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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1904)
, , - ....... THB OREGON f DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, WTOKT'OAY EVEWKO, CCTOX VH. 10 rw- TODAY'S Fruit Inspector Badly Needed in Portland Ac cording to Commission Men Hops Now SeUV Ing at 81 Cents 3 Cents Being Offered. 'ADfiiosra::: MARKETS ORDERING is badly mm wonanr '- , Ort. -Tk prHel tm F tke Fw-Uaad whleato asrBeei wear a Pwettrr hi " . Bop eltlng at 3U. ..rraltdealera waet ' 7- . , Wkt MAM trnto dalL , ' ; .. lutM oata yet to Ml ' r , Mr ear prate weB grata mea, v ar fta Mflt nonttonoB. BmA ma at MT f MHWH. Bemad reap etoawberrlee eeexisg. FroTlaioa arc qnoted 4,. ' Vwft a - - ----- .mm m amis betas swot Br . k. uim riwnt-trt wkolsets to Mn unmectar tor the lrsl J "? old ta tfcla euy. Ito claim to . rrut awl of fro M w snaalBg aa this m.rket which k Nl II fcr - a Uwk aha kM S taBOlBCT to tha Mkt gtotted a4 esoae tower prteeB to r.tohrttld trott. . Tto mata toeBble mm ' -lau to regard epptos. TJ r" gos to repntattoa ef growing tbe bast as el m La the world, bat b took at tb h-slt atoag front street BOM sot toattfr It to very fcard to tnd a to of apples atone I he street wawa oa no coHana khiiB wmt and eoeekrd fnilt and tbe crow era ttpKt tb dealer her to obtata ta top pricea tor rneox. some hihp "l.."" to Ik mark at. .tot ttaj caaaeC to mto4 Brat-daea frail tow Boot an baa a aarptoa f n or ottor totoeto. Spray ing hi alsMWt mtotorva fc bubt t tk appto bwm wk wpplj tto PorUa WW wltk aiplw "Ai tan H tb srowara a aD IkHr vonar appto m tola aMrlrat." aar a M a annr wacw. rat Mif saatera aaaato dMC to tala ettr aa4 BMt C0ttoMa baard of k iwvtatlaa C Ortm aa a waWU appto- cMral aataram rr to atf pia mutrdav aa1 wr arprtaai tkat w aot to aar appto which did aot cUtB iwh. Tto Btattor baa torn takaa Btor tk Pradaea llorchaata' aaaactatto tor artlu Tk ap antntlac laaprHar wM to) taa keat Tbiog that coaM b do far tk fortkr1 of Onvan'a Iralt todaatrr- WitbMt tk wormy and poor applaa oa tk airkit atortn wo Id aot a to aa (aat aaS tkar wald at b Nd aa aenusHlattoa aa bow. Wltk tb Mrfcal to. that aaodtttok toxtar rlea eU aaalU aa aktato4V" I . - ttodtrr It SaUkw v Tbm la arartlcaUr ae MHnf f pwoHry at tfcia tfaw aa tk rvtatl trad la Mir atoHtd asd doaa not ear to bay. PrtoM 0 apt aai to cut kck f aa abtoet ad tkar la aot aa 'rat kaalBa la cbldtm wmt aa tkr waa fVi aaUttoaa wr pracUeallr to atokar. Ther mi aow atoolatair dwataad tor tnrktya aad ahtppara woaM btc awaar kr kaeptnc tkHr atorka St mom. Ufa Cktoaa ar atttl i bartos aoBM dacka. Oaaaa an jfrj atow avltora. Baaa lalattt Oaato. ' At iBdapMMtoae lato atrdaT kftoraaaa A. L. BmiU paid tie far lO.OOd paoada f bt'pB katomrinf to Dar Dova. Oh f tk to-, rldcata whlcb ga to afcaw tk atrvBctb of tb bop BMrfcat waa ta aal rapartad Ik Tk Joaraal raatordaj f M kalaa 4 bas to Slna af Dalla mj U Da mo at Me. Moat of ta -totpa bdM kr Mr. Daam war what la aaltod kabr apa tk ftrat crowa oa tk vtoaa. C. L. PlfaAard pmfebaaif fraai Blraai Wooda at TndptadBpa m batoa at Me. Catlta Ua baafht froai Stavaa Martoa at It, Paal t4 bate at SOr and alaa W balaa frak Ura. A. . Stewart at Woodbara far rortr-tt batoa af tb bf. raraebwrllar crop waa aonfkt br Tooaa far tte tor cbola aad V for arlta. At Rotaaa Oanalca! tonirkt Mt bafca at 90e. Tto Oaltaa-bar lot eooalitlnc of 27B batoa of rbolea wr aoU at North TaaaelH at aOc. 8ae. Bereral aptlaa aar. aawerar. baaa aa ekraS oa kops at Baa. The toeai wheat akarkat, a aeooaBt at fa fkaatseteBt kakjbar of oars for aatara skip. Beat, la dail and aatfl the proSllaad ears ar tout la tkk) dlreetioa kaalnoaa wlO be stow. Ward nu raealTMd Bar from tk aat rtar dar that areat areaaar Bad keaa tossskt to bear apeaitke rallwar ottetola there br tk arata bmb 'of that secttoa aad tkat aeake ear woaM be asM la tbla dtroettoa br tk Dalou raelae at oaea. Boa few aaloe for eaatera ccouat sra reportad. Tb lower prleaa te tk aaet 7 eater day easaed a slight deeUss ber la Walla Walla aad braartaek TarteUea. a bsmII BUBtor of ardera far fear war recateed from the orient today far Daeeaber aklpmeat. Taa toarkat to rarr frai. Tkar to practically an raJtej whaat remaJBtag bbsdM aad price la that Baa ar pailual wltk tb amUer aiUtor p fa alley partag a preailaBi W froai to m to Pec ksskol sr awauttoss. T Ooto SMU Tee Xigk. . ' hharkst her is mat salts a krai to day. Tta report rlra reeterdar taat bobm aMarkoata were eaealaf ta tala dtaaetla waa kwarato. bat the eareaare bmb dlrartad o anmmt of tk teellag bare. Aeeerdtoa t torpa brare,la tkto ettr tk beat offer ea oata knw toieg reeetoed froai tk edbt ar at Btt 00 aaa aa eeBBl J&a BTS BJtSar tkl eastani oata win eaaaa aatll taarket aos a r that b rk. quotation either tkla Briy Buraet.i aot atrit ao am Gray are arscttoeUi bbM aad BMatJoas art bow? hat. Bawaad Orap Stn Wa A BMBwer mt eeMaa M "iT wwr froai the vicinity " ' ' ana were aoM at A ear of wt potato eaaM to froai Itarced today. Oresaa awrkaak pntateea fwwk wltk ao ekaat u prto-TuiBrS. itock aelto rerr ktow. OrewX aaatoleapear - on (Bora a) a xakr er Idatoa and Taklnaa. ki I aa foilewsi kk,-inoaf asS Teal. r Flt EKaetera ' Oragoa: PBteota. MSB- dliiixa, BB.Ottt iklill eaum in nu v Bia m " - " ' HA T P'riidUi il ' wrlra .Ttnuirai antwuM. alley, faacr, l4.A6OU.00; ordinary. lt.oo 1300- aaatera Oreaua. l& Qft la 00- BiluA fio.MejixoO: rlere? oot uoS; miim. UM SULBO; heat. Wl.rt0U.BO. 14" Stops. Waal aad bTIsbb. ' " WoPB-lSOa. BflU foe ekotoot Bto Iky . WOOL TteaalaaL ' Taltoy eaarak to ITAikcj la. Ike; aostora Oraaoa. uo . HnilAIK HW. BOe. KnREraKlKlSarta. lS0s( abort west, jntfoe; . BBrdtoak weak, BOO&Oc; leas waaa. .MirWll OO each. ; TAlxww Prtaa, ksr SV It. and . CHTTT11I SARK-4 par ft. totrlss ajrle. - m 1 1 urj aiast. n. Ka, 1 Id kw and as. kip. rto. 1. 6 to IB Id. 1. kor fta, MUe; tac. 1-B towTftaa Irr r4H Owe par ; dry ' dry elf. H. dry eel tad bulla and Stag. 1-B tote than drr ftiat: aaltad hldea. etaer. eaad. 0 Iba er ever, Tje; Bo to SO Ike, Te; aadar BP ft aad n-e. MTe; staaa and bulla, aoaad. Be; kip, IS to Pf Iks. Te; aoand. It t 14 fta, to; ealf. aeons, ander 10 Iba, Me; areea faa lted. U per tb lea; wntm Jtvmt ft lea-, oarae hide, parted, earn, fl ffBdjl.rBTdry. oarh, 11 rmdjl.OO; ealkl' hldea. earn, S6fl0et goat aklna. oaornMa. aaek. lodjlaot Angora, Wlft woal ea. rack, Stoftl.eO. , BarMoa, Bcas and Voaltry. - BtTTBB rAT-Sweet, Ke: soar. SIHe. ' Bl'TTKR CMr rreaavwy. beat. t1HM; . Bfnd grad. Bto; entaide fanrr. tTWc; ordV kary. flc; aaatern. ! atera.UOlBe. i freak Oraxo. IrV: aa csadld, tic; aaatara, freak as; BBeeass, the. l)BP.r. -w- roll rreapi. twla, 11W l-Jr; I.ha Aawlcn. lkHtilta. I'otLTKYOIrkaa. Billed. Ite per lb: tows, Ida per ft: reotfer. old, tkr par ft; fn. 10 per ft; broiler. 10r per lb: Krta. to per ft; darks, old, 14 par lb: r I- i-r Ik; . kc per ft; tarfcera. Sar par lui svsaaed. ITr per lb. tVaete and Teawtohtoa. ' 1 ' " PriTaTOn -oraa". kPOrll no per ewt; ton-Ma' pri'-L A eoa; CaUdernto. PfXltv; f ii.towLtB per rW. orated.-1B ' ,7 f'- imn oatucs ooaamv eiov anmum nsx mnsnt ov avar mna son arow muss a twra mnT aitiT strafe s lb tbla ettr kop drelai are rather ootot, all CheT" .J1 fj. per iei airry trtll totokoTTkerTni n-"- & 7 w aawa aan pe ranorrea aaNua mmh ONfOim-lAeal, Cknferato,J.TIi tvne, wajiw par a. I ITB) faBrr Oraawa, ttodj CI 00 Ui; chtwp grid, "OTB box; raaa;oa tt TaharUa. U.S0a.Tf ar Ho; ha aaaao, St par Hi leatooa. ekaloa, -TB ar bt: faaer. n ooctl 90 par boa: fli tXTBSTda oa: Ilia. lltrlMa. aa 100.' dIbmko tM. pluaaa 5iMUe r baa; paackaa, ordiuarr, poajMtr bu; fany, 504r per ftofcoawrda. UHflK per ilk boakt; ' ' Box: orpw. vfj r 6 Ik boakttti i lb knpra. TO rVri to par crata; caaatoa. fl.M Pr doa: haefeletwrHM. 10c par lb: crabappW lH per to: craaberHoa, weal, av.ov per aot: uapa Oad. to 50 per bbl; prnnaa. 2c par tb. . TEOETABLKaTurnlpi. II. per oacwf oar rata. H i-ar oackt towta, il B par aacfei Orerna radlBboa, Id par da: canoaire. vrgm, I itdtod pwt: tottac. baC IV dea; grm pepper. 000 Mc par box; eeHfT. T5 aw dot, to aai'M, uregoa, aor par panaip. iori tl.W: graea paaa, to par i arra oalaaa. 2 par Ooa: local are . i i.f per r! pU plaat Z0ZSa par B: atrtac baa, r, 10O 4i Maruaibara. BOe aer aaefc: eaalldvirar, 0 par aVi; batur beaaa. Se: paaipklBa, 114 per lb: koraaradltk. lOe aaradlab. 10c per Ik: aprmta. ae. rsriTS Appfa. raporald, Tt OKIBU per lb; Bprtoeta. per ft: aarka. per lb 1: poaekaa. aiae per a; praeM. I tan in, rraaA. IUfl4M mmr lb: BFU Mer t: rallrnrala wbltea. Bar lb plana, pitted par lb: datee, go Idea. par toi raraa. par id- dob. , amaanaa. aruta. xia. STJOABiaak baala Cube. M.0t Pewdlad. M M; fruit graeolited. M IB; drr fraaaUtrd, PS. lb; kaet graaBJatad, BOe adraaea oa aaek baala. ton Sto wt far cask. la dara: BMpla, HO la pkr fa. OorPEAV-omm ktoaaa. tlelfS! Tara. ffear. MAtae: Jara. rood. SOCjSSc: Java, ardlaarr UOMe; Cnrta men rear. 1BI Ooata lira, ordtnarr. llfllat per lb: package nfroe. HflH.7& Tiu-cvnona, airrerant graoaa. zarxoj awa awer. WoaQKx; agnak Braakiaai. an ftrul arartH i U aMV- - anlAerUar wuatorad iapaa. to !&; grsa Japaa (rarr eeeroa). toJ ark. iu. n. 1 ALT-ha-ale. to. to. . la. Ida. fl.M table, dalrj. OOrn, kk.BOtJI1.0O: lOfta. sa no Imnrrted IJrarnnoL fin. f1B.00tHe.Mr 100a tU.AUaklB.Mr lUa. tt.Bnlla.B0: extra flae. hie. to. to. Ha. 10a. Ba.M: kala. akV iba. M OO: aaeba- ana. B A LT Coaree B a If ffroBsd. 100. far tea, tfi JOOdBO: IVAa per too. tB.Sfftv.OO: Urcrpoal lam rock. ttB.Maie.B0 per toa; 10-tb rack. looa. p.7bo.ib. fAbora artraa amilr to alt f ear lot. Car toto at apirial irtoak t Biirraanona. GRAIN BAGS CBlpSrta. mTVeW-o V f Mt(-CtMrHal Vn 1. Kr: Xe. 1. to; orieaaa beaa, 1btl AdJuK! Crvnle 4a. A . B r AKS elaja o wklta. kie: .largo watt. a s-or: atBB. i( aarsa. luci uataa. a: ni, rMMH. t ur' ! imn mm i a raw. MlOe aer fkt roaatad. eaoaaBatk. BB Bop par do: walnut a. lDUOUHf per lb: pin anr. ioaixH par r; kirkarr anta. iee far is: ebaataata. aaatern. ItallOe nee lb: Bra ill nut. ioe per m: Bnterta. mnioe ar 10: rase? peoaas, IdAlfe per ftt alawinda. ISSllbs pa ft. Meats, Tlsk aad Fieri! oas. rSamH bIICATR laaBected Beef, storra. per lb: eawa. OOftHr par n atattoa. artnat. CS per ft: tamba. trmit. BOAr par R. . TRK8B MBUTtLfYeat atraiT Beef, atoafa. par ft: perk, blpofc. HOTr par lb; pack- era, h per n; tmna, me per a: eawa, a HO H r : awmoa. areaM. VBe par : ai. arwa. tf per w; orainarr, oroe par w; or. to per ft: Ik rah. BU0Hc per Ik. BAHR. BACON. BTO. Pertlaol barkl lacaH kaaw. it to 14 fts. 1e per lb: 14 to ! fta. to par lb: u to so na. lac per lb; eottas. IHr sar ft: braafcfaat baeea. 14llBe ser ft: plcalea. 11 par ft; rsgnlar abort rteara. aa moed. 10U Bar ft: tooted. HUe ar ftt rlear backa. BBaBMkad. 10c per ft; amok ad. 11 per ft; DbIab bntta. It to IS Iba, aaamikad. Be per lb: BBMbed, a par Tk: clear belli, as Btoked. 11 Ho par ft: aktnki eaator kaau, HMt W ft: ked. . ijhc per : fcraakfaat kaaaa. lto per ft. LOCAL LAKD Kettle, leaf. 10a 10 par ft; 6a, lie par lb: fiO.k ttaa. lie per ft; etaaai rendered. 10. lOUe oer lb: Be. lflue aar lb; 60a. &K? per tb: enmpoand Heree. aij aar ib; TODa. par a; sot, Be par IB. BABTBB UU-10a, 10( as. Ut kOB, ciwinrn uutnii-fliihBMi t.ft tatfe. 11. U: Mb tatla. tS Bd; facrr 1-lk lata, Bt 00: -:b raBrr aar. Bi.xt: raoer i-ib arak). nu: taaka tatla plak. af X. ra. SU0; kssitoal t at 11 tr9 nfl rJRH Rook . Te par ft ftfmasf. per Bantmt. oc per in: ereba. ai Bar m: ftrtoed bask. lOdfltHe par ft; eatSrk. Te par 2: jr'Rija:"00!! trjz. rsr-. acnaipa. 4ur per aa; eaao, araaaaa. par ro; perrk. Be per ft; ehad roe. par ft; roe CLAhfa-FTtrd aWL nnr kaa. tl.OOi ranar atoaai. n.n ear box. ', lniato. Oral Otto. Cta. ' V JIOM-JNbw kUnUa. uc; it ia dors. Ut4 COAtTrt-rWrl r Antra V-Caaea. H per gait witar whit. Iro bbk) ite per gsL WMdea per cal; hoadltrbt, lm-deg. eaeaa 3ixe per gaf Irea bbl 17e per gaL LimOcBD OIL Par raw. la bbbj S4e par L eaaoa BBe par il) reoaioe kettle boiled, eeeea 61c per gal. beta ode per gal; groand rak. ear tola aB.0t per tea. to than can Bte. ga per ton. QAHOUWB of Set. ease &B per gal. tres J? to tor to H ar gal. IroB bhla lSe per gal. "-f' "" tie law Sl. kbla lBU per gaL PAINT OIL Raw. Mkj SSe per gat e per jtai: nmien, eaaaa nu' TTJHPSVTIKB la eanee BSV i a la. Ble per gal. too bale TBe pe ami. 10-ft aee lots Bc er aL lots SAe par gaL WHITS LBAb-foa lata TVe ear Sk. kaa-Bxl toto Tkie per ft. toaa Into ae par ft. WIRB BAIIA Preeeef toaeat IS.4L leaitototoperft. 1 Xaaatoe Trtoaa. retkUr1 " alaea SxB to 12, U. 83 ft.. I Sit B1S0S tSB.Sk Beagk, rUmanatuoa rerskw alaea to lb 11 S4-40 ft... S.St lTt SttO Bongs. aavnntM regalar elae to 1111. 41-48 ft... USt It.SB. aeagb, dlmnoatoo ragalar 1 alaea to I2HX. BOdO rt... 1B.BB SkLAkt For ek addltleaai I laeaes la width add.... l.M SO Sot rw odd. aad frBrtloBal atsm sawed add set toes to add est Oaainiaa reagk keards, regii- 3 lar rlioe to IS la. wld to 14 ft., las.. Basartod tokgtha t.BB U. kddittoaaL Boird to Ik tktoksskk. 'FRISCO GRAINS CLOSE AT THE LOW MARKS trarntoaed try Orerbeek. Starr S Conks Ok.) 8aa Praaetoeo. Ort. I. thsttoa Co. ear Wbeat baa Bass weak todu -la the fee of rYonefc adrlre. The aauB mhrma f baring hit aot beek aafflelent to offeet tk boar attack. The market has bald Ok far weU oonelderluji the proaasr agalnat It It W-ka bow aa If th local crowd are an abort and If the eaaterk taarketa ehoald grew treager the ahorej woold And little wheat to Beet than- demand. We eaa Be nothing to Indicate a Blurap of amy particstor BagBltada, kiit rata took far a better Market toawr- Barler to Itb with trading Drat. Todar'B efaclal ii:St a. av Bsrkstf, wi haa Open. Dee. ....... .11 fit IA Hlrh. Trw. iSHt Close. Sl.Bl May.... Dee.. lit 1 1.11 111 l.U BEST HOGS DILL AND. x OTHERS ARE WEAK Pert land Raloa Stoekyard. Oct. B Th beat kflga or onlet while tb llxht .atocka are tery weak. Cattle M weak wltk tbe beet at te. while aSeeu ar fair. The receipt today ea atoled of tftl hogs. eattl and ljQB ahoop. OfAclal rtillng prices today are: Cattle Seat eaetern Oregon iteeta, -pxTBdj Soft; beat raltey at cert. BU TB; BedlnB Bteera, 13.60; eows, 100; ball., tl.TB; Mag, 13 00. ftoga Beet bry. .ray; block. M M; Cblna fat. HJbnttM; etoekar and foedera, tS.Hdt 4M. Seat rrJ-fd oretaeea and tB.f Tk, Blted Bheep, St.UUakt.Bk, BOPS aV BTJSHxa. v (Iseetal Utopatek to Tk Jooraall aenona. Wank., Oct. t. Th 111 la tk bop amrket here waa C brif dnratlna. BxHl- ment la agala keen and prleaa are and pricea are an. Tb bP M aow I0 per at sm and are aot lailiaa oooiaoeo on eipnrt B ponod. illiw talk mt Bl OB mm Baa POSTAL CC"PANY HAS DINE WIRE WORKING I ! Sail- Fratnelac, Oet. . Tlio Postal Tolaaraph eompanr thia atoraoon had ooo wlra workinT vo th ornst over th aoutborn root and xpot to havo ail brokers' prtvata win up In tlrao for tomorrow' a awalona of tb various chAnsv ST. PAIL CONTINUES TO BE THE LEADER Pnratokad 'fjy Orarkeek Starr Cook 0a. New York. Oet. a. The ataeh Bkarket aaaln etoeed Blroa Wltk St. Paal tka leader, a It waa roaterdar. AaMleakatS ippr wa Try rtlre and adraaoad te a aw bFgb record for the year oa re porta that all tk difference wltk tbs Urine faction bad keea adjuatod. Trad laar waa ear active la tka railroad Mian. especially ta PaanaylTaBU. UUsoto Coatrai aad Uanamaa racine. Today ' ofSclsl stook wMrketl i ' Opea. ., folk Abm lea nta ted Oianai Ok Atckiaon. com B3U ABiericaa nugar. ooB ,.is Brook Ira Baold Transit ... B Caaadlaa Paris, res (...1H2 ill., jail, ai oi. nu in.ini Colorado Pari Iron, asm M LiinliTlllB A NaahTllla IX Manhattan Blerated V. 164 .l-1 lllaaoari Pactflc 1UOV ' - W PenBayrraala BaUwav lSKtf ISai P. G . L. ft Oe,., i lonti 1U8 Readlnc. com ...A 9nk ov Boothera PacUe i... B B IJnloa Pari Ac eoa 104 U 108" United Butee Steel Cv. cob Ul 184 U sited Stat Start Oa.. pfd TS 144 '- sur sassoisos Buauie stocks. Sna PraaetoBB. Ost. 1 aflaraa onataHona: Ctoalaai Bid. Alia , -li Alpha 3t Andes .54 aicber .SB Beat A Boleker l.a Ballkm t e. . CaledOBl .S Challenge .94 CbolUr .SB CoDBdene ' .i...... 1.00 Cob. Calttornla. Tk Sat MUbb Belmont ::S . .41 . 34- Midway McNamare ti,,,... Toaopah werad Tcbopak Gold Unaatsta .. Tvnopsh fttteoatoa . .07 .1 . 1 . .TO Jumbo 'eskt'iiani' . SAJf isuawsoo LOCAX atOQKS. Sat PiaasUBB. Ogt t. :t s. p. ' . . ..... , OLOSlria. i " Bid. Aak. Bprlaff Taller Wats . ,.. tt MU Baa ftancwo) Oaa 4 Btoetrl ...... foV i HawaUaa Sngar ................. SJltt" SB onokB Bngar h. ........ ....... IB atrhlnaoa Suxsr MakaweU lager SRi Paiobaa Buxar 15' Alaska Peak era Aasoetattoa ..1SB - 10 OLOSB SATVSTAAT. fftleaes, Oet. I -Tto) lUans CTty. St 1Mb and Cbicar market win be etoaad Satsrsay. - - - A It Baliia- Phfaa Aav at W mU'i I today's aan er.assniea, CleartDX ..SoDS.BOtf BalBca , sl,Pls.7P ZBT LOVDOa STBOVS. Leaden, Oet. B. American ttoek la Loodoa ar strong, to tt patat sksea parity. Gon- srs tMnuBM. HOLD-UP KEEN ; SAY ' THEY ARE GUILTY aToarar CoofrOTits4 with ' frrerwbeirotnA art doaow of their fuUt, Jobs SulllvaA aad Herman. Smith today Bdratttad that thap hold up and robbed flva men Monday nlghc They bud oonfsatons to Da teotlras Ksrrlgan and Snow, aftsr belns; toid of Ui vldooOw that bad bono asth- rad aTnJojht thorn. AirnJaTBsd ta th manlelpwi ooarQ chart of hlfhwny robbery, both waived prellznlimry bnar los and JndsTt Hosim hold thon to tho Brand Jury. After a oonAWjltatlon with. Ltoputp Diatnct Attorney Hooey hoods wert Sxsd at $1.00 each. Tbla rnorBina; Joha atoeJbtoder, s Tlo tie", oallad at polio hoadquartarp and Identified a watch takea from SulllTan Bbj his property. Th timepleoa wu of alckol and tho owner bad used a fork to scratch hto naoM aad a date la th cms. Therefor be know tt to b his. After walrlaaT sjnlnatlow Salltran and Smith want with Detootlroal Ktrri stab and Snow and reorrd froa a room a void watch takam from altntlnw Fahronbafh. another victim of th pris on ra when thoy war on th rampaaw Monday nlBht. - - Until thla Dortrlns both pslsonsrs mtlntalnad thy war Innooaat of ail tb holdups, but whtn takea from theilr oellB and told of tho IdentrAcatl of tho nickel watch by aWNr, thaw admlttad their Built, PhototraphB of tho prl toners wr forwarded to Seattle today- It to th theory of Dettcttvea Karris- Bod Snow that thoy ar wanted thr for holdlns op th waloon oonduotod bp Dr Con way, at which tim 004 pian'was fabmlly shot and two others badly wounded. Thrss ,mra did the work, two Buardlnf tho front and rear doors and tha third robUBsT thr patrons and eaah rtsuitar. SEATTLE BURGLAR SECURES $1,300 IN GOLD ; A ' ' ' (Bpeetal rjtopateh to Tka JoraL Sesttl. Wash.. Oct. t. While Vrav A. D.- Shepherd left her bop for a fw minutes to go to a atom to do psa shopping yesterday sftorriorm a bwrclar let himself la th h 014ns with a skeleton key and Btot tl.tot In sold that was left en a table la a front room. Th money waa la a wallet and had been drawn from Um bank but Sa hour let fore. -1 1 -Mr. Shepherd aya ah rsmnrobwrs distinctly that an locked tk door whav ah toft. The polio have no olue that will toad to the approfaonalrm -of th thief. Th Bkortey had ba drawn from th bank to nasa- th SnaJ payment on their horn. . Mrs. Shepherd' b husband Is a street railway employ and ha boan bat las tha mowey for two -roara, B 10 4 '. SB i 1ST bTUUXTAJT AM9 awm trnxTx ruaui ainxTT tra vrra noasaaiaTs sjj. cejiiauTTms) nt a orou arioarp m wabTwmb or mini, '. . x my mm m C.T AKD CHASTER VOSXAT Cjnnrrjrsi WAO . sbaut traxrsTAmaap . fffmx ab9 eaT osv, ' l-ODArs wnasf naaxa. top. .: lodar. Do ...Sl.Uh ktof . " 1-U . tSfirlal Otopatck to Tka Pearnnl.1 Ckieago. Oct. a. The wkeat markef todky ranid It downward aaaraa and nrleaa an vrer nil wwer. The market thl morning piait wakaot tracttoallr , pjetbandsd froea Ua .oiualog of Th wk too eaarJaned BB pa at tk Blddlo Of the eeealaa anS pricea skowed k BTdaal toe. There waa a aUgkt reaction tor the tottar toward the etoaa of the aeeatoa, aot It waa toat beibre tka last son; Bounded. December wheat opened at 11. UU atruqC Ita blah poUt at that tgvn. Xt tow at tl.lo toaa from tk c DOT I etoeed at fl.U, a net ex raster of i cent. Tn Br eraoa ra krkesk anaasl knekeBged St tl.12, tie high Biark , (at eoaUaoed to toaa nntli the or lea droooed hack 1 eanta in Si.iwjfe. it waiora a triiM imp this mark iter la tk etoa and eloaed a tl um. May'B aot loos front the prerloos day 'a loo ' Cera Market lam . xno earn ntaraet mwi ararticaiiT u nr a eent today oa larg arlllng ordnr and a bear oampaio asoat to B lornod. Tka rop re port ir aot of the beat and prleaa, despite ibb aron. are iiui nrm. uecaaaber nnaaan u Of k cent kJahor at B1U eent old. The hlrh mark was M mt s eent above thta ln Lerembae earn waa tow Badae at Bftu, mm u m mi cwBia no ana nil cents SBBeo, a iobb r a n i eeni aiaee yeatertlay. alay opened at 4P eeato and eloeed at 48 eenta aakedV a drop of of a oast from tk prertoe - i - Tkk OBto Barkot. to Baannn tka afrnet mt a large erop and no Bbica to Bkarket It. De cember option opesod at tl rants, tka aam a reetorday. It high point waa only of a east higher. The option waa tow at 11 eeato and closed at BlU cent. dec line af U of a eent fronr tb Brertoos day. Mar oats opened at SS eeato -Bad closed at SS wats. The BrvrbTloa marka wafl waakae an ewa.1 raiir wwer wrta oat a amau bbubw ot kaat Todar'i oftetoi markotoi Wkat Onoa.. - Btot. Low. Ctoae. Dae.,.,.C 1.12 $ 1.12 S 1.10 1.11 aUr. LlttJ .llif 7 LWlJ 1.11S hv -a ".iA Dec .81 Mar .St Pork-- ' Oet..... 11 ao 11 ft 11. St It-Bt f S ' Il.tT 11.4S 11.61 it. a IB. IS Dee...., 11.0S Jaa 11 4T kUy .... !. Seattle. Waeku. Oet. I. BtoaatoM wnsat. Boa: etak. Sis, . , , . . , , TAOOBU WXXAT. ' . (Bpeetot Dtonatek to Tbs JearaaL) toT? Z7M9?ZlJ5amYm fc-wfclt - BMalBltok. , BiaaBtaai s7c Ckak Bd Mm . IIwwmI rw ------ - --- tn tt It potato klghor. The mtket m.Btad. '"V. Pmrta Srato SbjM. Paris. Oet. 6. Ctoaak Wkaal Oadaaa. 10 seBUmoa lower. .. I t , . ' MiirfiH Srato IbilBt. ' ' laWaonl. Oet. B. Cloaa: , Wheat Decani aw. in tw Oara Pacosjbar, nnbaaasj. TO BRING PY' OF LEE TO OM aamkooPAXi wom vo amiBTO .rnost cast. erosra visMra L (Bpoetol llarpateh tk The lisraal ) aalm. Or., Oct I- After leaylna; hie remains in an unnonored crave, ao far aa th people of tb state that ha mad known and which reverence his nam ar concerned, for more than tt yeaxa, the 'Methodist Episcopal church at the conferonc it Suitn decided to hrtns th remains of th Rev. J onoa Lee, th first Protestant missionary to what waa then known aa the Oretron territory, but now recognlBod aa the stn. tee of Oresoa, Waablnston, Idaho Arid part of Montana, to SeJtm and Inter than lath cemetery that bears hU nam la thla city, th Lee Mlalaonary ometry, aad lay them he- aid hla wife and oh lid. Rot. Jason Loo waa fh first rrotw- tant mumlortarp to oome te the Orearon country, and th first mission waa es tablished oa what Is now tb Oliver Beers place, on Mission bottom, to tho Borth of thla olty, which waa established ther in 1114. Tea years later th mis sion was removed t thla city, then Just beins stabltshed. - V - Rot. Jason Lee was aeeocnpaafea th his earlier work by his cousin, Daniel Lee. Thar yet rerriAiriB but th matters of detail, aa th family rot th late mis alonarr have consented to tho iwmvaL FIRE CAUSES LOSS OF $2,000 NEAR SALEM ftkHjetal Drapeteh tk The Imrna1. J fJalem, Or., Oct. I. Th barn belong Ing to tha Jacob Schnldlor dairy farm. in tha extreme southern suburbs of the city, waa destroyed by Ire thla morning. An alarm was turned Id by telephon at 1:41 o'clock. The barn contained SBt tons of hay, 1,009 bushels of oats, Th loss to about z,0 partially ftoverod by tasurano. It ia supposed that tt was aat aflr by tramps. Two bmb, apparently hobos, wra aeon going op th river road, and when asked what- caused tho smoke, pulled their hats Over telr ayes and hurried on. About lot bush! pf .oats honly war saved from th building . C 1 Wm STTOOS! bbWTIbVv i (laaraai Bpeetal Berrtoe.) ' IfontreaJ. ' Qua, Oct. . At their an nual meeting; today tho stockholders of th Canadian Perife railroad voted to authorise the proposed Increase of ISt, BSO.eoc is capital stock Tbe actual In crease Is not t he mad all at onoa, but will be issued from time to tlrae for improvements and eorporat purpose. Tho new Issue will make the total capi tal stock ti4t.t,ot. of truck U1S,- M,S wiu tot ensBjBoa steak, Otoaa .XBosa Loss ' Tudar. J Tee. Today. 1.11 S112 .B S .U1U. 111 LlStk T .01 rsr oaiarMm ov wbamvk Setas avsuetcsuaa) to rsta vwov OV STnTUWOnaSSSJUl . CsTOW v '. Officials of th uetloa ar perturbed over the sudden disappears no of D. H. Williams, secretary and treasurer of tbe local union of th United Brotherhood of Leatharworksrs. Simultaneously with hla disappearance It was discovered that between lM And 11.10,0, said to be Intrusted to aim by the. union, was also missing. William left th city BeUarday. H announosd that fa was going to St. Mar tin's Syrlngm. Ills wlfs today appealed to ofOoers for aaalstanoe In loFcatlng blm. She explained that there eras lto in a safety vault la tb Chamber of Commerce building that belonged to th LeaUbwerlfrp' union and S700 la the same pin 00 that belonged to hr. 0he desired tha officials to open th vault to see if th money was safe. Th money found to be musing; the box was empty. Recently William .hnd been employed at the iXibrulIle Buggy Top oomnany, Second and Taylor streets. He has sot been seen at that place since Saturday and It is not known whoa be will re turn. He lived In the Witch Hanoi hotel. Front and Ifadlsoa atresia. Hla wife insists that she received A tele gram from him Immediately after searching the vault . thla morning an nounelDg that. he would return Friday. She rfusd to ahow the telegram. Williams was la charge of th anion's funds during th recent strike of the leathrworkra Th strike was declared March 4 and continued until last Wed nesday, when a settlement of th oon tenttons was remohed. Ther ar tt pasb ta th unloav'0ly Ave of whom har been able to' return to work. During ths Btrlk lb InUrttoUoenil and other unions contributed generously to the aid of the strikers. All funds and donations war received by William. He was made asp at try and treasurer of the local anion three weeks after tb strike was ordered. I He baa srvd continuously since that time. Thro months ago when th Quarterly auditing of the books" of tho union took ptaoa It la said that a discrepancy of tit was found In hla accounts. He prom ised to make the loss good,' It Is The president of the union declares that ho baa newer baaa able to make a opaotso accounting since that tim. Ttoscs waa between IMS and fl.toe tn Wimaxss' hands that belonged to tho union," said Joha Lorcb, president of tho local union. Front- street, between Madi son and Jefferson. ThM talk about bis wife's having 170 of It Is ail beak. It belonged to us. Wt have suspected Wil liams for a long Um and hla dlsappear- anos aroused our suspicions at Wo wondered how ho oouid kmoh an cigars during th strike when th others depended on outside- unions and tb lav tr national for support. - Three months ago we dlsovrsd that h waa short ltd ta his aooounTa. He promised to make th amount good but put It eST. from time to time and has never don so. Wednesday night, when we had our last Bsoetlns, we decided that It waa as sloes to dally any longer about getting a oomplete and accurate ac counting pf th funds wo had received. so I appelated a committee to conduct osr expert examination of WMileihs' a oounta, Tha exadtlnAttoai was duo to have begun at wo.' - v Williams came to thrb city two years ego. Ho has had a good reputation. Ha lived In Portland prior to that time bat went to Pendleton, Walla Walla and other Bmallr towns; whore bo worked before returning to Portland. He rled a young woman ta Baker Olty whS claims that her family send her money, a part Of which oh had '"entrusted to her husband, sbs aaya, for deposit ia tho safety vault. Tho local anion win msst " tonight to decide on what action will be takea in regard to Wllltamn dlaappcaiwjo and that of tb money. 1 V ROSEBURG TIMBER CRUISERS IN COURT ' ' (Ipeetal Dtopatek to Tk SenrnaL) " - atooeburs. Or., Oct. f. W. H. afo Clossea and J. W. Oardlner wore before Justloo Long yesterday afternoon for preliminary examination on tb charge of defrauding th government and for changing stakes of tb government sur vey for the purpose of deceiving lo cators. Tha ' two men ar both timber crulaers who hare been here during the last two years, and were airested yes terday by United States Marshal L. X. Blowers. Deputy TJnlfcad States Dlstrlflt At torney Banks of Portland arrived last night to represent the government. Th men were allowed their liberty yoater dav on furnishing tl.OOS bonds, '- McOoasaa at tha present time Is hav ing all aorta of trouble la the courts aa he a short time ago filed suit against bis partner, Oardlner. for money due; and yesterday was brought up. by his wife to keep th peace, aw account of threat ening to kill her. Oardlner has a bad reputation around this town, being tb enemy of th bill oolleotor. ARRESTED ON CHARGE OF EMBEZZLEMENT V (Special Dtopatek tt Taa jeeratl.) Alllsboro, Or Oct t. Alex Axlerod. aged Si years, was direwtod this Brora-1 log about I o'clock at Forest Orovo and waa lodged la th county 911 bar. Sheriff Connell mad th arrest oa a warrant received from th chief of po lio of Vallele, Cel.. by which ho was charged with embexxlement. , Tha aeon end had for a few weeks past been running th Mont Carlo oonfeo tlonery at Forest Orove.. He will soon be eent to California tor trial. aVVffO Ol "' (speetal Mepatek to The JokvaaL) ' Taooma. Wash,, Oct. t. At a rattng of tb owners of antomobrlea an a esc alation for mutual protection has been formed. Ther ha been onatdtrabi oppoaltlobf to automobile fa Taooma. Including an attempt to paas an ordi nance restraining tbe privilege- of ma chines on city street. The obeat Of tho aftsoclatloa will bo. to remedy tbla opposition. ' . (, . triHmi SAOOST BTD-sxa (Rpeetat Dtonatch t Tha Jwaraal.) Seat tie, Waah., Oct 4b loon maalo must stop In Seattle after, midnight and remain eo "until o'clock in the morning. That order was Issued by th mayor, through th pel loe. yesterday and la directed 'to every ealootiman in the city. Persona sleeping In the neighborhood of saloons made complaints that they ooa id net 004). That Ml th cans of tho ardor, . - ' QR0CERISS As hilt is not an easy matter. when you jrsrder from: us toull get wfcat you want. Yoa can rely en ua for giving you nothing butjthe beat and ai ways at the moat reseoriable prices. Could WE make it eeaier? ' irccciy 1 v- - SPECIALS New California White Figa. psxksge. . . , . . . . . . . V. . . . M10 , New Cafifornia Black Pigs, fancy, S lto........,...2&dt KnotTs' Genuine German Noodles, psKkBs.-.......2fd Crosses A BlsckwlTurkish Coffee, rctle. ,.254 Imported Scotch Kippered Hefting, tin dOe; forr.fl.l5 terriea-in Mariachino ' -f .y, .. - ''V. ,',,; : . , One-hsH pint bottle t. Pint lottl . . . . . ....... . w..-...... . - ...i.40e " Quart bottle .J.. .......................... v. ...T5dr Quart, tlTJBV a., i e.eja Maple Syrup, quart bottle. . .;.25e Snowdrop Olive Oil,haUpint...;,.,.......e..;.e.25d Pint, 50e ; quart. . . . . . . .. . J, . . . . e . , . . . ,90d V'.'" 4 Liquor Department t Port. Sherry, Table CsetH Port and Sherry, sllon .M TsdoiM 8onirt Rn Whiihsr. I Gordon Ouv ojuart. ipeclaK V. y. O. Scotch VhiakejV.' Mistletoe OinJ bottit.j., ' X White Top ClnfjnrAgnew " Pints, OOd) i doaen. Quart, f leSO; doaen. , Ba- I. be Turk XXX CogBa - Pints ae.... : Quarts ,.-a. V, 1 The Platce, to Get C 1 .:'.. -j. ' in- .'. ri.-.S '- : . .' '":,' '-- - - (--.',.,, iy '',:- '! 1 F. DRESSER & CO. vpjrrier Seventh and Washington.' gkkjkJB OVERBECK, STARR ti COOKE CO. .,- -i MBSBbtrs umtoasw W, arAPWtlBlWSISB WM B in iui niirwwB. i 99 A OmUbubvi .Markets by Private Wire. TUtoa, aanawra, ana uHmaawi maiiomai bbuba ok. wisana, TEETH Boston Painless Dentists aTaukwej ' rha wmrld aved. Br 'the only dentltts in Portland havtag th lat bo tanical DISCOVERT 0 PR1I .HL xn? guma for EXTRA(.T1N(J. Ji iL,P( ana CROWNING TEETH WITHOUT PALH. and guaranteed for TBlf TEARB. , Mom . . Silver riUlnga ........ Oold PUllags ; . FrfU Bet Teeth th St Oold Orowas . ...... . sso to ridge OUR SITCCKSS Is due to our PAIN- LB88 METHODS. LOW PRICM AND OOOD WORK DOn BT SPECIALISTS in each departmanL NO students in th office. All work don FAlNLESSLT by SPECIALISTS of long years' xpe Olve us a oall. and yoa Will and we do yast as we advortlso. Boston Dental Parlor. I1VW FEAR KISER HAS r EEEN1EEEED 4? oa a srtvooD a vou SAfrr sit A CAM OS (Bpeetal fMrpatctt to Ta Tib ml, I -' ' aeatUe. Wash- Oct. t. An Alaska miner's gold poke saturated with blood and covered with clots of bloody hair. was found In the street an front of Clla Young bowse 1n tho restricted district yesterday. Tho presence of trail of blood oa tho stairway leading into the building and tains on tho carpet In one of the room, lead th polLo believe that a robbery and murderoue assault, If not hk reality a murder, baa boon committed. It is on thla theory that th officers are working. The stair way has been eloeed by tho aolloe oo that ao on may tamper with the bloody ateps. . A guard is placed at tho house to aa that none of tha dosed or mora female Inmates leave It without the per- mlsalon of th polio. The officers who Inveotigated th easwi bolter that a dmnkea miner was en ticed Into the dive, ther robbed and beaten Into Insenalblllfy. They further think that h waa dragged dowa th ataVrway and 1 then hauled away tn a heck and perhaps thrown Into tho bay, which la but two blocks away. . Lite Toung declares that ther was ae trouble la tbs fcousav , 'sbbbbb lree t BO Si.OO But there 'a one thin DertiTaZnt a af a ea a 'ek fi0 ' ;,v. qurt bot, 2S; rVfwV.faJO ,t.M -eJllaOO ; full ot. Sli .ni.i.MeOO. , t ...,. , jw a.yi10 iBtiar e'i ea-eJLaBBP . ' e t j Swr , . . e ,f 1000 a eaa .'' I a ' e .f 1700 v';.;,1 y ; : e-a-ea a-wa,, ef fle50 Oood Thinga te Kat - Tahenhrnria Main 47 Boars oe Tradw. - - r:y - , -"'v WJB, XPUBUB MBn majmiwa, , jiniiiiiia, -yaww .. ,r, ,--1, - r-t: Quick Service. RgFJC RBTrfCTal if aW Si 9eBBTAru xoygrn a ool , (taUbllohed ltlt.r .. . kw MONEY SAVED 4 AS tyONEY MADE . i osninjri ts MataanosL " good creamery batter 4Bo and too j, t Best creamery . ..eeo and to ' Oood dairy . . 40o Eggs, per doson ........ aad too . I pounds rflnd lard ........... ..I0o t pounds lard oom pound ......dto ' r Best sugar-oarwd hams ........... its Picnic bams. ......................12a 4- Breakfast baooa .,.lta ' Cheeoe, pound la, 1SB aeVd 11U Swiss cheoe . si f Chrcknns oheaper than ever this week st your own price. All goods twtsalod At wholeeale prwes for cash, . , LA GRANDE CREAMERY : HENRY WEINHARD tTveata dot SbB City Brewery BottJd fee aSptxiajJty BafrLAJtu oaaaoK - j . , awa. Mineral Springs IT ttaVaT t T0W1saMUMBT TUSCAN . i I earns to the above sprtns e AprtJ to take treatment for my eyes, I ha4 a vsew sever attack of catarrh of tho' yea. was almost blind after treating . with tbebeet apeclaUsts that could bd ' found, and sufTarlng for Blao years, 1 ' lav at last f.-und a ow er at tha tAMotfa TUSCAM BPiuiroa, f Bk v not praise them too hUbly. I hope that Others that are a T Voted wSU glvS tawAk. a trial MatnWvt ' sbbWbbJbs, OasAtorarehu stXtdbi . wrtpsjBn lrx'tT' Pamr. s PaJmev. Or, erks eured of liwurnatlam. If yoa ar sick - writs to us; w wm giro yoa tn asm grid tadreos af slmlUr eompUkli oo aurea c a ainl i Tiraoan Mftveml SprlnstCorVa VWBAJI( OaS V SeVB-A M rf.' f-