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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1901)
THE MORNIXG ASTORIAX. UEDXtJSDAY. . PEMU AK. IS. 'IOOI. -; - I" Telephone Main WL TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Sent by mall per year S4.W Brut by malL per month SO Served by carrier, per month M SEttl-WEEKLT. Srnt by malt, per year. In advance. t:.00 AH vonmunlcaMons Intended for pub lication should be directed to "Editor Aslon-wi." Uuslness communications f a'l kinds ar.d remittance must be aJJrwJ to "The Astorlan Publish ing Co M The Astorlan guarantee to Its ad vertiser the largest circulation of any aewspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising rates can be bad on ap Ikatlon to the business manager. The little town of Matshfleld. with a population of 1391 according to the last census, has a -prosperous' Young Men s Christian Association. The last issue of the Coast Matl gives the fol lowing Interesting account o.f Us equ'p ment and management: "It was or ganized about six months ago. and now claims to have one of the bet equip ped rvn- ir Oregon, outside of Port Und. The rooms are located at the north end of the business portion, of Fr.nt street, r.ear T.m Hirst's stir. The readini? room is kept comfortable and attractive, and Is well supplied with g'Kd literature. Including daily papers and weekly and monthly maga-tln-s such as would do credit to a latgvr town. In the gymnasium Is a gooi twling alley, also other appara tus f-mnd in gymnasiums, and It Is no' prvp-sed to add to the present equipment a basket ball court, and the Intention is to organise several basket ball teams. The baths are excellent and are well patronised. The gymnas ium and baths are free to members nly, whereas the reading room Is free to all who drlre to read. The building Is in charge of Mr. P. M. German, who acts a general secretary, and his large experience in the work makes him am ply qualified to fill the position. The money to meet the expenses has been raised by membership dues, voluntary subscriptki.s and from refresh ments served by the nob'.e la dies of the town who have frwn the inauguration of the work been untiring in their efforts both in the solicitation of funds and the serv ing f refreshments. It is, boa ever, fcopeti that the ladies will in a cwipaia-tlv-ly short time be relieved of this burdti, as the membership is increas ing at such a rate that it is hoped the a&sctuiior: will soon be self supporting. The association rooms are a credit to tb town, and on their merits should rev-cixe the support of every person is - terested m the w elfare thereof." If a little town like Marshfield can sup- port suoh an institution w hy should there not be a larger and better one in the second city of the state? iip m m WITH THE PARAGRAFIJEES If he toiitinu-s buying up railway lis. Mr. Harriman will on be er. - titled to N- called the Ool.-ssus of Omaha Bee. Ev - lya Baldwin made a g-ood start f-.r his p-ilar expedition when he named his exploring ship the America. Kan - sas City Star. Frink James is said to feel ke.n!y his rvscue from association wiih tht members of the Mis.uri legislature Washington Post- Mr. Bryan's paper is rightly named: a c-ummoricr lot of Demo-Populis-ic ed- Distress after eating a closed froai the stos-h D tirji,iig :'g work imsKafe.f. Utul n geu to Wirt you feel t tre-ri e food lays ia your mosr act i a m e ytt To start deeCion to tb tot-a do it wore roa at asnst a il yo- ft on-, ark is weak or r work. Baldwin's Dyspepsia Tablets No. 21, takaa aftar wm3 acpy'iea tta stona wtta aeesanry a and juoa tick iil food ajtueair ia a Frcpar Tirnar. T frt Lb beet r-E-'r Ea-ia-ti'a S.k Ttisea . St am t Drspepa Tarta. Th L7pepa Ta M cast am i aakakaAM I FBAJTK EAST... S.ecer U TV 01 Cm. SL Itorials, which fill the paper. ohiIJ not b prltttod. Portland Tvhgram. The herald that hnaks th- news of Kmg Edward acquisition of the throne to General IV Wet will have to be somen hit of a -.printer. Washing ton Pofet. It is not surprising to Kirn that Hernhaidt rnj yed her visit to the meat emttalmt-rie in ChUar What actress w-mld be averse to packing h-'UeV-San FrarhisiM rt. One of the larg-t win- pKints m t!ie country buine.i Sunday, t-ut th re is no danger that the ir s hivh a:v U'ing pulled in Lincoln wll .i:T-r a shortage. Onnha Ie. It on gv.-undh 'fi d:y" that vid K Hill made h; las; a.-moutu-e-mejit that he wouM b' a candi date for the pivsi-.V-tvy i:: Mr. Hill saw his shad-w.-M::meajlis Timrs. It L n w generally v:'! 'rt -ed that when the neptia:i'ii. with Ch!".. are not tiking a turn to the 'ikir.g of the Chinese government U Hu: g Thane's health suddenly f.lis S-ir. Fi'an.isv-. Chronicle. Tht"y are uIk-i of t-trring .md leath ering Mrs Nation. The scour-dr-l h- hoi la.iy lays a rir.g-r on the d.iir.gui: sof - will precipitate one of -he gecus fight in modern history. eapolis Journal. Mtr.n- j "I nave always used Foley's Honey H -ind Tar coUJih medicine, ai:d thmk It V-V1 PHI! TPPINK-S the ln lh wcrlJ-" MT Ch FOL I HILII 1 1M.- j ijnr. anewsdialer of Erie. Pa. C1VII- RULE St. L-uis Globe-Dem vrit. The work of orcanmr.g th-1 pr-v-n- .lal civil governments in the Philip- nines is atKut to bgi". This work. vx U!"4cr "r ' Vl Taft ci.mrr.ission. It will not ir.terr . . . . . . y,., with the operations of the s-p-vn-r b-ll. if thi measure should ivvns in the prestDt cCTgress. APiaren'.: tne uu Druggist. commission s task w ill be to lay d w n The best a man can say of himself is the bn-ad lins on which the fra -rework j t-n.r praise when truth take? the stand of the civil regime in the pr -vlaces j in rbuttil. wii! be built. It w i:i sursel- the mil- ! FREQUENT XUGHlNG itary arm bv th- civil i-rAer just as inflame the lungs. Foley's Honey and (Tar stops the coughing and heais the rapidly as the !at:-r gets r-ady to pijians. The ordinary cough . . - - iuhi.-h ir timrlv -Trvi-tiinnt4 will rrtf into ert-vt- t-n tne doss wnun wui thus te liid by th' a immigration's political trpr-smtativrs w the Phil p - pines, the Ta't c.rr.miss:on. the entire civil authority in its con Jiti-in wui ir bui.t. lae The military au-! thonties ani the civi: ner work in co-operation until the re.v j-'litical structure gets fairly into peration. and then the rr.iHtcry r.i-n dr"P int.-. -h V.a- V-r-.TTr-1 ! This is the American way --f .i -ing things. In ever;. j.irve ..f territory which the United Stat-s ha. ei;ned nc the Vgicmrg .-f th- eover.-.m-n: 1 the e-urs-? -f pr-x-ti that whir. :s in Pbilippm-s ut :h- ::nilar r -s r. tne vr;ent. 1::- -":-Vrrs 'om jim Wilkes. t ; ' eritvre-i N-s ir:-i:.s .1 j ;rans;-r f L- y --:a-..-. ' I t"r..tT-i S-.j!- t - k j j.jyvisr-.. 'r ; urv ,vav A !:k- ur the " j 1 ;:!- j cU.,J 1 r n r.-.-r;ia a -or? y .it": -vnl I : SrW :r-y w-r-: ; ;: . -.-! t .:its -:- a rrs l-j-t. --larly t:,- .--;i--n -: j-i'-v i.j k ; .1: i (u-a-.-- .' the .a..l lb"Ut Th-- .1- a u similar eor. i.t-- r r : M-xUo and Ca'.il :..U ja'",'ui , ,n s" i thr u -r.n i . ;.:-.!: - A v.i-. if the c.:ur::ry tr-ir.-f-"-.' j the es. in 1 ui---.-; 1 giined fr"tn Mr.- j tl c transa-.-tj.-n. - .. jlar note ..-f v. ha: r, i inr.-xr-J r-i-. :h--v. 1 their ch'tge ! ai.-c 1 Stat-. knew a'l kn'-w? ti-.'? in re that the ra'.ivn n-ri- c--,.-iit:. 1: v the chans. ar i j-.-ic-e at th- Stiltl. A ir r ;Y rsta.i-'r.-'. in I !-in-s. that - i by M re- .iii.-al k'- IV as : h?.b h -m-Thr . an-1 ?.n ,.-,f-.-'.y -.1 1 f a- v vn :i 'ina, i hn -:a-u? . t-r-iiiin ; nal the en :hfd. -rion : 'hat l the ! ita""'.? cf tta: . 1 -- t!-:r t t - K ; a.i thr arr.-x- : a . ; h r n. ' A " ' : or c :i -r.: : : y tn:r,e . . : : pine. At a lay 1 tre P,.rt Ti:, a i.'.y ;t -' : m-r:t. iik- tr..i: ; Ariz hi :. N- x rcich-i th- . :-. ; : - -; . a'.ih-.'Ugh !-T .. s l .' :. : -ritojy r.'.y a :' ' .:. . -.. : the Phi'ippir.- ;:- ... r. -broken out r. Ux a.. . territorial w- u'-i V. p-jstr.jne-1 un'i. ; e - .. There are ibd:ca'.:.-r. ;va- ;r. in the Phi; if plr.e if -. .-. Dotatr-g wj;l oc-cur t - i.M- r. ..; ; extensics of civil g-Tir.:uer.; a'.; ver the arcr.ii-e.igo. The ; r-jc-ed-j Phiiipriaea w.J be sbJ;ar t in the '.hat in loulsiana. Florida and the rest of th; iciuisiiims of contiguous terrlloi-y to onl a 'Imlted degree, for the Philip pine can never be cut up into states. The IslKnders will bo given all the home rule short of that status which can b' safely extended to them. The indica tions sre strong already that the Fll -i-ln arv plt-ased witn the series of ents which have emancipated them from Spanish despotism and placed them under America's enlightened saay. I TO CUKE A COLD IN ONE DAT Take LaxatUe lromo Vjulntne Tablets. Ail druggiata refund the money t It fulls t" cure. F W, Grove's signature is on each box. 2tc. . Man. -vlser thn his Maker, is steep, ed In Ignorance and de-nis himstlf a parngvm. PILL'S OF PEOPLE testify to the merit of Banner Salve in curing plies. It is suaranteed. CHAS. KOCiiUiS. rviggist. Every moment wasted records death of an opKrtunity. the FROST LUTES AND CHILBLAIN'S quickly cured by llanner active, the ni-vt rem-dy In the world. CHAS. UOOERS. DruggK Man kllU time, kiiis man. forge-lting that t!nv Fatal delays are caused by experi menting with cough and cold cures. Foley's Hoiiey and Tar will prevent a cold frcri resulting In pneu:nonia. I ':llAS- KOGEItS. Druggist. ! Arm w.iman with a tear and the tv- ! rant is armed w ith a feather. INotliirg e!se as g xx!. CHAS. P.OJ- ERS. Druggist. j Half of the world is in Ignorance ..f w hom th? half Is d.-ir.g. A MISUNDERSTANDING. 1 MisunlerstocKl ymttort of disecse j leal doctors to trtat something else rahen ti-e kidneys are out of order, ,Foley-g Kidney Cure will bring you health when other medicines have fail- v1 TaV nn iiKr!tiiri Tfa Prwl- - --e , i ; oj this, as they keep -Jie lungs Irrt- 1 tated in thpiwlng off the phlegm. , I j It is dangerous to arm a fl with J j much learning. W. L. Taney. Paducah. Ky.. writes: miiu luiTr hit ui lui i-iriniii ia southern Kentucky treated me without saccess. I was Induced to try Foley Kidney Cure. The first bottle gave im mediate relief and thre bottles cured me permanently. I gladly recommend this vonderful remedy." CHAS. ROG ERS. Druggist. Bad habits, like tar and feathers, are ifa - "" l' accomplish but har l to throw ; on. SOMETHING SW. Just published by the Southern Pa cific Co. is a phamphlet upon the re source of Western Oregon, which In cludes an excellent map of the state. and contains information, on clirrate. I lands, education, etc.. existing indus tries and their capabilities. Attention is also directed new fields for enet gy or promise fair return. This publication fills a need long ex - perienced by Oregonians. in rep ylr-g to mquines or eastern rnsno. cools may be had of local agent Southern Pacific Co., or from C. H. MARKHAM G. P. A.. Portland Or The man who, limbing the lad Vr .-f fame, turns to J-er at tho- .n the lower runtrs. is likely to take a tumble. -safn Por Sale by FOARD & STOKES CO, Astoria, Oregon. Oregon Short Line Railroad THE DIRECT ROUTE. (Montana, Utah, Colorado .and all Eastern Points Give choice of two favorite route, via the Union Pacific Fast Mail Line, or the Rio Grand Scenic Lines. LOOK AT THE TIM 1 Days to Salt Lake. 2 1 Days to Denver 3 1 Days to Chicago. 4 Days to Nev. York. Free reclining chair, upholstered tourist sleeping car, and Pullman pal ace sleeper, operated on all train. For further Information apply to C. O. TERRT. W, E. COAN, Trav. Pas. Art.. Gen. Agent. 124 Third SL Portland. Or. r G. W. LOUNSBERRT. Agent O. B. k X. I ' lUMIIVVIU W I tror Ccndcmeat wfeo cberiah VV BESTOF EVERYTHING In a word this tells of tht Passenger Service via ?he Northwestern ine.. Eight Trains Dally between St. Paul and Chicago, comprising The Latest Pudmaa Sleepers, PeerleM Dining Cars, Library and Observation Cars. Free Reclining Chlr Cars, The JOth Centurv Train Runs Every Day of the Tear. The. Finest Train ,7i the World CUcinc Lighted S.eiM Mc4icd THE RAIKIEU STATE EXPRS. the Finest Dally Train Running Between St. Paui and Chicago, via the Short Line. Connections from the West made via The NORTHERN PACIFIC. GREAT NORTHERN and CANADIAN PACIFIC R'YS. This Is also the REST LINE between Omaha. St. Paul and M.nncnpolis. All agents sell tickets via The Nonhwestern Line W. H. MEAD. H. U SISLER. General Agent. Trav. Agent. :iS Alder Street. Portland. Oregon. hi A familiar name for the Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, known all owr the Union as the Great Railway running the Pioneer Limited" trans every cay and night between St. Paul and Chlravo. and Omaha and Chicago. "The only perfect train in the world." Understand: Connections are made with all transcontinental lines, securing to passengers the best service known. Luxurious coaches, electric light, steam hei, of a verity eq'ialrd by no othe. Ine. See that your ticket read via "The Milwaukee" when goir to any point in the United States or Canada. All ticket agents ell them. For rate, pamphlet or other infor mation, address. J. V. CASET. C. J. EDDY, Trav. Pnsa. AgL. Gen. Ag.. FonlarJ. Oregon. Portland Ore. A FEW INTERESTING L 1 PTP When people are contemplating a, tr;p. whether on business or p!eaure, j they naturally wunt th best ervlc 1 obtainable a far a speed, comfort and arety is concerned. Employes of the WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINKS are paid to serve the public and our train ar operated so as to make close con nections with dlver-:E- lines at air Junction point. ! Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair Car on through trains. Dirir.g car service unexcelled. Mea served a la carte. In order to cbtain the first-class ser- 1 vice. a.k the ticket agent to sell you a ticket over The Wisconsin Central Lines! ti uchjand you will make direct connection capital a ; at S.. Paul for Chicago. M.lwaukee and 1 all r-olr.ts East. j F.r any f-irth-r information call ,n 1 any ticket rgent. or correspond with JArf. C. POND. Gen. Pass. A?'!. or JAS A. CLOCK. Milwaukee. W,. General Agrt THE CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY. 1 it T UXURIOUS 1 RAVEL The "Northwestern Limited" train, electric lighted throughout, both inside and out, and steam heated, are with out exception, the finest trains In the werld. They ercbodr the latest. nwet ! and best idea for comfort, convenience ,ad luxury ever offered the traveling U'Ubiic. axd altogether are the moat complete and spieedtd production of th car builder' art. These Splendid Train ' Connect With The Grtat Norther The Xorthen Pacific and The Canadian Pacific AT ST. PAUL FOR CHICAGO and the EAST. No extra charge for these superior accommodations and all cla&se of tick et are available for passage on the famous "Northwestern Limited." All trains on th j line are protected by the Interlocking Block System. W. H. MEAD. H. L. SISLER. General Agent. Traveling Ag't. Portland. Ore. THE LOUVRE StraDfjers visiting in toe city will fiDd the Louvre au attractive reeort wherein to spend the evening. Tbe Amme Sister Ladiea' Orchestra is still on the bills and present nightly a musical projrram of exceptional merit, Handsome pool 'and billiard rooms ae a feature iu connection with the house. Palatable lunches will be served at all rjour H.F.Prael Transfer Co Telephone 22 L DRAYING AND EXPRESSING A 11 Gooi Shipped to Our Car Kill Receive Special Attention. No. US Duas Bt, Astoria. Or. W. J. COOK. ICir Re. Tel lin. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. I:00.m7ilrtland Union DeptTlt:liaTm, ';Wp,m ,f or Astoria and lnur-t:W p.m. Imediat point. j I " astoria: i T.45 a.m.For Portland 4 In-llLl t 10 p.m !term.dit points 110: M p.m. BEA91DB DITTIION 1 1 - A s. m .. m. : m IIW p m. ASTORIA I ZtZ 111 U M SKASIDK All trains make cloae connections at Goble with all Northern lacino train to and from the East or Sound point. J. C. MAYO. Gen'l Fr't and Pa. Agent WHITE COLLAR UNI Sir HERCULES take the place of RAW I'.Y GATZKRT (Telephooe Dock). Colua b a River and Puget Sounl NaT igatlon Company.. The Hercules leaves Astora dally except Sunday at 1 p. m. 1-4 veil Porttand daily except Sun lay at T a. m. White Collar Line tickets, Q. R. A N. tickets and llwaco Ry A Nav. Com. imny tickets interchangeable on Her cults and Hassalo. Through Port land connection with steamer Nahcotta from Lwaeu and Long Reach point. Telophone No. 111. A. J. TAYLOR. Astoria Agent. E. W. CRICHTON. PUand Agent Tmi 5CMHKLEJ From urlUaU. PKf tRT A HUT t'Mca - S Ut I Ik.-. Urtiver. Kl IVtmiiid M iitli.iinh Kn- t-i il i njr, .si lxllt, m 10 rf u1 but 4 p. n. :t !-orr. yt i-orth, 'iii4li. Kn " 1 Ity. St L mI. l.hleuoi Kt At uiie p. tu. !) U. l.-lM.m, Siolitie pokue. M'.fijw loWtli lljef. ?H Paul, Imnth. MOwtukK-, t'hi(i -.1 Kul. lu 1 111 C-om A tuna OCCAM STEAH5MIPJ VII -aiUuf lU tub ;ri w change. i I'u-ubs Kifr Stota- In I'ortiani) an 4 a iv L in lm ! tx -'lutlat u ra i Mo 1ay . fmrn Portland . a in H ILL4MKTTI kVr.K r . .ra Orrjut flu. Nebr, Way-Uada. T4.m. u nism.u. .ad Via Tuea.Thur hiiiKir aud st urr n city. Katton A r Uo-i no I p m. aud fit Kjp;a lre d'.y 1 45 a. m. Ki(.ari to L wutoo dally earn " .i.r jWp m Tura. Thui I'.-rtlaiid i CNinr ail I, M 00 Wd SamrJay auj W ar latadinc 1'rlday WlllauittU Klr O. W. LOCN3BERRT. M- HURLBCRT. Agt. Astorlaw Gen. Paas. Ag't. Portland. Or , . PflIRI V ' 1 V-r 1 lf 1 I fll ATP Nnt Awar nf thft 1 naic Ul I1IC Fait Time AND SUPERB SERVICE 11, 1 " WE HAVE 2-DailyFast Trains-2 TO I HE EAST If you cannot take th morning train, travel via the evening train. Both art finely euippd. "OUR SPECIALTIES" FAST TIME THROUGH SERVICE PI.'LLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS PI LLMAN TOCRIST SLEEPERS PL'LLMAN DINERS. LIBRARY (CAFE) CAR FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS Hour in time saved to Omaha, Chicago- Kansas Citv St. Louis. New York, Boston, And Other Easters. Points Tickets good via Salt Lake City and Denver. It is to your Interest to use THB OTERLAND LIMITED. Tickets and elteplng-car berth can be secured from G. W. LOUNSBERRT, Agent O. R. A N. Co.. Astoria. Or., OR J. H. LOTHROP. Ceoeral Agent, 135 Third SL, Portland. Or. J.A. FASTABEND GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BlILDER- iffn B? an !lUoifiok 8OUTII0.RN CALIPORNIA. Notable among th pleawre (ford ed by th Hitaata Rout I h win ter trip In Kouthern Calirornla and ArUona. Renewed acquaintance with Ihl ectUm will ever develop frh polnu of Interest and added Industrie. In it proline vegetation and amoiiK H numberless resorts of aiountaln. hor, valley and plain. The two dally fthacta train from Portland to California hav been re cently equipped with the most ap proved . pattern of tandard and tour ist sleeping oar, but the low rale of fare will still continue in effect. Illustrated guide to th winter r norts of California and ArUoiia may b had on application, C. II. M ARKIIAM, O. P. A.. Portland. Oregon. -VKN AO- Ocea-iswuixai I I IViHtt. Fifth ind Leave I 1 Streets Arrive I Overland Ex pre Trains for Hal RiuH-burg. Ash land. Sacramento. T 3 p 111, t'xden. Sun Fran- li m Cisco, Mojave. Ia I Ancle. Kl Pao. :30 a.m! New Orleans and ? 00 p.m the Hast. At Woodhurn (dally rxceut S1111- 1 davl innrtilfof I train connect with train for Mt. An gel. Sllvrrton. li r o w n 1 v 1 1 1 1-. Springfield. and Natnm. and even ing train for Mt. Ang.-I and Slher ten .-.30 a.m, CorvalU imnni'n I ger. I SO p. ml Sheridan pa.-it, ii- 5 M p m :n :ia m I ger. I 'Daily i l!ly rv-pt Sunday Rebate ticket on aula b.-tw-.-n I'mt land. Sacramrnto and Snn Kriiiula.o. Net ratr $17 first class and 111 n.vond claja. including prr. IUt- and lli kPts to EiiMi-rti txilnt nd Europe. Also Japan. China. Hono lulu and Autrnlla. i'iui be rrom J. R. Klrkland. Ticket AK-!it n Thud Street. YAMHILL DIVISION. PasergT depot foot of Ji-ffer Bt. Iave for Oaweg.) dally at J.I0. a. m: 12:30. 1;U. 1:5 S:1S. I 21 1.05. 11:30 p. ru. an 1 I a. m. on Sunday only. Arm at Portland dul y at M IS. 10 a. m.: t 35. J 1&. 4:30. I M. J:40, 10W p. m: 13:40 a m. dally tt crpt Monday; I.JO and 1 04 a. m. on Sunday only. Lrave for Dallas dally, except Bun day, at :J0 p. m. Arrlv at Portland at :J0 a. m. Paagena-er train leave Pullns for Alrlee Monday, Wednesdays and Ert day at 1:45 p. m. Returns Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Except Sunday. R. KOEHLER. Manager C. 11 MAIIKHAM. Gen. Frt. and Pa.'. Agt. GO EAST VIA SHORTEST m QUICKEST LINE TO Sl.Pnl, I)aIutb,Minnrapolis, i'hicao and All Point East. DAILY TRAINS; FAST TIME: 8ER VICE AND SCENERY UN EQUALED. Through Palace and Tourist Sleeper, Dining and buffet Smoking Drary car. Ticket to point East via Portland and the Great Northern Bv mi --i. at O. R. & N. Ticket Offlr. Atorla. or Great Northern Ticket Offlc 268 MORRISON STREET. PORTLAND. For rate, folder and full Informa tion regarding Eastern trip, can on or d dress, A. B. C. DENNIPTON City Pa, and Ticket Agent Portland NOTICE TOR PUBLICATION. United StaU-s I An 4 Office, Oregon CI y Oregon, Dec. Ird. 1100: Notice is hereby given that n com pliance with the provisions of the act of congr?ss of June 3. 178. entltli-,1 "An act for the sale of timber lands In the states of California. Oregon, Neva-la and Washington Territory." as extend ed to all the public land statin by act of August i. im. John E. Lopan. of Olney, county of Clatsop, stau- of Ore gon, has this day fllej In this oirice his sworn statement No. 5327. for the purchase of the Jots 11. 12, 13 and 14 of section No. 15. in township g jsj' range No. 7 W. and will offer proof to how that the land ought is more val uable for its timber and stone than for agricultural purposes, and to esUbllnh bis claim to said land before the reg ister and receiver of this office at Ore gon City. Oregon, on Friday, the 16th day of February, 1900. He name a witnesses: Sabaatian Olaaer. William W. Pope. Mary Denck Appollonla Johnson, all of Olney ciat op county, Oregon. Any and ail person claiming adverse ly the above-described lands are re quested to Me their claims in this office on or before said Uth day of Febru. ary. 1901. - CHAS. B. MOORK3, RegWr. Hill'llllfK'B HALIS. 1 ly vliimi of an icutlon and nrder of mIo leaned mil of th Circuit Court ut thn Hint or Oregon, for lh Couaty nf t'liito', on tint S(h day of January, liNd, upon a Judgment and (le re run ileied llieieiii on ill IHtrt day of March, IKU.i, in favor of J. T. Hons, J. K. Illg Ulna, II, ('. TtuitiiNoii and K- Z. Fer misoii, ini'UH'l'4 doing lnilla undr the Him nam of Uom, IHkit1" . li I IoIiiIII'h, and Ngaliml Hlliui II. Hmlth, May II. Hniltli, A. C. Fisher and It, ;., FIiiIm son, ilcfi'iiiiani, fur lh sum i.l l.llili.ili, lug "liter with Hie foU and lialiuiS'ini'iii uf till notion heroin l,le, n f.'O.OO lOKelher Mllll llUen-l iliereoii front I lie IHi tt day of March, I'). at I he rule of 10 xr r''nt per an num tt it t II wld, and the i'ikIi of and iiaiit hD writ I'litiiiiiaiiding and r inill'ing toe In id it k sale of I lie follow 'n ilesciilK'd i en! property, (".wii: I tl.M I. 14, 17 h, i and 10. In ill t'oun u( Id 'ewlld, 11 In Id out Mid re emdid I') Hilits H. Hmlth, In Him County of l'l.lli0i, Hlllto of tlregoll. Nollie In ller-l'V U thai I will on M. 01. 1.W, llie 4lh -lily of Miin li, 101, at 1 lu- iiotii of in o'i-I'h k In the forenoon r mud day, III flout of and nt Ihj 1 mill ll'Oih,. tliNiiv lll (lie City of A 1011,1, 1 UtHop I'oiiuiy. Oreiroit. sell at IHllilli- 'llirll Ml to I lie IllKheat hliMer for r4li. the tilioye . I" , i I l,"it r"! ploperly, or so Mill II llo iei'l us 111:1 y be lieeat c.iiv o auilNfy 1 he JioluiiH-nt, interest, roia mid all ui'i riilng coal. THOMAS LINVILLE. Mi-'il'f of Cl uiii tiiiuty, Oregon. Aloiln. OniMii, Jiiiumiy Si, 1901, NitTlt'K iK FILING OF Ht'EClAL ASSESSMENT NO 41. N tli Is hen by given that ih bv;J if n.i-aoi have rompleted the tic lul nan NKiitent for 111" Improvement nf 1'oiniilelrlul alivet fr-itn (lie We line of l-'ourtei mh tr-t 10 ih weat linn of Si'veiiteentli ire, niui linve report- d I lie nie lo the I'oltlnion ciiuiu'll of (lie, city of Ai(orlu, nnd (he aamo hat le i-n tll'-d ttlth the auditor nnd poli Indue nnd named unit nuintieird Spec ial Aai-iMiiii-lit Roll No. 41. and th I'omiiiltli-e on aiieets and public way uf the I'oiiiiiion fiiumll of attl l illy haa Im'i-ii iiailnte In in, 1 with the Ixwrd of uueanota on the Kill dny tf Febru ary, Itsot. at lb hour of 3 ovock p, 111., of nii day, In llie council chain-tx-ra of llie illy tin 1 1 of (i, (-y, ihen nnl Ih'-re 10 roimidi-r, res lew, -urrt t aid ("iti.ilUn aald Special Ar-im.-nt Holl No. il. Any pera-m objecting to mild ataesaiiirnt mum (lie hl objecllon (lo reto n writing with llie an lltor nd poller Judge. M, K, NKIjHON. Auditor mil Polli- Judgn of (he I'lty of Aatorla, Oregon, Imte of mat publKatioii. Jan. St, IJ01. NOTICE FiR PUIILICATION. I'nited Stylet Ind Office, at Oregon City, Oregon. Ivc, it, 1900: Noiiie la hereby given that In coin plluiuw with I he pMVlalnt of th act of I'utigrvM of Jun S. UM, tntlU'd "An ai l fur tli" ante nf UniixT lands In the' of California (Irei-oti N'eva.ia mi I Wiinhlngtoii Territory," a etend- to nil the rubllc In 1 Stairs by art "f Auifum 4, 1"ij:, ChrlatUn Prlerwon, "f nlnev. COUIItV of Cliltaiili Ulal r.t nreiion, hnt Ihla day filed in thla ma sworn tt-lneiit No. H39, for th toirclinse ,.f the NE. quarter of section . in tiiMtiHiiip No. t north. rniiK No, k weal, and will offer pro- f to allow that thn land sought I more valuable for Ita timber or (in limn for ogrtculturnl pur-r, nd lo -atabllah lila 1 1 ilm lo said la ml Ik-for lie reirlaler unit rri-rlvr, -if IKla nffl... nt Oregon 0y, Oregon, on Thursday, llie :.,tii ,my of April. lWl. He ffiniflea aa ulltleamea' llir II-. ...... - -- - l-'.u liuat Adolph. Alenander Nor- miunl. rmierlrk Notmitnd. all of (. m y, Ctataop county, Oregon. Anv unit all tii'rnini ' 1 liloilur ait. verwly (he n bo vr-described land ar reiui-te, lo file lher claims In this uirw on or before aM 2!ih diuy of April. n. CHAS, II. MOOREH, Rrgitr. NoTK'E OF SALE. In the County Court In and for Jack nun County, Oregon, In Ihe matter of the oalale of Tliaddi-u W. Harclty, 1 ercaci!. Nolle I heretey given that under and bv virtue of an order of sain made by the lion. County Court of Jackson County, 'Oregon, diited January Tth, 1 "I. and recorded n volume II of th prubuto record of said county, on pag I will on and after March 1st lll, proceed to sell at private rale, for Mh, lots 24 and 4.1 In block I. of the (own of Flnvel Outer.- ClaUon County, Oregon, and th 8. E. K of f'dion 10. In twp. N, of rnng tl W of . M, In .ud Clntaop County. C.EUTRI.'DK lURClJlT. Administratrix of estate of Thnddeu V. Iiarcluy, Deceased, Aaliland, Or. E. D. HRIUG8. Atty. Ashland. Ore. NOTICE OF FILING 8PKC7IAL A3 8EHSMENT NO. 39. Notice I hereby given that the boaxd of nMsesaora have completed the prc lul assessment for the Improvement of Eleventh street, fnm the south lln of Franklin avenue to the north Una of Harrison avenue, and have reported the same to the common council of the city of Astoria, and the some has l-n lllid with the auditor and poUc Judge and named and numbered Kp" lul Asseamnrnt Roll No. 39. and lha committee on Htreeta and public way of the common council of said city ba been appointed to meet with the board of imaitoiors on the 14th day of Febru ry. Ktoi, ut the hour of 2 o'clock p. in. of nii Id clay. In the council cham bers In the city hull' of suld city, then and there to consider, review, corrcl and cqunllae raid 8miIo1 AHHossment Roll No. 33. Any person objecting to "Id nsMCNMiiicnt must file hlN objection tlii-rcio ,n wilting with the auditor and police Judge. II. K. NELSON, Auditor unit Police Judge of the City of Astoria, Oregon. I 'me of first publication, Jan. 31, 1901. notice OF FILING SPECIAL AS SESSMENT NO. 40. Notice is hereby given Hint the board of iiMHosHors have completed the special iiHHvsnmrtit, for the improvement of Seventeenth street from the south line "f Irving avenue to tho north line of Ji-roiiiu avenue and havo reported the "nine to the common council of the city of Astoria, and the rnmo has been filed with tho auditor and poiico Judge and named nnd numbered Special A'ss-iie-nt Roll No. 40, nnd tho committee on street nnd public ways of the com mon council of said city ha been ap pointed to meet with the board of a-s'-smir on the 14 h day of February, 1901, at th? hour of 8 o'clock p. m. of "aid day, In the council chamber In the city ball of said city, then and there to consider, review, correct and "liiallxe sold Special Assessment Roll No. 40. Any person objecting to said assessment must fll hi objections thereto In writing with the auditor and oolice Judge. H, B. NELSON, Auditor and Polloe Judge of the City of Aatorla, Oregon. Date of first publication, Jan. SI, 1M1.