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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1902)
NOTIOUI IV.oks, Periodic.., MoRnis ' : Not to r. T:!a ' ! . al'y vw ai Kin l i1" '" ih. it 11 1 KU.ily ol sw'-H o.l'-i.. bo liablo to probocution. STOkIA PUDLlt LIBRARY ilSSGCJATJf fife mum VOL. MV ASTORIA. OKIftON. FN I DAY. JAMJAR V :, VM)2. NO. 1-W mm CAUTION I Ilcfnr jruu bur a stov or rang, taauilna Royal Charter Oak lllr work. Im fuel ad la bor, an 1 last loogar. TrlrM raaonabl. W. J. Scully, a homo dTrcT. Hatwecn Mnlh aad Taalb HUNT'S MESSAGE TO LEGISLATURE Porto Kican Governor Says Ex ccllcnt Progress Was Made Under Administration. ISLAND NOW PROSPEROUS i J I Drop Head C17 CH -Sewing Machines v)l.JV ...T... I-'ISHGR BROS. I'urliriiliirly rut 1 f inu Showing In Mitilr In llir i'nirl ! intnllng Ihi Nihool HAN JI'AN, Porto Him.. Jan. !. Govtuior lltltlt'a in. usage til Ihi' legla latUtc Of PnrtO Kim Wu d'llvi-r-d 1. 1. lit) Ix'forn ik Joint oalon of ilial body The m.-sinigc aaya "Timi'iullliy and nt num ni pr--Mtll In I'urlii Rico; m hooli. have niul itpiird. railroads are being miinu un ci llif i nnuiier. e nf the I land lina II 'lco-lopr.1 itn-l rlporlH hate In- , tcn-cd agriculture has lc. ome more ploflt.iblc. loads an Im-Iiik I'lillf uii'l in.- I 11 tf pull T"l-i.tin ft ..pinion has luoie common f.-r-iii' r ii t ik ii'til -in h'-lnii forgotten" i;.i-iri.r Hunt ripiil stud further busy niic and 'lull' unusual Frnill. rugged urrliliiH went up I') h ' C' Hill ITU and Hki"1 for the n" mimp Well dressed young wen i!'- l f"r a ntit lltn(cn wrh 'if iK-nii stamps, but refused lii comnl'-ie th-t ir.iiisacif'in when l'l onin were offeicl Hve.y. lnly demanded tin- new edition and fr-'tinliy the nupi l I-m w.-r" exhaust ed Thr la no Joubl wha'i'v.r tr ,m flu gossip heard at th 111.1 .III. . itmi tin- iiut'llr l hlxlily .Iim-'I ltti (he nrw King Kiur(i fim. . Ii-Tly Ihf nny rnl ont-a. K"r wpi'k 1'iint mllH'.nn if ihf alampii tmvr Ixn n muuril awny In Itif alrmiK rmiina ut HuinrriM-t Mnum- and nvt-r thi-m th tlowal up-rvUlnn lia Urn rxirrkK-4 ty offlt rra of Ihr Itilanil rfvcnui' commlwloit. Plumbers and Steamfitters SUPERIOR STEEL RANGES S27 BOND STRBBT t :i t llif llil'lli,'tl"ill ! II' I" I'lla u ! 1 . ti l. !' ll.M.l I..- Inluii.t i.- l In Hi. hi. I tin in an I 1" 1 1 i n . t- rt I " MrT!Ni-:n ai:k u.v r;;i i. I. .in I. !i i l-S Wti.i lln.k.- I'l i ir!h IViilu-nt lui Hi. I .I'.A V KSW'i RTU. Jnil :.-Tlio in ..( ti'H'l i -luirl Oi. t i'Vit ml In Kamnm . . ii.i iir'l In hi library nf ihi I'nlli .l i ii.- . y lliln aftrrii-H ii f..r Hp- n i mrmiii-nt of i h- rinnli'iuli r i-f ill.- iitutlnv nf N-ivrintw-r 7, an. I h.i an- iinpil. nli-1 In I lie kllltiiK "f !uitrit .! II W'.il.l: in . IXrry iH-ra ni In iln' ...mi v. fli tmt nii ' una .lili.r i, l'ni... Sttrx ntlii'liil ir r IiIk.ii'-i v .1 1 1 1 1 k hill; el l'iiiiliiI ii il-i.-i a'f rtiara'-li-r Til iiiiittttt i-i a. .'v i ni'-n In iiuinl'. r .t-i' tii'iiK)it In. i-ii- Ii h u Ink' a l.ill mi'l i Imln, an. I 111' filln In wcr nr riiiKii'! "II H rliuiir nf fiili:i.'i Tiirmr Hariiin. lluli I'lmk. Krnnk Tln.iiiH'iii. lillln-rt M ill 1 1 ii nti.l I l!"tiliii"nti K.'tir nihira, wlm luui' ! txrii lui'turi'il. an Itii luli.l In III' i hiiriji-n. Ijuti nf I hi nrlnn.nrrn li'i i .l ii . Ii'ii nf not kuIIiv. Tin I t int lll Ih lu'l.l tomorrow. Hill KTlWAHl- V'U J, Hfyvr.i ICiikIImIi KiiIkIiI Who All. ni.i.- l u. I d' la Nut lut of OuiiK'-r. XBtt' Vl:K. Jan 2. Sir lilwanl Wataoii. tin ynuiiK KnifliKh KhIkIh. rmiln of DialKtit-r Wa'ifin of Ihf Slminroi'k who nili'mptfl to n'1 llfi- ullli ii. 1. 1 In a HrlKliloii ll n.h rar lad' Tiii lay nluht. lll ii'iuvir. Al Hi.- Si'ti. y hnHiUI. Urn iklyn. tin .'m.i- Halil tin man wnull ! mil In a iniii'lf i.f ilayii Wntang 'alli-l to -I'laln Hliy hi t''k tli'- miN ,n H haa I. t i n iw raliciii .1 In ttm ; nr' tt '..lilt on li ihalici' of lllji'lul -.-.! nut I ti. Wat-"ii l a n .i ( an Krillh i !'-r-, ni:tn an. I In liiniM-lf uri -'tu ai'-'l in. in llf In a mi l ll.Hll. nl Iikiih i r. !! tain l.i thl.H roun;rv My ri i: t n IK" I" makf hi fotl'in- II. I:m. the f i i.-u. I -1 1 tj . ..f Mil. l!-n -Mi. r.n-t-ii. Lii- ..f tli. Ilail.-in tra'. h ..' Hi V. V"k iit-al i -a I IV .ri n in lr K 1 1 .ir.l m i- .n-lii "Ii- -hiik kKKht at "i -t t fn-t ! t:. T. r n ...f ii Ion u I'll 111' i 'i I: i :il 'I hi. .' nioni h in;. i I,.- in --- t 1 a . " r ion i h tni'iti A HI. Iiar'li II.- !: .l i. . .nil tiai sin." Im-.-h tin. ill' 'o p.- work. BIG SYNDICATE FORCED TO WALL Cleveland Bankers Assume Con trol of the Everett-Moore Railway Company, CONCERN SHORT OF MONEY Oj-ru. I'JIMI Mill of Hiiilwa) Hint Omum :U,(HH),tHH Worth or lroMrt.v in Ohio. sti:i:w with vi:i:i.-K.v.;r: pi !'.. .it ion" or. Ih-' N'ortli-M '....- Ihi' I. oil of a Vci--! Jan. !-Thc flnanrlal nffaltti of th Kvri-tt-M'iri SyniHrate, ioniiiif or runtrullltic a nuinlM-r of ur hiii anl liiti-r-urhan clettrlf rallwaya i ami rxt. nnlvK Imal an-l hii.n illdtance i.-l.-l'liotic lln-a In Ohio an'l Ml' hlifun, t .hiv i'.iiii'l Into the control of the a i out in 'Hi-- r-oini osil iif jwvi-n i-roml-ti'-ht Laiik'-rii of thla city, Thin action iu tak-n .It Ik'I, a the r-iilt f t tni-orlaty tlnanclal inili.irraiini nt .n the ai t nf the aynll' at, which luiti f..r Hoiii" time I at l-'n affwlwl !.v a HtriiiK in y In the m n'-y market. Th- i iinmli ti'i' hoen haa len at .-.ik IllM-it IKiitlllK the ii (T 1 1 m of the yn-it. :( an l '-x.r an b a firm l11 t Hat tin- ii.tii-.-rn In entirely solvent ml it,.-. t il.t i-!nl..irtii.--m-nt ttill nnly tt r. -.r.iri'.y. Th- K"ri -it-Moir'- aynilliate In ac . r. -li'. I with ciintrnlllnc more than !:" nill'-n of urtati ami 'nter-urtian leitrh- liii'-.i in Ohio an-l Michigan, with tn ,i:y i,t-w ext'-ni-l .r.a still In .in.-' ..f i-otiatructl'in. Tli.- a-k-r.-i.Mt" ni.ltal:zaii'.n i f all ih.- tathitii i'ro rties oantl or con-iroiu-l hy the syn lhate la aald to le at". lit JH i ""'.'Ml. avenue. Tuea'lay nlicht. Thy were nu'Menly net utmn hy aeveral men. were kn'xked down and evr-ly h'at en. A man who aald It 1 1 name wan Tti'.ma Lawler druned 'n Mr. ien -hler'a ey-nlna; ul" wan vt'.in in h'al i.t the time of the A inn woman wearlnif an ;v..nln dreaa lev loniftnn to Mra. Ore an I who knyr her name la Marnle Kyin. naa I -hoateaa. The oth'-r li lerruna Weri; parently vlaltom. thf: ohio sgi-Aia-u:. Warring ftepubllr-an Factlnna Still ai It Over Hakerahli. roi.t'MHrSI, O . Jan. 2. -The contest Iw-tween 'he Rejiuhllran factori over the or(fania:hitn of the lelalature la till In doubt. a far aa the houae la concerned. The clalma of either faction would Indicate that one element la confident of Price becoming iaker and the other of WKInnon winning, but the efforta of both xhiw that there are yet "votea to gt" by whom soever become areaker. ANTI-TRUST SUIT TO BE STARTED Minnesota Attorney-General to Institute the State Case on Monday. DATE OF HEARING TO BE SET Then the right AjfahiHt the Xorthwenf IUilwaj C'onihiDa tion Wl'l II on in Karneat. TIIU KING'S THOKOIHiHISRKDS NKW YORK. Jaa. : Ai cording to the London correspond, nt of the Trib-un-. the appointment of Ior I Marcus Heresford to rare for the klnit'e thor oughbreds la extreijji-ly K.pular. The royal racing stables, aft. r a rlod of enforced r-.t will, it Is expected, now r-sum. their old a tivl'.y. The king takes the keenest lnter-at In j racing ami the r . ent sale of his hack MrXNEAPOL.13, Jan. 1-Oovjrnor Van Sant and Attorney-General Doug las reached home thia afternoon. Both immediately went to work on the rail way merger caae. The attorney-general will leave to morrow night for Washington end will Institute the atate'a uit Monday In the Federal supreme court. His ap pearance Monday will be a formality. The court will st a date for the hear ing and Douglas will return to J' sota. When Mr. Douglas nect ?ii to n.-ys at olferton aa pr-baMy ar-1 Washington he will be accompanied rang.-! to make r.,om for brc.llr.g by p Wlun and D thoroughbreds. L.rd Marcu. B-rcs- , , caw Th(in,he run in nave tn.- management "f the WolfTton stud farm a well as New Market trainini; stables. the Blank Hooks, Office and Pocket Dairies, Desk Pads, Memorandums, Calendar Pads, Tide Tables, Etc. GRIFFIN & HEED, COMMERCIAL ST., AST0K1A, OKB, Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR. FEED. PROVISIONS. TOBACCO AND CIGARS Siij.ilitn of nil kinds nt ltwwt raU's, for tiwhorinen, KnriiMTH mid Iipjt'r8. A. V AIwIwRN, JcntJinnjICmnmcri I'KRRY Hl-M.Mi NT WIVS nl'T. IVclar.-.l the I'andl.lnte and Will Have Support "f T.iininany. N'HW YnHK. Jan Jut the S. ott, of the supreme court, today handed down a decision declaring IVrry Hi-I-moiit to In the regular Heino. -ratlc tioiiilnee for congress in the SeM-nth district. Colonel Asa Hiid r.iir.llner culled on I'lindldau Helmoiii this evening and assurred hi ill nf the support of Tam many llnll, aoine nf whose leaders op posed him. c. Commission. Brokerage, Insurance and Shipping. Custom Houae Hroker. ASTORIA, ORE Ainu W. I'. Aim., ami Hsu-ICIo Mpreta Un a. HQTEiL PORTLAND PORTLAND, OREGON The Only Plrnt-ClnMH Hotel In Portland vtiVivJuiuinriJTXiiTYinjxr f THE Finest Restaurant in the City mnnv nil! pr Regular Meals 25 cenis I AI ALr Sunday Dinner a Specialty EVERYTHING THE IV UI VUtiltAA S wnns-i.- MARKET AFFORDS ? li:SKRTIi i.S OF SAlItRS. llainlnirg Shipowners Cettlng After Pacini Coast Tolnta. SAN FRANCISi "O. Jan. -The sec retary of the treasury has forwarded to Custom Collector Stiutton copies of correspondence between himself and the union of Hamburg shipown ers Ih relation to the frcnucnry of de sertions nf Herman sailors at Call foinlik and Oregon ports. These desertions are caused, siiys the Hamburg people, by local shipping masters, who Incite seamen to -'."'tert. tieimun consuls nt Portland. Oregon, and at San Francisco report that they have not been able to succeed 111 ef fecting anv Improvement In the matter. Vfi T 'HI A. H C lUlklll, tlk'hth.'Use W' nail. In ii letter .1U. yue.-n Ciy. says ih. with kin.' In the Ja' .' W i-; -t it 'Vii nia- It'l-.e-l .y the coast li Iitter-, .clnny . f the I.I.VICI.A NO HANK SICCfP.K. I i II ll;,-lil house. It Iti. Ill l.-i !are k.-i;. or barrels with im! .iir. i a hat, h- ah;!.- I r. .1 llsh vo cabin d is palnie-1 wi-i, -ss.-I s bowsprit tin-l Jl!.'")oin. I ii''. r I hep., br .-.wt. anl a PALMA COVGRATtLATfD ti:i.i.;k am i i:om ai i. o 1:1: imu iri; in. I iiiti'il Staffs, ( i mill Snutli AiiH'rit a Si'tnl I Ylii itntiini. to l iihii's l irst l'rt'siih'iii. s i'..,-d Its D.Kirs Hut Cun Pay De- ! posit. irs Full Amoun. i '"I.KVKI.ANI). Jan. J As a result of the atinoiincenient of the financial mbarr.issti.ent of the Kverett-Moore nli.:ite. a run was started on the il'iiii" Savings & Hanking Company, of Whl'h Messis. Everett and Moore are dir.-. tors, late today. All demands wen- promptly met and President Wat terson said the bank had ample funds m h ind to pay all depositors who de !!:. I their money. j hen us last report w as Issued In ii. tol-cr. the lunik's total resources lucre placed at .".,;.:.0ti;. Including a surplus fund nf J;U!j.00i. WKPS AN HBIRESS. Lieutenant Fenner and Miss Elling Married at Highland Station. HIi'.HI.AN STATION. Kas., Jan. 2 - NKW YoRK. Jan 2 General Tninas ''"V"""1" renner. a lieutenant Kstrada Palms the new-lv .-l.-cte.t r,. s. ' i nnea states army and Miss Idem of Culm, has received many di- 1 a daughter of the late Pinches and telecrams of felicitation ,nr' Kllnf of Virginia City. Mont., from various part of Cuba and this I KING HIWARI STVMI'S. Husy Scenes Around Umdoii Hinnch PostolhccH. NI3W YORK, Jan. 2.- A dispatch to the Herald from Uiudou kIvcs the fol lowing account of tie iiiann.-r In which Uindon received the new King Kdward stampa; There was nn rnthuslastlo demand and a ready stiptdv, but King I'M ward coins were missing. Many people got up early and went consid erably out of their way to make pur chases of the pretty new penny and half penny stnmps Quite a number of ardent philatelists waited until mid night on Tuesday at the general post olllce and begat) osklnpr for the new stamps, which were in sale Immediate ly after 13 o'clock alrueK for New Year's day. In the majority of cases the stamps were promptly affixed to letters and post carta, which wen forthwith post ed at the nearest available letter box. In many London branch pi-atofllcea, the scene early In the mornln waa a country. S.nor Fmlhi Hacardi. mayor of Santiago, cubic! in the name of the municipal council: f. with the president, wish you a happy New Year and am phased to greet you as the future first magistrate f the Cuban republic." A dispatch from Hr. IV M. Fabb'S at Havana, a veteran of the 10-year war In Cuba, sent a message of congratu lation. From N'euvltas. Turvto Trln- iple. came the following dispatch: "Happy New Year, triumph In NeU- vltas. hundred congratulations. "MIGl'F.l. ROFRA ." Sonor Joaquin Fortun. brother-in- law of the late Jose Marti said In a message from Mexico City: I am particularly delighted at your success, as I was one of the first to advise your candidacy. I am pleased, too because you have been an Immaculate patriot all your life." General Palmer was i artlculat'ly pleased with a cable ni-sage from Glb aru, Santiago Province, which Is Ms native slate. This dlsnatch 'end: I "Orlentii patriots salute you as the first president of Cuba " Amello Atgamont telegraphed this from New York: "Hurrah for the Hon President of our country. In whose hands Its pros perity and happiness wil be safe " The Cuban president -elect was as reticent as ever regarding the policy of his administration. He said In an interview: "I have not had the least ambition to fill my public office: in fact I all along refused to allow my name to be put forward as a presidential candi date. I am disappointed that there should have been any dissatisfaction oer the election. I consented to the use of my name only at the last min ute when It was too last to withdraw It but I thought that absolute haimony prevailed and that General Masso had consented to accept the vice-presidency. I really would have preferred to have been allowed to stay out of politics and attend to my private affairs.' a millionaire mine owner, were mar ried here and left last night for Van couver Rarracks. Wash., where Llu tenant Fenner will be stationed tem porarily. Lieutenant Fenner arrived at San Francisco from the Philippines on De cember 26. He served In the Sixth I'nited States artillery as lieutenant. rs NOT OOXTAGIOrS. Pr. Knopf's Remarkable Statement Re garding Tuberculosis. NIvW YORK. Jan. 2 Dr. S. A. Knopf, a well-known authority on tu berculosis. In ad lr sslng the Academy of Medicine today, said that, contrary to the opinion of the t'nlted States government, tuberculosis was not contagious. HAD HIGH OLD TIME i:m;mt tiiikyks akkkstko Willi. K ( T.I.F.BKAT1S,;. i I'l'tiSKP To NIGHT SKI: VI 'K. Rlshop Potter Says Nothing Is Gained by Spasmodic Km -tion. NljV YORK. Jan. 2 -In conducting the anniversary s-rvli -s In the crypt of the cathedral of St. John the divine on Cathedral Heights yesterday morn ing Rishop Potter of the Hplscopal t hurch, said: "I do not believe in wat. h night ser vices. While people may lie repretand at the tini the sol"mniy of the hour and the g .d resolutions are soon for gotten in the jollification which conies with the birth nf the new year. Noth ing Is ever gainel ly spasmodic emotion." GOOD PROGRESS MADE CANADIAN FINK HANKS MAKi: SIIOWINt;. Publif !iiuits Aliiouut to I.urjft' Smns lor Last Your liriglit Outlook. NKW YORK, Jan. 2 Canada Is be ing congratulated on the progress made last year, says the London cor respondent of the Tribune. The fact that public deposltes In Canadian banks amout to $('V.iii.i) Is consid ered remarkable, and the Morning Post looks to the time when the fertile acres of the dominion will solve the whole question of the British food sup ply which Is the nightmare of so many realous politicians In England. The room for British capital and energy to solve a problem not merely of the greatest Importance to the Internal developetnent of the dominion, but also to the welfare of the empire. As a whole, its solution would be falititated by the conspicuous loyalty of Canada, whereof so many examples have re cently been afforded." battle will be on In earnest. WASHINGTON MAY BE OUT. Not Yet Decided Whether S ilt -Will B Commenced There. SEATTLE. Jan. 2.-Attomey-General Stratton has returned from the gover nors' conference at HelenA. He saya that whether suit wlil be brought to prevent consolidation of the Northern Pacific. Great Northern and Burling ton railroad systems In this state la doubtful, depending on future contin gencies, which h cannot now discuss. The conference, which decided that consolidation was unconstitutional in five states Washington. Idaho, South Dakota, Montana and Minnesota Stratton says, was harmonious. MORGAN'S COSTLY PICTURE. NEW YORK, Jan. 2.-J. P. Morgan, according to the Journal and Ameri can, admits the truth of the cabled re port from London that he has b.iught Raphael's "Madonna of St. Anthony of Padeua." He will not talk about the price. It Is said that th? picture will not be imiorted at once inasmuch as the tariff charges. If the picture cost $;.n0.iiO as reported, would exceed 1100,- Hail stolon tlio Proiteitv of French Cliffs Who Wen Kn Koutt- to Paris. NEW YORK, Jan. 2. Five women and three men celebrating the new year In the midst of property, which had been stolen the day before, were arrested late last night. The police arrived at the house when the merry making waa at lta height. The btolen property found belonged to Louis Greta; and Peter Oembler, two French chefs from Cincinnati, who arrived In New York Monday with their families and five trunks, all en route to Parla. Grelg and Gembler aay they were robbed of money and the checks for COINAGE FOR THE YEAR. WASHINGTON. Jan. 2. The state ment of the director of the mint shows the coinage executed at the mints of the United States during; the calendar year ended December 31, 1901, was J131693.770, of which $101.7a5.187 waa gold. $30,738,460 was in silver, and their baggage in a saloon on Second 1 12,120,123 was in minor coin. MANY ENTRIES 'JADE. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 2 -The en tries for the spring stakes of the new California Jockey Club have been an nounced, stakes filled are beyond the expectations of the racing officials. Th- CV tm1 lUirns h tid'c.ip. I . In run n February 13 attracted n'vcnty-four nominations. The Thonit n stake, at nominations. The Thornton stakes, at four miles, to be run on March 1". has 32 nominations. For the California Derby, to b- run on March 1. there there ate no less than ,".J entries. LARGE OIL BARGE. NEW YORK, Jan. 2. According to the World, the Standard Oil Con:pany has sucessfully brought two large Iron ore barges, the Libert and the Loyalty, from Cleveland through the lakes, the Canadian canals and the St. Lawrence to this city, whence they have been sent to the Cramp yards In Phila delphia to be converted Into tank barges for conveying fuel petroleum from the Beaumont oil fields rf Texas. Each barge nil have a arrylnaf capac ity of five thousand tons of oil. A MATTER OF COURTESY. EVERETT, Wash.. Jan. 3. The Pan American commissioner. Charlea El mer E. Johnson, has resigned his po sition of commissioner to piepre the Washington state exhibit for the St Louis fair. Johnston says as he receiv ed his appointment at the bands of Governor Rogers .he believes his res ignation is a matter of courtesy to Governor McBride. DUCHESS TO VISIT, NEW YORK. Jan. 2 It Is announc ed that W. K. Xanderbilt expects his daughter, the Duchess of Marlborough to pay a visit to Idle Hour at Oakdale, L I shortly after the coronation of the king of England. GIT TIA BISCUIT mm Perfect, Delicious, Appetising.