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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1902)
THE MORNING ASTORIAN, FRIDAY. JANUARY 3. 1902 LEFT We lime veiy fine line nf Pipes, and also mo i'linitiilly .lcc.irat.-d Lamps, niiin nf wlili'h Bilked Icio III In for the I it I t a V trade Th.w nii not mtlilly In our line and wn will offer I In in, wlilln lll.-y lunl. nl 20 pi-r rrnl i 1 Ion fnun iiIm'ikI) low ell' in. In In' I, nli "ill mil, ItOHS, IIICKJINH K CO. The Morning Astorian TICI.IcriKiNK Ml. KoTH'i: ro aivi:iitihi;h 'hnno nf i-''v tiiuai reach Ui liunl nf ofTlm by 1 ui l.i arrurg ai. parltr In I'm full in In imirn HI dltl.ui. This ruin nKI g 'Vrrn all l - I ill alt nrlUrinrnO. . li-epflug trading Iori THKAY M WHATIIMU. pi illTI.A 1 1 J.tti ; ort giin, -i 1 11 v . piirth- cloudy wlili hi nil. n 11 1 mln nr ni' in .mi. rn onion, .oiler. VI imlilhKtoll ptlltlt l"tl'ly n(ll noli, ii'iuii luin. I.r in the tt.-M.-ru i"r- tloll ABOUND TOWN. Tiv Id Intr a mln r 1 1 ..!..- Jim "ii linn Nl' i- Nat el Olull.-ri -my I at had nf J"hn. ii Mr., a. Cjll main Ml )onr cm i pi r-iii-ii: Or lria pr ' 1 1 1 (. : I (11 nl lle; I'-itiii infjl. Itlaii t Him Hr Utitan:. 11 i'"Miiiit-1.iI lrr Tl.f Hiltlli l aik t'aat r . ft up tho iH'i ) f . a g-ialtt ran rairnnlia h 'ilia In.liiatry anl hiiy your Ircl, hay anl gtaln at lirn'un'a mill Ivi.'MT It CI-'.N T MEAL : fllHIMI flL'N HITAlMlANT j i "il-iiTal Hullltan." Ui Mma: S-.-'nt l(tr on I lm maiki' Snl.l rttrywharc. ('.ill al Hi tkvMrnl tirl.r h"p f T up t t-.l' w 'tk Tilt flral-f!i hat I r-. Japan. t. Ja "f 'l k'mti. rhrap al t:, V k .luina lliai-tr. I:: t'oniiit-roial air I. i'l. .- ritlltW lrna i "Vrllrlll fur ft ilillitV l.itl' Il ali 11 ah. Ill thrill --J-'hlianli Iti.ia. .ml. .1 1 ill I t-i .hi K'-l ' nl I '"l" ,.,k Apply I.. Mia V W lil.l L.tlKll .itV. In inn aiti' ltf " Try a "1111181 S vil li v tn." th rnwt ft-, 'il i la"ir on tb markt-i S il.l 1 v -rv wht-r. If y ui it.tnt I. 'i it tivl ttn-'il .r iiiin-r i.-;.pli,.ii" KHy. ih i.n.!'r man I'li.Jt I'.'H hla. k. Ill at.-iillialilp I'nl.ltlllil In V.-.liii'hiy fii'in M 1111 1 lit. !n l.ill'i I A 1 HHP' nwiilia hr nl T'T'Linl I'ntr tr Nun In.lila ry iy amnkliiH ti "I'lhla .f Atri" flKiira; fliii't m i l M inufa. tinoil hy Mai lTarlan Kmiln-I If oil at pnilli-ular aa 10 whut kln.l nf tvhlky you drink try "I'M I "ra tlin." iitnl you will Bl "Tint Kinrat Vrt " Knr anl rvtry w hrr. Knard Stnkra. il In 1 r Hut I ota. ATT EN D OH U UR K A T ANNUAL CIiEAWCE SALE Il will hf rriudiiii.'d nn Ihf aaliin In nnd KUiiK"' P 1,1111 bna nniil" our lutinir lieiitiinrr hiiIi-h ku popular with the 1 pi nf Aaltirln. nnd will rnnllnuo f. ti- thirl v hiiriltu'MH ilnva Our iiniiunl . I. it 1 ti 11. hiiIi'M held nt Ih h.'KlnnlUK of ritiii yrnr nr iniinuiiirnla In our Mtor krrplnit liiiiliiidM. Thy lire Hi- iiiiiroiiiii of our ilrlrt niliuitlon In out to the uIiiiiihI nur linniniHit Murks hrfor Ilu' Iloiid of Spline binds) IiikIiim In pour III upon us. Only sr vnr luit-r ifdutilolia will do Ibis, quli kly. THE A. DUNBAR CO. OVER Try iiir nl' home made aiiur kraut J"lm"ii Urm. I'mliiK Hi' abat-nre nf Mr. !rl.ln, an lilted. ('. A lli'W will bo in c 1 1 r k a of Ilia nltl.-t., 7 and I. riiM Pillows I'lillillnil Sir Hnldttln appl.a. It r b. while they lal Jnliiimiti Pros. Tim llililili "Voi'lili Mm .in I. I. n. In 'I lunl afternoon Hllr "titi-ii fiotii ValpuKilMi iiii'l tt ill l"inl ln .ll 110 tt,.kl Mill. ii f.m.ilc. r,,.y. Inn letters (I 1 1 i s i . Hii.'l in. i mumps ml Hi ill I'll.'Hili.ii IK'' HITPt.Y II' 'lK. Chime. i'i'miii pum ry. A i" fi'.i i fl'-..: lii.ay Thi unl)' i-ur-K.-d 'i 'l Di li an I i i '1 mv JnllN 1. t'AI!l.SoN. H"!. Si -1' J 'tin A M ints in ri n k ( 'l a h a: :l ll'iii'l -r--: ir I pr.piir.-I .1 1 all i-lata.ji .if I'l'.iinli.fiM mil i:ti ! .1 at lut p.iaallilv nt-s I. 11)11 r 1 1 laa a l-ncr, l . : n . r an I inik't ,r Ir ulli- tilth a'ma ainl i h innry flur. tl.jii j:'y !'nr ili- .i((' V S ij.rn. jfcT'il, irl n it U' " luiha fir la.l ra a! th, I .ila-' Hatha jl'rltn.- riiitan.-r ..n alia 'f hill. ill1. I Hli 'p n;,cn . 11 Mumlav in-"nlna.' f"t ' Mi anl I j : h I'jil. it iil II I pr.'pil'Hir. " I urliti: tin- t -.ialiii? ..f th- I I y-nr .-iiiliti"iii--l-. li"t uw-iv t. I.-- ph'.ni- wln-a ninl itii.-'l a Iii'"ii- t-nl.-li' r ll-pitli-a ml.- mil!- lulil I,.y Ir r.illiui. aM-i l.illat, hna rat.ll lla- 1 n prniiin. iit ofllr In I'n- t ny l.ulldliiK. Spr.liil iitl -ni O'i fcit- n l' 'llailf.a nf K'.tinn. h olll'- 'I'.llln.a iltnl pl.llll illa. iiara ut Im.I - l .. a. Vt tl,.- Srv Vat'.rln 1 Ity .-l.-(!l"li Ih 1 Itlf.-li ti. k.-l it it- ail' ' , aafnl Hi f 1 I. it ink- 1 nil 1 1 . 1 it I . a hut, 111,- li.rll fl-.-t- . I M,i i- Willi- M'l'l l .-..nil. linn n. W.-llli-l Stl.lll. J.'hll W Ui. till 1 . 1 .11 . J..hti l.lii l"ii"iii lI'.lB-t' rittilkotirr nil I I'lnnk 1 'iiiinliiiHiiiiii 11' iila.. 11 Jr " pl'ita-.1 iiii'ithi-r l.tiu tiH l n 11! l-'l.-hi' lic-t nlilh! Thla rt.-nlim- th- Kiml f" III It .lllllliil. I'm Niichia In 11 lliti hi nn," will li in. .. lit. .I Th niiiipiiiiv lnia iii. t with nn. t" . I' ll an. 1 aa In Ail. - hi mul thnt lla litn nt-M pi f.11 iiinii. -a will ... liiiK-ly utliinlril Koa without a.iylnu. At Hi.- pi.aiiit t-rm of th 1 .Hint y roiirl Hi Iriiiii.liiil" "f ml "1 pr iln. la hi Hi touniy will br 1 hiink'rtl. In in l onlntii i' with a law utai nt Hi Inat a.-aalun of th lKlallt lit Th ih.ini! will nffi t for Hi inutity rlirllon and will muk 11 Ki.ul diil "f wolk for fi.nnty I'lnk W hrrlty N'w mil .k inual I. provhli-d mil 11 itmrral n a-t ..f uri-ounta npti.l. na rond .ll.atrltia will h af fl. hy Hi rhnnur At thin Ir-rra of rouil :.'.u prtlt Jul I 11 a will In- drawn. An fl' llln ran on urred yesterday nmriiliiK Im'Ihi-ii th- ii ann-ra Jnnlnn, f 'nl If lull' r mill Muyfl'iwir. The Imi rtt' 1 in roaa tlii- rlvr uml llinrit w rmtalilpmlilr rlvnlry Ijpiwwn lh 'i liilna. Tli J'iriliiM rfni hd hr ilix'k a nhorl illmuii' ft In a 'I i.f Ihr nthi-r li'.iim Kurlln r t n h me ci nl. iiii'iiii inr Win luta nfri-rid tli u Ki'ullnn Hint, ilurlnK Hi" Wurk if r" pltlilliK ''iiiunirnlnl I !''!, piili-atrlana - I'Utlli iiliuly wnini'ii -iivxlil ukIiik thai I.I... k i.f His alfi-l wjidli la I'.rn Ui. Tli'1 niiir.ii Inxk l iinunlly irnwiti'1 wllli uiiikiiii ii mi. I a n if "' I'll ill limy i i iir, ' Thr ilk ran I vni"l If .i'if ni i Imia Mill if'i iir-uii'l lli' lil'x'k. Ch I f tin K I' V. I Ik- iiiIhuIhh I'uMlainl lil lTi iii i lr. lnia fli'inH up alhi OH'I mil lli- fliirni l ii 'lny nr ln K' in Him 1'nriliiti'l i'.ii.tln ainl iikri thni lir I..' i- Inoiaii'l. Ilia tnjiii'iit m iiriiiiliil N'Hili.; lnia lo-n kIm ii mil llli nfiirnif lii Hi illmi.n'ur iiiiK' i.f I In- inn n Klii tun ii.ioa. 1. 1 Imvn Iwrn ilron-i wMli- nn tila V.H In AmIihIu Hi lfi illll J.llln It ' I'tH', uf l'"ll i iinliy .ii.iii-l ui ihr llii .1... k -ii Wi-.iii-a..iv iilKhl Tin- iniin I. ml Im-.-ii hi llii..i ami iinlir tin. Iiillm ii. f ,,f n 1 1 1 i whin lie atnri- l.. l. tillll ll ...l.i t.i lie "hlllf I niiili tin- r'.'tt ' ntiliy l al. f ll In- in Hi- il.r mi. I l"H Inn llfi- Th- l'''ly I v iih ri-i'tuii'l vh'it'y iiftrrftaiil" I'lil ii'fr.iiia I'. t-iw fh- tn.iii prnvi'il u n - I. Tl ii t v nr i in-1 in r-i -.ii. it vi -iiimIii) . if.- 'inii' l.i '. Ii ink- 'ii . ii'li I Hi' l Ii -n- i I' i .il I 'li i.f 1 .n in iM.'i a u ' ii r 1)1 H.i- I'll A ..-M- II II ,l I'll .-nl. 'I i. I : '! I "H "f it I" I It; ' .1 1. n n : n ;n i- ( i-n Ji. t ..f 1 iii'K- !" ' -I 'I'1 . '. il. 1 .. Il- i. -i r li 1 Hi- .11 ' 11" in . 1 i.-.-.1- !. kill III- i II- i i'i-a ih- Ni-. .i nalni' n"i i li - r i ii ni 1'iy -. li- "I tin h 111 l.lK" ' 1 -!.-. .f . -I'-', -. 1 ; ,. I .1 It . t . .- ' 'ill Ill:, 'il H' ' . K 1 1 1 1 . fc n .":,,i.l.iy u-.i-nry h .t 1 In- I'-'tai Il '..Ilk Aalf Tl..- Al.- . T.iaiti.illlil , 111.- Illlpna. I ..! !'r. j I..1.I I--.-TI H i !' I ' ! . .1111- li. fr- in II Itln. It lln- l-'iUi -i'f 1 h-nlf ti Tin 11 1 1. - r r ' pl.-U'l- I lllilt Ma II 1. -p.'nll''- ! r tl .- I!'. hill I'f Hi- t.-a-i I .ir t ..K'-l t 11a tn t.iki- 01 .1 11a H'l.- lll("' t' il, th. T'i Aai- la n ti l- in I'm 1 Inn. I s th- I "I 1 la ll"t I n. I ' 1 tli ' I ! ' '! I t 11 a Illil.l- l 11. k "ti h-i l"iiir. 1 , h.nli -t in in-v t M ii.l.iv SI a !l at puhln- uu 'I iitiiiiriai hi. h 1 h- .-: .rr 1 ini in- 1' 111 11 oil pr..rty ".itity, iltr "f hiail .patm t hna !li. f..r dllii.U.-nl it.ina Thla a.ii 11a will I. riiiiii-j P. i.-i, wua nut h"i U' i nt th lu t H- ai. ,ti ,.f th l.'K.Hlnt .1:. th tl.i it- fH'-d I 1 fur Hi milr l.i liit Jtilv I Th nl!ah did n-.t c tm tinin th ho.ich. An an) I., liit July 1 . ( "fi. , , . r.i! tliii.- tins (,-.i"fi., a, . r.i 1 tlin.-a. hul will mi M'li'litt. Nniil) t..VvO I1.1 U. n 1 al l In ! tnx; uy. ra .11 Lin k .I'.i.uiua .m.l im l.t'l prt;rty will I.- a. .11 iittin-ia th i Imv Iml ...t a t tl.i unit- .li a, iii f,i thr- 1 in- of lniaiii---a .-n! ui in y Th .l.iii." k-it.ii nt Ih tiiiidtt. II In r II S'vl 'h- :.w j a, h".i l."iia, ,11 t'hii.tiiina d.,y tin j l.i nt .-f Hi- 'lmiiM.i lllv.-r I' i.-k-rs' l.tii;.-l iiM.-n l. .I. it mimlxT of propl j -s 11 at th old H iirh M 11 .-.'iln' 1 y nn 1 j ft. .tn thiN .ity la-It. t; pr-a.-iit. T!irriia tniuli pirn-1 with Hi arranB- ! w.-r- .Ult- 11 f. n of tl.- In Ih ! tn-iiia II li.iii-v.-s I'. I.a 011, of thf ,ltv na th ,...-,t ,.f Hi. nti tnln-j 1:1..-! rotii .-iil.-nt ly I.n n'. 1 plants on j .... I . ..... ...i I mint una Hint th pro. la alioul.l ;. lo th I nii't t '-mk-ii t of rn.i la. W.ilt lnt;ii!la puali, th nfT.tlr with th lit moat rn.-iity nnd It it. is InrMidy du to hla .ff irta thnt th nl h'-rint: waa so In nt nnd nppr.-t Inii' Th Aatorlnns rituin.-'l frotn Hi dan fatly ystr 1l.1v iii.uiiliii;. hul l in prills of th hoapltnlity of th p.Mplf of th I en la nnd Clark. V. P. nir. of Nw York, a r. rf- jafiiliiHif nf Hit- N -tt .irk '.'pl w hn , htai aiinmi.-r rtimhiii d fourtern ml imoii 1 in kin ratal. Ils'un Mis of Alaska I nnd Ih l'.t.-ltb- oiki nn I -r tl ran j of th I'milli- Pa. kniK and Nui-it-nllon t oillpaiiv. la ill III.' rnintr .aitja tot- Snn rtniiria.ii I . inilu-r TV.- fn-kii rnikrts' Asaoilntion It tl- l'u;.i.. tivnl of Hi orttiitiU.-itloti nu-. Mr Hire aava that diirlni; IP- s is n Just I rli anl thf nut rotni nnlrs pu! i'n 1 .Mai 1 a at inara of snltiion. fUiiy y. p. r I rent of th Alaska and I'tiiM sound yield. The Prnihrokrshtre cleared yi sirrday with thnt port Inn nf hrr cnroi h mi ni nt Portland. She now has nn board 195. MO buahela of whrnt. taliii'tl nt 1 12, and will Ink on an iiddltlonnl !00 tuna nt Aatorin. Thr Argyll, which 11 1 an cleared yesterday, hna 1 79.7S3 buahela if whoat. worth : 7 S70. The KnlRht ronipanlnn. wiilrh la r. ady for ara, bna onr of Ihf moat vnliinhlf enr Kors rtrr arnt from this port. The ptiniipnl Item on her nianlf-at ia Pour, of whli h ahr hna II. 801 bnrrels, vnluril nl tl3Ti.4l. She nlan haa n ron aldfnihl uuiintlty of ittnn imd Ken em! iiirrclmnillsf . Hi inlal value of Hi cnricn bi-ltiK $"0?,i7S. Thr nermnn bark S.ionf hnivcil Nftv Vrar's day from Sun Bins. Mex ico, nfli f n very fair p;tss:ii;e. Ciip tnln Mryrr rrpurls Hint 'i was drlay rd by calms dutinu ihr piat '.0 or 12 days, nnd that m-thiny. .mn-uiil occur rrd nn the trip. It waa reported t-s-trrdity that thr ''.I.n lind lost her rhnrtrr. belnp hours lute In nrrlv- Iiik nt Amoiin. When si"i fstrrdny Captain Mryrr said thf If port Mils emtnt'iiuH. as his rhiirtrr dors r.ot ex pire until Jannry l.r.. I'hr S leiif was rhurtrrrd at n very hlnh ru'- Us 3d for barley loatllnK or lis lor wheat binding. Thf rate la nmv about SUs. The Seleiif will tnkr I IKK) tons, ru hrr trip nut of thf t'oluniblii Mil be a profltnble one. Ciiiinljr TrfHaurrr Tlioiii.on haa JunI 'oniil-ti'i lila arnil-ammul alttimm-nl. The rfpnrl ahnwa a liallam nn Imn-I of fll.7VO.T7. of Khlrh loyi2 Ix-lnnica l lh gvnfral f il ml. Warranla fur thla ainminl hat Ix-fii ratM In . Tim ilrawliif for the aulia ami r ruaia itlvi-n hy ll.rman Wlac ItM.k llnt- lit Klahira' hull yi-atrflny aftir min. Mi.ra. C. C. I'mlnKi-r, A K. 'nun. I'luirli-a Ijii ti, li II "limn ami A. liitng wit rliourn JuflKia of lh n.nlf"! Thf Juilifi a nfl.-cf.-rl a IHtl Imy tn ilraw 111- iiiiml'i-ia unh Hn fiilliitt I n If n aull Wliim ra nf nu n a aulia or ovi-noata ' 1. Wulkrr J KniniM I, II I-; HtflfWiMin. Al fclnr h-lii-lii-r Maik Wnkk,ilu. ''luitlia Ha llnl J Hii-Mitrl. Jin nl. Jnhnann, '. H. Miilthi-W" wlniifia of la.ya' attili jt : M I'likkithi, A H. o-ii. r J Wnlk.r M Kr. .1t. '. r'Unir-r M.-hln Jin kai.n. C I. Nnithiip Tin- H..11II1 l!-n.l J'.iininl Ihlnka Aa I. Tin ritthiT an i-i.ay coin- Hy. Il ana lui KlriK. tin- I-aa 1 'hlriiiiTimi in tin- littin.lry. left mi it irli to ?hliia Tiif.lay In or1' r t. h- ahl t" r' I urn In thin r.iuntiy h- ha.) I., rnnk. iiffl.liitlt Hint Hi.-r- w.ia ilu- unl n In T hlin In iti-.-oiinl 1 in tlilt r ut.'ry nl l.-a-t tUKKi II "p roul'l miik Ihf iiltlilmll nil rlnht l ilt h- l a. I -.i l.nvi- Hi.- altl'lmlt nf n . .ui I.- ..' whiff rti. n I., v.-ilfy I. la atiit.tii-nl II- ifT-i.-.l Jii'ltr- I Kl..t l 11 ti'ly aiini t- 'fix .111 nl-' I. ui tli- lit't' r r.-fii.-.l ti. ln 11 II- lln n n. lit tn Aa' mi l t-'tirn-.l Hi- i-xt iliH IHi V.111 . nn ki t tlii-iiti-. "n'i I V U' ll- 'I in? llf -1 111 Tl - 1 it-Kiilaii 1 nt.!,. -I 11 N.' V. iit .f . .' .-; ti' in. nl. l.i. it-h In Ih- liit.i-if.t nf th- Ix-tla ..I.. I '.n'k full . to I.- h- '1 In !''. Tin!"ii 1 nitiiltia I n 1 . ln'-r-atlnic f.t.ta . i.n it.ii.i; f -u--r. I" r -; . . it..pia-tll-a Br.wth uml 1 1 -1 1 1 1 : iil'.'l 11a 1111 ajM-rilaiiia tn-'llutn will ir.iv . s-l-'-ni'li t iiliiiilih- l-:v.-i r.iunty la .to'!ly r. pn-a- iit.- l Tin- ' 'i--H' ahoH that nri-:;..n ia fiit'KiiiK riipl lly 1 1 th- fi-.itii uml tint I I.r K"'"th i.f Hi- Mil'. M" I1.I1K i-ln- r.l. I a. 11 .11 K" i.n uni.-nrli !-l Th lii.-iii.'riih! I wta uml '!iirk .-X'll-tii.n la K'vrn i i'iial l.-nihl.- ir.-iic- In nn-tli-lpittlni of lh- ii'tnlnit fair 'i,.t- a. p a nivnlfl.-ftit r urr.a itr- ili-ult I i'li, an l th.- ahi'rtltiK minli- fur Ih ' Kiit.-fity r.iunty I- 1 urtl. u'arly Kratl- ! flntf Al! In nil. Hi.- r.lltinn la on of! Hi- la-at ap-. iiil nuniU-ra v-r pulill-h- 1 i-. on Hi run! nnl r-ll-i-ia ur.-ut it-. In nil Ih- I'lililiahcra unl untr'.l'U !"ia A Mlni'iinr wa r-p rrl It It nah.u lit N-nl.l y.-alrr !ay af !i-rmttn. Th vra-i-l la th drllt thnt w;ia !i:lit". ..IT thr rhr s. tluys nito, hut hrr .ituiu r upi-t tra to la- out and ... . ,.ff,.it it na m:i'l fT. .1 1 wn.a mai- la-t nkh! i" Kinn iai.m Infoi nmtion hv u-lph "n hut 'piot.'il unii'..a-ful It 1 lh"iik-ht th : arli. .otir will 'in aah t In 1 day or I two wh -ti Hi- n.-itii wl!', h- !-ai!;-.l. I . II Ti. "-"!!. it.- it'll k:i..wn N-w ! York r-'l.!-s'"ia'.r.- niiin t.i 1- ih I'y v-aii-.'l.if. ....kini; af'-r hi . n: Hi r.-aat. .Mr. ir-MW. ta ui- ; alor of thf "l.l-it"rai,- nn Midi: pio 1.1 business, tin vine conducted experi ment for several ymrs. H titst pu' his lia into effect In ltv and sitne Hu n It has come Into K' use. S.-.-otid ll tan i f K. rt t'ltnby. killed himself son time '" Hi morniiiK of Janunry 1. nnd lis lif.-lt ss body tins f"im 1 :h- follow Inn niottilni: by tli .'l.llr who w.-n: to call bim. H h:i 1 bloti n out his brains with n ''oil's revolier Irailrx noth-ii.L- Hint iiiinld iiidicn'r why be bad f.iiiuniltt-d the riish act. l.r.-nsd ttiis IT. eiirs of iu-r an I n ver y popular of tb-rr. H was In Astoria nn las. !'n- ... .. I.I..I. I... U 1 I nay rieiuiiK. at .tun u ii... j 'iiroiind ton n with f'iend. 11 seen.ed j I to I"' In ext-eii' tn nrnrn an i Im.i .-. and lhat Ihe suicide Mils n t the re sult of a spree Is evident by his re fusal to drink with friends while in town. 11 said be lad nuit usine 11. -uor. as It added ton much to his weight. While here I'f said be Mould secure a leave of absence al out Jan ii.irv IT. and that h would Pi'V n visit to his old home In Ohio. He seemed to be luokinff forward tn the visit with (Trent plensurr. and when thf news waa received nf his death his were very much surprised Hrvan's brother. Iorenm. has been slutted by the Pnrtlnnd baseball tum to pitch next seasnii. IMstrlct Attorney Allen leaves this morning fur St. Helens to be present nl thf preliminary examlna llnn of Aimust Pchcvlf. the nll.'Kfd murdf rer nf Joseph Schulkowskio. The hearinir will dnubtless be finished to day. Mr. Allen expresses the cnnvlc Iton that Schovie la the murderer of Schulkowskle. and there Is a chain of circumstantial fvldrncc agalimt the suspect thnt will un.iucstinnubly result In his conviction. The twu men were neiiuulnliinces, the niurilcreii man nnt- Iuk often befriended the murderer. Thf latter knew Schulkowskle had n considerable sum of money in his pos sesslnn nnd the evidence thus fur ad duced allow thut he followed Sfhul koivsklf Into thf country. Seheiir se creted himself In the bush and as Schulkowskle came by fhot him throimh Ihe body, killing him Instant ly. Tho body was draped Into the brush and the robbery there commit ted. Mr. Allen says It was one of the most brutal murders ever t ommltted. , Th munliT'-r la au..orl 10 nitv a iirii. avral hunfrfl riollnra. Ht. (.lnia ailvlrra ar fry tli r ff ct lhat Ih inurili-rr la loalnif hla mind, but Mr. Alln bIlivii h la frmmmln-. Th trial of Hi artia! mnn will or rtir at th r.'hruarjr t-rm of Ihe rlr nill rotirt, At pranl thiT rm lltil- ('i. tin that the tuai ct will la- found Kullty, I IMii; I'flMI'l.KTION or Fou r hti:vi:nh ril-ll (lull III Aak NfllJllor Mililiill'a In KiiiMil.Kf Wurk nl the I'tmt. A ! ial mtinic of Ih l'uah rltib una l.-l'l laat vnlnK. It 'ton orlKln nlly liit.-iid-d thut tin- n ly rl.-rt.-d nlh. ra ahnuld b Inalall"'! laat niKl.t. hut th installation -vaa a"al- pmi.-.l until the rKulnr mtinrf of th! ninntli. At that tlm a f.roirx.'.ni w'll la- rndrd nnd th a.-aainn i-.nd un Int. r.-atlriK- on. I'ralilnt '.'arnahin in.) H. i r.-tary Lyman will pr, a' Hi pmuntru. ; u tary I.yman r-port d h hit.l rlvi-d l-ttr from "'nptain A T. Stnam with rrcrnrf '( ti hiiil'tii.a- h.-r- if 11 ahlpyarl. Th Li ter '-'.rithlried a aometi hal .'i.'- tr . l".aa! It will ! tuk.-n up 1 (hi n-K-u'ar tii.-n lute, whn th oimT.litr -.!; fport on It. Ilairlaon Alln ra.rid that lh- "iminltt lani'd to naaljt in rtit- inic th Kiah and .Lair flft'ry -ia niakiti ipaal headwny, and h- Tin M.t ial'i. d that Hi prop .alllon wnild hav; a filtnml'i- i.Utr"ln. Ind.-d. !l ( - r.---..-I Hi '-onvlrtl n that th t r t '.ry nnd .1 raw-mill would I built at Smith 1'i'Int. Th rnminif.'- la 11 cv .11 rnriKinK for th runatrupi! n .'I Hi "inn 1 lint; lratl. VI. . I'r. ald-nl Oaaton cal!d ntt. n H..11 to th fart that the farm- ra . "UKreaa would mt H. SaL in January , 9 nnd 10. and -xpr.-a-i 'h J I Inl n lhat Ihf Pu-h Hub ho ild "h r.-pn an!d. Th aurirulture r iniini'.- t- reported thnt It had lunl Hi mut ter undiT advlarmvnt and h;id n-lf'-l ! Mr 1'iiiat'in aa thf Aitnrla r'lnfi llv Thr wa.a itomf dlwuaainn a to ith.-ther or not It would b alvlnal.le ! 1 miik nn effort to a-run- the nxt r..ncra fur Astoria, but no deflnlt art Ion wan takn. Thf matter haa !..-. n l.-fi to Mr. Onrtton. w ho will te al.! to tell whether the holding of the i"r, h.-r would le profitable. AH-ntlon wan rall-d to the fact that S-nntor Mili hll had been named an a ni. nilier of h rommlttfe on f irilfl and It nan guitirestrd that the .iuh'.a rnnKratulatlons lie forwardfd lo him. Thf nua-nrrntlon was favorahly ri.nidr.d. Srnator Mitchell will he a-k. d by th club- to urire compleilin "f Fort Stvna. It wan drveloprd Innt niKht that I'rofenaor Splllman had brn mad an nttm hr of thf agricultural dt -partnii-ntof thr Bovrrnme nt. and the S'. retnry nil Instructed to oorrvsiamd with him with rvft-rfncf to establish tn. :i! of an rxp-rlm. ntnl Mution this rounty. Mr t'uriialian pnn-ntd anmo Inter- S- DANZ1GER &C0. W E II A V E A X A C V V M 1 L A T I 0 X ODDS ..A N D .. ENDS $10, ?12. $12.50 ami f 13.50 MEN'S SUITS S' E CAN F I T Y 0 U IK SOME- PATTERX WE WILL CLOSE T HEM OUT A T $8.9 5 S. DANZ1GER & CO. MfW r ' ' ' , r..t.-aiaf SOAP DIGNITY. T IS easy to find a pure soap; it is easy to find a cheap one. The problem is to find both combined ; a scap thit h pure yet inexpensive. Ivory Soap is the tcit solution of that problem. It is an original product, evolved after years of experiment and ; research. It is the most of pure soap for . the least money. It stands approved to-day ; by second generation of Ivory Soap users. ...SPECIAL CROCKERY SALE Monday, January 6, and for the wet'k we will sell 20 Per Cent Off FOARD & STOKES COMPANY Look Out for Next Week's Special. J-yTf Air f- ---- K estir.K tiii'ires recarline the county roads. He said that in 199 the total wagt-n road mileage in Cla'sop was while n nv It Is HI. Of course, the roads are not now In as gtvod condition as coul.l be hoped for. but when plaiked would compare favorably with the highways of o'her counties. The follow Ins new" members were elected last nlchi: A. Skyls, William Larson and K. 7.. Fergus 'n. PRItSONWL MENTION. I'. Hill, of Tacoma, Is In the city. R F. Carmlchael. of Pacremcnto. Is ut the Occident. G. W. Shelley, a San Francisco trav tX.iK man. Is In the city. William O. C.osslln arrived in Asto ria last niyht from Kureka. Guy Frank Dunne and J. A. Waddle, Portland commercial travelers, are do ins .Vstoria. H. J. Callahan, the well-known Ham mond resident, is tn the city on a business trip. W. W. Puree, of Portland, has ac cepted a position as foreman of the Morning Astorian. A. Mueller, representing the Siar Brewing Company, of Portland. Is In Astoria today. C. R Andrew, who is Interested In the rebuilding of the Clatsop mills, ar rived in the city last night. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Henderson, of Portland, were among last night's ar rivals at the Occident. Mr. Hender son is connected with the O. R. A N. Co. ' i DIAMONDS All kimls of precious stones, set mul unset, nt very mod erate prices. The latest pro duct ions in the jeweler's art in Society Emblems, Tins, Badges, etc. Solid value, and guaranteed quality in standard v.nlclus and clocks Fine ivpairii'g.v.v.v.w.Y. J. H. SEYMOUR. Chinaware, Glassware, Dinner Sets. Tea Set?, Yases and Bisque Figures At "JO Ter Ont Off. Our first shipment of 1902 Wall Pa per just arrived and more on the way. You Must Look Before you can see our new coloring and designs, the Ideas are aa bright as a summer morning, and suited to every kind of room and style of fur niture. There Is nothing prettier on caner than these varied designs. . Cue us a call. C. M. CutbirtH ASTORIA. No. 127 7th street; 'phone 2Cii Badly Cut During January you can get all our Odd Size Shoes and Broken Lots at... COST Must make room for Spring. Come quick; some good shoea to pick' from. PETERSON 0 BROWN Leadlnr Sboe Dealers PRAEL & COOK TRANSFER COMPANY Telephone ML DRAYING AND EXPRESSING Alt goods whipped to our Care Will Kecelve Special Atientloa. No. B38 Duan St., W. J. COOK, if av Astoria. Ore. Ilea. TeL USlT Prompt Deliveries Of Choicest Fresh and Cured MEATS Xew Shop. Best of Service. Fhone Main 61. BOSTON MEAT RIARHEI