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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1901)
THE MOKXING ASTOKIAX, SATIKDU. MAY !25, 1901. DEFINING THE BOUNDARY LINE Canadian and American Engin ecrs to Take Field at Once. OTHER SURVEYS INACCURATE ffetl Important Question li Location of Ml Baker Mlnlnj District. Wnlcn Con tslei ValMble Mines Claimed by Both Partita. VANCOUVER, li. C. May 24. A joint International survey party, comprising United 8tates and Canadian engineers, re about to begin the task of defining h International boundary between the United State and Canada from the Pa cific coast to the Rocky Mountains. It Is contended that this work was Inac curately performed by the surveys of M59. 1860 and 1851. One of the most Important matters to t determined as a result of this joint survey Is the question of the national location of the Mt. Baker mining dls trlct. Valuable mines are embraced In this section, the territory being claimed both by the American and the Canadi an governments. Lieutenant Sinclair, the coast and goedetlc survey, wlU be at the head of the United States party and J. H. McArthur will lead the Canadian surveyors. The work will be gin next week. CORTELTOU TO BE PROMOTED. Rumored That the President Will Give Him a Cabinet Place. SAN FRANCISCO, May 24.-The Chronicle publishes the following: The following dispatch was received from Washington last night: Seeming ly reliable Information has been received Iiene that George B. Cortelyou, secre tary to the president, Is soon to receive substantial promotion. It is said that the president Intends to put him into the cabinet, providing matters work out as he now anticipates. In spite of ex plicit denials, the story still goes around that Postmaster-G-jnvil Smith will soon retire and this is the place which rumor says Cortelyou is to have." Secretary Cortelyou was asked re garding the dispatch but he declined to be Interviewed and would neither af firm nor deny the truth of the report. Pcwtnvater-General Smith could not be seen. Members of the presidential party, however, who had held 'conversations with Postmaster-General Smith before leaving Washington concerning his ru mored retirement from the cabinet, said there was no truth in the report and that the postmaster-general had no intention of retiring. , MOST IMPORTANT DECISION. Supreme Court Decides Coiis:l:u.ion Does Not Follow the Flag. CHICAGO, May 24. A special to the Record-Herald from Washingtjn tays: The decision of the supreme court of the United Stat?s is that the consii:u tlon does not follow the flag. This decision, the most important .hat great tribunal has jver made, will be banded down next Monday. The decis ion is In favor of the government but fcy a divided bench. There will be at least five individual opinions but some of these are concurring opinions, ex pressing the views of the writers more 'fully ar.d particularly than is done In the opinion of the majority. The court goes back to the period In which the republic was' formed and the constitution framed, and endeavors to ascertain what was the Intent the founder's of the Natiou. The opinion of the majority of the court disposes of the uniform taxation clause of the constitution which has h.'en Invoked by all the appellants In these cast's in thi following m inner: The framers of the constitution in wri:liiR that clause, had no thought of its application to territorial possessions, No such iiuts:lo:i ;is Is now presntod had arisen In their iund. The clause that "all duties. Imports and excises shall !m- uniform throughout the I'nltej States." 'he court holds, was placed !n the constitution as a result of the Jeal ousies of the states which united In forming the nation. It was inton led to nrevent any stite or combination of states securing advantage over another or others: to prevent the ports of one slate gaining Preferen.v? over those of another In the Importation of g,oJs This rule of uniformity was made pri marily for the states united, the court holds, not for territories then possessed or afterward acquired and the lOnsti- tutional requirement "s satisfied as long as all duties on Imports are uniform ly Imposed at all th? ports through out the Unitod S;at?s. The advunu-ge of this uniformity may be extended to territories and obsessions not states and not -members of the American un ion. but It Is for congress to determine under the authority of the constitution COMMENCED ITS SESSION. Newfoundland Legislature OpHis Im portant Matters to Come Up. ST. JOHNS, Jf. F.. May 14-The Newfoundland legislature has com menced Its sessions. The deputy gov ernor, Chief Justice Little, In the speech from the throne announced the Pro gress of the French shore negotiations and expressed a hope that the outcome would be satisfactory. He asserted also that the Bond-Blaine convention negotiations were proceeding at Otta wa, whither Mr. Bond, the premier, had gone at the instance of the British gov ernment to endeavor to induce the Do minion government to withdraw its ob jections to Newfoundland effecting a reciprocity arrangement with the Unit ed States. As regards the Reid railway dispute the speevh announced that the premier was conferring wkh Mr. Reid in Mon treal, where It was hoped some sit- Isfactory compromise would be reached. It appeared also from the deputy gov ernor's announcement that the govern ment will IntroJuce Important railway legislation during th seiun. A revis ion of the tariff is promised and a vote of $10,000 will be asked to entertain the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York In October. The naval reserve movement was fa vorably commented upon in the fp--h and the stationing of a drill ship In Newfoundland water n-xt Autumn was announce!. During the discussion in the assembly which followed the formal opening sev eral mmbrs vigorously denounced Ca nada's action In intei faring with the Bond-Blaine convention and dman led an assertion "f the autonomous rights it the colony. INCRKASINO THE ARMY. Secretary Kt oi ' ry Five Additional Rrgimenis Allowed by Reorgani sation Iaw WASHINGTON. May 24. Socr-tiry Hoot has Issued a general order amend ing a previ.vis order provld'ng for the at Infantry regiments authorised by the organisation of the live addition- army ivorganlsi'tlon law. Originally, It was ordered that some portions of the regiments be organised In th- Philippines and some In this country, for it was then supposed that all the new regiments would be snt immediately to the Philippine. Now however, it has tieen found necessary to transfer the enlisted men of svUtK regiments to others also that the com plete regiments will be Intact. Vnder the new order, companies E. F, O and H. Twenty-sixth infantry, are transferred to the Twenty-seventh in fantry as companies A. B, C and D These troops are now at Fort McPher- son. Ga. Companies A. B. C and D. Twenty-seventh Infantry". r transfer red to the Twenty-sixth Infantry a compani-s I. K, L and M. These trop ar; In the Philippines. Companies A, B. C and D. Twenty-eighth Infantry. are transferred to the Thirtieth Infan try as companies E. F. O and H. These troops al are in the Philippines. The orgvciisation of the new regl ments will be made on the basis of 104 men to each company as provided for In recent orders. The Twvnty-slxth will be organised by transfers as above and enlistments in tbe Philippines. The first battalion of the Twenty seventh Infantry Is to be recognised at Fort McPherson, Ga., by transfer as above stated; the Second battalion is to be complete 1 at regimental head quarters, Plattsburg. N. T., and the Third battalion after the Sevond bat- tallon Is completed. The First battal ion of the Twenty-eighth is to be or ganised anew at regimental headquar ters, and the other battalions are to be organised after the first Is complet ed. The organization of the Twvnty ninth is to be completed at regimental headquarters at Fort Sheridan, 111. The Thirtieth Is to be stationed In the Phll- Inoines and organised by transfer a above stated by enlistments. The Twenty-sixth Infantry so far as completed at Fort McPherson Is ordered t San Francisco to sail for the Philippine on June 2.. The headquarters anl Third battalion of the Thirtieth at Fort Lo gan. 'ol., are ordered to San Francisco to sail for the Philippines on July 1, WHEAT MARKET. PORTLAND. Wala, Jl'SW. Mav 24. Wheat. Walla NEW DISTILLERY STARTED. CHICAGO. May 24. The Distilling Company of America Is to have a I cal Independent rival, the Hammond Distilling Company of Hammond, Ind., with a capital of Jl.000,000. Theo. Wool- sey, of .Nw lurk, Is presid-nt. All the con trap's have been let for a new distillery which will have a capa city of uOOO bushels of corn Per day. SAN FRANCISCO. May 24. Wheat. De-emV-r, 103; cash. 97. "HICAGO, May 24 Wh-at op"ning. 73673l,; closing. T3. Juiy. LIVERPOOL r.s. lid. May 24. Wheat, July. Pears 9 What is wanted of soap for the skin is to wash it clean and not hurt it. Pure soap does that. This is why we want pure soap; and when we say pure, we mean without alkali. Pears' is pure; no free alkali. There are a thou sand virtues of soap; this one is enough. You can trust a soap that has no biting alkali in it. All torts of stores sell it, especially druggists; all sorts of people use it. ANARCHISTS AGAIN ACTIVE. Threatening Letter Sent From New York to Minist?r Zanardelll. NEW YORK, May 21 A cable dis patch of which "his is a translation has been sent to Rome by the c-ntnl group of Jtalian anarchists In N-?w York: "Minister Zanarlelli, Rome, Italy Against the execrable assassination Just committed by the tnodvrn inquisitors cf Italy, the anarchists of New York pro tft with all their power and notify you that they hereby Inaugurate a ren-val of war. ANARCHISTS." Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take tt. By its use many thousands of dvsDentics have been I cured after everything else failed. It la uuequ;iuea tor an muiijavu uuuuica. It can't help but do you good IVpartd only by K. O. IjeWitt & Co.. Chicago men. DutueconiainHzn times mtsw.. eu. CM AS. ROGERS. Drurglst. BULT.ER SUDDENLY RECALLED. NEW YORK, May 24 A dispatch to the Tribune from Lmdon says: It is rumored that Gen'-ral Bulk-r lias besn suddenly recalled from GarjwooJ Hall. Lancashire, where he has be-n staying as the guest of Lord Gerard, by a telegram from the war office. CRISIS IMMINENT. MADRID, May 24. A ministerial cri sis Is Imminent as a result of tbe elec tion disturbances. PIANOSsORGANS A Storeful Take an Awful Tumble. The Why and Wherefore, When and How An Astounding PropositionLowest Piano Prices Ever Seen In Print, Owing to the utitttnely death of our iwtnw's unci, wblch necessi tate the Immediate ctt lenient of his intttfl, we are compelled to buy out u retiring partner s Interest In this concern. We barn csrsr borrowed u slnttle dollar of liult'bteUiiea outside of the ftrm since com mencing business, nor do we feel that we want to take another partusr U'.to the ttrm now We are therefore confronted uy the necessity of converting at leuft one-third of our present stock Into cash or short time paper, aud, realizing that only the most extraordinary Induce ments will accomplish this purptme In the limited time at our com mand, we have decided to commence this (Thursday) morning, at 10 o'clock, a special cloelng-out sale of our Portland stock at such low prices and figures, the equal of which have uever heretofore been aeen In print. Our stock is all or It brand-new, our Instruments are the very finest and highest grade manufactured In America, and Includes every cata logue style of the three greatest American plano-makera, tbe Chlcksr Ing, the Weber and tba Kimball, as well as such well-known and old established pianos as the Pease, tbe Whitney, tbe Wheelock, the Decker Son, tbe Hlnte and the Weser Brothers' Orchestral; and. In order to accomplish the object In view within tbe time specified, we are offer ing each and every one of them for sale for less money than dealer ordinarily buy tbem for cash. . ,, As to the Prices. la order to protsot the Interests of dealers who handle Kimball and Water and dickering pianos, no dsflnlte prices at which these Instru ments are now for sals can be quoted here, but every new piano and organ In stock will ba sold at less than the actual wholesale bllftni. and a discount of from 10 to 60 per cent on actual cash cost will be mads on every slightly shopworn, rented or secood-band ptaao. You will find here now some fine square pianos, Cbtckerlng, Stein way, Hallett k Davis. Kranlch k Bach, Fischer, and other makes, for sals at S7. lei and 66. respectively; strictly up-to-dats square, worth I6. 1110 and I lift respectively, at the lowest estimate. Several second-hand uprights, and used organs, for a mere song. $137 and 1147 will secure choioe of several beautiful brand-tew 1276 uprights, of well known New York make, that have never been sold. East oi bars U the West, for leu than 9235. And otlMx Instruments will go tor still less money, though all are good, reliable pianos. We offer s strictly high-grade, fancy seven and one-third octave piano, full swinging duet music desk, revolving lock-hoard, with three pedals, the third a soft or practice pedal for $212 which Is less than half price. A fancy-figured Bratlllan mahogaay case for $24 more money. Some a little plainer, yet very beautiful. Instruments tor 122)1 and $196 at least $200 below the regular retail price ot tbeee or asms grade of Instruments In this city or any other city. Largest cabinet grand sine, thoroughly reliable, fully warranted upright pianos. In mahogany or oak, standing four feet nine Inches hlgb, wfth latest duet desk, rolling fall-board, and three pedals, Instruments that we guaran tee cannot be bought In Chicago or at tbe New York factory for leas than $325. each, will go during thin sale for $178. Rosewood cases tor $22 still leea money. Another well-known make, recognized everywhere In the trade as the most honestly constructed, most perfectly finished, most reliable and most durable piano made. In beautiful plain mahogany or oak or wal nut cages, retail prices $326 and $350, for $172. $183 and $196. On Easy Terms of Payment. With the exception of the very highest-priced styles, the cost of which slightly exceeds $350. snd on which terms ot payments will not be made less than $100 down and $20 a month, all pianos are for sale on payment of $15. $20 or $25 down, ar.d at the rate of $6, $8 and $10 a month, according to make, style and design. Since all prices are bused on the actual cash cost, those taking advan tage of tbe above-named easy terms will pay Interest on deferred pay ments at the rate of 8 per cent per annum. Every piano and organ sold will be accompanied by the respective manufacturer's five years' warranty, duly countersigned by us. thus fully protecting the customer In every way. We personally guarantee the price and quality of every Instrument In this sale, and any used piano bought of us at this time may be re turned to us within two years and we will allow the full amount paid toward any new Kimball or Weber or Chlckerlng pano. This sale, as above, will be at 351 Washington street, lnour new Miiflc lilock, commencing at 10 o'clock this (Thursday) morning, and If yon have any poxslble use for a pluno or an organ, come at once, and do not delay, for times are prosperous now, many will take advantage of this opportunity at this time of year, and we will turn this stock Into money or paper within a very few days. Store open day and night till Block Is cloned out. Wholesalers and Retailers 3S1 WASHINGTON ST. PORTLAND, ORIG01 FOUNDED A. D. I7IO SUN INSURANCE OFFICE OK LONDON THK OLDEST ITKI.I.Y I 'IRK OFI-'ICK IN Till: UOKI.D. Caalt Aata, ... Sh.Soo.immi Clt Awaat In l'tlted Mtt, ,fiA.u. J. B. F. DAVIS & SON, GENERAL AGENTS. WINFIF.LD S. DAVIS MUIT I.. DAVIS CAUL A. IIKNKY '.MS Sansomc Street, Sun Francisco. Cal. SAMUEL ELMORE & CO.. AGENTS. m ZEALAND M INSURANCE COMPANY Of New Zealand VV. P. THOMAS, Mgr., San Francisco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDERS Subscribed Capital, Paid-up Cupital, Asaots in United SUitos, Surplus to Policy Holder?, t:(000,000 1,000,000 2,843,114 IIOO.OOO 1,718,792 Ihs been Underwriting on the Pacific Coast ovci twenty-two yearn. SAMUEL ELMORE & CO. Uesidwnt A cents, Antoriu, Or. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL MONnOUTII, ORLOON Fall TVm oprns HrpUiatwr 17th. Thf tinlruU of U) Nurtunl Hrhool ir prpar4 In take the mat CVrtlAcai lauiidlalrlv oa g radii Bllin. UraituaU'i rradllr nrriir (noil pnllloni. KiptiMif year lrt II JO te 1179 Hirvtif araitamle and friiftwtonal rmirwa. Nrw hjwrlal Driwrtim nt III Manual Trmlalaf . ttrll Kiitilid Tralulug Drpartinml. r raiaiui Of J B. V. BTTLEH artel m logufi roulalnW full aummnrvaM I. I-, t rVc r o( Kai-ulty. AMPHKU.. rmldfai. feimmi printing BRIirS KM TRANSCRIPTS ASTORIA N PUB LING PUTK ALL lORk DELIVERED AT Till IT IS PKOXISED Cor. Tenth and Commercial Streets Telephone oot. Dr. Fenner 's Golden Relief Cures INFLAMMATION or PAIN inside or out. ...The Esmond Hotel., PORTLANO, ORE., FRONT AND M0RRI80N 8TS. eurowan plan. Son u 11.SO or day. OSCAR ANDER80N, Masag.r. American plan. 11.00 to UtOpsr lr. J. C. PKNDKOAST, Cbl.l Clark 2 RXMX1XlXiX!XXiXfX . . . ASK FOR . . . Rl ANrARIlS i Vihasv mm w -mm m m sw -m L '-S I IODIDE OF IRON for ANEMIA, POORNESS of the BLOOD, CONSTITUTIONAL WEAKNESS SCROFULA. Etc None genuine unlrMdignert "Blakcako" ALL DKLV.OISTS. . E. FOUOEKA & CO., N. V. AgU. for U. S. nlLODD POISDfl 'n A SPEC! ALT YiKSS I f luary ItLOOO fOISON pennanentlf If -ured Id 16 to35 day.. You can be treated at I Ibomeforsameprioennderaaaieftuaraa J ty. If yon prefer tocomebere. t. e wlllovo 1 tracttop.r railroad f areand botel billt.ano St jharee, If we full to cure. If on bare uaea mef nury, Iodide potuah, and atlll bare ache, ana Pitu, M ucona VatchM In month, Kore Throat, itupl!, Copper Colored Kit, llcer. oa toy part of the body, B"or.?y?'''?.wJ,ff"'n5 ot. It bl Secondary BLOOD POIfON vesDsrsoteetocnre. WoeoHctttberooitobftl ate cuci and ebaUenre the world for ca.e weemnnotoore. Tbu duease bai alwayi afflea the .kill of the moat eminent phyit Clana. VS00,00O eapiul behind our uncondk (lonal suranty. Absolute proofaaentaealed OS iVSTTsVrM WUMttfCtt, Vji iMaftHn Zcule VillCAUO, lid , Tfcpfl Tntprn'i 1 1 v I iw j uwm. m.m.m. aam.m. j pal n In clii'Ht and vitv it rfiit woak ii(. irrit Cures GRIP, Colds, Diphtheria Jft tMZTUA Sore Throat, Quinsy, Asthma,!'""" ""' 'f'1 a wouiu n 7L- tt .Iiuvdvcii too lulft li nil In tlila nxtrrnilty I Chills, Fever and Ague, Form iih miildiTily liiki-n vry 111, cxitii t )iitln ing Ferers.Sour Stomach, Colic, Heartburn, Stomachache, Chol era Morbus, Cholera.Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Flux, etc. Uli:Uly anil ixTriianitntly rrlicvtil. K. I'. I'kn.vkb. : N. WaliliiKton St. K-licsti:r, N. Y., April 24, I'M). Used Externally; l.llil.liTY. I'll., Miiri'li, II, IMJQ. I liavc iiHi'd I)r. I rniii-r'H (Jolili n Krllrf In my family fur yi!iir. It ix riniiniMilly ciirU me hi a very Hum; mirk, i inivi' um-ii u ror niiifiMV in. nr: hlu. li.iiiltiialii.M. i.i. piii'lt... Cures Fresh Cuts, Jams, Sprains, I""1 ' '"H "' f,,r r;,','r"1 f;''"i!y nun?- ""J t, i.u 1 rTT . . ' liave fuuiiil h iinfalllnK. W. IlKNiir t hkku. Woous. W. Va March 27, 1S00, Our llt.lli! A Id I in' '3) iiiuntlmolil IiikI hiiiiiiiiit aches, Backache, Earache, In growing nails, Corns, Rheuma tism Eusty nail thrust in fleBha.ffiT.e "tiAXWlfZ Chilblains. Poison Ivy, Bites & w be wmiiii iu-. w.riiiciicomiiiniiced tt. r n;. ... t).i:i.. u"1' ''r. Ki'ihkt'i (inldfn Ib-llnf arid It BI.Ui Ul r uioUUUUa XWCpuiCS cffocUd u quick uud t;niiam!iit i:uru. and Insects. 1 m. johnm. hiiakbh. St. Vitus' Dance. Akrun. .. Jin . IWM. We have wild lu.iir duxiu of our Ht.Vltlm' llMnirir Kim-i-HIi' anil ..vitv rftMi wan r'iirl Iiy It I, an .r.,.-i! a I.1.-..IIIK. AI.I.KN CI.AUK UliL'd CO." For Fulllaformatlon of thin and other of DR. FENNER 8 PRESCRIPTIONS, aU your drufjlHtorwiid lDr. Fennor, Fredonla, N. Y. for ptimplilt-tH coutalnluu curllHcuteb of fceiue jt ihi: most remarkable Cureg ever achleved4y medicine. 3 MANHOOD RESTORED tlon of a laaiouit Frencb pliynli-lan, will quickly cure you of all oer voua or dueaaea of tbe Keurrative oriraii.. aijrb aa Cixt Manbriod, Irinoimiia, raiuiin tbe Jtiwk.Hetoliial fcujialiin .Neron DebUltr, I-implea, Lnfltnewi to Marry, KxliauaUna Uraln Varteooela and Constipation. 1 1 atop, all lonae by day or night Hrfenla qnk k Dfeaof dlantjarge, which If notcherked leaii fc HpmwlorrrHM and BEFORE ana AFTER 5" 'beborroraol 1m potency. fUPIIfEWKeleauataiiwUver, tut kldnera and the urinary organ. of all Impurlllta. rtTPIDEMR at renrtheDS and reatcmimall weak orirana. Tbe reaaoo aufrerera are not enreri by loeinra I. beratiae ninety per cent are troubled with Proa tail t la. CUPIbENKI. tbeonlytknown remedy to cure without an operation. (UMIeailmnnk ia A written ruarantee flveo and money returned If Hz boxe. doeanot eilwl a peruuciuteurf IJ0aboxfalxfor6.0u,bymall. hend (or FHKEclrcular and teatimonlilv Addreat DAHOL BKOICIXB COn P. O Box 2978. Ban Franclaco, Cal JV dot 6y "Charles Carroll" - 10c I "General Good" - - 5c CIGARS TWO UN EQUALED SMOKES ALLEN & LEWIS, DlHtrlht-itorra, Portlnnd, Oregon LEA The Original Worcestershire WARS OF IMITATIONS. The only good sauce; enriches the taste of all Meats,Fish,Game,Salads, etc., and gives a flavor that imitators utterly fail to produce. MIS' SAUCE ThU ilfnatur. li oa every bottle, JOHN DUNCAN '1 SONS, Agaata. N. Y.