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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1904)
.1 i ' THlt C ON D-XY JOTOHAL, piSTLAXD, V-SDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER f, 1901 r- T' ' : f HAG HEIL'S WORK OF . ART Ef FOSITION lXtenipg of tltc Wfcite Ilia"; Is Placed on Pd- estal at Entrance to City f zjlmjot ,v: ViII Eecme K Toorrow. V ji-fil Art has mtn tha City" park , found lodgement UfM Um mOOt Om ' amandine; emlnenc ftf ths beautiful , ground. r Natures opportunities kavw baaa embemehed - ere thla with taa until the eltya plassure-ground W beautiful creations, but not aittll today. when heroic figures af a, fine old Mult nomah chief and hla companion brave were mounted upon a rough baaaltio pedeatal did art make a noma bar. Thl pleaaar of maa'a most laaptrtnc work la ft masterpiece. Merman A. Mac ; i.i Mail, renowned in th oountry, baa dona w nothing better than th two superb la , '. t dtn figures U their first claw of fate tha whlta nan, Tiiara ta art la tha loea Vuon, rt m tha pdaui. art la the pa thetic thought of a rao faoe to Caoa y with banaficant dooav Asa and eapen- ao, aaloh t feel tha Innovation, stands haughty, flare and cold; youth and Im pulse, wrapped In ft deelr to know and weloeme tba aaw, waves a greeting, Hietory la reflected from tha two bronaa figures facing the Columbia's gorge. They will be type of an thnologioaA epoch atudled by feneration Vat to come, and th lover of art will visit Portland's city park ta bfhoid what la being dona today. Zombis; of tba Whit Han hap been tha htstorlo deeertptloa chosen to nam Mr. MacNeU 's latest aad beat work. Tba sculptor 4s a leading artlat ef New York. He baa executed tha group at tha be hest of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Teal, who are carrying- Into effect wishes of tha late-J DEPUTY ASSESSOR RUNS FROM THIEVES '.V .' ...... ReM ap by two masked men armed . with revolver, at, Eighteenth aHaCauch . atreata, W, I. Patterson, a former dep- tity oounty aaaesaor. took to hla heels : and eared both life . and money by epeedy sprinting. He was chased for three blocks before th robber een ' eluded tbera was no okaaaa of ver aaklng him. Pattprsoa bad been at th Moltnomeh i club and was oa hla way home aboat ATTEMPT TO LEGALIZE WORK OF BOOKMAKER At ft regular meeting ef th eHy coun cil this afternoon Councilman Sharkey Introduced an ordlaaaoa to license book- ' A Rtductd Rgproductioti t . Li j. " The'CoIumbi '.f'fi.l, .t aMtn a liM- '''gBmBmwlp wBBBBBlBBBBBBBBapBsaBSa ' il v C-rnUw4 to U a Pwrfect Talldng fUdbbm Thd Columbik Pbcanofraph cCjmpany fiMtrantgggthig frapho -pboooto b4 a pwrfoct talkinff machlfMr 4a fact they will allow , a crwdit of $5.00 on H toward tha purchaaa of any other .machina that thay buuco at'amr tima within a year, tha tub acribcr to bava too full uaa of tha fphophoiMj during that ; timo..;., ;:v' - r .x, :' IS Joiaiid Offer By apccial hrnfigasiant with tha tolumbU Phonograph company, 1ES 8arcnth atraat; TiU Joomal 4g tnabled to maka tha foUowinf aauapfdinary of far: MJoornT wrtpbopbone Agreement e. ovBBAh v& o, Putkii. ar.t ertpBpyBr to'HMJw wwawBf'fdfww IwB sftawaay Bwwsl wNswBbwSjt1 eTwVarwmat aaw at w4 r tn ai tba reastor Hta ef wsr aMOk. Is eaMwattoa ef watm, aai kv. sum herpay par nr t wspaa tetiuins m lJa era) refers, ymt are tofUratsfe sw anttrdr ffa at tea afire nt tk i tie id tic fWaaUla draaenMbeae Upas trnt. at rateiar mm factory, par I rartotT. par lac. Me. K fat aty Ma)itfa uml fartbar W( 1 m Ml NeMlla tela OritriMeaMNi enrteg tba tm ef sir w h?MMtna! bat if at arr Uasa and at wy tw eettna 1 ea SNrrbast kl ae41t(nea( Irrerea at rbt tvdusrMa PVoavrare Cxmvf et m4r nftrtN, aad wsejiim thai mmertprian, ou aMaa tbea Veesmia au asciaana praserty aaevie. t tart aar (Petal. norm. Tba amnsMa Pbmigrisb (Wpaey WfH (WnniBit Mhin to th aaanant M in in it tfela Qrwpvir at tftHr afr. Pa. 1M M. h - rrtaa ef aU tatate ratsrai aa O. P. Thompson. In ehooslng hla Indian type Mr. liaoNell studied the Multnomah tribe, their ootuM sod history. Tha stern aid chief, standing- tk test above tba baaa of th group, has a warrior's physique, with tha scant fullness at ap proaehtng age apparent in limb and body. Hla eagerneea to sea Is manifest only by tha tlpto attitude, for folded arms, re sentful grim face and elevated chin sag. gest th foreboding of disaster aad firm oppoalttoa to any Inaovatlon. The young bravo' Umbo are nor lithe, hla atti tude Inviting, and keen Interest shine front every feature. tain and woven fiber moQOBSln, looss akla robe, a scant elout of fiber or akin, with a buf- mio-nide saieig nung ta shoulders, oomplato tng tha tine and tribe. attlr. true i Tomorrow at t p. m. Mayor Oeorg it. WUllaasa and other elty afflalAl will re oelv tha bequest, whloh will be formal ly presented by Joseph M. Teal. There will b no ceremony, and there have bean no taivitatlona, .In a aviet, Dnostenta. tlous way th beautiful group will b presented, accepted and consecrated to publlo edification, Th preeentetloa will take plaoe At tha baa of th statue, a. few yards from tba bear pit, ea th moat slave ted part ef the grounds While th etatu la la place. Mr. MacNaitl will re main three or four days longer to com plete finishing details of tha baa and lay out th grounds, whloh ha will have to appear aa unkempt knoll, with graao and heather leading up to ta baaaltio padestal - , . - r - ' W -i ' '. i 1 O'etoefc In th evening, Reaching the corner ef eighteenth and Couch he waa startled by the two men stepping oat la front of him and pr as eat log revol ve re. Both war awaked, - Before he oeuld control himself Pat terson turned and ran aa be "had never run before." He waa Phased for three blocks and ordarad to halt several tlmea, but a shots wer Brad by hla pf rauera, who SnaJly outt oho No. awaiat and peolselring la th Mty lim its. Councilman Flegel objected, and warm cUeeasasoa followed. Cosneilman; ShariNy atated that his purpose waa to eeoufe revenne for tha alty, as there waa a stats law .prohibiting thia form of gambling. under suspension, ef th rules tha ordlnanoa peeled by ft vote of a to a. - of too OraDlumbOBw. : ( "i . . . i ... - - G aniAa mm m''. tfi'N- p- p PieeotTapk rfasaa. He. 13N hrrnrth Sty part thw st far arsr .rM, MS rg W ami T t NHtnUN. ta sarraaar aar fartka raearea ta rMala .... rfH tlhiw rdtt say krs wa dertag j yaer ta eaebaaaa ar n rttj trK. tbtt aaawaeu v.s r;: Wl - t TXaJU OV mSQVXS ABJg rOYPTB BOOMS grf WOBTA VsTBBl FIQioy FOXlOB ABB WOBBXVw OS BBTTBTTB 01VBW A BXBBA- ' aeneatlonel - aavalopmenta ' wer brought to light Into this aftemeoft by Oeteotlv Hartmaa In tha case of tha baby found dead In a grip at th Uhlan depot Monday night. Two women, rag letered at A leading hotel, era under suspicion of having; administered, poison to ths Infant, ' . uspieioa was east oa th women by th finding ox two bottles of poms fluid. labels s rased, and a nursing bottle la the room occupied by them. Thar waa alee ft little stocking, whloh matched th on that waa In the grip found at th depot. Bom woman's slothing waa also found and at la, tha. Bossesalojp si th polio. ' 1 fc i . Monday Bight the two worna took th hotel bus for the train, . eerrylng th grip in whloh th infant was found. They returned on a oar. When they left yesterday morning they mat th eham barmaid and told her not to ester th roam aa th baby waa sleeping. They said they would retsm ta time so ear for It. ' Detective Hartmaa says bath wsaean left Portland last night, but that he knows where they went. He took the bottles to City Physician Baa aad wUl have their oontanta analysed. OFFICERS ELECTED AT W. CT. U, CONVENTION At thb afternoon eesslen of th' 1 C. T. Uv county convention yesterday th following emoere wer elected for the ensutna rear: President. Mrs. I H. Addltoa: vioprestdent, Mrs, B. White st dee; raeordlng secretary, Mrs. p. B Lane; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Pulton; rr assurer. Mr, ft. A. Peaks: young woman's department. Miss Frrns- oee Ootahall; Myal Tempo ranoa legion. Mrs. Hard - " An' Important TeeoLnttoir waa paaaad regarding the as of picture of th uor clothed Agura for advertising porpoaas. It reed! r- I "lUeolved, That the Innooanos of youth, the purity of middle life and tha saacity of ac era alike shocked aim degraded by Illustrations of the female figure unclothed, or partially and aug- gestlTely olothed, upon billboard and la other publle plaoaa; w wlU as evsry srones. means by atrtvlne; ta awaken public aanument. by appeals to the city or state authorities and by legal. meat urea, if aeed be, to have this menace to publlo morale and stumbling block ta clean manhood aad woaaaahood re moved." UNIFORM SALARIES FOR POSTAL CLERKS bV W. Ooofrey. dalagata .to th Bt. Louis convention, addressed the local branch of the poatoffte clerks at Tuea- day'a meeting on national, matters. The at. Louis cop rent! on was, be aatd. thm most successful1 la '.the history of the association, , It la th desire of the eUrtrs that oongreas give them ft classification such aa the oarrters and other branches of tha government service now enjoy. The preesnt blU has been outgrown and clerks salaries are. In their opinion, at present neither uniform nor Just. The poetoffloa department has grown to enormoua proportions and now employs an army of S.a clerks. Bvery recent nostmaster-general has recommended to congress some action looking to uniform eelerlee for thee clerk and tha ft ret class postmasters mad a Ilk reoom- mendauon at their last convention, CITY OF SPOKANE : ; SUED f OR $33,000 fsbettal laaptwh ta Tea JearatA) ' ' gMkana. Wash.' Oct. Mrs. Amanda C Poets of thla elty has filet ft ciatm against tbe elty for ISl.POO damages. The ohargea filed against the city of- f!elaB,lts agents, board of health and auperlntendent B W. Otis are aenaa- tlonal la th egtrem. The aomplalnt silage that whOa Prank and John Poets were eon fined la the taolntloa hospital oa eooount of dlpththerla, they wra axposed to th ravages of .smallpox through gross neg lige no and eareleesness on th part of aussrtntsnosnt , ,, t ; Train goes through ' A BURNING TRESTLE (Jburaal gpactsl aWrlea,! Atlanta, 0 Oct.; . A passenger train est th Augusta Soother railway went through d treat) over Jones creek. near Qlbeoa. thla morning; aad oa Baaa m fatally injured. Tha train ran lata the trestla, which waa burning, and waa derailed. With the exception of the engine all the train waa burned. Sevan passengers and mem bers of tha crew war Injured. W. B. gberley wlU die. , . 1,11 1 1 ' 1 i CLEAN SWEEP OF - NEW YORK OFFICIALS , (Josrsal teaelal aVrvtee.) " Kew York. Oct. . Mayor MoClella today removed th entire etrt! service eoenmtseten. Ha else dismissed Park CommlaeloiMr aVhmldt ef Bronx, It la chertrd that the efflctals osrufled to an Illegal payroll la tha park depart atsat ' L. Dr. Alya Btaby aad Miss LltlUn Bison wer th victims ef acut poison ing prtday evening. Returning from th theatre with Dr. W, T. Bieea and anotber raank they at auvpar at one of the con aat laser lea and than bought candy. The two woman ate freely ef th candy, but tba men did not testa rt. On reaching Mis Btaby'g apartments m tba Wsshlngtoa building both wo man became very 111. Woods rd, Clark m Oft have- awered h aarvlee st their chess 1st in analysing th sandy. Dr. Blsea will aot tall where k bought tha aaady. FIRST S, P. OFFICIAL '- RECEIVES FKC,"0TI5)N A,ftar is yaexe ol eervlee Thomas Mo cuaker yesterdsy retired from hla posi tion as eon tr acting agent for th Southern PoclOe Itauiway oompaay. He asauaaed the duties of asetstaat general agent of h aoutbera PaolOo. Or son Railroad m Navigation oompaay, IThion Paciflo aad uregon Short Una. Mr. McCuskar ai the 'first of th old aouthern PaciAc ofootala to be promoted sine the syatem ef coneolkUtloa of tha Harruman Interests In this dty was be gun. He held the position ef eon treating agent for the past la years and In point of continuous servlo la an' of the old est railroad man ta the dty. HI prevl oua of fie has been abolUhsd and frelsht olloltatiea buameaa for tba tour lines will be conducted through the offloe of A- A- Morse, general agent. . Th offices of th two offletaie WlU be kept In the PaUlnar building, giving the Herri man Una a downtown offloe, - . - Mr. MeCusker noya the Sisttnetlon of being one of th moat aapabl and at tha same time one of the most popular railroad man la th northwest. He be gan his railroad career with the Wabash at Danville, J 1 1. He worked m the freight office la that city. Later he took ohsraa ef the freight departntewt'la Danville and was la the service ef th company for seven years, lateen year ago A came to Portland and was foreman of tha Albino dock far two months, when ha waa appointed con tracting freight agent of th Soatheiti PaeUlo. Mr. MeCusker will be second la authority to Mr. Mors in transacting freight business of tha Uamman, Unas la this tarrltArv. , J "WESTERN LADY'? IS v WOMAN'S MAGAZINE Tha first number of ft now monthly magaslns has )ua( made Ha appearance in Portland under th title of "The Western Lady." It Is published by J. Prank Lee, whoa daughter, Mlsa Hasal Lao, will be managing editor. 1 As th title Indicate, th publication esters to women, aad th first oopy of 1 pages la crowded with reading matter Interesting to femininity: Topic of currant Interest are sensibly treated. The editorials are eombre, but affective; the contribution are of high literary merit aad each department la earefuUy edited. t It is stcd In tha anginmna? that Tbs Western Lady la published Tor th purpose of helping1 womaa in her struggle for a higher plana In tha world" and It will. If the standard of tha first issue m maintained, - PENDLETON GAMBLING HOUSES ARE CLOSED (aerial DtasatflB ta Taa'Jaeraal.) Pendleton, Or., Oct, li. Pendleton k a closed town ao far aa rt relates to gambling, and many' of th gamblers are leaving tha city. Last night District Attorney Phelps notified the proprietors of th different gaming houssa to eloee their games and hla orders wer com piled with la every Inetanoa, -.Tha iwasoa assigned by th district attorney for his aetloa la that gambling haa been running with tee free a hand and f Ha mimarous nlacaa of a dive chsr aeter warn sprlagina up. Tt la onoet stood that the gmmblers will not at. tempt any debt, but win remain eioaed. aa mar of them assart that th bosl- nss was averdoaa and xner waa profit ater heavy running, expenses war dedueted. i - . MONTANA R. A. M. HOLD ANNUAL CONVENTION CPU ail Dtepttsk ta Tea JaarasL) tfalena. MonL. Oct. . Th Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons of Montana enabled la fifteenth annual oOveo- tloa Last evening and elected the following officer to aerve during; tha aaulng.year: - i Most exalted grand high priest, n. J. hCummlnjr, OranlUi deputy, Prancea D. jonea, neiena;: sraura o- Lssaratt Butte: grand sortbe. Alexan der a-reser. Billings; treasurer, H. M. Parchen. Helena; sacra tary, -CorneUui Hedares, Helena. - ' Tha Montana Orand Lodge, A. P. a A. ML, began a tw days' eessioa to-day.-,.' L M- ; : NEW NORMAL COURSE " AT MONMOUTH SCHOOL " ' rasa rial Paaeatm ta Tee Jeevesl) Monmostlu Or, Oct. a. The talked of four-year eoorso - for th' Oregon gtatb Normal aohoet Is new aa eetab llehed thing and many of th now stu dents ere regictsted for It, although the three-year oouree still - ex lets. Aa effort will be made to eeeur an act from the next legislature awarding ovary graduate of tha four yeara course a etate teacher's diploma, without farther aaswinatioa. ' : . . VERESTCHAG1N HAD 'AMERICAN PAINTINGS (Jaeraal aptctal sarvW.t -Bt, Petersburg, Oct. fc Whll sorting over pictures painted by the famous Russian artist Verastokagia, who waa lost by th blowing ap of the battleablp Petropaatovsk, saarehers dJeeovared a magnificent series of paintings depleting Amerleaa opera Uone to th PhUlpptaes. untj (Si rlil Ptamteb e Tee Jsraal Mist. Or Oct. 4. The forest tree have about died eat, yet tt la . hard to cetlaeate lb daanase don threughout tha Nehalem vaUay. Mors timber haa bean destroyed thla a aoa thaa since the big fire of lilt. Th Deep creak fire, which started la August, destroyed much of the valuable sdsr belt on Deep areek. The Umber loeeea La the valley reach tat th million. i . m 1 1 1 1 1 ii y . aw, am tPaaetal rsaaaiab ba Tbs Jam sal La Oranda, Or. Oct. a. Tort y-two persona frees 17aloa ftauaty left ,La Oranda thla atom Lag for the St. Louts fair over 1st a R. s N., taklngr advsa- tago of the oacurotea rate, aettlera war among the an. Monte Criato, ftssto Dawilngot Oct t. Oeaeral Candalarta Delta Roea with M aaa revolted bgslnai th goversment gaptambar tt la favor of Isadora iasjetvs, aad haa started Pot the hv tarter , .. Mi I ssswssaay IDAHO MAN TO BORE FOR OIL IN MALHEUR (gpaetal IMasetek t The lasraaL) Baker City. Or., Oct. i. Renewed In to root kft the Malheur oil dtatrtot, near Baker, ha been caused by tha bonding of a ooasldereble tract of land. Rp oently on of Idaho1 prominent Oil ope raters. O. Blood, seoursd bonds oa a large traot ef land near Ontario, and haa lust taken another bond on 1,200 acres in ths snms field. He'atatea that boring ts to oommano aa thla land within t daya. Three yeara ago there waa aonsldsr abla excitement over oil land of Mal heur, and two eompaiflas did eotna work. On headed by th Hirsches of Portland put a well down several hundred feat, but gave up the work later. The plana of Mr. Blood revive interest, specially aa ha Intends to bore further to the eouth, where,' Indications are said to bo better. . . ,.. ji t i ' - ir . A Foe U Rbeunitlsn. The "Woodlark Horn Madlaal Ba. tary, sold and advertlssd by tba enter prising drugglata, Woodard, Clark m Co.. la attracting much attention and sufferers from rheometlem and kindred ailments And la tt quick relief. The following unsolicited teatlmonisl olearly ssta forth the relief whloh may be obtained 'by using- this small appav ratus: - - "Three yedra ago I' waa greatly af flicted with rhgumatleai. 1 had triad many doctors aria msdtolas bat re- oelved ao help. I waa in despair. . On the advice of a friend I purchased ana of your Horn Medical Battertas aad after a row male i began ta gain rapiaiy and th faot that I am stmy feet today, X owe to your battery. One of th serious featuree of say aJHIctwa was terrible sinking spall. which were liable to seine me at almost any moment, my heart would atop beat ing and 1 would think I was gng to die. Th' battery never failed I con quer thee spells and I feel only too glad to tall every on about the good tt has dona for m. Tours very truly. "MR. A, C KBLLBtUCB, gift Mallory Ave Portland, Or, (sperlal Mepatab e The MarssL) Baker City, Or., Oct Ea-County Cosun tea loner William Oleaaoa, one of the owaera of the Baekeyo property, stated wbU in Baker City today that there waa unusual activity la th en tire dletrtct. Claim ownara seem to ap- preclats the neceaalty of meeting; the investor half war. with easy bond and lea propositions, with the result that mors men ara wUllng to take held of properties. - . ... INTERESTING FACTS re Bemrlr Brery Man. Woaaaa a eaOaV A abort time ago wo published aa ar ticle recommeadlng' to our read ere the new discovery for the cur of dyspepsia. ceiled Stoart'a Dyspepsia Tableta, and tha cUIbbs thsa Saeda regarding th woa derful curative propertlea af the rem edy have been abundantly sustained by tha facts. people wno were oauitoue about trying now remedleo advertised la tb newspaper aad were finally induced ta give atuart'a Dyapapsta Tabteta a trial war surprised and delighted at the results, la many saaea a e Ingle pack age costing but IP cents a any drug store mad a complete cur aad ta evsry lastanea th most beneficial results wer reported, from a hundred or more re ceived we aav space to public h only a few at th latest but ensure our readers wa receive so many eomtaoadatory let ters that we shall publish smelt week a fresh list ef genuine, unsolicited testi monials and aever publish th aame an twie. Proas James Y em metal er. La Cross. WSk, atuarf s Dyspepeia Tablets are do ing aw mors good thaa anything I ever tried and 1 was aa pleased at reeulte that 1 aav away several boxes to my friends wb kavo also had the asms benefits, v- .... Prom boob ' Aatbony. Portmarray, JTew Jereeyt I have taken Ituarfa titepepeta Tableta wHk the best re sults. I had Dyspepcm for els years and had taken a great deal of medicine, but the tableta seem to take right a hold and 1 feel good. 1 ant a fanner and Una burner aad I 1 heartily recommend ta everyone who has any trouble with his stomach ta aaa these Tablets Prom Mrs. M- K. Weet. Prae ton, Minn.; I have received surprisingly good ef f ecta from. Being atuart's Dyspepsia Tableta, gave oas halt of my last boa ta a frte'ad who also suffered from ladlgee- tion aad aba had tb aame good results. Prom Mrs. Agnes X. RaJstoa. Cadillac, Mleh.. I have bees taking at serfs Dys pepata Tableta aad 1 am very much bet tap, aad feel vary grateful for th great aefit I save reearved ta aa abort a Urn. ataarf a Dyspepsia Tableta r a oar- taia car for ail forma of tadtgeetioa. They ar aot claimed to be a eure-ell. bat ara prwpsred for stomach troubles oaly. aad phyatelaas aad druggists every wher racBmmsad them to ail persona aaf fermg rrom aervcua drcpepeut, sour rn acid gtomacb. .heartburn, btostiwa or wind oav Btcsaack pad similar Uow.a. . i - m .- 1 asm " " Another txpensivc Freui:um . . . Thif week Tha Journal announeaa that with avary each want ad. for next Sundat Joarnal it Will give away absohitaly ; ,'frw, m half pound packaga of f: ! t t : i J 7 . I . f f . - A 'I Ptlarigold Ceylon Tea i ?; Anothar Pcerleta Clowset ft Devera Product, 1 : y f '".- .4 , . ,., t ... ' ' w. y .. ;V .... ., . " . . . , ; r-. ; (V - , , FLAVORS 'i CEYLON-' - ' V : ' mw w a Sim i. . . OOLONO ; YOUNG HYBOA ' . '- r.ftrtfl Tmm la ItsHiauifiAM nabraaairv and Kara mu arsL' Tas . altian amraw nairw uarlth IUtw Twwaty-Onw Words for 15c , ir'.;.a aaar g irni-vue vvvs sw aws av -v .,..,1. X1. T v r v ; . '--w, . ' STATE FORECLOSES ON FAIR GROUNDS AvroBJnrr . bbvobb rom tauowif ajm ' - (fftetal Otaaatm Tea JearaaL) aalam. Or., Oct The atatd ef Ore con haa taken advantage of tha law and yesterday, after som delay, th state took a full foreclosure' on tha fair arroutuls nrooertv. Attorney Oeaeral A, M. Crawford apseared before Judge Galloway, la department No. 1 of the c trout t court tor Marlon county, yetet dav and demanded lodgment under his complaint against tba state of Oregon In favor of the aame state or uregoa, ny which ha secured aa order of gals niiut the fair around, for th pay ment of the; sum of. mora or leas, H. At due the Ureduotbls school fund .of the state, and which waa eeowrsq ay amrtaaaa aw ths arounda. 1 Attorney Oeaeral Crawford gay that th. aa iu be allowed to stand un til the legislature meets and then If something Is not don by that august body to pay the amount fee wlU ask far the sal of the property to tha hichast bidder. Thar waa no defense m tha esse and th state took Judg ment by default . 1 if ft. Van Dnsen. ftsh warden, has sub mitted bis report to th atate board af aeh oemmlaaloacrs, ; rtna af tha nrinmpal things dla- eusaed a tha meeting yestarday waa the Ales Grant ease wherein a Justlos of tba peaee at Astoria declared Grant who was arrested for not complying with the state Ashing lswa, ha being a resident f Washington, not guilty, stating that he (Ud not been fishing la Oregon waters. Tha board deemed that th ease aheuld be brought up again through the dle trtct attorney and a further tost of It bo made so that a dedalon may be ar rived at from a court that haa aoaae power to pass on the legality of tha act aad the entire oueetton- - Th receipts of the offloe for the month of September were: For licences Issued to district No. 1. S61 for dis trict No, t. til lie. and for one and atanaiMaa ta district M. t. . mak ing tha total for both dlstrlcta tilers. Bevarai tmprovamaata nav see dkm at tha Ontario salmon hatchery daring th past three month. . rts senownta aaalnst ths department amount to the sum of SC.SM.M, tl.91t.TT of which la against hatchery fund dis trict No. t. - to agslnat hatchery fund district No. t. ttU.01 la against the 'special fund for constructing hatcheries, oaaat streams tbe Tequlna bstebcry), ! la against tha special fund for operating and maintaining hatoberles, coast streams (th TJmpqua river hatchery) aad tha aVnith Cooe river katehery. aad IMTLM la against tb ganal fund. . . A petition algsed by mora than tot voters ta th county waa died for the cubmUslon of local apt Jon to the legal voters of this oounty. If tha petition to found correct the matte will be sub mitted at tha regular sleotioa ta No- ' Yesterday , Prank P. TaOdagtow. Charged with keeping a aalooa open oa kunday was lined t and costs by Judge Turner. Juotloe of the peace. Talklaa toa will appeal 'to th higher ootlrt. . , Dr. X. P. Oalbrcmth, supertnteadeat of th stats laeaae asylum, died hi re port yesterday with th beard Of state asylum aamlssioacrs. He reports tha general hearth at tha asylum aa very good dartag the mouth of aeptembor. Among repair and tae provementa ha reports two hew lavato ries aa eompletsd aad aa mere yet aa aer way. Thla will exhaoet tha ap propria tlon and laav four mora to be provided for by general appropriation. Perm work to well ap aad everythtnej esoent vearetaMee aad appls ara ka and K stored. Th orcharda will furnish be- tweea .ao aad . auahala of The best reporta and astiaaatas obtaht able place Oregon's negro population at l.tle. of which there ar T4 auuea aad 471 fcmalea. Two-tblrda ta Multnomah eoaaty, where maay porter and sooka employed oa tha transcontinental II nee reatde. The niitaracy among th gtata'a aagro population to amalL Attempts have bee mad without aao- oeea to aubsutat whlta laaar ta sections with that af negro. tarn h Tat learaaLI Mist Or, SOS. haa to nal 1 and When - best bans Varos i, t Oct 4 Natal orang Ma. erect ma of its aaw -. sng nleoiiv. among ue aeaw ' -t . a, - -ST. - I, BASKET FIRED JAPAN v nut mnein iini vi " -f v- . 8UN DRIED JAPAN T - GUNPOWDER -. : - ; ; niM Wranta add. tar ' Many people who are neglect inf gyraptomg of kidaey trouble, hopino; it will wear away," are dnftinff towards Bright' DUwaae, which Ta kidney trouble in one of Its worst forma J I I aw I I II. itopt tirefularitlea, streogthea tha urinary orgas and build up the worn-oat tissue of tha kid ney ao they, will perform thejf function properly. Healthy kid ney atrain out the impurities from the blood a it passe through them. , Diseased kidneys a"o not. and the poisonous wait matter is carried by the circulation to every part of the body, causing; dtuincss, backache, stomach trouble, sluggish liver, irregular heart action, etc. If you hare any signs of Kidney T-l I .1 1 1 I l or ciaaaerirouoie commence i ing FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURB at once, as it will cure a slight dis order in a few days and prevent a fatal malady. It 1 pleasant to take and benefits the whole system. H aw to ntadl Out. Yoa eaa oaaily aatannlaa H yoarktdV aays ar oat oi order by patting acid far M hours a botus of tha aria paaaad apoa arising. It upon aaumiaauoa tt Is dowdy or milky or baa a brick-duet pediment or tmall particle float about tn It, year kidneys are diseased, and FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURS abaaM aa bOem at one. . r . . - . , ft. ft. Oaikssi Ti rsaar Tee S. a, amdapj aTOSrkm tlsnk,Eneakail "AaoeatoerrearaaclwreMroaauvUBMrfbsa t bed beea entirely cured of a aerere bi4aef Bble by bbklaff leea tkaar two botUaset Folrt tey Cure, b entirely stopped the brictf , aedlwaat end paia and symDUsmorUasc d laeaae Claappearad. I am glad bar that 1 bare aaver bed a rature of any af thosa rsp tcsss dsrlag the four yean tha bare elepeed. Cod I ia crldsallT eared to stsy ferad, and basnllr rcwnaimepQ PoJayl Kldacy Cure tc any gaa sagartag from aUoner ar aueaoar arouaia, a B Oa. a Baa Oa, Diamond Lump, ton. ...f 8.50 Newcastle Lump. ton.... f6.50 Washed Nnt, torL,..,,.f 5JM KIINQ COAL, CO. Pcrtlaisd Martte Works spakkn a wrty. , kUaafaeturers ssa Betlmaroe -a e - DQ!Gf8 COAL, fresa isafc and saiphatr. Ws gaMlslit fan wssgaa aad psenaad. SiMtmi. aaata tdaa. ..; . , r