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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1901)
THB MOKNING ASTORIAN, WEDNESDAY,' fCBKL'AKY 13. !9o THIS WEEK SPECIAL SALE OF LADIES' WRAPPERS AT PRICES THAT TELL Hco Our Window (or 'J'lu-tn All contracts for udvcriiKinn In the Aatoiiuu tire iiihJo on 11 guar ttnlco of circulation four time UrKcr thun that of imy paper rubllnliuJ or cficiiluUd In Clat. nop county. TODAY'B WEATHER, I'UltTI.AN't. Ki-I. U.-VpIiiii ore Hull Ulld WfHllTH Vulllllgt'HI, IK'CU. lufml rill", KmMi-iii UNliliiRlon and Northern Muho, generally fair weather except prohnhly inln or mmw hi the tinriliTii Hrtiuii; Kimiirn Oi'ifm and Hunt hern Muho, crinrnlly fnlr. K.I, kir, MaHii'iion, of Portland, wn In yi-Nli-rituy, op lug ul the Par- AROUND TOWN. Three fir.t-cla barbers at the Oc cident attain. I 1, J-ffrey In In Haiti fur a few ly "n huniiii'. lire ( lf.-ccut meal. Mining Restaur- til, 612 Commercial Mrn't. M. H. Hound and Uuik in M'Tavlnh will ! v.. HiIm morning for Vpld. AliiNkn. Miihi lima Kikhiiff, of ('iiiitkMoh, Minn, In I In- guest (if MIhm Marl"- t'l xiliKT. Tim llrltlHh liurk ('minly if Pem broke left ',rriial f r thin port !. IlilnT II Mr. mid Mr. Hylvciiter KarMI, f 1'i.rlliiii'l, vlnlt'd friend In Am.,iW ) i Hl'TiUiy. I'M. I'.dllng liii" li'n appointed jt '1 -nilnlMlrnliir of tin- ikii( of he lute ('. I', Ivii'runa. Miiry I'ulliihiin arrived frmn l'er Inland IiinI evtiliig mill Im Htoppli.g at llu- Ui ( lili-ill. J V. linger, of Hilt t'lty, ar rived hint evening and Ih muiiI li'P'.l Hi tin' Occident. Th French bark Uouiwet left dowfi the river frmn Portland ymterday, r. rylrg a carg) of grain for Kurops, A stranger giving the name of Peter Cooper wa. arrested yesterday af t-r-riii'D for peddling without a license, Th Norwegian steamship Hkarpuno, of In Hlcvens line to tht Orient, Is expected to arrive at tliU port today, Mm. and shine; U'rtd Rope, Thrash er, ntl-trut, iin l"ri-rim plug tobac con. Have your tag. They are vol unbli. ('Hitnln Churl i ii Lulr.K" , who ha Ik.'M vlhltliiK In tin city for aoniH tlmn, Irfl -lTi1iiy fur tt Im h'Wii In Han Krani'lNro, Hiow M'Oiih-d Atmut Z4t0, di-ck'-d .lad pui'dculnrly Ntronir; want It for nix moiidm, IC. T. Johrifton, llanthorn niiuicry. An old Mri luff '' hicIIIiik book In uanli'd for' (hi hiIIImk inaich ni-xt Krldiiy nlKbt, VWane rn- at Axto. rl in olfl'c, II. (). WnMrimn Iiiim r'Hivl from th. biifliii'iiit n him bi'i'ii roiiilui'tlna In tbU illy for wv'ral tnontlm and will r' move in Idiiln , Tin' HtiMiniiM bo. W. Klib-r left for Km Friini'lHi'o yi-ntirilMy, carrying front II. In jmiI t 3;1 kiii kn of oyMti rn and 7744 buiiilli of nhiKjkit. C'rinm pure ry. Ami-rlra'ii flnmt wiiifkiy. Tb only pura nadn; truar- .ml.M il rich hi,, mellow. JOHN L. 1'Altl.HON. 8ol Ag-nt. Iliir r "ii Win. I, o.iuili.'iiHt, w.iili.r, iloiidy, but, rnih, J (Jiiinn. i.f gilnri N I jiii'llnif, I In town, n Kumt at it 1'niker Wanti .1 -lI'Miii'tt hi k or i'l'u ul mk by lh- .lay Apply l3 Wul-r Ht. Jpff'a remaurnnt tin lrt anil brat. A trial will cunvlnca you. K A. lUwklim, of lUk.-r boy, had bunWi.' In (he ly y.'Ul.T.Uy. W. illy. H. frane, of I'.irilund. U In the a Kti't at tlif (K'c.'nt. SupcI niv nranca fntn 15 cnta to 40 cntM a d'Wii, at Jhnon l'ri II. i", IhkiiIIn. wf a ln iiii.t t'lnrke, If In h! illy, a uumt nl ih OiTl'b'iit. Kir mile A fn-h niHi'h ew, with ilf. apply to Auitunl Jui lm, Kkitmitim. Vhr( di you ' t your Bunday din nrr? I tak inln at ih Central llotek Tin- I tiff from Hun tow. Hmiiiwiii rnm- In ymtcrduy I'laiiclwo with a ImrKf In A purly of Ini ilium .-fi Amorla yi.ti-r.ny iimrnliiK for Hun Kranrlwu. to take rhiK" of the Atnerlran ihlp l'rUNln and brliitf tier to thin prt. HKST 1&-CKNT MEAL: BUN niiHTAUHANT. ItlSINO Mr. iin.i Mm. l-'rain In. o. nit. Ill" I h i lib-Ill. fbim. K. i 'mil, of In I li' illy. Koi'itM at AuKict Jtii-tt, nf Kklpanoil, In I'fT'T li'ic 1 1 ir mile at a bitTKiiln a fn-ull inllrh cow with riff. The Wmterit tNiinineri'liU ('uinpiuiy hlH ptirrllilH.-.l till) llrllldh nlllp I ulll -rrnl for ISO. 000. W, It. I'onieroy clime from MuyiciH on the rvnlt.ii train nn. I I, moplnit at the I'urker, W. II. l-opo an.l II. Ibikwlth, of I'nrt luixl, weif nmeriK the cvenlnn ar ilvnU at the Occident. i". II. Vhrc.-r and J. K. (landx-ll. of N'ehulrin, arilvrd Lift evenliiK nnd ar ti'KlHlered at the I'Bl'ker. ('. II Kluhet and J. H. Thutcri-r arc autonif the i-vi nlii rrivl from Puri Innd iiiaripe.l at the Parker. K. H Andinwa left f. r Salem yater lay to ullend the niai camp of th Mixli-rn Wdiiirn ot Amtrlca. Tlir aUnmcr nii-ctrui la r'P'rie, to have been Hold to partle who will Hike her to Alimka iho romina: iaaiHi, To mi h of lli kind friend who an Kiinroiihly contributed to the hucO'm of .Monday eVenliiR'ii rollcert the I die Aid Hmlety ilewlrti to exprewi u piol'iiiud itratltiide and anHiirunce of ulncere niprerlntlon. LAST WEEK!! IF YOU WANT TO SAVE ABOUT FORTY PER CENT 1 YOU'LL NEED NO URGING TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR $!0.00 SALE!! OF MEN'S SUITS I In All Leading Weaves and Styles Ours Is a Genuine Clearance Sale of Broken lots.-2 or 3 Suits of a Hind $U, $15, $16, $16.50, $17 VALUES ALL, CSO AT $IO OITW of C. Q. M.. Vancouver Bar racks, Wiuih., February 12, 1901. Seal ed proposals. In triplicate, will be re ceived here until It o'clock a. m., March 12. 1901, and then opened, for furnlchlntr fuel at the several ntWtnry post In tins department, and at Camp at Skngwny, Alaxka, and at Fort Liscum (Port Valdex). Alaska, for fis cal year commencing- July 1st, 1901. In formation furnished here or by quar termasters at posts. U. 8. reserves rlRht to reject or accept any ar all proposals or any part thereof. En velopes containing proposals should be marked: "Proposals for fuel at ." aJ,pAaki1 4) rv 1 1 rVl IrrnnA T TTT i s, DANZIGER I'he Hoildlnx of Mr, Alfred Wlldlnu 11 nl MIim l.nin llrown iNcUri'i'd In H.'ullli. recently. Mr. and Mrs. WlldlnK will uuik.. Ast.-ilii their home. John A MonlKoiinTy hna operel a hop .it 4:'l Hond sir-t and Is prepared .In all cliin of plumhing an.l tln oi'iK at th lowest (Kissible rate. The ul. iiinnhlp Kvu, which put Into Hun Knim-I' 1 dl.ilil,'d a sh.rt time since. In i-Kp.-cled tn leave there today, In-r I epuli s tnivliiK bc.-n cotnpleled. Itoslvn coal lnits l"ni('r, la cleaner i'id nmk.s lena trouble with ftoves and chimney llu-a than any other. George W. Suiiborn, agent. Til 'phur-c 1311. IiMili t All. 1 in y Allen yesterday drew up the coiitmcl fur the construe Hon of th.. new WalluKkt In 1.1m'. and It UI pri liulily Im- sUlcd toiliy. ir you want Krcxcrl.s that arv r.o Ties, k"1i that till on their mer Us. ifiMi.iH tluit make lustumers and keep thein, o to A. W. Wilpley, the r.Uablc ifrocer. I lie yoiiliK pc.ipl.' ol tile UcuX I eniJiH 1 lull hud 11 most enjoyable dance hint I'VenlnK. There was a large attend iiiwc and the eveiilnif was one of thor ouKh-KolllK pleasure. thilcopalhy's aim Is to , p-move the chus. rathrr than treat symptom of dlMnse. Consultation free. Hhodu t lllcks. I. !., MJ Commercial street except .Sunday and Mondays. The Orman ship Kdmund. which went ahore nar Sinta !tonulla, Ixiwer l allf'.rnla, In Junuary. haa ti-ii towe.1 Into flan DIcko harbor. She will b brouicht later to San Francisco. If you've never tried our "Perfec tion liien.t Java and Mocha you ve mlsed one of the plensurea of Ufa, Our customer say lt' the best In town they ought tokiiow.-JOUNSON HllUS I'he l.rltish bark Kate Thomas. which has been seen here many time, re cently put In to the Falkland Island In dlhtii'iiH. She "us bound from Car diff, Walea. for IiuliU, and her car Ro had shifted so a to throw her on b.'r Hide, and during a storm tdic uf fered much. Sheilfl I.lnvllle I In n-celpt of let It 1 from H. W. Cottle, secretary of the I'hoen.x oil & Fuel Company, of San Francisco, In which the latter ex pre the belief that there 1 oil In the vicinity of this city, and urges the .i.lvlsrtl.lllly of biirlng and making Invchllgatlous at once. - He was here I ml summer and state that he saw 1 Xcellent Indications of oil on the hills south cf town, F. C. Hrown. auperintendent of the Cii river salmon hatchery, took 40.- 000 fry to the Coiiullle Monday and planted them In the river near Myrtle Point. A week ago he started for the Coiiulll with a consignment, but before getting away from the hatchery It was discovered the fry were dying1 and In or.lei to rave them It vu necessary to d-p.islt them at once. The fry taken Coiiullle with a consignment, but before tl.m. Pit'lNiratlons on the part of the local HMiermen and seiner for the coming Keamiii work are going; forward rap idly. It I said that the number of bint operating on the' river this year will be something below the average. but seine and traps will be aa num erous as ever. There may be a short age In the number of men employed due to the coining exodus to Alaska, but It 1 probable that the season will on the whole be a prosperous one. Odd as It may appear, the Japanese coolie who was ordered out of Canada on hi arrival at Vancouver on the steamship Empress of China, has. through the operation of the provincial Immigration act, been detained In Can ada through the operation of a Domin ion act, for he was arrested Monday at the Instigation of the C. P. R. on the charge of being a stowaway. Should the stowaway Immigrant be Imprisoned for six months and then set free, the case might prove of legal Interest. The entertainment nt Hanthorn'a hall hist eviidng was crtalnly a treat for the good audience present. The musl- al part of the program, a series of xcellent selections, well rendered by oca I talent, and several performances bv the ladies' orcheaira, a unique or ganization, wn thoroughly enjoyed, and the one-act farce, "Six Cups of Chocolate." was moat cleverly done. The young ladles who planned and carried out so well the pleasing enter- t.iliunent are to be congratulated. The proceeds are to go to the library fund. The big steam launch W. Y owned by Charles lkr, of Dullard, was run down by the leainer lwide Monday morning at 6 o'clock about half a mile off Lighthouse point, and eleven duck hunter who were Its occupant nar rowly escaped deith In th Icy watet nt I'uget sound. That n live were hmt Is thought limn less than miraculous. All of th hunter were clad In heavy high rubber boot, weater and over coat, Incumbered In this manner, they floundered about In the water or clung to the milking launch until pick' ed up by the tearniT. The woik of lemndellng and Improv ing the olilce of HhertiT hlnvili was la gun yesterday by Contractor Palm beig. The office I lo b moved eight feet sou'.h In order lo make room for th new vault to be Installed In tin officii of the recorder, For sortie yeir paht the i aitlli nt the courthouse have not In en laige enough to accommixjate Ihi record and papers, and valuubl records rave been Kept t-n'-tiin coun. ter and In olhet corner where there wn available room. The vault In th: recorder otlice I to be et.largi'd so an to ace inimodate all the record. Th woik will cost about V0. Ah Hlng and Hah Park, two young Chinese who were arrested, In liliilne. Wash,, I isl week on charge of being unlawfully In the I'tilte.i Hint.-, were brought to Heattl'.' Monday morning by Immigrant Inspii-tor Snyder mid lodged In the city Jail. Later In the dav they were removed to the county lull, and will be held there until to morrow, when It is the Ini. nil. hi of th. government oinciai to start tnem on their return trip to China. Unth prU- oiicri. claim to be entitled tl r imim In this country, and It Is possible that the court will be appealed to to pr vent their iP-port .it ion. The succ'ss of tho Ir.ter-urban elec tric radwiiy Iw'lween Tacmna an.l Se it tie M-cin to be assured. T be men bat k of the enterprise declare that th ;ie( cury ca Hal ha b-en s -'-ure l ai'ioiiK the rlcli'-et men in New lork ntnl Miut the building of the S atll- hiii) Tac'iin.i i-l-ctric utiort line will on ly i-r a urer financially 10 other a'ii even 'iioi,. extejisiw pr J'-r-t fur he I'ugct soiind country. The r-ad. ion1eiey c,uliped, will cost a llttl more than 1 0-Si, (KKl It. will be trten- ty-threc indis III l-nglh; briad guag' laid will si'i'l rails weighing ninety- live ixiu'iils to the yard; trolley ay. I' ln. and tvllh a speed that wi I n- ;iili one to ninke the trip In perfect nafi-tv in about fifty minute. An Kiigllsh syndicate has purcha..-.) a marble quarry near Sunin. ash.. clone to the IMIIiigham Hay Hritl'h Columbia railway extension, the price being IJ.r.u.(KKi. I he purchaser had a (it-rman exiiert cngag'-d for nine months looking for d-MiHitH containing all Inifredl.-iit for the manufacture of cement. The marble rick purchased contains 9sty jut cent lime, anil Is en- tlrely mitlsfaclory for cement manufac turing. Cement and lime works wlil b" er.H'ted at once. The cement works will be on the Canadian side, and will cost IOO.Ooo. The cement work and lime works will have a capacity of 300 barrels) a day each. The cement ha been tested In Han FranclHeo, Portland. Hamburg ami In Kngland, and pro- noutveed tlrst- class. COHHKTT 18 fJAININO, ' Hllght Change In Vote In Favor of Portland Man, The .feature of the vote for l?nlted Htate senator In Joint session y ster day were a gain of one vote by Cor bett, and the transfer of practically the entire MrP.rlde strength from Oeorge II. William to Ulnger Hermann. The hou- devoted another half day to consideration of rallroid bills, but acconil llshed but little. The bill by Carter (o reduce pissenger ral' to 3 iren', after being conldred In com mittee of the whole and pra 'tlcally ri Jicted by the refusal to adopt the first section, waa withdrawn by Its author. and ai.oiher bill to create a tate board of riilmad commissioner was snowed under by a vote of ii to 11. The first matter to reclve.the at t'ntlor. of the house yeterday rnorninx wa the bill by McCracken, t appro- prl.ite IVioO to aid the Oregon Histori cal K'K-lely In the j.rosecutlon of ttx worn. The Mil wa pnsM.-d with but two vote agalimt it, Colvlg and 'Srac voiln.f In the negative. Following the disposition of this Mil, the h use returned to the considera tion of the railroad bill that were coi'i'dcn-d by committee of the wool.. Mondiy afternoon. First Carter's bill to reduce pits tiger rate to 2 cent a mile wa taken up. Carter urged it pas'ute a a need of the state, lircis- I In a vigorous speech, opposed tin? J meimtrc, declaring it was uni:.:::-c.itii- tl .nil and unjust, and that lu t nact- m.nt would work an injury to the st lie in retarding railroad building . J C-trPr dlfputed the arguments advanc ed by Drccner, but was l.i,nc tiiat the bill should Im- ami-r.d.-d if It wa j.-ioonHtitutloral. He. therefore, n.oved that the house rt-4olve its'-lf into a committee of the whole for tin pur- : The North Pacific Brewery, of vrhich lose of amending. Mr. John Kopp Is proprietor, makes In the senate a large volume of bui- beer for domestic and export trade. lie's of a routine nature was ( r.jwjed j tnr. ugh with no sensational or even interesting feature. Proebrtel' bill prohibiting n!ckle-in- the-nlot mjchines passed, after a brief Jl.i UFsion. The vote was practically unanimous for the bill. Williams in vo-.ed no. stating that the matter ghouia be left to munk-inulul! s to regulate and control. A OENTLEto'S Is what a elgar Is. It wilt tloki ths paint of th fattldtou without do pletlnir his poeketbook. Thcr Ifn't a cigar rolled thht thert Is "so munh pleasure, rlehne r perfct satis faction hidden In Its folds for th money as there Is In a OENETtAL OOOD for fire cents, A bog of these lusclou cigars should be on very man's dresser. WILL MADISON THE PLACE TO BUY CANNERY SUPPLIES FISHING BOAT SUPPLIES BUILDING MATERIAL SEWING MACHINES AND FARM IMPLEMENTS IS AT - FISHER BROTHERS, Astoria, Ore. KOPP'S BEST A Delicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure Bottled beer for Tamil jr use or keg beer supplied at any time. Delivery in the city free. North Pacific Brewery iU'.POUT OF WATEK COMMISSION. WHAT Om FLAG STANDS FOR. Wherever the American flag 1 raised in token of sovereignty. It stands for liberty. Independence and equality. WJiat our flag Is to the nation, Unstet l.r's Stomach Milters Is to the individ ual. Inasmuch as It not omy gives you freedom from v.ur a.lments but pro tects your system In such a manner that they cannot return. When your stomach get out of order, causing you to belch after eating, or when you arc so nervous that you tons about all night, unable to sleep, you should cer tainly try It, because it will strengthen your stomach, steady your nerves, and Induce sound healthy sleep, and for In digestion, constipation and biliousness, there Is nothing to equal It. Rheuma tism Is also counteracted by Its direct action on the kidneys. ASTOKIA. Oregon. January 13. 1901. ITo the Hon. Mayor and Common Council of Astoria, Oregon Oentk- men: In accordance with section 1-3 of the city charter, we herewith re port the receipts and disbursements for the quarter ending December 31. 19o0. to be as foilcwg: GROSS RECEIPTS. For the month of October, 1900 Fnm account of water rates $ 2.349 43 Tapping mains 2 50 Delinquent charge 3 23 $ 2337 25 For month of November From account of water rates $ 2261 03 Tapping mains 7 50 Uelit.quent charges 7 75 S 2276 30 For the month of December From account of water rates 222S SO Tapping mains 2 50 Ieinquet,t charges - 5 W) 2234 00 Total receipts for quarter...! 6S67 50 Balance In general fund at date of last report. October 1, 1900 $16,323 28 WHAT SCHOLARS SAY. Total $23,192 78 DISBURSEMENTS. Salary of superintendent I 373 00 Of Kllls's History of States. the United power house head works A niahter production. The best of It kind. Flrst-clasa In every respect. It leaves nothing to be desired. It will be welcome everywhere. Your work Is a most excellent one. The work exceeds my expectations. I am perfectly charmed with the books. Most comprthcnslve work ever pub' llshed. Beautifully bound and exquisitely gotten up. The Illustrations not only embeiish but explain. Engravings alone are worth the price of the book. cry satisfactory and in every way worth the money. One of the most valuable -works ever offered to the public. I have never seen anything to ex cel thl superb set of books. Tempered with rare fidelity, sound Judgment, and fine literary taste. The very complete index makes It a most valuable work of reference. The work will promote an Intelligent Interest In the history of our country. He has left no field untouched, and has touched nothing whelh he has not vitalised and adorned. Assistant Keeper at Keeper at Clerk City attorney Treasurer, year 1900 Jamtor Rent of office and shop Distribution system extension General exptnse Repairs to mains Conduit ; Power house Telephone line Office expense Reservoir. No. 2 Stationery and printing Office furniture Tools Bear Creek water shed. (140 acres) Recording deed to above land.. Clark & Buchanan for expert- Ing books 270 00 Advertising Transferred to sinking fund.. interest on bonds (seml-an nual) 8000 00 210 00 75 00 60 00 225 00 30 00 12 00 15 00 75 00 139- 95 27 41 10 60 25 S3 45 00 7 00 17 30 20 35 75 1 05 8 30 350 00 1 45 9 00 1.715 13 Fancy . and Staple Groceries FLOUR, FEED, PROVISIONS, T0B4CC0 AND CIGARS Supplies of all kinds at' lowest rates, for fishermen, Farmers and Loggers. A. V ALLEN, Tenth and Commercial Mreets BEFORE YOU BUY A PIAflO ORflfl 0RGAJ1 It will pay vou lo write EILER'S PIANO H01SE 0PPICE: 351asbington St., Portland, Ore. We are the great profit killers and piano price regulators of the Northwest, and with our special facilities can sell a tine piano er organ for less money than you can get them elsewhere. Write today. Catalogues for the asking. Our stock includes the three greatest American pianos the Kim- ball, the Chickering and the Weber together with eight other good makes III EILER'S P1AN0 MS in FOUNDED A. D. ITIO SUN INSURANCE OFFICE Or LONDON THE OLDEST PURELY FIRE OFFICE IN THE WORLD. $11,74169 Leaving balance on hand in general fund of $11,451 19 Respectfully submitted, THE ASTORIA WATER COMMTSS'N, Attest: C. I. WRIGHT. J. H. MANSELL, Chairman, Clerk. There Is only one 'way to tell truth that Is. tell what you know, what you believe to be true. the not Things concerning which we possess but a negative knowledge have no pow er to accomplish a positive result. GRAND ANNUAL MASQUERADE BALL WHERE DO TOU BT THE HAVE YOU TRIED A.W. SHIPLEY? 656 Commercial Street. SONS OF HERMANN Tuesday Evening, February 19, 1901 DO YOU KNOW That he gives you the best there Is to be had In the city for the leaat moneyT Place an order . once and see. . , Eight, grand, first and second prises will be given away to the best sus tained character and to the finest costume. Music r, augmented. toe Columbia Orchestra, C. W. BARR -DENTIST The committee In charge promise a good time and all are Invited to attend. Successor to Dr. Ball. 763 Commercial St, TELEPHONE, ASTORIA, OR. RED J061. MASKED GENT3.. I Af ASKED LADIES. I SPECTATORS ...U-00 ... 50 ... 60 ... 60 Ch Aaeta, Ch Amti In United States, 11,900,000 ,616,935 J. B. F. DAVIS & SON, GENERAL AGENTS. WDiFIELD 8. DAVIS BURT L. DAVIS CARL A. HENRI 215 Sansome Street, - - San Pranclsco, Cal. SAMUEL ELMORE & CO., AGENTS. The Esmond Hotel.. PORTLAND, ORE., FRONT AND MORRISON STS. EuroDeao plan, 600 to 11.50 Der day. American plan, $1.00 to $2.00 per day. OSCAR ANDERSON, Manager. J. C. PENDEGAST, Chief Clerk We Rent New Typewriters. Many new improvements added. See our latest No. 2 Smith Premier Typewriter New Art Catalogue Free ... L- n. ALEXANDER I CO- Exclusive Pacific Coast Dealers . 245 Stark bt., Portland, Ore, F W.M'KECHNIE; Local Agent. f'"'- - rriivuirvuuuumrmnjuvin vru isuuuuu inrinnjuvuiniinjTiru nnp H PORTLAND PORTLAND, OR. 5 The Only FJrat-Class Hotel In Portland mrujvuutivuuinruvruviru uvij CHILDREN