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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1904)
GOOD EVENING. . , , Tonight and Friday, mhvwmai -, ., . eoetherly wind. ' ' OFTKEJCIT "! , I 1 U -..'i-r ri M .. 5 , -: VOL. HI. NO. 184. PORTLAND, OREGON, 1 THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER - f, 1904. PRICE. FIVE CENTS. Latest photo af King Alfonso d XIII af Spala and his fiance. d iMicheas Marls. Antoinette Mar- d guerlte Mathilda of Meoklabura, . - Sohworln, slat of the Duohe e sf Cecil 1. who has Just boeoms sngagod to tha Qarmaa crown o prlnoa. J EXPECT A ALASKA IS v.',-. CITY JAIL LONG WAR ' .- " BURNS IN FILIPINOS AfilTATFH rani it "1 ' . : Russian Soldiers Being Steadily Med to the ' ' ; Battle Van. HEAR FIRING OFF PORT Believed That Another Sortie flu ; Beei Hade by fcissfu Ships to Effort to Escape from -r Port Arthur. BerUa. Oct .(Bulletin.) -A dis patch, from tb Russian frontisr re port tbs M men wars klUed today by tb explosion sf an ammunition mage gtas at aewastopol and that an Iboimm mount of ammunition wee destroyed. Th Russian authorities are becoming f alarmed by the frequeooy ox in plosions ami faar that It la tha result of a widespread Japan ass secret plot. l 4rsl npsclal serrlea) London, OcC A In an interviaw with ? u American officer who haa Just re turned from a ton tour through tha ; mobilisation depots of eastern Ruaala proper, a JLondou paper print aom in tareetlng perttoulara of tha condition of '.affairs there. - -J - - - v Tha trip lad tha party to district of 4 - Kusela ttiat tha outside world knows ; little about -that wonderful oountry MM, of Nljnl Novgorod. B)vrywhr "- Aha -party want there wara troop arrtv- f in with auppUaa or roaervaa.. oomlng u ad thla waa particularly tha eaaa : around tha towaa af Kaaaa and Samara. OuWlda auoh oantara tha Icnoranoa of .- tha peasantry was tha saoat laaaarkabla fMtura. , Wha tha aathoritWs would vtatt tha ' vlllacaa to draft tha abla-bodlad awa -towarda-tba dwaota. tha saan did mot Jff know whara they wara roln. Whn tby I; iMTMA o waa .thsrW- w.iih nt ik A ti&1 altua- ttoa. and wara asuailf hatad with,. Tboy would nay: "Japaa la a Hah oountry. and wa will taturn with much ': loot.'" " ' At Samara, which Is tha hut plana of ' importanoa la Buropaao Buaata for tha ' moblllaatloa of tha troopa, atany par ' thatlo alshta wara 'notlcaabla. Woaaaa ; would auroh for mltea with tha aquada . mmj farawaU to thalr huabaado and ralatlvaa, and whan a Ruasian offlear was aakad what thoaa poor woman who wara tramplna; ftomawaroa wtth thtlr ' ( ahUdraa wara.iolnc to do bow that thalr r braadwlnnara wara taken froaatham. ' tha ofnear rapllad ahasrfully: Thay'ra ' , much battar off now. Thalr aoaaunaa ; will look aftwr tham If naossssry, but thara probably wlU ba no aaad of that. - baeauaa thara wlU ba planty of work for ' tham now that tha man have rona. Ba- pidaa. thara will not ba no much to pro- Vidaf now that tha bicsaai spatiu haa baan takaa away." , Tha travoHra oama to ma ooaolttBloh that tha prevailing oplnfoa of tna pro laolal Buaelana waa that the war haa not yet really begun, but that whan tt doaa bagia Rnaala muat wta. Off Baval Vhrkd, - " ' tfoaraal ftpMlal awvtaa.) "' Txndoni OoL A Central dispatch dated Chefoo at I o'clock this morning atatad that a big naval battle waa pro easduut outsldo tha harbor of Chefoo and tt is thought tha Port Arthur fleet mada a aortic to reaoh tnefoo harbor and that tha Russians encountered tha Japanese squadron. v A later dispatch fronf Chefoo oUtad that tha aounda of firing at aaa. which wara accompanied by flashes Ilk that of bursting- shall aeaeed a o'oleok this morning. v JPlea af Chraeaa faaks ft AM Bstaaraaaad Vast. . ' (Joaraaf mW Bjrrtea,) 4 - Tokto, Oct. . The Japanoaa (teat off Fort Arthur today captured a Junk laden , with provisions, which waa trying to ' enter the harbor. Tha statamenta of tha crew indicate etlff existence of fleet of 19 Junk a, arffanlsed to run the blocfc . ads from tha vicinity of Tsingtan. The Junks enter at night the Russia : guna and mines giving tham an advaa- (ConCtnned an Psare Two. A CORNER FORCES UP PRICE Tha hop crop of the Pacific coast has been cornered, say the local brokers, Herman Klaber Co- of Taooma and this city, ta the firm that Is credited with having secured moat of the praaeat srop. The firm waa a heavy buyer of contract and also bought a vary largo amount of thla years hops early la the season when prices were down. All of the recent salsa of hops have been Mi sections remote from sack other and altogether of email lots. Farmers ar not holding their bops, ays MnKlnUy Mitchell. Moot of them. . he asserts, are now willing to sell at 19 cent If gtvan the chance. Some of the dealsra are trying to forot the market ap to auh a point that It will reaoh a shaky It1. declsrs local dealer, and gbati tha tans or s market wlU baonm , .. js ' v ' ' -' 4- v-a Business Men Say Steam ship Line North Is Necessity. PORTLAND NEEDS TRADE Northeni MerchioU Claim . Seattle Jcbhen Ovcrcharfe ThemThey.. Secure: Good TreatoeBt ; . 1 Bert' vv'.0 - : : Tha sentiment of tha bualneas bjhw af Portland U strongly la favor of a taamahtp Una between thla atty as aouthaaatars Alaska poiata and to Home If poaalbla. Motwlthataadlng' Portland's loss of tha bualneas It had la' Alaska years ago, and tha failure of aubaequent attempt to recover that trade, tha wholeaalera and manufacturers are ooa fldent that Portland eould now build up a largo and permanent trade with Alaska If given the opportunity that la afforded by a regular Una af staamahlpa. Allen Lew la, wholesale grooors, are oloee In touch with the Alaak business ailuaUoa. Tha Ana keeps a raeldant acant la Alaska, who oovera tha terri tory from. Seattle to Sitka, and tha Port land housa haa buslnaas with ttrma aa far aa Noma. Speaking of obetaolea, real or supposed, -to growth of Portland trade with .Alankan - points. Manager Frank A. Bpanoet said todays . ban hmndloaoDad in trade with nlerr by lack of tinaporta- Uon faoUlUaa. - Tha atteonpta sera w w tabllah a dlraat Una of boata to Alaaka have been throttled by railway oombt naXiona. Tha Paqlno Coast Steamship oompaay is owned by tha Northern Pa- Ulnc intereala, and by tbeae Unas uie sound has baas allotted ma Amaka, traaa. whila tha Oregon .10104 Pviai.iiin oompaay has kept It hands oaL Not .wltbstaadlac ahasa aondlUans our house has kept permanent repraaantatlva In Alaaka and has held Its Alaska trade v. a Hhln vie. Taooens. and pay tha railroad freight oharga. It Is !- kuva from Portland. Seat tie mrohanta buy la tha same pri mary markata la waion we any ana w attla Jobbsra have aa advantage of ua la tha Alaska trade at tha praaeat ttsme to tha extant of the freight rats from hera to Taooma. What roruana n am - . .(u-uHtn tiaa-a her awn ba Alaska. a Una ewnad by Portland eapltaL The fast hV that Portland baa for tha last five years been so busy growing, and her trade haa been expanding so moos, that aba haa not had time to took after tha Alaaka business." Mr. Spencer- waa sjuita positive ta his Tlews that had Portland bees slvaa aa equal ehanoe by tha railway mieraaw la tha distribution of trade, thla elty would have had a eaeeaasful stewashlp line to Alaska. Be believes that, while any Una established now would have to run for soma time at a,, loss, largo trade sould ba built up. sad that tha future development of tha ooal and oU Interests, aa well as the source. wlUaStor4 too"1" ia tlufuu MttU boats will probably hold the bulk of tourist travaV ha says. "thera would be a certain oiae p--enger bu.lnea for Pnd Tha Noma trade w tha rtehost part of It. and Portland la Just a asat as Mm attla la ta that eny." . - . AU of tha Jobbers sees rs posltrrs that thla slty is now la a soadltloa o glvs support sufficient to maintain a Una of ships from this sity ta Alaskan polnta. While their capital Is tied up la their own business, and they are sot In position to so Into the transportation business, they say that Portland oapltal should owa and operate aa Independent Una of transportation to Alaska. The situation la yearly Browing mora fayor abls to a profitable enterprise af thla character. Bdward Bhrman, manager of Ma eon. Shrtnaa Oo, wholesale gro cer, said i Wa do ' hot Uttla - business wUh Alaaka, for tha reason that wo do not oars to absorb tha freight rate from hero to Taooma. - If Portland bad Its owa Una of boata to Alaska ws would send a traveling man to that ssaatry and build up tha trad. I aaa as reason why Port land should not hava a profitable line of steamships to Alaaka. It la simply a business proposition that steamship man and capitalists should take up. The business ft hero, and thla elty beads the OoaUausd aa Pag Two.) IN HOPS 1 dull and after watthut soma tlms to sell their hops st a high prion, tha farmers will take a lower figure. One sal of hops was msds yesterday at BusWAs at II H seats a sound and an other for II cants. The future course' of prices depends nearly altogether upon whether England buys more hops or not. If the buying from that soaroe continue hope may potbly go to tha- -o mark and perhaps not. ary few of tha hops bought during the Isst week or 1 day hav brought as high as It oonts. most of them being sold at about M cent. The hopa grown in Oregon thl year have est the quality or strength of thoss of last season. This la oae of the main reasons why the ad vance In this market does sot heap as with, that af tha atoasna bos. . A -LA .:' .. SPAIN IS JUBILANT OYER THE BETROTHAL . m IJoeraal BpeeUl rrlaa.) e Madrid. Oct. . . Spain la be gluing to Jubtlat over tha be trothal aa reported a few days of Kins Alfonso to tb Princess Marl Antoinette M gverfte Matilda of Mecklenbursf Schwsria, Nothing ofUclal has been snt out from tha palaoa, but the windows, of many store are filled with Illuminated pic tures of the prlnosss and klaa; d and tha fact that no order for tfadr removal has been issued Is regarded aa confirmation, of tha report that tha betrothal has ac tually Ona yanr and two months bavs aUpssn sine tbs city srantsd the public mar ket fimsohlss ta tbs Union Market Oom- aany, with tbs provision that construc tion of tbs market building should bs- gra within M days, and that tha bond ing should b oomplsted within sin month. Not a atmha af work has ret been dons upon tha build lug. and svea the excavating for tha founds I ion has not jwMnmenced. 'i Verne nnmiMi ara mad that 'tbs building wlU be commenced within "a month or two," but in the opinion ox soma member of tha city council thla la merely a pretext -to gain time la which to dispose of tha franchise, which has already changed bands ono since it was granted. Tbs crlainal grantee ex ins rranonias m tha 'iiniAM Market oomnany. aaid to hava boon composed, sf aastsrn men, who wara raprosented hers by Millar A Miller, tha attorneys. The Identity of the member of th company waa aoi dlsetoaod. Tb ordlasnco granting the franchlss paaaed th eouncu Augun , lies. It was approves oy mm mayor anM f ad Accented br th Union u..k Mmiun flentenibflr t. 1101. At soma time subsequent to acquiring tha franchlss th Union Mre company -aid to hava transferred U right th tTnino Markat associa tion, of which Juiide H. Alexander of California la tha- president and ostsost- REBEL HEREROS ARE 1 NOW IN FULL FLIGHT .;,.! .'- ? r-i . (Jearaal SpacUl Sarrtsa) ' -Bsrlm, Oct. -Oen. von Thortksv the aaaamndar of tha Osrmsa foroas operas tna- against tbs rebel Hersro m ssnth wt Africa, cabled today that ba has quailed the- rsbatllon and to nsw pursu ing tha remnant sf th insurgents. ' th mihUeatloa of th new here In afternoon papers created tha greataat of satisfaction. Inasmuch as , tnsrs nave been grave faar axproassd for tha safety of Ton Throtba's oommand, duo to his somewhat long sUsnos. - t CONFESSION OF BOY ' : SOLVES A MYSTERY Mitaraal ul SsrHsa Chicago, Oot, CSTom tha oonf Ion of John Harmsnlng, a brother of II- rear-old Minnie Hannenlag. wad It was believed had been murdered In her fath er's bam naar Paleatln. Wedneeday, It developed today that th girl hung; bar- self to a rafter In the barn.. The boy and tws younger ahlldro dis covered bar, out down, the body and hid the rope in order to save their parent from a shook. Today tbs brother broke down and confe ed. -' 11 t ' ". (SMelal Da-Mtcfe te lb Joaraal) . Helena, Mont, Oct. I. Th Montana Grand Lodge of Masons last evening elected U I. Callaway grand master. H. M. Parchen treaaursr and Cornelius Hedge secretary. N 4 JM BAUtAa, , Ooarasl Spartsl sarvtai,! tJallas, Oct A Fire this morning burnsd th best part of the busfn sec tion of tb elty. Tbs toss WlU probably rsaoh lMd ' .. , ANOTHER WITH L2l mmnWjsBaUJn CASE OF JUGGLING VALUABLE, FRANCHISE bH head. ' ; Mr. Alexander atotss. over, that "thars's othsrs back of him." who names cannot bo divulged "un til th deal goes through. Th suspicion that th franc hi Is being- hawked about by tha holders, to tha bops sf realising a haadsoma profit upon It, la becoming general, and it la strengthened by tbs delay of mors than year In beginning th erection of public market building. Under tb terms of th franchis tna grant Is given a II years' lease of the Mock bounded by Second, Third. Clay and Market streets, at a monthly rental for tna first 10 years of 1100, commenc ing January 1, 1104. Forth remainder of th term th rant la subjeat to ln- . The grants Is required to erect upon th block described a public mar ket building costing: III,. Th fran chlss required that oooatruotbMl sf th building begin Within I say fans tb passage and approval of the ordinance, and that the building be completed with in ati months. Ths time for completing the building- therefor expired last May. In order to prevent forfeiture of the franchis It has been necessary for th hold are to pay to tha slty ths monthly rent of 1, and this haa been dons. Tbs city has therefore rsoelvod since Janu ary 1 'tbs total sum of 11.004. But th pubUs building: Is apparently as far from bewJt built aa It waa 14 months ago when ths franchlss waa granted. . ft. c. Beach and John M Mann are in- DEATH IN PANIC I.NA WRECK i, v. fSpsrlal Pwaawk b tb fiwssl.r ' Victoria, B. C, Oct. iv-Fosr Indian girls, ths eidt It years of age, wer drowned In th wreak of th Barbara Bosoowlts. The ship returning to the- north actor tbs bop picking season In tb ststs of Washington eerrylng a1 crowd sf In dians, struck a reef while entering; par son's bay at Harblsdown Island, near tbs north and of Vanoouver Island, Tha vessel Is believed to bs total wreck. Tb ' ship had every available part sf bar spas taken up with Indiana and whan the reef was -struck a panic ensued in whloh, the greatest wonder la, that no lives wer lost.. That thta did, not prove so Is undoubtedly due 'to tb fact that nearly ail the Indians ar expert swimmers and though nearly I of them leaped from the ran Into the sea, they suooeedad in keeping afloat un til raacuod, or In swimming to. a point where they found shelter. One report say that It IS aosslbla that several other lives wer lost, as soms of ta Indiana were unacquainted with each other, and may. bavs son down without being missed. Relief has bees sent them and th survivor will continue thalr Journey In another vassal belonging to th earn company. The Barbara Boecowtta was owned by a local oompaay that send acts s Una of coaster. .. Milwaukee, Wis., Oct t. Kx -Governor Boboftald was this aftemoea placed at h head of tb Stalwart ticket to mo- oesd Ceok. --,....-. "I Pullman, Wash.. Oct. t.-A solid olal train of eollg student and ethers wlU visit tbs Spka fair ffeaxdaj. torastsd m tb Union Market soeition. the assign of tb franchise, though both of tbera refer all inquirer to J. H. Alexander aa tha moving spirit In the concern. Mr. Beach atatad this morn' Ins; that bis ws interest is small and that b 1 not ono sf ths board of di rector. Hi partner, Mr. Mann, la a di rector., bnt prefer to 1st Alexander do all th talking- tor tb Union Market as sociation. When Alexander,' was Interviewed: be at- ftrst 'declined to aivs any Informa tion whatever aa to ths plana of the aaeoclation or as to the personnel of th board of director. ' He anally vouch safed th Information, however, that the dlreotors bad decided to bavs plana for tha publlo market prepared and that work would commence "as soon as soms financial matter ar arranged.' That "might tak M or M ' days," perhaps mora. , "Ton sea," explained Mr. Alexander, T ain't the chief man In thla business and I can't say very much about it. There's others back of ma No. I oan't teU their names not until ths deal goes throush.- Tb very limited reformat loo which Mr. Alexander ss lit to glv to the nubile throw light upon th point which U of chief interest to th people of Portland, th question whether th pub- Its market Is In fsot to bs bunt, and if ss whether ths work Is to commence without further uuesnabl delay. SEVEN ROBBERS GET AWAY WITH $20,000 t' T aearasl Bpannl serrlea.) Jackson vlll, Wl Oct. w Th bank of Monta Carta waa robbed last night of UMIt, ta svtfTsney and cold and tha robbers sscapsd. There wsrs ssvea men In tbs robber band, and thy war not dJaoovored by tb night ratohman until tbs robbery had been onsinunatd. An alarm was gtvan and a ohaai started, but th robbers fled in th dark' ness and all effort to apprahSBd tham today proved futua, ' . ' UNCREDITED RUMOR OF A TRAIN HOLDUP finskd Dbwatah s The Jim ml. Tssoma, Oct . Th polios bsr hava rumor that a holdup ax th Northern Pacific train has taken place kUlansburg, Waabv ,t .. s Inqulris at ths local office of tbs Northern Pacific railroad reeulted In lloltlac no information whatever of the alleged holdup, Ths looel representa tive had received no word of the hap pening, and did not believe that such a thin- happened. Tboy said that had any such robbery occurred, th local of fice wouM bays been immediately astl fled. Ufl PATS AT mm t ' YJesrwl Iseelel terrlea.) ' r l St. AauIs, Oct t. Four stats hod their Innings at th world's fair today. They were Ohio, Michigan, New Jersey and Maine, A onstderabls number sf visitors wer on band from each of th commonwealths. . ths delegations being headed by the governors and their staff. Brief exercises were held at ths re spective stats buildings, follow by publlo-rscpttons In honor sf tb distin guished visiters, , , , , Unidentified Man Confined , at Cornelius, Victim : . . of Flames. : .- MANY RUSH TO RESCUE Prkooer Fouod Id' latoxtcatctf Coy . tfltloa by City Marakr-iuie '... f Fire lystcry W. ": Peddler. 1 4 fSneBlal tMSBStm to Ta JlSiiiU ' irnishom. Or... Oct Aa ankleatlnad ini m, Sects laet aisrhX bout 11 ttook In tha Jail in comuiua. .). wk uii e Half mile from bare. mk. hnut X eeera Of T and yesterday aftomooa -was sngaged In selling trlnkaU In Cornelius- and that vldnity. ' ' About 9 O'clock last mgnt tno ww marshal found him lying drunk btwea A k, unHa eiul after soms trou ble and with th assistance of four bystanders succeeded la loosing ma in- . n, hnan In tall. 1 About 11 Sslock th nra alarm arouses eiMitne eitiaens sf tha little town. Th Many rushed to the artaoaar from th burning prison. JNy uooeeoea in nngwiw- lng the flrs befors n aa ooa muen binm to th laU but not anUl ths oo- eupant bad bean suffocated, ham the are tarts l n mreierv. On theory Is that the prteoaer aooldent- mm mm the muouui anr. ja ouroner Inquest was held at t o'clock thla morn- ins; and tbs body ws Htusraa oy we county. j. SAVAGE BUCK DEER : , : FIGHT DEADLY, DUEL - tmmammm.l Beeetal BMlke I 1 San Francisco, Oot . Thera was a duel to the death between two savage buck deer In Ooldn Oat park paddock yesterday afternoon, jaca, ona o in cider bucks, bad been confined for two days m an inelosure and adjoining him wara the smaUer dear. A narrow naa aaga way cob sect ed the two and throna-h this ths animal wer driven hmhui into a wooden ease, Ths powerful Jack was let into tbs other e corral and ss soon as b beheld th meiier buck hi ran named and th Instinct of murder aetssd him. Th overmatohed buck seamed to realise that his hour had aooMw and wag ovsroome by fear. - As bis herculean antangonlst pressed almost within horning- distance the doomed young back sprang high la tha air and tried to escape, but ha waa caught full on tha enemy's sharp horns and pressed tightly against ths wall, and with blood gushing from hi wonnds as bellowed with pain. For a few mln ntea th younger buck fought, spas modically and desperately, but again and again his antagonist pierced and gored him without mercy. Stubbornly and wltb diabolical ferocity old Jack gored his dying adversary, and tt was with difficulty that bs could bs caged, von whan has snomy lay dead. POSTOFFICE ROBBER HIDING IN CHICAGO ' : ' ' -"- :- " tf el IpeewJ serrtoe.) Chicago, Oct. . Having Slipped through a drag bet thrown out shout wfr rhiiwm. whsra h last nlaht had a pistol battle with tha polio. Bddl Fay, a bank burglar an vnicago poev offto robber, la now hiding to Chicago, Bvery policeman ta the elty la keep ing n sharp lookout for th desperado. Pay recently brok Jail st JoneevUl. Wis, ' ' ,i TACOMA BEER HALL -ROBBED BY TWO MEN ' Sfiabl ntsssbm Tbs Jearaal) Taooma, Wash., Oct r Two man hurelarlaad th Puaet Sound beer hall st an early hour thla morning1, secntlng IK p. They then- beta np Henry weoer hAues. an ax Dress man. taking a stiver wstch and a email sum sf money. The police suspset a wU-knowu young sxan. RELIGION PROMPTS CONVERT TO SETTLE Two year ago test April ther was a strike at ths Portland Lumber oompaay. Man laid down their tool and refused to work.' Thar were Seep sMtteringa and rumors sf violence. Suddenly and mysteriously k small rowboat disappeared. It was the proo erty sf Lloyd J. Wentwerth, vtce-pr-i-dent and general manager of the c e paoy. None knew how It dteancN On of the striker wewt to - He stopped one day t ll to of a band of Itinerant mi- . melody waa hood. Be HoMMVlel C has salva- A CaS for Mass Meeting Where Fiery Speeches , Will Be Made. ; REPUBLICAN CAMPAIGN Believed ly Some to Be 11 Excef UMally Adroit Move to Cist i Blime oi Uc Denocritlc " - p nnBnBxnWSBBWwsann " - (Joaraal fpntail service.) ' ' Manila, Oct . Fiery orators wfU speak at a muss meeting of Filipinos Sunday called for tha purposs of sdvs oatlns: th indeeendenc of th lalsnda, Tbs oall for th meeUng says: Tt would be InaxpUoabl. and :'va Improper, for tb Filipinos to fold thsir arm and remain pasatv,at time when -th vary beat element of Americas so- , dety ara working so ardently in order that on native land may at tela Its am bition." y (' It- Is assarted her by asm of th men who are unusually wil Informed -that the agitation is tbs result of aa axoep- -ttonally elevar and hitherto well-oetv -oeeled move on ths. part of tbs Repub- . llcaa cnmpalgnsra. By atlrrins up fssllna- among th an-' . tlves they hope to produce such aa agi tation a will snsbls th Republicans to make th statement In ths United State -that tha Democrats ar responsible for stirring- up warMke feeling in ths Island. One thins which sdds some color ta this belief Is ths fact that tha gov era' mant authorities will make no effort to Interfere with th meeting, and wUl re main quiescent In a remarkable stat of ; benignity, ta marked contrast to tbs "big stick" policy. - - Placard of an vnumtally fiery nature hava ben posted promiscuously around '' the city aniline for tb m ting, snd have also been - posted well out Into neighboring vil terse, Ths tersest meet ing of Its kind that has ever taken nlao in tb Islands Is expected. j . r SHIP TRUST MAKES A DIRECT THREAT v v " - . -. .. . i . - ' ' e' ' ' -. ; ' - (Jearasl anVn.) . New York, Oct . Direct threats have boon served on ths elty by the ship trust that unleas It can secure docking . pray liege nt New Cbeiaea it will with draw all ships under Its control, repre seating: 1st bottoms and 489, til tons, from tb port Vice-President PAS. FrankUa of th International Mercantile marine voiced tbs threat in a letter to Dock Commissioner Featherstone, with drawing the offer mad by th oompany test December of flv and on half piers for a new harbor Improvement scheme, because bettor terms can b secured elsewhere. Franklin points to Boston, Baltimore, Philadelphia aad Hoboken offering great advantages, and- hints strongly that ships In ths trust wlU be transferred to ona of the ports If bettor term ar not offered by tb slty, . EDISON, SR., SUFFERS - FROM X-RAY POISCN '"'':'VV r ' 1 " ' '''-" (Xesraal Null I servtee.) I St swart vUl. Oct s. Tboma A tMl son, 8r Is suffering from X-ray poison of ta same general nature as that which killed bis friend snd fellow work man, Clarence Dally. . Ths trouble In Bdison's caae, however, hi not so viru lent but ths famous Inventor Is ta dan ger. Tb trouble was contracted several years ago and at ttmee sore appear on Kdlson's hands and h suffers oonslder ably. For ths past three days Ik trouble has been worse than nsusL (Jeeraal seeelel rr.V London. Oct ( A bulletin teamed at W aimer castle this morning announces that Lady Curson passed a better Bigaa and at a Uttla stronger today. Mssmal Speei! Servisa.) '' Cincinnati. Oct A All union coal teamster in this city went on Strike this morning for sn Increass of and recognition af tb wnJon, But there was a memory task basnMd SB. Thara crnwdsd through his mind re", olleetlon of s boat he had scutued s i sunk through wanton raven' k Hs was ua happy, and tti r tsld l Wy. ra. Maud W. r-- -t-ion at US ' .... to v. , A W i f n t