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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1899)
lltt MOItMM AST01UAN IIICJIflDA). NllVKMBtlt U, im ASTORIAN BARGAIN COLUMN J I Will I'uy You To look up tli bargains I ant offer ing in my orookary tuck. Bvory llilng la Included at great dleoount from regular prioae. Everything In plMln and dsooraisd war; tha fam oua Luatlo Lranil, tingll.n mak. It will pay you to look It over. CilAH. LA KHUN, Ul Commercial Blraet TO ASTORIANS. Tha IMII.V ASTOHIAN Im fouud un Hit In I'ltrllniiil at tha woll-kmiwii liou.a ul J. r. lUnillry A iu., KIM Waihliigiiin airaal. ItrOara fur 4imr- II. In. laii wlih ihla Unit will raoalt. iruuiit Aiiaullorii TODAT'I WEAT1ICR. I'OltTI.ANI). Nov. K.-F-or Wuahlng. ton, (urgon und Malm, ruin today. AROUND TOWN. Crawflnh, cooked In Vina, at Uia Na tional Cftfo. Tlicy'rv Popular Now llava you aean my assortment of ebony bruauctT Tli.y wvra pur cliaecit dlraut from Naw York, and ara vary popular. Am eonatatttly receiving new goods. Coma and ao I nam. Q. W. BMITU, Tha Leading Jew.i.r, Ul Commarulal Straat. Mr, (liiuh llolmon came from I'urilmnl liutt nliflil. down J. V. llurg ami lf came down from I'ortluiul on liutt nlglit'a Iruln, I,, z. Fsi'KUKon wim a . piuwngvr on InM night', iruln from Portland, (-am In laat averting on Out Netalck on IWr way to Babtle. IU-v. Isaac IVart performs! officiated. The date for the minting, of th C'tirlatlun Allium, which have b"n announced for nett Friday, Muturdity and Hunduy evuulnga, at the iiuUt church, have uwm chsngx to Mn duy at 2.30 at.d 7:30 p. m. and Tuik dity at the name hours, Tit place of minting will be In the Huptlxt church, a prvvlouaty announced. Mr. Vr LaMhiilr and Mr. Funk, both aM- ait-akia, will ! prcnt. All am for dlnlly Invited to alU-iul. All Aalorlana who visit Portland and dralre attending a pieman t evening In company with polite people and In tha enjoyment of an uni'xwllcd muxlcal proKrnm, ahould go to tha Prcdrrlcka burg. Ilinldca vocal and Inatrumental awlnclloiia thi're ara many other at- tructlona to dnllght tha vlaltora. Tlie iww management la making the KrcdiT Ickaburg a well-merited aucctia. CLATSOP TEACHERS DISCUSS METHODS Ttie Regular Annual Instiiuie Now Iking Held in Astoria. Who Iou Your l.ntmdry Wa claim, and wa will prova to vary una, Uiat w hava tha beat and moat up-to-date laundry oo thai Coast. A trial or J or will oonvlnca tha moat particular. If you want ntat, prompt work, try tna CITY BTKAM LAUNDRT, all Franklin Avenue. . BCHIMI'KERMAN, 1'rop. ' Our 8pclul Hiirgiilna Wa hava aoma brokan Una of Un wara which wa will elosa out at bar gain prtoaa. Wa ara alao making apaolal prtoaa on aoma brokan llns of oannad frulta and rellahes, pick- ala, labia dalloaolaa and aauoaa. Tbaaa ara A No. 1 gooda, and oan (a had at low prloaa. L ROBS. HIOOINB CO. A Claa In SpunUli WIU ba atartad. to maat avanlnga at I tha homna of tha mambara. Plan I Two Iraaona a waak. W ocnta a !- aon. alaht montha eouraa. Conault by mall or eaU at tha achool aftar 1:10 p. m. W. W. PATNE. - Prtnolpal of Illgta School !:tru l ine I'liihrcllua And at brttar than Portland prlcaa. Ii'a a fart. Thy ara tha oaltbratad Pollmar-Clogg maka; handaomn, duribla allk umbrellaa. Don't maka tha mlataka of buying alawhra. H. EKBTnOM. Tba Jawalar, MO Commarclal BtraaC Mla Blgna Palmbarg. raoentlr arrlv- Drink K. II. Cereal; Eat Nut butter rr,,m ,n Kaat, dcaln-a to announoa and Health Fooda and ba happy, Mr. Trutf and family wre paangcra on luwt nlghi'a train from Portland. Otto lii-llliorn haa movml Into one of tha lurkr rulluyw ivar tha Tlghe to tha ladlea of Aatorla that aha haa opened dnianmakliig par Ion on Ninth trt. nar Commercial, neat door to Mlllngvr a printing office. Mlna Palm- oerg haa had thorough experience In cutting and fitting ladlea' aarmenta of all kinde, particularly tallor-mada aulta and eloaka of tha luteal and moat faah lonable dealgn The Pianola marka an pJch In mu alral progreaa of the world and affunla mualna! antertulnmmt to all mualc lovwe whrther th-y have or have not any knowledge of muatc. The Pianola playa any piano. Any one can play It It euppllea technhjue. Tha expreaalon la controled by the player and r The 10th la tha laat day to pay water sponda Inatan4anmualy to hla wllL lie Mlaa MargarH lllgglna Kft for Port land but night to vtalt with Mlaa Anna Htcwart. Five, with each pacaka of If. O. Muh, 1 packaa of II. O. Pancake Flour, at A. V. Allen'a letter 'Hunt Fvr Tha Pond Btreat Flah Market U batur than aver prepared to aupply freah and aalt flah of all klnda. Oooda delivered to any part of the ally and aatlnfunllrm guaranteed. BOND KTREKT F18H MARKET. 1T Dond PtreaC - Millinery Novcltlca raloa. An additional charge of 25 cental wlU ba made to all dullnquencU-a. B, F. Allan A Bon ara aelllng Em boaaed Wall Paper aa low aa 10 oanta per roll; Imported Engllan, 1 oanta. A. It Cyrua haa moved hla Ileal Es tate and Insurance offloa to iit Conv merclal trct, oppoalta tha Aatorlan oltlce. Pure whisky Harper Perfect whlaky Harper every bottle guaranteed liar- par. Bold by Ford A Btokoa Company, Astoria, Oregon. Invitations aim out for a "unique en- Irrtiilnmern" to be given by Holly llanch, United MhTn Vlglliuuea, at I'arrulher'a hall tomorrow evening. Iloalyn coal laata longer, la cleaner I and tnakea Iris trouble with atovea and chimney flues than any other. Oeorge W. Sanborn, Agont Telephone 1311. Wanted Woman to do light bouee- work In family of three on a ranch four ml lea from town; good home; kind treatment. Call Ml Franklin avenue. haa, therefore, the double pleasure of hearing an artlirllc rendition and ac tually producing It himself. The game of football to be played on the A. F, C. groumla next Satur day between the local team of the A. F. C. and tha Portland high achool promlM-a to be one of unusual Inter-.!. The home tram haa btrn working hard to gt In good condition, and trwre are reaaona to believe that the P-rtlander are doing llkewlw. Qult a crowd of vlsltore from Portland will be In at- tiMidanre, and will Include many of the hlah school alumni and tlx- prwt membera of ihe school. Interint la be ing evinced on all eldea, and the gome rromlnea to be one of the crock onei of the season. Playing will begin promptly at 2 p. m. AdmlmUon to the grounds haa been fixed at the amull sum of ti centa. AN INCIDENTAL, CUT. N(Or.J.H.ACKKKMAXI'KCSM)ES An Outline of the Transactions at Ycsterdut Morning and Evening Session of tbeOryfloization. A nmlndir That thr Btlll On. ItaU War la I desire to further oall tha attan- Roslyn coal U tha beat and moat eeo- tlon of tba ladlea to my handeome nomloal coal for household uaa In Aa- dlratea a preparation for a long contln- Kuk a 9 a) md nllHsbaaNs a Masi. I - I The 15-cent cut In the price of meals on the Astoria-Portland atramrrs In- atock of trimmed mlldnary. It com prlaea tha lataat creations of the millinery art. and I am offering re duced rates for tha next M dare. MISS MoRAA Dr. T. N. Hall DENTI8T. 571 Commercial Street, astoriaorb. Over Bohluaael's Clothing Btora. PPN PAY Kilahllslied,( aa torla. 117 h once and you will hava uance of the nfj war, no other. Oeorge W. Sanborn, Agent It was the fund belief of aome AMor- Telephone Hit. Una that Portland mere bant a had en- Ineered the low fa-re buatmw iui.1 Taxa ataamar Bailey Oataert of "made uo the kwaea to th comoanie. White Coll-tr Una for Portland and way According to thla profound theory the """i war WDU d oat on v to th exnoaitl.xi upper or lower oerxn, ao cenia; aeouon dnale. Derm, cema one could f-l for the hnani nt ,i jUNtmoitt which would have to adjust Yesterday, the ordinance for the the amounts thoew merthants ahould tranafer of S00 from the general fund contribute and for the poor collector. to the Adair fund to aatlafy payment Out the exposition haa long alnoe end- tu wnsin ouisianoing warrania, was i ea ana ma larin connict still rages, i' Al ,7- IMJ algned by Mayor Bergman. E. House's Cafe, l!8 Tklr. Sirrft, Nrllnf r.i. (Si Tile Rtt Cup of CoRra k, orCoeoslnihe dir. i Crram and Milk I;1 from nur own raach Home made I'lct unl cakoi. Ladies' Tular. ti'Tiilor, I. D. Coyer, Merchant Tailor Up-to-Date The Astoria Library Association the beneficiary of .he concert to given by a company which la undo the management of Mr. H. A, Webber, director of the Marquam Grand or chestra. Tha concert ahould be wo patronised. Among the Astoriana present at the banquet tendered Oeneral Mllea at Portland were Meaara. B. Van Dusen, F. J. Taylor, I. Bergman, C. W, Ful ton, Bamuc! Elmore and Judge Gray, Mr. Fulton and Mr. Van Duaen re sponded to toasts. 177 1'turfi St., rOErLHD, ORK. Y. Jr. 0. A. Itulld'g Columbia T.omi j. The Portland RcBtournrit F. R. riTTKikll, 1'ioprleti r. Private Roonn lir Liidlett. m Wanhlni- tou 8t near 5th PORTLAND ham (j)() watsoii7s Restaurant 1 WATSON BKOS., Propr's, Oonduoted ou the oheok syntem, them- fore patrons psy for what tliey order g andiu more, We Claim the Liriest, Cheipeitt, Beat and uif Lent Denlre la the XortWeat. 10 and Ul Fourth St. PORTLAND S The foot-ball game next Saturday afternoon promlnca to be an Interesting affair. Tha Portland high school boys and the A. F. C. team will counter-kick on the Aatorla grounds. A good at' tendance of enthualaata will help the home lads to victory. A. J. Megler accompanied by hla wife will leave today for California. This trip will be taken for the benefit of Mr. Mcgler'a health who has been quite a sick man for some time past. During Mr. Megler's almence his btiHlneas at the Occident hotel will be conduoted by hla father, J. O. Meglor, of Brookfleld The storo of 'the Eclipse Hardware Company has now moved lrtto its newj quarters immediately west or the Co lumbia Electrical Repair Company In the bulMIng- formerly occupied by the Creamery restaurant. Everything Is brand new and whining and there Is a dlxpluy of stoves and ranges on hand unsurpassed on the coast. Professor J. H. Ackorman, the state superintendent of public instruction, arrived In Aatorla yesterday noon to attend the county teachers .Irmtltlute. Professor Ackerman la an earneat worker In tha cause of education and the achoola of the stato are being bene fitted by hla labors for their Improve ment. He returns to Salem next Fri day. A pleasunt and delightful vvddlng took place yesterday at the home of Mrs. L. Harder on tha Lewis and Clark. The contracting parties were Tunis Heytlng and Miss Sarah Harder, both of Lewis and Clark. The wedding was simple but beautiful, the Impres sive ritual of the Methodist Episcopal church being used. The happy couple The "Portland merchant's conspiracy" explanation no lunger explains. . Meanwhile the unusual travel In a measure compennatca the companies for the cheap rates. The newspaper maii who haa to go to Portland la one of tha sufferers. Even the fraternity assurance doe not aufflce to brace him up to the point of asking a poaa for a hundred miles ride with the fare at 25 cents. MOUSING KEHrilON. The Clatsop county teachers' Inatl tute of IStia met In their firm regular SMioilon yesterday forvnoon at the hlKh achool building, with Huperlnaendent Lea In the chair. The first business tntnsaotvd was the organlxatlim of the body, and Included the election of sec retary, censors and the enrollment of all the twhera pr-ex-nt. Mrs. Jennie liueey was elected secretary and Mrs. Krager, Miss Powell, Miss Warren and Professor Clark were selected aa cen sors. After the organization waa perfected. Professor Payne read a very Inatruc live paper entitled, "A Owd fteclta lion." Professor Payne'a paper treated the recitation aa the chief Instrument In a teachers hands for fashioning the minds of the pupils, and dwelt at some lung-th upon its value aa a factor in th? concentration and retention of knowledge. He said in part: "Carefully mi J tinted to Its work and klllfully handled. It brings out the line of thought, the symmetry of character and the finish of refinement, at each stroke; alml.wsly or clumsily wielded, It defaoes the natural grain of Individuality and covers up the de sign with cunfuwxl Impressions. "The object we are to strive for in a good recitation is to rouse the iHf-ae-tlvlty of the child. All the Imple ments of school work are merely tq stimulate that activity. "Whatever takes the place of tha child's efforts Is obstructive and harm ful; whatever prompts them is good. That developing activity which causes the mind to grow In power must take place largely In the recitation time.1 The above quotation Is but the very small part of a most Instructive paper one that showed thoughtful consider atlon and scholarly preparation. A discussion on thoughts suggested by Professor Payne's paper followed its reading, and was engaged In by eeveral of the tear-here. After a report .by the censors, tha institute adjourned until the afternoon. son, Mary Foxwtt, Ethel Andrews, L. C. JlcCann, Mary E. Bmlth, Maud Iiayls, Emma C. Warren, Laura O. Cray, Anna H. Ols-n, Emma Asmua. Francis Holln, Ituth Garner and Maud Ht'xkton, JEWELL. Charles E. Foster and Annie Lewis. PORTLAND. Ellen McCabe, Edna M. Collins and Matilda Olson. OLNEY. Frank I-ahy and Anna Cole, HKAMOKAWA. Haruh Eat'lle HmalW-y. MELVILLE. Huptile Anderson. WAKUENTON. Ethe Judson. HKIPANON. Mrs. K. A. Mm in. HEAH1DK. Mrs. Cora E. Htuart. HVENHKN. J. G. 8t-l. Lee, J. T. Young. FA It U Eft, Mo. Ix-lla I'eery. HAMMOND. Laura Present. NEW AfiTOItlA. Ncal Ktupp. KNAPPA. Mrs. Nellie 8. Crow. Annie Jackets! Jackets! Jackets! FOR THIS WEEK ONLY WE GIVE SPECIAL prices on hk;im;rai)E JACKETS Fine Tailor-made Jackets redaced from $12.00 to $10.00 " 10.00 to - 8.00 M " 8.00 to - .0I An Unusual Opportunity to Get an Elegant Jacket at a Bargain. Have You Seen Our Full Line of Winter Muck Dresa Goods Poplins, Venetian. Whipcords, Camel's Hair and Crepons. THE -BEE -HIVE AFTERNOON SESSION. The afternoon session convened at 11:30 with State Superintendent Acker man presiding. After roll call and gen eral alnglng, Superintendent Ackerman delivered an addreaa on "Necessity of Gwled Course of Study In District Schools." This addrese was an elaboration of the course of study prepared by Sup- The Victoria sealing flewl secured over $300,000 worth of skins this sea son. The transport Lennox with mules, provender and supplies for the army In the Philippines will probably leave Portland today. There are now IT grain shie in the river, and It is pwibte that all of them will complete their cargoes by the end of the month. . .- j The St. Mungo, British ship, left out yesterday with groin for Europe. The steamer Harrison arrived in from Tillamook yesterday. oinuwviuirvuvvviruifu 2 w w A rrav 5 GIVEN AWAY ! 1 1 1 "' " ul With every Suit, even if the Suit costs no more than (We have good Suits for this price) No Lottery. Every One Treated Alike. 193.75 Boys also get a Hat wltb Suit, and we have good " ouius upwsrus iruui You bay the Suit, we give the Hat The better the Suit the better the bat. No toyi being given away, bat something useful. Having low rent we can do this. WELCH'S CLOTHING STORE Dealer la flea's sad Boys' Clothisj sad faraiskiag Coeds, nd flea's Boys'. Ladies' aad Caildres's Shots. zea nornsos street H C ' STRICTIT AS .."ERICAS CLOTMXG STORE Betvees first aad Soeoid 5 5i &uvnjwnrurujJrunnnjnnrw 11 PRIFTWOOD. A CAPTAIN THAT'S KIND. Inventor of a Patent Attachment the Megaphone. The crew of llghtahlp No. 07 cannot aay too much In their appreciation of the considerate treatment that Cap tain Salmond of the British steamer Wellington has always accorded them. The, Wellington plies between Ban Francisco and Departure bay, and every time she posses the lightship Captain Salmond supplies the latter wHh meat, fruit, vegetables, and often reading matter. He often goes out of his way to see that the boat which puts out from the lightship gets safely back. Somo of tho American ships are not so thoughtful. Captain Hartof of the lightship says that not long ago the Progress, American (lag, utterly ig nored the lightship greeting, and when tha boat put out for her, the mate sig nalling "We want coal," the Progress sallvd away, although the weather was such that thi little boat could not return to the lightship, and the three men in It were out nearly St hours, without food or water, before they could make land. Recently Captain Salmond sent Cap tain Hartof a patent attachment for the megaphone which he has Invented, and for which a patent has been ap plied. With the attachment one can peak and hear without removing the megaphone. The contrivance Is a very useful one, and has received the high est endorsements. The commander of the rovenue cutter McCulloch speaks of it is a very valuable invention, AN IMPORTANT DIFFERENCE. To make It apparent to thousands. who think themselves 111, thait they are not ainicted with any disease, but that the system simply needs cleansing, la to bring comfort home to their hearts. as a costive condition is easily cured by using Syrup of Figs. Manufaotered by the California Fig Syruo Co. only, and aold by all druggists. erlntendent Ackerman and which is being generally adopted, The rural achool; that somewhat abused member of the scholastic ca reer, the subject of the superintend ent's address, Is the best place to start a life work In teaching. The training achool of the normal was praised but the criticism waa made that the train Irg the teachers receive there will rath er weaken them for. the work of an un for gradd district school. This fault how ever is being somewhat eliminated by a practical course of work that Is beln Introduced. As a teacher will not fl( Into a country school when trained dls tlnrtly for a graded school the pla Is being followed at Monmouth and other normal schools of sending out students Into the surrounding rural schools there to receive practical ex perlence before graduation, and there by fitting themselves for any kind of work they might be called upon to do. rroressor Ackerman explained that the course of study waa not new but had been adopted In other states. He spoke of the necessity of plans for the success of a school and cited lllustra tlons or schools mismanaged without them The superintendent's address and the discussion that followed occupied the time until 4:30 and than the lnstlluti adjourned to meet again this mornTng at 9 .50. Tonight there will be a session at lh M. E. church at which time President Whltaker, of Portland university, win deliver, an address on the subject of "Expansion." The levelling stWsloinB will begin promptly at 7:30. This even ing Mrs. J. T. Ross will sing a solo. The Institute is proving to be of great interest, and Is as well attended as any one previous. , Following are the teachers enrolled: ASTORIA. Mary L. Dealey, Dora Badollet, Hel en W. Dickinson, May M. TJtaltiger, Amy u, Powell, w. W. Payne, O. A. Thornton, X C. McCue, A. L. Clark, Annie M. Powell, May Morgan, Nan Lucile Shlvcly, Ethel Phelps Bllnn. Myrtle V. Bllnn, Nellie H. Oerdlng. Estolla Clnlr, Arzolla Titus, Mrs. Car rie A. Kroger, Mary E. Lemon, Ralph H. Worsley, Harriet M. Sayre, Mrs. Jennie Busey, C C. Brower, Carrie M. Jeffers, Llllle Lewis, Edra A. Titus, Al bert Hart, Kathryn. O. 8hlvely, Mary Gamer, Kate SlnmMt, Nora Nicker. Candidate Jones of Ohio, In his dire simplicity, reveals the real animus of his being In the field. "If my run nlng," be says, "has contributed to the election of McLean and the overthrow of antl (something or other) I am sat Isfied." He waa simply a "booster" for McLean, but the "combine" tackled the wrong kind of play, and the bank broke. , ... ..,. S 'Consent of the governed!" This is a favorite expression of those who ad vocate our withdrawal from the Philip pines. If that Is to be the guide for our action. It might be well to find out If the Filipinos, the majority, are really opposed to American control. The Ta gal tribe alone, and only a small part of it, is In arms against out flag. Its leaders are half-breeds, and for the most part these are of Chinese blood They have money and are perfectly unscrupulous, and would attempt to dominate the islands lrt case our troops departed. The antls do not, in truth, argue for "the consent of the gov erned." but for "the rule of an un worthy minority." The Oregonlan throws itself Into the arms of General Miles, and, singing1 hi praises, calls President McKlnley un- endeorlng names. The Oregonlan wants certain things for Portland from the war department, and General Miles Is the ranking general of the army. Hut It snouia remember ma MciClnley himself cuts some figure In Washington. ...... "A 30-foot channel for the Columbia river and a 40-foot channel for the Columbia bar" Is well enough, but if the bar Is to be simply an outlet for the river traffic, what is the need of the extra 10 foot? The Oregonlan dotvi not like a recent decision made by the Oregvm supreme court, and In commenting thereon said "The opinion of the court is based merely on a quibble or evasion of the facts. It Is no agiwable thing to try to search out motives, and the Orego nlan will pass Inquiry-" Some such diplomatic language might be used re garding the Oregonian's opinion of the O. K. & N. case. RUSSIA'S POWER. The recent peace conference brings the power of the Csar of Russia forci bly to mind. Hla subjects look to him for food, shelter, raiment, even life it self. In no country is a monarch's power more absolute. But far-reaching as its influence is it cannot be com- pared to that which the human stomach has over the morals and health of the average mortal. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters cures constipation, dyspepsia, biliousness, nervousness and all dis eases arising from an Inactive liver or weak kidneys. Try it if you have stomach trouble of any sort, and see for yourself. It will bring; you back to health and happiness. It will make you strong by making your stomach strong. private Revenue Stomp should cover the neck of the bottle. EARNEST MI-LLfER Fresco Decorator:! and Scenery Artist ALSO DEALER IN Latest Designs ,0 Wall Papers IUBT RECEIVED J27 First Street. Portland J i., . , 1 We. Rent New Typewriters, Many New Improvements Added SEE OUB LATEST Smith Premier Typewriter NEW ART CATALOGUE FREE L. 4M. ALEXANDER k CO., Phone Main 571 Exclusive Pacific Coast Dealers. 245 Stark SL 1 ortiaud !s Eleefler's Bonbonniere Vhere the finest Cudies ia Ike State are Prepared aad Altiys ia Stock...... 543 COMERCUL ST.. .-ASTORIA. OREGON BLANK BOOKS f Every Description Made to Order. Largs Line ol Stock Cooks for 1900. Attractive Prices.- loose Leaf Ledgers and Transfer Cases. Order Blanks. Holders aad Binders. Commercial Printing ia all branches. JPrLargest Establlthmant In tha Wast. THE IRWIN-HODSON CO. First and Salmon Sta., Portland. DO YOU BATHE? NO. WHY? Because at our bouse we have neither a bathtub, nor hot water handy. . , Theu go to the Russian Batba at 217 Astor 8t 25 ceuU is the price. Privatu apartments fur ladies. Only the hotter class ot patronage Is catered to. Try one and you will come regularly. GO 1