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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1901)
! I TlH! MOKMXG ASTORIAN, WEDNESDAY. I'RHKIAKY IS. WOI. REMEDIES Consisting of CUTICURA SOAP, to cleanse the skin, CUTICURA OINTMENT, to heal the skin, and CUTICURA RESOLVENT, to cool the blood, is often sufficient to cure the most torturing, dis figuring skin, scalp, and blood humors, rashes, itchings, and irritations, with loss of hair, when the best physicians, and all other remedies fail. MillionsofWomenUseCuticuraSoap AnlUtA by CUTICURA OINTMENT, tor prtterrlnj, purifying tnd bfiutlfrltn th. kin, tor clF&nsinc th scalp of erutu, tciln and ttandrutt uti th .topping of fall. Inff hair, for ofienln. whitening and aoothlnc 11. rough and tor handf. In th form of hatha for annoying Irritation lnflammaticnt and chaflnf or too frw or of fenlv penplratlon. In the form of wash for vlwratlY wakns. and for many aanatlv antlaeptlo purpotri which radlly auggut thrmstlvn to women, and wp. cUUy mother, and for all the purpose of th toilet, bath and nurwry. No amount f pruulon can Indue thoa who hav one ud It to un tny othr. trn'lally for preserving and purifying th skin, scalp, and hair of Inranta and chlMivn. CI TICL'BA 80AP combines dfllcat emollient propertiei derived from CCTKTRA. th Kreat skin cure, with th purest of cleansing Ingredients and th most rrfrrshlng of flower odors. ro other meiicaled soap Tr compounded Is to be compared with It for preserving; purifying; and beautifying th skin, scalp, hair, and hands. No other foreign or domestic toilet soap, however eipenslve. Is to be compared with it for all the purposes of th toilet, bath and nursery. Thus It combines In ONE SOAP at ONE PRICS, twenty-fire cents, the BEST skin and complexion soap and th BEST toilet and baby soap In the world. Sold throughout th world. KINO NOT A CATHOLIC. At Owning cf Parliament He Will l Uciulre.l to Formally IHvUr HI Disbelief ln"That Fulth. NEW YORK. Fob. 1J.-A llMtch to the Tribune from London says: On of ths mont Interoslinu ovenla la connection with the opening cf the .r. Ilament on Thursday will b the formal iWltimtlon by tho king of lilt, dmb-'- Hf In the rh.1r4cttr.atlc doctrine of tho Unman Catholic faith. Any jut sn iirofesslnjr th iopleh rvlKn li tncupaMe of Inh uitlntf or pomscksiIiik th crown, ami the iMvereiirn U tv-und to make the miulivd declaration either on the throne in the house of lord, In th lu-sfine of both houea at the first inecttnjr of the first j. trllainent f-tt-r tho iiei-e.t4oii, or at the'on, whl-hever slul) happen first. TM curi um survival r a lnw toVr- nnt ajre acquire minion la r s'ttniflcaiice on the present invasion, owtn to the fa t that the earl marshal who will ill rvt trw ceremonies nt Winchester Is himself one of the most devout Uotnan Catholics In KtiKland. In that o rlRht will he iaine by Hill tah Columbiana iimilnut the unntliiK by the Dominion nMvernment of a char- ter to the Ciow'a Ntt Coal Coinpony to construct railway south from ilv coal raid to the Interu.ttlon tl boun dary, Mr. Houston atate that Jamea J Hill, prenKlent of the 'Trent North ern Hallway, acting In conjunction with repreaentntlvea of the Standard Oil Company, Ik endeavoring to seetir control of th Crow's Nest Coal Holds; NO JMVVNKSK L.AHOR. Northern lla p.' l.lel to pene W;h It In the Shops and on the Koail. i FAV(JRS M ISCKCJKNATION. Minister Wu Ting Fang Says He Meant It far China, However, Not for Atreriea. XCV IORK, Feb. 12. During the course of the banquet of the Silk As locution of America, at Delmonlco s last nlsht, the Chinese minister. Wu Ting Fang, who was one of the guests of honor, left his seat and walked up fetUrs to the t'lble at which the news paper men sat. He said: "I am being quoted by Interviewers, lou New ork newspaper men are all rlghl, but you ruake my meaning in my speeches and letters too de-sp. Many quota lions ara ireorrect Some are sj absurd that I do not want to dMiy ihcin. Bn there Is one interview I do want to Uny. It seems to have b.-en received with credence. I refer to the Interview that made me say that favored n.lscegera'-ion. ''I was wrongly quoted. I did not sa I favored miscegenation in a gen eral sense. I was on a train going to St. IxuSs and a reporter told me of a lynching. We had some corversation which led to mlscegena tlon. I told him that the children of while and Chinese parents or Caucas ian and Chinese parents made the brightest children. I said we had no negroe in China and if we had it would be good to mix tha races there, but in this country It was a question which American? must decide themselves. I did not say I favored miscegenation here." ADVANCE IN .SUGAR. "Will Follow. Announcement by Trust That Privilege of Delayed Ship ments Is "Withdrawn. NKW YORK, Feb. 12 The Herald says: The wholesale grocery trade has re ceived notices from the American Su gar Kefii.iiig Company, stating that the privilege of delayed shipments has been withdrawn and that from this date orders will be accepted for prompt shipments only. In effect this nullifies the thirty-day guarantee on prices. It is believed that the company was led to take this step in anticipation of a more active season and It is believed to foreshadow a slight advance all mound. Already the demand for re fined sugars Is heavier than during the corresponding period last year and ac cording to trade reports nearly all of the raw sugar brought to this port laM week was sold before it was landed. Later It was announced that the independent- refiners, Included Ai buckle Bros., had withdrawn ??ir guarantees. partnu-m of Missouri, in conjunct! n with his present duti. s. for th? pre-tut. AN INCOME FOR LIFE FROM C6S0 ACRES 9 MII.ES IN LENGTH 250 MILLION TON'S. Richest gold-bearing quaru, ground by nature's hand into goid-laden gravel, from 50 to W0 feet In depth over the entire property. In addition the company owns 14 miles in length of river bed. each mile of which containa many millions of gold, situated on the Rio Grande, in Taos county. New Mex ico. OVER MINNr APOLIS. Feb. 12.-.U th Great Northern general It t Warned thxt rVldent J. J. Hil" ha" iwivcib'd to the demand. of the labor unions In the Notthwetern taV-i u'ld will dispense with Japanese 1 ibr In the Vts and on the road. Th r were lout two thou.'itml Orientals thut em ployed and of thee nnmit l'"0 hive he. n dl-p'aeed l.y whites'. It is said that Pres deut lli'l did n"t eii.ploy tfces rem from choir but be cause it w:ls impossible to find white l.ibT. Tie'inetJ perform less work in a i'sv than their hi. pot'tors. but thv revolved es piv and there writ- no objection on this p.. Int. They were poor workmen and re;it d si rovers of material. NEW M'SINKSS IHU S. V. Fivlght l'itun Sou'.h American lVils . for Kurpi WHI Re Sent via Sunset Route. SAN FRANCISi'O. Feb. U With the nnlvnl if the steamship I'tr.i from South American ports, at; emlreh new 'ra'iel. cf fre'ght business has been estal llslieil for the Southern T telile r:lliotet!. Th ste,imer had on beard .VHi tons of f ri-iijli t which would have u tie 't the usual course of routing to t It -1'astepn states and Kuipe l. th F'tniiva rallnMl. but owlnu t.. the llMnble bet we, I :he load and the Pa cl!h Mall Steamship tonianv It has ho-Ml br -'tight heiv. FreiKl t TnmV M ina-r Sproule savs that all arr.-"r -m 'iits have hern made to He frlrrit f r in South Ameri can p-rt. Fr-ittht that w is cons'gnetl l N'w York will -jo vl.t tVj-l.-n ai'd all F.uropem shipments will ne via the Suns t route. THEflSUREH POTTEH VIGOROUS AT 82. Aged Bank Official Writes a Long, Grateful Letter to Proprietors of Paine's Celery Compound. Me ST. CVR MCST I1ANV.. it-'- of Witl-Ki"ri t' Family Guilty of Murder in Alaska. N For Dividends NEW BATTERIES OF ARTILLERY. One Will Be Assigned to Rarracks, Wash, Vancouver WASHINGTON. Feb. 12. Orders were issued at the war department to day tor the location of new light bat teries of artillery provided for in the rem sanitation law, at the following loinu;: One each at Fort Meyer. Va.; Fort Sam Houston, Tex.; Fort Leavenworth, Kus.; Fort Meade, South Lmkota; Fort Sm-lling. Minn.; Fort Hamilton, N. Y.; Fnt Sheridan, III.; Vancouver Bar laiks, Wash.; Fort Dagan, Col., and Fort Ethan Allen. Vt., and two each at Fort Riley, Kas., and the Presidio at San Francisco. LEE AKD WILSON TO RETIRE. BriKa(lierC!eneraI Merriam-Will Take Charge epf Department of Missouri. 'r.-.-an:. , WASHINGTON. Feb. 12. The retire ment til. Cenerajs' Jfltin M.. Wilson ftnd Flt-ehiigh Lee will take eff?rt imme diately after the confirmation of their nomination.. Brigadier-General Mer riam. commanding, the department of Colorado, will take, charge of the de- READ THE PROOFS United States Official Report MADE TO COMMISSIONER OF THE UNITED STATES, GENERAL LAND OF FICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. by a geologist and mining expert of worldwide reputation. Professor Ben jamin Silliman. who spent several months there, then U-ine connected with the United States survevine corns and in his official r-port says: "Here are countless millions of tons of rich gold quart! reduced by the great forces of nature to a nmHitinn ready for the application of the hydraul ic process, wnne me enure bed of the Rio Grande for over fortv miles is sluice, on the bars of which the gold derived from the wearing away of the gravel banks has ben accumulating for countless ages, and now lies ready for extraction by the most approved methods of river mining. The thick ness of the Rio Grand" cold irravvi r. ceeds in many places COO feet, or nearly three times that of the iike bds in California, while the average valu- r,er cubic yard Is bll-ved to lie an-u:i.r in the New Mexico beds than in anv other such accumulations y-t discovered. I have made a reconralsance i.t the whole of this gravel al'-m? the Rio Grande, and have examined with all the care possible in the time at my command the character cf the pravel and its contents of gold. Nothing, I am persuaded, .since the discov ery of California and Australia Is com parable for its Immeasurable resources of gold available by 'he hvJra'ilie nm. cess tothe deep places of the Rio Othei reports from eminent mining experts of national reputation pro nounce the property of tH- company the richest and most exten Ive known. Eapilal Stock 52.000,000 FULLY PAID ASU NON-ASSESSABLE. FAR VALUE Ji EACH SHARE One-ha-f tne entire capital stock has been placed in the treasury rf the r-om-rany as a working capita!, To complete necessary ditches and place on the rver bed several gold steam dredge., the company now offers a lin.Ited number of its shares at 50c PER SHARE - AFTER PALE OF V.'IIJ'-H PRP'F WILL BE ADVA.W ED 10 $1.00 fes mm RACE TRACK WAR. Owners and Jockeys Great iv n-mfpM bv Clash Ret .veer Oakl ind and Tanforan. SW FRANCISCO. Feb. 12 Tl ' Cb'onie'e avs of the race trick w:ir Oak'and and Tinfor-in: r Is predicted tat the Cnllfortdn molp mngnates will have bui noinrh of th's unnecessarv c'ashina' v ih eri of nnother fortnight. The owner and joekevs arp tbp only one who ar benefited by the c'ah, Craek pil- are bein offered iinuual In-lucetrien'. while owner? are ruolocr f.-r tnnn in Ptirwi f-verv dav Instead nf $2-V)0. A a matter nf fa"t. the er'raorli" iry uim of S'AMQ will h ht'ne up t'l week bv the rival nsoclitiopt 'he value of raep hores ha tmn-n-ilv rcreaet1 2ft pap t-fjit Ttnlh a-'oc'n-t'ona express creat hcp'fuln'-so ns c the rutccme. .-CATTU-:. Feb 12 -The .,-,T D'i'idlin itrtlved fioip A'.l-ka Vft li'-'H with tows that C.'-iti;e Si Cm. ov-i'-h.-r if a welt-know'i Car i.r m r in-" y ha I been feii,'l cudty it bni'nii -f the murder of- H. I'ivIs an, I has l.e n m. pt,. peed to the imll"u. An at'.-n ie wilt be male to seen re u ti.-'v Ma!. In cae of f iilure ar anoia! will be tak i. Pt. Cyr killed Pavis !-i i rabln t-i the Hoota!lmiu. iier at D ceiote'r during a quarrel. RANK RORP-ERS CVCCMT. ere H"ld I -id-r Sil-!ii lon "f Peing Implicated In f'udahy Kidnap ping Case. JOJ'LIX. Mo.. Feb. 12.-J"hnon and Oneil. who have b"en held In this city s-verr.l deys. KUp,',',,' nf complleltv 'p the Cudtthy kidnapping rw, were to day Identified at the men who killed a inarfchal while robbing the bank at Rronau'1. Mo.. Vern county, several months ago. At the time of tlie.fih b'tv SlS.onfl wat taken and $20.ftV was destroyed b' the exploflon that wreck ed the safe. When arrested h' re the men carried several thousand dollars in gold. EXPLOSION INVESTIGATED Ergincer on Steamship Ventura As cribe Accident to Imperfect Construction. SAN FRANCISCO. Feb 12 The ac cldent on board the stfar-shio Vf-rtu ra. on January 23. in which five m-n were killed and five Injured by the bursting' of a sfampine has been in vest'gated by Captilns Bolles and nul ger. local IT. S. inspectors of vessels. The chief fnglreer and hia nssisiants told about the breaking: of the steam pipe, which they ascribed to Imperfect construction on the part of the build ers. There vas 165 pounds of stpam pressure at the tim of the fracture. The Ventura reeentlv came lnt' pr-rt from Philadelphia. wher sh" wis launched a few months eo. Th In soeetors have not yet rendered their decision. GREAT NORTHERN EXCURSION, President Hill Plans to Boom Country Along His Line. CHICAGO. Feb. 12. Between 1500 and 1SO0 land hunters left Chicago today for the West. Some of them had tick ets to the Northwest, many to points In the middle West and some to point In the Southwest and all took advant age of the first of a long series of weekly reduced rate excursions recent ly authorized as the result of J. J, Hill's determination to boom th coun try tributary to the Great Northern line as it never before has been boomed It is said that J. J. Hill expects to carry at least CG.000 persons from the East and central Wrest to settle In the far West. DUTY ON RUSSIAN SUGAR. Secretary of Treasury Offsets the Ex port Bounty. WASHINGTON. Feb. 12. The secre tary of the treasury haa Imposed a countervailing duty of sixty-four cok eks or about thirty-two cents per pood (a little over thirty-six pounds) on all refined sugars imported into the United St'ites from P.ussla. The export bounty on Russian sugar is Hixty-four cokeks per pood. Applications shou' J be y-nt promp-ly Write for prot-pc-aua. ilae ch'-eks' money orders paab!e :o ' T Rio Grande Placer Gjld Mining Co. 7 EXCHANGE PL'CE, BOSTON.MASS IIIL.' AFTER COAL FIELDS Britbh Columbians Object to Plan of v: (he Creat Northern. VANCOUVER, B.'C,, Feb,;J2. John Houston, ex-mayor of Nelson, B. C, representative of that city In the Brit ish Columbia' legislature and editor of the Nelson Tribune, is reported an s'ay- RAILROAD FROM SAN DIEGO. Pir.-ct Tiancin'iii'-ntal Cenne, tiens t Be K-talilishe;. SAN DIEGO. Cal.. F.b. 12.- Ex-May-nr Wm. If. Carl-iin. of this cltv. has resigned the'tion of govern'i'tvt commissioner of ral'ronds In Cuba an-1 will come to Pan Diego with .-ntHi-li-nt backing to hii'ld a rallmad from h-r-to Yuma, according to a San Dlegan who has Jut returned fn m the 1-d.nid where he met Mr. Carlson a number of times. This stretch of railroad" has ben the hope of San Diego citizens for years and It will give a direct transcontinental line. iijSiik i sill ,1:- - "rff ' ,'i I ' n , years old and free from and fe. lib n Thf lust the healthiest he Eighty-tn .OheS, j-lllO tell van .,r his life has kn i n ll-l f-illy-llve yenrit a life rp.m for i.i"st i l i'- nf hurd work and respon- I'llMv at a hank cashier and trim- n e t i lin k back upon, , K.,r th' .,;1Mt j,.n y.-arit Mr. potter ills nui-r kn-'ttn a day of serious sick- w hich iie-.t. n. vi..iis to timt tlmi' h-; sunert'd n,e i-orpt.unt I r on n-iv-. in prostratlun that clung to ! ihoxe tr. uhles RED CROSS HOSPITAL. Will Be Erected at New York on 1100. 000 Site Just Purchased. NEW YORK, Feh. 12-The N-w York Red Cress, through Wm. T. Wardweli. the prerdd' nt, h is pun-hased for $HK),0fK) a plot of ground adloln- ng Ccptril Park on the west on which It will erect a Red Cross hospital and home for Red Cross KiHtem. The money for the purchase was raised by private Fubscrlptlon, the greater portion being given bv Mr, Wardweli. and th" money to build th" hospital, which Is to cost about $00.0o0, will be raised In the same way. SUICIDE IN SANITARIUM. Mexican. Cut His Throat at New- Ha ven, Connecticut. NEW YORK. Feb. 12.-Augustir,e G. Palacio, 31 years old, a member of a prominent family of Durap.go, Mexico, committed suicide in a sanitarium at New Haven, Conn., by cutting his throat. Despondency induced by the use of drugs Is believed to have b-en the citfse. AL8TERD VMM CLEARED. Will Take Car.?o of Sacked Wie at From Tacoma to England. TACOMA, Feb. 12. The German bark Alsterdanim cleared at the custom house ye'terday for England. Her cargo consists of 200,658 bUhhel.s of sacked wheat. nun Pn six years. That this remarkable Immunity from weakness and ills 'use, at such a time In In-, has n it hapiM'iied by chance, tin on- knows h-tter than the aged tp-astirer himself. In June, Is 91, w he suffering fiiim a number of old chronic enmpiiiiiiis, Mr. potter wis Induced by relatlv-n to use 1 'nine's celery rum. pound for the first time. The effect was Immediately beneficial. The unin terrupted K,Mi h.alth that he ht sine enjoyed dates from that time. Mr. I'oti' r's "rati ful letter to Ih" propr e tors of l'aine'H cfl-ry compound Is based on long personal experience and also a full knowledge of what It has dore- for very many of hll friends to whom he h 's In turn recommended the lt'-h remedy that made him well. Mr. Toll. I'm letter is given In Us en-tli-ey; - Centervllle, R. I. Wells. Richardson & Co., ' ;-,t t ! tri'-n : --1 have the utmost faith in I'aincy celery cump'iund. because of ih- LT'-.-it good that It has done me and many others of my acquaintance that has i eine under my personal knowledge within the licit seven years. In 1165 I hail to give tip bii-liusM , account of veiy Mior h'-iilih. I us su'feriiu; fin.o II till 111 I) T of old chl'Mlie i -on' I li,ii Among tii,. rest I hud cinpl' (. rx-i -voint pictttraMoti from which 1 Miff n-d ; ;or sm years, in June i"'.'l. 1 i tiiitii' ii -,ccd t h use of Rallie s -elery t-nmii- uiid. i Aft-r taking a few bolt ! I f-.und tin. : tne tun cii'.iairnt n kan to t-iis u lit-IIU'llg- 11 I that had clung lie lo peep ,, . -,1,1 soon v,.r to 111' l tor "i i"iik mm K"i "in aii'i was more like myself. Hlnce then I have luk-ti u lew bo;tles In the spring and fall us ;a tone, and someiliiies u fe hotiiet betwifh ait a prvVeiitlve. I am Inclined to believe In the old adage that "An ounce of prevention Is worth more than a Hnind of cure." so when there has been j prevailing sickness In the com munity, sin li as grippe, malaria, f'-vm, etc., I take the compound, and thus far have had none of these aliin-nt. nllh iui'h they have been prevalent all around me, so that I have great faith In Palnc's cet'ry compound as a pre. ventive. I have recommended the cum. pound to very many of my, fr.ends, and 1 1 have the satisfaction of knowli k. that It has done them very much guml. I va i ashler of the bunk In Hoiiih County for 2S years, uinl for the last 15 years was secretary ami treasurer of the new savings bmk In connection with the National, bank. My position In the barks wus my last work. I am H2 years old. Mont sincerely yours. J..H. POTTER. Fur recruiting the strength itn spent ei. t a x of un it and wom. n ul- Mlllfd years, there can be II-1 Sllbntl" lute fur I'alii'-'s celery compound. It Is the one preparation considered Wor 'hy the name of a true iit-rve fond .imf blooi! rotm-dy by physicians through out the country. It U prescribe.! by Iheiu In tery stale In c Union to tone up the system, regulate the nervi-it md restore health ami ulrength Hung In the past h ever nil. It ,11 power of building up tissues and uIvIiik body. In severe N '.llouclleil weitReiot nervs sllellglb to the tlr-d it--" oi pt'isisien neiiiiacll c. 'yse-i. si i. n"urulgln, and sleeplessness, d.i lo I ervdiistiess ' lilen.-ss. i'allle s celery comnouiiil has u record of rapl ami lasting cures that i-inlui s evuy .'Uy and town III the Wide sweep of the Unit -d HlHl-H. Ms remarkable power over dUeus. lies In It active replacing of worn-out Purls by new. hcnlihy ontts, and its healing and purifying action among (hi most minute tlusucs of ill' body. The heavy, iilarmliig pain in the back and loins disappear; th grow, ing iHileness. nervousness am! 1 1 of flesh Is stopped, ami a bright, buoyant leellng gradually takss pliicu .if tint unt-iiiling sense of tire and nervous th'. pnssloti. An Improved appetite, sound dlg.s lli'ti. unlnt-rrupleil sleep, and mi tiicr gctlc nervous ciiinlltloii liivat'lahly fol low the use of PiiIiip'h celery compound. SHAFTER TO RETIRE. i- Department of California Will Be As- signed to uen, . m. t. roung. , ; .i i 1 - WASHINGTON, 'Feb.' 12.-Ceri. H. M. B. JTaung, who yesterday waa fnnflrm- !. rnaJor-g'neral,ljhagi.biseni chosenj to succeed General Hhafter in command of the department of California, with headquarters at San Francisco, Gen eral Shafter will retire In March. LAST INSPECTION. FiiM Paitallon f 2th and 27th Regi iii' it '. '( Infantry Now -Ready to Start for Manila, SAN' FKAN'CfSCO. Feb. 12. The last insp' -li. in prior to leparture for Mani la to which the first battalion of the -I'll ai d :'7'h n-giinentH of Infantry now In li - rri'..l-l camp at the Presidio will be Mibj'-i t-d, was held today by Gener al Sl.afi r. N'.-ariy 2W volunteers were discharto- from the service yesterday and -i- li. any more received their final papers today. ZK m Mm COMPANY DOMINION ESTIMATES. Government will Rcr-ulre Several M'l lioiiH I'hh Next Year. OTTAWA, Out., Feb. 12. The esti mates for the Dominion for the year ending June 2'). 11)02, have Just been mad". The total wanted on consoli dated fun, ,, ordinary expenditures Is $11,102.::::::. or 2.7r,o,72o less than Mr the chip -nt y,.;,r. On capital tfr-fount there i J,ii,r,no wanl.-d, ?!)53,M1 ietithan in i:iM. ST. LAWIiENt-'K CiiaMl-l 1 p. J!,. ' TO BE DREDGED. - " i . , '. Thirty Feetf Deep and Fe -t yip" F" MiNTREAL, Fe,. I1-M-the week ly m-.-liiiK ,,r the harbor board a let ter wei e; from Honr-V.-L- tfal'We mlniht-i f piiolic-works, saying that, if lie ea'fii obtain the assent of the governim i,i, h- intended dredging th St. Laivi em-,. rvr ,hannel thirty feet '"-! H"d 4.i0 r-et wide within the next two y-ars. Of New Zeu lurid W. P. THOMAS, Mgr., San Francisco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDERS Subscribed Capital, . . ' . $5,000,000 Paid-up Capital, .... 1,000,000 Assets, '2,i4-r,114 AfSeits in United 8tatcH, . . . 300,000 Surplus to Policy Holder, . - 1,718,702 Has been Underwriting on tlie Pacific Const ovci twenty-two years, SAMUEL ELMORE & CO. Kosidcnt Agents, Astoria, Or. Pacific Navigation Company' i Steaoitr8-"Suc II. I'lmorc," II. HnnslHon" ' us-, Afitorla to I lllamook, .(Jarlbaldl, IJay CityllobHonv)tts. luting-at Atbriawth tlieOreg.m ItailroadjA Naviffiitlun Co. an4 , ) " also the ABtorla & Uluiiibia River It. It. for Mac Frands'io; Tortlarid ' nd all pointi caat. For freight aud pawmnger ralei ap, y U - SamMcl Elmore 6i Co. General AienU, ASTORIA. ORE.. Agents O.K. A. N.K.K. Go., Portland. A.O.I K Co., Portland. B C. LAMB, Tillamook.. Ore.