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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1901)
NOTicmr Books, Periodicals, MaRazlnaa, Are Not to bo Taken rrom The Library without norrnisrJnn.k Am ASTORIA PUBLIC LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. v",u - mi Kuiiiy or GUC will be liable to prosecut VOL. LIU ASTOKIA. OKIlf.OX, TIT.I'DAY, PCISKU KY 12, 1901. KO. 37 1J; - The Superior Ranges ARE i ACKNOWLEDGED BY ALL WHO HAVE USED THEM TO BE WITHOUT FAULT Ed WIT "Vnrmmi -.3,k"., ', -- u For Sale In Astoria Only by the ECLIPSE HARDWARE CO. AHTOIIIA, OKBOOIN Book Bargains Mm cub r.fiin.i iioi.k, (;.! gj -Frt Sil Titl-B, ltiinliiiKimil Autliow. . . . lOl itp I Just the Kind for These Lonjj Winter Evenings Five-Volume Ktn of Kipling, Kiihhi'II, IlcilfiicH, Unity. Mfii.lo Cl 7K Ppp Cpt iiikI other good authors .... vJll J I vl Oll GRIFFIN & REED AMERICAN BISCUIT COMPANY'S Macaroons, Walnut Creams, Arrowroot, High Teas, And Blany Others, Fresh and Crisp. RALSTON'S HEALTH FOODS, ALL YAKIBTICS " FISHER'S REST " CORYALLIS FLOUR CHASE ft SANBORN'S FINE COFFEES ROSS, HIGGINS & CO. Fishing Supplies... Headquarters LOWEST PRICES. Foard 0 Stokes Co. A LONG RO W QJ ro ir" ; wk air Ira fan; Of our now and up-to-date Air tight Heaters are still on hand. We figured on considerable cold weather and purchased an un usual quantity; but tho weather lias moderated, consequently sales W J, SCUlly, stocked and must have the room. rom now 011 l'lcsc S1C,K1' neat' 431 BOND STREET, ing stoves will bo sold at a rcdue- UeUtcn Ninth and Tentb Streets tion of 20 per cent FOR CASH. C. J. TRENCHAR Commission. Brokerage, CMB,om """ Broker. . - ASTORIA, ORE Insurance and Shipping. Ai..iw.r.Aco..udpMifloKIwuco.. LIVELY TILT IN NATIONAL HOUSE Pro-Doer Speech by Sulzer Stirred Up Strife. eg1lntlon In connection with the army reoi gmilzatlon art. Thin In to be aecur d by a "rider" on one of tho appro priation IjIII. Thy correction concern the commissary and qurtermHtcr de partments, and the purpe la to open these departments to volunteer officers of nil branches of the service. FIERCE ATTACK ON HEATH Serious Caar.ei Mad, A.alait Late Aailtlaii " PoitnaiUr'Qeaeralaid Secretary el fcVpsblUas Nalloaal Com-anlttce. WAKll.'NGTOX, Feb. ll.-Thls mm field day In the house, being by far the liveliest day during tho present whHoii, An Interesting debute over oiieiliutl'iniil limitations on the power "f tin aenate over revenue I-'KIhIm t ln lii.tluti-d by the h"iiHt. wo precipitated hen Payne, chairman of the ways und llleiit) committee, brought 111 a reso lution of he committee to disagree to the nuhxtltilte prtxiwl by the n twit ii nn mil. n Imp rit to tho war revenue reduction uet und to nk t-r u confer- ener ui:h the Semite. Tattney, of MliincMotii, Insisted uon a diitn i.f the resolution, and niter tin. i rtloii-1 diHM'Knrd hud ( n ud"pi-d. he mude a point of or d' i Hint (he ni-eoiid motion wit not In order beiiiunt. tin- i-nule In Hh ul Klltule ha. I Invnde.) die rwimtltutliinal repiMi'lVi K of t. ,iiuk. The houHi vof.'d .Ml! t.. 2 to nuk for u roiifiTcni-e. I'uHiiK the rointld'-rjtlon of the di plomatic und roiiKiiUir appropriation bill, nn Inipnuiiloned pro-HtM-r wpeech by Huler. .if New York, drew from M Iioii. ..f IVmiMylviuiitt. a rwdtal of the rnUlnvc of a fund of a Lout $1200 for Ihc tupeflt of the widow of the B.ier Koldt.'iH et a meeting held In thU city at uhiih FuUer 11 declared tint only 1M.1S r't.h'(l thi! Hxr wld mv. Thl Htunir Hul'-r, who In a Miif thy ply enid ho had no ronnei tlon with the expenditure of the fund. lit followed hla ov n defena by hav ir.K rd nn mionyniou letter which Hindi' .i le'UKHtlonul .vrnul attack on ivrry S Ibnih, lnte aanlntant post inuM r-K"n id. who waa airetury of the I!, publii an i.utlotuil committee dur Ini; the recent ciimpaitfn. It charged ll.-aih with b.-lnif X-ly'a rpon.sor und CHINA llAHWir VKVKlJtfPlSd. New Vork Clergyman Thlnka That Fifty Year Hence China Will lie LarKidy Occidental. NKW VOItK. Ke. ll.The Itev. Itob ert H. MacArthur, In a wrmon iant nlht In Calvary liapllat church on the aubjoct of "The New China." ,ald: "It m now about alxty yearn Hlnce China fir opened her doom to the w-ealcd barbarian. The opium war, with all Ita evil, kim th ; hammer that ahnttered the door of Chlnete Holutlon. The war with Japan virtually broke down all her doora. Treaty porta aix'edlly multiplied. HIh- hua now near ly four hundr;d mll'- of railroad In op eration, and marly four thousand mile projected. Within th" Iant five yeara cott 'i) Hp inning hux b'come an Induntry and ahe hua over 4'Kt'M upln die and over two loom. Tecjfr.iphfl lire already dometl-ited, electric car are now running, and four eura uro the liiiM'rlul poMtoftlce wan organlxed, Clmkn anj wi'.-hc In China Ii dli-ate that time Ik now an object . f coimld erutiop In that one; dr.amy land. A m liool for women I ip-ni-1 In ShunK hal and In the am city another for boy ha been founded. It wl'.l nur- TO SMASH ALL JOINTS IN WORLD Having Purified America Mrs. Nation Will Visit Europe. TOPER A HAS NOW GONE DRY Salooni Forced to Cloie- W.mei Destroy ElihtyFour Cast! .1 Liquor at Ptebraiki Railroad Depot. MCSCATINK, la., Feb. ll.-Mra. Na tion arrived here today. A hundred people attended her meeting; tonight. After the receipt a of the evenlnir were counted the financial manag'T of Mr.. Nation dliosolved partnerhlp with her and he with forty-alx women who ac-cornpanl'-.l hei returned to Kin an City. Mrn. Nation aaya: "I am In the hand of the L r and will leave for Chicago tomorrow morn lnf. I will do no miuhlns In any other Mite until all th" heIhol g in tr.y own Male are wiped out of ex Itileni e. Then I will organize a band of women who will Hmash all the ga prbe. many to know that In a Mugle j ,M,n. , th(i worM Tht. Unlttvj gtate. year nearly a million copiin (,f the nible or aome pa;l of It hav been clr culatcd In China. "China In becoming modern. Ami foot blndlliK aoclctlen are trrowlnif vin number and InflUenw. China Ik vantly further udvaflced than wax Jipan M year UK". Who ditrcw nay that fifty year hence China will not b.' largely Occidental, and domlnantly Chrlntlan In religion? She M the lirlxe for com- n erclal ambition In America. She In In r.-fd of al! form of manufactured product that America know how to aupply. China In to be the paradl' for American enterprlar. l no manufiu turor and no Ktau-Htnun foig.-t that China Is to be one of the greatest niiuiiig the great nation of tlie twen tletn century. (lur friend, Wu Ting Fang, will find out thit the mitoiiarlen are the let friend of hm country; th:it he can beHt advance It Inti-re-ts by a aympa- thetlc altitude toward Chritlan:ty and by refraining fnm) unwise crlilclcm ilenylng It after the latter'a and (of the olllclal of the American repub lic. We ah.ill aoon welcome China Into the great llerhood (.f grreit, progres sive, clvlllxed und Chrixtlan nations of the earth." ul?o made allegation again! Ile.ith In coiinectl.iii with government doHJt In Ni-v V..rk bapki1. riulx'r charged lleiith with being rchponalble for the circulation of utorleii about hi connec tl ill with the lioer fund. Knox, of Mnachusett. declared that Sulxr nttnik waa contemptible and moved that th letter be idrlckcn from the record In the courne of the debnu upon thl motion Sulxer declar ed thut he wa wililng to futher every word of the letter. The Democrat nllbuftercd against the motion to ex punge the letter nnd finally forced an adjournment, NOMINATIONS APPUOVRD. WASHINGTON, Feb. H. In execu tive Kcanlon thin afternoon .the names of nil the brigadier generals nominated recently by the president were reported favorably. The- favorable reeflmmendatlon in clude not only th.' nomination- pre viously reported, but alho the nomina tion of Generals Wo.x, Grant nnd Hell, which had been previously passed orr nnd alno thoe of Generals Fltx- hugh I-e and Jns. II. Wilson, whose nnmea were pent to the senate today. When the nomination) were reported Senator IVttlgrew objected to their fa vorable consideration nnd they went over until tomorrow. It Is understood that there will be a change In the order In which the nom ination Were made, which will relieve them f criticism that wan made on account of the high relative position the original assignments gave certain officers. The nominations of many Junior offi cer of the army under the reorgan isation act. It is said at the war de partment, probably will be submitted to the senate at the end of the present wvk. The applications are In a ratio of at least,. ten .to one compared with the positions. riie war department haa found It II K-1 N FOKCE.M EXTS X KEDKD. first, Kurope next." toim:ka saions closkd. TuI EKA. Feb. 11. As a re-ult of the meetli.g of cltlz-ns of Topefca yes terday, all the Joints of the city are closed tonight. The citizens made a peremptory order that the saloons be closed by noon today and a far as ; known the ordT wis regarded. RAID IN XEBHASKA. TEMAKAH. Neb.. Feb. 11. The rail road depot here was raided by unknown iK-rsoiis lat night and eighty-four cases of liquor destroyed. It Is b"lieved that a party of worn, n did the work. NO HELP FROM W. C. T. V. NEW YORK. Feb. ll.-Mra. Julll Gates, re-cording secretary f. r the Xew Vork county W. C. T. I'., i'.iscussing, the methods of fighting saloons by Mrs. Carrie Xation. said: "I do net approve of Mrs. Nation's battle-axe methods. While she may not ; be technically violating the law, ac cording to the way it Is inierpre-ted in Kansc.s. still as a matter of fact her course Is one opposed to law and order, and therefore Is to be lOndemned by th" union, because our whole fight Is against lawlessness. For the union at large to Indorse the methods of Mrs. Nation would not be consistent with our constitution. If we are ever ty succeed in crushing the power of the -aloons, It must be by legislation, not by the hatchet. "It will be impossible for Mrs. Nation to smash saloons In Xew York as she has In Kansas, as she would be arrest ed Immediately and would be forced to pay for the damage she had done. She could not hipe for any help from th-? local branches rf the union." GOOD MAY COME FROM EVIL. CHICAGO, Feb. ll.-Dr. John P. llrushlngham preached at the First Methodist Episcopal church last night on "The Strenuous Spiritual Life" and In the course of ills sermon he said that "the crusade of Mrs. Nation, be ginning In anarchy, may crystallir.' temperance sentiment into a catapult of orderly power to turn the dram .--hop into a benefaction.' "Certain forces of enthusiasm which begin in confusion become modified end refined Into mighty forces for mor al and social betterment." the preach er continued. "Mr Xation. the Joan of Arc of in South Africa lasts. In view i modern times. Is sincere. We can af- of this unsatisfactory state of affairs I ford to wai: the outcome with patience. inonla. The doctors also found fatty degeneration of the heart, which was the actual caul's of death, as th dar ger Immediately arlalng from lung trou ble had been overcome. Fearing a fatal lue th eloctora caused messages to be sent King Alex ander and former Qneon Natalie, but although Milan decided to see them and himself sent messages requesting their presence, neither came. Natalie's reply, which was to th effect that ah would come If her presence wa really dealred, reached here Just before his death. Emperor Francis Joph, who sent an aide-de-camp to the death bed, has or dered a military funeral, as Milan wag formerly colonel of an Austrian regi ment. Milan said h had been greatly disappointed at the absence of his son whose Ingratitude haa provoked much comment In Vienna. According to the Noue FrHe Presse, h said to his physician: "I feci that I must die but It I very sad to ba compelled to die at 47." PREPARATIONS FOR OPENING. Customary Decorations at Convening of Parllam;nt Will Not lie Used. NEW YORK, Feb. 11. A dispatch to the Tribune from London rays: On January 21. 1S6, when Queen Victoria for the last time opened parlia ment In person, practically every bal cony from Buckingham Palace to Westminster was -ytematically drap ed with crimson, relieved by cords and tassels of yellow, and the government offices In Whitehall were gayly f's tconed. streamer of flags str:-tchlng from lamp to lamp. As London Is still in mourning It is, however, Improbable that th? public buildings will be uniformly draped or decorated next Thursday when King Edward drives from Marlborough h iu-e to the house of lords. Every Ha? will probably fly mast high, but no deco rations are antlclpsted other than small shields displaying coats of arms of Westminster and London, which will be ailixed to lamp posts along the rcute. Given fine weather, this will be a drawback, notwithstanding the spec tacle Is sure to be a magnificent one. The ancient state ccach is In the hant!s of a firm of coach builders undergo ing repairs, which are no doubt sadly needed, considering that the vehicle has been lying Idle since the death of th prince consort, forty years ago. ST. LOUIS RIOT " STOPPED ELECTION Forty Police With Riot Guns Called Out. NOT A BALLOT WAS CAST HiK'rs Seem to He Everywhere playing Increase-e! Activity. DIs- NEW YORK, Fob. 11. A dispatch to the Tribune from London says: The dispatch which was Isnied y's lei'uy by the war ottice g'K-s a long way to prove lint the big reinforce ment of 30.0M mounted men now un der orders for the cape is really es sential to the fulfillment of Kitchen er's task. An engagement In which the tttitckln force numbered 2000 Boot, and which rffulted In at least twenty-four men being killed, cannot b- considered a mere guerrilla attack. Nobody nowa days affects to believe that the South African campaign Is virtually over, and It Is quite evident a general sur render of the Boor forces Is not likely to take place for some time to coim Louis Botha failed In his a tack on Snilth-Dorrlen's camp, but although he suffered severely, he appears to h:ive mulcted sufficient losses on the British fore" lo prevent the repulse being turned into serious defeat. The Boers everywhere seem to lv displaying increased audacity and p -nee propos als nre not likely to meet with a cor dial reception so long as the present bitter feeling between the Boers and PUGILISTS IX SUSPENSE. Judge Holllster Will Not Announce His Decision Till the Day Before j . the Fight. I CINCINNATI. Feb. ll.-The hearln- f f arguments by Judge Hollihter on application for a permanent Injunction aganlst the Jeffrie3-Ruhl!n contest here next Friday night closed tonight. Judge Hollister announced that he would re serve his decision until 11 a. m. next Thursday. This means that the present suspense of the Saengerfest Athletic Association contestants and others will continue until the day fixed for the contest. All arrangements at the big hall and else where are completed and the sale of tickets continued throughout the day. Police Ser.eant asd Two Ne.roes Woaided - More Thai One Huadred aod Filly Sboti Fired -Negro Started Snootlaf. ST. LOUIS, Feb. 11. More than 1S fchots were fired, a sergeant of police and Uo negroes were wounded and a billot bcx was st 'den In the course of a riot about a second district polling place of the fourth ward this even ing. It was only after a riot call had brought Captain Kiely with forty po. lice and riot guns to the scene that a semblance of order was restored. Even then the streets were filled with ne groes and some white men, all of whom were armed, many of them In readiness and looking for trouble. Not a ballot was cast during the day. The wounded are: Sergemt Qulnll van, of the fourth district, shot In the leg; George Monce, shot in the arm; Fred Jones, shot In the leg. The Tinker Judges disagreed with the Wells men as to the advisability of opening the back door of the poll ing place. One claimed the other had a host of heelers In waiting and if a door were opened these men would presa in, cause confusion and prevent their opponents from voting. Their faction asserted that both the other factions were Jockeying to prevent any voting whatever, because, they said, the ward was overwhelmingly for their leader. Xoonan. The Judges being un able to agree, no voting was done. Finally a shot was fired, supposedly from the revolver of Arthur Gardiner, a negro. As soon as the shot rang out the street about the place became the scene of a fusilade. The police af ter a few minutes quieted the riot. DEADLOCK PROBABLY EXDED. Xe-braska Republican Legislators Agree to Go Into Caucus. LINCOLN, Neb.. Feb. 11. A possibl? ending of the Nebraska senatorial dead lock came tonight when Republican legislators; two short of the entire Re publican membership, signed an agree ment to go Into caucus tomorrow night. The call provides that fifty members shall nominate by open ballot and that the nominations for long and short terms shall be simultaneous. TRIAL OF HAMILTON. the pronouncement on the subject by the king has been such that parliament is awaited by the country with great Interest. Nothing would delieht England so much as to har that De Wet's persis tent attempts to gain n fitting In Cape Colony had at Inst ended in his capture. Already irresponsible people are beginning to advhv the military authorities what they sheuM do with him and an Influential paper suggests, 'n the event -if his being caught alive. necessary to ask fcr some corrective that he should be tried for .nurder. REMOVAL SALE Commencing Monday, Fcbrwnpy 4, Wo shall make the following pricos; Iron Beds with brass knobs $3,00 Iron Eeds with full brass mil 6.00 Extension Tables 5&4.50 and up Our Combination Book Cases ami Writing Desk wo mako a 20 per cent discount from regular prices. Par lor Chairs Reduced in price. On Carpets, Rugs, Linoleum, Window Shades, we give 10 per cent from regular prices, which includes, Sewing, Laving and Paper. CHARLES HEILBORN & SON Mrs. Xation Is to the whisky rebellion what John Browp was to the slave holders' rebellion. There Is In this re public a deep undercurrent of protest against drunkard-making, which Is li able to break forth at any tim" LINCOLN' MEMORIAL SERVICE. Carnegie Hall Filled With People Gathered to Celebrate Lincoln's Birthday. NEW YORK. Feb. 11. Carnegie hall was filled tonight with people who had assembled to commemorate the ninety second anniversary of Abraham Lin coln's birth, the proceeds of the meet ing to go for the benefit of the Lincoln Memorial University at Chamberlain's Gap; Tenn. Mr. elements (Mark Twain) presided, and Henry Watter son was the principal speaker. EX-KING OF SERVIA DEAD. Base Ingratitude of Son In Whose Fa vor Milan Abdicated. VIENNA. Feb. ll.-Former King Mi lan, of Servia, is dead. His Illness be gan with Influenza. Milan left his bed too quickly and the result was pneu- Lack of Witnesses Against Alleged Murderer of Leonard Day. MINNEAPOLIS, Feb. II. Today's testimony In the trial of Frank Ham ilton for the murder of Leonard Day emphasized the fact that the prosecu tion Is seemingly unable to produce a witness who will testify to having seen the knife blow struck during the scuf fle that end Day's life. Miss Slagle, the young woman about whom Hamilton and Day quarreled, was also a witness today. She declined ic make any statement which would incriminate herself. PRICE OF SILVER. XEW YORK. Feb. ll.-Silver. 6tV. FOR RIVER IMPROVEMENT. Joint Memorial Passed Both Houses of the Idaho Legislature. BOISE.' Ida., Feb. 11. In the senate today the house Joint memorial pray ing for the Improvement of the Colum bia and Snake riers was passed. The house passed a bill providing for an eight-hour day for underground workers and for the employes of smelters and reduction works. ESCAPED THE MOB. Colorado Rapist Committed Suicide in His Cell. CRESTED BUTTE, Col., Feb. 11. While a mob was besieging the Jail here and threatening to lynch George Burric, he committed suicide by hang ing himself to a window bar In his cell with an electric wire. Burric had been arrested on a churge of having criminally assaulted Kate Munch, 12 years of age. ? ... ASK FOR ... I j .. : I 1 1 "Charles Carroll" 10c! f j "General Good" 5c t '2 CIGARS TWO UNEQUALED SMOKES 5 ALLEN & LEWIS, i I Distributors, Portland, Oregon