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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1901)
1HB MOKMNG ASTORIA PAU'KDAY. MAY 25, 1901 Tilcphont Main U TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Best by mall, per year 18.00 8ent by mall, per month GO Berved by carrier, per month .10 SEMI-WEEKLY. Bent by mail, per year. In advance. 12.00 All communications Intended tor pub lication should be directed to "Editor Asaorian." Duslness communications of all kinds and remittances must be addressed to "The Astorlan Publish ta Co.- The Astorlan guarantees to Its ad vertisers the largest circulation of any pwpaper published on the Columbia Advertising rates can had on ap- Hoatlon to the business manager. The Oregon Historical Society te do Ins; a very meritorious work In mark ing by suitable monuments various spots In the state which are of great his torical Interest. These things have no small share In the development of pa triotism and In making all of us better citizens. The supreme court has vindicated the policies of the Republican party in the decision that the constitution does not follow the flag, putting to utter rout th antls and Democratic exponents of the policy of scuttle and run. The United States has the power to govern alien races for their own good in the future as It has done In the past. There is nothing In the constitution which com pels the bestowal of Indiscriminate suf frage, else the ballot would have been given woman long ago. The patriotic American is not afraid to leave to the officials of our own choice the govern ment of those whom destiny has placed under the American flag. The decision of the supreme court will settle many troublesome questions and take the wind completely out of the Democratic sails. The Incarceration of three government officials in the military prison at Mani la for long terms for malfeasance In office will be an object lesson to the Filipinos worth many years of an in dependent Filipino republic. America will establish a government in the Philippines whlcb will be so far ahead of anything ever known there before that any further rebellious outbreaks will be altogether Improbable. An es sential step In maintaining such a gov ernment Is the punishment of corrupt of ficials. The punishment accorded the three Just Imprisoned quickly followed the discovery of their crimes and Is suf ficiently rigorous to plainly indicate the honest Intentions of the American gov ernment. It is sfncjMy to be hoped that the mistake will not be made of releasing any of them before the ex piration of the period for which they were sentenced. A VOICE FROM THE PULPIT. S. F. Bulletin. From a sermon by the Rev. T. J. Lacey, which contrasts sharply with certain contemporaneous pulpit utter ances, the following extract Is taken: "The greatest difficulty m the progress of foreien missions te the inconsistency between Christian teaching and nation al practice. The missionary preaches a high standard of Christian ethics, while the so-clled Christian nations go to the Orient and uphold slavery and countenance the opium traffic and the sale of rum and practice Just the re verse of what the missionary has taught. I confess It i a tremendous obstacle and shows the Immense Im portance of raising the standard of liv ing at home before we can hope to Impress the heathen." Missionaries should not be hcid re sponsible for the Micies of Christian government, but In foreign lands they are. If the w,vrd and the deed Jo not correspond In spirit, the deed Is aeaumej to be true and the word raise. It Is not easy to make explanations dear iu a foreign tongue. While the heathen may knew that In his own country the ory and practice do not always walk hand in hand, he is alow to excuse sim ilar contradiction on the port of peo ples who set themselves uo a teach-1 ers. Mr. Lacey perceives the necessity of raising the standard of living at home before we on impress the heathen. Whll the home standard of living may be raised without requiring a literal ac ceptance of the doctrines of Christ, the home standard of living Is much above ihe examples people claiming to be Christian set in the countries they propose io convert to Christianity. Hy pocrisy can hardlv be spoken of as u virtue but it sometimes ten Is to th- preservation of the virtues. Mr. Liivy referred to the mod ern practice if making missionary work remunerative. "The nissionary goes forth." tie says, "with a good st'pend guaranteed, a furlough ev-ry seven years and a warship back of him to enforce his claim for possible injury." While divine preempt may be found for the guaranteed stipend, the guaranty robs the s?rvice of much of Its sanctity. When the spread of the Gospel is made a business, the agents are Judged on the plans of others who work for hire. The sincerity of the worker is not thereby impugned, but It Involves some sacrifice of loftiness of purpose. would have become more Intricate than ever. Fhlladeiimla Inquirer. The season Is approaching when the baseball man will endeavor to demon strate, to the matinee woman that the cold dinner proposition Is not wholly one sided. Washington Star. You are much more liable to disease when vour liver and bowels do not act properly. Dewltt'a Little Early RIs era remove the cause of disease. CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist. Never tell your wife that you niv not jealous of her without letting hor un derstand at the same time that you atv well aware of the many oportu nltles she might have of making you so. if she liked to avail herself of them. The least In quantity and most In quality describes DeWttt'a Little Early Risers, the famous pills for constipa tion and I ver complaints. CHAS. ROG ERS. Druggist. I believe that marriages would be happier if women eoull ehoowe their husbands instead of men choosing their w:ve. The Instinct and keen ins.irht of women would lead to this happy result. DeWltt's Little Early Risers search the remotest parts of the bowels and re move the Impurities speijiiy with no discomfort. They are famous tor their ettlcaev. Eav to take, never gripe. CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist. No matter how old she is. a woman will always claim that a man never begins to be really dangerous Ul he Is past her ow n age. Skin affections wilt speedily disappear by using DeWltfs Witch Hazel Salve. iJook out for counterfeits. If you get DeWltfs you will get good results. It Is the quick and positive cure for piles. CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist. THE GREAT SCOURGE of modern time la consumption. ' Many cure and discoveries from time to time are published but Foley's Honey and Tar does truthfully claim to cure all cases in the early atngv and always affords comfort and nMlef In the wry worst case. Take no substitutes. Hart's drug st rv. The RiH-r war has cost the Itrltlsh I7TS.000.000 or a million npltvo for the Hoers caught. The Hon. Joseph Cham berlain will haw to excuse us while we remark that we do th,' things so much better on this ride. Our Thino cost us only about $t0 each. Miss Mamie Smith, "t Middlesboro. Ky.. writes: "My little sister had the -touo verv bad. I gave her several doses of Foley's Honey and Tar and she was Instantly relieved. It saved her life." Hart's drug store. Carter Harrison says he was diaiP pointed In Huston and If Hoston recov ers from the Jolt given It by this pre sumpllous party we will be treated to certain views of Carter which have not hitherto been presented. Thomas Maple, Blrkbock. 111., writes: "I had a very bad case of kidney trouble and my back palne.1 me so that I could not straighten up. The doctor's treat ment did me no good. Saw Foley's Kldn?y Cure advertised and took one bottle which cured me and I have not been affected since. I gladlv recom mend this remedy." Hart's drug store. AST0IMA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. U W ' PORTLAND." AitIt" Union Depot 111: 10 a.nC :Mp.m.for Astoria and lnter-llMO p.m. (meiiiat points. i " ASTORIA. " 7.4R s,m. For Portland ln-!ll:Ma.m. its 8.10 p.m. term diate points BKA81DB DIVISION. :S0 p.m. 1 1 MS a. IU. :0i. IU. ft:W a ui p m. ); . in. 'Sunday uiiiy I ASTORPA SEASIDE ?;r- ? 4i) a m 4 ou p. iu 11 uo III All trains niaka cloae connection. at Ooble with all Northern Pacific, tratna to and from the Eaat or Sound potnta, J. C. MAYO. Gen'l Fr't and Pas. Agant J.A. FASTABEND GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Ii Th deadhead evil grows apace, It leaves the actor In the lurch. And nowadays there Is no place From dea Ih a.!s freenot even church. UXURIOUS 1 RAVEL T, WHITE COLLAR LINE (Telephone Dock.) Columbia Rlvsr and Pugat Bound Nat Igatlon Company, The Tahomn leaves Astoria dally ex cent Sunday at 7 P. m. leaves Portland dally except Sun 7 Hi III. White Collar Line tickets. 0. R. A N ticket and Ilwaco Ry A Nav, Com pany tickets Interchangeable on Ta hiimii and Huanalc, ThrouKh Port land connection with steamer Nahcotta from Ilwaco and Long Reach point. Telephone No. 111. A. J. TAYLOR, Astoria Agent. K. W. CRIOHTON. iVUand Agent H.F.Prael Transfer Co Telephone JIL DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Oooda) Shipped to Our Cart Will Kacetva Bptetal Attention, No, III Duane St. Astoria. Or. W. J. COOK, affr Ra. Tl. 11IL The reason whv ther- are so many old bachelors is that there Is no place like home. WITH THE PARAGRAPHERS. They didn't even take pains to serve mint sauce with the Wall street lamb. Washington Post. Anybody who thinks President Mc- Klnley is electioneering f-r a third term needs a term in an asylum. Chicago Tribune. Now give a wide berth to the man who knows all about the yachts. His talk is hesvily leaded In the keel. Mail and Express. Not all of the furore ab"ut Wall street has served to frighten Albert Johnson aff the 3-cent street railway track. Pittsburg Dispatch. What's the sense, of trying to collect "i0.000.000 taels from the ChinH""? Why ot take that many heads and end the incident? Buffalo Express. President Loubet receives IZQQ.VX) a year. Put it h worth more money to be president of an emotional country ke France. Washington Star. Mr. W. J. Raxter of North Rrook. N. C. says he suffered with plls for flftein years. He tried many remedies w'th no results until he usej DeWttfs Witch Haiel Salve and that quickly cured him. CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist. George C. Hitchcock. 'urtiss. Wis., savs: "Foley's Kidney Cure has been tested and found to be all vou claim for it. I have given it to my father and It is the only thing that ever helped him." Hart's drug store. The greatest someness. friend to love is lone. "Our little girl was unconscious from strangulaton during a sudden and ter rible attack of croup. I quicklv se cured a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure, giving her three doses. The croup was mastered and our little darling stieedily recovered." So writes A. L. Spafford. Chester. Mich. CHAS. ROG ERS, Druggist. Don't feel any worse about the out livik th in you can help. The country Is pracitcaliy safe so long as the youth manifests a preference f -r mdtilKvn. e In the game of orv-ol l-cat Ins: ad ,f p'fld Ing the "Love-U'tters of a lobster." Mr. F. D. Arnold. Arnold. Iowa. wn:es: He was troubled with kidnev d:s.vise about thpv years. Hail to get up several times during the nlttht lut three bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure effected a complete cure, he feels better than he -ever did and recommends It to his friends. Hart's druif store. The most deplorable feature of the Journey of a lot of our congressmen to the Philippines Is that they have ar ranged return transport itlon. A man must have seen all the wo men In the world before he can swear in all conscience and security that tie. w ill love a woman forever. "I have been suffering from dyspep ia for the past twenty years and have been unable after trylag all prepira Hons and physicians to get any Mlef. After taking one bottle f Kodol Dys Densla Cure I found relief and am now in better health than I have been for twenty years. I can not Praise Kodol Dyspepsia Cure too highly." Thus writes Mrs. C. W. Roberts. North Creek Ark. CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist. When a woman cries more thn an other, it des not mean that she is more sensitive, but simply that her lachrymal glands are weaker. AN MI A Pale, thin, weak, run-down, low spirits, no appetite. Rosy and plump, fair strength, with pleasure in work, get hungry three times a day, and like good food. Which of these two pictures is yours ? There are ways to either condition. Skip the first, for nobody wants to be in it, If in it, the way to the second is Scott's emulsion of cod-liver oil, with proper attention to course of life. We'll tend you t little to try if you like. SCOTT & BOWNE, 409 ftu ttreet, New York. Russell Sage says he makes money because other people are fools, but he hasn't explained why he holds on to it go hard. Chicago Record-Herald. The sublime ports will probably learn before the sultan Is much older that Uncle Sam la mighty touchy on the subject of his maila Chicago News. On second thought, it would be the nrooer thing for Admiral Dewey to turn his Omaha bakery over to bis wife. She has the dough. Chicago Journal. One reason why the north pole has not been found may be discovered in tbe fact that J. Pierpont Morgan do?s not seem to want the old thing. Record-Herald. It Is due to Mr. Bryan to explain that when he Intimates he may not be a Democratic candidate for the presidency he means he may not be the nominee again. Chicago Tribune. The Louisville festival choir that re fused to sing the word "hell" merely showed its amateurlshn-.'ss. No church choir would balk at a little word like that. Denver Republican. Wall street Is responsible for a great many remarkable things, but it would break the record if it should send Mr. Pettlgrew back to the United States senate. Washington Po3t. The Deg Moines pastors who accuse Minister Wu of having no use for mis sionaries evidently believe that they have smoked out the Mark Twain of China. Denver republican. It Isn't venturing much to say that If that financial panic had kept up a few days more the tramp problem If Deop only knew what we know about Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, it would b used In neirly every household, as there are few peiple who do not suffer from a fueling- of fullness after fating. belching, flatulence, sour stomach or waterbrash. caused by Indigestion or dyspepsia. A preparation, such as Ko dol's Dyspepsia Cure, which, with no aid from the stona"h. will digest your food, crtainly cin't heln but do you good. CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist. The woman who is ugly when she cries is like a sportsman who has no shot to put In his gun powerle-'s. SAVES TWO FROM DEATH. "Our little daughter had an almost fa tal attack of whooping cough and bron chitis." writes Mrs. W. K. Haviland, of Armonk. N. Y.. "but. when all other remedies fi'!d. we saved ber life with Dr. King' New Discovery. Our niece, who had consumption In an advanced stage, alsi used this wonderful nT'didn and tojay phe s perfectly well." Dea oerate throat ami lung diseases yield ti Dr. King's New Discovery as to no oth er medicine on narth. Infallible fr Coughs and Colds; M cents and $1-00 bottles guarant?! by Hart's drugstore. Trial bottles fr?e. St. Louis has struck a gilt In perfect ing the preliminaries for the World's fair. It Is now safe to predict that the event will come off during th present century. If you are sick all over and don't know Just what ;ills you. It's ten to one your kidneys are out of order. Fo ley's Kidney Cure will bring you health an! enrgy. Hart's drug store. The "Northwestern Limited" trains. I electric lighted throughout, both Inalda ana out, and steam heated, are with out exception, the flneat tralna In the world. They embody the latest, newest und best Ideas for comfort, convenience and luxury evr offered the traveling public, and altogether are the must complete and splendid production of tht car builders' art. These Splendid Truina Connect With The (Ircat .Northern The Northern Pacific and Tbe Canadian Pacific AT ST. FAUL FOR CHICAGO and the CAST. No extra charge for theae superior accommodatlona and all cloiuea of tick ets are available for passage on the famous "Northwestern Limited." All trains on this line are protected by the Interlocking Ulock System. W. H. MEAD. H. L. 8ISLER. General Agent. Traveling Ag't. Portland. Ora. The announcement that Kansas is to send her most beautiful women to the St. Luis fair will cause t'arrle Nation and Mollie Lrtue to l,xk back over their shoulders at eaeh other with leal-Mis eyes every time they meet. O OG0C.N4VUSTA J SOUTH ' I had a running sore on my breast for over a year." savs Henry R. Rich ards, of Willseyvllle. N. Y.. "and tried a great many remedies but got no re lief until I used Banner Salve. After using one-half box I was perfectly cured. I cannot recommend It too high ly." Hart's drug store. and Like m-jth-r. like children. The greatest skin specialist In Amer lea originated the formula for Banner Salve. For all skin diseases, all cuts or sores, and for piles, it's the mot healing medicine. Heware of substi tutes. Hart's drug store. It Is harl tl(ht sho-s. be an ptlmist in too SOSfZTHING NEW. Just published by the Southern Pa cific Co. Is a phamphlet upen the re sources of Western Oregon, which In cludes an excellent map of the state, and contains Information on climate lands, education, etc.. existing indus tries and their capabilities. Attention Is also directed to such new fields for energy or capita) aa promise fair return. Thla publication nils a need long ex perienced by Oregonlans. in replying to Inquiries of eastern frianda. Coolea may be had Of local agent Southern Pacific Co,, or from C. H. MARKHAM, O. P. A.. Portland. Or I , I Depot, Fifth I Leave I Street. Overland Express TraJna for Salem, Rost-burg, Ash- land Mil nsa mniA :30 p.m Ogden. San Fran cisco. Mojave. Loa Anrf!m PI Oct mn S:30 a mi New Orlean. ami the East. At Woodburn (dally except Sun day), morn In it I train connects with tram for Mt. An gel. Sllverton, RrownavlIU, Springfield. and Natron, and even ing train for Mt. Angel and Silver ton. 'orvallls passen ger. Sheridan passen- i.rn ,7:30 l!4:50 p.m' Dally. ger. PfSall 115:50 p.m 8:25am y except Sunday. Arrlva 315 a m 7:00 p.m (iRAPi-: to m: established Notice Is hereby given, that the dun moo 'oiiu -II of the rity ..f AstoHa in tends to e'ahllh (he grade on Frank I In avMiue U that imrt t the t'lty of Asterla its al, out and ro,sr,led by John Aifalr. from Thltty-slxth street to r-.rtv-firth slrert, at ihe following helrht above the base (if grail na r tihllNlie.l bv ordinance N-i. 71 of naJd city, entitle 1, "An ord'n.'i'cc to ctnh llsh n ba.- of lirii-li-s for th- sire--ta of Astoria." to-wlt: At the iitteini-cilnn , r Franklin uv( line win Thirty-seventh Htreet at 12J ti-et n uie west Me una i:j j,vt on the east Mile; nt thn Intel vtl-n of Fi'itnktin avenue and Ttilrty-i-lghth strc-t 1.17 feet -m the t Klde and U0 feet m the aide; at the lni'-r-c tloii of l-Vmklln avi-tiue und Thirty ninth street 1 79 feet oil the west aids an-l feet 'n the east side; at tht Intersection of Franklin avenue and Foil elh street ;:'! fet on Ihe went side and f,ot on the east side; n the lnter oii nf Frinkllii avenue and Forty-tlrst sir-t :'trt f.'t on the w.-st "l-le an I :'H feet on the eimt side; at the Intersection of Franklin avenu and Forty-s.-cond irtre.-t 2.19 f-et mi ihe went Sid-' and M7 feet oil the east side at the intersection of rTanklm uvemie an-l Kortv-thlrd sireet 113 fet on the wttt side and 113 f(-,-t n the east side at the Intersection of Franklin avenue -in I Forty-fourth street 131 i"eet on the west side and 129 fee on the ,-uxt side at the intersection or FiajiKiin avrnus und Fortv-llfth sin'-t 193 'er on both l l-s The street and the gride theta of between the hi:ks d l(f lalecl 0 be -in h straight and even slop througnout the enure width iherrof. This notice Is ordered published In the Morning Astorlan f-r ten days bv reoltitlim of Ihe fntnmon Council adopted on :h 2Uth lav of May. 1901. the flrt publication thereof Is-lng on the 23rl day of May 1901. 11. K. NELSON. Auditor nn-1 Police Ju Ige of ihe City nf As tori u WHITE MAN TURNED YELLOW. Great consternation was felt bv the friends of M. A. Hogany of Lexing ton, Ky., when they saw he wis turn ing yelbw. His akin slowly changed color, also his eyes, and he suffered ter ribly. His malady was Yellow Jaun dice. He was treated by the beat doc tors, but without benefit. Then he was advised to try Electric Bitters, the wonderful Stomach and Liver reinedv. and he writes: "After taking two bot tles I was wholly cured. "A trial provea Its matchless merit for all Stomaeh. Liver and Kidnev 'roubles. Only Cac. Sold by Frank Hart. Druggist. On behalf of the girls who have money we protect against Consuelo. Duchess of Marlborough, turning the duke loose. Sh'? .saw him first and she Is it. JOB COULDN'T HAVE STOOD IT. If he'd had Itching Plies. They're terrible annoying; but Bucklen's Arnica Salve will cure the worst case of piles on earth. It has cured thousands. For Injuries, Pains or Bodily Eruptions It's the best salve In the world. Price 25c a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Hart's drug store. When young Mr. Hearst g':t up against the proposition of making Phil adelphia move to the rHenee of rag time Journalism he'll find that life is not altogether a chrome colored dream. WHAT'S YOUR FACE WORTH? Sometimes a fortune, but nevr. If you hav a sallow complexion, a Jaun diced look, moth patches and blofrhes on the skin, all signs of Liver Trouble. But Dr. Kind's New Life Pills give Clear Skin, Rosy Cheeks; Rich Com plexion. Only 25 cents at Hart's Drug Store. BESTOF EVERYTHING In a word this tells of tha Passenger Service vl the RorthwesiBFn line.. Eight Tralna Dally between St. Paul and Chicago, comprising The Lateat Pullman Sleepers, Peerless Dining Can. Library and Observation Car. Free Reclining Chair Can. The 20th Century Train Runs Every Day of the Tear. The Finest Train in the World Electric Lighted Steam Heated THE BADGER STATE EXPRESS, the Finest Dally Train Running Between St. Paul and Chicago, via the Short Line. Connections from the West made via The NORTHERN PACIFIC. GREAT NORTHERN and CANADIAN PACIFIC R'YS. This Is also the BEST LINE between Omaha, St. Paul and Minneapolis. All agents sell tickets via The Northwestern Line W. H. MEAD. H. U 8ISLER, General Agent. Tray. Ageat, 248 Alder Street Portland. Oregon. Rebate ticket on sal between Port land. Sacramento and San Franclaco Net rates $17 first claaa and ill aecond nana, inciuuing sleeper. Rates and ticket to Eastern points and Europe. Also Japan. China. Hono lulu and Australia. Can be obtained !r?.V'aB' Klrk"nl. Ticket Agent. 134 Third Street. YAMHILL DIVISION. Pasenger depot foot t Jefferson t Leave for Oswego dally at 7:10. : m; ii:jo, i:. ;, :w., u:30 p. Hi. and 9 a. ra. on Sunday .Alv at prtlK WIT at :. ,12? m"' :40, 10:00 p. m: 12:40 a. m. dally ex cept Monday; 8:30 and 11:06 a. m. osi Sundays only. Leav for Dallas dally, except Sun day, at 4:30 . m. Arrlys at Portland at 9:30 a. m. Paasenger train leave Dallas for Ainee Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days at 2:4S d. m. Return Tueadavi tr. . a ' i nuraoay ana Saturday. Kxcept Sunday. R. KOEHLER, Manager. C. H. MARKHAM, Oen. Fit. and Pass. Agt NDTIi'K Folt PritLli'ATloN. United State Umd Oltlee, (Mi-kuii t'lly. Oregon. M.iv '.'. ;si: No, Ice in her-by given tha? In com 'I .aiic,; with Ihe provlnlous of Ui- u-t .if nmiili-nil of Jull" .1. 1S;K. enlltlerl "An ad tie- sale of timber lauds in the Slates of California. Oh-koii, Ni-vadrt and Washington Territory." iisextcnl ed to all th - nubile I mil stilt. -s by act of August t. l'.i:. U'illlHin W. l'oe-, f )ln -y, '-iiiiitv of t'lutso.i, Stale o( Oregm. has this luv tiled In this othYe his sw-nri statement. No ."ijTI. for tin-plii'chas- of Io: 4, s.--, 3; .ils I. 2. 3 and 4. of M-cilon N. 4. in township N, 4 north, range No. 7 tt, and will offer pro-if ;.i hIiow that the tund sought is more vuluuble for its t liti ln-r or stone than for agrlculluril puneii, and to establish his rial in to said lund before the register an I ivcelver of this offici al Oregon city. Oregon, on Thurnlay the nth day of August, 1901. lie name as wlineafn: Mrs. Mary Deivk, of Olney. Clatson County. Oregon; .Sebastian illaser, of Olney, Citoi County, oregin; Mrs, Apnollonl.i Johnson, of fMftey, CUtso.i Countv. Oregon; Hldtw-y Dell, nf AWo- nn. ''latsop County, Oigoti. Any and all persons claiming adverse Iv the alxive-deseiihe lands are re 'luesteil to file their claims In this of fire on or before said S'.h ifav of Au gust. 19)1. ('HAS. I). M(Mlt:S. Ri-glster NOTICE OF AIXMIN WTRATION. Notice Is hrivby frlven Id all ahonv It may concern, that the underslgtitd has been appointed tin administrator of th ratals f Itulh Oanior. iWi-eMml: and all persona having claims aulnt thti said estate must prevent th taint to Ihe umlcrslgn'-d duly vol Iflrxl, at his iiftlce In the Astoria Having Uaaik, at the Cltv of Ast iila, In Clatsop county, In (he Htnte of Oregon, on or befor all months from this date, JOHN W. OARNKR. Administrator I'nted at Astoria. Oregon, this 10th ikiy nf Mhv. A. i. 1901 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given, that the tin derslirned has been iioliited admlnts trator. with the will annexed, of th estate of John C. Tnilllnser, dvn1. and all prisons having claims against the estate nf said dis-eased must pre sent the aaine to the undersigned, duly verified, at Ihe ufTlc of the Wot Shor Mills Cotnpiny, at the corner of Ilond and Tenth streets. In the Cltv of As toria. In Clatsop Oiunty. Oregon, wtth. In six in hi l Ms from this dat. P. A. TRUU.INOER. Admlnimrator. Dated at Astoria, Or'gon, May 10th, A, D.. 1901. ADMINISTRATOR AFI'OINTEiD. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF TUB COUNTY OF CLATSOP. In the matter nf the (( and ad mission to probate nf the last will and testament of David Whitney. Jr.. dt- ceased: Notice Is hereby g-tvrn that I ttv this day been appointed by ih County Cijlirt of the Stale of Oregon, fur Clat sop county, udmlnlslrstor-wlth-th"-wi. aniiex-d of th" etat of I a .-Id Whit ney. Jr., deneased. All person having rlulms aualnnt said m'ate are hertky notified to present th- :im to me, prop, erly verlfle , at the 'itfl. e . f the county h'rk of Clatsop County, Oregon, with in six months from this .late. v w cuut:s. Administrator of the rsiute of David Whltnev. Jr.. deceased. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. Notice U hereby ghrn that the un- lirslgned have b-rn appointed adtrlnis. trntiM-s of the etate of A'fre.1 H. Stone, dei-eoseil, bv the County Court f Clatsop County. Oregon, and that all pcrs. 'tis h iving claims against said rs- nte are hereby required to pre-nt 'h same to the un-1 'rslgn-'d duly Verified as by law provided, within six month from the date of this notlc. Verified Minis against sal I estnte may be pre sented rllbrr to thn undersigned H O, Van Dusen. .it his nfflee, nt Atoria. Oreg on, or Mr J D McFarlane at hi office of business, at Knapps. Oregon All persona In lelited (o said rstate. are hsreby required to pay such indebted- tie. 11. O VAN DtTSF.N J. D M FARLANK Aditilnistrators of the Katate f Alfred Stone. llerrasM. Dated this 1st day of May. 1901 A FEW NTERESTING :ACTS TW1 . . . ... vYiien people are contempiatlnsT a trip, whether on business or pleasurt, they naturally want tha best service obtainable as far as speed, comfort and safety Is concerned. Employes of th WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES are paid to serve the public and our train are operated so as to make close con nections with diverging lines at all Junction points. Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair Cars on through trains. Dlrlng car service unexcelled. Meals served a la carte. In order to obtain the first-class ser vice, ask the ticket agent to sell you a ticket over The Wisconsin Central lines and you will make direct connections at St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all points East. For any further Information call on any ticket agent, or correspond with . JAS. C. POND. Gen. Pass. Aa't.. or JAB! A. CLOCK, Milwaukee. Wis. General Agent. THE CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY. i NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. The undersigned ha filed hi final ao count In the estate of Margaret Weaet, deceased, and the County Court nf Ciat son County. Oregon, has act Monday, the 27th day of May, 1891. at I p. m., for hearing objoctlon. If any there be to the same. DAVID WEST, Rxecutor of last will and testament of Margaret Wear, deceased. CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the Interior. United States Land Office, Oregon City, Ore gon. Aorll 29, 1901. A sufficient contest affidavit having ben filed In this omce by Albert Lelch hardt, contentant, against homestead entry No. 11592, made October 12th, 189.'., for lot II and 9 of Sec. 29, and lot 5 and the N. W. 'A of S. W. Vt of Sec. 28. township 4 north, range 8 west, by Charles E. Nawn, contestee, In which It Is alloged that contestant "knows the present condition nf the same; also that said Charles R. Nawn abandoned his said homesteid entry for more than six months prior to tbe expiration of five years the date of his entry, to-wlt: for more than six months prior to Oc-tob-r 12, 1900; that said tract of land was and is not settled upon and culti vated according to law by the said Charlen R. Nawn; that sal Charles E. Nawn never established a bona fide res Idonce upon sold claim; that the ab sence of said Charles E. Nawn from said homestead claim was and Is nor due to employment In the military or naval service of the United States dur ing time of war; said parties are here by notified to appear, respond and offer evidence touching snld allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on June 15th, 1301, be fore the Register and Receiver at the United States Lind Office In Or"jpn City. Oregon. The said contestant having. In a prop er affidavit, filed April 29, 1901, set forth facta which show that after due IU (rence. personal aervlce of this notice can not be made, r i hereby O'dered and directed that such notice be given bv due and proper publication. HHEItlFF'H SALE Ity virtue nf an eget-uUim and order of sain Isaued out of :ln oin uit court f the Stat f Oregon T-M' the County f Chits it in May IM. utevi a Judgment and order of ta. rendered1 therein March l. 199. in favor of lllnke. Mc Kail Company, plaintiff, and ugalnst (!eorg lllbtn. defendant, for he sum of llMf.j together with biter- st thereon from .a.: .if Jtidgiuen' at the rue of S ,-r nt m-t annum ami Ihe costs of ih s writ, commanding me i levy up m th-1 ;,!y of ald de fendant deMerthed In said order f ae. to salls'y a,ii. Judgment, interem und osts. I .III levy iii-oii the follow, ng lescrll.el pronci y; 9 and 10. In bl-s'U lit. in die Ton it of dl lid: lots 1. .1. 4. V 1 und 7. in bio. k 9 in the Tiwn -.f Mill's First Addition to lorl.i; lot in I.U k in the T wn f Seal lt k lle.ich. an l lot '.". and In block 2. in the T n of Lmg llranch. all In Cla'soi County. Ore .n. ml that I ad! i Mond.iv. tin- '.'4t)i luv of Juii". hi. a: tie- hour . f 10 o,k In ttv foi-n..'-n ,,f all lav In he fr .nt ..or of the ruin t h ns- In the City of s(oila. Clalsoii County. reg in, sell It puhllc a-: tio-i io the h.gtli'St Milder for rash the .ll.e,-e.,es. rrilM-d real prnfierty to atlfy raid indgin'tit, ln:er,-s: and nil accruing costs THOMAS I.INVII.LE. ShcrltT of civ s ti County, or.-gon. Astoria, On-gon, Muv 22, lil. SHERIFF'S SALE. Hy virtue nf aa execution and order of sale I He ued nut of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clatsop, o:i the 14th day of May. l'KH ; upon a Judgement reml -red therein tin- 20th day of February, lsft'i. in favor of Myra Russell, plaintiff, and uKa!nt Mary J. Gillette, defendant, for the sum of mr,.40, the oum of I'sju 40 having been sallsflixl, leaving n bilanc- due on so. id Jildgmen: of the sum of Jie.1, together with lnt'r-st then-oil at the rate of 10 per c.-nt per annum, and 'hi' costn of and upon this writ commanding and re quiring me to levy upon the property of she above named defendant to satisfy the balance of said Judgment, interest. ents and all accruing rusts. I did on the Hth day of May. 1901, ittach the following described ral property, to wlt: U.ts 9. 10, 11, 12. 1.1, Sub. of R-lk. .13: lots 0. 7. 23. 24. 23, 2, Rub. of Wk. 64: lots 8. !. 10. 11. 1'!. lit, Huh. of Hlk. 76: lots 1, 17, 27. 28. 29, 30, Hub. of Hlk. 99: lots II, 12, Hlk. 49; lots 7. S, 0. Hlk. 88; and nil that portion of block 111 des cribed us follows; beginning at a point on the north line of lot 6 In said Muck. 48 lft east of the n-irthwest corner thereof ami thence running east aUmg the north line of said lot 6 and lot 5. 27 feet. then- south on a line paral lel with the wrat 'Ine nf sold lot 6. 60 feet, thence west 27 feet, thence north to the place of beginning. Iieuig portion rf loia 5 and 8 in sail block 111. In the City of Astoria. Hs laid out and recorded by John M. Shlvelv. Lot 2. In Sec. 21. Tp. 8, N. of R. ft. west of the Will. Mer.. 37.03 acr. twin at south bound lry of Shlvely D. I C. 414.88 feet west of S. E. corner of raid D. U C. and run thence N, and parallel with the IO. line of said I). L. C. to south boundary of pipe lino R. "f W thence west along snld R. of W, to n point 191.3 feet west of past Una or tract herein described, the-nro south and pnrnlli-i to east line of tract herein described to south boundary of snld D. L. C, thenc" along said south line to beginning, containing 8.41 acres. In Tp. 8, N. of R. 9. west nf Will. Mer. All of said described rcnl property being In Clnlsnp county, Oregon, Notice Is hereby given that I will on Monday, the 24th day of June, 1901, at the hour of ton o'clock In the fop-noon nf said day In front nf and at the Court House door In the Cltv of Astoria, Clat sop county, Oregon, sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder fur cash the abwe described real property to satisfy said Judg-nent, lntere,ts, costs nnd all accruing costs. THOS. LINVILLE. Sheriff of Clatsop County, Or. Astoria, Oregon. May 14lh, 190t. WM. GALLOWAY, Receiver.