18. Tbo Tltlo OnaraatM A Traat Oaanoaar. fa. SO: tot 14. Tho Tltla OnaraatM Troat Ooatpany, BMJU' lot lb. Tho Tltla OaaraatM B Traat Company. Ma.dft; tot Id, Tbo TItto OaarantM B Traot Coapar. tBT.tli tot IT. Tbo THto OaarantM i Traat OompanA 40. Bd; tot IB Tho TttU OaorBBtM B Trwrt Compaay. 841.08: tot IB Tho Tltlo OaaraatM dt Traot Cooapaar,, 41. 08) tot lo. Tbo Tltlo OaarantM B Ttmk OmBpamp, 44 IB Total. 8S.lCS.rT. THOB. C. OalTLIIf, Aadltor of tho City of Portlaad, bd. Oragoa, Oetobor 8. 1004. YBOPOBALt BOB BV11 BTOBK. Baalid iraMih will to tooalaod at offtoo of tho Aadltor of tho Ol ty oi Portland. until Bridal, Oetobor T. 1004. at o'clock p. bl, for tao MnatroetMB ot Tool to at AaB atrMt. from tto ooot tto Ooooral Anderooa'a addlttooi to th Mwor ta Bast Twaty-foartb Btroot. In tho m oaot prwrldod b ordlaanM No. 14.198. oobjoct to fh pro otatoaa of tho ebarter aad araiaaaoM of tbo city or Portia na, aad tto MtiButt f tto atp UIBW, OB DB. Bid moat bo oMotlP to Prtntod blaaka. which will to farnlabrd BppUcattoB at tha offto of tbo Aadltor tb Cltr of Portland. Aad aald m of mnat b aoanplotod oa or boforo BO doya from th data f tto atgalng og tto ooatraat hp tto porttoa tbortto. Jtfo prapoaala or oaloM aroompanlad tod win nojrtdotod BP a artlfl ehock pay. f tho Oltr abl to tho ardor of tto Mayor of of Portland, oortlftod by a MBeaothto bk tar aa amnowt oogi to Id par mat f tto "fto rtghtTirijoBf wiat an tddX f aorahy rrmraod. OMor oi do nwinw Boar. v THOB. C. DITUIf. . Aadltor of tbo City nf Pnrttaad, Porttoad. Oragoa. Oetobor 1. ltOd. - BBOPOBAJJI BOB 1TBEBT WOBX. ' Beatod propoMMi will h roeorrad at tto orflc of fbo Aadltor of tb Olty f Portland, an til Vrldajr, October T, 1804. at I o'clock p. m4 for tto laBprooomoat of Boat Morrlona atroot, from tho oaot Uao f Beat Thlrty Blahtb otrMt to tto won naa of Bait Thirty -ninth atrMt. ta tb manner prBOidad bp ordl nanc No. 14.1X1, aablert to tho preVtalom of th ebaxtor and ordlMaeM of Ibo City ot Porttoad. aad tto Umat of tto City abiafMor. ftta. Bid tooat to ttmtiy ia acoorciinc win prints blaafca, which wUl to fornlabod on application at th offlea of tto Auditor ' of tbo City of Portlaad. And mid Improvomont mart b aomelotod on or bofor BO daya from tbo data of tbo tln-nlaa of tto oa tract br tb part to tboroto. No propMato f Md wilt to " MooldMod BntoM oftcompanlog by a eortino back par- abto to tbo order of tto Mayor of tb a tr of Par for an PartBind, Mrtlflod-ay tiopoMlbl bank anaonnt omai at iw par ooot f aaroaat nroDoui. tb right t rttoat aad' all Hob I gga?trF kP1tetMrHp4f . Bp order of tto Bxoeotfr rl. V THOB. C. DIVUB. - Auditor of tbo City of Portatotd. YartUad. Orogoa. Oetobor 1. 1804. OOMPLmOlf AVP AOOBPTABOB 0Y 21t YB0YBMBWT 0Y BTJtTaT BTBBBT. NotlM to borobp b)tm that William ft BUtott. atr Rnrtaeer. baa filed til tho offloo of tb BBdonlgrMd, Botle-tbat Wirrea Con trnrtton Co., cootractnra for th tmproo-mrnt of Blttb atroot. adr th prortaloaa of ordW Miic No. 14.418. bar oam Dlctd tba aortb M-balf f tbo latanoettoB of Irving rtrMt. Bald accrpuao wlU b eMBMoraoj tT n BiaratlT Board at d o'clock e th Tth day of October. IB, aad bjeettoa to tto troop t- of Mid trMt or aay part tbrroof. Btay ba fltod la tb oftV of tto Bmdoralgaod at aay yam pdor thereto. Tun nHi i n ma.RM, . J By THOB C. DBTLIIT. Aadltor of th City of PootmaB. PorttaaA, Orogoo. Ortobor 1. 1WM, 0OBVLBTIOS ABB AOCXPTABCB 0Y BBWXB X BABT BATL0B ABB XABt TBIBTT- ttoftM to horobr alMB that WITH 0. Ktllott. Cltr tnatoMr. bao filed ta tb offlr of tbo nadoratgnod. netW that J. B BWraaaoM. Birtraftor for u aonitrartioa or a nif la Boat Tartar and Boot Thirty -alntb troota, an dor tbo pro-lain f mdUano Mo, 14MMB aa romptofad hM ewr. Bald accept toco win m laaanorrg ar tbo Ktocnttra Board at 4 ft'etoc n th Tth dnr of Oetobor. 1B4. aad JoFtloM to tb aeoopt- aao of aald awr. or any part tbornor. map ba fltod la tb cfflc of tto awdoralaaod at aa tlam prior tbr4, ,, H1BJ njai i ri i ar aV7A an, . - - N THOl. C. D1TLIW. . a o4i tor t tba atp or tWtlaad, Orogoo, Oatobor A, YBOPOBAZal l0B ffjrBXBT W0BB, BMlod imiiiiIi will bo rorolrod at tho offlco of tbo AuJitnr of tho City of Portland. ontU Prlday, Ocibor T. 1&U4, at I o'clocb . am.. (Or Ibo In oraromant of Bant Bornoldit atrMt, rrom B0 Ul wvt of tho wont 11m of Boat Third ttraft to tb Mat Una of Oraad iiMPt, la tbo manaor provldod by ordinance No. 14.BN, abt-t U tbo prorUloM of tbo ahartor and or iaaoaa of .tbo ruy or roruaad. 'jd tha Mttmato tf tyiVUS . Bwalnaor. oa Bldo BHmt bd otrtett to aeordaaoa with prlntad blank, which will bo fnriilhd oa application at tbo offloa of - tht Auditor of tbo City of Portlaad. Aad Mid ImprovaoMnt moat bo cBtaplatod oa or boforo to dayn rrom tho daw of tba atgalag of tba om tract by tb porttoa tboroto. No proooaato op bld wfll to rooatdarod alooj aecoaapanlod by a oortlftod ebock pay abto to tbo wdor of tbo Mayor of tbo City of Portland. crtin-d by a rMpoMlbU bank for bd amount oooal to- 10 par otat of too agrrognto propoaaL . ... . Tho rlabt . U rajort. aap asd oB alda It Boraby. roMrvfd. By ardor f tbo EaoeBtlro Board. , 't,; ... THOB 0. DBVLIN, 1 Aadltor of tbo Otty of Portlaad. Porttaadv Oragoa. Oetoboi L 104. ooinurnoat ajto aoobptabob oy im . PBOTXKBVT OY BBBB TWBLPTX BY,. NotlM ta horoby gtvoa that Wllanm C Blltott. City BnglnoM, baa flWd ra tbo orttoo of tho oadoralgnod. aotlco that Bmyth B Howard Co.. contractorn fuV tbo rmtromBt of But Twtlftb otroot, tudor tho prorlaloua of ordinance No, J8.U7. bora OMnploted Mid troat. from tho e-ntar una or ti stroot to 10 foot north of th north Una of Frodorlcfe tt, ......... Bald awoctanM will to cooajidorog or tbo Bbiitrutlvn Board at 4 o'clock nn tbo Tta day of Oetobor, ltx4. aad Objactlono to tho aacapt- anea of Mid otrMt. or any pan roaro. nany bo fltod la tbo offlco of tba soar atg nod at nap Um prlor thereto. . .. TUB BXCC'l'TTTB BOABD. ' . r By THOB. C. DBVLIH. . ' 1 " Andttor of the City of Porttoad. Porttoad. OroavB, Oetobor i, lto. 0DMPXZTI0V A9 AOOBPTAJfCOf OY Oft. PBOYBBtBBT OB BOBTKiriOK PTBBXX. Motto I boroby glroa that William C. Blltott. Oltr Bhialno) baa Ctod ta tb offlco Of tbo audor-lgnod. potlc that Miller A Bauor, itractara tnr tha IMOraTOmofll OI nOrXDWICB wi. anda tha BrorlalDM of ordnance No. ta mi kiti'Mnnbiad aald atrML from tbo aorth Baa of Btantoa otrMt to tba ooatof Baa of B-Uwood otrott. Bald aocoptane will M Maaiama or tbo Kaaratt Board at d o'clock att the Tth day mt Octnttav lOOa aaal obtrctlaM to tb acCOM- ano of Hid otrMt. or any port thorMf, mar bo fltod In the offlco of tto oadaraagBad at aa tlaM prior thrrato. - By THOB. C. DBVLIN, -Budju of tho city of PotimmV Portlaad. Origba, Oetobor 1. 180C COKFLBTTOB AMP AOCXPTABCB OB 1J nOTKMXVT OP BTULTBOMAM BTBBBT. Nottoa to bare tor - airaa that William . Illntt. Pit Knaltiaor. ban fllad hi tbo OlflM of, tbo nDdorolgnod, notlca that M..D. WblU. eoBtranor ioc un uvranam nniuwaa treat, on dor tbo prorlalona ot ordlnanco No. it. Ml. ba oomptotod mid atraot, from tho confer -Um of. UnlM aroma to tto woat Bao of Boot Blttb arrMt. Aoid iNwtiM will bo eaaaidorod tor tto Bsrcntir Board at 4 o'clock oa tbo Tth day of Oetobor, 1004, and afctorttoaa to tho oeeopt- tim of aaig trMt, or any port tnoroor. amy to fltod ta tbo offlr of tto OBdoralgaod at aay Oaw prior thereto. t turn amr-t i i im b-bi. - .v , By THOB. O, DBVLIH." : ' . ' Jrodltot of tho City of Pnttlaad. Porttoad, OrogoB. Oetobor 1. IPO. oobtpxbtiob ajts AOCXPTABCB OY DK. ITKMBaTT OY YBABKXTJI BTBSSY NotlM to borobp Htm that WIIMnm C. Utott. atp Bngtaoav, ha fltod ba th offtoa of tho aitafolgnit. aotlco that M. J. Coular. tractor for th twproowopr. or rraaaun tot, . aador tho prowlalona of ordlnamca No. OtTMt. 18 baa eamptoted Mid otraoL from th woat of Thirty Mtaad Btroot H tb oaat M aa1 ttnati area. Bald aawoptaaoa will b eoaatairid bp th Bxocnttoo Board at d ' clock on tbo Tth day of October, l04. and object Iom to th aempt aac of Mid atroot. or aay part thorMf, may b fltod ta tto ome of tho aadoralgaad at ay tlam prior tbarota. Xhl BXKt I 1 1 TBI ailAHD. . ' - , By THOS. C. DEVLiB, ' . ' Aadltor of tbo Ctty of Porttu. porrland, Oragoa. Ortobor 1, 1004. , " OOMPLBTIOV ABD AOOBTTAJfOB OF Ht- PBOTBMXBT OY BBIDV ATKBTfB. Wmmo to herofrr oJtob that William 0. KUtotU Qty Boxtocor. ba fUrd to tha offlo mt thtt natdorilonod. Bofloa that Paooot dt lob no to. coatracTora for tba tniprTntcnt of Union itna, andar tho Brooiolono of ordlaaaea No, 18MT. bara CMmptotad- Mid attMt, from tbo oouth Hn of Bolmont atraot to tto do tor 11a of Boat Madlaoa atroot. . , , flald MDtMM win bo floaoldaral br tto BzorattTO Board t 4 o'clock m tbo Tth day of Oetobor. 1WH. aad ob)tttoM to tto aoeopt- B of Mid atrMt. a auy parr Taoraor, may bo fliad ftp tb offlco of th oonralgaod at oap tUM prtor tboroto. Till IXEI I TITBJ PUBII, By THOB. 0. DBTLIlt. maitao or tbo citr or n Orogoav Oatobor 1. ltOd. OOBOUTIOV ' AVB BOOXPTABOB OB Eat- : BBOYBMBBY 0V BALMOB BTBBBT. No(laa la boron alma that William C Blllort. Oltr Riiaiooor. toa fltod In tha offlco of tbo Baaariiirnaa. aouc uai Miiior -at nanor. contractoca for tho BprorimoBt of Bolmoa atrMt. nndae tho nrorlaloM of ordlnaaeo No. 11.T0B barn eompfetod mM atrMt. from tba contor Una of Boooftd Btroot to tto Mt lto of Fifth Btrot- Bald ncreptane win to daBotdarad bp tto ataoonttTV Board at 4 o'clock oa th Tth day of dttaber. 1804, and obtoetlooa to tto oeaepf- of mm atrMt. or any port tnoroer, may to fltod la tto offto of tto doralgaod at aap Ham prior thereto. TUB BXBcrTTTB BOARD. ., ' f , By THOB. 0. DBTLTK, Aadltor af tto atp of P iltoal Porflaad, Orogoa. Oetobor 1. 1B04. - OOMPT-BTTOB ABB AOOXPTABOS 0Y llf PBOTKtTBJrT OP BABY TWBBTt-BBOOBO BTBSBX. " Mettoa to BoMbr atroa that Wllttam C Blltotu City BnglMor. hu filed ra tho offtoo of tho aadrratgaod. aottoo that Becblli Broa.. onntractora for tho BBprovomont of Boat Twontp. aoooad atrot, and the prortoloM of ordinance No, 14.06T, bar enmploted ld atrMt, from th aorth Na of Ttoaa'n addlttoa to u Bold accootane will bo oaBotdarid bp tto BaoeatlTa Board at d o'clock oa th Tth day of Oetobor. 1P04. and obtoettoao to tbo aoropt- aaM'ot mm atraot, or any pan laormr, amy b filed ta tb offio of tto mdorlgad at aap tlam prior thereto. , ... , . . TUB BXKCI TIYbJ BOANTV i . Br THOB. C. DrVtTW. " Aadltor of tbo City of PmBaafc Ororoo, Oetobor 1, 1804. , O0MPLBTIOB AJTV. ACCXPTABOB OY .D8 . YWBOiry 0V OUBAlf BTBBBT. HeulM ta haMto BtMa that WIBUoi O. BIHott. City Knaioeor. ba. filed ta tho offlco Of th narralgnod, not! that Praia? dt Keat ing. eoBtractoro for the improTOomnt of Oltoaa troet, aador tto prertaloM of ordlMOO No. lX.BTTi tot eempMtod aald troat. from th wrt Una off Twenur-MOAad torort to tto Mat lino of TVimfy-thlrd otrMt. Bald aoeontapM will . bo taaaHirid bp tto KxrcntlT Board it d b'etoek oa tho Tth day f October. 104. and ebJeUono to th ftocapt aae of Mid atrMt. or any part thereof, amy ho filed to tbo offW at tto daentgaad at nrter tboroto. THB B3CECT TTTB BOABD. Tt THOU. 0. DBTLTM. noaitflr or tn ciry or i pTttivtwtfl fptTmOama Bctobor 1. lBOd, 00MPLBT10K AJTO AOCXPTABCB OP B YMTBIBBBTY OY TXBTB BTBBXTt . Notto to horotry bItob that 'WllOam 0. Blltott. Cltr BtaartB. ba fltod ta tho afflca of tha nndoralgoad, aotlco that Btar Band Co.. OontrBetor ror tn improoomenT or Toot atroot. nnder th arnrlntoM of ordinance No. 18.11B. hare eomptotod aald itroot. from tto eon tor Hit af Btark ftft to tto center Un of Barn! do rlroot and from tto center Um of Irrtag attMt to tb orator Una of Marabalt Btroot. Bat aettaae will ho maid-red by tto Baocntlro Board at 4 o'clock, o th Tth day of Oetobor. 104, and MtocttonB to tb ac- eewtaar or mi orroor. or any pan Tbomnr, may to fttod In tt ffte of tto odorigMO at any ttm prior tborrtA. , THK BXP TT1TB BOABT, ' . Br THOB. C. DEVLIN. Aadlto of tb atp of I Port land, Orogoa. Oetobor U 1804. OOafPLBTIOB ABB AOOXPTABCB OY TM BOTrHfXBT 0Y WATKB ABB BOOB BTBBXTB. -. "Botle to borobp giro . that - WlUtom O. Blllott, Cltr Kna-lnoar. bu fJird la tb offle. of tb aaaarilgned, aotlco thai Breyth A How ard Co.. ODtitrictar for tba ImproTomont ot Water and Hood atrwt. andar tb ore eta Ion ot ordloane Ho. 18.7TT, tora onujahttod aald troot. from th snath Hn of Ctoy atraot to tbo raatrr Um of Mirkat itret. Bald kerovtaae wtH bo moaddarai to tto Biocntlro Board at 4 o'clock on tb Tth day of October. loo4. aad obieetlon to tbo omp aaeo nf aald atraot. or aay part tborenf, may b filed ia tb mfVlc of fh aadoralgaad at aap tUM prior merer. . TUB BXK( TTTPB BOABtf. By THOB. C. DBVLIN, ' . Aadltor -of th City of nrtlajft NrttoaA, Orogoa. 0tbr V Uo. BBOPOBPTl ' lawWBifPbIT YOB' ImYBOTI. MXbTT OB BAXJ40B BTBBBBT. Rottoa to borobp Hm that tbo Coomefl of B tltj of Puruaod propoaot 1 BMom tao fulluwlug dMcrlbad property and owner or own-ra aa being apaHally and peculiarly bft fltad la tbo antunaU Mt opBoalt tba mbm and doacrlpttoM tborauf for tb touuronutoat of Bolmoa atraot. from tbo woat lino of Proat tt to tao aoot Una of fifth traot PA pro. Tbtod by ordlnaoa hi. U.TwB r objoctloua to tbo nyftoBBMBf of ooot tor Mid Iraproremoitt apt no mad la writing to tba Ooancti aud fiUd with tho Aoaitor wltbia Id day Boar tho data of tho hrot publtoattoa of tola aotto. and Mid objorttoaa will bo board and dotermlaod by tba Council boforo tba mjiim of tb ordtnaoo aaiMilag ttie oaot of Mid tmproTomont. YOBTLAND BLOCK . uudlrldod IB Boot dB fMt tot 4, ST A. htaUrby. 10BM; n dlTKtod 1-g root dl foot tot 4, Y. B. Hotntaa, 100.m; audi ridod l- ad di fMt tot d. Bmma Rotmaa. inr .84; wot Bft foot of tot 4. Oraaoa Pnrnltora Maaufaetnrtng Com- fiay, illTTTt; tot t, Orogoa Puraltara Man factarlng Oompaay, (N.U4; tot d, Orrgoa Yaralturo Maaufactartn. Gompaaf, 8.Tm; tot I, John A. 0oltol40a SB BLOCK "18, art 86 fot Tot d, A. Otmo Booo, 41 T4; . woat li fMt tot 47 Mary j. Woodward. 8TM8: WMt d fMt of Mid to tot B Marr k Woodward. 81. 40; WMt li Mt of Mth tot a. Mary I. Woodward, 8A.8B: out B) root or aorth tot a, aanie wowaid, fiO?ttotJ Bit Bl: out 16 fMToftot B Marr 7. Wd. ward. 7.01; wt 8B fMt of tot i, William Proal-r and Bllaaaoth Oarbatt BaUto, holr of IM M; Mat Id loot of tot i, Mary J. Woodward, 414: .woat SB foot of tot B. Tbo ma a M. HroaieaL MlT.da. ' BLOCK Bl. udlrldoB U lot 4, JoMph N, Dolph BeUU, or aiiT.aa: aadiriaoa u lot a, jomud otoh Batata. hoJra of, tidTT: Bndlrldd t 4. Cyrna A. Dolph, BjlT.4d; andlrldod t B Cm A, Dolph. l.rT: ndlrldd tot W 4 J. T. App-raoo. SB4.M; ltdl. rd U tot A I. T. AoDonoB. 834.58! lot Marx B JorraMfa. MO. 74: lot B. Thoaau M. BLrroMT Ual.ah. BLOCK BB lot tO-.N-go T. Wjara. 4d.8t, ooath tot Klluboth and Oarot B. Brlnta, JB.fT; a. Mrara. BUS W. BLOCK Bd. tot 4. Ida M Church. 4407 dl: tot B H ctar 1. Marrtoon. iTl.oe: lot d. Bombard L. Btoa Batata, htlra Of. 71.01 ; lot a, Bornbard L. Btoa tout, holr of, B40T.11. BLOCK B tot 1, Bobcrt Fatten Batata, boar of. 4N.SS: tot B Bob ort Pattoa Bbtat. botra of, MM; tot T, Danlal AUnkal. 70. M; tot 1, Daalol Klakot. BhVi.IT. BLOCK 11. tot 1, Am Harkor Ba tata, botra of. 48.01: tot BP. C. Bmlth Bout, tolro of. tTOTO; ooath Blto toot tot T, P. C Smith Beta to, botra of. 4T1; porth 114 foot tot 7. Hanry Wolnbard. 818.01: tot B. Haw Wotmbard. 8447.81. BLOCK B4, tot 1, Oormaa Barlnaw Loaa ertaty, BiTTJot tot B, Marr Bulb nawaiM. BST Mi tot T. ). W. aad V. Cook. T0.M; tot B oeartty Sorlaca B Traot Company, otl.yr. BLOCK B8. aorth H of block, Qty of Porttoad, 81.184.8. BioCK BS. tot 1. Mattmaaaah flaMnt. tot B Mttlt- aomah Oonaty. ffYl.BB: tot T, MnltBoriah Ooonty, 71. BO; lot B MaHmimaB .Ooajnty. IBOBaB, Twm. 11 LldBBB 1J -. J ' i' Aadltor of tto City of Portlaad, Farttoad. Oragoa. Oetobor B ltOd. YOB BtKBT 0Y' BOBaTaTY aTBYfli) IfatiM ft borobp giroa that tto CoaBett of tto City f Portlaad pragma to imm th folnrlaf dooertbod proporty and owaor or owner a bolng apetaUy and pocorlarly bon- fltod In tb fc mount oat ommiu th aanea aad doarrtpUona tharaef tor tto ImprOromant of Bodney arena, from tto aorth Una of Knott atroot to tto ooath Una .of ktarrb atrrat, aa prorldad by ardlnanM No. 18, TU. Any objocttoaa to tto BBSorttonmont of coat far aald' unproTimoat maet bo mad la writing to tbo Qoaocll and fltod wltb tto Aadltor nitbln lidnya from tto data of th tint pat-ilea Uo) of thto aattoo, and MM oBJoettoM will to tonrd and dtorw.tnod br tto OdoocII tofor tto aaoaag of tho ardlMam aaooMlag tbo coat of aald ImproreauBt, ALBINA BLOCK XT, at MB foot f tot '14. Mary Pbelpa MMtgoDory. 104.11: mm 100 feat of tot la, Uar Pbelpa Montgomery. BM.8B; oaat IW fet of tot 14, Mary Pbelpa MMtgMbftry. apAST. BLOCK Bl. Mat 100 foot of tot IL Willi aa Waoehor, MH; out 100 font of tot llV WUUam Waactor, 108 86; ut l55 foot f tot IB, WlUtom Waaeher. BIOO.iT: oaat BO root ot tot 14. Stella B. nttoBgar, dB.Tlt ooath f foot of Mat BO foot of tot IB. Stella S. Plttongor. 1 -84: aorth 41 fMt of out BO foot oft Ta J- , rii " mtXA On. a i". mt to 14. Marr O. Malior. 11.47. woat 10 feet of lot 18. Mary p. Bailor, BB44i oatt 100 foot of tot 14. Ooorn E. and B B. jamrooa. 0B.TS. BICK B. oat I (art of ' tot 18. Paol WMotngor, Bl.Tl; lot 14, Mar gnotlto P. TtNoltoooa. BBI.81: oofth 49 H . foot ad tot IB, John Bragper Bet to, betr of. M.B4J aorth T.rtd tort of tot if. Irat Oor maa M. B. Church. ap.o; tot Id, first OM- man M. B Chore. M M; lot 17, Mary Tooawp. UMl: tot IB Mary TooaMy. BM.Sd- tot ia. Nora mck.bim. aa; u g toot tt lot B. Bmlly Btrabaa, 81.14: oaat S r Of lot 4B, Henry C. Hodge. 81 11; woat of tot 44, CtorlM Ollroy. MM; woat H tot 47, Obartaa Ollroy, 4.11; WMt to of tot 4ft. Chartoo OUrop. 84-17; oast w of tot 44, Bnmaol Hob, Btl.ot; oaat U T tot 47. Bamuol Rom. B41.4B1 Mot 14 of lot 4. BmbhmI Bmo. 41.80. BLOCK 14, WMt 100 foot of. tot kit nf to of tot PA B a Bper. 84B.4J; woat 100 of W B B O. Dtot. 41.81: wet ind foot of lot 14, B O. Dyer. M.lo, BTeOCK IB. WMt 100 foot of tot S, Kllea Caaa, 4fi 04: woot JOB fMt of tot B Blloa Caaa, ittOBl WMt 100 fMt it ML Blloa 0m, 47.08; WMt M0 frat of tot BB John J. D. BdgortoB, 61. Od; WMt 100 foot of tot IB. Ml t. B. Kawtoaw MK.BSi west 1007 frot of lot 84. 41. ns. BLOCK 14. WMt i foot of tot B Jam B. Montaomory Batatoblra af, 1.71; lot 1 Hn Tobmob, 11.11: tot T. Ban Tom. US.1: tot So, Bw41ab tatboraa BraartUl BbmbboI Chnrch, 114.11: tot ta. toiaW. Skau. 1 It 80; wet B foot of lot St. C. A- J H. Cartona. l.B8i woat 1 foot of tot KB, Hxnnah B. Claode T .Oydo 1. BrortrM.; tot 88. B. Iwtifturi. Illri; tot 11. Aadltor of tho city of Pwttoad. Oragoa. Oetobor B ISO. OOMPU1T10B ABB AOOXPTABOB OB XV BAIT STABK ABB BAR TKXBTTBTK BTBXBTB. . - Notto la borobp gtrM that Wintam ft Blltott. Oty BngtoMT. ha fltod ta tbo offlco of th oBdantgned, norlco that J. B. Blerantoaa. eootrartor for tba eonotrnetloB of a mow la Beat Stark Ml Bit Thlrttoth atra-t. amdar th pro-latoaa f erdlmaM No. 14.14. toa aaan pleted wld aowor. Bai oecapune win o aBBanMw or no ttoarntlro Board at 4 'eloe tho Tt any f October. 104. aad ahjMttoa to tto erapt- mt Mtd Merer, m an nort thorMl af . .map b Hied la tb offle f tto BBdaralgaod at prior there to. THB BXUn'TITB BOARD. ' -Br THOB. O. DKTLTJf. - Aadltor of tho atp of Pnftlaad. Pmflaad, Orogoa. Oetobor L, 1S04. . BfMYOBBB ABSBBBMBBT YOB BtKBT OY BBIOB AVXBtfB. Nottoa ta borobr atra that tto Coaacfl f tb City of Portlaa propoM to mm ia roiuw. Ing dootrlbod property and waor or owsara M being apMlaltr and parallarly baaaitad la tto inomii aot op pool t tho aanua and doocrlp ttoM tboraof nr. tto lmproremvat of L'nloa aeenno. from tho rent or Hn of Dlotolo otrMt to tba aonth Uno of Iraa atroot. a ororidad to ordlnaaM No. lBSBO. Aae ohtOfitloM to tb ttttawttoBBMnt 4f OMt for oald fmproremoat mnt tie aude la writing to th cineii aa nioa wiib u aaaiur wium IB day from tto data of the trot publication of tbls aotlco. and aald object! om win be beard aad dotermlaod by tto Coaacll boforo th paa rag of tba ordlaaarB amlag tto t of said lufRBBDDrTtf to Bat rrtbrauOCX p. lot B William C, Hrown, a is. XI: tot T. William , Brow a, . tot , Wlfllam ft Brown, 40 87: tot B WlUUm C, Brow. 48 SO. BLOCK O, tot B Pd JB. Morrla. 30 1; tot T. .Prod B Morrla. l.M. BLOCK CTtot 1. Herbert B- McBwa. 17.81; lot Cnartoa Breg-ry, SMtfi tot B Ana Kerr. Ml.B7; tot 4. Mary fa. MotthaTf. 70.14. iLOCK t tot 1. CbarlM H. Ctianr. fSB it; lot B Trod B. Morrla. 81. a; Orepoa Water Powot BUUway Oompan's trnofc r a.i. bAa BT. TntaJ. 877 SB. right f . TMOB. tt IWTLnff. Aoditot of tb Cltr of Portland, Pertlaad. Oragoa. Oetobor a. it 104. - l-XOrOBAL8 BOB BTBBBT WOBB, BMtod profJOMla wtf to fMotMd at the tlM of the Aadltor eg tto aty f Portland. Aadltor f tbo City of Portland. October T, 104, at S o'clock be Improroment of But Thirty, from tb oontb Una of Bow Um orth Hn Of Boat Yamhill atrMt, aatll Prldop. October 7, 104. at 8 p. m-. ror eta-hth BtraoA eaad On tb north m tto maaarr nrrrlded by ordlnanr No. 14.221 Mhtoct I tto prorlaloa of 0o charter ind trrdlnaaew of tb City of Portland, aad tto estimate of tto City Bnatooor, oa fito. Bldo mnat to atrtotiy U aroordasc wltb prtBted blaaka. which will to farnUbod on ppUcattoa at tbo office af th Aadltor of the Ctty f rortuac ABJ told improremBt mnot ba eoaipleted na at boforo SO day Irna tho dot of tb algalag f aba tract to tto prt toa there to, No aoM-taata at abai wflt to attarod iImb aeromMBlod br or 1 1 fled obotk Bar- abb? to tb ardor of tto Mayor of tto atr of Porttond, rrttfled bp lMpoatbto tonk tar an amoaat ooaai B if at osat at tto oooal aa.paamtO ill nliral I 1"H rUbt to rojaot Bap aad Bit bodb ta torbp raoorraa.. . s i Andftor of tto Ctty of ParttoaA rarttoJei, OVegam, Oatobor I, 104. a. , YBOYOBBB dBBlBBB8BT YOB XbTPBOTB. MXVT BB TAMKT1X BTBBBT. Notle ta borobp gtroa that tho Cooartl at tto dtp of PortUud propooM to aaaeM Ut follow- a describe proporty and owner or owaoro m og aportollp and peculiarly bonoBtod In ibo anKianta net oDmadta tha namaa and deacrln- tlvM thereof fur th lanprorontrat of Taaahfll Btrrat, from tho West Hit f Poonh Street to tb Mat Um of BlstMath atroot, a proTldod Bp rJMBM HO. 14.UBT. An ob I er kino to tho aaaartliamoBt f for ald fmproroawot muat bo mad In writing to th Council and Bled with the Aadltor within IB day from the date of tb trot pool Irat km M tbU not lea. and Mid jetton win b board and dotortatoad br tbo Council tofor tha M Mgo of tbo ordlMBM mt"1ag tb ooot of Rid ImproTrmont. IRTLAND BIOCK gj, tot 4, Toatng Jte Chrlailaa Aasuotottoa. 888 11: tot 8. Iwi Mans ChrUUaa Aaoortottoa, SM.71: wa dlrlded 1-1 of tot A Joba Orooa BaUto, tolrs of. 4T.0B; andlrldod 1-8 of tot fi, Joha Orooa BaUto, holr of, 144.71: Oodlrlded 1-1 f Kt a, David P, Tbompsoa muto, ira ot. B47.0B: BBdlTtdog 1-B Of lot a. pVM P Tliompaoa KitaU, botra of. 184.71; an di Tided 1-8 of tot 8. Hornwa V. LooMrd. S47.ud: sdlrldd 1-1 of tot B. Herman C Lroa ard. 814.72. BIXK'K 171 tot A United BtatM Oorrrnmcat, M.U; lot . United BtatM Oorernment, iltoltl tot f, I'Dlted BtatM OoTrrnmaat. 8108.44: tot B. Coltad BtatM CororanMat, UM SB BLOCK 171, tot 4, Portland Hotaf Oomoaar. Altl.ll: tot 1. Port- tind Hotel Compsiiy, 1BB.3S: tot B PortUnd lot! CooBpanr. 04.78; tot B, Portland Hotel Coup or. AJ SB. BLOCK HI. tot 4, Doe W. Bavaao. A2.7Ti tot 3. Dora W. Haras BB10 tat . NeUto Hrnohaw. It.78; Mt H tot 1, John P. Ib.rkey, n.M; WMt U lot B. iasMS W. Boatty, U11.U. PABK BLOCK 4, tot B Prastoa W. fllllatt. 1880.78; nortb to lot 4. TbomM Harroy BanMtt, teM ooath H tot A, JomI U Montoad. PORTLANn BLOCK tlB tot A Chartoo P Klwort, 4B.4t: aorth di fort tot 1. CMaalta, ,T. Boehwaa 10S.88: aoatb B fMt lot B CharlM P. Kltwwt, 11118: aorth 40 foot tot B jMeph OoodmaB. 813ft. "4; u of nratb M toot tot 8, AnM taenia. 814 0: want W If Mutb 1 fMt lot a, Byroa k Woodworta. 1B.8B: out H tot B Anna Cbomla, 822 14, WMt H tot i. Byroa U Woodsworth, KM St, BLO K Bll. Mat dl IA feet lot A Imnada W. BMd Errata, heir of. 184.11: out 83 1-i ft ot onr.tb 14 fot tot A Amanda W. Bood Batato, hair of. 130.11: weat 88 1-S fMt lot 4, nimoti a. ana kihb c. nrowa. iim.w; i WMt 11 2 8 fMt of Mit 88 fMt of north ' foot of aoutb 14 foot of tot t. Btnnl A. and Bills 0. Brown. 8.80: wt 1-1 root eg oouta 8 root tot a, Banrnel A, and Bill C Brow a, B .8: Berth 41 foot of WMt i foot tot B Roary W. Corbet t Batato tolrs of, 7.11; porth 88 foot of oast B0 Mt tot B Hoary W. Corbott Batata, heir of. 8118.20: north 4B foot of tot. Catherine Morrow, ItlTBO: OMth 1 fMt of Mat 4A foot tot 8. Baaaoel A. and Bills C. Browa, 10.70: oaot 4B feet of tot . Bl A and Ellla C. Brown, 4: Booth 8 foot of woat W foot of tot B John A. Browa. 11. 81; west BB fMt f tot 1, John A. Brown. gMT S- BLOCK . bo, wc , sMBon Braoy, hm.m; lot a, ftobort Brady, (141.01; . tot 8. Job Poott, fill. 70; Mat U tot i, Sarah Waldm. 2M 37; went tt lot B. Aaron Bek at ax.. pM.44. BOI'TH 14 BLOCK H- tot 4. Darld TbompaoB Batata, bolra of. SOU 48: oontb SO fret lot A Darld ThompaoB EaUU. heirs of, M.44: north 80 foot tot A Stephen Mood Batato. betr of. 8W.2Bt north BD toot lot A feeptoB Mrad Batata, tola f.; Mat 38 fMt of aaalh 80 Beet tot d. Darld Y. TbomoM. 1187; Mat so frot of m)th 80 root of tot B. Darid P. TbompooB, 08.04; wt S foot of ' a. th 30 fMt tot 0. U or man Hlrrbborg. AM.sJ: west SO frot tot B. Hernia a lllrseh- borg, KW7.4B. BOT'TH BLOCK K. lot 4, rtie. Bwoonop, 40. ; lot A Cnac BwMMy. 818A7B; lot B Cbas. ftwronoy. 1B6.S4 tot A Ctoa. BwMney, ffildlO. BLOCK 10. tot 4, a X. Boed. truatM; Bit 40; tot B C. J. Bood. traatM. 8140 M; tot A Ltft W. BlttoaTfltB 41i tot f. Led W. Blttoa. 8481. IB.. BLOCK SIT. tot 4. Baamol J.. Barber, 8W1.T8: tot A Bamnal . Barber. trt ol; ! U tot A Ttieodor B. Wllcrm. B$M:.M8t tt tot B Theodore B. Wilcox. g4.S8; WMt to tot A Duncan Porgaaun. 88.701 woat . . Duncan lortrueon. mo.M. POR TLA NT BLOCK 80. tot 1, Miry B. TmL Inra.ti; tot B Mary B. Teal. 154.18; tot T. lonrtotta B. and Mary p. ratllag and Bmlly CabelL 140.70; tot A Henrietta B and Mary Y. Pallia and Ballr Cab 1 1 . 84B0 ). BI-OC B 1T1, Iht l, Hoary W. Corhett Ratat. hlra f 40. 8: tot B Hotirp W. Corbott Batato, hetra of. 140.44; tot 7, Honrr W. Cmbott natat. neira of, gim.Bi tot , Honrr w. Corbrtt BaUto. botra of. BoST.rl. BLOCK ISO, tot 1, Alaowcrth Company, (BffB.TO: tot B AlBawortb CoaaDoay. 8ld.s: tot T. Alna- . worth Company. 134 80; lot A Alnawortb ComMBT. 847 44. BIMTC XI A tot 1. Unl tartoj BVloty, SSOA77: tot B Unitarian Bnetotp, HAloi tot T, Bonry W. Oerbatt Batata, bolro L 8121. 44; tot A Baary W -Cor bet I Batata. -BHra of. B44T.BI. PABK BLOCK A tot 1. Anotta Cottar. 87111; tot a. L.iuue v. weiM, OJni.ll. PORTT.AND BIICK BIB tot 1. BoawotI B. Unam. 1471.75: lot B Bnowell B. Lamaia. 122. lot 7. Anna B, Coaoall. 1842; tot a, abb at, uoanoiL Borr.M. iuk k zoo, tot 1. W. g. Ladd Batata, heirs of. SnSd oll; tot B W. B Ladd Btt. brim of, fl0t.TR; tot T. W. B Idd Batato, bolro of, 141. 14 lot B W. Ladd Bitato, holr of, iruil.TT. BLOCK mt. lot 1. JsmM W. Oook. BAAS. SO tot A Jam W. Cook. 141.81; oaat tot 7, niep, H. Congta. tm 78; Met U KltoB If. Coaglo. 8X42.04; awl H V airy Abb UmMrt, 8M.4A: tot . Mary imhart. BBM.Blt. NOBTIi tt BLOCK Lot 1. Jattea Plohto. filB.48i tot A J ante Plaid. B18B.8B: tot T. J MM Plaid 81M tot A JaoMS Ptolds. l 87. NORTH U BLOCK L -Lot 1, PtwoI M. Dokom. SBS.M; lot X William K. McBa sad Clara and Ira Ft ii ma on 818R.4B; tot T, Jnatu M StrnwhrldM. 81 M Alt tot B. Inotaa M. Btrow brldrt, Ball. II. BLOCK Bm Lot 1. Margaret fL BBiita. folX-az: lot a Margaret B. Rmltb, 187.28: tot 7. Margarrt B. Bralthj. 13(1.78: .lot 8. atargarot B Smith, 481.01. BLOCK oia taa i u..u. a.i. evuuu iitt ai . tot B Maetoa? Batata Oompaay. 1184.10: tot T. Maftoar Batata Oonrpany, BM tot A Macle.y Batl CompaBy, f IT A SB Total. ABSST.fO, THOB ft DBTLIN. 1 Aadltor f b Ctty of PortUnA IWttoBd. Orogoo, Oetobor A 1B0A YOB TMPBOTB- MXBT OP MTTATVOIIAB BTBBBT Norlco to horoby atrrn that tto Ckmefl of tk City of Portland proposes to an ibi the fol lowing aaaeribog proporty and owner or owaor M bolng t peel ally and peculiarly be netted ta tto amoaat mi oppootto tto mobm and go- orrtpttoM thoroot lor tto Improvement ot MnltBoanab atraot, from tbo Mat In of Bast Pleat otrawt to tbo WMt Hbo of Boat SUth atroot, m prorlded bp ordinance Ha. IS, Ml. Any obtorOcM to tto apportions of coot for mM ImpraTeanrnt moat do made In writing to tb Council and ilea wlU tbo Anaitor wmdib IB dsra from tb data of tbo Brst onbllNtlo of this aotlco. and mid obtaetloM win be toard aad dotermlaod by tb Coonetl boforo tbo pae Mgoorfto ordlsaaaa iMimlag tb ut af aald BLADAT'B ADTJITIOB to Kat Portland 'BLOCK BB. lot 4, DaM1 B. BncbanaB, as. x2; tot a TtaataT m B u ja a mm Bn aA- W 1 A Platoy Mortooa, B4.T4; tot A Plnlay Mor S11.0B, BLOCK BA WMt tt .Ooorg A. Collin. SATl , woat uen-M mv. toiiine. bx. n: out m tmnt A Arena tn Smb. 13.SB: Mat tt tot A Bmma A. Arebambraa, 1.88; tot A Bafna Tlrslnla Hanka. 4.00: Mat tt tot A Petor Caratou. Bo.88: aat Jfc tot I. Potor Cars tena, 1.40. BLOCK TY,. tot A OrogoB Real Batata Company, AM 10; tot A Oragoa BmI Batato Com mpany. 22. CO) tot A Orogoa Beal mpany, ill AS; Jot i, Oragoa BmI mpanr. 21. . BLOCK 74, lot A Btat4 Company, Batato OmMnr. am Oroaoa Baal Bstat Company. 1. ; tot A Oregon Beal Batat Companr. 81.08; .os: lot a. Bltaabotb O. Tot tto, l 00: tot A Bttoabota S. Tnttl, 1.0A . BLOCK IT, M 1. B OltaoB, (U 08; tot 1 M. Qllaaa, BO oii tot T, Archambeen, 880; tot A Bmma J. Arctom hMB. 0.58; tot T. lainta Nlcolat. BT.4 tot 47 LoU Ntoolal. 124. 7 A BLOCK TA tot L Blatrra of Charity ot PrldoBea f St. Via rant a ifospltal. 8.tO 00; tot 1 Slaters of Charity of Provtdcnm of St. Ttneant'a Ho. CtaL BBB48: tot T. Mary O. bna, l: t A Manor B. Sawder land. StB.oA RIXKK TA tot 1. Orogoa BmI Batato I il.OS; tot A Orogoa Real Bbtat 1 nd; tot I, Oregna Keal Btat I 1.0ft; lot A OrrgoB BmI Bout I 08: Portlaad Ballway Cnmpaay'B TA tot 1. OrogoB BmI biat Companr. Mt B Orogoa BMI plat t mpanr. tympany, Companr. right of way. Aa 20: City A So Nor ban Raltwar Com- aaay's right ot way, 2 m. Total, liiTl.oA Aadltor f tbo Cltr or Pwttoad. YortUaA Oragoa, Oetobor A ir4. OOBPLii IOB AVB AWTIPTABCB BY BBWXB IB BABT BABIBOB BTBBBT, ,. , - NotlM bl hereby greeo that WWlam P. Blllott. aty Rnglnear. has filed to tb office of the aiwhrralgaed, antic that . B. llomraoaat. ouitrertC'r for tbe eanotraettooi of owi in Ka-t Madmna otrMt, nnder tto prootoloaa nf ordlnasc N. 14.171, 1m complotod Mtdvwor. rrom 184 fMt WMt of WMt Uno of Boi alith atreat to a eon nee Uo arttb tto BWat Thlrtr-Matb OtrMt. Tnirty. Bold ocerptana will to MMtdaril bp tto amoeutlr Boonj at 4 o'clock oa th Ttb 4r of October. 1004. and nhJectloM to tho aeeopf. one nf Mid sower, or any part thereof, may to filed la tb officd of tto totaralgaad at aap Uam Iler IBrretO. j , atr mi I t m anu ni. By THOB. C. DBVtJN, - ' Aodttor of tto dtp af V ParttoaA Oreooa. Oatobor L I. Mallnry. sa.Tai tot , Barn auunry, fiiw. BLOCK 87 tot 4, Petor Wagaor, 0.88; tot A Peter Wafnar, .M: WMt tt tot A OWra Vlrrmla Hawho. M 71: WMt tt lot A OIIts !nbn wait, mt a Jona h. watt. T tl. BLOCK 84, tot 1, A. H. Brrrmon, 180 88; lot A A- H Broraua. 8.7; tot T. l . . Brerma, 8.78; tot A A. H Bra tan 11 Mtt. BlaJTK BA lot 1. lam J. YBOYOBBB aatPatOTWTWB OY TBTTAMAB BTM4UET, KotfM Is boa by gtra that 4t tto amptiBg of Portia t4, Oragoa. drema ft epdtont aad eopoar to In'pror TburtMa troot from tto Mt Una of Bughy Street I tb WMt Un of Teter Guild donation toad clalaa, to th fol ic wing manner, to-wltl first By grading tbo street fall width with fell toteroMttoap to tb grad a gdraB BP tba aty Bnglneer. rid By mo-naiflsg -ptiietol atom aU walka. Third Bp rM trotting wodaa erMBWnrba. Pcmrth By laying torra ootta drain nlpa.ta Beeordane with tn City Bnglaaac'a plan, meet (Vat loo aad MtlBMie. rtftb Br toying wooden aldowaTkS ta aceord dm with tb City BuglnMS's plan, apootnea than and eatlmatM Blttb Br oaoatraerlnf orlbbrng bj aeaardaaaa with the City Baglnoor's plans, opeclAMrtoM and MtlmatM. Boventfa Br bringing tto SBrfaos of tb street full width with full latoreocUoM to grade with Mcadam. Bald iMproMmont to to Bra do ta saart- an co with tbo ebarter sad ordlnaBeM f tbo Cltr of Portland and tho plans, ayecUtosttoM and estimate of tb City lgtooor Bled to tho rne ot tho Andftor of tbo Clip ot Port Und na tbo SOtk day of aVptomber. Itod, ta Wad; "City fegineor plans and rpedncn Uom for th ImproTammrt of Tharmaa atroot from tto wmt lino of Bngby ntroet to th WMt Hn of Peter OathV onttoo Und etalm. and tho oatlBUtM of the work to to do aad tho probable total coot thereof." . Tho out of Mid un prove rooat to to as soaaod M Prorlded hp the City Charter apon tho pToporry apoolally be nod led thereby and which Is beroby doclarod ta to all tbo tota. Rrta f lota and parcel of load tying to re a Hn 100 feet , northeasterly from and parallel with tb aortboaatcrly Un of Thnr man street and a Tina 100 foot eootbw ester ty fiim and paraltol with th MatbWMterlr Hue of Tharmrn atrMt and between tbo westerly Uno of Bagby atroot and lto oi tension Dortherlp la Hi ptoMnt eoarM, s&d tho wMtorlp Usja at tto Peter Oulld donation land claim. Tb Bnglaear'a mrlmate of tto srwhabta tatol eoat for tbo Impraramoat . f said Tharmaa stroot to B4.ST0 no. Tbo abor IniDmremaot It to to etoased a a mac dam lmnrormrnt and shall to malnf alOed- br th city for a period of Bra year: pro Tided, that tha owners, nf a motorlty of th property benefited by Mid Improvement or any por tion thereof, aha II not petition for a bow or dirfew.t tmproraatoat. bo4orw tto oaptoattoa at garb period. Tb dUm. aporiaeatlM and aorlamta at tto City Knglnoer for th lmproTBent of aald Tr.armaa otreot are horobr adopted. Braolrod. That tto Auditor of th City Of Portlaad bo aad to ta hereby directed to gtro notice af tbo proposed tmnrovetnrnt ot saM street m prorlded by tho City Charter. Renvtoal ranee agalMt tto aboM Improver amy to Bled la writing with tto nnderalgned within 10 dsr from tto data of tto Brat BBhltmtlnB of thto notle. Bp ardor of tto CnHT. V THOB, ft BWTT.TTf. Awdltor of tto Ctty f PorttoaaV PVthlnd, Orogoa. iVpteMbar B4. 1884. ' YB6POAALS fOB BBWXB WOBB. - Btod BrapaMbJ wtB to recatred at tto fflc of fbo Andltor of the Ctty of Portlond. nnUI Pridar. October 7. IBM. at 9 o'atorh p. m., for tto eootrwettoa of a sower In Maitnda aroaM, from tto aocond bead la Mr Hnda itmim to tto ecwar ta Jobaama atroot ai Tweatf-flfth a tract, in tb manner prorlded br ordlannM No. 14.227. aabtoct to tto nro rlaloBO of tha ebarter and ordlnaacM of tbo City of Portland, aad tb aBtlamta of tto aty Bnoinoar. oa file. Bids mnot to strictly to noeordane with prlntad bUnks, whlcb will to farolahed on application at tto offle of tto Aadltor of tbe City of ParttoaA Aad Mid aowor mnat be completed on or before 40 day from tb date of tto atgning f tto on traat bp th portUo threat. - No propouto or bbfts win to emwldred anion accompanied bp a oortlftod ohoek pay. abto to tt order of tbo Mayor of tto City of Portland, certified bp a riapanalbto tank for aa amoerrt eooai a ie aor come at aa-are rate nroooMl. the right to rotoot gap sad aB btds B barobp reoarriA Bp ardor f tho KieratlT Board. TnoBrc. DBVUir, Andltor of tto Olty of ParttoaA. fjrrtlajUiOr-aT . ' 1!aS OBatY t,. Double-track - iBllWBT BBtWMtBB " Missouri River Chicago Tha Chka go-Portland Spedsl, tab roost runhrjaja train nt bh world. TiBWDC-fCaBoi slawpiBB cart, dlninf car, buffet smoking ado librmry car (barbgr and bath). Lea that ttiroo days FortUnd to Chkago .. . Two :t ThroughTrains to Cbkago ar operated dmiy via tho Orogoa R. R. Ni. Co, J . R. ft. and Cbkago ft Nortb-Woatora By. if Chicago from Portland and petals la Oragoa aad baton wasbingtoa. Dally scandoB tn Paftmaa toorlat , - ateeplngcarsfrom Portland tanaaB o Chicago witboat cbami. B. arrcHis. a. o. babbbb. H w-kf- ' Bit Mkrket Street. am Third Street. BaWPaUUBCico,CA4.f PoanJUm, OaB. ' Y IBB fPanBw BA v VBlBbB BBO 3 TrtnaB4oritl rtdtntaBl TralriAB Dttily PAST TIMB TO'bPOKAWB, BT. TAtTL. DCLOTH. MINNEAPOLIS, CHICAGO AJ ALL POINTS BAST. "' DarllaTht trrp thrtruarh tb CBar-nitB and Rocky mountain. For full portlo ulara, rgtaA foidora. ato, eaU or adr droaa at. PIOBJBOW. OMt Ttoto BgT. IBB TAlrd Bsiss. ltortlsaal t-4 v: ye V V ' " ) .l-lCeaZCCa I , I bCX lit ii 13 IfatBaBBI 111 aamflraaBa a ' aiw uiuuni r I TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY r Tbroagh ftrmmw standard end taaptot stoB- Ing ears dally to Omaha. Chicago. SsotaM) ', tourlat atoeplng ear dairy to Banana Cltyi 4" tb rough Pullinaa tourist stooping oar (ooroo. ally eoadactedt weakly to Chicago, BecUntaB u Mate r Mta tree) to tto Bast dally, UNION PBPOT. . Lmto. Arrlo. C8UCA OO- PO BTLAND Special. s 11 a. v B tJ a. ah. YP tto Kit Tla Bmt Dally. . Doily. . lng too. ? ' BPOKAKB PLTBB. " " ' " ' Por Baetorn Waablng ' ton. Walla Walla. Lew- StW pv BL m A tto to ton, Ooeur 4' A Um Dally. Dally, .and BrMt Worttora -. point. - 1 ., . A TLA NT 10 BXPBKS8. . ' ' " ' For tto . ru B..,. A to to toa. Doily, lOaliy. OCBAB ABOrr-XB jCHXirULB. YOB BAM PBANCIBOO:l ' ' ' B A Ooo, W. Bids tT-jMit Oef, A IA BATJ B A Oatomlda v 1.00 .a - Oct. A 11, ZA ..' '. : Cok IW ftrUo.' .' ' BOB ASTORIA and way 10 a. as. I.k ' v point, eonnoctlng wltb Dally. About (tmr. for Ilwaos M toaltf 8 00 p, m. lortb Beacb, atr. Baa- Saturday SB. toads B. soJo Aab-aT doe. it St. n. m.t Thig"DTar Boato7 '" '' POB DA TTO N. Oregon aty and Yambin Blrer T:44. B. Cilnts, stra. Both Badjfltr. dne. Aah-at. dock. toa. Boaotop (Wator pormltttDg.T Baato Blror Bouto. POB LBWI8T0N, Ida., and Wap points from f 'parla. Wash., etmr. pokaa and LswUtoa. B:40.B. Dally. a. ba ; Aboot O B oo, m.. T1CBBT OrriCB Third B 4LBBABIB ft. ft. OO. Pop Tohotoma ang Ptoag Koag. eaTTraoT at 7 Ken. Nagonakl and Sbanrual. taUng freight -la eotinectlng ate mora for ManllaTPBrt lkr- thur and VUfllroatok: i. A ARABIA. Oet. If A ABAOONIA. Oct. M: A A NUMANTT. Now. XI. Por fre'ght and farther nrtlalaa HP to AM KB H. DIWBOM. Agwat. Toiostmas Mala 80A Upper Ataska Dm. .' EAST via. t SOUTH tmioif BBPOT. ArrtToa. OVXBLANO BTPBKSM tratna, for MHm, Boa bsr. AahUadr1 Ba era - - f - t rata. to. MM, OgdoB, Bob Pran-jn a. flb eisca, BiocatM, uo n-i gelM, Bl Pas. Now OT-i toau and tto Boat. Moraine- train 4 ascts if WoodbaraJ daily aioaat tuaday with bill to Mt. Aneel. RllltL -.Bab. T:MHA Browasriti, lirlaii DoIO. WB4UMB a a 81 Natroa. Albany iimingor dratAto T:8a.BL at WMdbora wltb 10:101 Mt. Annl aad BUras toa toca L Oorrallls sasiBgsr..... Lf ! fh (4 oOp.M. Bhorlda aaMmr Dally, finally, eterpt Bandar. Baittoaa Osoaga Baburbaa Barrfa s4 Ya aetTMlOB. Depot fwt of Jefferaoa ttmit Lrae Portland dally for Oswego T:S8 a. BK 11 M. m. B id. 8 2. B M. 10 10 a. aa. Dally (ePt Sanday). tM. 8 0. S:8B. 10 BJ . m.i 4:00. 1140 p. m. Bmtdap aUy. 88 BetsralBa! from Oawaa. sirti Portlaad 8:80 a. m.: 1:58, 1:0. 4:18. 8:1A T:SB. 1 11:10 . m. Dallr esct Bnndayl 8:2A T: 0:80. 1010. 11:48 a, m. Bieept hi a ad ay. IB- p. m. Bandar only. io: i. a, . lam from Mm depot for Da Tto aad teasr m-diat point dally eict Bsadni) d:0B B. Bk Arrir Portland 10:20 p. m. l.A.uHlunVuiMM r life. dperataa dally to Monmouth ami Alrtts. - pacting wiib BeatBera racia aoatmar'a taiaa at Dailo and Indopandoncc. Ptrot-elaM fan from PortUnd to to warn Bath and Sn PnaetoM 120. bertha SBi far fit. sawsnd-claM berth 1.80. Tleket to Eaatorn aolnbi and I Htp Ticket Offle corner Third aad iBpton Street. Pnoas Mala Til la TIB, W. B. 0OBIAB. sNm. fasA Aawa. C. W, 1TINOBB. atp Tlotot Agcwt, TIME CARD : TRMNS PORTEND a UNION DXPOT. Paget Boaad limited. BaparW, Arrtrmv for Ti OlrsBBta Mttto Bood JlmsV P.SA and Orsp's Nortb Ceaat IJBattoA for Taeom. Boattlo. tM. Bt PaaL Mia. B:tdp.lA ttO., " rmBbVas.' naanalla. ChlesM. NW Tork, Boston and polatal Bast and Bo tneoat. TwhvClty BiproM. for; Th earns, BMttls. Bpo- kano, Helena, Bt. Faal. Mlaaoap New Tr 11:418.88. all sedata Barn aadj CraV Booiad - Ea nty-Rr. Loota OpoHal. for Taeom. Be ttl. nobano. Bntto, Bllllns, Dearer, Omaba, Bbbmi aty. it. Loam sad all Bab points Boat and Boath , - - - AB trsia dnttr oboob a Bnatb branotu A D. CH ABL TON, Aoamtsat BtoBoral PaaMBr Aga fJB Morrtoos Ot.. or. ThlrA PorUaaA 0. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. VBiew DtPwT, AfrtMB, t:0SS.a Fta WaegBfA Bal Dairy. ClaUknalo. Wastport. U'lOABsj Cllfto. Aofcarto, War-i rectos. Plaral. HamH mond. Port teTna. Oearbart Para. Seeatdo. AaUrU aad iasaburs. Bapr abJtpi Ttema.B, BAB . O. MA TO, x P. and P. A.. Atr!a. 0. a A YTBWABT. Commotstol Agamt. Bal A i at. PtoM Mala pa. FKEELC:3LIC: I la tto rkmax ao. aad sm itoworlA Ttoomamat sermm I mi bTwvtton. ttoed rft Otroatt. toPMTB TO-AY. B-. A. PPBEC. ItoxhmBlittMtoM BMT,si4Wl-lAKy sVaiiimg.r If X f 4 B