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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1902)
rill. MORNING ASTOK1AN, FRIDAY. JANIZARY I.-OJ gailij &o tea-tan. TrlrphoM Main MU TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION DAIL.T. tal by nll, Pr yar tat by ma; I, lr month rrd by carrtr. Pr month. .1100 pp.r of thin lOimtry Thli onVtal. who rvir hi may Iv wm to hold grudgi utinliist pi)t'!ih m. und h. -i-rti'-l hlnis-tf to an utr.inial .l- nov to throvv atones in the-.r wiy Hi hold thi right to m wh.n hul! and shall not go Ihrotich i hi t " n i I ! a ten mail and thi tali's to Iv at! vv,l, and In ha Impost ,1'.ioti- ivhoh an al- .60 j most tmposMh'.i to i i t. N.i r.i v. i-a-.W,pi-r ooti!.! afoid to fa tl-st .'a"s i-os:-'ace on its pai. t golnc thro'tith tin mails. I', would !iif. m flrln'r a 'II'- ' continuant of t ho rw.l m ov . r an I lnctvnv in !h K'lVsi-tit t-on to it-nK. Th Atorlan guarante to lis advr- j ui the ,i,-fi, iem-v-. ars th larvt crrvulaMoit or ny owpapr r'lUhd on th Columbia Hrt. WEKKLY. em by mall, Pr yr. in advanc. :.00 , A r'lHI'M AX'S OlAXU CAI.I "J muck to ny otslm. iittlioiiich .r- loint nohi I und vry ncrvi una miked with I'fltn." vrlfii f W. IN II ami. a lorin-.otlv tlivtnun of Hurllng- t.n. Ion a. "1 tint weak und pah", with out am ,;! ttf inl hII run down An 1 was al'ort to tjlvi no. I dot a I'ottli of ri.vti-1. tsttti: ami. nftrr taking ;i. I felt a well ns l over ill. I In my iiv Wi-.ik inokiy. ron down hvi lo y,..m tun now lift. mrvnuth and Mtor from their ui Try thorn. Sat tfa.tton suarnnttv.l by Han's lrug ioro l'vi.i .'', ivnta. THE SITPLT OF SALMON. Thi to'" no ho. r it MimsS V ii me an.! iho AmiTnan '.: ; F l a. an.l Santa Clara .v. rc;.rt.-d ash. rv on Pi;nt Sound, and th- Kr-n h l.rk llenriotte Is smk In .s:r'.x harhcr. Similar dina titers haw h.ii i. m I lo fro. and ill ha('i in agn n. . Its as wlnils M.vv an.l im!rr r.isi Thi Mes now inmiiMlatoly N-for is. how fvir. foiviWy pn-s'nt ono of :h- luav.v nasons why PortlaiHl iltv s n. : imp to trarsffr hir shiiiii;ic iii-ns; :o rith or Astoria or IHio t S-iun I Wo must . tmv Is sal, I to N lailns lit muni- .is war. t-ut as 'hlna i!oi not im.oi how o niaki us. of th.'si tlirn s s.ant .'..asion to fool nl.miiivl. irniv h u!,l lnMs!lsati tin .ion ntt. i'hi lo. it .ho n-ir. y of th- Vs: i 'i.i T! W! st, .l.,. r.,f I I p. .1 10 ! .is T! ,r s.- ,i tp-.ts. -x; ori- !'- rtta 1- '. h- m'-r An Otvjronlan cannr m.ikos onto surprialnB ttmont In resaril to thi eflVaoy of th? present s.'stom of arti ficial prop(tatlon of salmon. 11 claim that It Is detrltnon'a! to the In dustry; that the business U on the de cline, and lll decline unles station are provided and the f.shlntZ j and will Improve the mouth of the season Is reduced from four to three Columhii so that ships i tot to jnmtths: that hn'chery work Is being I cbllpsl to lie s.i lntii: iti jooiav l.. . f , lOT'tl'I'i lh.t the flshhould be Rlv- suoh Bales as the one Just exp-ren el n a chance to spawn n.V..!'.v ,hat ! At 'h, Am ,i,m' w' i:,nn ! ' ' !l frm the w' ' ' i1' -a!cheri. . and land hartO that the marvelous catch of the i in the hn-Nr U easin was not due to hatihery w ork. g 'man. These statements are all the more sur- j Tao pm.n j,, As ,. t 1!U. ; , rrisint Inasmuch as th- run of 1 ; ,,, f rr.:,(.,, 4 h..'r has heen quite (r-neraiiy aitru.uiei io the cood work done by the rh com- . l ' ,s- v h ' niisioners. and that 'he litter have Himhia was faith In themselves Is shown by the Up-riv, r sandba- f. fact that their futttre work is twins ivmbrokershuv is r planned on a late scale at I the iV- . . KariPC h in l: v . '.' ! e r- - pon fish commlsion al ne v.i'l dis'.rlb- 1 ,,(. I'.."" fn- n! V".- Ho-.vev.-r. ; "; r-i:i .;n- i:t '- ' -: ..!-! at the comlne session of th- Orecon , w..-rw.iy T! ltrit .; : !: 1-cisl-iture an effort will 1-e made t i vl a similar, t! iu!t . .1 i eliminate Arrd frm ih open seas n. for an Informed that the i l-.i is tainlns (triunl that if the fish w-hioh ent-r the rivers durlnc month s'r.kirc bottom, an ! th- . are pe-mi'te.l t reach the ;.an!ne i leti ivi-n a M.i. k ev o-; ir-"un 1 th supply of early salmon ,r, ; -j.,,,, ..v .,.. will be Increased by natural and with- 1 C,- Uir v. ,.;i kn i; ., out th necessity of usim; artirVial i means This mav b tru. yet we are j ' the Inclin-d to the lll-f that na'ure has us p. !!. of i-n-.i- in,- ! :- keen and can be always riati-rlallv aid- n, sntiely and sr.felv in A"it.i h 'l py artinoiai propa nation an-i r arr . (o . ll; In favorof lAttine this rood work to on. Nature Is not injured, at least, when supplemented by accepted scientific propacatlnir methods. New York Fsh InR Oatette. Th C.arette Is sliehtly In error in rts undrtandintt of the th-, ry a l- vance.1 and In Its deductions The j claim Is not made that a-tlri. lal pro;a- j (ration Is detrimental exort in that i th work of hatcheries makes It praeti- callv Impossible for fish to spawn j natural!, as the natural spaMnlnsi . , , Th- r" n' t e-'-ran grounds are almost entir-ly mon -po- , aj;. shit j,.iri ,va5 v,.r. ,.., ,f ,;. 1l3tel for the artificial meth od. This irasmuoh as i; s.i;l .is a-11 nk-.i!n-t Idea was only reoen'ly advanced 'h. in ! a-- w .th !. Th t? I-.', s :!;-m through the columns ..f th- Astorlan a r"'v ! r-n - :" " '' 'Tk 'nI imn;- i.r." -.v.- nt.iv s .m ai- s!:!;- iii'.-n-! by W. H. II. IV-ed. of ..b-f. Ore.. . and seems a most r-asonahl- r-onru- Th: m -1- triv-1 will d ti; tl-ss sup. sion. Th necessity of retaining sta-:i :-'r-'- ma: y :-- m-a-.s of r.ins;--.r- ttoti Is so ant arent that l oth the1"' ' "n "'" ''' : " H '','.'-r un- a- h B:t-rs has -upt lar.ted many in- t..n I'1 Oregon and Washlngt-n f..rii,r m.,.c n n the ,.ure of in,. , Mr 11:11s belief that he Is a phll .m'hio it has received a Jar or two. I b'VT I.I K TiH".CTHKK. I'onstlpation and health never KV to other IvWitt's Uttle Marly Klsers rt-omote easy action of the bowels with. ut distress. "I have been trotl-ll.-il with i-ostivettess nine )tars." snys J r 'Ireene IViauw. lnd . "I have tried ni.inv remi-.ties but I.lttlo Kiirly lis. is uc t rt results ' CHAS i;,v,!:i:s a th it kiiiv; that o . r .1 ti t force! lo i' ,t ! !ati,-i v'iiy ur Annual Sale COMMtlNCrS ON THURSDAY JANUARY 2d C. H. COOPER Uadioc Dry Goods and Clotbing House of Astoria. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. I KA V K hlHTIAMl S vk a in I Porilmul I n mi li I iX' I' m I Cur ..! -n sua A; I lolnl. l'i i It I A ' tv m : f t I'.irilsiul . il l h H'' hi ' I'ulliU I II III w HI I' II' I I l III III tt' lli ;'. I IK' 1 III Hh V. IPK I I IslllN I'll III ol"lh l"t VVnttri'l'.ii, IIvVbhi, M'li'l Ken H rmii. 'Vl p.. i II mi I nit. I Aiioi la lti-ui l.v a tit, '.i-n.l.le fur M rri'ltltiit. 1- v i in t"1 " I Iwi . limit in u.l. : 01 ; 'i . m in . it,,,,., "! Aii-ris . "i it ii- Sun 1 1)- o ily All train tn.i k iless .on n 'i-1 1 -n al iloble wuli 'l Nurltiiirii rucifli' lrlu in and riotu li lla.t 4n,l M-uti 1 poinu 1 i. Maui. ilcn'l Freifht and rsrnni' Aiii ..Forlland - Astoria I(ou(o. STR. "BAILEY GATZERT." Pally It.'und Trips Ka.-rpi rtuiids. TIMt CAMU BESTOF LVERYTHING In a Woid This Tll of Hi !. i.r Hnvl.s via fho Norlhweslorn line.. I'lilhl Tuliis Pally I lo I w mi Ml. I'sul an l t'liicauu, coinprliiiia: 'Vim IjiI'ii I'iiIIiii'Iii Hlt r, 'iti,.,ij Ii.iiiiik (r,"mv su l i ii-r v ul in i.'r l-'irn lir.lliiinK I'lisir far. I lie '.mil reiituiv" Train - Hum I tt( lr uf lli Yoar. The Finest Tntin in tlw W0H4 rUiliii liihlcil rlctr nii: niiii:ii mi atk kximikmh. th I'iiimi I 'ally Train ItunnHij H-lea Hi l'4ui an t I'iiu , via th ttiiiart i-.i ii.-.-l',u' from h Vtt Mala via T'i SiiltlMMlN I'ACIFK 11111'AT MMrtnilHN AND t-AN APIAN lAv-r"b It TH Till la al'o Ilia IIKHT LINK "inn: a. Ht I'aiil and kllnlieapolli A I Af.-nla Hrl Tli'k'ta la l.c.vf Portland. . I.'av n Aalnt a.. . T a in r p. in The Northwestern Line A Dollar Saved. . I i". ! i.n- V !!!' 1 XI.I.Y I.I VHI.i: j ':.. a-- I outs ar- out ri'iin'. i .: I 'n- I!'- ted often result " r - ' 'hl'.l-en are spci l . . s.; r Iv. i;w trailse tl'O ; ,i t- tti. ly I', -Witt's . S1I1. 11111 i-lilli- I 1 'raw s : s '-. j .tin. s "in In als 1 !' -i i". ' . ount.-rf. Its ' - ; : s 11. Witt s Witch - I e v t'lil y of eel -ma . ; l- 1 . taw her up." - s M ...w. Webster. Ind s . re ' l ad she soiled two -s s a I. v " ' H K'Ni- is a I i!!:ir llariinl. v 1 1111 II 1 II Isll I" 1 1 a i- ill'!!. us t'nr 1 il a Handsome Bedroom Set lii Nut I'.tiv lit ii -iv S. . mo 1 Stdetoards. Center Tatlcs. Mattrcsics. Heating Stoves Mirrors. itiiJcs. Picture frames. I k. Robinson's Fnriiiliiro Store Sc.ouJ Hand l iirailurt lakca in I i.han;c lur c N'i TK'K. the ,-hai ' ' cid-nt to th. Inland ttif Ir. er-iis Portland rharn-1. The sheriff of M'.iltr.on.ah ri-i-eive-1 ni'i-- th.iti 4'' r-1 1 i:-ss the ex-. llt. Wad-, mur'i. i s . r.-.v. Th- l-s:r- is ev id-ntly 'iui-e r 1 1. TI'K AIM ?HIV SAi!.: -Ii-iill not t.'k. il- 1. inn. o in- . ssili. l.ll Jil l : Pa't in; f i:t a -v.-l I It, s M r- n . , A ri: "FIT".I.K IN VKSTMRN'T. I " i t 'l-l.'e l f r about ei i-n ...:s wi'l tt'.v t.'tua li and In bed h.:!' v :!!.. " s.iys K. l'-miik. Somerville. , i. -I s.t;t al-ut $!" and never ill s-t .inythPtiT t- li-Ip in- until - I K ! ' I " s -i si. 1 I'ure. I have k- n a fe-.v Notl.'S and am entir-ly ' V 'i '. 01 t 1:-. - t.y what you eat. it by vh t ..hi ditf-st and asslmlia'e. v 'I- st-'t::.i. h du.-sn't dlsc-st y-ur . 1 v.-: a'- r-aly starvir.if Kod-I .--p- 1 '.!- 'I "i's the stomach's tk l-v dif-tttti: th- fo.1,1. don't f dt-t Kat all you vvant. K 1 I 'V-i. -:a ''ur-' eures all stornaeh ''!l. rt'x'.KK.) Mr. sin and f'l-ti:- for fusion. Hryan- -ynnnvmniis. If f'ii:o. s - Washini:- will Install them. It beine conieil-.j ?..e.jl)n dyrp,ia. constipati..n, liv-r that the younger fish should !- fr - a'- l ki lr.-y tr .ubl-s or malaria. If you taet-Ki until thev are able to rare fr a "-r-T from a'.y of these d:s- themselves. Experiments have sh ov n eaes don't fill to try the Bitters. It I not diMipjo.n' -"U IW sure to that "fry" tyoun? hatchery falm-no e.., tn g-nuin-. alsn obtain a copy of are fully able to cope with their nat- j H' sn-tt-r s Almanac f .r l2 f- m your ural enemies after they are five inches ; dru?g:st. In len-rth. while trout destroy almost Th,.rf. ar ,.HV,.rl m-mt ers ,( ,-.n-SO per cent of the fry jnder four inehes ; yress who have n-t tntneiueej a In leng-th. ArtifiY-ial propaira-ion will , h'-V resolution. Hut th- -es.i-n is prove most b-neflclal If retaining sta- j "r.-Ku .-ty World, tlons are provided, but It Is also w-11 j (.rmr;l, Fun!iln al,wins ,nU(?h that the work of nature should no' be j of an Intermission to occur to prevent entirely supplanted. I his beir.i? rated as a continuous, j.or j formanee hero. Washington Sar. !in.I' V .I'.TH MII.Uo.N.s. ' Mv 1 iiil'l is worth millions to me," says M-s M-irv Klid of Harritiiir-. !':i . ' : I w.aild have lost her by iToup I. .1.1 I not I'Unhas.d a bottle "f 1 n M.nir- '"ouh i'ure." One Mm-u-.'" uith i'ure Is sure euro fo.-roughs. roil;, and throtit and lunf troubles. An absolutely safe couxh cure which a 's In.nied.ately The youngest child 'an t.ik- It with en'lre safetly. The 'i"l- i.n-s like th- taate and remember ho . of'-ti it helje l them Every fam ily HtuniM have a bottle of One Minute t'oiiirh i'ure handy. At this aeason es-j..-i tail it may be needed auddenly. "'HAS. I'OiKHS. Purlni; the absence In I'himi of Ah I 'ok'v.' senior partner and Ken-nil man-att-r of the H p 1 1 I.utm- I'oini any. aTairs ,.f the tlrm will In' niniuiii'd by J;i V-iinir. thri'iiith vvh-iti all le.isl ijis.i must In t ratisacte.1. II...1' 1 1 1 N" : t.l'N'i r.'MPANV. 3'S Hotid St . Astoria. C. W. BARR DENTIST Ma'isell Iljlllinit. 573 C.'mm rciai S" . AST' TUA. ('K Tiil.r:riiONi:. i:bp :hi GO EAST 1 The Dalles Boat STR. " TAHOMA." Ilrtnccn Tor, land. The L'all'a and T Mma. TlMk CAHD leave, I'-rtlanl, Turad.if. Tliurl an.l Kj utibiva at 7 tn Arr.kra Tlir Palli-a tin same diy 1pm leavs Tlir Pi!ea. HutiU. Wi-lnra lavs a"! Kr-livi at 7 a in Arrv, Pari an I nii .lay, p m T!i a r-iita ha the tran-Vat '!!. ! tra. tl 'iia ell e.irt h (.in line Kint of Alder atrcet lloili l'h lira Main 3M. A J TATUMt At ! J'lllN M Kl l.l.i N At. The Pallisi I lltTlli:i! A IIAHNIIM. Aala II "d ' I lt;ver i 1 W'nI.I-MltP A WriiHS. At Wlil a I Salmon. J " W V ATT. Al Vanf iuvr i K W rllli-IITuN. At IMrtland I W II MK p ib-iirrJl Alit ;iv A ' It H" i '!. tl I, HI SI. Kit. Trav An. I'.itllall.l, lliag-n &o UNO iL MO Oregon Shoit Line and union Pacific P'tMrt TIMf. ft.'HKP rt.i-M i Ki in l'-i Hand Arrltra i li' is ' VIA Dr. TV L,. Ball DENTIST i 'otnmer' ill St. Astoria, "n. J.A. FASTABENI) OHNEUAI. ClNTHAi,T(in AND BI II-DER. Andrew Asp, Hum liktr. Iltritailk tti Irilif FIRfT-CIJiSS WORK AT REASONABLE PRICE. 3eclal Attention Olveri to Bhlp aii Steamboat Relalrln(f.ienral Hlaok mlthlrnr, Flrf.-Cla Horaaj. BhMlnir, etc. CORNER TWELFTH AND DUAJJK STS A FEW INTERESTING FACTS SHORTEST PND QUICKEST ro Si. I'a ul. l.':iIii:i,Min!ifiiniIis.riii'ii':ii an I Ail I . n a ''. if.. When paopie ar i onlfinid it:ti x trip, iviirtlii-r i n buali ea ,r ir.iaur.', in. y natural y wan: ttta b-at rivlc "tita.imtilii aa .'ar an ;- .1 . , itif . rt an I la.ife y .a ron.-"me,1 Kinpl.ves of th . WIS"'iNSIN i KNTRAI. LINKS ar lllflb I t rv th public and ir Hani (are opTa:'- I ao at to in ike ,-.,ri , net-it -n vsr ! tv d.vrig us iii,ra a: a:i Jinii-t oil point l'lllltiiaa I'jla. a an.l I'ha f ' o-a on thronir'i tralm. I'liilii car aetvlt e line I' - I. M.-al. r.'ir-uit'i I'al.i' in 1 T ii r s ' e.-prtj ' n e. i U carte Plnlni: ml Itiiffe' Sin n( ' In or t.T ti oli:a'n thi flra. . la s e,. Llpraty far a ask the ;!okt ag -tit 1 1 you a t ek-t over PAIl.V TltAINS KAST TIM!'.. ! vi. k am. si-knkuv 1 ' n- The Wisconsin Central Lines 11' 'I'AI.KH and voti will mik,. dlre'l c 'line. ;l .na Tlcketa i i p tin: a l-it v a I" rt! and al ." I'tiil for fhlcagu, MllK.iuke and and th- !r.-t N,.n Ity. ..u aalt al: I'ointa Kal. at i It N Tike- '(tie. Aao-ia. . K.r any further Infnrnii'l n -all on ir liP'a! N'jrth rn Tick; tittles a'ly ticket .ig"nl. or run '',' 'it I iv I li 11) rillWI) 5IUI.I:!, I'OltTLANP. JAM. f. PON P. ;. I'aaa Aa'l. or JAS) A. C1'K', Milw4uk-e. W.a. I tlenrr! Aent, For rai. foMrr and full Inforiiull an I Till! flllfA'lo Ni HITII Wi-iSTIiHN rcgarlniK trip. ; in ,r d- RAILWAY. Jress . aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBa. II I'I'KSiiN. J. V. I'll A f N. flty TL k.-t A't Trav. I ass. A k t Portland. I'-rtlan I fait Lake. Pnvrr. S;ie, al Kl Worth, i una " a tn. In karaa f:r i W p m v a Hon! tt I -ui. flilcag i me' n anl K't A' int .- Salt I,ke. panvet Kprra. Kt. Worth. Dma v -i i' in ha. Kaiiaa fliy. I III IS via Hunt- St U al. i hicag i 'i.U ;and l j"' I I Walla "Walla" S- I'ail! l-lat.'ll. Hl'O. l-'aa.tna.l Itill Mtinrapd'i .1 p m S' I'jul. I in u'.h 7 ft) a in V! lM-1". lllkre. l'h". Sc ikaan ii . an. I ji ti iim fr on rrtl4iil i flilcag. No 'li.i' -.- -f I'ars. ' t. 1-1 V N ANII IIIVKU Si'llI.PrLK Fr on Aiorla All aal.ll'g ilalo- ubjrct t i lia-ia;e F r Kton U -ii e-. n y tl v - tlvya ' .i ii in t. Hirer 4 a in T i I'or land and etc Way lei" 1 Ufa M m lay I 7 a tti "! v-. ul Sun. S'ram.-r Naii-'otia l-avea Aal -rU on : .. .1 i tl v ept Sin lay, r r l!ae. ':-.:!' a- I'fir w.t'i 'tt in f r Ing lira. h. Tl r an I N Till Iteacti p as'. ''' nnli i? hi v.-i r As! r aim ;vll- W l.iU NSIIIlltllV. Aa"'t A-.t-.iU A I. IIAIU i.-'al ('.tSfuK'-r Ak"ii(, l'..t ll.l.'ld. I Meg 'II The Walla Walla fnion has Just ben Informed of a new r.nd very radi cal ruling made by the postofflee de partment, and one which will call forth a general protest from newspapers In the country. This la to the T-ct that a aubacrlptlon to any publication, en tered as second class mattt-r. trust be discontinued when the time for which It Is paid In advance has expired. This means that unless subscriptions are paid for In advance the papers or pub lications will not be allowed to go through the mails as second class matter and deprives all r.uUishers of the pound rate of postage. The aver age newspaper publisher will look ut.'.n this as a discrimination azalnst 1.1m and his business, and the postoffiVe )- T"J IIOL'SEWIVES. If William Allan While Is able to . wri'e anything libelous against Sena Wyoming (Rock Sprlngsi coal is the tor Tillman th- medal is his. Inver only coal to use for heating purposes. li. puhll. an. You have probably tried others; now I try this, and we fes-1 a-ssured you will j NOTICE, never use any other kind. Phone, I main 611; and we will at once deliver : The annual meeting of the atockhol coal to you In any quantity. Give ders of the Astoria Iron Worka will be this coal a trial and don't forget the h. '"I thelr 'fl January l l' ,,-. t o i-t vtf rrs a. A, , at 7 30 p. m , for the purpose of eb-ct-phone, 661. S. ELMORH ft 70.. j ln)? dreotors for the ensuing year and Agents. the transaction of such other business i as may properly come before the meet is : In. Unfortunately, '.'hlna's calendar so arranged that It ranti'sT get In lln with the rest of the world anl turn over a new leaf on N'e-.v Year's pay. Washington Star. Hy order of the board of directors. VMS FoX, President. Att'.-t:- W. J lirNDI-;!'.. Secretary. A.s'oii.. Or-g . pi-. IS. 1901. CHOICE MEATS It Will Pay You... to vvrlle for our rales li.foie ymi pur . bus.' a II. k' t to any point In the MAST. Through Tourist fat from the Pacific Coast to Chicago and Cincinnati KOPFS BKST ADelicious and I Untable Drink Absolutely Pure The Northern Pacific llrwery, of will, n Mr. John Kopp li pr.iprUlisr. make beer for domestic and ciport iral" Unfiled beer for family u ur k'g brer supplL'i) al any iluK. IMIvsry la Fresh Meats Pickled Meats Cured Meats Prompt Deliveries Lowest Prices Christensen & Co., 518 COMMFRCIAL ST FEET. i-.innei-tlng with through trains for all ,h'' '-'"l' 'r'' piilrit In the far KAST. H"il"ril or Sut'TIIKAST. I-'iist and linn. Is.. in. etul.ped sieiiin-iieiiteil trains Pining 'rH. Iluffet Library fan. Sleeping fan and Free ilet lining Chair Cur throughout the following states: IkWA. INPIANA. WISCONSIN, MIH SOI'Itr, THNVhiSSKK. IM'ISIANA. ILLINOIS. MINNESOTA. Rul'TH DA KOTA. ARKANSAS. K WNTI '"'KT und MISSISMH'I'I. North Pacific Brewery SIGHT WAS HE II TMir'K. I woul'l cough oearly all r. lon," writes Mrs. fh'i". ?.t.!ep ..nrtmeni i.nHeetnlr,.. to Hietate to him 1 Alexandria. Ind., '.in! I'. Ml II i get any sleep. 1 had c nsumtitl-ji yo bad that if I walk-l i rough frightfully anl I l-.k I woul 1 Kp.t 1.1 .ol, t.u'-, about his credit. It sail he must di; a cash business or none of his papers j shall go through the mails ; second hen all other medlcin'--- f.Vled. tl.te class matter. To the l!!t!tn;fe pub- JI.'A bottles of Dr. Kin;;'i .- p;."-r,..-. ii....,- .1,1- ta ....t T i .i, ! ery vrionv i-ui'-'i me u'l'i ( v,t ii'-'i ,, but reduce subscription lists in .,, mail departments, and this mean" : ;; I Special Sale of Ready-to-wear Garments loss also lo the advertising depart ment, as advertisements are placed on a basia of circulation. It will af fect not only the publisher but his sub scribers and advertisers. There Is some one in the'poBtofTk-e derartment who In the last few. months has ap parently done everything In his power to make it unpleasant for the news- pounds." It's ali'.l'jti l fcuor. nn -ed to 'urc Coughs, '.'olds La. 'Jripp', ilion chl'is and all Throat ate! Lung Trou bles. Price 7)c rind l."i. Til. I bottles f.'c at. Hart's pru:rdir. Ion- the Middle W.-st riot only have mote e than It wants, but It til-o has an leel,ug. Stops Ibe Couth and Wnrki Oil (be Cold. Laiative Bromo Quinine Tablets cure a cold In one day. No cure, No Pay. Price 25 centi. 1 I.'.'Iuk.I I'ricts (di nil .ddiitK' liofitn, Skirt.", ' jiikI Wi'iij.j .el-.-, Cliililrt-n'.) Jio'itH und l)n s-cs. 0'ir , ricis on (,'ood.s will rrduci: tlx- stuck vt-ry lajii'liy. Kit rly comers g-t lust Hcl'-ctions. Tiimiiic-d Hut; nt onk-haU' regular retail price. l-'or ,-n in pirn s legar.lliig fn-lght or I- I pa-iN.-tiit'-r tales tin. I service call on or J1 address, J. c. LINPSIIV. i', T. K. A I'. A. J 1 II II TltfMl'.i;;.!,, f ' 'om'l Agent. J ill Thirl Si . I'olt'l'I.ANIi. iilll'kioN. Ji a. ii. f. pi ;n n HT' in, ; w. p. a. 4 i.U First Ave. Seattle Wash, ITI.Mir r,UI 1V'I MIDI i IVM Of New ZenUind W. P. THOMAS, Mgr., 5an Francisco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDERS .SiiimcriiMMi ('iiiitiil, liiid-iip, Aftscts, AhhcLh in United States, SurjiliiH to I'ulicy Holders, f.r,()l)0,()nO 1,1100,(11)0 2,.ri t.r,1 1 t .(00,000 l,7K,7!i2 I Latest Importations In TKA. nii'10 and Ji'iill kinds of CHINA MKIl'.'MANPIHU. c.inlractors for fliliieNi. LABOR Has lmen IJiplorwritin-r on tint I'acilic Ciiiist ovei twenty-two years. We Rent New Typewriters. j. MORSE'S DEPARTMENT STORE lThe Hop Hinff Lung Co ' wwmmmwwf'W'.'fffwm wwww mHttMttnmmmmtmmmmmnt I wi ""d si. ah ixkih, Manager. Many new imiiroveinents added. St'0 our latest INc. 2 Smith Premier Typewriter New Art C'hIiiIokhi' Knm . . . L- M. ALtXANDtR A CO. KxnhiMivn I'iioiIIc OmHt Deaiflr 2-10 Hlnrk Nt , I'ortliiiid, Ora, F . M'KKCIINIK, I.ikuI Agent.