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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1901)
THB MOKSmC ASTOUUX. SATURDAY, HA1 23. Ifll The Morning Astorian TKLEIUONW 661. All contracts for iidvcrtiHiiiK In th Antorliui aro niiiJo on u guar antce of circulation four times turgor tliun that of any paper pifclUhed or circulated In Clut nop county. - - - I TODAT'8 WEATHER. riUTI.ANI, May !4.Wi"rn Ore Kim. Hnturdiiv fulr. wwiiwr In tho . nit hern portion; weinm Washington, fulr; intirn (rv" Huiunbiy, In t'lvnuliiir ( loinl n.'Bn; tHttrn Washington. iiihI northern Malm, ;rli.bly fair. AROUND TOWN. Fc Ottiton about harness. Milk depot, cor. Tnth and Dusn Bt W. J. Nk return wit nlUt frm I'nrtJaiKl. Mm. KIIU. of Dullim. U vlnlting M Ijettll 1-rf'Wln. F. I. Komlull bunlne trip. Nice (ircKoit Uro. today. ! iii Portland on a HliriU At J'llllHKI V. A. Smyth, uf H.miti lun.l, Wrnili., I In iliv city. ('.iiinrltm.iii A. Hehet ivvkau vu In I'.iriluinl yiimliy. It. Kane, of (iriliuiii, rv the ell v v'-fii-nUy. Wil III I'. I. K il-t tnr int ymtciilay I'. rtliifi't on 'ninUon. In Try "iir l'iTf.Ti,,ii lllnift M.iili.i mid Juvn i "ifT . J . 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 llnm. iri 1.-itiii meal ItUtna Bun Iti- laufdtil. 61! Commercial HI. .V V IMiiiin. ..f M.hlin. VI . 1 In ! Ik- city mi it liil.'i"n rip. iV H Wiirt.i, ihn t'.ilhliiitiet rtiiiiMry tiuin. ttim l: Hi' rlty yenli.ti d iy. The fotllllull Hull K.lVe tlu lUKt (if UK rln nf il.uii-iii hint night. Tfn A(..riii lli.j i'.itiiiaiiy'n tn'll will be. ( litt n I ilnyii fur p'imIik, Three flrt-rln bar bom at th Ocl-3-nt barber hp. Iteat of service. Win. M limy. the ilinherm.iii. lefi n th tiui'i fur Portlund lat niglu. Japanr ((Mid uf all klndi, cheap at Ti'k"lmm Haaaar: 6:6 Commercial St. The I 'oliimblit ItlVrtr IKltU'Mn' Aie elation will neet in l'ur'lun.l on May :ith. Manager I K. Hellg nf Klhrr' ojra houn im ye.erd.iy in IVrtland iwi bulnew. The (IcrniiM Irnrk Magdalene, with a cargo 'f wbent for Murl,. wmt to yniiTUy. In the prolxtfr court yrntnluy a pe tition ai filed lv J. .Iin W. WVI.-h Viwcllnn of th" mlir helm if Agne M W. h. erra-i1. fir Mrm'iiN to II i-rrtain mil lali' belonging in t tit mt lie. A LUNCH PIT FOR THE GODS POPULATION WAS LOST WV Imvf aililml to ur A'vteu-a I'liunt'-ra f'uld tt'iam llwf, Cold Hiaat Mutton, Hhrimp ami IlitlT HmIihik. We chu ruw a-rv you for luncheon t'olit llolliiil ToiiKue, CoUl Ikillinl Hum. l(oat Heef and Milium l'in to a ! Ileale brown anl ullcinl thin tlu puptr. Hhrimp liiJ !nU'r Huliid by ttu bi'Ht mlriT on thi vnunt. We itlmi have a full line, cinnlntlnr of n"in- Nlxly (lirrciiuit viirli-tl'-n, itf Ininrti Krirllnh Hlwulm. Wp make a prUlty on Humhiy. our if pHekeii rr a nKtn, for p " irr.nir to thn country on Huiiiluy, Win our one nu k'-d foro a party of mix cunxlxtlrig of Hbrltnp t libm'T HuU'J Ijimun-lian'l Hiinllma, rimolna ir Queen tHvn, IV'vlli'd Hum Hinnlwlrh Hulled Toiiko" Hunilw l:h. Cold HoimI liecf or Mutton, I'ln Money I'lrkle", Klorem or any VHrlKty of lin!lh Illulta Hire' Jtoot Ileer or Olrner Al", Melnmr or 'III. ken I' m it. KuHleni I'lioeiillilc I'r.Min Cin-llen, Iioixiiieil Hwlaa or lt"uiuefort Chee Our il.'lli'Ut.'Mix-liH are kept n rleannrii neat ll It la p'melble U lu-ep ih'TTI, no flea or 'lu"t tieing ix-rmltteii in toucn them. Rohh, HIkkIhs'&'Co A aupply of freh vcgeaiile will iwelviMl uiMin arrival of o-euii nieamer trnUy. JfohiiMoti Mrim. C.iiitiiln JiHui I' llnrrln anil Iuien- luit II. K. Cloke. of Kurt Kicvenn, mrr In lh" rlty yMter'l ly. Cii!tnirtir I,. I-lHk left yinlenluy for HvetiMeii to ilrlve lilllliK f"r the M,i i'ii louipnK Coiiimy. Mr. Haimumrn U prepared to do up lace curtalna In r'xl order. Leav or der at Oregon bakery. fniil.iln J till ijm A 11 y ii. pilot of ilie II.ih. ulo, lnm r -bIko s bin poHltion unil H li-.ivi- eh inlv 'r AluHka. The Finherin.-ii'n I'nlon I'll' kli'K Co. him pl ireil nel tin kit H'IJ"llilni Uie I It. fi N. hi lit Ilwiuo. Tile Mill of lllH (lull IlLtllf liver I "- tlnue to Ii- llif'il ami Mor i.urliie lire I i.hM.m by !he llihl mill. Pr T, I.. Hall linn return I from Ciillf irnlii ninl be fniinil m III" oM nUml In the Muniw'l bulbllntf. Ml Kav !iliiK-r Ii.ih reuiriiel from Mt. Allgel eoll'ire, "tl' llM" bei'll attetiilliig ililiiim the i,uu year. Mix Tom Crjug, of I'onbiiul. wtfi of Ciiptain taring, U v'aMlnir .'t 'h r, ii m uf Mr. iiiel Mm. 0"iire. Viiii,"I - Kurnlalieil rottiige or houw keiplng rnoliw by June. ( )iil h1J- of liiininei .lintrii t rreferrvil. H. 0. 8. Aotoi Inn. Wnnie.l k wiini.ui to do family wiikIi lug l family rewid -nee; khm pay for gooil work. Call ut 40.1 Cram uvi-nue. corner Ninth St. '.urt AjMorl.t. Fori.aiera of America, will give x moker HiWunlay evming June I. i to ay It will be an en). i) able affair, John A. Montgomery him opened hop at 42i Hon i street and I) prepared to do all ciaatta of plumbing ana tin ning at tn lowrat poaaibi ratei. ASTORIA WOULD HAVE 30.000, HAYS MR. KFII). If a StihaiJy of $200,(M)0 Had Ilcen (Grunted tlia late Colli I'. Iluntlnnton. William IfM, th well known Port lam rallroit1 primoier, In a algned let t-r In th reg'nlan, tell how Antotla could ho1 a pollution of 30,000 If It 4 dltlzena lwi-1 nubtertbod the nv(dt num of 1200,000 aa a lubttldy to th lat C. T. Huntington when hr prtoa;d to build a road to th Nhal-m. Auto riatm will r-all that an effnn wan mad'! t' ra.Ue. the .turn but that there w a K-n'-nul opinion that the H'uth'-rn I'l'llle m. ignite wai rl'lng d"ubl'1, and that th advftnw-n that would r. tult to torla were nt of tin? mfnl tude repmented. Th Ntter fnmi Mr. I'-ld la reprint ed In full: I rnnot und.THta.nd for 'Vhat pur pow or with what proHp'rUvp aim In ItOf" IlolmeR. imrfiri.'tor of th Ore rm New tViinmnv of I'ortlan l. waa view C. I. Hun'Jngton iuW w con tji the elty ynterdiiy, fhf gu-nt of hla I "nt lak "v'r ''" 99 vur old college churn. Will Madron. I th" Axlorli A Columbia Klv-r railway I to lioOle, nule:t, a It m, toi. irai-Kagw Itoalyn roal limta lonrer Ii cleaner I U-a of J,000 rer y.r to PorilawJ and iiiMken lem trouble with atoven and I Pybl to the Northern Paclflr. and ehlrniiey rluea than anv other, (.enrue I hence I cann it Iwllcvu any au'-n a XV. Hiintx rn. airent: telftihnna 1311. I b'ae la In exbttcn. or wlgnl by him I it l true tnal . r. iiumingioii a on- Th' liriudi chip FuIu'm1, with a car- I Kltui) intention In ISM wan to own and go ut uhi: fur CM It. l.arej ut the I to o., the -naiem & ruxtoin hoiin.' v.-Kti nlav wi'h I20.4'.i'J I Aa'oriii road, then rail"! AJiona & (iiihIi. Ih i,f wheal, value.! a; 174.717. I South c,mt wllway, frJm IIHliiljoro via .V-hil" n -ulley, Uirviugh ernonla, Tou mny have iiei better dya but ''.rind Ualdilx ,uvl Haldl mountain to never l.e-ter biter than Hi-Ill: try Aat irla. tb bntt evldftu of whi-li la tb'-m. Fnnrd A Htuke Co.. d:i:rlbu!linr the fact th-it ttft'T I hud built the Sv-a- ageiun. sjd.. i-xtenion frtn the itv nm'tH or Aatorla to cnm'f' f"aeld? Hot.-I. ami In ii'ldlilon hiul alu'i built at both end lh - i oii!niiliii wotk m ilie new water w.rke nvatem at Krt Hteyena will be coiiiiiii-nced Monda '. t (! material f r the work leing , on the ground. member of which will attend In a boly. A very cordial Invitation ii xtendel t3 all. Methodlat Uaual Mfrvlcea Hundav Morning topic, "Th Tralnlnif of Mok;" venlna; topic, City lYobletn 8r lea, "Our Im,-rlld Young Men." At tli evening nervh th pastor will give aome fun gathTed by hlmef while peronally 1nvelgtlng alot mahlne, All ar cordially Invrte!. Flmt Lutheran Confirmation aervke will be hel I at 10 o'clock a. m. at which the rator will bo axalated by ih Kev, N. J. W, NUo!i, of Moacow, Jflaho. At 1:4 J p. m. there will be a celebration of the Holy Communion, th? nervlce to be In Hwedlah. In the rvenlnff there will be a aervlce In EngllKh with Holy Cemmunlon for the confirmation e-bv and other who w!h to Uke rirt. The church will be elaborau-ly dcoratel and special mualc will be rend Ted by aa augmented rhir at each aervice. MACHINIHTH 8TIIX OVT. Proapect 'f 8"ttle-nvnt Apparntly lie. mote. Th? end of the atrlke of the marhln lat at the Aa:oria Iron Work Is not yet In night. A conference wan held yeaterday b"twven the men and Preal derrr Fox at which the latter stated that when the majority of emcloyerg In th country algned the new rale h would do go. Contrary to expectation the action of the Wolff & Zwbker Iron Worn In granting the demand of the titrlkTa will not affect th local altua'ion. The Portland firm la In the hand of the receiver, rmd. owing to the amount of work on hand, the court authorized the receiver :o grant mrreawd wag no that the affair of the concern can be cl'dti- up at an early date. BIO TIM B Ell SALE. What la probably the larg-t timber land deal evr mao In Clatsop coun ty wa ?'iHummated veaterday when M. J. Kinney ld to William M. Bray, of Oahkoah. Wl., 2640 acre of timlier In the ilr i iimi nta'i i-umi a l iuu '.nun t oi of Portland aeventeen I 'a"1''- Toty-two hundred and forty mi.-a mon- of grub', or twentv-flvi: mll-t In all out of 106 milea. Mr. Hunt Ington aaked h luniudlor, Mr. Tw-e1 to draw ui. which he did. and Mr. Pupil wlehing to take pr va'e li"on I Huntington e-lgned at New York and ii.ike u;i grade had"d in to g'gn, which I did, an prci- ctuiiim 'In- mnuiii-r Mia PNw!!, ".'73 Ninth Work. ;t ' I v t. Hm I. liny liana .ii, ih- ievr young wo man si h i t-M-aiM-- from a deputy eheiiff In Portland, na b--rt r-c it.ture.1 at Viim .niver ind will be returned to (hi? Miiliiiomati county Jin). The o:ilv estate tninfer fllJ yn- teritav w u h ile... fnmi (!. WmgUe to J. . Urliii for eleven u r- In a.-c- Hon 7. towiiKhln K. north .f range 10, et. The coiia;derat.n u ICiO. blent of and for the Aftorla S .nth Co(! railway, the following document: Th-it dix-ument the Astoria eiiple and director by a mal irlty vote p-fuad to ratifv and confirm Mr. Hun:lng;on'a authority to purvha-He, and u a nec-a aary reaul' what followed? At Ha n-vi-r got Ita railway Into the Xehalem vi'lev via Hillabiri to Portland the $15.00ft I hid 'nwmed In that railway and Mr. Huntington thn loat hi pt acheme via Nehalem to Poa- tand. Had Aatorla ratified that contract It would have had 30.000 ,jeotile now and Portland would todav be receiving from the Whalein 1.400.000 fivt of logs per Stat- Senator Oc.irit C. Browneil who hn been regarded aa a piaiiibl. 'i ' '"'""" i"ii.up m ,,. .v. .... i. tu thn next election, ha annnunwl that ' ..... U . i...,o. I I A UT i ail ilie mar- nor inum omu ipport the pr-y-TH Imumbent. u-itmim uirin Ull lUlr IMUWl aa itiiavi he will aupi pure rye. America' Cream whlkey. Tha only pur good; guar antee rich and mellow. JOHN I CAIILSON. 8ol Agent. lr.if. A. J. Collier, formerly occupy Ing the chair of geology in the- Wlllam- flneat I 'tm i. nivvralty. will niul a party be trig a.-nt out ny the gov.niment on an Important geological exNibtton Alak:l. FOUND A BL'RIKD TREASURE. Major W. Ungfltt. t S. A. "f I ho eiiarliUfna' deict incut, liwited the work being done on the Sylvia d (lrav rvf y.-tirdy. The lo'on H'-raJd. alwny up to date In flailing ni-Uter. lariued a baiita.iine Miiln.iifi fliiMili,. .rtt fu. X1 If la nr.i. BKHT lS-CKNT MBAL: RI8INO BUN fuaely lllua rai.-l and nhowa an ap ItK.HTAtUtANT. i.iv.-Htl.m of the finny trllx. ) A man In a amaJI town In New Jerev t0 1 recently found a burled treasure In hi yarl. which no doubt had been left there by one of Captain Kldd'a famoua Th. dlamantb d hulk of ihe til- an-am er Itlliiiioa. which hue b.-en resting on I crew. A fortunate find. Indeed, and the rock n-nr Mlalork, ffwted off dur-1 aumrient to enante mm to live nappnv Ina tb- re .nt hlirh water and wu re- the rvt of hla day provided of course. cued tiv pu-a.a at llufu The captor he hi good health. To obtain good of the drifting ehip will jvceive a neat hnlth there la no medicine like Hos uni a salvage. tett-r'a St nah Bitter. It set thlnif right in the atomacn, an.l regulates me The flahlnif lwi,n t.f A. Mulercu was bowl. If you are nervous and worn cuiiwlicd vmerdiv at Fort Steven. The out you ahould try It. It will braca men had a narrow racapc from dr.iwn- 'o UP- 't a pi-n(iia ionic, ana win Init ami but fi- the i.romut altantv. cure nil aiimacn. liver and Kidney a a- of ihe iif...ving crew would un loubt- order. C.ive it a trial and you will not cdly luivo perlahed. Th, ami net be dliipp!n!id. but be sure to get the were nu.i aved. I a-eniilne. -6 Heine llaiaen. the painter, had a I CHURCH niiriu iiloii ecapc frnn wiiou Injury yenterdnv while working In Uppertown. The a.'affobllng on w hich he waa team! Iiik broke and h. fell a dlatiuve of thirty feet to the ground. B'V.iJid a e vcre ahiiklng mi h" auataiiel no wrlnu injuries. SERVICES TOMORROW. mm SPECIAL REDUCTION SALE OF MEN'S CLOTHING !iaptlt Morning top'C "The present ue of the Ob Teatim-nt"; evening to pic. "Th' mission of law and Its bearing on the propose! gambling llcenne in thin It V Norwegian and Danish Meth-dist ai.'iinl m.vtlng of the Puh Club Service Sunday at 11 a. m. and .:4o p. ha been culled for Monday night at m. Sunday scboil at 10 a. m. The paa whlch time arrangement for the ap- tor. tr.e Rev. J. Olsen. will conduct the pointnient of a regatta committee will rvlce. be made. The mmrt of the commit- r,)ngrcgatloiM.l-Toplc of morning ser- tee that re'intly awaired the guaranti mon. ' Debt Paying": evening topic, for a ateamcr line bctwvn Aatona ami 'rtichtenuanes ind Wlfdom." Sunday $10 00 Solt for $ 8 50 $12 50 Suit for $10 50 $13 50 Suit for $11 25 $15 00 Suit for $12 75 $16 50 Solt for $U 00 $18 00 Solt for $15 25 $20 00 Suit for $17 00 $22 50 Salt for $19 00 Remarkably low prices prevailing on high class clothing for man and boy. Look over this list carefully and note the opportunities for buying at, a great saving. -:- -: : -:- North Shore iinlute: wdl alto be ub mltt.'d. The O. R. N. Co. ha made a rate of sd from At irla and Portland for . . .. Pnn. A nlrtl-li.iln lli.n n II . . W ,1 j- i in- . i. ii ..ii i An-niiii'ii m iiuiin- In Tlekefa u-llt hi on nfLle ft rat and T i thirl Tueaday. June to October. In X cluaive. Th-e ticket. muat be used ror continiinii pn..age pwng, out stop over will be all.t.vej within final limit returning. Federal Judge Bellinger ha held thnt the UnltM Stat court him rm Jurla- tllctlon !n the matter of a r-clver for Gilbert Br;i. bank at Salem, and Re reiver Thellm ha retlrvU. An appli cation made In th Marlon oiunty cir cuit court ha resulted In Claud Oatch being appointed to harvUe nhe affairs of the defunct bank. Mr. C. W. Fulton received yesterday afternoon at her new hom on Seven- leenth stn-et. The Columbia ortliessra furnished the music, and the interior was profuey decorattsl with cut flow ers. Mesdames F. I. Dunbar, of Sa lem, P. A. Stokes, O. W. Sanborn. CI. H. George. P. I (Tierrj. H. F. Prael. (?. C. Ful'on and J. A. Fultom assist ed the hostess In rwvlvlng the guests an.1 the MK- lleol. TalLairt, Orang, Bowlby, Iliilbom, Hoon and Brtha Hoba.m iireHlded at the refresmnent ta bles. "The building of railroads Uito the Ne halem valley is bas"d entirely upon the timber tributary," says the Oregon Tlmberman. "It Is estimated, taJtlng the average to be 20,000 feet to the acre, the, freight to lx earned by railroads building Into the Nehalem and Ttlla mook country, at Jl.'iO per 1000 feet, carried to Portland In logs or lumber, would be $.1!,074,O0. If these figures ore i correct, and they are probably fairly accurate, a railmad corporat'on which overlook. building Into the Nehalem would apparently be overlooking a good Investment." svhoo lat 12:13: mld-we.-k prayer meet ing, Wednesday at S p. m. Presbyterian Service as usual. Topic for the morning. "A Question of Ori gin:" In the evening the pastor will preach a sermon to the O. A. R.. the GrjEATSPEGIALSflliE Chinaware, Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Jardineres and Jugs, Novelties, Uisque Ware, Agateware, Silverware and Cutlery, Fish Sets, Game Sets Dinner Sets, PRICES CUT 20 to 33 per cent acre ar 'n sections 10. 14. 20. 21. 11. and 3, township 7 north, range 7 west. The remaining 400 acres are In section Zl and 24. township 8 north, range 7 west. f JitSk'' III! ;yi V i A WHITE PATR HERE is only one kind of Geanliness, but there are many kinds of soap. There is only one destination, but there are many paths that lead to it. If you want the short est and safest road to Geanliness, it is paved with Ivory Soap. Neither man nor clothes ever get beyond the cleansing power of Ivory Soap. Its rich, creamy lather extracts every particle of dirt ; but it stops at the dirt ! Ivory Soap it floats. Tb land is some of the bt 1n the Club will be hell today at 2:30 p county, being all well timbered purchase price wa quite large, The WHERE DO TOU ir v BUY 01 GROCERIES? HAVE TOU TRIED A.W.SHIPLEY? Kt Commercial Street. DO YOU KNOW That he gives you the beat there la to be bad In th city for th leaat money? Place an order once and see. C. W. BARR DENTIST Sue cesser to Dr. Ball. 571 Commercial St.. ASTORIA. OR. TELEPHONE. RED Ml. THE LOUVRE WOMEN'S CLUB OF ASTORIA. The rvgular esbn of the Women's m. at Page's hall. All members of the club are rerrjestel to artend as an un usually Interesting session Is expected. The topic Is one of great Interest: "Village Improvement." MU Anna Kendall, chairman of the vlllag Im provement committee. Is also chairman of this afternoon's program. After the program the cluo will tender a recep tion :o Mrs. C. B. Wade, of Pendle ton, Oregon, president, and Mrs. S. A, Evans, of Oaw'Ki. recording secretary, of the Oregon Federation of Women's Clubs, who are In the city as guests of Mr. Emma Watt Tr.dlinger. Mem bers are requested to be prompt In at tendance. MART H. ELMORE. Preildent The headlines of tho program at the Louvre this week, are the clever and amusing Irish comedians, McSorley and Whitney, who come to Astoria well rec ommended, after successful engage- now rests the craft Is some four feet ments la the larger cities on the coast, too high and will have to be raised THE LIGHTSHIP AGAIN. The lightship Is gradually getting there and will probaby be riding the waters of the Columbia before sundown this evening. She was to have been floated at high tide yesterday but, ow ing to some delay, this did not take Place. The vessel was moved 50 feet, however, closer to the water" edge and It Is believed that at high tide today no difficulty will be met In floating her. A gentleman who returned yesterday from the lightship stated that the de lay In floating her was due to a mis calculation as to the high water. The ship was moved on skids into the wat er and It was expected that the high tide would float her easily but as she THE PLACE TO BUY CANNERY SUPPLIES FISHING BOAT SUPPLIES BUILDING MATERIAL SEWING MACHINES AND FARM IMPLEMENTS IS AT - FISHER BROTHERS, Astoria, ore. our of the cradle and lowered to whew the high water will reach her. HOOD! HOOD!! HOOD!!! Hood River stnw berries. First coo slgnment today. FOARD Sc STOKES. Astoria, Oregon. TREASURER'S NOTICE. Notice la hereby given that there ar funds In the city treasury to pay ail warrants drawn on the general fun and endorsed prior to December 1. WWU Interest will cease after this date. F. J. CARXET. City Treasurer. Astoria, Oregon. May 23, WOL CHEAP EXCURSION TO THE EAST VIA O. R. t N. CO. To St. Paul, Minneapolis, Omaha. Council Bluffs, Leavenworth, St Josepfc and Kansas City. $60 round trVp. Tick ets on sale May 30 and June 7. Return limit 60 days; stop overs en route. Full particulars, berth reservations, etc., at ticket office. O. R. A N. dock. GOEA! VIA SHORTEST BJID QUICKEST USE TO St.PanI, Dalatb, Minneapolis, Cbiea;t and All Points East S. DANZIGER The work of grading on the route of the Ooble, & Pacific railroad will be resumed next woek. It is the Intention of the comiwny to push con struction of their road as rapidly as condition will Justify. When operation were commenced on the road It was ex !vted that a grvat deal more In tho way of .construction would have been accomplished by this time, but the ex tremely wet weather of the Tast few months has male It very expensive If not Impossible to make and hold a grade In the country through which their line passes, but It Is hoped that weather con ditions from now on will be more favor able for their w.rk. Come Just to See OUfl KDIBEJISE STOGH OUR LOW PRICES 1 WILL SURPRISE YOU 571 Commercial Street, Astoria, KOPP'S BEST A Delicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure The North Pacific Brewery, of which Bottled beer for Tamil? use or kC Mr. John Kopp Is proprietor, makes beer supplied at any Urn. Delivery beer for domestic and export trade. in the olty free. North Pacific Brewery Pacific Navigation Company Steamers "Sue H. Elmoe., "W. II. HalTison, Only line-Astoria to Tillamook. Garibaldi. Bay City, llobsonvillc Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. and also the Astoria & Columbia River R. R. for Sac Francisco, Portland and all points east. For freight and passenger rates apply U Samuel Elmore & Co. General Amenta, ASTORIA. ORB. 0. R. A. N. R. R Co., Portland. Agents A.iC.R.R.Oo., Portland. fi C. LAMB, Tillamook. Ore. onnuuxruuinnnnruwuinvinnn IOTRI . PORTLAND DAILT TRAINS; FAST TOTE; 8X3 VICE AND SCENERT UN-EQUALED. Through Palace and Tourist Sleeper, Dining and Buffet Smoking Library Cars. Tickets to points East via Portias! and the Great Northern Ry on sale at O. R. & N. Ticket Offloe. Asteria, or Great Northers. Ticket Office laa THIRD STREET, PORTLAND. Far rates, folders and full Infoma- tlan regarding Eastern trip, call en or address. A. B. C. DENNISTON. City Pass, and Ticket Agent, Portland PORTLAND, OR. The Only First-Class Hotel In Portland 5 i ruiuuxnjvuinriAnuvuviruuiJuv THE ASTORIAN. Delivered at your office store or residence, 60c per motith 11 A familiar name for the Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, knowa all over the Union as the Great Railway running the "Pioneer Limited" traias every day and night between St. Paul and Chicago, and Omana and Chicago. "The only perfect train in the world." Understand: Connections are made with all transcontinental lines, securing to passengers the best service known. Luxurious coaches, electric light, steam heat, of a verity equaled by no cthv line See that your ticket reads via Th Milwaukee" when going to any point In the United States or Canada, All ticket agents sell them. For rates, pamphlets or other Infor mation, address. J. W. CASET. C. J. EDDY, Tray. Pass. Agt. Gen. Ag., Portland. Oregon. Portland. Ore.